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John Rain #1

Рейн-сан: Специални убийства

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Работата на Джон Рейн е да убива хора. Неговата тясна специализация е жертвите да приличат на починали от естествена смърт. Той обаче не приема да очиства когото и да е. Поръчката трябва да е изключителна. Жертвата трябва да е голям играч. Не приема поръчки за жени и деца.
Джон Рейн (Рейн-сан) е полуамериканец, полуяпонец, без да принадлежи към нито един от двата свята. Борави великолепно с различни видове оръжие и бойни изкуства, което го прави изключително ефикасен.

Надеждно дискретен и хладнокръвен, Рейн-сан е уникален поръчков убиец. Без самоличност, без приятели и семейство, без постоянен адрес и практически неоткриваем, той е подвижен кошмар.
Докато не се влюбва в красивата дъщеря на последната си жертва...

288 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2003

About the author

Barry Eisler

64 books2,960 followers
Barry Eisler spent three years in a covert position with the CIA's Directorate of Operations, then worked as a technology lawyer and startup executive in Silicon Valley and Japan, earning his black belt at the Kodokan International Judo Center along the way. Eisler's bestselling thrillers have won the Barry Award and the Gumshoe Award for Best Thriller of the Year, have been included in numerous "Best Of" lists, and have been translated into nearly twenty languages. Eisler lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and, when he's not writing novels, blogs about torture, civil liberties, and the rule of law.
--from the author's website

* John Rain

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348 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,079 reviews
Profile Image for Andrew Smith.
1,179 reviews867 followers
October 11, 2022
Having previously read a mid-series book, it was a relief to go back to the start. My first experience of John Rain in Extremis showed me a rather one dimensional man - a hired killer, cold and efficient but not much else. However, this book brings the character alive, drawing out his background and the key events that shaped the man. The first half of the book is my favourite part as Rain shows himself to be a rather complex dude with a lot to offer, over and above his propensity to induce ‘the big sleep’ - to order and in a way likely to be deemed death by natural causes.

The descriptions of Rain’s home turf in Tokyo and his various haunts and pleasures (jazz, whiskey and women) are excellent. Conversations are well drawn and characters development is first class. I really wouldn't have minded if the book had focused wholly on these elements, particularly his burgeoning relationship with young jazz pianist, Midori. I'm sure an excellent book – albeit a different type of book – could have been developed from these early threads. Would Rain be worth reading about without the action man antics? I think so.

Once the action starts this book feels much more like my first experience of the series, although these sequences don't feel quite so clinical, so mechanical and are probably all the better for that. The story also gets much more complex, as additional characters and various twists and turns are introduced. It’s not that the second half of the book is unsatisfying, it’s just that - for me - it doesn't quite match up to what preceded it.

I know that these thoughts won't match everyone's experience of this book. Simply put, I think it's that although I do like action packed thrillers I prefer the human elements of these stories. And the human elements here are very good indeed. Overall, I really enjoyed meeting John Rain again and I’ll definitely be signing up for the next episode.
Profile Image for D.G..
1,366 reviews337 followers
May 21, 2017
**4.5 stars**

This book blew me away.

I’m not fond of assassins as main characters so normally I wouldn’t have picked up this book. But it was on sale at Audible and I liked the narrator so I decided to give it a try. And oh boy, I’m so glad I did.

The story starts a bit slowly but then it gets tremendously exciting, extremely sad and very thought provoking. Why would a man like John Rain – who not a “bad person” – choose a life like this? The answer is not simple or even logical but it’s heartbreaking. There are no apologies or justifications, just the stark reality of the aftermath of war and how soldiers live with themselves afterwards, exemplified by a phrase that is repeated over and over through the book: “There is no home for us, John. Not after what we’ve done.”

The sense of loneliness and isolation is so palpable, that sometimes I thought John was walking in a bubble where he was able to observe and hear the muffled sounds of the world while living inextricably apart. The descriptions of Tokyo, noir and bright, added to the atmosphere and made the city a character on its own, a witness and sometimes ally that would conceal John in its masses.

Brian Nishii’s narration was simply brilliant. When I learned that only 2 out of the 7 books in this series are narrated by Mr. Nishii, I almost wept. How could anybody else be the voice of John Rain? Not only is Mr. Nishii Japanese he can properly pronounce all the dialogue in that language (and there's a lot in the book) but he also has that cadence in his speech that tells you immediately where he's from. The voices were just adequate but his performance of John Rain was phenomenal. The emotions were just pitch perfect; you could feel the alienation without any overt sentimentality. I'm so in love with this narration that I'll switch to print for every book that he doesn't narrate.

So it goes without saying that I'll be reading the sequel soon and it's a book I completely recommend.
Profile Image for Mike (the Paladin).
3,148 reviews1,996 followers
February 4, 2014
I'm a little torn because 3 stars might indicate I like the book when it would be more accurate to say I don't intensely dislike it, thus 2. There are some interesting parts in this read. Unfortunately between these parts there a long sections that are not only fairly uninteresting but often have little or nothing to do with the story.

There are sections like "the surveillance was going nowhere so..." and we get a section where he sits in a coffee shop and "remembers". We need you see to get an insight into the protagonist and how he became an assassin.

In these flashback/ memories we pretty much find that our protagonist John Rain (hereafter referred to as JR) is scarred by his past. He was scarred by the loss of his father which ended his life of security. This is a little odd because we also find he was scarred before this by the bullies he met (in America and in Japan) who beat him up because he was of mixed parentage (Japanese and American if you hadn't put that together). Later while he's in the service he's scarred by the death of his mother. He is of course scarred by the "loss" of his best friend...who before he was his best friend was one of the bullies who beat JR up. Need I go on? He's scarred by betrayal, he's scarred by disillusionment...this is one scarred dude.

So I put up with the stories and the memories. I put up with the endless lists of Tokyo's streets, cafe's, restaurants, shops and businesses that we get during his "tailing and surveillance exploits". I put up with his internal monologs and soliloquies. I put up with dialogs and conversations that had little or nothing to do with what was supposed to be the stories plot...yes and I put up with his stumbling into a love/romance interest.

The story is slow moving, disjointed and (I don't think) all that well told with only moments of interest that mostly gave me the "might have been" feeling I've found in other books.

So...2 stars. I don't suppose I really hated the book, but I never really found it that interesting.

Profile Image for L.A. Starks.
Author 11 books715 followers
November 7, 2015
This is the first book in the John Rain series. I really enjoyed the Japanese setting of the story, and the "stuck-between-two-cultures" battle of Rain. I am looking forward to reading other books in the series.
Profile Image for David Lucero.
Author 6 books200 followers
June 12, 2019
John Rain is a mercurial figure. A man of Japanese-American descent, who has lived in both American & Japan, but does not feel he fits in either place. In fact, the only place he seems to fit in is in the shadows. Having experienced harrowing firefights in the jungles of Vietnam during America's most unpopular war, Rain honed his skills as a fighter. After the war he moves to Japan where he continues training in martial arts, and putting his skills as a professional soldier into that of an assassin.

He receives his orders from unknown employers, and his specialty is terminating persons with extreme prejudice, but making their deaths appear natural. His latest victim is killed in such a manner, which is to say, no one is left wiser of how he really died. But when Rain learns the man had a daughter who now becomes target herself, his curiosity gets better of him and he dives into her life, only to find he has taken on more than he can handle.

When a 'Forbes' magazine reporter tries acquiring information from the body of the man Rain killed, Rain goes out of his way to learn what he was after. Turns out the tidbit of information could topple the Japanese government and leave a lot of powerful people vulnerable....But only if Rain gets his hands on the information first and then see's it published.

Rain turns to a group of people he has relied on for assistance in surveillance and weaponry needed for his line of work. Turns out they are good people he can rely on, people he will need when the going gets tough....And the going gets tough when an adversary from his Vietnam days turns up. As Rain gets closer with the daughter of the man he killed, feelings are stirred, feelings best left undisturbed. However, emotions get the better of him.

As Rain gets closer to acquiring what everyone is after, his life is turned upside down and he finds himself running after and away from people who could end him in a heartbeat. In any other situation, Rain would be dead. But then again, Rain is like no other. He's a man who does not quit, and a man who does not die easily.

This was my first book read by this author. I've heard a lot about him and this book left me in no doubt why his books have been so successful. I learned Barry Eisler lived in Japan, studied martial arts, and knows how to write! The characters are all plausible, and I enjoyed his descriptions of how tough things were for soldiers during the Vietnam War. I served 9 years after the war and experienced a lot of the aftereffects my senior officers and noncoms went through upon returning to an ungrateful nation. Glad to see our troops don't go through similar treatment today.

The book does not take place during Vietnam War. It's a modern-day book with modern technology which helps push things along. Rain is an interesting man. His features are Japanese, although he is not accepted in Japan because of his American-half. He's tough, smart, cool under stress, and a level-headed man. I could not help wonder if such a man really exists. I'm glad to see this is the first in a series with this character. I look forward to reading more about John Rain, and so will you.
Profile Image for Tessa Nadir.
Author 3 books349 followers
November 27, 2023
Reprezinta primul roman din seria "John Rain", un asasin profesionist japonez care este angajat sa rezolve treburile murdare ale unor organizatii guvernamentale, CIA, partidele politice din Japonia sau in general oricui doreste sa-si elimine un adversar astfel incat sa para o moarte naturala.
Autorul a considerat ca trebuie sa ne lamureasca printr-o scurta introducere de ce a ales orasul Tokyo si ne povesteste despre pasiunea sa pentru asa numitele "cunostinte interzise". Aflam faptul ca il admira foarte mult pe celebrul Houdini si ne dezvaluie si cateva detalii din trecutul sau in cadrul CIA.
In aceasta prima parte a seriei facem cunostinta cu John Rain si cu trecutul sau, aflam traumele sale din razboiul din Vietnam, viziunea sa despre a fi jumatate japonez - jumatate american si discriminarile la care a fost supus din aceasta cauza.
Desigur ca si de data aceasta, eu am inceput sa citesc seria cu cel de-al treilea roman iar acela mi s-a parut mai bun. Desi am aflat anumite detalii despre care nu trebuia sa stiu din primul roman am putut totusi sa ma bucur de roman.
Cel mai mult mi-a placut descrierea foarte amanuntita a strazilor din Tokyo, atat de exacta incat daca vreodata ajungeti acolo si nu aveti ghid sau harta puteti sa va folostiti de aceasta carte fara nici o problema.
Am savurat descrierea mirosurilor de mancare, a imbulzelii de pe strazi la orele de varf, a tonetelor cu street food, a magazinelor medicinale si a tumultosei vieti de noapte. De asemenea se face referire si la celebrele benzi desenate de aventuri numite Manga, foarte populare mai ales in Japonia, sau la Chado, adica ceremonia japoneza a ceaiului prin care practicantii ei se straduiesc prin miscari rafinate de preparare sa atinga wabi si sabi - "un soi de gratie lipsita de efort in gandire si miscare". Aflam si despre scoala de la Kodokan unde se practica judo si faptul ca acest cuvant inseama "calea blandetii" sau "calea cedarii".
M-a amuzat sa citesc despre o metoda a politiei de descoperire a indivizilor care cultiva marijuana in apartamente, monitorizandu-le facturile la electricitate.
Ca o concluzie, mi-a placut romanul, o sa citesc si celelalte carti din serie, sperand ca de data aceasta in ordinea corecta si cel mai interesant mi s-a parut ca John Rain reuseste sa opreasca peacemaker-ul cuiva de la distanta folosindu-se de un magnet si de un gadget inovativ.
Profile Image for Gary.
2,829 reviews407 followers
July 28, 2015
I really enjoyed this book, so much that I started it this morning and finished it this afternoon.
A thriller with a difference, the main character is an assassin working in Tokyo. The author makes the assassin likeable and very intriguing in a fast paced thriller.
I am interested to read that many of the reviewers on Goodreads consider that this series gets better so I intend to read more.
Profile Image for Eric_W.
1,937 reviews408 followers
September 14, 2009
(Audible download) According to the author's website, Eisler has a black belt (it shows in the books, Rain's fights are described in loving detail by judo and karate movement name), worked for the CIA (and must not like most of them, for , in this first of the series at least, the CIA does not come off well) and worked in Japan for several years (and has high respect for Japanese customs.)

One always feels guilty reading (listening, actually) to a book like this for the hero is just about as anti-social as one gets. Rain is half Japanese/half American with a seemingly sordid past as a special operations group member in Vietnam. Haunted by what he had to do there, he has become a specialist in making people die from natural causes. Most are politicians or bankers or a person who someone else has determined must die, and Rain does it really well. It's really hard to discuss any of the plot of this book without stumbling through numerous plot spoilers. Rain has been burned so many times by the traditional forces of "good" that he has been forced to adopt his own code of morality and live in the shadows. Nothing, nothing, is as it seems and Rain learns he has been manipulated again by those he had come to despise.

I suggest, if possible, reading this one first in the series, as it sets the stage for Rain later. Read brilliantly by Brian Nishii. The Japanese names just roll off his tongue and make it even more authentic. There's nothing worse than a reader who doesn't pronounce names correctly. I once heard Dick Hill, otherwise one of my favorite readers, pronounce Schuylkill River as "skykill" instead of "schoolkill" which as anyone who has been within 400 miles of Philadelphia knows is the native way to pronounce it. Drove me crazy the entire book.

I've heard some people use Eisler's view of Japan to assume that the LDP is as corrupt as Eisler suggests and that one can learn about Japanese society from reading the Rain titles. Although I know virtually nothing about Japan, my natural skepticism would suggest being careful in drawing such conclusions. My only criticism would be that Rain's ability to take on 3 or 4 antagonists at once, beating them all, buggers the imagination. Then again, it's fiction.
Profile Image for Daniel.
723 reviews50 followers
September 6, 2011
I enjoyed this book because I liked witnessing the main character, who is a skilled assassin, navigate the complicated plot and kill his enemies, usually with his bare hands...

Looking at that sentence now, I wonder if I shouldn't be disturbed by my sentiment. I mean, I just admitted to enjoying an account of a man who makes a living by killing other people. Ask me point blank if this is ok, and my answer is, No, of course not. You shouldn't go around killing people. So what makes this book ok?

How much does the world intimidate you? It sure freaks me out, and regularly. All the information; the ease with which we can connect with millions of individuals; the powerful entities that steer major events and affect millions of lives without an ounce of compassion; the wars, the sickness, the poverty, the exploitation; "the yuppies networking:" it all constructively interferes in a cacophony of noise and activity that both teases and overwhelms my intellect. The world is huge, complex, fascinating, and maddening.

That last aspect, I think, makes a character like John Rain appealing. Once he worked for the big boys in the U.S. government, and once he fought in one of the government's dirty wars. He knows spycraft, and he knows how to fight, maim, and kill, if need be, with or without a weapon. He has contacts, information sources, and a bead on political developments and players. He is, in short, a modern explorer of the 21st century landscape, equipped to deal with its vicissitudes and unknowns, and competent enough to take on some of its more evil types.

Bad things are happening to good people in the world, and even if Rain has worked for the system, he is still a man of principle who can take on some of the people who are at the source of these bad doings. This talent, this ability to strike directly at the wrong-doers, is, at times, an appealing fiction. Hence, my positive reception of this otherwise disturbing premise.
Profile Image for A B.
1 review66 followers
March 24, 2018
Excellent book. Great character dialogue and good plots. A true thriller.
Profile Image for Jim.
Author 7 books2,070 followers
June 23, 2016
I've been wanting to read this series, but so much time has gone by I realized I needed to reread this book. Unfortunately, I don't remember it at all.

Now I know why. Too much angst. While the rest of the series is supposed to be good, I really don't want to read another right now. Otherwise, my review remains the same, although I'm dropping this to 3 stars.

October2012 Review: 4 stars - A pretty good mystery & thriller, although there's a bit too much angst for me. Reminds me of David Morrell's characters a lot in that way. Good, but not inhumanely so. Rain gets his ass handed to him occasionally & there's nothing magical about his situations or solutions. Good logic. There weren't any of the huge plot holes that so often accompany books of this sort. Also, it's the start of a pretty good series. I actually read the 3d book first & didn't have any trouble going back to this one or enjoying that one.
Profile Image for Sue.
1,380 reviews5 followers
February 1, 2014
I purchased this book, "A Clean Kill in Tokyo (John Rain, #1)" by Barry Eisler to read on my Kindle based on the recommendation of a Goodreads member. Not knowing really what to expect, I was pleasantly surprised. The novel has a little bit of everything to please all tastes; mystery, thriller, romance, and espionage.

John Rain, the protagonist, is an assassin, an ex-marine from the Vietnam era and a hit man who specializes in assassinations that look natural. John had combat experience and a mercenary history. War is all he really knew. He got into a variety of martial arts and spent three years in the CIA, before moving to Tokyo. He was an outsider in both worlds, US and Japan...just going through the motions. John had lived in Japan until he was ten, then mostly in the States after that. He came back to Japan in the 80's. He was a half-breed, his mother was American and his father was Japanese. John lived in the shadows.

Rain falls in love with the daughter of his target, Midori, and must face old enemies that are trying to control him. Rain is now a hit man and is tasked to kill a corrupt politician. He kills the man and makes it seem like a heart attack. Later that day he meets Midori, the daughter of the politician. Due to Rain's secretive nature, he's unwilling to disclose anything personal but finds himself having feelings for her.

Rain and his best friend Jimmy (A.K.A Crazy Jake), joined the American army where they fought in Vietnam. Rain finally feels accepted and sticks with Jimmy for years.

Midori is being hunted because her father had a disk that contained discriminating information on corruption in the Construction Ministry, in Japanese society. Her father was trying to blow the whistle on corruption. The people that want the disk think that Midori has it, and are willing to kill her to retrieve it.

Rain Fall is an amazing thriller full of intense action, a gripping story, and memorable characters.

Like the novel states, " There was no home for them after what they had done."
Profile Image for Kristen.
2,090 reviews149 followers
May 14, 2017
In Barry Eisler's a Clean Kill in Tokyo (aka Rain Fall), the first instalment in the John Rain thriller series, this would hook you on the first page and keep you in suspense right to the end. John Rain is a half-Japanese, half-American assasin, who's speciality was giving his victims "natural causes." It all started when he went after his mark on the subway in Japan and gave him a "heart attack" in Tokyo. Then he gets involved with Midori, a beautiful jazz pianist in a band. When while he tried to get one stop ahead of the people before him, he later learns that she's at risk of being targeted. It had something to do with her father's death and the disk he kept in the special pouch. Between them, they discover what lurks in the dark for them in their past and to get to know each other better. John sets out to meet a journalist who had met with Midori's father before he died, and what was special about the disk. Hot on the trail, they were people who were out to get John and Midori and didn't want the disk to be uncovered and exposed. In a heated moment, Rain went up against William Holtzer, an evil man who wantds to see him dead. But not if he could see to it first, when he's apprehended and what's really on the disk, when everything about John's existence had to be erased and to end his love affair with Midori.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
227 reviews20 followers
August 4, 2010
I'm huge spy/assassin story fan so I have been looking forward to picking this up off my TBR pile. This is Eisler's first novel (from '02) and having read his most recent, Fault Line, I must say it's wonderful to see how far he's come as a writer. Not that Rain Fall is a poor first novel, far from it. I found this first book of the Rain series to be a solid, entertaining read.

Although the character's aren't overly developed (I would like to know a little more about Kawamura's daughter, Midori), Rain is a likable sum of his experiences. Eisler does a nice job of infusing back story throughout the novel, keeping the reader's interest by weaving a little more plot exposition with each back flash. I did find the plot a little far fetched at times (for an assassin, Rain has an astonishing ignorance of the workings of the intelligence communities ~ and what paranoid assassin hands over valuable intel to a soft target civilian???) and at times a little repetitious (his recon around several blocks every time he goes to a meet or a stake out), but at least Rain is consistent. It was almost written like a movie script, so it was no surprise to find out it had been turned into a film (Gary Oldman!); unfortunately, it seems to only have been released in Japan, Rein fôru: Ame no kiba.

Personally, I wasn't crazy about the ending, but not from a writing standpoint. I was routing for Rain on a personal level, but the ending that Eisler wrote is far more realistic. I look forward to reading the rest of the series ...and just maybe I'll try and rent the Japanese movie when it comes out on DVD (praying for English subtitles).

Profile Image for John.
285 reviews11 followers
January 11, 2011
My eldest turned me onto this first of a series thriller over the Christmas holidays and I'm glad she did. Eisler is a soulful writer who takes his readers on an emotional roller coaster in this introduction to the primary antagonist John Rain.

As with most thrillers, this is not Pulitzer Prize or National Book Award material. Nevertheless, "Rain Fall" is a good little read and kept my interest throughout. The setting is unique as I don't recall ever reading anything from this genre that uses the Japanese-American cultural connection as the base premise. It actually works well and helped to solidify this as a series I want to continue reading just to learn more about something I know precious little about.

I can't really say much about the plot without providing spoilers which I always find irritating in a review. I will tell you that if you enjoy any or multiples of the following, you show pick this one up as an airplane, beach, cruise, fireplace read; Japanese culture, Japanese-American culture, Japanese politics, scotch, jazz, Vietnam, the CIA, or the martial arts.

October 31, 2017
It's been a long time since I read a modern thriller - I guess that's the genre for this book. With all the bad-ass assassin books out there it's really hard to make one stand out. So Mr. Eisler really made the right choice by renaming this one A Clean Kill in Tokyo, cause that title is what caught my interest. (It made me think of a John Woo movie.)
At times I thought John Rain was gonna be one of those Jason Bourne type protagonist, with skill and knowledge that rival a Super-hero like Batman. And is like that to a point. This usually only works for me an movie but not always in a book so much. Also Rain was with the SOG in the Vietnam War, which was almost always the case for this types of action heroes, back in the 80's and 90's when I read a lot more of these type books.
Regardless, Eisler still managed to suck me in. Not sure what it is about John Rain, but I like this guy and he isn't really a likable guy. The action is a lot of fun and the plot twist really takes the story in another direction.
Profile Image for Julie Davis.
Author 5 books306 followers
March 15, 2010
#25 - 2010.

Recommended by Matt. American born, half-Japanese, John Rain is a professional hit man with a strict set of rules for his targets: no women or children, only principles in a dispute. He specializes in "natural causes" deaths and has just pulled one off while giving us a bit of back story. Interestingly as the story goes on through fascinating twists and turns, we are not asked to find John a sympathetic character. We learn more of his story so that his life's work makes more sense but the character does not work to become likable. I like that since he's a hit man ... seems more "real" that way. Although he seems so American in his thinking that i tend to forget he looks Japanese and sometimes have to remind myself and "fix" my mental picture when that is important to the story, as it sometimes is.
Profile Image for Lisa.
1,373 reviews
October 12, 2015
4.5 stars

John Rain is awesome! He is a highly skilled assassin who lives and works in Tokyo's underworld.

The story is fast-paced and excellent - love all the little details that make John untouchable and super effective.

I would recommend the audio version as it is read by the author and you can hear how all the Japanese is pronounced.

Looking forward to reading more of these!
Profile Image for Metodi Markov.
1,575 reviews392 followers
July 11, 2023
Доста добър трилър, развиващ се на японска земя и отлично начало на една интересна поредица.

Насладих се на приключенията на Рейн-сан и продължавам с втората книга.

"Моно но ауаре" - жестокостта на живота или болката да си човек...
Profile Image for Lance Charnes.
Author 7 books93 followers
January 14, 2012
Eisler's John Rain isn't a cop or private detective or even on the "right" side of the law: he's a highly-paid assassin, well into middle age, stuck between the Japanese and American cultures represented by his now-late parents. That you can find sympathy for a hit man -- even one with ethics -- is a tribute to how well Eisler sets up his hero and, more importantly, his world, which is if anything sleazier and more corrupt than is Rain himself. The picture of Japan presented here is massively unflattering, one of a neo-Blade Runner swamp of corruption, organized crime, casual murder and slow economic collapse.

While Rain Fall bills itself a thriller, you shouldn't expect the usual modern-day thriller tropes. The world isn't about to end, the body count is reasonably low, and our hero isn't embroiled in big set-pieces every fifty pages. Much of the plot revolves around people talking to each other and trying not to be followed. "Intrigue" is the best description, one that doesn't sell as many books but more accurately sets reader expectations.

Eisler's Rain isn't entirely unique. He has the usual cool-guy qualities (a weakness for jazz and expensive whiskey, a complete lack of attachment to place, etc.) and of course attracts the affections of women young enough to be his daughters. Eisler clearly knows Tokyo well but doesn't always share this knowledge in a manner useful to his readers.

Still, despite these nods to convention, Rain Fall is a fine way to spend a few hours in the company of someone you might not want to be alone with in real life. Maybe he'd buy you a nice whiskey, but he certainly wouldn't tell you this tale.
727 reviews149 followers
June 3, 2022
This low rating is because of my lack of interest in the spy/ assassin genre. I have never liked any of the books in this genre- Jack Reacher, Mitch Rapp, Bourne, James Bond ..... (Frederick Forsyth's books are the only exception). I have been trying to find some author in this genre who would interest me, unfortunately this too failed.
I was finding excuses not to get back to the book. I read the abridged version in the RD select edition. As it was just 150 pages, I didn't want to DNF. I returned to read the last 50 pages after a 5 day break, by then i had forgotten who's who and I didn't even care to go back and figure the characters and the plot. I simply read through the last few pages without understanding most of it.

The other reason for the low rating is the narration in first person. When someone tells "I tackled 2 goons alone, I saved a Damsel in distress, I am great, blah, blah" ( not these words, but effectively the same meaning) , I just want the protagonist to shut up. I didn't even fell sorry for him when he was telling his story about PTSD after the horrors in Vietnam.

What a waste of time ! 🙄
Profile Image for Skip.
3,565 reviews538 followers
February 12, 2009
Good story about a half-Japanese, half-American assassin, who falls for the daughter of one of his targets. Great details about Tokyo.
Profile Image for Deanna.
977 reviews62 followers
August 9, 2020
4 stars, but ultimately not for me.

It’s always nice to find a thriller, or any genre novel for that matter, that’s written with uncommon intelligence and originality.

In this novel I particularly enjoyed Tokyo, jazz, martial arts practice, the man-without-a-country theme, the cultural comparisons, and the unfolding relationship between Rain and the daughter of one of his victims along with the soul searching it provokes.

That said, after finally sampling this series, I know I was right to hesitate to take it on. There is so much full-on grisly physical violence that it eventually overwhelms the positives and becomes the lingering thing I’m left with when I’m finished.
Profile Image for Kristie.
958 reviews401 followers
December 24, 2021
This has a very interesting storyline, but politics and military fiction aren't my favorite to begin with. Add to that a few info dumps and I just can't quite say I loved it. It was still very good story. I found it enjoyable enough and I like the character of John Rain, so I may continue with the series.

John Rain reminds me of a slightly watered down Evan Smoak, so this felt a little like Orphan X light.

3 reviews3 followers
April 26, 2012
The book Rain Fall by Barry Eisler is 363 pages, published in 2002 by Penguin Books Ltd. The genre is a little bit of mystery, thriller, romance, and realistic fiction. The story is a first person tale of John Rain. He's an ex-marine from the Vietnam era and a hit man who specializes in assassinations that look natural. What starts as a routine kill ends up in complete chaos. Rain falls in love with the daughter of his target and must face old enemies that are trying to control him. The book really focuses on the changes in Rain and how these changes came to be.
Rain's character begins his journey when he's born. With one parent Japanese and one American, Rain never felt like he had a true home. This lead to him becoming an outcast and caused him to develop a quiet, secretive demeanor. He was bullied constantly and learned to take care of himself. Rain's life took a huge twist when he met Jimmy (A.K.A Crazy Jake). Rain and Jimmy became best friends and joined the American army where they fought in Vietnam. Rain finally feels accepted and sticks with Jimmy for years. The friendship takes a turn for the worse when Jimmy abandons the army and creates his own private force. The corrupt and traitorous army officer Holtzer sends Rain on a mission to kill Jimmy. Rain kills Jimmy and leaves Vietnam. He went there excited to fit in and left an outcast once again. This is all back-story that the book provides. The setting throughout most of the book is modern day Japan. Rain is now a hit man and is tasked to kill a corrupt politician. He kills the man and makes it seem like a heart attack. Later that day he meets Midori, the daughter of the politician. Due to Rain's secretive nature, he's unwilling to disclose anything personal but finds himself having feelings for her. These feelings allow him to open up to her like no one else. When Rain's employer sets his sights on Midori's life, Rain jumps into action. Midori and he go into hiding. Rain falls in love with her and she with him. He opens up to her and tells her all about Jimmy and the terrible things he's done. Midori really connects with him and a strong bond is created. Midori is being hunted because her father had a disk that contained discriminating information on the Yazuka leader, Yamaoto. Holtzer is working with Yamaoto and is in charge of killing Rain and retrieving the disk. Rain gets the disk and works to get it to the head of police, Tatsu. He eventually succeeds and Holtzer resigns from his CIA position. Unfortunately, to protect Midori, Tatsu tells her that Rain is dead. Rain is overwhelmed with despair at losing Midori and anger at Holtzer's lack of punishment. He takes justice into his own hands and kills Holtzer. It was a wild moment on his part. It's kind of like Yin and Yang. Midori was his Yin, his soft side. Holtzer was his Yang, violent side. When he lost his Yin, he had no choice but to balance it out and kill the Yang. It was all about emotional balance. Rain's life has never been easy. As a kid he was excluded, as a young adult he had to kill his best friend and countless others, and as an adult he lost his love and killed dozens more. Midori and Jimmy were the only stable things in Rain's life and each loss shook him to the core. The book ends here so it's unsure how he moves on.
Rain Fall is an amazing thriller full of intense action, a gripping story, and relatable characters. Many will come for the action but will stay for the intense tale it weaves. Rain Fall is an extremely good thriller that deserves to be read by anyone craving action or suspense.
Profile Image for Kashif.
137 reviews30 followers
November 24, 2019
A Clean Kill in Tokyo is a magnificent match-up of noir vibe and grounded action-thriller genre. Right off the bat, the focus persists on the protagonist, John Rain; haunted by his demons from the Vietnam War, now operating as a hitman that specializes in making his kills look like those from natural causes.

The story, as gleaned from the title, is set in Tokyo. The author does a beautiful job of describing the environment and locales with a finesse that screams real-life experience of those locales. This made the read even more enthralling for me. The beautiful and vivid details of the city life of Tokyo not only served the story, but also breathed life into Tokyo as a living breathing character in this novel.

The action sequences are well described, focusing on skillful hand-to-hand combat, proficiently demonstrating art of violence. Every punch, every blow, every throw, is written in a way that allows readers to visualize every economical movement of John Rain as he takes on his adversaries in brutal manner. Another winning aspect of the action sequences for me, was that they were in tune with the grounded and gritty nature of the thriller. John Rain doled out the beatings as well as endured them, showing the readers that John Rain was not untouchable, but just more conditioned to being the hunter rather than the prey.

What I enjoyed just as much, was the strong foundation of John Rain. With the sole focus on him, the author demonstrated Rain’s thoughts and inner demons, as a man struggling with being considered an outsider due to him being of both American and Japanese descent. This struggle is further explored by the author as he takes the readers for a dark ride into John Rain’s twisted past. A man of few words, hurting soul, and a mean soccer-style kick, John Rain has become a new personal favorite character for me to dive into further. While the novel itself can be considered dated, it never detracts from the feel of a realistic thriller, and resonates with technical details and technology even today.

I definitely recommend this to readers for an addictive read with a strong emotional center, complimented by fast-paced action.
Profile Image for Sandra.
4,100 reviews13 followers
July 18, 2012
So... I was trying to think of how to eloquently state everything I was feeling after reading this, then I read my GR friend DG's review, and that pretty much sums it up. Beautiful, sad, exciting, poignant.

I liked how instead of all the usual guns and knives and bloody violence, John was straight forward and simple and if you needed killing he snapped your neck and was done with it. It seemed more realistic that all the flash. All the complicated particulars of his traveling around the city and backtracking and covering his tracks and all the other stealthy-stuff could have felt over the top and boring, but I actually didn't mind it. It was interesting and I liked John's inner voice. Harry was a great addition and I'd like to see more of him.

Profile Image for João Carlos.
659 reviews309 followers
May 5, 2017

Tokyo by night

“Tokyo Killer” é um thriller protagonizado por um ex-agente secreto dos EUA no Cambodja e Vietname – Jack Rain – um assassino profissional, meio americano, meio japonês; frio, sádico, cruel e desprovido de emoções, mas que tem um singular código de ética: "nada de mulheres ou crianças, nenhuma actividade contra terceiros e nenhum outro fornecedor contratado para resolver o problema em mãos..."
Uma emocionante “história” que tem como cenário a cidade de Tóquio, cosmopolita e exótica, povoada por personagens complexas, maioritariamente violentas, que ostentam códigos de conduta e comportamentos dúbios, fomentando um suspense eficiente, com recurso a inúmeros flashbacks para complementar uma narrativa emocionante e repleta de acção.
Num enredo que assenta, essencialmente, numa vertente política, ligada aos partidos políticos, envoltos numa teia de corrupção generalizada, relacionada com as obras públicas e com a máfia (yakuza) da construção civil; vão surgindo inúmeras personagens, directamente relacionadas com as agências de espionagem, numa tentativa desesperada de influência “emocional” em acções de conspiração e chantagem, para manipulação dos decisores políticos ou da opinião pública.
A escrita de Barry Eisler (n. 1964) é eficiente e simples, com recurso a descrições minuciosas do ambiente “noir” de Tóquio, com chuva persistente e atmosfera obscura, complementada por clubes de Jazz e por motéis de 2º categoria, num relato consistente e revelador de uma sociedade japonesa corrupta e dominada pela tecnologia “high tech”.
Um livro emocionante, sem exageros ou redundâncias…
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,079 reviews

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