With four on the floor, Marvel's newest Ghost Rider puts vengeance in overdrive! Amid an East Los Angeles neighborhood running wild with gang violence and drug trafficking, Robbie Reyes has been given a new awesome power! But can the teen handle it, or will it drive him to a path of destruction? As a war brews in the criminal underworld, the streets of East LA fl are up with drug-fueled gang violence from Dr. Zabo's power-enhancing narcotics - and Mr. Hyde launches a diabolical plan to expand his underground empire. Robbie meets the mysterious entity behind his possession, but will he submit to the sprit inside him and go too far in protecting his neighborhood? The all-new Ghost Rider takes on Mr. Hyde, with all-out action...and a twist that will hit you at 100 mph!
Build a man a fire and he’s warm for a day, turn his head into a flaming skull and he’s Ghost Rider for a lifetime.
Robbie Reyes lives in East L.A. goes to high school, works in a car repair shop and is trying to raise his disabled brother, Gabe, by himself. He borrows a car from the shop in order to win a drag race and get money for a new wheel chair for Gabe, things go awry and he’s transformed into a hot rod version of Ghost Rider (What ever happened to Lady Ghost Rider?). As Robbie learns about his new powers he also struggles with the demon within him for the path he feels would be the right one for fighting injustice in his gang-ridden neighborhood.
He’s got Mr. Hyde, Marvel’s version of the Nutty-Professor-on-steroids, to thank for an influx in pill traffic. Mr. Hyde has moved from NYC, where he was getting his rear-end handed to him by Ant-Man and Squirrel Girl, to Los Angeles, where he wants to spread the pill induced roid-rage to Robbie’s East L.A. neighborhood.
The art reminds of an exaggerated Samurai Jack cartoon but with disproportionately big heads and limbs. Meh.
Bottom line: Not as good as Jason Aaron’s run on this character, but worth a read.
Robbie Reyes is an incredibly responsible teen living in a bad neighborhood. He goes to school full time while working to care for himself and his younger wheelchair bound brother Gabe.
One day Robbie takes a car from the repair place he works in order to race with it. Some armed men appear and when Robbie tries to surrender he's murdered...but there is something special about Robbie that even he didn't know. He doesn't stay dead long.
I just found out there was an All-New Ghost Rider and I wondered why I hadn't heard about him...and then I started reading the volume. Not great. The artwork is kind of goofy and Ghost Rider looks like Ichigo Kurosaki when he was using the hollow mask.
The writing seemed weak as well. Perhaps it's because I've never lived in a city let alone the barrio, but it just seemed overly stereotyped. Needless to say I wasn't really enjoying it.
All-New Ghost Rider right now is basically Ghost Rider in the barrio. That just happens to be as odd as Leprechaun in the Hood.
Still a teenager in high school, he must look after and support his wheelchair-bound little brother, Gabe, in the absence of his deadbeat parents, and work an after-school job at a body shop. They live in a crime-ridden neighbourhood in LA, gangs operating on every street corner, drugs and guns everywhere, while Robbie spends each day telling himself he’ll get them out there, him and Gabe, out somewhere safe, somehow…
Then one day Gabe’s beaten up by some thugs from Robbie’s school and his electric wheelchair stolen. It becomes the last straw and Robbie knows he has to do something drastic to get them out. He steals a souped-up gangster car and enters an illegal street race with the prize at $50k – enough to start over with a new life.
But Robbie stole the wrong car. In the boot are bags of a new pill created by the evil Dr Zabo which his private army of mercenaries hunt and kill Robbie for. As his life ebbs away from him, the pain and rage of his life calls out to a kindred spirit – the Spirit of Vengeance! Robbie Reyes is... the All New Ghost Rider!
OK - this is a really decent comic but let’s be clear: it’s also pretty simplistic, story-wise. It’s kinda manipulative to have some one-dimensional dickheads beat up a kid in a wheelchair – I mean, what else are you supposed to feel except anger at such a despicable act?
And the main villain is your cookie-cutter mad scientist who, when drinking a potion, turns into a vicious monster. It’s so unsubtle, the creature is actually called Mr Hyde! The other villain is as one-dimensional as you can get – a gangsta psycho called Grumpy who goes from drug dealing prick to pouring handfuls of pills down his gullet as he transforms into this frothing juiced-out lunatic!
Then there’s the Good Will Hunting aspect to Robbie. Turns out he’s a wicked smaht kid but he doesn’t apply himself because he’s got other worries like keeping his kid brother safe and, y’know, the whole Ghost Rider dealio. Come on.
Felipe Smith adopts the tried and true Garth Ennis/Punisher MAX template. This is when you have awful people do terrible things to innocents for most of the story then in the last act you have the hero emerge and smack the everloving shit out of the villains. I have to say though, even knowing what Smith was doing, with the characters and the story, it’s still damn effective and I was drawn in deep as the tension was built up towards the finale when Ghost Rider goes nuts. Hey, it’s simple but it works.
I should also say that this Ghost Rider eschews the traditional motorcycle with flaming tyres motif and opts instead for a car, perhaps to appeal to the Fast & Furious crowd. As if that wasn’t a populist enough move, Robbie’s look is near-identical to One Direction’s Zayn Malik (to my credit, I had to google his name)! But that’s fine, Robbie doesn’t sing little girl songs and the two wheel/four wheel thing isn’t essential to the character of Ghost Rider, as you’ll see in the book - he works fine in either vehicle.
What puts All New Ghost Rider Vol 1 over the top is Tradd Moore. Moore was the artist on Image Comics’ Luther Strode series which is about a schoolboy becoming the avatar of violence, so it was a no-brainer for Marvel editors to look at that series and pick out Moore to draw this book which is about a schoolboy becoming the avatar for the Spirit of Vengeance!
Moore’s art - like all art, really - is difficult to describe with just words, so take a google at some of it yourself to decide whether you like it or not. Personally, there’s no question - this dude’s art is incredible, true-blue gorgeous - but people are funny (read: wrong). There’s an urgency to his work, an energy that’s brimming over and, when it does, it flows beautifully on the page - essential for a book featuring high speed chases and super-charged action. If anyone else had drawn this book, I wouldn’t rate it so highly, but with Moore drawing, it’s supremely elevated. Moore takes Smith’s decent script and turns the book into a must-read, for his contributions alone.
Speaking of Luther Strode (and if you haven’t read that series, check it out, it’s really good), Ghost Rider isn’t nearly as gory or hyper-violent, but I do feel Marvel should’ve gone for a MAX series with this one. There’s gang violence, constant swearing (all *!%$ out of course), drug use aplenty not to mention one very visceral scene where a character is ripped in half! Making it a MAX title (which means adults only) would’ve suited this series and allowed the creators free reign to portray a more authentic ghetto LA. But I guess then you miss out on the younger audience and therefore opportunity to make more money.
All New Ghost Rider Vol 1 certainly isn’t the most sophisticated comic you’ll read, nor is it complex even by Marvel standards, but it has style and verve to spare, and definitely held my attention from start to finish. It’s a very enjoyable and visceral read with stunning art - easily one of the highlights from Marvel this year. Check it out!
3.5 stars. This was pretty cool. We see Robbie become the new Ghost Rider. Crazy situation how he’s only in High school but is taking care of his younger brother who in a wheel chair. The neighborhood is jacked up and some messed up stuff happens which gives Robbie all the motivation he needs to become the spirit of vengeance and fight back. Tradd Moore’s art works great with this. He draws a mean Ghost Rider and car. Plus he made the action sequences look awesome. Looking forward to vol 2.
So I've seen the Nicholas Cage movie and I'm currently watching SHIELD so I wanted to read the comic it's based on. I know the Cage movie is a different Ghost Rider but I figured it would give me the foundation to understand this series.
Not only does this differ from the SHIELD version, it's also pretty awful. The art style is hideous and doesn't really fit with the dark storyline. That's not even the most annoying thing I ran into though. I think about 33% of the dialogue in this book was censored swear words. Really? People are getting shot and there's blood and extreme violence but swearing crosses the line? Come on, this was just dumb. The other 66% of the dialogue was weird slang and untranslated Spanish, which yeah you can understand through context but this just added to the lazy writing. Also, the Ghost Rider's name is Eli and calls thugs "rubbish." Just ... what is this?
Oh....My....Gosh, No...just...no!!! So on paper, when you hear people talking about it, this book sounds like it ticks the right boxes: Completely new Interpretation of the character, a Latino character to add some diversity, Ghost rider drives a car instead of a bike... So what happened? Well first off, I don't know if its just me, but the artwork sucks, everyone in this book looks like a cartoon ragdoll; and have cartoon expressions, on each page, too cartoony! And the story, Oh my gosh no! So basically , we have Robbie Reyes, goes to high school, works has a car mechanic, all so that he can, take care of his little brother, at night he drags race, one day he almost dies, but Ghost Rider posses him, making him the new Ghost Rider(This part I did like)! While this is going on, there's some scientist, making pink pills, so that when you take them, turn into monsters, why? Who the hell knows! I also didn't like Ghost Riders design! Overall I liked this book, just as much as Ghost Rider 2, and that was horrible!
Новият Ездач е почти пълна противоположнаст на стария (от май единствения друг брой от поредицата, посветен на него): Детайлните и прецизни рисунки са заменени от такива като от съвременна американска анимация. Хорърът е заменен от генгста-екшън. Измъчваният от вътрешни противоречия антигерой е заменен от застрелян (т'ва в буквалния смисъл) тийнейджър с тежък живот. Самият Ездач е Шофьор, като май единствено това не ми е проблем. Вероятно тази версия на персонажа би се сторила по-атрактивна на съвременните тийнове, ама за бивши такива не става. Има добри неща, най-вече свързани с колата, ама иначе - тцъ. 3,5
I have mixed feelings about this one. We are introduced to a new Ghost Rider. This one drives a car rather than a motorcycle, and seems to have little ties to the GR's we've seen before, although not much has been revealed about his origin. The story is set in East L.A. and features Mr. Hyde as the main villain.
The art is different. It's a bit of a manga style, and seems a little cartoony for this storyline.
I don't know if I'll be reading the next volume. This one wasn't bad, but it wasn't really good either.
A ghost rider story I LIKE? Who would have guessed! It really is a fun as heck story to read. Fast paced, amazing art, some wonderful fight scenes, and a main character you can really get behind. Not to mention a story and setting that are out of the norm with Marvel. Some over the top dialog can't stop this one too much. It's just toooooo fun to read and I will get Volume 2 right away!
Свеж полъх след няколко доста отегчителни броя. Артът на Трад Муур не беше точно моята бира - в доста от панелите се губех и трябваше да въртя албума насам-натам, за да добия по-ясна представа какво точно се случва - обаче по шантав начин се вписа в ориентираната към малко по-млада аудитория история. И тя определено ми хареса – не блестеше с кой знае каква оригиналност, но пък беше достатъчно плътна и фокусирана, без традиционното стълпотворение от герои, чиито имена нямат запомняне. По симпатичност (и сюжетно сходство) нареждам този брой до "Ястребово око: Животът ми като оръжие" и двете части на "Наказателя: Здравей отново, Франк".
Super-stylised art makes up for the stock-standard "revenge porn because someone helpless gets treated badly" origin story.
Not to mention some very pedestrian exposition dump in the form of one side of a phone conversation where the speaker wouldn't say so many awkwardly shoehorned in facts. (Why of course...or whatever the mad scientist says in front of the soldier)
Plus Tradd Moore gets to play with horribly bloody scenes of ultraviolence that he so loves to draw...
This goddamn story, doesn't even have the decency to pass the Bechdel test:
I got it! This is an homage to 80's gang-banger movies. Maybe Robbie Reyes is meant to be the Emilio Estevez character? And all the ridiculous stereotypes are meant to be ironic. Man I feel better having figured this out. Otherwise I'd be worried this is just a terrible story written by someone who has no business writing comics in 2014. That'd be awful wouldn't it?
Yeah, that's enough of Tradd Moore and/or Felipe Smith for this boy. Someday soon I hope they outgrow this overrated dreck.
Kinda confused as to why the Rider refers to itself as a human spirit named Eli. What's up with that teacher? The Dragon ball Z art work really looks like shit.
Esta es mi segunda lectura de esta serie, la primera vez que lo leí fue en formato de grapas en inglés mes con mes, pero algo pasó en la tienda y cancelaron mi suscripción, así que la última mitad del segundo tomo no la pude leer en su momento. Encontré los dos volúmenes en menos de cien pesos por tomo y aproveché para finalmente acabar esta historia. Lo más impresionante de esta serie es el arte y lo fresco de la propuesta, aunque la trama palidece en algunos aspectos y creo que la historia que estaban contando pudo ser un poco más profunda. El nuevo Ghost Rider se llama Robbie Reyes y lo interesante de él es que es una persona que trabaja, estudia la prepa, y tiene que cuidar a su hermano Gabe que tiene una discapacidad. Este primer tomo utiliza la típica fórmula de Marvel para mostrarte situaciones crudas y sentimientos fuertes para hacer que sientas a sus personajes y que te sientas conmovido por lo que está sucediendo. Es muy sencillo identificarse con Robbie y sentirse indignado. Lo vemos esforzarse por ser mejor cada día pero en un entorno de pandillas y drogas donde la violencia y la injusticia es todo lo que ve. Es difícil mantenerse como un hombre "bueno" bajo esas circunstancias. La historia de Robbie y Eli, el espíritu de la venganza de este nuevo Ghost Rider, es una historia de hacer lo correcto aunque los métodos no sean correctos. Y es una historia de un hombre que quiere ser un héroe pero los poderes que le tocaron no son precisamente de uno. Mi problema con este tomo es el villano. Dr. Zabo como Mr. Hyde solo es un villano uni dimensional con un plan de dominar el mundo de los carteles en Los Ángeles. No hay más detrás de él y tampoco le interesa a los autores contarnos nada más sobre el. Pero está bien, funciona para la transformación de Ghost Rider y da espacio para mejores villanos en el segundo tomo. El arte de Tradd Moore es impresionante, dinámico, vívido y lleno de colores vibrantes que le imprimen la sensación de velocidad a esta serie, definitivamente un deleite visual. El primer tomo es más fuerte que el segundo pero me emociona ver el encuentro de Robbie con Johnny, el anterior Ghost Rider, y ver qué sucede entre ellos.
I'm trying to figure out a way to express just how much I loved this, because otherwise I'm just gonna end up keysmashing the entire review while making ridiculous noises. The art is beautiful, the characters are just so painfully endearing that all I wanna do is wrap them up in a big warm hug and see them be happy, and the writing is just so much fun. I don't think that I've had this much fun with a comic in a really long time. I'd highly recommend anyone looking for a good comic to READ THIS.
Long live Robbie Reyes! I'm really rooting for him both in his personal life and as he struggles to use his new abilities and not succumb to the demon's insistence to literally burn everything around him to the ground. The first volume is filled with a lot of over-the-top gang violence that I'm hoping will not be indicative of the entire run, but it's really Robbie as a character that I love about this new Ghost Rider - I'm sure I'll stick around as long as Marvel keeps him in the role.
I mean, c'mon, gangsters stealing a kid's wheelchair? That seems a little cartoonishly evil, no? If you need to prove someone is evil, you could probably do it in SOME way other than having them knock a kid out of his wheelchair in an alley and taking the chair for...riding around in?
There was a kid in my old neighborhood who had an electric wheelchair, and his friend (or brother or cousin, who knows?) would always hop on the back and ride on it. They'd cruise around in the bike lane pretty fast. On one hand, I was like, "Lil' dudes, that's not a ride!" On the other, I was like, "Hey, if you've figured out a way to do wheelchair shit that's fun, who am I to judge?"
This version of Ghost Rider drives a car instead of a motorcycle, and I never thought of myself as a comics traditionalist before, but I guess this is where I draw the line. Because I'm sorry, flaming motorcycle is cooler than flaming car. It just is. We ALL know this to be true.
Which is why the best thing in the Ghost Rider movies will always be Sam Eliot riding a flaming skeleton horse, horses being the motorcycles of their time (I know what you're thinking: Pete, horses were the cars of their time? Oh, really? Then what about carriages, asshole!? Can you imagine Ghost Rider on a carriage? Wouldn't that be stupid?).
Would Ghost Rider in an arctic environment drive a snowplow? No, he'd drive a snowmobile.
Would ghost rider, if he took to the skies, fly a 747? No, he'd fly a fighter jet.
Now, I WOULD be open to the idea of Ghost Rider driving a minivan in a pinch. Wouldn't that be grand? Ghost Rider and some Avengers or something are stuck in a supermarket parking lot, they need to get somewhere fast to stop...I don't know Kang, and they all look at Ghost Rider, who quickly scans the parking lot and sees one lone minivan?
25 años han pasado desde que leí mi primer cómic del Motorista Fantasma, eran principios de los noventa y Howard Mackie y Javier Saltares sorprendieron con una propuesta inteligente, intensa, violenta, la primera serie adulta para el adolescente que por entonces era, una en la que Kingpin se mostraba como un enemigo temible y Apagón que debutaría en el segundo número sencillamente causaba pavor. Aquella serie era hija de su tiempo, el comportamiento de los personajes, el tipo de historias que se contaban, esos momentos durísimos y que tenían consecuencias… El Motorista Fantasma es evidente que dejó huella en mi yo adolescente y ese cariño al personaje ha perdurado con el paso de los años a pesar de que hemos pasado desde entonces por alguna que otra etapa de calidad más que dudosa.
El caso es que como si de una celebración se tratase, un cuarto de siglo después volvemos a tener una nueva encarnación del espíritu de la venganza, que curiosamente, y por raro que nos parezca, esta vez sí disfruta de una traducción más próxima al concepto original, lo divertido es que haya tenido que cambiar el personaje de vehículo de automoción para que se produzca el cambio de nombre en España. Que el vehículo flamígero sea ahora un coche en vez de la moto de las dos encarnaciones anteriores no es el único cambio y es que no son ni Danny ni Johnny los protagonista de esta nueva etapa sino un joven adolescente llamado Robbie Reyes de los suburbios de Los Ángeles, un chaval que compagina los estudios en el instituto con su trabajo en un taller de coches para con ese dinero salir adelante junto con su hermano que tiene una disminución física. Esta manía de rejuvenecer a algunos de sus héroes se está convirtiendo en práctica habitual, de esta forma hemos visto como Loki volvía a ser adolescente e incluso protagonizar su propia serie regular (muy recomendable por cierto), o como Nova la protagoniza ahora el jovencísimo Sam Alexander. Para aquellos que llevamos años asociando un personaje a una identidad se hace francamente raro el cambio, aun así entiendo la motivación de Marvel buscando la renovación y la captación de nuevos lectores que se interesen por sus historias.
Centrándonos en el Piloto Fantasma, es innegable que el guionista Felipe Smith ha tratado de ofrecer un producto diferente, ha ubicado al protagonista en un barrio conflictivo, y con conflictivo me refiero a un barrio en el que circula la droga libremente y que la noche se vea interrumpida por sonido de disparos sea algo habitual, en medio de todo eso presenta a Robbie como un chico responsable y que como Peter Parker cincuenta años atrás es el blanco de los matones de la clase aunque en esta ocasión las amenazas pasan de ser leves empujones a palizas e incluso amenazas a punta de pistola. El único objetivo de Robbie es conseguir el suficiente dinero para poder salir junto a su hermano de ese suburbio, y justamente esas ansias por reunir dinero tendrá consecuencias funestas para él y con ellas el desencadenante que le llevará a convertirse en el nuevo espíritu de la venganza, y si con Danny Ketch vimos que tocar la moto en el vertedero con las manos llenas de sangre inocente, en esta ocasión la escena es similar en su fondo pero con el coche que el coche deportivo que el mismo estaba arreglando en el taller. Los paralelismos están ahí pero insisto, al leerlo se nota que el guionista se ha esforzado en que suena a historia nueva. Más allá de la presentación de Robbie, su entorno, esta nueva encarnación, su vehículo, sus poderes, la trama se alimenta de la enésima guerra entre bandas por drogas con la salvedad que en esta ocasión uno de los bandos está dirigido nada menos que por Mr. Hyde, y de nuevo me veo obligado a volver a los noventa, y el recuerdo de Kingpin, de Apagón,… aquellos villanos se antojaban terribles, despiadados, y aunque Mr. Hyde funciona de forma correcta en la trama si lo comparamos con los dos villanos anteriormente citados se queda corto como amenaza. Ojo, no digo que el personaje esté mal desarrollado, o que no sea capaz el guionista de trasladar al lector sus motivaciones, sino de que si el lector tiene presente el trabajo de Mackie quizás lo pueda ver como un tanto descafeinado.
Dicho esto, y si hago el ejercicio de dejar de lado las odiosas comparaciones me encuentro con que en el fondo he disfrutado enormemente con la lectura de este primer volumen, está lleno de momentos ingeniosos, el desarrollo de los personajes es más que notable, la sensación de violencia, de lo mal que Robbie lo tiene que estar pasando en ese barrio está más que conseguida, y el cambio de la moto por el coche me parece de lo más novedoso y bien llevado, como síntoma de que estamos ante una obra francamente buena decir que estamos ante un volumen que se lee en una sentada, y no porque se trate de una lectura ligera, sino porque está tan sumamente bien escrito y todo tan bien orquestado que consigue que pases páginas casi sin darte cuenta consiguiendo una inmersión total en la historia. Si el guión de Felipe Smith resulta de lo más estimulante, el dibujo de Tradd Moore lo podríamos catalogar como sorprendente y espectacular, jamás me imaginé que un dibujo más próximo al cartoon que al realista – más adecuado quizás para este tipo de historias pero lo cierto es que se convierte en el protagonista absoluto de este primer volumen con unas composiciones arriesgadas, y una elasticidad que hacía mucho tiempo no veía con un resultado que habla por sí sólo, si hubiera que buscarle un pequeño pero a su estilo quizás decir que en alguna escena su gusto por lo barroco hace de la viñeta un pelín confusa en alguna escena de acción pero nada que le reste brillo al trabajo más que impecable que aquí realiza.
Estamos ante un estreno prometedor, con un Felipe Smith que sabe lo que hace creando tramas interesantes y llevando a cabo una definición de personajes excelente, una serie en la que coge la esencia del concepto Ghost Rider y lo moldea sentando las bases para un personaje que a buen seguro nos va a traer muchas alegrías, si además a esto le añadimos que tal y como explica mi compañero Arturo Porras en este magnífico artículo pronto tendremos de vuelta a las anteriores encarnaciones del personaje, ¿que más podemos pedir?
While I liked (and appreciated) taking an established (white, male) hero and creating a more diverse legacy hero to carry on the mantle, I feel like this volume should have actually been published by a different company than Marvel. A lot of the content WANTED to be PG-13 or R, but it couldn't (although the script was written that way). Instead, we have a laughable amount of #&^*@ and thinly veiled references to other activities that would accompany a gang lifestyle. In the end, Robbie Reyes was cool, the possessed car was an interesting twist, the villain behind the scenes (Mr. Hyde) was quite menacing for a D-list character. Buuuuuut, the main villain (Grumpy the gangster) and his drug-induced transformation was a bit much for my palate.
Seria ta pokazała, że Robbie Reyes jest idealnym następcą Ghost Ridera i bardzo dobrym oraz ciekawym, nowym nabytkiem uniwersum Marvela, który może w dużym stopniu zaznaczyć tam swoją pozycję, po prostu cudo!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Now that was a surprise. I came across a mention of this book on a year-end ten best list and decided to take a chance.
This is a fun comic that actually feels very outside the Marvel brand in a lot of ways. Robbie Reyes is a true hero, a young man taking care of his (sappily) adorable little brother in the barrio. Their simple, affectionate relationship is the perfect counter to all the testosterone fueled mayhem that powers the action.
The art is kinetic and colorful, although I wasn't always sure just what was going on.
Solid first arc. The art totally makes the story-not that the writing is bad, it isn't, not at all, but this is a really great case where Moore and Staples take what Smith gave them to work with and just kind of amplify everything it had going for it. The visuals just complement the story so well which has its charms all on its own.
I know it has fans tho I kind of wonder if a book like this would have had a longer life if it had been put out by vertigo or image, since tonally this feels really outside the Marvel brand. But anyways I recommend.
This book started out promising but turned into a big mess quickly. I really had to force myself to get through it, and I won't be even bothering to continue trying with this title.
The art style I can only describe as...difficult. Definitely interesting to look at IF you enjoy stylized monsters, skulls, fire, and gang violence.
New ghost rider. I kind of like Robbie Reyes and his world. But this book is a mess. Incoherent art. Dumb story around Dr. Zabo aka Mr. Hyde - which is interesting enough in that it should vaguely tie into Agent of SHIELD, though I very much doubt it. I really haven't like any of the incarnations of Ghost Rider all that much, so this one wasn't that much of a disappointment.