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Prequel to Prey In a world where a werecat virus has changed society, Roan McKichan, a born infected and ex-cop, works as a private detective trying to solve crimes involving other infecteds.
Roan is working a frustrating stalker case, with no shortage of suspects and little solid evidence, when he comes across a startling eyewitness living in his car across the street from the scene. A tiger-strain infected, the only one Roan’s ever met, Paris Lehane is a former Canadian golden boy who suffered a breakdown after becoming infected in college.
While Roan's ex, Diego “Dee” Cole, warns against falling for the infected Paris, a man doomed to die, Roan struggles with his attraction and the knowledge that no happily ever after is possible for them.
But is the knowledge enough to discourage him from following his heart? Roan helps Paris out of homelessness, and maybe a special hospital can help Paris with the infection, but Roan’s got his hands full with this case, and there’s no end in sight.

120 pages, ebook

First published February 24, 2015

About the author

Andrea Speed

75 books508 followers
Super nerd. Former EIC at Cx Pulp. I've won Rainbow Awards, and still can't believe it. A small medicinal horse. The Meryl Streep of stunt corpses. Enby.

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Profile Image for Kyle.
168 reviews60 followers
September 29, 2016

It's great to be with Roan and Paris again!

This has been a really great series and it was great to go back and find out how Roan and Paris met. As with all the other books in this series the writing is great, the characters are amazing, the whole world Andrea has created is incredible. About the only bad thing about the book, it's just too short!

If you haven't read the series I really encourage you to pick it up and give it a try. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Profile Image for Rosa, really.
583 reviews322 followers
February 24, 2015

When I finished this story I was satisfied and happy and yet disappointed as well.

Is that possible? Well, yeah, I'm writing it so of course it is.

I'm so happy that Andrea Speed made her readers wishes come true by writing the story of how Roan and Paris got together. Any time I spend with Roan is well-spent, especially when he's pissed and sarcastic. In Infected: Paris Roan gets to tell off at least 2 scumbags (one a lowlife jerk and the other a rich, privileged jackass) and it is so satisfying watching him take those two down.

It's while searching for said scumbags (I really like that word--makes me feel like Charles Bronson) that Roan meets self-described "homeless sad sack" Paris. Roan spends the majority of the book questioning why he's so drawn to Paris. Um, lemme think....'Cause he looks something like this?

'Cause you share a sense of humor? 'Cause you're both infected with the same virus that makes you shift into different types of cats once a month? 'Cause the virus could kill either of you at any time? 'Cause you like the way his tongue feels in your mouth? Pick one and go with it, dude, they're all good reasons.

This is where my disappointment comes in. I loved spending more time with Paris but I wanted more. I was really hoping this story would be told from his point of view---it's not, it's from Roan's with one chapter from Roan's ex-boyfriend Dee's POV. I wanted to learn something new about Paris and Roan, something we haven't heard before in other books in this series. Nothing too dramatic or shocking, just something more intense, I guess.

Still, it's a well-written story in one of my favorite urban fantasy series with 2 of my favorite characters. Just the fact that it exists and is sitting on my Kindle makes me a happy reader.

One more thing--I feel uncomfortable telling people "yes, you should read this" or "no, that one will make you question your will to live." You never really know if someone's going to adore a book you thought was fine or hate a book you thought there's no way anyone with a brain couldn't love. (Instead, I prefer to say I loved this book, but this other one made me feel like taking a bath with my toaster oven, but you may disagree and that's TOTALLY COOL.) However, I feel the need to warn my diehard happily-ever-after loving brethren away from this series. Well, okay, not away--this series is fantastic and well-worth any pain and anxiety it puts you through. But I'll say this--some authors love to drop hints about horrible things happening and then they almost happen only for everything to turn out sunshine and roses at the end. The twinkie guy gets kidnapped by a serial killer only to be rescued by his super detective boyfriend at the last minute and then a female relative dies and they adopt her children and move to the suburbs. That's great, but that isn't Andrea Speed. At least not in this series. She spends a significant amount of time, in Infected: Paris and Infected: Prey, warning her readers that something's going to happen to one of the main characters...and then it does. And then you find yourself ugly crying. It'll looking something like this:

Consider yourself warned.

**Copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.**
Profile Image for Kaje Harper.
Author 83 books2,636 followers
March 3, 2015
This is the prequel to the existing Infected paranormal/mystery series. Here we see private investigator and lion shifter Roan meeting Paris - a down-on-his-luck tiger-strain, in the clash of stoic black humor and dazzling desperation from characters we will come to love. With a little mystery on the side, of course. Could you start the series here? I'm not certain because I've read the books enough to not be able to envision how this would sound without the foreknowledge of who Paris will be in Roan's life. It might work fine...

This series will go on from here through the slightly dry opening volume, the devastating second book, and the rest of the series. Roan will solve mysteries, meet people, make us laugh and cry and snort and want to smack him. The worldbuilding creates an unusual take on shapeshifting, and the series is well worth the read for anyone who enjoys mysteries and humor and a lot of plot alongside their romance. And who can survive a broken heart. This short story was well done, but it's just a taste. I wish there was more of Paris here, and I really, really want to reread from book one now.
Profile Image for Melissa.
1,316 reviews87 followers
April 30, 2019
I'm not sure about this series. The writing was off for my taste. The words didn't flow smoothly; the actions and reactions, the dialogue and byplay, all felt forced and like the author was trying too hard to do something. I am willing to give book 1 in the series a try on the theory that this prequel is a "rush" job and book 1 had more thought and editing put in to it.

The premise behind the story is a good one - the execution, for me - was not well done. There was too much story and action in the short to feel like it meant anything. I assume this was written to give fans the backstory on how the MCs meet.

I am going in to book 1 open minded, and also cautious. More like 2.5 stars.
Profile Image for Vivian.
2,883 reviews474 followers
February 18, 2015
How did Roan and Paris get together? Well, it went a little like this...

It starts with a case Roan is working as a private detective and then spirals until it pulls in all the relevant issues both dealing with the AU setup and introducing the guys for the first time. I loved Paris and Roan, so I was eager to find out more about them. There's a small case to solve and a lead in to the first book in the series: INFECTED, and in between that there's the tidbits and meetings that flesh out how Paris and Roan came to be together. I really wish there had been more of their relationship. I guess I was hoping for more, to stretch out their story further. So a little disappointed there.

For those who haven't read any books in the series, starting here is not a problem. One gets a good grasp of both the world and the main characters involved. It's like a taster for the Infected world. Of course, being greedy I was hoping for more of Roan and Paris's relationship, but there are few details other than how Roan compartmentalizes things and I got a better idea of both their mindsets going into the relationship and it makes the trajectory of it much more logical.

The case itself is ancillary and the lead in for the first book is hinted at multiple times while Paris and Roan weave themselves together. I had forgotten how bitter, cynical, and scathing Roan's inner dialogue is. It's amusing, but also came across much more prejudiced in regards to race and socioeconomics than I recall from the other stories I read. It's snide comments that aren't comedic, which would be following the rules of a societal inferior mocking a dominant position, just racist and classist. Needless to say, it illustrates Roan's anger and resentment at being ostracized his entire life.
He’d discovered it early in life, with PBS repeats of Monty Python and the knowledge that life was fucking absurd. To its core, life seemed to be a farce that ended in tragedy, or at least it seemed that way from his viewpoint.

This series is a social commentary. It's not hard to draw parallels between the cat virus and AIDS. It raises questions about what we're doing and how we're treating people. How we as a society define humanity and how we reject the abject.

Overall, less Roan and Paris than I hoped, but a solid foundation to understanding them as a couple.

Favorite exchange:
“I don’t care what you say, Roan, you’re the sexiest guy I’ve ever met.”
“Look in the mirror,” Roan told him. “At best, I could only be second.”

~~A copy was provided to me for a No Glitter Blown review~~
~~~Reviewed for Hearts On Fire Reviews~~~~


Excited. Sorta. I NEED to do this.

Profile Image for Ami.
6,041 reviews491 followers
February 25, 2015
3.5 stars

I really love Infected series by Andrea Speed -- and I admit, for someone who don't exactly re-read books, I found myself coming back to this world time and time again (though not book #1 and #2, my heart can't take it!!). So when Andrea Speed announced the sort-of prequel to the series, I couldn't wait to get my grabby hands on it.

Initially -- without reading the blurb, just by the title -- I thought that the story would be written from Paris's perspective. It made me quite excited because I would DIE to get to see this world from Paris's eyes. Color me surprised when I read the first chapter and it was from Roan's. Nothing wrong with that, I just had to adjust my expectation really quick!!

For a novella, I did enjoy Roan's first meeting with Paris. BUT honestly, it wasn't enough. I wanted more! There was a case that Roan had to deal with here, and I was a little bit annoyed with it in the middle because I felt that it took the spotlight away from Roan and Paris. I guess since the title was referring to Paris, I sort of wanted him to be the main act, and not sharing his spotlight with something else.

But still, it was Roan, it was Paris, it was the whole Infected series in the beginning. Panic was just being opened! I enjoyed going back to this world. I loved reading the unapologetic Paris making a move on Roan (because Roan could be so CLUELESS about his sexual appeal). Even if there was a case of instant-thing here (not exactly love, but instant lust, maybe? I mean, Roan did ask Paris to stay with him after just few days of knowing this Tiger) but it didn't bother me a bit because it felt plausible for these two.

Now I wanted to go back and re-read Infected: Life After Death *sigh*

By the way, this book made me bloody hungry for junk food. At around 1.30 in the morning *head desk*

PS: Thanks for the BR, Irene and Didi.
249 reviews52 followers
December 20, 2023
It’s nice to spend some more time with Roan & Paris when you’re too afraid to pick up Book 2, knowing the tragic ending awaits you.

This starts before Book 1, as a sort of a prequel. It centers on the (not so) meet-cute between the two MCs when Roan was on an investigation. The simple case was a laughable inclusion to provide some suspenseful (?) distraction to the romantic story line. But, somehow I still enjoy the book, thanks to the chemistry of the two leads. Roan is endearing as ever, while Paris is unbearably adorable. How I wish there was a different ending to Book 2 so I could return to the series!
Profile Image for Christy.
4,000 reviews119 followers
May 2, 2022
I was shocked, but ecstatic, when I discovered that Andrea Speed had returned to her 'Infected' world and given me something I thought I'd never have - the story of Roan and Paris. If you've read the entire series, then you know Paris's story, but this is where they met, where they fell in love, and is the background I was always hungering for. I'll say it in advance, thank you, Andrea.

It was fabulous, and heartbreaking, to witness Roan and Paris's first meeting. Roan is a private investigator with a stalker case that has too many suspects, and not enough evidence. As he's trying to locate an eyewitness, he meets Paris who is homeless and living out of his car. Roan, being a virus child, can smell that Paris is infected, just not what strain. When Roan finds out Paris has the tiger strain he knows better than to get involved. Nobody lives long with that strain, it's too powerful for the body to handle. Roan has a bit of a hero complex, though, and he can't seem to stay away.

Please find my full review at Rainbow Book Reviews
Profile Image for Kathleen.
1,394 reviews132 followers
October 4, 2015
While I dearly love this series and am a huge fan of this tremendously talented author, I'm not sure why Andrea Speed felt it necessary to write this short story. This prequel felt uninspired...like an afterthought, and I still can't figure out why she wrote it. None of the characters shone like they did in the series. It was half a story at best, maybe a quarter of a story. Was it just to squeeze a bit more out the story arc? It certainly didn't tie up any loose ends...because it couldn't possibly undo the second book. It more appropriately should have been #1.5. Or maybe not written at all.

RECOMMENDATION: If you are a prospective reader and wish to tackle the series (and I highly recommend it!), read this short story after the first book and before the second. Or...not at all. It's not good enough to stand on its own to launch the series, and doesn't showcase Speed's great storytelling and writing abilities.

While the series as a whole is HIGHLY recommended, I am ambivalent about this "afterthought".
Profile Image for Seiran.
429 reviews18 followers
December 27, 2015
For those who haven't read any books in the series, it's okay to start here. You'll get a really good understanding of both the world and the main characters involved.

It starts off with Roan working a case as a private detective that's a great lead in to the first book of the series: Infected. It's a glance into how Roan found Paris and all of their great meetings and interactions. You learn all their personality traits and quirks, I really loved this look into how they came together.

To be honest here, I was hoping for a more in-depth look at Roan and Paris's relationship. I really wanted more time spent on them as a couple I guess I was hoping for more, to stretch out their story further. So a little disappointed there. Also, I would have really loved to read Paris's POV, just to "get" his versions of life, and their relationship.

Overall, really love the book, and can't wait to read the rest of the books in the series.
Profile Image for Linda ~ they got the mustard out! ~.
1,754 reviews129 followers
September 3, 2018
This prequel novella shows us how Paris and Roan first met, and it's very sweet. We get to see a little bit more of Dee as well, and how he and Roan function as friends. It also has a pretty good mystery in it, and we get to see the first whispers of the Divine Transformation, though no Eli in this book.

This was written some time after the series started and it shows, to a degree. The editing is better. There are less unidentified "he"s in this one and I only spotted one simile that made no sense. On the other hand, it was very repetitive. We're told at least a dozen times in as many paragraphs how gorgeous and charming and amazing looking Paris is - several times - and that's just one example. Since this is a novella, that much repetition takes away page space that can be used to explore other things or just make this a tighter read.
Profile Image for Tamara.
222 reviews2 followers
March 4, 2015
Paris & Roan are in my top 10 fav couples & I'm so glad that I was given this opportunity to see how they met. I just wish it was more satisfying.

I wanted more Paris. To see how he thinks, his inner thoughts, & his reactions to Roan. This book should have been the Ode to Paris.
Profile Image for GeishaX .
363 reviews37 followers
September 4, 2021
3.7 Stars

I read this prequel after reading "Prey", the first volume of the "Infected"-Series by Andrea Speed. The story is set before "Prey" in the timeline but imo can be read after very well.

The story is about Roan investigating a harrassment-case and meeting Paris. It's just a short little novel a bit over 100 pages and I usually don't like books that short, but this turned out quite well. The crime case was admittedly just filler-material to me and not really so interesting, but the developing relationship between Roan and Paris was a page-turner. I did not like Paris all that much in "Prey", but after reading this prequel I like him a bit better. Most of all I liked to see Roan fall in love.
Profile Image for Marc | Rainbow Gold Reviews.
479 reviews50 followers
June 23, 2016
This is the story of how Roan and Paris met and fell in love. When we get to know them in ‘Infected: Prey’, they are an established couple and it was great to get some background info on these characters readers have fallen in love with so strongly. I have read this prequel after reading the 8 main books in the series, though it could possibly be read as first book. It is hard for me to say, because I already know the series. For me it was nice to go back to the beginning and if you love the Infected series, you should read this novella for sure.

Paris has always been such a vibrant character in the main books, it was great to see him again and realize that Roan really had a large part in making him shine again. I’m glad they had some time together to grow their love and enjoy each other.

When Roan encounters Paris, the man is undernourished and about to die due to the very taxing shifts. Roan does not just see a witness, who can help him solve the case, he sees someone who needs his help. He gives Paris a reason to live and helps him to actually survive the shifts and readers can feel their special connection from the very beginning.

The mystery is interesting and it is fun to see them both work together to solve it. Though of course Paris and Roan meeting and falling in love is the main course in this novella and I’m very grateful to the author for giving us this gift.

For me it was very enlightening to see them again. It made me realize how different Roan’s relationship to Paris was compared to his relationship to Dylan. Paris loved Roan, but he also loved his lion in equal meassure. He was able to accept, embrace and understand both parts of Roan in a way Dylan never could. Paris knew how special Roan was and celebrated it. I think he would have tried to make Roan accept how special he is and made him take on a leadership role. He never saw Roan as inhuman, but saw him as super human and I honestly think the series would have gone down differently if Roan had Paris at his side until the end.

Even though like Paris I always secretly wanted Roan to take on a leadership role, I think having Dylan at his side was the best thing that could have happened to Roan. Roan always wanted to be normal and lead a normal life. He is such a good guy that it is hard for him to say ‘no’, when he has the unique abilities to help someone, even if it may destroy him. But Dylan loves his ‘normal’ human side first and foremost. He accepts that Roan has a darker, more animalistic side, but it is his human side he loves. And he tries everything to protect it and get Roan to be more careful with it. He makes Roan want to live a normal life with him. Makes him prioritize his own safety.

Paris and Dylan are very different guys and Roan is very different with them. It was great to go back and get to see Paris again and now I’m eager to re-read the series again. I do think Paris knew what Roan needed and he chose Dylan for a reason to take care of Roan. I wish he could have had them both, but that would have been a very different story, too:)

In any case, this novella is a must-read for fans of the infected series.❤

8.5/10 Pots of Gold (85% Recommended) – Compares to 4.25/5 Stars
Profile Image for ⚣Michaelle⚣.
3,654 reviews223 followers
December 13, 2017
4 Stars

Okay, it's actually been nine months since I read Book 2 - not six seconds, even if it feels that way - but it's still too fucking soon. It hurt more to read than I thought it would.

I kind of thought we'd be getting a piece from Paris' POV, but no...and that was a disappointment. I wanted to know his thoughts and feelings and whatnot. He's a hard character to forget; every time Roan is with Dylan, it actually makes my heart hurt. And that's just too much right? It's a frackin' book...

BUT I did love how Andrea set up the introduction to Paris & Roan's romance; that she didn't let the characters back out or fight against their feelings for too long because every argument they made - that love is too precious to waste, that life is too short - was spot on for those characters. It's applicable to Real Life as well, but made all the more poignant here knowing they didn't have forever together...when they totally deserved it.

I should probably mention that if you haven't read the series yet, don't start with this book. It doesn't set up the 'verse as well as the first full novel. Read at least as far as Book 2 then come back to this one. I kind of wish I'd waited 'til after book 8...and still have a feeling it would have been too soon.
Profile Image for Donna.
3,069 reviews40 followers
February 6, 2016
And so the story begins... I think I was expecting more "emotion" when in reality this was a "this is how it all began" story. We are introduced to some key players of this series... we get to see how Roan feels about life in general, his work, himself and a few people in his life. We get to go along for the sweet ride from the moment he meets Paris and it leads us up to where the first book in the series starts off! We don't really see any of the angst because this is about making the choice to make the best of what little time you have in life... which maybe we should all step back from our busy lives every now and then and think... What would I do today, if I knew it would be my last one? I loved the fact that we got to see the pure joy of what Roan and Paris felt for each other even knowing that what they had would be short lived... they still found joy in being together. Yes, in the next book, and the one thereafter, things get dark and we watch as they prepare to face the unchangeable future... but, even then, they still held onto the joy they brought to each other in this short story.
Profile Image for Didi.
1,535 reviews86 followers
February 25, 2015
I read the whole Infected series last year, being a late comer to the series. But the good thing was I didn't have to wait long for each books to read. So I still had them quite fresh in my mind - including Paris's death...
So this prequel was like talking a walk to the past, when Roan first met Paris. And I didn't shed a tear in this book, because there was a future, albeit a cautious one. :)

Did I love it? Yes (I mean; Roan and Paris! What's not to love!). It's also great to see Dee, I think he's the only surviving ex of Roan, being protective of Roan. Their relationships might have not worked out, but they were still care for one another.

What I felt like pouting at: I wish there were more scenes of Paris in this book, more of him with Roan. His name even used on the title, so why not mwaar of Paris?? Whyyyy... T__T

And beware of the many mentions of (junk) food in this book. I read it at midnight (BR with 2 of my GR pals) and we ended up desperately hungry for burgers, fries etc etc in the end!!! XD

Profile Image for Cheryl .
297 reviews26 followers
February 25, 2015
I have been waiting a while for Paris' story, although I would have liked to have had more Paris, overall I enjoyed this book. I see what made Roan fall in love with this beautiful man. Their discussion of Gordon Lightfoot, had 'Sundown" pop in my head, I think this part of the song fits them to a "T"
"sometimes I think it's a shame
When I get feelin' better when I'm feelin' no pain
Sometimes I think it's a shame
When I get feelin' better when I'm feelin' no pain"

Profile Image for Toofan.
969 reviews17 followers
September 17, 2022
A well written and entertaining page turner. It can be read as a stand alone.
I wasn't sure if I should start this series with this book or Prey and opted on this book. I enjoyed it so much that I purchased the next 5 volumes immediately after finishing it. I hope that the rest of it is as good as this one.
Profile Image for Jo * Smut-Dickted *.
2,038 reviews499 followers
Want to read
April 16, 2014
So what's up with this? Is it a real story or? I wouldn't want to miss it if so..but there are only 2 ratings...neither of which is explained. Anyone?
Profile Image for Susu.
176 reviews39 followers
March 4, 2015
Oh so bittersweet! Loved it. Thank you for more Paris!
Profile Image for Gillian.
973 reviews25 followers
October 2, 2015
Too short by far. But then, I could never possibly get enough of Roan and Paris. It was a lovely (re)visit with them, though, and nice to see how it all started.
Profile Image for Shaz.
881 reviews116 followers
October 15, 2020
As I'm on a "(re)reading to finish long owned series" kink I decided to start the series with this, a book I hadn't read yet in the series. Yes, it's listed as 0.5 in the series, and I can see where it does belong here. However, having said that, I think if I hadn't read the next (7 lol) books, I might be a little in the dark about the world they are living in and the who's who and what's what of this series. Having said that, it was great to see the beginning. Where Paris came from and how their relationship started. To meet Roan before he met Paris, who he was then.

And even though I know what lies ahead, I'm actually really eager to keep reading the series. And I'm curious to see if my feelings will have changed in the last 7-8 years since I first read this. Only time will tell *grin*
Profile Image for Molli B..
1,530 reviews58 followers
October 23, 2018
I missed these guys so much!! D:

I think I left enough time (three+ years) between finishing the series and reading this that this didn't turn into the emo sobfest I'd expected. Instead it was a bit more like a stroll down memory lane—except with a look at how they met.

Despite this being our intro to Paris, there is also a mystery/case that Roan works on along the way. I could have done with more Paris :) but I like that it stayed true to the series and wasn't all fluff (okay, it was still fluffy!). There's lots of Dee, too. Yay Dee!

This is such a great world. Now I really, really want to reread all the books, so that might happen at some point...

Aww, Paris :\
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