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Final Girls and F*ck Boys: A Murder Game Prequel

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During the summer before Priestly King is set to start at West Windsor University, she receives a mysterious invitation to a Summer-ween party at the college. The twist? Underclassmen have to dress-up as final girls from slasher movies. When Priestly arrives at the party, she runs into three men, each wearing masks inspired by infamous movie serial killers.

What starts as a thrilling, mask-wearing encounter spirals into a web of seduction, danger, and intense passion. As Priestly explores her desires and navigates the complex relationships with these three men, she uncovers hidden motives and dark secrets that challenge her understanding of love and trust.

This is a masked-men encounter with multiple men and one woman. While it ends on a HFN, this book is a prequel to a full-length novel.

123 pages, Kindle Edition

Published September 27, 2024

About the author

Salem Sinclair

23 books256 followers

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Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 reviews
Profile Image for Chey.
286 reviews5 followers
September 22, 2024
*A good smut
*Prequel to Murder Games
*Some triggers (check them)
I really liked this prequel… this story is the perfect beginning to this universe and book that I’m waiting anxiously and, better yet, is the perfect story for a good spooky season… if you like this kind of vibe: mystery, confident people, reckless ones too, with a lot of spice moments and everything wrapped in a good Halloween vibes, this story is definitely for you.
Profile Image for Jessica Steed.
31 reviews
September 19, 2024
4.25🌟 3🌶️
Well, if this is the prequel I am super interested in where the whole book goes!!!!!! The boys be hot in this 🥵🥵🥵
Ultimately, this left me with more questions than answers but since it's the prequel I think that was what it was supposed to do. My anticipation is high though and I'm reading that book when it comes out!
Profile Image for Lexie.
81 reviews8 followers
September 19, 2024
【English review; Italiano ⬇️】
With the term "Final Girl" typically referring to the lone survivor in a horror or thriller story, let me tell you—this novella will have you counting down the days until Halloween!

That said, I must admit I didn’t even know "Final Girl" was a thing before reading this, so let’s dive into the book.

This prequel novella sets the stage for the "murder game" by introducing the main characters, their past relationships, and how everything changes over the course of just a week.

Priestly, the protagonist, is a girl who knows her worth, craves attention, and isn’t afraid to use her body to get what she wants. She’s got all eyes on her—except for the three boys she’s always been into, who seem determined to keep their distance.

Priestly King is a damned soul, someone who only feels alive when she's flirting with death. She craves danger, seeking near-death experiences just for that rush of adrenaline. It’s one of the things I love about her as a dark MC—that deep boredom that makes you wonder, "What if I died today?"

She’s been longing for an escape from the reality she’s loathed ever since she entered her adoptive family’s home. That escape comes in the form of an acceptance letter to West Windsor University. But her experience with the university begins long before freshman year.

Priestly is invited to a party. She’s invited to be murdered. And the dress code? “Final girl.”

How could she possibly decline when the offer is made so... enticingly?

And guess who attends the prestigious West Windsor University? Her step-brother and his two best friends. Did I mention how they treat Priestly? She’s always been the "little sister" they need to protect... or is she?

Maybe it was that simple when they were kids, but now that they’ve all grown up, the connection Priestly feels toward them is anything but innocent. They’re not her charming princes coming to rescue her; they’re the temptation toward lustful sins. And it’s clear they return the feelings.

One night is all it takes for their fates to intertwine, binding them together. A night where trust conquers fear, laying the foundation for a strong, possessive, and eternal relationship.

But I’ll leave the rest for you to discover.

Let me just say, I adored the style. Imagine this: I started the book seven hours ago, and now I’m here, writing this review. I literally couldn’t put it down.

The writing is flawless. While we only get Priestly’s POV, she’s already a well-defined character. I can’t wait to dive deeper into the three boys, who are all dark in their own way.

What I love most are the vibes and world-building—university students, a secret society, and a mystery to solve. It’s everything I crave in a dark romance. And yes, the epilogue leaves us with an intriguing mystery.

So, if you’re into dark romance with unhinged—yet somehow respectful—characters, this one’s for you.

【Recensione italiana】
Con il termine "Final Girl" si indica solitamente l’unica sopravvissuta in una storia horror o thriller, e dico solo questo: questa novella aumenterà il vostro amore per Halloween!

Questa novella è definita dall’autrice un “murder game prequel”, e introduce i personaggi principali, le loro relazioni passate e come tutto cambia nel giro di pochi giorni.

Priestly, la protagonista femminile, è una ragazza che sa quanto vale, ama essere sotto i riflettori e non ha paura di usare il proprio corpo per ottenere ciò che vuole.

Tutti gli occhi sono su di lei, tranne quelli dei tre ragazzi per cui ha sempre avuto un debole, e che sembrano determinati a starle lontano.

Priestly King è un’anima dannata, una di quelle che si sentono vive solo quando sfiorano la morte. Cerca il pericolo, sfidando esperienze estreme solo per provare l’anelata scarica di adrenalina. Ed è una delle cose che amo di lei come protagonista dark: quella noia profonda che fa pensare, "E se morissi oggi, cosa succederebbe al mondo?"

Da sempre cerca una via di fuga dalla realtà che ha odiato da quando è entrata nella casa della sua famiglia adottiva. Quella fuga arriva sotto forma di una lettera di accettazione alla West Windsor University. Ma la sua avventura inizia molto prima dell’inizio del primo anno.

Priestly viene invitata a una festa. Invitata a “essere uccisa”. E il dress code per lei? Final girl. Come potrebbe mai rifiutare quando l’invito è fatto in modo così... allettante?

E indovinate chi frequenta la prestigiosa West Windsor University? Il fratellastro e i suoi due migliori amici. E vi ho già parlato di come trattano Priestly? Per loro, è sempre stata la “sorellina” da proteggere... o forse no?

Magari era così quando erano bambini, ma ora che sono cresciuti, il legame che Priestly sente nei loro confronti è tutt’altro che innocente. Non sono più i principi azzurri che corrono a salvarla; ora sono una tentazione verso peccati indicibili. E si capisce che il sentimento è ricambiato.

Basta una notte perché i loro destini si intreccino, legando per sempre. Una notte in cui la fiducia supera la paura, gettando le basi per un rapporto forte, possessivo ed eterno.

Ma vi lascio scoprire il resto.

Insomma, ho adorato lo stile. Figuratevi che ho iniziato il libro sette ore fa e ora eccomi qui, a scrivere questa recensione. Non riuscivo letteralmente a metterlo giù.

La scrittura è impeccabile. Anche se abbiamo solo il POV di Priestly, è già un personaggio ben definito. Non vedo l'ora di scoprire di più sui tre ragazzi, che sono tutti oscuri a modo loro.

Quello che amo di più sono le vibes e il world-building: studenti universitari, una società segreta e un mistero da risolvere. È tutto ciò che cerco in un dark romance. E sì, l’epilogo ci lascia con un mistero intrigante che seguirà con il prossimo volume.

Quindi, se vi piacciono i dark romance con personaggi instabili—ma in qualche modo rispettosi—questo libro è perfetto per voi.
31 reviews
September 26, 2024
Rating; ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

❤️ A good smut
🔪 Prequel to Murder Games
🖤 Some triggers (check them)
I really liked this prequel… this story is the perfect beginning to this universe

the perfect story for a good spooky season… if you like this kind of vibe: mystery, confident people, reckless ones too, with a lot of spice moments and everything wrapped in a good Halloween vibes, this story is definitely for you.

Priestly, the protagonist, is a girl who knows her worth, craves attention, and isn’t afraid to use her body to get what she wants. She’s got all eyes on her—except for the three boys she’s always been into, who seem determined to keep their distance.

Priestly King is a damned soul, someone who only feels alive when she's flirting with death. She craves danger, seeking near-death experiences just for that rush of adrenaline.

Priestly is invited to a party. She’s invited to be murdered. And the dress code? “Final girl.”

And guess who attends the prestigious West Windsor University? Her step-brother and his two best friends. Did I mention how they treat Priestly? She’s always been the "little sister" they need to protect... or is she?

Maybe it was that simple when they were kids, but now that they’ve all grown up, the connection Priestly feels toward them is anything but innocent. They’re not her charming princes coming to rescue her; they’re the temptation toward lustful sins. And it’s clear they return the feelings.

One night is all it takes for their fates to intertwine, binding them together. A night where trust conquers fear, laying the foundation for a strong, possessive, and eternal relationship.

We only get Priestly’s POV, I can’t wait to dive deeper into the three boys, who are all dark in their own way.

What I love most are the vibes and world-building—university students, a secret society, and a mystery to solve. It’s everything I crave in a dark romance. And yes, the epilogue leaves us with an intriguing mystery.

So, if you’re into dark romance with unhinged—yet somehow respectful—characters, this one’s for you.
Profile Image for Jen.
506 reviews
September 23, 2024

This prequel novella might just be a taste of what we can expect in Sinclair's Murder Game series, but I loved every bit of this story and can't wait to see how the larger story plays out. This novella had me enthralled from start to finish, loving everything from the characters to the positions they found themselves in. This prequel novella is definitely coded for fans of both horror and masked encounters, and anyone who loves those elements will find Final Girls and F*ck Boys hard to put down.

This novella follows Priestly as she searches for the next adrenaline high. But whether she's seeking it in public, in front of a camera, or at wild parties, Priestly was such a fun character to tag along with. She was unabashedly herself, despite having a rougher childhood, and I loved watching her character come to life through her every action.

Sinclair created a cast of main characters worthy of a horror movie. Priestly's story wouldn't even exist without her adopted brother, Chamberlain, and his two - really close - friends, Camber and Atley. Yes, these characters have names to match their Southern breeding and money, but readers can't let these three fool them into thinking they have manners when the lights go out. Between being masked up and the things they do and say to Priestly, these three crossed many lines and kept me turning those pages.

If you're looking for a dark romance that features masked men, horror vibes, and multiple partners, this novella gives you all that and more. The epilogue set up the rest of the series so well, and I can't wait to see what future horrors await the students at West Windsor University.
Profile Image for Summer.
279 reviews
September 23, 2024
Honest ARC Review: Now this was a delicious tease of a prequel novella. I am totally left drooling and wanting to know what comes next. Priestly is invited to a summerween party. at the college she will be attending in the fall. She is excited to leave her facade of a home behind and join her adoptive brother and his best friends at college. Priestly has always had a close bond with them and when she see's them at the party the tension is thick. A game of truth or dare gets things heated and soon things get dark and sexy. This was such a delicious story and I really enjoyed the writing. Priestly is an adrenaline junkie and attention seeking. She loves having all eyes on her but especially three specific men. She has always been protected by them but they have never crossed the line in that way. Priestly has always been drawn to them and when the guys make their move she is all in. I loved how every character was different but they all had their own darkness in them. There is so much more to disect with these four not to mention the mysterious and eerie college. I am definitely excited to see what may come next. I’d recommend this if your looking for a spooky short read, dark academia vibes, marking, taboo romance, reverse harem, masks, and wicked spice.
Profile Image for Amanda.
53 reviews6 followers
September 21, 2024
THIS IS HOW A PREQUEL NOVELLA IS DONE! This book is the prequel novella to Salem’s upcoming full-length novel and it was the perfect lead-in. This novella focuses on introducing you to the main characters, exploring and expanding their relationships, and setting the stage for the ‘Murder Game’. In this novella, the FMC, Priestly, attends a ‘Final Girl’ party one the grounds of the college she will be attending in the fall. The same college that her step-brother, Chamberlain, and his two friends, Camber and Astley, This party is the tipping point of moving these characters’ relationship from just being friends since they were young to a dark, dark why choose, obsessive dynamic. This novella is definitely for you if you enjoy dark romance, secret societies, and why choose. Also, this novella includes plenty of masked men vibes to satisfy that need as well. I cannot wait for the next in the series to see where this will head!
Profile Image for Nyx (Nikki) .
30 reviews4 followers
September 28, 2024
• Masked Men
• Possession
• Adopted Siblings
• Brothers Best Friends
• Why Choose?
• Kn1fe Play

During her final summer before starting college, Priestly King is invited to an epic Summer-ween party with a fancy-dress twist. Entering the party dressed as slasher movie final girl, its not long before Priestly comes face to face with three masked horror icons. Will she escape the terror they promise? Does she want to?

Final Girls & F*ck Boys is a short novella prequel to an upcoming full-length novel.
This was a really fun, quick, filthy read. I went into this aware it would be mostly smut and it did not disappoint. Obviously being a novella, we didn’t get a huge amount of time to explore all of our characters, but Salem did a fantastic job of teasing us with just enough to be hooked. And no spoilers, but that set up for the full-length novel? I can’t wait for term to start at West Windsor University.
Profile Image for the reading raccoon.
43 reviews2 followers
September 24, 2024
This book is a fun, short read full of hot af men and a LOT of spice. Its a prequel that seems to set us up for a really intriguing story in the next book, one that I'm going to be anticipating. A dark romance, why choose with horror elements including masked men and chases through a graveyard and an abandoned decaying mansion. Our FMC is an adrenaline junkie, and our MMCs are an inseparable trio that grew up with the FMC, and want to stake a claim on her. A great intro to characters I cant wait to see more of, and a college that seems to have a lot going on for, um, extracurricular activities.
Profile Image for Morgan Constantin.
32 reviews3 followers
September 28, 2024
Ahhhhhmazing read!

This book is so perfectly written and leaves nothing and everything to the imagination all at the same time!

Priestly is a baddie in her own right who takes no BS from those around her except for maybe her guys.

And ohhhhh her guys…thinking about them makes me lightheaded because they are all delish!! Atley is the golden retriever with a dark side, chamberlain is the alpha possessive type who softens for one person and one person only, and Camber is the dark and mysterious guy. These men 😮‍💨 I’m in love!

Words cannot express how eager I am for the next book! 🖤
Profile Image for Shedevilreads Bookstagram.
1,876 reviews93 followers
September 19, 2024
Final Girls and F*ck Boys: A Murder Game Prequel by Salem Sinclair is a masked men why choose romance.

This is the first book of Salem's that I have read, and it won't be my last. I was pulled in from the very beginning and couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next. I am loving the chemistry between Chamberlain, Camber, Atley, and Priestly.

The epilogue left me begging for more. I can't for Salem to announce the release for the next book in the series A Murder Game.

I would recommend this book if you're looking for a quick steamy masked men romance.
Profile Image for India 🎀.
36 reviews
September 25, 2024
Quick, Fun, and Mostly Smut!

This short story acts as an introduction before the main series kicks off. There’s little relationship buildup and an introduction to the characters and how they got together, but it’s fun and super quick with a strong focus on smut. If you’re into steamy reads, this one’s for you!


• Why Choose?
• Secret Societies
• Stepbrother
• Masked Men (MFMM)

Check your trigger warnings!

I received an advance copy; this review is honest and voluntary.
Profile Image for Laura.
33 reviews1 follower
September 28, 2024
Ok…what a prequel!!! I need The Murder Game immediately. I may or may not have devoured this book in one sitting 🤭
The spice is spicing in this one y’all 🥵🥵🥵
The ending had me in wanting more. I need to know what is going on!
Go read this book!
This is a dark romance with some pretty intense themes. As always, check trigger warnings before reading. And Salem, please release the next book soon!!!!!
Profile Image for Dani (Daniiireads).
1,480 reviews245 followers
September 17, 2024
𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖞 𝖈𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖎𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖞 𝖎𝖓𝖛𝖎𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖔 𝖇𝖊 𝕸𝖚𝖗𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉.

& I was, cause Salem shot me dead with this one!

Final Girls + F*ck Boys is a little dark, a little twisted, and has a whole hell of lot of spice 🥵

Salem is back bitches and better than ever!! & I am so fucking ready for more!

Rating: 4.5 ⭐️
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
Profile Image for kayla.
3 reviews
September 18, 2024
I was lucky enough to get this early before it comes to kindle unlimited on September 27th, Such a good why choose novella, setting it as masked men and a final girl was really good. Also had tons of spice, the truth or dare scene OMG!🥵. She was also buried alive just then to get her😺revived. The FMC and one of the men are adopted siblings. Check for trigger warnings, read at your own risk!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ida.
34 reviews
September 20, 2024
It is a prequel that can stand alone.

The fact that 2 of the male leads had very similar names ( Chamberlain, Camber) made it very hard for me to keep them apart and I could get to the immersion in the story I like.

The story is good and has a nice flow and a lot of spice. If you like your dark romance to be filthy, fast and dark - this for you!
Profile Image for Nikki Mahoney.
20 reviews1 follower
September 22, 2024
I truly enjoyed the story and wanted to devour the book in a single sitting, but life happens. The author left me wanting more. More of the characters. More of the relationships. More of the smut. More of the plot. I’m interested to see how the story develops in the full length novel. I don’t think I can wait for it to be written. I need it now!
September 24, 2024
The very beginning was difficult for me to get through, but once I got past it, I was all in! The smut was GOOD and wild. I could honestly live without the knife play but it didn't ruin it for me. The epilogue didn't seem to fit with this book, IMO.

I received an advanced copy and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Merysa Keller.
42 reviews2 followers
September 28, 2024
This was a good introduction to what I believe is gearing up to be a suspenseful and erotic series. The novella was primarily NSFW scenes, but it also had an eerie and foreboding undertone that kept me on edge. I definitely think there’s a lot more to tell and I look forward to reading all about it.
Profile Image for Tabitha Orr.
Author 4 books17 followers
September 30, 2024
Wait?! What?! Noooo. No. I will not accept that. Nope. Twisty author you. That had best not be the cliffhanger prequel. Please like no. I mean I dunno I don’t mind one cliff even though that sounds totally evil but I want the other cliff . I just want what I want.

Totally dastardly, gloriously dark and smexually twisted. Please put a towel down before reading.
Profile Image for Kayla Stevenson.
Author 5 books5 followers
September 17, 2024
I read the whole thing the moment I got it. Nothing could have stopped me. The spice?!? Oh. My. God. The sppiiicceeeee. I love the spooky details and the ending absolutely makes me want to read more but can we get back to THE SPICE?!?! *faints*. 5/5 stars. 1000000🌶️ out of 5.
Profile Image for Naiara Chiquetto.
174 reviews32 followers
September 28, 2024
This was a fun read! This book has many enticing elements. Halloween mood, although it takes place in July, slash3r movies vibes, stepbrother AND his besties, c4m girl with exhib. k., masked men, running through the woods…
If you enjoy all of these, will probably enjoy this book too. 🖤
Profile Image for angie_bookrecs.
117 reviews18 followers
September 17, 2024
Hot & sexy, with just a tinge of dark. I loved it.
I'm confused and I need more...like yesterday!!

I'll anxiously be awaiting the release of The Murder Game
Profile Image for Curious Readss.
19 reviews
September 17, 2024
This book was deliciously good , mmmf , dark romance lust and sex gave it 4⭐️ and 5🌶️🥵 I can’t wait to read the next book , it you like descriptive smut this is for you 10/1 recommend
Profile Image for Bekah Rogers.
10 reviews
September 28, 2024
The spice is doing it for me in this book! Short, steamy read and sets the story up nicely for the rest of the series. This is everything I want in a dark romance and more!
Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 reviews

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