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Follow You Down

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They say you can never go home again? Well, Susanna Arroyo is about to prove them wrong.

Twenty years ago, Susanna ditched her hometown to pursue a career as an artist on the East Coast.
Did she have it all? Money? Success? Love?
Ha! Ha, ha, ha. No.
Hiking up her practical granny panties, Susanna moves back to Blue Hollow, Colorado, with the teenager she inherited and no idea what she's doing.
But good intentions count for something, right? Right?
Well, maybe they do.
It's here, in her hometown, that Susanna's life trips and sprawls across Troy, Luke, Reiner, and Henry. Four men who, like her, have weathered a hell of a storm and are a little broken when it comes to love.
Sure, their hearts are bruised and battered, and their lives are a mess, but there's beauty in chaos. And, thankfully, Susanna has an eye for these things.

602 pages, Kindle Edition

Published March 8, 2024

About the author

Ripley Proserpina

48 books504 followers
Ripley Proserpina spends her days huddled near a fire in the frozen northern wilds of Vermont. She lives with her family, two magnificent cats, and one dog who aspires to cat-hood.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 60 reviews
Profile Image for Rain.
2,108 reviews28 followers
May 10, 2024
This story should not have worked for me. It has all of the tropes I avoid. However, it hooked me immediately with the mature storytelling and richly detailed characters.

All the main characters are between the ages of 38 and 42, and they actually act their age!

The premise: Single mom, and her 14-year-old son move back to her small hometown. There is WAY more to it, but I’ll leave it at that.

Contemporary RH (no mm, only 1-1 scenes)
Single dads
Single mom
Slow Burn
Widowed MMCs
Selective mutism
Multiple pov
The banter!!
American football
4 love scenes

A perfect blend of humor, heart, and hope, this book is a celebration of second chances, and the transformative power of community.

What didn’t work.

Merit’s name is mentioned 243 times. That self-centered, selfish, hag of a woman didn’t deserve this much book space.

The fact that Susie was an artist like Merit. Too many similarities.

Slight spoilers so I’ll tag the rest below.

There were some scenes that felt quite similar to Wait For It by MZ, but since I love that one so much, it worked here as well. (The jealous OW, a horrible biological mother, sports games, BS with the other parents.)

Recommended for fans of Mariana Zapata, Kirsten Ashley, and a dash of Cara McKenna

TW: Emotional abuse, suicide, attempted murder, stalking.
Profile Image for Melanie A..
1,184 reviews516 followers
July 25, 2024
4.5 STARS!
I didn't want to wait when life and love was right in front of me with arms outstretched.
Wow, author Ripley Proserpina is selling some serious romance kool-aid here . . . and happily drank it down.😂

Though Follow You Down is a contemporary romance, it reads more like a fantasy of epic proportions. But hey, who I am to criticize the portrayal of this . . .
This could be our normal. All of us pitching in. Being together. In a home that was small but not tight. We weren't pushing and elbowing each other to make space. We were sharing it.
. . . a mature why choose relationship.😍 Especially when it's served up with incredible banter, sensitivity, and a lovely simmering, slow-burn heat. Gah! I can't possibly understate the quality of the writing. It was an incredible read.

But I didn't believe a word of it, lol. There's no way that one woman could be the emotional and physical everything to four men. (This is MFM, not MMF) But like I said, this was a fantasy and I enjoyed every word.

Be warned there are some dark undertones here, though none of it is perpetrated by the MC's. Triggers:
Profile Image for Cat Hoffpauir.
1,714 reviews185 followers
March 24, 2024
4.6 stars.
I loved this.
It was funny and emotional and sexy and so so sweet.
I wish there was a group scene, but I guess their dynamic wasn’t like that..? I don’t know. They never actually discussed it.
But everything else was great. I’m gonna have to go looking in this author’s back log.
Profile Image for Vicki.
1,651 reviews49 followers
March 8, 2024
I couldn't put this contemporary reverse harem (RH) down after I started, staying up until almost six in the morning - on a day I had to work - just to experience more and more of the found family, slow burn magic. It reminded me of reading a Mariana Zapata book - the way I just can't stop reading about ordinary people and their lives, despite nothing really super exciting going on. I was completely captured by these adults and their children navigating the day-to-day while dealing with past traumas. Nothing impacts me more emotionally than family drama, and Susie and her boy Nate and sweet little Jillian's plights just touched me more than I can say.

I was super into the slow signs of blossoming romance too, however, once it actually moved into happening, it felt too fast and not developed enough individually with each hero for my tastes, which if you've read my RH book reviews in the past you'll know that is a common feeling of mine (so maybe it's me?). If things on that front remained at the slow-growing pace of the beginning it probably would have added a couple hundred more pages, which would have been perfection for me personally lol, but this is already a long book so I understand why not. There are a few sweetly steamy scenes (1:1) for each guy, but they are almost inconsequential compared to the family vibes that together with the wonderful heroine - this author writes the absolute BEST heroines, always! - are the real magic of this standalone.
4.5 Stars
Profile Image for Cee.
2,841 reviews148 followers
May 28, 2024
This is such a good book. I totally binge read it. We've got the main characters being 38 (FMC) & 42 (MMCs) and both have kids - 1 teen and 1 little girl - and they have their own problems and baggage. I definitely teared up a few times. I loved Susie though and her positivity. Loved Nate and Jillian. The guys... weirdly it felt like sometimes one of them would be forgotten for a few chapters. Henry I swear disappeared for a good stretch of the book, the Rey, then Luke... only Coach (who's name I've of course forgotten) seemed to be around the most. It felt disjointed at times, but I also didn't mind enough to drop the rating.

This book is a lot of healing, a lot of fluff and good feelings mixed with a few painful moments as the things Jillian says so nonchalantly hit so friggin' hard. That poor little girl.

But yeah this was fantastic. Long, but so worth it. I really need to dive into this author's books again.
Profile Image for Isabelle.
350 reviews17 followers
April 30, 2024
I really enjoyed this! It is hard to find older characters, especially in RH but all the MCs were 38-40 and I loved that. There wasn't any immaturity, or petty behaviour.
There were some hard parts to read in this, and I whilst I wouldn't say this is the most emotional read I have picked up it WAS hitting the feels in parts. All the characters are just trying to get through each day, and I really enjoyed the FMCs personality.
I am 100% there for the author creating chosen families, rather than blood related. I struggle with the societal view that "blood is thicker than water" and "families stick together" because that shouldn't be the case. People aren't always good people, and just because you are related it does not mean you should have those people in your life. It is okay to say no, and to create a family that is healthy for you and supportive.
The part lacking for me was the spice, it felt fairly minimal for a RH and when there was any it was over pretty quickly. I get that they have responsibilities, kids etc. but there still should have been more time for getting to know each other and intimacy. I think this would have been better as a duet so you could get more connection and time spent between the characters.
Profile Image for Mayuha.
30 reviews
August 5, 2024
I LOVED Nate and Susie: their bond, their love. I think I get why Nate didn’t call her mom, since his mom tainted the title and even his dad didn’t live up to it. I think to him Susie was a title on its own and I never doubted the love he felt for her.

Jilly and Susie were cute too, and I loved how Jilly fell in love with Susie and those little nuggets dropped of how much she wanted to be like her.

Now the guys… I need to make it clear that I don’t have a problem with them and Susanna, my problem is with their relationship with Merit.

The reason I couldn’t give this book more than 3 stars is because the author wanted to keep the mystery for so long about who Merit was, what she did and their relationship that took away from all the MMC’s and quite frankly made them look dumb AF.

We went from POV’s about their perfect wife that was like the sun and could do no wrong - we find out Merit was a jealous bitch that always wanted to be first so they all ruined Susie’s painting in high school so their little bitch of atention whore girlfriend could win a prize.

To POV’s “ok she wasn’t perfect but we loved her - we find out Merit was a “people user”, about how they were never enough for her but did everything for her all the same (Henry built the house she wanted, Luke opened a gallery so she could sell her shitty paintings, Rey came out of retirement and ruined his body for her)

And then we find out how she actually tried to kill Jilly when she was 3 and then POV’s about how they actually wanted to leave her, Luke actually went and had a vasectomy’s in secret when Jilly was born and things like that… And I was like ???

I know the author tried to play it off like Merit was abusive, and yes she was, TO JILLY. Not them! They knew she was a bitch and they still loved her and did everything she wanted, they were her puppets and I can’t and won’t feel sorry for people that stay with shitty partners and let their child deal with the consequences of their choices! Merit was throwing a tantrum? They removed the child from her home and took her to a hotel, and kept doing it everytime their unstable spoiled wife threw a tantrum for attention.

The book begins 3 years after Merits death, and THEY KNEW she tried to hurt Jilly, we as the readers don’t, so we read about how they still wear their wedding band (there’s no scene on the book of them taking it off, and they still refer to Merit as their wife in their thoughts, even after starting a relationship with Susie), we read about how much sex they had, we read about her being an artist (Susie said her “art” hadn’t evolved since high school and even then it was a piece of shit so…) we read about how they had to be drunk and imagine Merit’s face so they could fuck other women… Does this sound about man that are angry about their wife trying to kill their child??? THEY ONLY TOOK HER PICTURES DOWN BY THE END!! They still had her clothes, art and everything in the house “in case Jilly wanted it” I’m sure she wanted to wear the clothes of the WOMAN WHO TRIED TO KILL HER!

Of course Jilly felt like she couldn’t speak! It felt like Merit was their master and they couldn’t function without her, I had to check the tags to confirm this wasn’t fantasy and there was no dark magic involved at one point, that’s how obsessed they were.

And Rey, my god, the author was so confused about how she wanted to portray him. His character didn’t make any sense, one chapter he had one personality and the next one he would be totally different. In the chapter they tell Susie what the bitch did Reyner kept saying Merit was troubled, she didn’t mean too, she had so much talent yadda yadda like he was in love with her still… in his POV it sounded like he hated the bitch. So which one is it?
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Bee.
99 reviews1 follower
April 21, 2024
Older characters who actually acted their age, and were mature and able to communicate! I was obsessed. Often it feels like everyone acts like they're in their late teens or early twenties.

This book is a fairly long one which gave me pause, but I ended up appreciating the length that allowed the relationships to develop and deepen more convincingly. It was a slow burn without feeling painful. Actually, I wouldn't have even minded if it was made longer or split into another book.
Profile Image for Isabella. R.
989 reviews1,903 followers
May 11, 2024
4 You Feel Like Mine Too Stars ⭐

Follow You Down was equally frustrating and consuming at the same time. I usually don’t go for a reverse harem – too many men, cocks, egos, it does my head in. This was no different however there was this compulsion to uncover what the hell was going on.

"How did everything get so fucked up?" One word. It always came back to her.

This is the story of a woman who has custody of a teen and four men, who all father a 6-year-old Jilly with selective mutism. When Susanna returns to her hometown with her adopted son Nate, it’s a new beginning. But somehow it leads her to Luke, Troy, Reiner, and Harry who are shells of their former self. Susanna has so much on her plate, its ridiculous. And without looking for further complications, it finds her.

These four men were once is a polyamorous marriage with a woman called Merit. You spend the first 20% of the book trying to wade through all the unspoken monologue and hot and cold attitudes. Yet you quickly realize that with Merit gone, all that’s left is rubble. A young child who is traumatized and 4 men not knowing what the heck to do.

Through all her own dramas, Susanna befriends Jilly and unintentionally becomes a supportive outlet. It forces these men to welcome Susanna and her son into their lives. Before you know it, they’ve turned into a motley crew of support. And this is what sucks you in, well and the fact that Susanna herself is eventually going to shag all these hot men!

I really liked this, and it was different to what I've been reading. It had depth and all the feels. My GR bestie Rain recommended this to me describing it as ‘Sooo good. Like Mariana Zapata but with more sex.’ Ha I was sold. No MM, no group sex, just four men taking their own sweet time with their lady yet coexisting as a family unit. Why not?
Profile Image for Tes.
420 reviews14 followers
May 12, 2024
Overall: 4.7/5
Characters: 4/5
Plot: 3.5/5
Chemistry: 3.5/5
Spice: 2/5
Pacing: 4.5/5
Editing: 3.5/5

MAIN CHARACTERS - Susanna/Susie, Troy, Henry, Luke, and Reiner

SYNOPSIS - A woman and her adopted son move back to her hometown for a fresh start and a slower pace after some traumatic experiences in the city. There, they meet and build a relationship with 4 widowed men who are trying to keep their heads above water while caring for their little girl after their wife's heart-wrenching suicide.

REVIEW - Loved this one. The banter, the humor, the heartbreak, and everything in between. Susie was written beautifully. No bullshit or drama - she knew how to let things go and let them roll off. Her priorities were 100% on Nate but she allowed herself to be human and vulnerable in such an admirable way. Even the guys, while reluctant, had genuinely understandable reasons for being standoffish or cold. Just the concept of having to face the truth of who their wife really was following her death and how it affected their daughter. The scene with them removing all her photos kind of hit me hard. We're so ingrained to respect the dead and their memories and it can sometimes be blinding us to the truth. This book had a lot of heartbreak but even more love and that's what made it work. Ngl - I'm kind of with a lot of commenters though wishing there was a group scene. Grinch Evil Smile gif

WOULD I RECOMMEND - Absolutely. It's a slow-burn but completely worth it.
Profile Image for Jennifer G.
2,617 reviews50 followers
March 10, 2024
Susanna left her hometown after graduation to pursue her dreams as an artist. She's found professional success but her personal life hasn't always been a pretty picture. Now 20 years later she's returning with a boy she considers her son to give him a chance at the childhood she took for granted. Once home, her world collides with Troy, Luke, Reiner, and Henry. A few years older than Susanna, they were high school legends; golden boys who became infamous for falling in love with the same girl. Their love affair didn't turn out happily ever after and they all bear the scars and so does their beautiful little girl. Susanna, her son Nate, Troy, Luke, Reiner, Henry, and their daughter Jilly are an assortment of life's colorful bruises but together they make a beautiful mosaic.

I am a huge Ripley Proserpina fan. Her stories have always reminded me of paintings, so it's only right to have art play such a prominent role. Art reflects all aspects of their lives, normality, healing, escape, sickness, obsession, loss, and love. I especially loved that Susannah's style was hyperrealism because this story was a snapshot of life. Life is messy. It can be beautiful and it can be toxic. Love can strengthen or destroy. Pain, laughter, fear, anger, and tears hold a place in daily life. Words can be comforting or hurtful. This book captures the human experience. It's a story of second chances, rising from the ashes. It's beautiful, and my favorite story from this author. I experienced every emotion possible while reading this, and I will be adding it to my bookshelf.
Profile Image for Samantha.
1,520 reviews24 followers
July 4, 2024
4 stars - but man, was this book hard to rate.

The writing is so good, especially when you compare it to what you tend to find in the reverse harem genre. I highlighted a ton of passages, and I could probably have highlighted twice as many but I tried to keep a lid on it. With that said, this didn't feel like a typical RH book, even though it technically is. It was very much plot-driven and even though the romance between FMC Susie and the guys was there, the found family aspect and finding out what the kids' traumatic back stories felt more front and center.

What I liked: More mature main characters who actually acted and talked their age. Susie is my age, and I appreciated that she acted like it. I love found families in books and watching how Susie and the men blended their two families together felt real and beautiful. I enjoyed the plot, and how the telling of the individual traumas were sprinkled organically to the story.

What I didn't love: Slow burns are fine, but I didn't feel like there was actually a lot of relationship development in this story. The characters themselves all had growth, but the romantic relationships felt too back burner. In that vein, the "I love you'd" felt like they happened too quickly because the individual relationships didn't feel cultivated enough.

I would have loved this to be a duet where the next book really delves into fleshing out the individual relationships between Susie and each of her men. I think the storytelling was great, and the plot was really interesting. But the relationships were just missing the sparks.
270 reviews1 follower
March 8, 2024
I read every book by this author. I don’t care how many days, weeks, months, or years it takes her to write a book. I buy it. This book had my day in a chokehold. I have no words, I am speechless with the emotion this book put me through. Susanna is the embodiment of what every mother should be. Paula can rot in the underworld for all I care, Susanna is Nate’s mom. He knows it, she knows it, everyone knows it. Back to my point, the emotional turmoil both Susanna and the guys have been through in their pasts is enough to make any shrink question their life choices. But Henry, Troy, Rey, and Luke are struggling a bit more than Susanna. The storytelling this author does makes me FEEL THINGS and the hurt and anger these 4 men experience at the hands of their wife, was palpable. I liked that the men had already been in a RH relationship. Most stories the men have to haw and hum about having to share. But these 4 were used to it since they started dating Merit in high school. You don’t see the same dumb mistrust and jealousy a lot of other books have because he men aren’t sure they can share. (Bonus points for me). There are not enough words to express the amount of giddiness I have about this book. I’ve read it twice, it’s always in the back of my mind. Please, if you read 1 book this year, let it be this one.
474 reviews9 followers
July 4, 2024
Overall, I really enjoyed this story. I really liked the characters. I think they were not only all unique and different but they were also overall extremely likeable.

I thought the conflict involved was all really well done and I enjoyed how things escalated and got resolved in the end.

The banter between everyone was really enjoyable.

Jilly and Nate were my favorite characters. I loved how sweet they both were and how real their relationships with each other and everyone else felt.

I do wish we had more of an ending only in the way of how their life way able to progress once they were all finally free from their pasts.

Just a few complaints... First.. the fact that the men had kept the pictures on the wall of the woman who not only made it clear to Jilly (their daughter) that she hated her, but also literally tried to kill her? Wt.f. I'm glad they finally got their head on straight but it just seemed a bit unreal. Which leads me to my second complaint, why are these men still wearing their wedding ring after their abusive (to them and their daughter) wife died three years ago. I kept telling myself it was because they had been manipulated by their late wife but they had a daughter to think about. No wonder she was mute.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for max.
401 reviews39 followers
August 3, 2024
4.5/5, rounded up

This book is probably one of the most grounded why choose books I’ve ever read, which is surprising even to me when I think about how this is a pretty medium/fast-burn romance. This is more than just a romance, it’s truly about what it means to be family. Honestly this was just as much about the kids as it was about the adults. I didn’t think I would like that, but this got to me on a deeper level than any other book has lately. Susanna’s bond with her adopted son really warmed my heart. There were some grammatical errors and typos and we didn’t get to see the actual proposal at the end which kept me from giving this a full five stars. Selfishly I would have also liked to see more spicy scenes, but like I was saying, this was definitely more character and plot focused than many other books in this genre.

I have read way too many contemporary why choose novels that include children where the instant the FMC meets the MMCs, she’s too horny to live and honestly her kid becomes an afterthought. This author really made sure to emphasize that the MMCs and FMC’s priorities were always their children; I really appreciate that Susanna always put Nathan first.
Profile Image for Ness.
546 reviews
August 20, 2024
I have mixed feelings about this book. On one hand, it's engaging and hard to put down. I may not like every little thing, but it grabs you, and that's the kind of book I usually love. BUT, and and that's in all caps for a reason, there are a number of things in the book that are way too close for comfort to Marianna Zapata's books, Wait for It in particular. The book seems so original, and then there are a few scenes where they seem ripped from Zapata, not exactly word-for-word, but way too many very close similarities to be written off as an innocent coincidence... Honestly, these situations rather poisoned my enjoyment of the book.

If you do read the book, I'd recommend reading Wait for It first/as well (it was published 8 years before it looks like).

Borrowed from Kindle Unlimited.
Profile Image for Amanda Gard.
465 reviews12 followers
March 22, 2024
Simply Amazing.

I find it hard to know where to start. It is currently 2 in the morning and I couldn't bring myself to go back to sleep without reading "Just a little bit more." I have no regrets. I absolutely loved this story. It truly sucked me in and refused to let me go. Susie is an utterly amazing FMC. She is so kind, fierce when necessary, and absolutely hilarious. I cannot fault the guys for falling and falling hard for her. She is honestly impossible not to love.

I really appreciated the world building and fleshed out characters. I was rooting for this family so hard. The men are different yet fit together so well. They have so much love to give. Nate was great and such a teenager. Jilly blossomed so much. I just wanted to hug her and tell her how awesome she is.

I cannot fully express how much this story ensnared me. I truly loved everything about it, including a WC backstory I have never seen tackled before. Thank you for the fantastic read Ms. Proserpina!
Profile Image for Bella.
389 reviews
April 19, 2024
5/5 stars

UGH THIS BOOK WAS PERFECT!!!! Omg just like the plot and the characters it is literally so perfect. I love how she is a character driven author because those are the books that I love most. Each character has so much depth to them, it was amazing.

The plot had me captivated the entire time, and it was just amazing. I LOVE how there is no third act breakup, and how it wasn’t anything petty. It was slowburn but it really didn’t feel like it. The relationships felt so natural, like it just flowed throughout the entire book (if that makes sense). From the start to the end is a crazy journey and I was hooked the entire time.

Slowly learning about each characters background had me in a literal chokehold and I absolutely gasped a handful of times. It was just so interesting and it felt to natural to learn about it. Nothing felt forced or weird, and I am so sad that this book is over.
Profile Image for Anna.
837 reviews
March 11, 2024
I love how when one of my favorite authors hasn't released a new book in a while and when they do, you fall in love with their work all over again. Ripley did a fantastic job with this book. These characters are so real. They are middle age adults who have real life issues. They have baggage by the bus loads. Susie is constantly questioning herself on being a real parent when she didn't give birth not realizing that not what makes a parent. All of the guys have their own issues to deal with after their toxic marriage. It shows the reality of being blinded by love and not realizing how wrong you are until after the fact. Nate and Jilly are amazing children who have been through so much and have come out of it stronger and better. I hope one day down the road we can get a book about one of both of them when they grow up. Just an overall great job by Ripley.
Profile Image for KaraReads.
34 reviews1 follower
August 12, 2024
Great story

I really liked that these were older characters who had lived life before finding each other. It meant I did a lot of crying, but... Only downside was a couple of plot inconsistencies I wish an editor had picked up on (a character saying he didn't drink but having drinks in other scenes and even the SAME scene he said he didn't drink and started the scene with something different; guys talking about getting rid of their house in one scene in the evening after kid had gone to bed and easy, instant agreement and the next morning one of them bringing it up and they act like the night before never happened and the is some low key angst about it). That kind of discontinuity in a plot\character driven book drives me up a wall and keeps this from being a five star read for me.
375 reviews4 followers
March 5, 2024
I absolutely loved this book!!! Probably one of my favorites, if not my favorite book that I have read from author, Ripley Proserpina! I loved everything about this story. From the location, to the main characters, Susanna, Troy, Reiner, Luke, and Henry. To their kids, Nate and Jilly. To their ages and everything. The story is so good, so well thought out. Susie is one of my favorite characters. She’s really special, and I just loved that she found her home and her family, when she went back to her hometown. It was beautiful. Their happily ever after was perfect and just what they all needed and deserved! I highly recommend this book!
252 reviews2 followers
March 11, 2024
Older group reverse harem

Contemporary reverse harem of adults with children. This book tells an interesting story of a developing love between an unusual group. The males had been in a rh since high school and have since married and had a daughter. The original wife is now gone. Enter another adult woman who has a teenage adopted son. Each character has emotional baggage, but they proceed to blend into a loving family. The story deals with issues related to towns peoples' attitudes, death in family, evil birth parent and personal growth. It is a mature and entertaining novel.
Profile Image for Nikki.
896 reviews77 followers
March 15, 2024
Rating: 3.5 Stars
POV(s): Multiple—First Person
Relationship: Reverse Harem
Genre(s): Contemporary Romance

Another great read by Ripley Proserpina. It wasn’t my favorite of hers, but I still really enjoyed it!

Title: “Follow You Down” by Ripley Proserpina
Interconnected Series: No
Standalone: Yes
Cliffhanger: No
Triggers: Yes
Third Act Breakup:
➢ Guardian of Child
➢ Single Dads
➢ Single Mom
➢ Slow Burn
➢ Widowed MMCs
Profile Image for Doom Sunshine.
352 reviews14 followers
March 9, 2024
4.5 stars

It was refreshing to read an adult RH where everyone comes with baggage (or life experience) and people actively work on any issues they have.

The MC's are between 38-41 and they act like it.

I also liked how this book deals with the fallout from a toxic relationship on both ends that people didn't know were toxic until they were out of it.

This is a mature romance book; the spice is low but the story is so well thought out. There are some editing issues and a couple mistakes, but overall the plot is solid.
7 reviews
June 14, 2024
This perfect book was perfect

Well, no book is perfectly perfect, but my goodness am I so so so eternally grateful for coming across it and reading it.
I love when characters are written as humans with faults and short comings and hesitations and honest reactions to situations and individualised personalities that impact conversations. And this book is also filled with chilling hurt, but also the softest warmth to combat it.
I will ABSOLUTELY read this book 20+ more times this year.
Profile Image for Robinn Yu.
235 reviews11 followers
March 11, 2024
Great love story between all the characters

This was a little of an emotional read. I love how the author kept it deep and really sincere when the characters get to know each other and fall in love. As a reader, you will fall too. You know it's a great book with great characters when you want to get more and have more than one epilogue. This was a great story of healing and family building.
Profile Image for Alexandra.
199 reviews1 follower
March 12, 2024
Beautiful story!

A beautiful story about thirty-eight year old Susie, moving back to her hometown with her son, to give him a quieter life. What I loved is the build up of each relationship. The banter between Susie and Nate, her son, was funny and adorable at the same time. What I enjoyed the most was that the characters are in their forties with all the maturity that it brings and not the self-doubt that youth tends to have.
Profile Image for Ally.
187 reviews
April 18, 2024
This was just the sort of palette cleanser book I’ve been looking for! It’s about “normal” people who certainly face struggles (and yes, some of it was a little over the top, but not unbelievable), but mainly the focus is on the developing characters/relationships. I really enjoyed that the FMC was actually my age for once too 😆! I loved the banter between Susanna and Nate. Definitely can recommend this one!
Profile Image for LovesBooks24.
20 reviews
April 18, 2024
3.5 ⭐️s Mature leads, fluffy, minimum spice

I enjoyed the book overall, the characters were more mature, so it was low angst as far as miscommunication goes. It was interesting seeing how everyone grew, the kids were fun, but the steam was womp womp. It felt almost like a PG book 🫣. Did I enjoy it, yes. Would I reread it probably not because I like a good story with some fun steamy times. Just one or the other is not enough for me.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 60 reviews

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