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Bird of the Soul

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Your Soul Wants to Be Free.

In our busy, stressful modern lives, we sometimes become weighted down with frustration, loneliness, sadness, and resentment. Life's problems, hurtful experiences, and our negative thoughts and emotions can close our hearts to the loving voice of the soul within. It is time to heal these wounds.

Bird of the Soul helps us embrace our true nature and fill the void in our lives with the tenderness and beauty of our inner child.

This beautifully illustrated short story of a young man named Jay and his relationship with his soul, symbolized by a sweetly singing bird, will inspire and uplift you.

Bird of the Soul is a precious gift to help you recapture your joy and learn to listen again to the voice of your soul.

Includes a guided meditation CD and a 21-day meditation journal.

96 pages, Hardcover

First published February 10, 2014

About the author

Ilchi Lee

87 books397 followers
From a young age, I struggled to find the answers to what I think of are life's fundamental questions: Who am I? and Why am I alive? I found those answers for myself after much study and circumspection, culminating in strict fasting and meditation on top of Moak Mountain in South Korea more than 30 years ago.

What I discovered opened up a new life and a new world for me. Since then, I've sought to find ways to help others answer those questions for themselves, and live healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lives as a result. All of my work is focused on developing methods for this and sharing them with as many people as possible. I believe when enough people know their true nature and purpose and are empowered to live by it, the world will become a place of dreams; heaven will be expressed on earth.

This is the purpose and content of all of my books. I hope they enrich your life by reading them.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 154 reviews
Profile Image for Carmen.
2,070 reviews2,324 followers
December 15, 2015
Soon Jay grew up.
He got a job, got married, and started a family.
Now he had so many responsibilities to take care of!
Like all the other grownups, he talked more of being busy than of being happy.
He completely forgot about the little bird singing its beautiful song in his heart.

Okay, I pretty much hated this book. Let me discuss why.

In this story, there is a little boy. The book portrays his soul as a bird - a living creature that laughs when he laughs, cries when he cries.

Every day, the little boy would sit under a giant elm tree and imagine the adventures his life might bring. Whenever he was lost in his imagination, his soul bird spread his wings and flew with him. Jay could become whatever he wanted when he was with the bird of his soul. This is Lee's version of child meditation.


Then Jay gets older and starts... I don't know. Neglecting his soul? He made many new friends at school, and filled up his time with homework and chores... He spent more time playing with his friends, and less time with the bird of his soul, who now spent more and more time alone.

When Jay grows up, he is very, very depressed.

One day he asked a friend, "Have you ever wondered if there could be something more to life?"

Patting him on the shoulder, his friend replied, "If you have people who love you and a good job, isn't that enough?

You have a strong, healthy child
[the child is a girl in the picture] and a wonderful wife. What more is there to search for? You have a good life. Isn't it better to be satisfied with what you have now, than to desire something new that you may never achieve? It's risky to have hopes and dreams without any guarantees."

Jay thought his friend might be right. Yet he frequently woke up in the middle of the night, staring at the ceiling, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

One night, when he wakes up sobbing uncontrollably, he rediscovers his soul bird and they play in a field or something. Jay names the bird "Hope" and the book ends with

Jay embraced the bird of his soul tightly. Hope wrapped his shining wings around Jay. Jay felt all his burdens fall away.

And, although sadness and struggle would return, he would never again forget the sweet song of the bird of his soul.


Okay, what the heck was that?

ONE: This book is ostensibly for children, but it's pretty obvious it's really for adults. Or is it the other way around? It has a 21-day meditation journal in the back and a meditation CD, as well. It's a picture book with childish words and drawings.

TWO: I'm all for yoga and meditation (is this book even about yoga?! Unclear), seriously. All for it. However, was that even the point of this book? Suddenly, one night, Jay and his soul-bird come together again. What does that mean? How does Jay change his life? What steps does he take to do this? We don't know. Lee never tells us.

Perhaps Lee could tell us that Jay started practicing meditation every day. Or took nature walks. Or did charity with his family, like volunteering in a soup kitchen or something. I feel like the ending was very vague and unhelpful.

Also, not to agree with 'the material world' or anything, but I was unclear how making friends, doing homework, growing up to be an employed and married adult with a child - was a bad thing. Yes, adults are busy and have responsibilities and don't live like children do. But that's part of life. Perhaps Lee could've shown Jay - post-soul-rediscovery - taking joy in everyday things in life like reading to his little girl, or eating dinner with his wife, or taking a walk outside. That would've provided a clearer message. Heck, any message would be appreciated by this reader. The way this book is written, it is incredibly vague.

THREE: I hated the illustrations. HATED THEM. They were ugly. The bird looks like his wings are spatulas. Or perhaps airplane propellers. Jay as a child looks exactly the same as "Jay, the adult." It's very ugly.

Tl;dr - This vague and unclear book will be of no help to children nor adults. It's a failure.
Profile Image for Phil.
14 reviews2 followers
September 10, 2014
I love this book. The illustrations on each page are just wonderful, and they really touch my soul. I bought this book to give to my niece, but found out that it definitely has some great messages for grown ups like myself too. The CDs are very helpful for my meditation.
8 reviews
October 15, 2014
This is an amazing book. Writing is good but the illustration delivers more than word. It seems to be energy book? It opens my heart and awakens my soul. Thank you so much, Ilchi Lee.
Profile Image for David Driscoll.
19 reviews
October 17, 2014
This is one of those stories that catches you off guard because it seems at first simple, familiar, even slightly childish. But like many great children's book, or any good tale for that matter, it is the spirit and feeling of the story that sets it apart. Throughout "Bird of the Soul" Ilchi Lee delivers a powerful spirit of hope and possibility in the midst of confusion. Few books this simple can tackle the issues of depression and loneliness effectively, but "Bird of the Soul" does just that. The bird of the soul is representative of something truly magical that each and every human being possesses, and often, forgets.
The words, illustrations, and overall moral arc combine to deliver a sense of great compassion and wisdom behind a simple story. I would highly recommend this book as a beacon of hope and reassurance for families with children, and for the child in all of us.
Profile Image for Michela.
21 reviews4 followers
March 11, 2014
This book is short and easy to read, but the pictures on every page are so cute and beautiful at the same time. I've read it several times, and somewhere around the end, my heart opens and I almost want to cry. It's the type of book that if you pick it up and turn to any page and read just one page, it can brighten your day.
23 reviews1 follower
November 14, 2014
It is beautiful story. The author seems know me so well.
Profile Image for Steve Kim.
3 reviews3 followers
October 15, 2014
This book made me reflect on what is the most precious thing in my life. I believe keeping my attention on it will make every moment of my life more meaningful.
Profile Image for Danielle Gaudette.
4 reviews1 follower
October 15, 2014
This is such a beautiful, hopeful, touching book. I was so inspired by it that I shared a copy with a friend who has two little boys. He read it to them and they loved it as well! My friend told me that the next day after reading, his 4 year old asked him "daddy, can you tell me again about the little boy with the bird in his chest?" I was so touched about how much of an impression it could make on children! Highly recommended for all.
Profile Image for Laura Castagnino.
9 reviews5 followers
October 15, 2014
What I love most about this book is how it is appropriate for readers of all ages. The beautiful pictures make it engaging and interesting for children, but the message of Jay's journey is profoundly touching for adults, too.
Profile Image for Sandra.
1 review8 followers
October 16, 2014
Este libro me fascinó!!
Porque como para un adulto le ayuda
a conectarse nuevamente con su verdadero el,
para un niño le enseña a entender
que nunca esta solo que hay algo más precioso
dentro en él. Que nunca estará sólo.
Hermoso libre y el mejor regalo.
Profile Image for Yana Lee.
10 reviews19 followers
March 28, 2015
All I can say is just WONDERFUL!!
This book touch my heart in the most gentle and comforting way.
I felt deeper connection with my soul through the CD that it is on the back of te book.
I really want to recommend for all humanity to read this to find what they need in ther life.
Profile Image for Jay Yoon.
1 review1 follower
October 19, 2014
What a wonderful and touching story about your soul. When I was young I had lots of dreams and hopes about my life and future. At some point of my life, I lost it. This book reminded me the most important and beautiful thing that I already have.
3 reviews
February 23, 2014
It makes me very pure and vivid feeling that I can have in my heart.The bird of Soul.
It must be medatory book for all agaes.
Profile Image for Im Hyojin.
1 review1 follower
October 17, 2014
I love this book. The story is simple but message is deep. This book is good for all ages.
Profile Image for Suho Park.
5 reviews1 follower
October 15, 2014
It is easy to read for everyone, but so beautiful and deep message inside for your soul! this is one of my precious book!
November 8, 2014
This book has the most inspiring color graphics I have seen, in a very long time, very high quality. They grab your imagination and take it soaring right along with the "bird " of your soul! Get swept away by this pure, simple yet powerfully inspiring story that touches your heart and awakens your soul. Whenever you feel cold, lonely and sad this winter, pick up this book and read it to yourself, your children or grandchildren, it's that kind of book that can resonate with anybody at any age or stage in their lives. It will transport you to a new level of happiness and hope for your self and others! It also comes with meditation CD's that are also very heart warming and sweep away those cobwebs of hopelessness. This book is really precious! A good gift to give to someone who needs your love and attention!
Profile Image for Nicole Wasserman.
3 reviews1 follower
October 17, 2014
This is the most beautifully written and illustrated book I have ever read. It is a book for adults and children, with a deep meditation CD at the end which is very unique and makes the experience much more meaningful. The message in this book can be understood by any human being, because we all have a soul. No matter what stage we are in life or what we've been through, this book suggests to connect with yourself to have the most meaningful and fulfilling life, and then from finding yourself you can go through life's ups and downs without losing your value and the most precious aspect of you: your soul bird.
Profile Image for Nobuko Todd.
8 reviews2 followers
October 18, 2014
I love this book. It touched my heart deeply. This story tells about how we can get lost in our daily routines and responsibilities and forget about who we really are. It is so important for everyone, including children, adults, seniors, to know that our true essence of our being is free, bright, confidence, positive, love, peace, harmony. This book will give you hope in your heart.
Profile Image for Gi Jeuk.
4 reviews1 follower
October 15, 2014
I was so touched from this book! At first I thought it was just a children's book, but as I read it I realized that it is for everyone. The story gets so sad in the middle, but ends more joyously than anything I've read in a long time. I feel so much hope for myself and for humanity when I read this book. I've read it more than once and love it every time!
Profile Image for Susan Kim.
11 reviews1 follower
October 14, 2014
Although it looks like a children's book, this book has a deep story that can be appreciated by kids and adults alike. I felt something light up inside of me the first time I read it, and continues to awaken with each subsequent reading. Like Jay, I felt that I was able to connect with that part of myself that I lost--I think everyone can relate to this story.
Profile Image for Min Kim.
2 reviews1 follower
October 16, 2014
So touching! This storybook brought laughs and tears as I was reminded of my childhood and how I used to use my imagination. Now, whenever I am having a hard time I listen to the CD to give myself a way to relax and heal. The animation is a lovely work of art! I have shared this with many people and I hope they also pass it along.
4 reviews
October 17, 2014
When I see the illustration, I can feel my heart is moving.
Whoever read this book, They must feel their soul inside.
When you feel lost, please read it.
It will give you hope.

The hope is the source of your power !!
2 reviews1 follower
October 15, 2014
This book reminds me to hear the voice of my soul that is whispering to me all the time. Whenever I hear the voice, all the difficulties I experience become lessons. And I get to be able to find the the way to overcome it with hope.
Profile Image for Dave Beal.
1 review8 followers
October 19, 2014
I love this book. It's a children's story but has a powerful message for all of us. The illustrations are lovely and the main character Jay is someone I think we can all relate to. I was really moved by this beautiful book and I hope many people can enjoy it.
Profile Image for Jiyoung.
1 review1 follower
October 18, 2014
This book touches the most tender part of my heart. It is a sweet, simple, yet powerful reminder of who I am in the deepest sense.
Profile Image for Tonya Whelan.
23 reviews1 follower
October 16, 2014
Wonderful children book for all ages! The illustrations are beautiful and are reminiscent of a landscape only a child could dream. Wonderful book to read to your kids that you can both enjoy!
4 reviews
September 27, 2014
It is amazing.
So touching.
I love this one. It is helping to feel my bird and helping my meditation.
Thank you very much to Ilchi Lee for this book.
Profile Image for Jina Park.
12 reviews
September 27, 2014
Warm story and beautiful pictures. I can feel that my bird of the soul is flying high.
1 review1 follower
October 14, 2014
The pictures, vibrations from the book touches my soul. Thanks!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 154 reviews

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