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In the exciting final season of the Flesh Cartel . . .

With the help of the FBI, Mat Carmichael has let himself be re-taken by the Flesh Cartel. Objective? Rescue his brother, exact revenge, and destroy the entire organization from the inside.

FBI Special Agent Nate Johnson will be playing backup, of course, but to get Dougie out alive, Mat will need to make sure his brother is out of Allen’s clutches before calling in the troops. Now that Mat’s back in bondage, though, there’s no way he can do it alone. He’ll have to ask for help from the only man within the Cartel who cares about Dougie’s Nikolai. And even knowing it will destroy him, Nikolai delivers.

Bringing down the Cartel should have been the hardest part, but it doesn’t take long to realize that the real challenge has only just begun. Dougie doesn’t know how to be free anymore, and Mat is forced to admit that he may no longer be strong enough to help himself, let alone his brother. But with loved ones in their corner and their love for each other banked but not extinguished, Mat and Dougie learn that you can come home again, no matter how desperate the circumstances you’ve left behind.


75 pages, ebook

First published April 5, 2014

About the author

Rachel Haimowitz

41 books699 followers
M/M erotic romance author, freelance writer and editor, sadist with a pesky conscience, shamelessly silly, proudly pervish. I'm a twitter addict (@rachelhaimowitz), and I blog every M/W/F at Fantasy Unbound. To learn all about my current and upcoming projects, please stop by my website. I love to hear from folks, so feel free to drop me a line anytime at metarachel (at) gmail (dot) com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 63 reviews
Profile Image for Martin.
765 reviews504 followers
May 20, 2017
I love Nate and Mat so much!!! Had I known that a romance like this would be in there too, I would have started this series much much earlier. Sure, it took like almost a full year of torture and violence before we got some romance, but it's so very worth it!!

I love Agent Nate Johnson and the feelings he harbors for the physically and emotionally wounded Mat.

And I love even more how Mat reaches out to the handsome agent and tries to reconnect himself with a life before this hell, back when he didn't shy away from a consoling touch...

But Mat doesn't give up. He'll fight the cartel no matter the costs to his own mind and body. He is a fighter after all and would rather die than see the cartel win...


LOL, it's hard to write a review for a book in a series. You're supposed to write ABOUT the installment you just read, but your mind is actually already in the next book, spooked by what will happen there.

It's absolutely crazy!!

And as for Dougie...

Poor guy... we'll see what's left of him in the next book.

BUT, in THIS book, we got our first oh-so-very-sweet-taste of revenge!! And god, it was more satisfying than any sex scene. I think WE ALL SAW Nate's hand slip there, right?

Ooops... 7 hours of constant pain in every cell of Nikolai's body? Oh, too bad. We'll do better next time WE BLOW UP A F***ING SLAVERY RING!!!

I feel so sad for Roger, though. I really like him. I hope he will ever be able to find himself again after 20+ years of slavery...

5 stars! And on to the next in this amazing reading marathon
Profile Image for Elaine.
490 reviews72 followers
April 5, 2014
5 no messing... revengeful... stars

Mat has escaped for 25 days. Dougie is being tortured for 25 days.
Theres no time to waste...
With the FBI now involved, Mat now needs to get himself kidnapped again to free Dougie and bring him home.
But he needs the help of Nikolai.
So with a new plan of action, they wait to bring down the Cartel once and for all..

First things first.. Mat needs to get strong in his mind and body if its stand any chance of working.

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My thoughts....
Oh yes revenge is sweet so they say.

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Loved everything about this episode. The only thing I don't like is waiting now for the next one. Can't wait to see how the final series pans out...

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May 27, 2016
5 stars!

The beginning of this last season of The Flesh Cartel looks very promising! While I really "liked" the first few books of the series, I felt a little bored by the middle part. Luckily, the appearance of Nate made the story interesting again and I really enjoyed getting to know him better in this book.

Putting Mat back in the hands of the Cartel has been extremely frightning, but the knowledge that he isn't on his own this time, made it a bearable. I loved the careful interaction between Nate and Mat and I can't wait to see how their plan is going to work out.

There is finally a little hope for an HEA here! I know that it might get smashed, but for now I'm going with it!

Profile Image for Lucy.
308 reviews52 followers
April 9, 2014
Read this yesterday and I can't believe I'm about to say this but
April 8, 2014
I love Mat more with every episode. Nate cemented his place in my heart with his little "slip" with Nikolai (seriously sometimes those things just happen). I fear there is no way the next part of the plan can go well, but for Dougie I am hopeful that the last 25 days have given him a better perspective on things.

Every chapter has me changing my mind for what I want to see at the end. I am on pins and needles waiting for the next one.
Profile Image for Alona.
674 reviews12 followers
August 25, 2014
This book was both frightening and beautiful!
I'm in LOVE with both Mat and Nate. I can't wait for their turn in happiness.
I can feel the next book is going to be intense and heartbreaking, yet with the hope and light I was craving through out the series.
Off to #16!
Profile Image for JustJen "Miss Conduct".
2,303 reviews151 followers
April 2, 2014

A review by The Blogger Girls.

I am really happy that things are moving forward at this point in the story. At this point, Mat has agreed to be the bait in order to take down the Cartel in order to save Dougie and all the other slaves, current and future.

When he is finally “picked up” by the bounty hunters, he is both relieved and worried beyond belief at what he will now have to endure before the feds can make their move. He thinks he can handle it after what he has already experienced, but he goes through quite a bit more before he even gets to Nikolai.

Meantime, Dougie has been gone for twenty-five days. For every day he has been gone, Allen has sent a photo of Dougie to Nikolai in various stages of torture, promising to continue until he gets Mat returned to him. He plans to take this out on Mat in order to break him for good, starting with twenty-five injections, one for each day.

The tables are turned when the feds step in, and Nikolai is forced to help them take down the Cartel by giving them names, locations, etc., with the finale being a party with everyone involved in attendance when he turns Mat over to Allen.

Mat is struggling. He knows he needs to put on the performance of his life, but getting into that headspace is proving difficult with Nate thrown into the mix.

This continues to prove an engrossing story, and I’m still gobbling up the pages. I want to get to the end to see what happens when Dougie is recovered, as I have many questions and thoughts as to how that is going to go down. So much is up in the air where he is concerned, but I feel we are close to seeing that play out. This series is very well written, never without wonderfully cringe worthy details. As with the others, I cannot wait for the next installment.
Profile Image for Therese.
563 reviews8 followers
April 6, 2014
Much like #14, this has a different feel to it. The extremely (for me) hard-to-read scenes have mellowed into something softer, something more manageable, and I find myself glued to every word.

This is most likely because I am, essentially, a romance lover, and as brilliant and well written the earlier episodes have been (Nikolai!), they were for me a somewhat unchartered territory.
In #15, I find myself back on track:-)

Mat. Oh my Mat.
I love this character. He has slowly but surely made his way up to the top 3 of my Hero-list…

He was a fighter, or he was nothing. […] He’d earned the beating, but that didn’t mean he could throw the match. So he fought on.

„You left him alone with a monster“, Nikolai replied. „You valued your freedom more than his safety“.
„My freedom is our freedom.“ Mathias glared up at him, tightened his grip on Nikolai’s wrist.„

And poor Doug…he did not really have a nice time with Allen during these 25 days…I’m kind of happy his POV is not included here.

I loved how the whole SWAT section was written. In this series, I always feel right in the middle of the action, never outside looking in. Which of course so far has made it a very gut wrenching read, but now I could relax and really appreciate this.

The chemistry between Nate and Mat is mouth watering:-P
All Nate/Mat interactions are just so heart-breaking, how they are both kind of tiptoeing around each other. Both wanting to, in a way, but both being hindered mentally and physically.
I found it really interesting to read how and what both the characters think of each other, and how difficult it will be for them both. Nate, because of his position, and what Mat has been through, which makes Nate feel like a pervert for even considering Mat in a sexual way.
And Mat, who isn’t mentally there yet, is not really ready, but wants to prove to himself that he has not been beaten by the cartel/Nikolai.

And who knew? Maybe, when this was all over, he’d let himself have what Nate had once so shyly offered, before Mat had ruined it with Nikolai’s poison. Maybe he still could have that. Maybe it’d be one more thing he’d march in, guns blazing, and take back from them.

I am really looking forward to see how their relationship will progress.

I love Nate’s sweetness and protective nature, which is exactly what Mat needs. Mat, who has had to be the fighter his whole life, with no one to lean on.
There are so many beautiful moments between them in this book, it almost (well, not really) made me forget all the horrible things that has happened to Mat:
Not really spoilers, but long quotes.

And the basement scene, *panting* …

And Nikolai...
When reading this series, I thought that the training episodes were too many, too extensive. It was such a tough read, with no way to go but down.
However, having got this far, I really think they were needed. If I would not have had to follow so closely Doug’s descent into darkness, I would not have seen Nikolai’s growing „love“ for him. Now, I totally bought everything in this episode. Really, what is his motivation for helping the FBI? Nikolai explains quite well why he wouldn’t have to, and he is probably right.
Why would Nikolai want to give up everything he has worked for his whole life?

In my opinion, he hasn’t really been working towards any goals, this is who he IS, what he was raised to do, all he knows in this world.
And the ONLY redeeming quality this asshole has, is that he has some sense of honor, or loyalty towards his "trainees". Much like a dog owner would try to prevent anything bad happening to his precious dogs, Nikolai wants to protect his slaves. And for that, he now needs the FBI:-)

I can’t wait to see what will happen next!

Profile Image for Em.
648 reviews137 followers
April 10, 2014
I never thought I'd say it but things are almost moving along too fast for me to take in. There are some great moments in this book, things that have been a long time coming. This is seriously the best installment so far and I can't wait for the next!
Profile Image for Elena.
913 reviews69 followers
July 25, 2017
5 stars! Oh, Mat..... :(

Mat cleverly but willingly comes back to Nikolai's mansion... He hopes to save his brother Dougie but also to hit the Cartel as hard as he and Nate can and take down as many of its associates as possible. Most of all, he burns for revenge against the monster who whipped him, treated him like a dog and forced him to fight in life-and-death combats...

But first, Mat has to survive the worst tortures from the hands of bounty hunters and then...

And then again hold on in Nikolai's clutches...

A very good, emotional instalment!

Profile Image for Kristie.
1,170 reviews77 followers
April 6, 2014
Absolutely the best of the series so far. The very best. Some moments are particularly enjoyable. Like, shouting and cheering moments with Nate that I'll never forget. And Mat, he's so brave. I can't describe the feelings I have for him. He's a hero.

I can't even begin to imagine how the last few episodes will turn out, but I do know that the wait for the final four is going to be harder than ever.

This episode? So deserving of all the stars. All of them.
Profile Image for Menna.
241 reviews8 followers
August 29, 2014
The most enjoyable part for me was Nikolai and what happened to him! I kept saying in my head "service you right fu*ker"!!

And oh mat! Poor baby....what he's doing requires a huge sacrifice and bravery not anybody can offer! It's really impressive and heart wrenching!

Now,The anticipation is killing me.....up to the next book!
Profile Image for Cory .
728 reviews86 followers
April 14, 2014
All I have to say is GOOOOOOOOOO Mat! This was one of my favorites in the series! Two thumbs up for the good guys!
Profile Image for AGandyGirl.
750 reviews1 follower
June 25, 2018
*4.5 Stars*

“I’m already ground into fucking sand here, man. You can’t break pieces. You just . . .”

Once again my heart takes a beating but damn. I’m loving where this appears to headed...just hope we survive it.
Profile Image for Sue bowdley.
1,449 reviews
December 3, 2014
Nikolai is back in this one or rather Mat is taken back to Nikolai but this time the FBI is hot on the trail.....Oh how i loved Nate in this one..His little mishap with the serum with Nikolai....But I truly feel sorry for Roger..He is gonna lose his master the one man he loves because this is not gonna end well for him....Mat has to get into the right mindset...he's going back to Allen with Nikolai helping to recover his brother....and i'm hoping to the start of both brothers recovery x
Profile Image for Chappy.
2,025 reviews103 followers
July 4, 2017
Profile Image for Adam  .
239 reviews19 followers
May 2, 2020
This review may contain spoilers!

Reading this installment, I find the operation concocted by Nate (which takes place in this book) a little unbelievable. Mat had so much physical evidence on his body of the abuse and rape which happened to him. Why would the police not believe him and throw him to a psychiatric ward? Isn't the cartel not suspicious at all? Nevertheless, I could overlook that part and the story was actually good and even more gratifying when Nate finally caught up with Nikolai and gave him a literal taste of his own medicine.

I was a little disappointed near the end where the story didn't portray Nate in a good light for me. He seemed to be thinking with his dick and not his brain. I can't believe as an agent on the case, he

The story was good most of the time, I was on edge during the operation with Mat and it was such an exhilarating journey. Would have been a five star read if not for these details which bugged me and settled with a lower score in the end. Now I dread what happens in the next phase of the op.

4 Stars!
Profile Image for Saimi Vasquez.
1,684 reviews85 followers
July 16, 2023
Con el escape de Mat, Doguie esta sufriendo las consecuencias, y ahora solo sera devuelto a Nikolai si este regresa a Mat totalmente "rehabilitado" y "domesticado". Pero Mat tiene un as bajo la manga, y quizas sea el comienzo del fin del Cartel de la Carne.

Esperaba un poco mas de este libro. Esperaba saber como habia llegado Mat a la orilla, como habia contactado con Nate y como habian armado el plan. Pero el libro comienza ya con todo en marcha, y senti que me faltaba un libro intermedio.
En fin, aqui ya esta el comienzo del fin, por fin comenzamos a ver caer a Nikolai y el rescate de Doguie. Voy a terminar la serie para ver como quedan los hermanos.
Profile Image for Kera.
27 reviews
April 27, 2014
Unusual additional star for Nate; for his slip of hand, for serving Petrovic his own medicine. This was the brightest moment so far in all the books. My only regret is that Roger hasn’t been served his - well deserved - double helping of serum. This is what Mat should have done long time ago (FC 4 or 5) when Petrovic ordered him to inject serum himself. And although it was only water, it would be the sign of Mat’s resistance and fighting back for which I futilely beseeched the Ladies for so long.

Mat’s change of mind who is responsible for Douglas misery (“you did it – no, you did) is duly noted but came too late to be appreciated. Should Mat contradicted Petrovice this way after the party (which unfortunately we left too early) with wine enema and 100 strokes with cane, I would sing Mat praises. Regrettably, then he agreed fully with Petrovic, took all blame on himself, thanked him for his kindness and training (which shocked not only me but Petrovic as well).

Last but not least - but I (promise to) mention it for the last time. My worst nightmares came true. Petrovic proved to be a man of high moral standards, integrity and values. He will help Mat and Nate because of his responsibility for his pets, because deep down, inside, he cares. Which in MHO is a big bullshit. I think his age hasn’t been mentioned so far (but he is older than Roger who is thirty something) and in this episode we learn he has been torturing people since the age of (make no mistake) 13 (yes, thirteen!). So he has been effectively transforming humans into dogs, cripples and corpses for approximately 30 years and suddenly he will turn back to his pleasurable and profitable business to save one of his numerous holes. I’m not convinced at all and I’m not buying it.

On the most fundamental level he treats all of his “creations” instrumentally - even Roger isn’t offered different treatment despite all the Pterovic’s sweet talks. Petrovic knows about Roger’s feeling about Mat, he once encouraged them, then exploited them but because they are now of no use for him he doesn’t bother what Roger can feel.

And how he cares for Douglas: face drenched in semen, screaming and impaled on fucking machine, fist and half a forearm wedged in the slave ass aren’t OK because there is on fulfillment or sense of duty in Douglas’s expression; should he pretend all of it was service and pleasure it would be OK(?).

And the stupidest idea of all: he must destroy cartel because during his 25 years sentence Roger would be lonely.

Petrovic was always a coward: hidden behind the mask at the auction, behind the back of his bodyguards in his own house and behind the syringe with serum in Mat’s room. Yes, I believe he can help in cartel destruction but only because of fear what may happen to him, not his “pets”.
Profile Image for Sara .
1,516 reviews154 followers
July 28, 2014
***Note: The last reviews for this series will be brief. There is so much in this last season that cannot be talked about without spoiling and I refuse to do that. Just know, for me, this journey with Mat and Dougie – as hard as it was at times and yes including the ones where I thought I wouldn’t make it – were worth it. It was all worth it.

The title of this episode hurts. Knowing what the number means to Mat, Doguie and even to Nate and Nikolai. Knowing the deal Mat has made, the deal to be reeducated had me holding my breath. I know it’s something he has to do, but I don’t want him to do it. His short time under the abuse was so tough, this was going to be like doing it all over again… for everyone. For Mat and for me. The lengths he will go to for his brother, for Dougie, after all that has happened to them. After all that has happened between them.
Mat had only been doing what he’d needed to survive.

Oh Mat, I felt him so much more for you this time around and then MY GOD Nate. Nate Nate Nate!!! I adore the hell out of this White Knight. Call it a syndrome or not, I don’t care. I love Nate and I love the things he says to Mat and their small moments together. I want so much for both men that I can’t stand it. There have been some moments, believe it or not, that are full on swoon worthy with these two. They kill me and I can’t stand what both of them are prepared to do so that Mat can get Dougie back. I can’t believe Nikolai is doing what he is doing and what everyone is planning.

This could be a mess that may turn into a massacre, but I can’t stop reading. I said from the beginning I would never turn my back on these boys. That I would see this to the end, and I stick to my promises. But oh… that end. That head space. *sigh* Aww Mat…
The same fighter I always saw. But now, a hero too. The bravest fucking man I’ve ever known.


Profile Image for Lilli *slowest reader ever*.
112 reviews23 followers
April 18, 2014

Before I started reading I was wondering about the title of this episode. When I finally found out I was glad I got spared the details.

But there were some events in it that I've been waiting for forever. Fuck yeah!

Nikolai again proved to be a great and complex villain and I found myself alternating between distaste, violent urges and some weird kind of compassion. I'm so curious about his fate as much as Roger's and all the other's.

Mat and Nate kept pulling at my heartstrings. The circumstances once again greatly influenced their already ambivalent relationship. The cartel's shadow is everywhere where they are.

I just wish the authors would have invested more page time into this part of the story. It felt...too fast and easy. In addition, something that defined Mat throughout the story was missing in this one. Maybe it happenend off-page, maybe not. It just seemed as if it wasn't there. It felt a bit out of character and bugged me.

Now I'm sitting on pins and needles for the next one while I'm also dreading it. Things should get ugly once again. And my expectations are high which probably isn't a good thing. Mat still has some unfinished business to tend to and I hope it will be worthwhile.
Profile Image for Dreamer.
1,808 reviews132 followers
April 17, 2017
Another brilliant episode in this deliciously dark series. At last, with Nate's help, Matt starts to get a measure of payback.

'Sometimes Matt actually found himself forgetting what he was really doing here. That he wasn't really crazy, that he wasn't supposed to be sharing his fucking feelings and healing his fucking mental scars and learning to cope with his PTS-fucking-D.'
Profile Image for Jason.
291 reviews2 followers
April 6, 2014
So sad that this series is coming to an end. Great edition!!!!

Profile Image for Skye Blue ☆*~゚ლ(´ڡ`ლ)~*☆.
2,573 reviews28 followers
January 31, 2015
I want the HEA, but I'm gonna miss Matt when this is over.

Loved this episode. When Nate had his little moment...
[image error]

I fell for him just a little bit. That was great.

It's good to see Matt still has fight left in him. I'm a little afraid to see what will happen to him next.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 63 reviews

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