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The Village Library Demon-Hunting Society

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A librarian with a knack for solving murders realizes there is something decidedly supernatural afoot in her little town in this cozy fantasy mystery.

Librarian Sherry Pinkwhistle keeps finding bodies—and solving murders. But she's concerned by just how many killers she's had to track down in her quaint village. None of her neighbors seem surprised by the rising body count...but Sherry is becoming convinced that whatever has been causing these deaths is unnatural. But when someone close to Sherry ends up dead, and her cat, Lord Thomas Crowell, becomes possessed by what seems to be an ancient demon, Sherry begins to think she’s going to need to become an exorcist as well as an amateur sleuth. With the help of her town's new priest, and an assortment of friends who dub themselves the "Demon-Hunting Society," Sherry will have to solve the murder and get rid of a demon. This riotous mix of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Murder, She Wrote is a lesson for demons and murderers.

Never mess with a librarian.

352 pages, Paperback

First published September 24, 2024

About the author

C.M. Waggoner

3 books553 followers
C.M. Waggoner grew up in rural upstate New York, where she spent a lot of time reading fantasy novels in a swamp. She studied creative writing at SUNY Purchase and lived in China for eight years before moving with her husband to Albany, NY. In her spare time, she volunteers, performs kitchen experiments, asks if she can pet your dog, and gardens badly. You can voice your complaints to the management (or sign up for her mailing list) at cmwaggoner.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 143 reviews
Profile Image for Jamie.
330 reviews278 followers
April 17, 2024
Murder, She Wrote with a supernatural vibe. At its core, this book is mostly a murder mystery, as Sherry's investigation into her boyfriend Alan's death is the main focus of the plot. There are some paranormal elements at play, however, including demonic possession and a talking cat named Lord Thomas Cromwell (also possessed). But if you're not into horror, no worries – The Village Library Demon-Hunting Society is much more Sabrina the Teenage Witch than The Exorcist. There's really nothing frightening about it at all … well, unless you count a cat being able to verbally harass you into filling its food bowl, in which case okay, yeah, you have a point. (I, for one, would very much not like for my cats to gain the ability to speak because they would be absolutely insufferable.)

But, anyway, this was a largely enjoyable and entertaining read. Multiple references are made to Agatha Christie's novels in this story, and while I wouldn't say this one is quite to the level of Dame Agatha's mysteries (it certainly doesn't have nearly as many twists and turns), I could kind of see Hercule Poirot tackling this case of the bludgeoned antique dealer (although I think his “little grey cells” would be slightly perplexed by the demon-y bits).

Even without a quirky Belgian detective, however, the members of the (not-really-a) society are pretty fun characters. You have the librarian-turned-detective, Sherry, the ever-so-slightly bumbling priest (who isn't really so sure he wants to deal with this whole demonic possession business), the “grieving” rich widow, and the skeptical best friend. Oh, and Lord Thomas the possessed cat, of course. They're really all quite amusing and likeable.

My one minor complaint about this book is that it feels very much like a sequel. I checked the author's Goodreads profile multiple times just to make sure I hadn't missed something, because there are so many references to prior events that I was sure this was number three or four in a series. But, nope – that's just the way the book is written. It's not a big deal and I can see why the author wrote things the way they did, but it was a little confusing at first. I wouldn't be surprised if this book is a start of a series, however – the ending is set up perfectly for a continuation.

My overall rating: 3.75 stars, rounded up. The Village Library Demon-Hunting Society is a fun, lighthearted, and humorous read that'll likely appeal to anyone who enjoys cozy mysteries of the supernatural variety.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Ace for providing me with an advance copy of this book to review. The expected publication date is September 24, 2024.
Profile Image for Mallory.
1,650 reviews242 followers
September 29, 2024
This was a bizarre but fun cozy paranormal book (that I hope turns into a series) that is a is of Miss Marple and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I’m not sure exactly what I was expecting, but this was not it (but in a good way I think, at least mostly). Sherry is a librarian with a knack for helping to solve murders. She doesn’t stop to think why there are so many or why it seems to be her who catches all of the suspects. When Sherry’s boyfriend is killed and she doesn’t want to investigate the reaction is not what she was expecting at all. It soon becomes clear to Sherry and a small group of friends and the town’s new priest that they have some sort of demon problem in their tiny town. This book was full of mystery, fun, and humor. A weird but fun ride.
Profile Image for Brend.
691 reviews1,152 followers
Want to read
September 27, 2024
''[A] mix of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Murder, She Wrote''

Sold. Yes. Gimme!
Profile Image for Shannon.
6,104 reviews346 followers
September 22, 2024
A fun start to a new supernatural cozy mystery series involving a small town librarian who likes to play amateur detective and gets wrapped up in her boyfriend's murder investigation thanks to the behest of a demonic spirit. Mrs Marple for the modern age, this was fun with twists I didn't see coming and I look forward to reading more in this series! Many thanks to @prhaudio for a complimentary ALC in exchange for my honest review!
Profile Image for Alyssa Berman.
165 reviews4 followers
May 14, 2024
Well that was interesting.
Not entirely sure I didn’t just get possessed by a demon and forced into an acid trip for the last 265 pages.
Ending leads to a nice sequel of which I have to admit sounds way more enticing than this one.

I liked the concept. Execution was a bit iffy.
Characters felt like random scrabble pieces picked at random. Everything was very all over the place. It was hard to interpret the authors intent at times.

Cute, but bizarre.
Thank you to NetGalley for the e-ARC as always.

3 ⭐️
Profile Image for Allen Richard.
86 reviews5 followers
August 30, 2024
Murder She Wrote with a splash of the supernatural. Our main character Sherry, a librarian, finds herself, or rather inserts herself, into the middle of a murder investigation. She loves solving murders and making suspect lists. After her cat becomes possessed by a (friendly?) ancient demon, she starts to wonder if something supernaturally foul is afoot. She creates a “Demon Hunting Society” with fellow friends and locals and attempts to solve the mystery.

The supernatural element was a bit unnecessary and I found myself asking why, but my question was answered towards the end of the book, and I chuckled at the reasoning. At the end of the day, the supernatural element was fun and added a bit of pizzazz. The final chapter hints at a sequel with additional supernatural intrigue. I liked our main character and following her about as she disarms and charms people with her unassuming elderly librarian ways. I look forward to reading the next adventure.

Thank you to NetGalley for an advance copy of this in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for norah.
492 reviews30 followers
July 3, 2024
thanks to NetGalley for the eARC

⭐️=4 | 😘=2.5 | 🤬=3 | ⚔️=2 | 15+

summary: a woman has been solving murders in her small town—but wait! why are there so many murders in a tiny town? is her cat possessed?? what supernatural wonders are afoot??????

thoughts: this is a bizarre, cozy, spooky, silly, clever sort of book. pacing was occasionally off, but the mystery was genuinely great, and the concept itself is so strange that I couldn’t not be intrigued. the first chapter feels really weird, but by the time you get to the end of the book everything makes sense and it’s actually really smart. yay!
Profile Image for Kristin.
98 reviews
June 24, 2024
_The Village Library Demon-Hunting Society_ by C.M. Waggoner is an easy and cozy murder mystery with paranormal aspects and likeable quirky characters. Small-town librarian Sherry Pinkwhistle is the resident amateur murder investigator who becomes directly invested in solving the deaths of the village when a loved one is targeted. It seems there is a demon possessing the town, and Sherry and her friends, accompanied by Sherry’s possessed cat, must solve the murders and save their village from the supernatural. This was an enjoyable and quick read.

This ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Books Amongst Friends.
240 reviews7 followers
September 23, 2024
2.5/5 This book was just OK, but I can’t help but feel disappointed by how forgettable much of it was. I was really excited to dive in, but as I kept reading, my interest started to wane. The story centers around a small village and an older librarian who has somehow been involved in solving cases for a while now. Right from the start, we see her solving a few murders, then her lover is killed, and soon she discovers that the people in her village are being possessed. She teams up with a priest and a widow to get to the bottom of it all.

At first, I was intrigued. I thought I was getting a dark thriller with a balance of suspense and maybe a touch of satire or comedy. But instead, it’s more like a cozy mystery with possession thrown in. The structure reminded me a lot of books like How To Age Disgracefully or Queen of Poisons, where a group of people come together to solve something in their small towns, and the main characters are mostly older.

It feels like the publication was very careful not to mention the characters’ ages, and maybe that’s because books told from an older perspective tend to be softer in their approach. The author tried to blend humor, suspense, and thrills, but it didn’t quite work for me. It felt like the story was straddling genres without fully succeeding in either.

Another thing: I felt this book should’ve been number two or three in a series. We don’t get much background on our main character’s past. While I usually love being thrown straight into a story, I think it would’ve been more compelling if the book started from the librarian’s first involvement in solving cases. Imagine watching her romance develop, her friendship with the priest grow, and seeing her realize something is off in her village. By the time we got to this book, we would’ve already known her backstory and felt more invested in her loss and her fight against the possession.

Unfortunately, this book didn’t quite deliver in either category it was aiming for. I still love the title, cover, and the concept’s potential, but I would’ve much preferred a darker take on this story.

Huge thanks to NetGalley, Ace, and Berkeley Publishing for this digital ARC.
Profile Image for Philip.
438 reviews45 followers
September 12, 2024
This book was a bit uneven for me. I enjoyed the cozy more than the supernatural aspects.
Profile Image for Aubrey.
64 reviews
May 27, 2024
This was a fun, cozy mystery. It starts you off thinking it’s just a regular small-town murder mystery, and then boom! Weird demons, cats who speak, and an unsettling return to 1980s fashion make for an entertaining story and really, just don’t mess with the librarians.
There are lots of references to other mystery novels which added a fun touch.
There is a tease for a sequel, and I admit to hoping that a sequel is written!
Thanks to NetGalley for giving me a an advance copy to read and review.
Profile Image for kingboycar.
120 reviews2 followers
July 3, 2024
[received an arc from netgalley and berkley publishing group, thank you!]

this book had some nice ideas, but the execution was middling, in my opinion. i think it struggles to balance the 'cozy' with the 'mystery'--it's hard to have stakes in a story that is deliberately trying to shock you out of the boundaries of its own genre [that being a genre in which stakes are extremely low]. i do admire this book's desire to have well-rounded characters, but its methods of doing so were to jumble together a series of random traits into one long, rpg-style character paragraph upon introduction and then disregard those traits almost entirely later on in the story. still, i liked sherry as a main character, and i would've preferred her in a book that took itself in one of two directions of 'cozy mystery/thriller', as opposed to trying to balance between the two.
Profile Image for Katie.
296 reviews1 follower
September 24, 2024
The Village Library Demon-Hunting Society by C.M. Waggoner is a light, fun, cozy read that is mostly murder mystery while lacking in the actual hunting of demons.

What could be better than a Golden Girls-esque librarian with a name like Pinkwhistle solving village murders? That same librarian having to appease and defeat a Sherlock/Agatha Christie/Poirot-loving demon to escape a cycle of death for the good of her small town. Oh, and she has an orange tabby who is possessed by Lord Thomas Cromwell and likes tea.

Should I bring anything tomorrow to the demon-hunting society meeting? Do we need... garlic? Stakes? Ingredients for mimosas? Are we doing brunch, or just coffee?

This story gives off the coziest of cozy vibes - but with murder! The language Waggoner uses wraps you up in the fluffiest grandma sweater you have with a cup of tea and then slides in those intrusive thoughts about how awkward it would be if what you were thinking actually came out of your mouth during a murder investigation. The stakes are surprisingly high for how campy the plot feels. While the demon plot device feels shoe-horned, the murders that surround the main character Sherry are very real. It's not as action-packed as a Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode, but it definitely exhibits some of the more quirky storytelling.

I laughed out loud at some of Waggoner's characterizations, dialog, and scenes. However, I think that the story could have been a little bit tighter. There were many parts that felt repetitive. Some scenes overstayed their welcome for the sake of getting in a few more clever quips or to over explain a point of interest. I felt like I was getting bogged down in the story even when the plot kept moving.

I also think that the story suffered from trying to be too many things. Is it a murder mystery? Yes. Is it a supernatural thriller/horror? Kinda? Is it a cozy-core urban found-family adventure? Also, kinda yes? Is there romance? Yes-ish? Overall, there was a lot going on and for the most part it made for a fun ride. Some of the side characters suffered from lack of depth, and the bonds of the so-called "Demon Hunting Society" came off as artificial. If there's a sequel, I'd be interested in how this group stays together, if they do at all.

Was there enough demon-hunting to deserve a title reference? Not in my opinion. Was this a fun story with lovable quirky characters to curl up and read in your favorite comfy chair with a big fluffy blanket? Absolutely. If you are a fan of granny-fic, the librarian aesthetic, Blanche, Rose, Dorothy, and Sophia, or - and this may seem like an odd fit - Harry Dresden or even Sam and Dean Winchester ... if you're in that kind of weird cross-section of fandoms (which I am), then give this story a try. I'm hoping there's more to come for Sherry Pinkwhistle and her friends.
Profile Image for Elizabeth McFarland .
450 reviews54 followers
September 24, 2024
Who doesn't like their murder mysteries with a side of demons?

Sherry Pinkwhistle, the local librarian, has been solving a lot of murders around her small town of Winesap. Suddenly, though, she suspects that something strange is happening. Why exactly are there so many murders in such a tiny village, and why doesn't anyone else find it odd? All of the village residents are behaving like this is completely normal and not at all weird.

Sherry is concerned. She realizes that something is definitely wrong when her cat starts talking to her. There seems to be supernatural forces at work, and her cat is possessed by a demon.

I have to admit that this has always been something that has bothered me about cozy mysteries. How could there be so many murders in a small town without anyone thinking that maybe that kind librarian or bookshop owner who keeps solving them might somehow be involved. I love how this book addresses some of that suspension of belief and in a completely bonkers way!

If you enjoy a book that doesn't take itself too seriously and has all the fun elements of a good cozy mystery then then this book is for you!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.
Profile Image for Alisha Carderella.
776 reviews4 followers
September 29, 2024
Sherry Pinkwhistle is a small town librarian that keeps finding dead bodies and helping the police solve the murders. It’s quite strange really. Why have there been so many murders? And why do the police need Sherry’s help? When Sherry’s cat starts talking to her as Lord Thomas Cromwell she realizes she may need more help - and enlists the new priest along with some of her friends. Time to hunt down a demon!

This book definitely gave off major Murder She Wrote vibes, just with added supernatural elements (but I wouldn’t call it Buffyesque at all). The main character is likable and quirky with an eclectic group of people around her. You definitely find yourself rooting for them.

What continued to bother me throughout this book was the setting. I just didn’t get NY town in winter. Yes, of course the author told me this is where we were meant to be, but I honestly felt like we were in an English Village. Especially with how everyone spoke. I think perhaps this had to do with the author trying to give off an Agatha Christie vibe. Whatever it was, it didn’t work for me.

This book is a little out there, but more fun for it.

*Thank you to Ace/Berkley Publishing Group and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest and voluntary review.
Profile Image for Linne.
240 reviews50 followers
September 23, 2024
Thank you for the free book @berkleypub!! #penguinrandomhousepartner #berkleyIG #BerkleyBookstagram. Thank you for the free audiobook @prhaudio!!

This book comes out tomorrow and this is definitely something you want to add to your TBR if you’re into cozy spooky this Halloween season like me 😂

For fans of Agatha Christie, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Murder, She Wrote, you would definitely enjoy this one!

This is basically a cozy murder mystery in a small town with some paranormal elements to it that is spooky but wont give you nightmares 😂
Basically our MC is a librarian who also happens to be great at solving murders in their small town. That’s pretty much the plot, I wont say anything else 😂

But I definitely enjoyed this one. It’s a great intro read to Spooktober reading!

💭 Have you started your spooky reads yet?
☕️ I’m patiently waiting for October to start them and currently enjoying all the cozy reads out there. 💗
Profile Image for LESLIE J (mrsj_readsbooks).
646 reviews25 followers
September 24, 2024
Thank you to Ace and NetGalley for my complimentary eARC of The Village Library Demon Hunting Society. Thank you to PRHAudio for my complimentary ALC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

That was a bit bizarre.
I know it’s billed as a cozy mystery, but it’s just a tad bit off the rails for my cozy loving reading heart. .
I did like it enough to finish it, but I did not particularly enjoy the demon parts.

I really liked how Sherry channeled Hercule Poirot when she was in full detective mode.

If you are into campy, out of this world mysteries then this is your perfect spooky season read. It is a great mash up of Murder She Wrote., Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The Truman Show.

The ending was great and leaves room for another book. In the great style of Agatha Christie, there were so many twists and turns I did not figure out the murderer.

I paired the audio with the book. Cindy Piller has a very pleasant reading voice.
Profile Image for Kristin.
191 reviews1 follower
September 21, 2024
Thank you to NetGalley, Berkley/Ace, and C.M. Waggoner for an e-arc of The Village Library Demon-Hunting Society in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I had such a good time reading this. I loved the premise of an older librarian being tangled up in the fight against demons. The cast of characters were diverse and I loved the friendships formed through the course of the book. I also loved all the throwbacks to the classic detective novels such as Poirot and Mrs. Marple, and trying to piece together the mystery as I was reading was so much fun.

The only thing that knocked it down a star for me was the beginning. It started off pretty slow and didn’t really hook me until around the 30% mark. Overall, though, I really enjoyed this and I hope there will be a sequel.
Profile Image for Deborah.
1,498 reviews42 followers
September 22, 2024
I received a gifted galley of THE VILLAGE LIBRARY DEMON-HUNTING SOCIETY by C.M. Waggoner for an honest review. Thank you to Berkley Publishing Group, PRH Audio and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review!

THE VILLAGE LIBRARY DEMON-HUNTING SOCIETY follows Sherry Pinkwhistle, a librarian who seems to stumble into a large number of mysteries. All around her, people keep dying and she’s enlisted to step in and solve the murders. When the latest victim is someone she cares about, it sends her spiraling and she can’t help but wonder why her small town has so many deaths. She’s beginning to think there is something supernatural at play, which is reinforced by the demonic possession of her cat. She enlists the new priest in town and some friends to try to figure out what is going on.

I have a bit of a mixed history with cozy mysteries, so I wasn’t sure what to expect from this book. It is pitched as Murder She Wrote crossed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and I think it leans more Murder. I really liked the way it pokes a bit of fun at cozy mystery tropes (how do these innocent main characters find SO many bodies?) and doesn’t take itself too seriously. I also enjoyed the fact that we got an older main character who is out to save the day.

Overall, I did find the story a bit slow for me and while it had some interesting twists (the demonic cat possession for one), I didn’t find myself entirely invested in the story. Still I think this is one that I would recommend this to those who love cozy mysteries and are looking for an interesting take!
Profile Image for Carissa .
53 reviews3 followers
May 22, 2024
I went into this book kind of blind. I didn't really know what it was about, but the title and cover caught my attention. I really enjoyed the story. Sherry, who is a librarian, lives in a small town that seems to have something suspicious or supernatural going on. There's been several murders, which Sherry has helped solve. She apparently is also a demon slayer. 😈 I'm a bit of a chicken, so if you're concerned with this being scary, it isn't at all. Think hocus pocus/humorous. That's the vibes I get. I think this is coming out at a perfect time because if you are a mood/vibes reader, this would be perfect come Fall/Halloween.

Thanks, NetGalley for the ARC.
Profile Image for anna.
66 reviews1 follower
June 12, 2024
This was cuuuuute!!

I love the idea of murder mystery meets demon hunting and I thought Sherry Pinkwhistle was the perfect protagonist for it. I mean, come on. She's a librarian named Sherry Pinkwhistle with a dark, mysterious past that is constantly alluded to... Of course, I was sat.

And obviously Miss Pinkwhistle has a ragtag group of besties helping her throughout all of this - a priest, a widow, a psychiatrist, and a cat possessed by the ghost of Lord Thomas Cromwell.

Truly what more could a girl ask for?

This would be such a good autumnal/Halloween-time read and I WILL be recommending it to everyone upon release.
Profile Image for Brooke.
275 reviews3 followers
September 22, 2024
The Village Library Demon-Hunting Society was a fun cozy mystery featuring an older (60s) protagonist, Sherry Pinkwhistle, and a loveable collection of friends and neighbors. I loved how eccentric just about every person in this story was. Father Barry and his dinner parties was a particular highlight, and Lord Thomas Cromwell the possessed cat was a joy whenever he appeared. There was, however, much less demon activity than I expected from the title. Most of this story follows Sherry's internal monologue as she sleuths her way through the mystery. Sherry is shrewd and funny, but also rambling. While her final deductions were impressive, we weren't privy to how she actually came to her final conclusions - we sort of skipped from her initial thoughts straight to some much more complex criminal activity that Sherry deduced off page. Overall a fun and light read, but more geared for a cozy mystery audience than an audience pulled in by the "Demon-Hunting" part of the title.
Profile Image for Cassidy | fictionalcass.
322 reviews20 followers
July 28, 2024
Many thanks to the publisher and netgalley for the earc of this book!

I really liked this! It was quite different from most of the books I’ve been reading lately so it felt like something fresh. This book combines cozy vibes with the makings of a Christie mystery. Full of lots of fun humor and an absolutely chaotic cast of characters, this book was definitely a little treat. Interested to see if there will be a sequel with how things wrapped up.
Profile Image for Alora Khan.
273 reviews7 followers
August 13, 2024
I ADORED this! Combining murder, the way old mysteries with Jessica Fletcher were, a talking cat, and a demon: boom, the best cozy mystery I’ve read this year. The characters were phenomenal, the humor was great, and comes complete with all those cozy feelings old murder mysteries give. This was so great. Everyone should read it.

Thanks to NetGalley and Berkley for the copy of this ARC! This book will be out in late September! Be sure to add it to your TBR!
Profile Image for Rebecca.
1,814 reviews3 followers
September 25, 2024
DNF @ 45% because I cannot get into this story and nothing really has happened. The characters are pretty vague and I don't even feel like I have a good feel for the MC. The story drags along and then rushes through the important parts and I just cannot keep my attention. I love the idea, but the execution isn't working for me.

Thanks to the publisher for a free copy; my review and thoughts are my own.
47 reviews1 follower
June 24, 2024
This book was a fun read /it did take a few tries to get into it as there were some fundamental shifts that take place in terms of style - cozy mystery turned fantasy turned time warp. But overall it’s very cute, funny and filled with feel good characters and locations.
I’m a librarian and don’t usually like books about librarians. This one has the right tone that really reminds me of so many of my wonderful colleagues and what makes librarians unique.
Thanks to Net Galley for the e-ARC
Profile Image for Gretal.
824 reviews77 followers
September 21, 2024
Very fun, very cozy. I would definitely read a potential sequel.
Profile Image for Karyn Silverman.
1,164 reviews121 followers
March 31, 2024
Much more straight laced, in all senses, than Waggoner’s previous two, still great fun but not the incandescent joy of those. The riffing on libraries and narrative imperative were, obviously, right up my alley, and the upstateness of it all was like a cozy blanket (two slightly barbed, slightly loving comments about the “co-op in Albany,” I immediately texted Bec to say I suspected the author was actually from there, which the bio confirmed). This is a very meta book about books and stories, and possibly a series opener, in which case I’m going to read them all and hope fantasy gets the full treatment. Funny and a little macabre. Christie and Jessica Fletcher fans will particularly appreciate the in joke that is the whole book, although it’s obviously not just a schtick.
Profile Image for Suzanne Brown.
16 reviews6 followers
August 14, 2024
Though I was excited by the book description (Libraries! Otherworldly phenomena! Murder!), the way this one was written, it really was not my cup of tea at all. If I wasn't so stubborn, I would have given up on it many times as the plot dragged. It actually did not pick up for my tastes until the very end, and even so, I do not plan to read any sequels. Nevertheless, thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to read the ARC.
Profile Image for Sarah.
82 reviews5 followers
June 20, 2024
2.5/5 stars rounded to three. This book was sort of a slog for me. I came for a cozy mystery with supernatural twist, which is what I got, but something I can’t quite put my finger on kept me from eating it up. The main character, an elderly librarian named Sherry Pinkwhistle, has already been solving murder mysteries in Winesap, New York, for quite a while, and is known by the community for her exceptional deductive power. The twist involves demonic possession. I should have been all over this, but sadly, I found the storytelling bland and the characters pretty flat.

Thank you to Netgalley and Ace Publishing for an ARC copy in exchange for my honest review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 143 reviews

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