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A good girl goes fabulously bad in the final book in New York Times bestselling author Sophie Jordan’s sexy New Adult romance series, in which three Ivy League suite-mates seek higher knowledge of just how far they can go.

Months after her boyfriend dumped her, Georgia can still hear the insults he hurled at her. Boring. Predictable. Tame. Tired of feeling bad, she’s ready to change her image, and go a little wild. What better way to prove her ex wrong than a hot night of sexual adventure at the secret campus kink club?

In the shadowy den of the kink club, she unexpectedly runs into Logan Mulvaney, her friend’s little brother. A player extraordinaire too hot for his own good, he may be younger, but the guy is light years ahead when it comes to sexual experience. Now he’s telling her to go home—“good girls” don’t belong here!

Georgia is tired of having others define her. She’s going to teach Logan a lesson he won’t forget—one white hot, mind-wrecking kiss . . . that leads to another . . . and another . . . and. . . . Realizing she’s way in over her head, Georgia runs.

Only Logan won’t let her go. Everywhere she goes he’s there, making her want every inch of him. Making her forget who she is. Who he is. And just how wrong they are for each other.

288 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 18, 2014

About the author

Sophie Jordan

67 books8,466 followers
Sharie Kohler

Sophie Jordan took her adolescent daydreaming one step further and penned her first historical romance in the back of her high school Spanish class. This passion led her to pursue a degree in English and History.

A brief stint in law school taught her that case law was not nearly as interesting as literature - teaching English seemed the natural recourse. After several years teaching high school students to love Antigone, Sophie resigned with the birth of her first child and decided it was time to pursue the long-held dream of writing.

In less than three years, her first book, Once Upon A Wedding Night, a 2006 Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice Nominee for Best First Historical, hit book shelves. Her second novel, Too Wicked To Tame, released in March 2007 with a bang, landing on the USA Today Bestseller's List.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 624 reviews
Profile Image for Wendy Darling.
1,925 reviews34.3k followers
February 20, 2015
2.5 stars How disappointing. The first Ivy Chronicles book was terrific, the second one was a stereotypical NA without any surprises, and the third? The third one is all over the place.

As always, the author writes great chemistry between her couple, but I never really bought the kink clubs Georgia kept going to, and she got SO annoyingly spineless in flip flopping in the way she treated Logan. Although she eventually stands up for herself against her cliche of a domineering, wealthy mom and also declares her relationship with Logan publicly, there was so much hurtful public rejection before that that the decision seemed sudden and not altogether entirely convincing. As for Logan, I like alpha males, but he seemed way too pushy in a lot of scenarios for my taste, and conversely, also gave up way too easily in others. Other loose threads that go nowhere: Rachel, the unfriendly BFF. Amber, the sister. The random love of guitar. Research internship. Drunken dad. Pretzel bread sandwich. Blah.

Also, it stretches credulity that a high school senior boy would be sexually confident to this degree, especially in knowing how to talk to women and being so absolutely aggressive while still supposedly sensitive. Even if he got started early and has been through a bunch of girls, it's not the same level of maturity and finesse that comes with time and experience. This might've been more believable if they'd been aged up a few years, I guess. There's still not a lot of substance to their relationship other than sexually, though. Very little flirting and only a passing nod at truly meaningful connection.

Overall, this one didn't seem very cohesive to me. A shame, because FOREPLAY was so sexy and fun! Hoping the author writes another NA romance that comes close to that one sometime in the future.
Profile Image for Patrycja.
639 reviews4,057 followers
November 22, 2014

Title: Wild
Series: The Ivy Chronicles #3
Author: Sophie Jordan
Release Date: 18 November, 2014
Rating: 4 stars
Cliffhanger:. No

I just love reading new adult books, especially when they are all fluff and sweet, sweet love. It’s a great escape from my boring reality. When the right mood strikes me the sweeter the book is the better! That’s why I enjoy Sophie Jordan’s Ivy Chronicles. It’s so fluffy, so predictable and yet I seem not to be able to not like it to pieces.

Wild is just like that; sweet, sexy, intense and oh did I mention it’s super-HOT? So yes, I very much enjoyed new addition to Sophie Jordan’s series, but frankly, I didn’t adored it as much as Foreplay. Still though, Wild is incredibly good, yummy story with amazing hero. But no matter how much I seemed to like Wild, I just loved Reece and Pepper story more.

Wild is a story about Georgia and Logan, Reece’s younger brother. I’ve met them in previous books, so I knew that they were complete opposites. And I really couldn’t wait to see how they will evolve and fall in love.

Georgia is sweet, innocent, responsible girl. The girl who can do no wrong. She’s trapped in a life where she’s doing exactly what her parents and boyfriend want from her. She doesn’t have much to say. It’s wearing her out bit by bit.

So when her boyfriend of four years tells her she’s boring and breaks up with her, Georgia is crushed. She finally had enough of being naïve and innocent. She doesn’t want to be boring anymore; she wants to be free, she wants to be wild. So she went to the kink club. There, she saw Logan who was heavily making out with two other college girls. She couldn’t take her eyes of off him.

Logan is younger; Logan is a man whore. Logan is wild. Logan is everything Georgia shouldn’t want. So why did she kiss him and changed their lives? She’s not sure. The passionate kiss Georgia and Logan shared made them crave each other so much more.

Wild is intense. It’s sexy and a little bit crazy too. I completely swooned over Logan Mulvaney. He was awesome! I only wished the author would reveal a little bit more of the real him. I felt like we only just skimmed the surface.

Jordan clearly knows how to write a good new adult story; the sexual chemistry between the main characters was tantalizing. The sparks flew everywhere! I am still blushing while thinking about some scenes.

“There is no ‘us.’”

“Oh, but there will be. We both know why you came tonight.” His fingers flexed, each digit a burning imprint on my forearms.

“Yeah?” Was that breathy croak my voice? “Why?”

“Because you haven’t been able to forget what it felt like to kiss me, and you want to know if the rest of it will be that good, too.” He bit down on my earlobe and a whimper escaped my lips. “It will be.”

I couldn’t stop reading. I really devoured this novel in a matter of few hours. It’s smooth and easy story with enough heat to make a reader burn. The drama is on a low level, with angst almost nonexistent. The story is just pure fun. So, if that’s what you are after then Wild will be great read for you. I highly recommend picking it up!


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Profile Image for Irene.
856 reviews109 followers
July 26, 2024
Still a solid 5 stars the 3rd time...

Re read 08/11/17
This story is so much fun. Georgia and Logan couldn't be more different but somehow they are perfect for each other.
Georgia is a southern belle, always doing things by the book, tame, obedient, labelled as "The GOOD Girl".
On the other hand Logan is too young but life have thrown him many curve balls, so he had to grow up pretty fast. And of course he's a ladies man.
Out of the two of them, Logan acted as the mature one, he was very certain about his desires and acknowledged pretty fast that what he and Georgia had was more than a fling.
I loved the way their story evolved even though the parts about the "kink club" weren't my favorite.
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,278 reviews956 followers
February 25, 2021
Hmmm... reading this book can not be in more right for me. I can relate to Georgia. I have goosebumps on my skin reading her story and her family background. I think this book reminds me to let it loose. Be Wild.

What I do not understand is the big deal of everyone about Logan and Georgia attraction. Both of them are adult and consenting on their feeling. I do not like how Reed judge Logan. Miss Jordan brings this story alive with right combination.
I only wish I can have Logan's POV.

Overall this is a wonderful book.

4 stars
Profile Image for Trina.
902 reviews3,897 followers
July 9, 2019
Lots of denying-your-feelings angst. I felt there was a lack of consent. The main character would say no, and the guy would basically say he knew she wanted to do whatever sexual thing, and then they do whatever it is and we're supposed to believe it's okay because she DID always want it and was just holding herself back. Which, listen, books are a safe space to explore your kink if that's what it is, but again, I would only recommend this to discerning adults who know this is only a fantasy and that 'NO' should have been the end of it.

Otherwise, it's stupidly compelling and I could not put it down. Like, I want this type of story (college, companion romances), but with healthier relationships. Anyone got recs?
Profile Image for BookLover.
387 reviews80 followers
November 10, 2016
One way to bring a four star read to a three star read for me is to have a hero/heroine who perpetually denies themselves happiness in a relationship for what I feel is not realistic reasons. Wild was one of these reads for me.

I loved the chemistry between Georgia and Logan. Logan was all kinds of sexy goodness! I loved him. Georgia…not so much…

Are you embarrassed, Georgia? You don’t want them to see me with you? Don’t want Pepper and Reece to know about us?”

“There is no ’us’.”

“Oh, but there will be…”

I didn’t love Georgia’s reasoning for pushing Logan away at every turn. I didn’t really identify with her battle to please her mom and not be like her father. Despite that, I did enjoy the book.
Profile Image for Floripiquita.
1,391 reviews158 followers
December 8, 2017
Me encantó el primer libro de esta saga y tenía muchas ganas de leer la historia de Logan. El como protagonista no me ha decepcionado, Georgia y su ahora sí ahora no, ya es otro cantar. Entiendo que sin eso no habría trama, pero llega a ser bastante cansina.

Me ha hecho gracia el club de perversion de pacotilla de la Universidad y tampoco he entendido muy bien que todo el mundo crea que Logan en su vida sexual es "diferente", como si se refirieran a que le gusta el BDSM, cuando lo que hace es tener sexo con cualquiera que se le ponga a tiro. Vamos, lo que suele hacer cualquier chico de su edad.
Profile Image for Anto M..
1,067 reviews91 followers
February 24, 2022
"Una persona è quello che fa quando nessuno la guarda".

Affidabile e seria sono gli aggettivi con cui viene definita Georgia, protagonista del terzo volume della Ivy Chronicles. Niente di male se poi, a questi due aggettivi si aggiunge il "noiosa" usato dal suo fidanzato storico per darle il benservito, è inevitabile che Georgia abbia l'impulso e la reazione di provare, innanzitutto a se stessa, di non essere quello che gli altri pensano di lei. Quale migliore occasione che di ricevere un invito a partecipare a una serata in un club perverso? È proprio lì che avviene l'incontro con Logan, il fratello di Reece, protagonista maschile del primo volume della serie, i cui aggettivi per definirlo non sarebbero esattamente gli stessi di Georgia, casomai, i contrari!!!
Ma si sa, gli opposti si attraggono e...
Questo romanzo ha le caratteristiche che ci si aspetta da questo tipo di storie, nulla di eclatante, ma piacevole da leggere. Lei porta un po' all'esasperazione con i suoi "vorrei, ma non posso", ma alla fine si capisce che è una ragazza schiacciata dal volere dei suoi genitori e una grande paura di vivere come vuole la sua vita.
Lasciamo da parte le mie considerazioni sulla cover, che, come le altre della serie, c'entra come il cavolo a merenda.
Profile Image for Laci .
1,015 reviews
November 19, 2014
UPDATE 11/19/14


Loved the teaser at the end of Tease

God I hope he teaches her dirty dirty things.

I'm so pissed right now, ugh! Less then 24 hours is what it took me to finish this book and now I'm mad as hell that it's over.

What can I say,

On one hand I'm like:
that was fantasic

but on the other hand, I'm like:
because it's over.

Read this series. Her stories pull you in. You get invested in her characters. I absoluetly love this bunch and I'm so sad that's it over.

Btw, did I mention how sad I am it's over.

I am in no way shape of form a historial reader. 1 is the number of historicals I've read, but she leaves me no choice. I need my Sophie Jordan fixed.
Profile Image for Jen.
1,080 reviews92 followers
November 17, 2014
Is it just me or is it hot in here? *fans face*

My first reaction to WILD was... 

And then I was like...

Because I completely swooned over Logan Mulvaney and felt like a total creeper for doing so!

Not really. 

Okay, maybe a little. 

Having read and enjoyed the first two books in this series, I thought I knew what to expect when it came to Logan Mulvaney. I mean, the boy has earned himself quite the reputation, and to a certain extent, he is every bit the bad boy Georgia thinks he is. 

But I was wrong. 

Like most people, there is more to Logan and his lips story than meets the eye! Is he perfect? No. But he IS a good guy, a REALLY good guy.
Georgia is used to following the rules and playing it safe. Getting involved with Logan, the eighteen year old little brother of her BFF's boyfriend who is still in high school has BAD IDEA written all over it--in neon pink glitter paint.

And yet. 

There's something about Logan that Georgia can't seem to resist. 

(My inner me who is single and only twenty years old agrees.)

The more time she spends with him, the more Georgia fears losing. Her friends' respect, her family's financial support, maybe even herself. But Logan Mulvaney is used to getting what he wants and he wants Georgia. He puts himself on the line for her time and time again, but will it be enough? 

While I understood why Georgia made the choices she did, there were many times I wanted to tell her to put her big girl panties on! And then there was Logan...

I LOVE when characters turn out even better than I hoped they would be, and that's what Logan does. He pursued Georgia in a way that was sweet, funny and a whole lotta...

Fans of The Ivy Chronicles will NOT be disappointed!
Profile Image for Fanny.
2,386 reviews52 followers
January 31, 2018

Wild es el tercer y ultimo libro de la trilogia The Ivy Chronicles escrita por Sophie Jordan y narra la historia de Logan y Georgia.

Aun sigo sorprendida con este libro, lo inicie sin mucha fe ( principalmente por las reseñas que lei ) pero me sorprendio gratamente.

La historia en un principio no me parecio nada impresionante pero con el paso de los capitulos fue agradandome cada vez mas, algo similar me ocurrio con la pareja protagonista, al comienzo no me convencian como pareja pero terminaron gustandome bastante, obviamente no es la historia de amor mas romantica ni sentimental pero me gusto como se desarrollo su historia y aunque en ocasiones tuve la tentacion de golpear a Georgia por su actitud, ahora que he reposado un poco la lectura no puedo evitar llegar a entender su actitud, demasiado bien salio despues de tener que aguantar a una madre como la suya.

Esta trilogia sin llegar a ser sorprendente, me resulto muy entretenida, agil de leer y con unas parejas que me hicieron pasar muy buenos momentos.

En fin, Wild es una novela muy recomendable, puede que no sea el libro de tu vida pero te mantendra distraida y lo mejor de todo es que es rapida y fresca, ideal para leer entre lecturas mas complejas.

3.25 Estrellas!
Profile Image for Catherine Crook.
586 reviews16 followers
September 30, 2014
Sophie Jordan is an incredibly talented author who pens the Ivy Chronicles, among other titles. Wild is the final installment of her series, and let me tell you - she goes out with a bang!!!

Wild releases November 18th, 2014.
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Oh Sophie! This book was AMAZING. I loved the first two books in this series, but this one... this one was perfection. I am so glad I didn't have to wait til November to read this, but I cannot wait for a print copy to sit on my shelf. It was that beautiful. I loved that Georgia was the final book. We learned to love Georgia in the last 2 books, but so much was revealed in this final installment. And when Logan sets his sights on Pearls (his nickname for Georgia) she is in for a WILD ride.

"I want to do things to you... things a clean, vanilla girl like you never dreamed of. Things that tool boyfriend of yours never came close to doing to you."

Logan is Reece's promiscuous little brother who has made his way through half the undergrad's at Dartford while working on his high school diploma. Yes! You read that right, this playboy is a Senior who pitches on his school's baseball team. Georgia would never see him as anything more than Reece's kid brother. (Manwhore was a nickname used often when referring to Logan) Logan on the other hand was intrigued by Georgia when he first met her.

"...'Character is what you do when no one's looking.' Well, I was looking, Georgia. And I've been looking ever since..."

Georgia is adjusting to life without her ex-boyfriend of 4+ years. This path takes her to the Kink club with Annie, and she finds herself incredibly turned on watching this guy who was kissing a girl with such passion she couldn't help but stare. The way he kissed - like his whole being was focused on it. The way the bottom of his spine dipped was sexy as hell. Mortified suddenly replaced her arousal when she realized the cause of these hot feelings was Logan Mulvaney.

"I'm a big girl, thank you very much. I don't need permission to be here."
He looked me up and down, his gaze lingering at my throat. "Sure you do, Pearls. You fit in here about as much as a bull in a china shop."

Georgia decides to forgo spending the summer in an internship in her home state of Alabama to spend the summer working for a professor. She gets to spend the summer in Reece's old apartment above Mulvaney's since she doesn't have the luxury of a dorm during summer break. Late nights spent with Logan, who is too tired to drive home and accustomed to crashing on his older brother's couch after closing shifts at the bar, Georgia and Logan's friendship blooms into something incredibly beautiful. Of course, Georgia isn't willing to see where this could go, so she continues to push Logan away. She even brings a date to Pepper's birthday know the odds that Logan will be in attendance. I cannot tell you what happens next, but staying in theme of this series I will Tease you with what happens with a few lines from (chapter 13) the party:

Oh. My. God.

I turned my head sideways and caught sight of us in the mirror.

My chest squeezed tight and I remembered his promise to say dirty things to me. He'd meant it.

The tension between them, and her need to get out on a Saturday night had her at Mulvaney's with Annie. Did she not learn? Annie was trouble. And Logan was a jealous man who knew what he wanted even if she couldn't admit to it.

"Why don't you head back to your little bar groupies?"
"Jealous?" His hand clamped on my arm, forcing me around.
"Ha. As if. I don't care who paws you, Logan. We're not even friends."
"No... we're more than friends. And you know it."

Previously I gave Foreplay and Tease a FIVE star rating, but now I am at a loss. I loved those two books, but if those were FIVE's on a FIVE star scale, Wild is easily a SEVEN. Logan & Georgia are my favorite NA couple to date, and this book is filled with everything you need, including but not limited to:
*Another trip to the Kink Club
*Handcuffs - with a police officer NOT with Kink like Rachael, Logan's BFF likes.
*Overbearing Moms
*Muskogee, Alabama
*Another pair of handcuffs, Still NOT kinky

Logan and Georgia grew so much individually and together in this final installment that I seriously wanted to read it again RIGHT when I finished to see if I missed anything. I highlighted SOOO many parts of this book, the pages might as well have been yellow. Before I leave you begging me to tell you all the juicy details, I want to share a few more of my favorite lines from this book.

I wasn't delusional enough to think anyone was actually perfect. But he was my perfect. The thing I had been wanting...hoping that I might find someday...

"People wait their whole lives for this. Sometimes half their lives pass before they find it. Sometimes they never do. They settle for something else. Or nothing at all. But we found each other now, Georgia. Do you know how lucky that makes us?" (<---swoon-worthy i="" right="" speech="">

And before I leave you to show the AWESOMELY AWESOME Sophie Jordan some love, I want to share the Epigraph. (a short quotation or saying at the beginning of a book or chapter, intended to suggest its theme) I fell so much in love with it, I put it on my fridge and on my bathroom mirror.

If you are falling, dive...
-Joseph Campbell
Profile Image for nick (the infinite limits of love).
2,120 reviews1,532 followers
November 22, 2014

My feelings about this series has gone up and down over the course of the book. I loved the first book, Foreplay, but Tease wasn't as good for me as Foreplay was. I was looking forward to reading Wild mostly because I was hoping that it would go back to the awesomeness that was Foreplay, but unfortunately that didn't happen. I certainly didn't hate the book, but I didn't love it either.

I think one of my biggest issues with this series are the female characters. They start of alright, but then they really grate on my nerves as the story progresses and they don't. I didn't have much of an issue with Pepper in the first book, but Emerson was infuriating. And now that I've read Georgia's book, I can say the same about her as well. I thought for sure I would like her because she was a really great secondary character in the first two books, but in Wild, she became one of those annoying characters who pushes the guy away for no apparent reason and then acts all upset when the guy moves on. I really hated how Georgia kept pushing Logan away and her hot and cold behavior towards him made me thing some very not nice things about her. It just felt like she was stringing him along when she couldn't make a proper decision when it came to her feelings about him. Thankfully, though Sophie Jordan's male characters are always wonderful. They are made of swoon, are sweethearts whom you can't help but fall in love with. Logan was no different. You could tell that he was Reese's brother with his gentlemanly attitude and his sexy self. ;) He really did make the book for me and I would probably have DNFed the book had it not been for him.

While for me Sophie Jordan's characters are a little problematic, I do think she writes great romances. She is especially good at writing some steamy sex scenes that don't border on icky. Georgia and Logan definitely had some great steaming chemistry together. And the scenes where they were both being honest to each other were very sweet and had my heart singing. That being said though, I can't say I was convinced by their love for each other. Sure they had sexual chemistry and a strong physical relationship, but for me, I never really saw that emotional connection between the two of them. There was also a side story line about Georgia standing up to her family that really could have been developed further, in my opinion. What I did really like though was getting to see Pepper and Reese again. I love that they were still going strong and they were so adorable together.

I know it seems like I pretty much hated this book, but I didn't. I enjoyed certain parts of it and I think Sophie Jordan is a great author, but I wasn't in love with it, which is a bit disappointing because I wanted to fall head over heels for Wild!
Profile Image for Nadine Wilmschen.
Author 6 books104 followers
March 19, 2018

re read 3? 4? I don't know.

Georgia is so annoying sometimes but that can't keep me from loving this story (and Logan!)

The guys of this series are all hot as hell but Logan might be my favorite. And I'm totally ignoring the fact that the guy is 18. I'm no cougar. Nope. I'm not lol

4,5 Stars! because... Logan!

A typical NA romance with likable characters. It's a lot like the first book of this series.
It was the first time that I've read such a story with a heroine older than her love interest. I liked that a lot. She's a college student, he's still in high school. That was kind of interesting and something new.
Nevertheless, the age gap was not that big. She was just two years older than him, but still... a great NA novel.

Profile Image for Greta.
192 reviews14 followers
April 5, 2020
Lei insopportabile
Profile Image for reema ✿.
161 reviews4 followers
November 19, 2014
This book was such a disappointment. There was no romance whatsoever, only sexual attraction. Their relationship was mostly lust, no love at all. And the 'I love you' came out of nowhere. Also, there was no character development at all. Logan was known as a player, but it wasn't really shown. He "changed" for Georgia overnight, which was unbelievable. The heroine wad annoying. She couldn't stand up for herself and she kept on crying over everything. And by the end of the book, I knew nothing about either of them, expect that Logan likes to write stories and Georgia likes to play guitar. I also expected something about her real father. Sadly, this book was not what I expected. The first two books in the series were amazing and they had so much romance and character development. This book was just rushed.
Profile Image for Abby.
239 reviews110 followers
April 9, 2016
gr didn't save my rating & review :(
anyway, this is my least favorite of the three. Georgia being annoyingly indecisive and insensitive, and Logan being ..um (no words)


can i just say that I imagine Logan as Andrew Garfield?
Profile Image for Stormy.
500 reviews71 followers
November 22, 2014


Ive always liked Logan. This is definitely going to be interesting, if not totally entertaining.

Kink club groupie dude that he is...I'm just imagining the sex scenes to come........

is that a...pun?
Profile Image for Selly - Leggere Romanticamente.
1,227 reviews303 followers
April 9, 2020
LA mia recensione sul blog --> https://www.leggereromanticamente.com...

Tutto per averti è il terzo romanzo della serie romance new adult The Ivy Chronicles, ma allo stesso tempo è auto-conclusivo. I protagonisti principali sono diversi ogni volta, ma collegati da rapporti di amicizia e/o di parentela.
Questa serie ha ambientazione universitaria, i protagonisti sono praticamente tutti studenti dello stesso campus, tranne il protagonista maschile di questo volume.
Logan è lo scapestrato fratello minore di Reece (il protagonista de L'inizio del gioco), frequenta l'ultimo anno di liceo, ma è cresciuto decisamente in fretta e quanto ad esperienza non ha paragoni.
La protagonista e narratrice in prima persona della storia è Georgia, una delle migliori amiche della fidanzata di Reece.
Lei avrà anche un anno e mezzo circa in più di Logan, ma non è altrettanto esperta e disinibita, anzi, è proprio stufa di essere considerata dagli altri la brava ragazza noiosa e seria che non si lascia mai andare.
Complice un'amica single e un sex club segreto, si ritrova faccia a faccia con Logan e un bacio rubato per dimostragli che anche lei sa essere selvaggia sarà l'inizio di ogni cosa.
Questa coppia non ha nulla da invidiare alle precedenti, ho tifato per loro fin dall'inizio, la tensione sessuale e l'attrazione tra i due protagonisti mi ha conquistata subito.
Logan mi è piaciuto tantissimo, la differenza d'età per quanto mi riguarda è solo sulla carta, perché di testa e per esperienze di vita è forse più maturo di Georgia. Lui sa cosa e chi vuole, riesce a vedere la vera Georgia e sopporta con pazienza che lei trovi se stessa e capisca cosa vuole davvero.
Come avrete probabilmente intuito, Georgia è il personaggio esasperante del romanzo.
Non è che non mi sia piaciuta, l'ho ammirata in certe parti e ho anche compreso i suoi dubbi e la sua reticenza, ma fino alla fine si lascia dominare dalla paura e questo provoca diversi alti e bassi, causando sofferenza a chi la ama davvero. Non so poi come abbia fatto a sopportare per tutto quel tempo una madre perennemente con il fiato sul collo che ha già deciso a tavolino tutta la sua vita.
La storia romantica tra Logan e Georgia è dolce, piccante e con un pizzico di proibito visto che i due tengono nascosta per un bel po' la loro relazione.
Sophie Jordan è un'autrice che mi ha dimostrato di essere molto brava nel genere new adult, difficile dire quale delle sue storie mi sia piaciuta di più, quindi io ve le consiglio tutte!
Se vi è piaciuta e/o cercate qualcosa sulla stessa lunghezza d'onda della serie Off-Campus di Elle Kennedy, questa è un'ottima scelta e credo proprio che non ne rimarrete deluse!

Punto di vista: prima persona, di Georgia
Sensualità: diverse scene hot presenti
Caratteristiche: universitario, new adult, romantico, emozionante
Stile narrativo: scorrevole e moderno
Tipo di finale: autoconclusivo
Profile Image for Luzie.
900 reviews99 followers
July 21, 2018
This review may contain SPOILERS!
The third and final book was an emotional and real ending for this great series! I honestly have to say that I was most excited for Georgia and Logan's story after I read about them in the first book. Logan is the vision of what I expect a bad boy to be, but than there was so much more behind his "behavior", and I really fell in love with him. Georgia on the other side I found a little dependent on her mother and on one side I totally get it because … she is her mother. On the other side though, I thought she hurt Logan a bit too much, he was the one who got pushed around, not her, which was really crappy of her and made me less in like with her character. For the story though I felt like this was the right progression and something the characters needed before they could become a couple. Perfect ending for this series!
4,5/5 stars
Profile Image for Vivi220414.
416 reviews21 followers
December 18, 2020
3.5 stelle
Il terzo capitolo di questa serie non mi ha convinta del tutto, sì frizzante e sensuale, ma Georgia non l'ho amata molto, fa di tutto per allontanare il povero Logan, molto più maturo di lei, nonostante la sua giovane età! Un tira e molla continuo, che mi ha irritato, "lo voglio ma non fa per me" è il suo mantra per tutto il libro 🤦‍♀️...
Profile Image for Rachel.
Author 2 books716 followers
November 11, 2014
WILD is an absolute must read third installment in Sophie Jordan’s Ivy Chronicles. It’s incredibly sexy and totally romantic. The chemistry between Georgia and Logan sizzles. The tension between them is palpable. Theirs is a love story that readers will be hoping ends happily from the very first kiss. It’s an addictive story that they won’t be able to get enough of.

Georgia was always willing to play by the rules, be the person her mother wanted her to be, pursue the dream her mom wanted for her, and never be the disappointment that her father was. But when her boyfriend cheats on her, dumps her and calls her boring, she’s desperate to prove him wrong. And she figures the perfect way to show him just how wild she can be is to let loose at the kink club.

But when her one night of abandon leads to an unforgettable kiss with Logan, her best friend’s boyfriend’s younger brother, she starts to wonder if maybe Harris was right. Because even though she can’t stop thinking about that kiss and can’t stop wanting more of what Logan has to offer, she isn’t willing to take the risk that he poses and gamble on someone she has no hope of a future with. Someone who is as big of a player as Logan is said to be.

Sophie Jordan penned yet another story in this series that is utterly delectable. She adds all the right ingredients – a lovable and relatable and completely conflicted heroine, a drool-worthy, deliciously masculine protagonist, just enough friction between the two to keep things interesting and enough heat to make readers swoon – and she mixes them together to create a story that is tantalizing, exciting and all-consuming.

While reading the first two books in the series is recommended in order to get to know more about Pepper, Reece, Emerson and Shaw and not have any of their stories spoiled, it is not required. WILD can be read and thoroughly enjoyed without having to have met them, or Georgia and Logan, in the previous books.

Readers looking for great writing, characters they can connect to, a romance that is more bumpy than smooth, and a read they can devour in one sitting will fall madly in love with WILD and each of the books in Sophie Jordan’s The Ivy Chronicles.

Original GR comment:
Oh what an amazing addition to the series. So sad that it has come to an end. Georgia's story was exciting and incredibly hot and sweet and romantic and perfect. Logan *sigh*

Review TK.
Profile Image for Once.
2,344 reviews80 followers
November 5, 2014
One of my biggest fears when I read books in a series and reached the final book, is fear of let down. I worry about if the last books will be able to at least be on the same level as how I saw the others but not expecting yet another fantastic book at the same time. Well let me tell you, I gave Foreplay (book 1) & Tease (book 2) both 5 star ratings, so did Wild meet or come close to those standards? Absolutely yes!

Wild deserved the 5 stars without any efforts or grading on the curve. Jordan once again delivers what we loved about the first two books in Wild and made Wild it's on entity. All 3 books just hook you in to the story and sauciness until the wee hours of the night. You just can't get enough of these books.

Now let's talk Wild. This final installment centers around Reece's younger (swoon-worthy) brother Logan and sweet Georgia. We all met them before in the previous books. We knew Georgia dated for 4 years the same square until he broke it off with her for wanting more because it was too plain. So Georgia became the single one while her friends had finally found boyfriends. Then Logan, can't forget him even if we only got snippets before. Besides being Reece's brother and being just as hot or possibly even hotter, Logan had a reputation as a man-whore even though he was still in high school. So you wonder how these two end up being the center of this story, well when fate steps in, you can't fight it.

That is probably what attracted and hooked me into this particular book, was the fight. It wasn't just one type of fight, nooooo. I'm talking fighting what your heart tells you, fighting because how much you want each other, fighting the attraction, fighting with one another because of that same attraction your are already fighting. It's like watching a tennis match, your head moves from side to side non-stop watching the banter and attraction between Logan and Georgia. This is when you know when the fight is finally won, the fireworks are going to be epic.

I loved these two just as much as I loved the other recurring characters. If you love a great saucy read with romance, humor and all around great characters, this series from start to finish is a must read for you then. Wild ended the series proud! I will truly miss being in the lives of these characters. - Yara
Profile Image for Cyndy Ryann.
348 reviews16 followers
August 8, 2014
This was definitely my favorite of the series. I occasionally wanted to punch Georgia for how she treated Logan. Oh Logan. if only you weren't 12 years younger than me. And a fictional character.
Profile Image for Bj.
1,219 reviews258 followers
December 25, 2014
*Goodreads really needs half stars! 4.5 Stars for Wild. Rounded up to 5 Stars for Goodreads ratings purposes.*

I loved the heat level and chemistry of this new adult romance. I also enjoyed the interesting approach of pairing up the last remaining Ivy coed with her best friend's boyfriend's hot, baseball star, and kink club frequenting, younger brother who is still in high school! It's so rare to see a younger heroine get together with an even younger stud! You go girl! Moreover, although younger, Logan is wiser, in all the ways where it counts, so it really works in Wild!

Georgia has always heeded her mother's advice and quelled any resemblance to her father's wild ways. She's perfected this art so much that she now is commonly labeled as boring, predictable, and tame. After her last debacle of a relationship, she is determined to, at least once, see how the wild half lives.

Eager to break out of her shell, Georgia sets off for a night full of self discovery at a secret kink club. Imagine her surprise, when she finds herself staring at no other than Logan Mulvaney. Logan may be only a teenager and still in high school--not too mention the little brother of her best friend's boyfriend--but you wouldn't know it from the way he handles himself (and the two girls) she finds him with at the club. But when its clear that he can't keep his eyes off of Georgia, she is suddenly confronted with undeniably lustful feelings, so imagine her surprise when he warns her off by telling her that girls like her don't belong at the club and insists that she go home. She gets one kiss in before her embarrassment kicks in. How could she take advantage of the younger Logan? How could she live with herself? Moreover, what would her friends say?

Pretty soon, however, it becomes clear who is really in charge, and when Logan makes it his mission to conquer Georgia this story really heats up. Will Georgia be able to let go of her initial impressions about Logan or will she succumb to the undeniable attraction that they share?

I'm a sucker for athletes, so the fact that Logan is a hot shot baseball player is just the icing on the cake. I just absolutely loved everything about Logan. He is a man who was forced to grow up before his time and to protect others out of necessity, and Georgia is no exception. When he turns his alpha nature towards Georgia, it becomes clear that age is just a number. Moreover, his confidence and control in the romance department is intoxicating. I truly enjoyed this fun and sexy read! Makes me want to go back and read the two prior books in The Ivy League Chronicles!

Source: Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Eri.
595 reviews188 followers
December 24, 2014
**3.5 stars** finally done with this review yay

Honestly, this book started off pretty great, especially the chemistry between Georgia and Logan WHOA *fans self*

*There are possible spoilers ahead, proceed with caution*

I've wanted to read about Logan ever since reading all those little hints about him in the other two books, and this book definitely delivered on that promise. And after hearing so much about Georgia and reading the *very* interesting teaser at the end of Tease, I was quite excited to read this and get into Georgia's head.

Unfortunately this book did not hold up to Foreplay's outstandingness. While Sophie Jordan definitely knows how to write chemistry and sexual tension and everything physical, she did not match that in the emotional department of a relationship.

Georgia, who I'd been slightly curious about since the second book, was someone I could see myself empathizing with at first. She doesn't want to fail her family, especially her overbearing mother and her expectations. She's a good girl, but she's a bit tired of being that. Relationship-wise, she's a disaster because she can't seem to find anyone, and when she ends up at the kink club, well it's not much better.

Until Logan ends up confronting her there, invading her comfort zone, someone who she shouldn't be attracted to, because hello, he's still in high school and also Reece's younger brother. Awkward much?

I was honestly quite surprised by how mature Logan was written, because he's almost my age, and I don't see boys like that in school. But while he was mature, there was quite a logical backstory for him, and I liked that. I also appreciated the fact that, for once, he was the one who wasn't afraid to confront his feelings/attraction towards Georgia.

This is where Georgia fell flat for me. She was so afraid of becoming someone other than the mask of being the good girl, the one who didn't disappoint her parents, that she couldn't seem to accept Logan. After so many times when she denied the relationship between her and Logan, even to her best friends, I was thoroughly disappointed in her.

The ending did not redeem my disappointment in their relationship and I wish there had been more of an emotional moment where Georgia is the one to step up first, not Logan.

(Rounding down because despite how much I enjoyed Logan's character, my overall satisfaction is closer to three stars than four. So the extra .5 star is all for him :P)
Profile Image for Lisa Filipe.
Author 5 books254 followers
November 29, 2014
So, I am a HUGE fan of the Ivy Chronicles by Sophie Jordan, FOREPLAY and TEASE were both Sweet, Fun but with an emotional overlay that had you wanting MORE...but I think WILD might just be my favorite. Not sure if it's the STEAMY as all get out scenes between Georgia and Logan, cause I think my Kindle just went on FIRE!!

The sexual tension is like a rubber band being stretched too far and the sex...well...it's as explosive as you can imagine...The Shower...I have no words. Logan is one sexy as all get out Young Man (makes me feel pervy to say...but he is!), and as you being to dig beneath the surface, you will find yourself falling for him hook, line and sinker!

Sophie Jordan must must write more in this series, as I am hooked on her writing, the emotion between the hero and heroine is always spot on and has my heart literally squeezing in my chest. I'll even take a story about Annie, that is how desperate I am!!

New Adult Fans will not want to miss this series, or New Release, WILD!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 624 reviews

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