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Deaf teenager goes missing in Esseberg. Mountain rescue are launching a search party but conditions hinder their efforts.V The tunnel is being kept open all night as an exception.

When journalist Tuva Moodyson reads this news alert she knows she must join the search. If this teenager is found, she will be able to communicate with him in a way no one else can.

Esseberg lies on the other side of a mountain there is only one way in and one way out. When the tunnel closes at night, the residents are left to fend for themselves. And as more people go missing, it becomes clear that there is a killer among them ...

ICE TOWN is the unputdownable new Tuva novel, which will delight existing fans of the series and bring many new readers to it.

356 pages, Kindle Edition

Expected publication November 7, 2024

About the author

Will Dean

16 books1,244 followers
Will Dean grew up in the East Midlands, living in nine different villages before the age of eighteen. He was a bookish, daydreaming kid who found comfort in stories and nature (and he still does). After studying Law at the LSE, and working in London, he settled in rural Sweden. He built a wooden house in a boggy clearing at the centre of a vast elk forest, and it's from this base that he compulsively reads and writes. He is the author of Dark Pines.

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Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 reviews
Profile Image for Trish Hills.
478 reviews11 followers
July 19, 2024
I have been waiting (not so) patiently for this book! Tuva is my absolute favourite character in any book or series ever! The second I was approved on Netgalley, I dropped the book I was reading and dove in.

It was like sitting down to coffee with an old friend. Ice Town is chilling in more ways than one. The town is even more isolated and cut off than Gavrik, and the weather is even more harsh. So, when a deaf teenager goes missing, Tuva rushes to help in the search.

It soon becomes clear that there is more to this story when a dead body turns up. Tuva and Astrid, a fellow journalist from another neighbouring town, both try and dig for the truth, the identity of the killer, and to find the missing teen.

The whole story is eerie as hell. This is made worse by the fact that Ice Town is only accessible by a tunnel that is closed each night. It's claustrophobic, tense, creepy, and absolutely captivating.

Tuva had me in floods of tears, both at the beginning and the end. Will Dean explored grief with such tenderness and sensitivity that I had to message him and thank him for that.

If you haven't read any of this series, why not??? Do it now. It's incredible!
425 reviews2 followers
September 23, 2024
I love a good Will Dean novel and when I got accepted for Ice Town, I was super excited.

Apparently this is in a series of novels but I found it was fine for me to read as a standalone.

We meet main character Tuva, who is a journalist and also deaf.

When a young boy goes missing in Esseberg, Tuva knows she has to go and help find him and with him being deaf she knows she can communicate with him. Ice Town is such a great read, I loved how Will Dean writes his novels, they never disappoint.

Wow, this book captivated me and held my attention - and now I am going to go back and start the whole series from book number 1.

I loved Tuva, such a feisty character and written so well.

Thanks to Netgalley, the publishers and author for allowing me an ARC in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Gail.
163 reviews4 followers
August 26, 2024
Enjoyed it so much I've now downloaded the other books in the Tuva Moodyson series. Somehow this feisty deaf journalist has eluded me.
Dean is an expert in creating tension and atmosphere. The remote Swedish town where the only access, a tunnel, is closed at night is a perfect setting, as is the creepy hotel at the top of the valley with its defective and creaky chair lift.
It was difficult to spot the perpetrator among so many likely subjects.
I found some of the references to Tuva's past a bit confusing, having not read the other books, but it didn't spoil my enjoyment.
Thanks to NetGalley and Hodder & Stoughton for the advance copy.
Profile Image for Fleurtje Eliza.
510 reviews10 followers
July 10, 2024
My first Tuva thriller and I quite enjoyed it for the tense atmosphere (but nothing too creepy, thankfully) and the delicate way some themes were described. Such as people's weird fascination with true crime; the recent, horrific history of how Sami people were treated; the difficulties deaf people are dealing with; the perpetual distrust by women of men and how weary it can make one feel; how nature somehow is of less importance than what people want it to be (mines and ski resorts) – no matter its devastating consequences.

But of course, this being a whodunit, we're in it for the chase of the puzzle, finding clues to piece together some reasoning behind all this. And that is what I thought was a bit lacking... the last victim not being named, the (indeed, very unexpected) killer unveiling a plot that looked a bit thin to me.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of the book.
23 reviews
September 26, 2024
Thank you to NetGalley for my ARC of this book.

I thoroughly enjoyed both the setting and the plot of this book. The concept of a town with only one access point which cannot always be trusted had me hooked from the get go.

At first I found it difficult to connect with the main character, Tuva, however I think this may be because I haven’t read the previous books in the series. The references to prior events and characters made it clear that this book is a part of a series, but at no point did it feel as though I had to have read those to appreciate this. By the end of the book I did feel connected to Tuva and now I am eager to read the rest!

The plot involving a cold blooded killer on the loose was enhanced by the constant inclusion of the danger of the literal cold. The setting was described fantastically and the knowledge that the killer was one of many dangers in this part of the world was conveyed very smoothly.

I did find the book quite slow in terms of plot continuation, and a couple of events now appear irrelevant or left as loose ends, which is why I have dropped a star. Overall, however, this doesn’t take away from the fact that this was a very enjoyable read.

I would be intrigued to see if I view this book differently once I’ve read the rest of the series, but for now I look forward to reading more by this author!
Profile Image for Linda.
722 reviews39 followers
September 17, 2024
Will Dean always writes books that terrify me, they are usually claustrophobic and so plausible.
In the 6th book in the Tuva Moodyson series we have a small Swedish town, Esseberg that is only accessible by a tunnel and the tunnel is shut at night cutting the town off from the outside world. In this town a young deaf boy, Peter has gone missing. Tuva, a journalists, thinks there is a good story in this and she also wants to help look for him as being deaf herself she feels she understands how he must be feeling.
From the start there is a brooding sense to the town, with its feeling of isolation under the mountains and the grand hotel that sits at the top of the mountain accessible only by a chairlift now the road has closed to there.
Soon more bodies are found in the snow and as Peter hasn’t been found, he becomes the main suspect along with Ingvar Persson the man who operates the chairlift for the skiers, and has had past convictions.
It’s a great story with the place and atmosphere playing a big part in the thrill of the book.
There are quite a few red herrings and I was completely wrong in who I thought the murderer was. It’s a page turning read.

#IceTown #NetGalley
Profile Image for Kat.
1,128 reviews3 followers
September 25, 2024
How wonderful to be back with one of my favourite characters in a read the brilliant Tuva Moodyson. This was a pure genius of a story as apart from the search for pepper spray killer we also learn so much about Tuva and I loved that. The book is mainly set in the very insular Ice Town that every evening is cutoff from civilisation by a tunnel that is only opened the following morning and this was such a claustrophobic setting it raised the level of creepiness sky high!
I really thought that in the book we got to the heart of Tuva and her ability to deal with the grief of losing someone close to her and I really applaud Will Deans ability to do that so very well.
The hunt for a killer was excellent and had me fooled completely and with a fabulous ending that broke me into little pieces then put me together again albeit sobbing my heart out this was a read that deserves more than the 5 stars I can give it.
So please don’t miss this one it’s a joy of a read and highly recommended.
My thanks to NetGalley and Hodder & Stoughton for giving me the opportunity to read the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.
57 reviews
September 24, 2024
Tuva Moodyson is a journalist who lives in Gavrik. She read about a deaf boy who has gone missing in Essberg a town with only one way in and one way out, through a tunnel that is closed at nighttime, effectively locking all the residents in until the morning. The tunnel is also one way only as it’s too small to have 2 lanes of traffic. Tuva is also deaf which is what draws her to the story along with the unusual setting. Her editor allows her to travel to the town to cover the story.

There is also a hotel above the town, in the mountains. It’s run down and used to have a train to go up to it but it’s no longer working. The only access is by chair lift which makes it difficult to get supplies. The owner is rather creepy along with his hotel.

The book is very atmospheric with its setting and story and it’s a pleasure to read another book featuring Tuva. I’ve only given it 4 stars as I think the ending was rushed and the killer u masked too soon.
September 12, 2024
3.5 ⭐️

As a first time reader of Will Dean, I did not realise I was walking into book 6 of the Tuva Moodyson world... however, this book can 100% be read as a standalone thriller! This story was such as easy read, I really found myself saying ‘one more chapter’ way too many times before bed as Will’s writing was extremely captivating. The chapters were kept short and engaging, leaving me seriously on the edge of my seat after each one was over. Some aspects of this book I felt were unnecessary, but not unsatisfying and that’s what made this book less that 5 stars for me. I would of really enjoyed delving into some of the things that were kind of swept over in this book. I will definitely be reading more of Will’s writing !
709 reviews25 followers
September 26, 2024
Will Dean has written another atmospherically chilling novel that raised my anxiety levels once again. I don't know why I punish myself! I am so claustrophobic I will not go in a lift and even having the duvet over my head will cause a mild panic, but the writing is just so good I can't help myself.
I didn't realise when I picked up this book that it is number 6 in the Tuva Moodyson Mystery series and although I haven't read any previous books in this series it can be read as a standalone without presenting any problems. After finishing it I went straight to Amazon to get the back catalogue.
Fantastic book and highly recommended!
Profile Image for Vix S.
298 reviews8 followers
September 10, 2024
This book makes me excited for where the next will go, due to the breadcrumbs which have been laid out for us. It was interesting to see Tuva in a totally different (albeit just as eerie & cold) location this time around. I would have liked a bit more about the loss she experienced (the very very last page or two was.. kind of.. a bit jarring and out of left field?!) but maybe that will come in time.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Meg.
26 reviews
August 23, 2024
so happy to be back in tuvaland, favourite read of the year so far🎉 brilliant writing, unpredictable and engaging! will dean breathes life into every character he writes and i’ll be impatiently waiting for book 7😳 hands down my favourite series, i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again tuva moodyson deserves the world🥹😭
Profile Image for Liz Barnsley.
3,592 reviews1,058 followers
September 15, 2024
Tuva is back and I for one was extremely pleased to read about her again.

This locked town, chilly mystery is pure Will Dean - Addictive, descriptive and brilliantly done.

It's a right old page turner with plenty of twisty plotting and a really excellent sense of place. Tuva is as intriguing as ever and it's very hard to put down once you start.

Loved it.

Long live Tuva.
Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 reviews

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