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Російський колоніалізм

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Український журналіст Максим Еріставі протягом багатьох років просуває обговорення злочинів російського колоніалізму у публічному полі. За кілька днів до того, як рф розпочала повномасштабне вторгнення в Україну, автор запустив у своєму акаунті у твітері тред, у якому описував випадки російських колоніальних вторгнень протягом останніх ста років та ідентичні формули, за якими вони відбувалися. Відтоді публікація стала вірусною і дістала назву «матері всіх тредів про російський колоніалізм».

Разом із групою українських художниць та художників Еріставі створив ілюстрований кишеньковий путівник про 48 останніх вторгнень російського колоніалізму, аби популяризувати це знання для світового загалу.

134 pages, Paperback

Published November 1, 2023

About the author

Maksym Eristavi

1 book12 followers
Maksym Eristavi is a Ukrainian journalist, writer, and author of award-winning “Russian Colonialism 101,” an illustrated guide to Russian colonial crimes. A self-described 'Russian colonialism storyteller in chief,' he champions global awareness about the Russian colonial legacy. This mission is personal: a mixed Ukrainian with Asian, Roma, and Georgian roots, several generations of his family suffered from genocides, assimilation, and identity erasure throughout centuries of Russian colonial rule.

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Profile Image for wow_42.
89 reviews44 followers
March 27, 2024
гарний довідничок (є посилання на джерела!) і нагадування, що росія імперія зла та терору.

не знаю чому люди у відгуках обурюються, що це погана книга, якщо буквально в описі зазначено, що це тред з твіттера Максима Еріставі, який зібрали під одну обкладинку з прекрасними ілюстраціями.

тому, самі розумієте, що історичний нон-фік ви не отримаєте.

на подарунок книга взагалі 1000/1000.
Profile Image for Olha Boiko.
12 reviews3 followers
December 3, 2023
Це більше експонат для музею сучасного мистецтва чи книга для журнального столика. Не очікуйте від неї глибини історичного аналізу, а сприймайте як позицію.
Profile Image for Yulia Kryval.
106 reviews8 followers
January 2, 2024
*мем з Кучмою "Це ж було вже"* 🥲

Це книжка-реєстр, відповідно читається як довідник (тому й 4 зірки), але її треба мати і дарувати іншим (особливо іноземцям), шоб могти в будь-який момент рандомно відкритою сторінкою нагадати, яка ж рсія гнила і скільки мороку вона несе в цей світ за своєю гидкою методичкою і скільки корінних народів вона буквально стирала.

окрім ницості окупанта, не менш виразно підмічено і ницість міжнародної спільноти, зокрема Ліги Націй і інших "стурбованих" європейських країн, які закривали очі на російське свавілля.

хочеться підсумувати цитатою зі вступу:
"Українці - не єдиний народ, який протягом тривалого часу страждав від неспровокованої російської агресії та розкрадання земель. Однак ми віримо, що нам судилося розірв��ти це коло безкарного російського імперіалізму та колоніалізму." 💙💛
Profile Image for Olha Vorozhko.
12 reviews3 followers
May 25, 2024
Коротко, влучно, ідеально для простеження патерну російської колоніальної поведінки.
Profile Image for Adomas Sliužinskas.
19 reviews9 followers
January 19, 2024
Essential reading. Concise exhibit list of cases of russian colonialism. Most are popularly unknown, and have been ignored by the international community.
Profile Image for Iryna B.
31 reviews1 follower
December 13, 2023
Absolutely critical book to start understanding the pattern of russian colonialism. Read it like a catalog to start your journey of learning more about the topic.

I think the author did a brilliant job pointing out exactly how every single invasion or case of settler colonialism is exactly the same:
1) gaslight (create a fictional narrative and force it from many angles),
2) invade (under a pretext of protection from violence, nationalists, or to protect russian speakers(that were either settler colonialists, or indigenous people that were russified with strict laws that prohibited local culture)),
3) and exterminate (violently murder millions and millions of people over the course of the last 300 years.)

The illustrations are simple and very fitting, and I love the cover. The qr code with all the sources is an amazing idea.
4 reviews4 followers
January 7, 2024
Excellent book to start unveiling the answer to “how come Russia is such a giant country”. Book covers just the last century or so, is beautifully written and provides catalog of methods used to colonize and destroy countries.
Profile Image for Bittertiger.
3 reviews3 followers
January 18, 2024
An accessible and visually pleasing trip into colonial past and present of russia currently waging a genocidal war against Ukraine. Each case is illustrated by a Ukrainian artist. It’s a beautiful book that will help you understand the aggressor’s pathological genocidal behavior through numerous examples from the past.
Profile Image for All My Friends Are Fictional.
321 reviews19 followers
July 4, 2024
As the international community looks the other way…

„The international community consents and allows the Russian empire to walk away emboldened for new colonial conquests.“

„One formula. Forty eight invasions. Millions of indigenous voices before us murdered or assimilated without telling their stories. Ruzzian colonial empire has been hiding in plain sight for centuries. We survived to unmask it. We survived to talk at the empire back.“
Profile Image for aurora.
62 reviews
January 28, 2024
essential reading, they need to do a catalogue like this for every empire in the world
Profile Image for смажений ананас .
46 reviews1 follower
November 20, 2023
мабуть одна з найкращих книжок нон фікш : чітко, коротко, інформативно, а які ілюстрації 💓
Profile Image for Viktorija Semjonova.
Author 4 books15 followers
February 7, 2024
Visually beautiful book, with powerful illustrations. Clear, concise, factual, to the point. Well researched book on a difficult topic, aimed at educating people about russian colonialism and exposing the patterns of oppression, genocide, and aggression. I bought it for my workplace bookshelf, a necessary book for our times.

And I think the format works incredibly well. Listing atrocities, people, and places which suffered under and because of russian colonialism, exaggerates the effect and shows the magnitude of both evil and suffering, exposing the events for what they are, not badly managed mistakes but cold and calculated crimes against humanity, policies systematically implemented in places spanning thousands of kilometres as well as centuries. The message of the book is delivered clear and loud, "that partitioned, disarmed and decolonized russia is the only peace plan that will work".
1 review
February 14, 2024
This is a beautiful, concise and essential book about Russian history and the countries and people that neighbour it (many of who have been erased). It's a lovingly presented and laid out catalogue of 48 instances over 111 years of Russia invading, subjugating, consuming and erasing it's neighbours.

The author identifies and highlights the patterns of imperial infiltration, disinformation and control that lead up to the occupation and shows that these are well worn tactics that Russia has been using throughout the Tzarist - Soviet - Putin eras.

It is essential reading for anyone from a country not neighbouring Russia. The patterns of colonial behaviour it identifies are crucial to our understanding of Russia as a continually active imperial force throughout the last century and up to the present day - and beyond if not stopped.

We need to know Russian history to see what they are doing today and the threat they pose for tomorrow, read it and pass it on.
98 reviews
May 30, 2024
This is an excellent VERY high-level and rather dry/impartial overview of all the invasions and genocides russia committed in it's different iterations (russian empire, USSR, modern-day russia) but it's by no way a comprehensive deep-dive into any of the invasions. Treat it as a jumping board -- I ended up googling the events from every chapter (except for Ukraine lol because I am **living** it) and diving deep into the history of each country to learn more.

However, it will help you understand the general methods russia is using through the centuries: invasion under false pretenses, settler colonialism, forced famine as a method of genocide, culture erasure, russification, kidnapping of children to bring them up "russian", mass murder of civilians, desire to expand the empire. This will turn you into a russophobe.
2 reviews
December 19, 2023
The concept is brilliant and timely. Unfortunately, the book reads like a catalogue or a Wikipedia article: very dry and doesn't engage the reader's empathy. If the idea is to make people care about the injustices Russian colonialism continues to inflict then it would be helpful to make people actually feel something. There are some factual inaccuracies, which could have been ironed out before it went into print. The illustrations are fantastic.
Profile Image for Miki.
431 reviews3 followers
March 19, 2024
"How to occupy a neighbour and get away with it: an illustrated guide."

A concise and essential guide to the by now predictable methods the Russian colonial empire has used for centuries to invade and annihilate its neighbours. Poignant illustrations accompany each short chapter, featuring a long list of references and sources ("Exhibits") at the end of the book, along with a useful general map.

"The empire will fall"
Profile Image for Yakym Yermak.
68 reviews4 followers
November 23, 2023
Гарна ідея, важлива тема, прекрасні зображення, але імплементація жахлива. На кожну тему — по пів сторінки, жодного унікального факту, деталей, зʼявляється купу «чому»? Іноземцю теж не подаруєш, бо мʼяко кажучи виглядає непереконливо і необґрунтовано. Дякую, що хоч список джерел є…

І все це за 13 €…
4 reviews
December 29, 2023
Beautiful illustrations and very elegant writing. This is a treasure of a wee book, although it succinctly covers Asia and the Middle East, not just Europe ... it isn't long or "hard". An absolute must read.
9 reviews
February 14, 2024
Informative and necessary. Kinda dry too, but very easy to reference. The dryness might even be a plus to people who value their time. Cold hard facts are cold hard facts.
Profile Image for Lisa Weeda.
3 reviews16 followers
March 6, 2024
Finally, a total overview of RU imperialism. A clear, informative book with beautiful illustrations. A must-read for Westerners who seem to think there was no imperial violence in Europe since 1945.
May 7, 2024
Russian colonial history spans across nearly a thousand years, and one book can not cover all of its atrocities, but this one comes as close to completing that task as possible
Profile Image for Olga.
3 reviews5 followers
July 6, 2024
If you ever think there are good яuzzians, read this.
Sake methods throughout history
Profile Image for Jennifer J..
Author 2 books47 followers
July 10, 2024
Read this more as an artifact of current popular discourse about decolonization in Ukraine than as a reliable historical analysis. Through that frame, I found this pretty interesting.
Profile Image for Piotr.
20 reviews20 followers
February 14, 2024
A short, beautifully edited book listing some of the ugliest, recent atrocities by the last colonial empire, Russia, in its several incarnations. It does not go deep on any of them, that's not the goal here, but these 130 pages contain a lot of hard stuff, and some powerful images. I'd say its well worth your time. Full review on my blog https://reenchantmentoftheworld.blog/...
Profile Image for Calma_caotica.
6 reviews
April 16, 2024
A short, beautifully illustrated book on not a beautiful topic.
Just the thought of russians getting away with all their crimes for centuries makes me sick. This is so unfair, so heartbreaking, so unacceptable. Yet we all let it happen again and again.
I'd like every person to read it, to let it sink in.
Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews

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