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Secret memories locked in my head, an assassin on my tail, and strange powers I shouldn't possess are the least of my problems. Because now I'm bonded to a man I barely know.

My body may be pulled towards him, but my heart can't forgive his betrayal.

And he isn't the only one.

I'm sick of being treated this way and I'm sick of not knowing who I really am.

No more secrets. No more lies.

I'm determined to learn the truth.

No matter what the cost.

***A new why choose paranormal romance series with magic, ruthless love interests and fated mates. Twisted Ties is the second book in the Arrow Hart Academy series. The story will not complete in this book and contains some scenes that readers may find challenging.

406 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 4, 2024

About the author

Hannah Haze

35 books939 followers
I’m a British romance author who loves writing soft and steamy omegaverse romances, sure to get your pulse racing and your heart fluttering. My couples are destined to find each other - and when they do, oh boy! ​ My Alpha heros may be hard as nails on the outside, but they're as soft as melted butter on a piping hot crumpet on the inside, especially when it comes to the Omegas in their lives.

My other loves include long romantic walks in the countryside, undisturbed soaks in a hot bath and even hotter stories. I have one husband, three children and a very naughty cat. When I’m not writing stories, I’m thinking about stories, listening to stories, reading stories or dreaming about them.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 238 reviews
Profile Image for Caroline | BooktokEnthusiast.
399 reviews159 followers
January 8, 2024
This was really great! I'm super into this series. I need book 3.

I will say, I wish there was a bit more interaction with the guys in this. The FMC, Rhi, spent a lot of time with Winnie and random other characters throughout this book. Spencer was barely in the 1st half, and Tristan was barely in the 2nd half. I also want more from Renzo - I feel like we've only really gotten the tip of the iceberg with him. Renzo and Rhi have only had 2 interactions, and they still feel like virtual strangers.

I am glad that Stone has come around, and we learned a bit more about him. I need Summer to be taken down because she's driving me nuts and it's getting a bit old. Azlan is still the best, but I still can't really tell if Rhi likes him beyond enjoying having lots of sex with him. With both Azlan and Stone, there's lots of progress in their physical relationships with Rhi, but very little progress emotionally. I loved the sexting scene though - I lolled.

Anyways, this was good. It felt a bit like filler because nothing really happened, and it ended with more questions than answers, but I'm still excited for the next book! I really like these characters.
Profile Image for Dark Little Reader.
200 reviews7 followers
January 4, 2024
I had the opportunity to ARC and Beta read this book and my goodness it was delightful! I'm really enjoying Rhi's journey to discover who she is and where she comes from.

I adore a good bully romance, especially when it's multi POV, I just love seeing how much they are actually obsessed with her. As I said in my review of book one, Azlan is so dreamy, I love a good protector. I'm also a big fan of both Spencer and Tristan and can't wait to see how they continue to develop. I want more Renzo! He's really bringing the unhingedness.

I'm looking forward to book three in the series but I can't believe we have to wait until spring!

This book features magic, Fated Mates, and is a bully romance.
Profile Image for Reece.
599 reviews11 followers
January 10, 2024
3.5 stars

Super fast read for me. Again, nothing groundbreaking. Most of this one is focused on Rhi finding out more about her past. There are a few smutty scenes but nothing terribly exciting. Still, I find the story interesting enough. I'll probably read the next one if I don't forget this series exists by the time it comes out, though the wait is not terribly long (April 2024).

However, upon checking to see when the next book comes out:
"The more I discover about my mysterious past, the deeper I'm pulled into a web of mysteries, secrets and lies"
Ah yes, mysterious mysteries and mysterious lack of a period at the end of a sentence. Like, do you give a single shit? smdh
Profile Image for ROMEOISNOTFUNNY.
534 reviews5 followers
July 13, 2024
Well, I fell asleep listening to this book because I couldn't get enough!

Rhee is surviving the best she can. She's dealing with the outcome from book 1, and boy, does she get to have some fun finally. But I like they know, just because there is a bond doesn't equal instant HEA. They still explore the relationship, and most importantly, Rhee tries to navigate it all at super speed while trying to learn what she can do and who she is.

One MMC down and nearly forgiven. 3-4 MMCs to realise their twatattuide needs erasing and a lot of grovelling needs to start. But no, no, no, Rhee knows sorry, doesn't make it all better. But she, like most bonded, will also start to realise their bullying comes from something, and it may be more to understand and forgive to make a relationship start, let alone grow and last.

Plenty of smut, steam, spice. Fun banter, friend time, and problem solving with Winnie (love that gurl!), Pip the pig.

I'm just sad because I'm catching up, and book 4 is not out on audio 😔, book 5 is out later in AW24....😢

4.5 stars
Profile Image for M.
468 reviews7 followers
January 2, 2024
I was really looking forward to this and it did not disappoint!

Rhi is an absolutely amazing FMC and Stone is just oooof. 😮‍💨 Also Azlan is sooo Gryphon from Bonds That Tie coded and I love that! 😅

I’m so glad to have this be my first book read for 2024. 🥲💗

Now how the heck am I going to make it to April for the next one? 😭
Profile Image for Jessisfullybooked.
167 reviews19 followers
January 7, 2024
Twisted Ties is the second book in the Arrow Hart Academy series and it blew every expectation I had out of the water 🤌📚

Tensions are running high following dramatic events at the end of Fractured Fates. This read delivers an intricate, and jeal0usy fueled dynamic, that had me enthralled.We see new faces, feel the prickle of lurking eyes and revel in the push and pull of developing attachments.

Haze's writing is so enjoyable to read, she has the knack when balancing multiple character arcs and delivers deliciously sc0rch!ng scenes.

The magic and mystery that has been weaved the plot from the beginning is evolving, we get answers (yet more questions 😉) and gaspable moments. This is a sequel worth ALL your time. The perfect weekend read that'll have your toes curling and leave you wanting more!
Profile Image for GimmeAllTheWerdssss.
593 reviews242 followers
Shelved as 'abandon-dnf'
January 9, 2024
DNF @ 26%

I’m going to date myself and go with the famous words that Randy Jackson muttered in season one of American Idol and say - “It’s a no for me dawg”

None of the characters are likeable….

Heroine is pathetic. Gets magically bonded to H1 who she doesn’t even know, while in the hospital displays realistic anger with him for his actions and the fact that SHE DOESNT KNOW HIM!! But the second they get in the car to go home all inhibitions go out the window and she has porn star sex with him for the next few days. All the while playing the victim card and teeny bopper mind games - “I want to go back to school” …”ok, go back to school”….”why do you want me to go back to school!”….”you don’t have to stay”….”I’ll go if you want me to”….”why doesn’t he want to say with mmmmeeee!”
I ain’t got time for this nonsense…

H1….no real personality at all and doesn’t really share anything with the heroine.

H2…mind raper still being an asshole BUT she does end up sexing him up at the end.

H3….the orgy bully who humiliated the heroine toward the end of book 1. It’s been a few days since that orgy in which he actively participated AND humiliated the heroine but now he’s turning down an orgy and saying the heroine belongs to him? Ummmm…gonna need a little bit more info on that crazy change in attitude and am I suppose to be proud that you turned down the orgy? Get your disease ridden self checked dude, you gotta have something deadly by now

H4….the one who physically assaulted her repeatedly in book 1. Still a bully I see. Moving on…

New to the group H5….hes perhaps the only interesting one but not enough for me to even try to continue

Ultimately, the idea that this is a 6 book series leaves a nasty taste in my mouth. I can’t imagine torturing myself through any more of this drivel.
42 reviews1 follower
January 6, 2024
Hummm... I got complaints

So, I not saying pass on this series but I do have some issues with it. First, I wasn't sure about this series plot but it's getting better. Though the plot need to be more flushed out, I don't feel like we are any further along than the first book. Second, Rhi budding relationship with Azlan and Stone was nice but feels mainly built on lust and the bond. The end of the book suggests they will be trusting each other more, it just would have been nice to see it in this book since I'm gathering there will only be 3 books total. Which brings me to my third issue, this series needs to be more than 3 books. From the length of these books and the pacing of the current writing, there is no way to wrap this story up with a pretty bow without rushing the entire story in book 3, there needs to be at least 5 books to tell the story and for character growth. Spencer and Tristan have had no growth with Rhi, they are just suffering more form the bond. Both are still hateful to her, want her gone, and barely interacted with her in this story. They need their own book and a better explanation to why the are such dicks bc there is no reasoning besides prejudice and being stuck ups. And from the hints, Renzo is another of her mates, he needs his own book bc again, barely any interaction and no growth to their relationship. Then you need a book for the conclusion to why they were all fated, coming together working as a unit, and the final battle, or whatever.

Can you understand my complaints?!

These books are frustrating bc as other have mentioned from the first book, it just ends abruptly in each book and the story hasn't really progressed enough to leave you with a satisfying ending, or anticipation for the next book.
Profile Image for Melanie.
251 reviews1 follower
April 23, 2024

Why does the FMC one second know what a fated mate feels like. She even comes out and says it to Phoenix. It’s a pull from right here (touches her stomach and then his). But then the next thing you know the same feels with the other 3 people she’s like whyyyyyyy do I feel like this. What is this feeling, etc….. Grow a backbone and tell your 2 current mates that hey I feel this with X, Y, Z.
Profile Image for Heather.
49 reviews3 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
August 14, 2024
I had to DNF this one almost halfway through the book….
Nothing has happened to really* move the story along. It’s still just stupid bullying… and the bullying isn’t even original…. How are they supposed to be 20-22 year old adults!??

*we’ve bonded with 1 mate the FmC has recognized what the pull means to the others.. but just goes “no something must be wrong with me clearly it doesn’t mean I have more that’s just silly ” and refuses to ask/talk about it….

*We still haven’t gotten any world building, we have no idea what the magic system is or how it is used, just that you have to be registered in order to be prepared to fight some unknown enemy in the west….

We don’t actually see anything happen when she’s at school, the school might as well be non existent because we never actually see anything besides “I’m in class and the students are picking on me again”

Profile Image for Tiffany.
100 reviews6 followers
September 1, 2024
The balance of romance and plot in these books really has them catapulting to my top favorites ever. We get to see Rhi really struggle with the fact she feels this way for the men despite how terrible they can be. She knows that mutual attraction does NOT MEAN they deserve her and she’s forgiving but that does not come easily in this series. In fact I just know Spencer and Tristian are in for the biggest grovel of their life in the next book. We got to see a lot of Stone in this which had me giggling and kicking my feet. I really think this is on my top 5 of perfect academy RH. Onto the next!
Profile Image for Jordan.
304 reviews
February 1, 2024
The Arrow Hart Academy is so far a solid 3 star series for me. I find myself starting to skim read hoping to get to something more exciting or interesting. Rhi's POV is actually starting to bore me. I look forward to Azlan and Stone's POVs because then you actually get a bit more understanding about the world they're living in.

The romance aspect is also a bit blah. I normally enjoy bully romances (as long as the MCs eventually get their acts together), but this one is falling a bit flat for me. I just don't quite understand the absolute disdain some of these guys have for Rhi. Okay sure, she was unregistered. They didn't even find that out until after deciding they hate her. Is it just because they don't want a fated mate and can sense/know that she is theirs'? The author doesn't really get into it- or at least hasn't so far.

My only major love so far is Renzo- I love a little psychosis in a fictional man! I can't wait to get more information and "screen time" with him in the next book.

I'm really not sure how long of a series this is going to be. I usually anticipate RHs to have about a book per MMC which would there's a few more coming. Hopefully these relationships start to progress a bit more and the plot and world building are fleshed out better.
Profile Image for Desiree.
298 reviews49 followers
July 30, 2024
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.25 stars. Spoilers!!

Y’all, I love me some psycho men (fictional only lol), and RENZO??? Hits the spot. Like seriously he’s deranged for trying to send her all these bloody gifts but he has me giggling and swooning because he’s constantly thinking about her and taking revenge for her and he just wants her to know 🤷‍♀️. And he calls her “little rabbit” just like Killian from God of Malice and he’s my second favorite log man 😩. So safe to say, I love Renzo. Even though he hasn’t had a bunch of scenes, he’s definitely in my mind. Like this man was literally sent to kill her, but as soon as he felt that tug in his guy, he switched gears and now he’s all about her. And then we have Azlan, now that she’s freshly mated to him, wow, the spice scenes are spicing. Plus, his protectiveness over her 😩. And I’m loving how she sees him as a safe place now, like she’s still getting used to it, but she just always wants to be with him 🤭, I just love it. Plus, I’m loving the forbidden student x professor vibes with Stone and Rhi. Like all the arguing, the built up tension, the mini threesome…and that final scene 🤭. And now, we just need the other two to fix their shit because we can already see how little by little they’re softening for her. Like the werebeast aka Spencer not attacking her, Tristan preventing the werebeast from potentially attacking her with his invisibility powers, Spencer properly teaching her how to fight when he learns Renzo is after her, and Spencer wanting her at his dueling match and wanting to impress her. Like these men are down bad for her, but won’t admit to themselves. Like I need them to fix their behavior already.

But y’all, Tristian and Azlan are cousins?? That was a nice shock. Also, we finally learned some information about Rhi’s past and her mother. But I cannot wait to see what the next book has in store for us 👏👏

Favorite quotes/scenes:

“I want you to give it to the girl.” (Renzo 🤭)
“What girl?”
“The one who looks like she fell out of a fairytale.”
“What’s her name?”
“Rhianna Blackwaters.”
“I’ll give it to her. Who should I say it’s from?”
“Her other half. She’ll know.”

“Besides, I bet I made my mark on you too.”
“Any you did, I healed.” (Azlan)
“But I did mark you?”
“You’ve done more than mark me.” (Azlan)
“I have?”
“You’ve captivated me. You’re beautiful. Brave. Smart. And you don’t know when to shut up.” (Azlan)

“I like watching you. You’re such a strange little thing. And you sound so delicious when you scream. You know, I bet I could make you scream twice as loud as he can.” (Renzo)

“She’s not a bitch.” A brat maybe, but not a bitch. A brat who has spilled some color into a world that was looking desolate and gray. “She’s special.” (Azlan to Tristan)

“Like I said, no one here talks to me. Not after that incident with the dude and his tongue. People are so fucking touchy. Especially about their body parts.” (Renzo 🤦‍♀️🤣)

“What did your aunt tell you about your mother?”
“That she was beautiful. Clever. Kind. That I looked just like her. That she loved me. That she’d been so desperate to have me. That I was the …that I was the light in her life.”
“I think you may be the light in mine too, Rhianna.”

“Spencer, you had hundreds of people cheering out there for you today, chanting your goddamn name. Who cares if I was there or not?”
“I care. I wanted you there.”

“Because, damn it, I do love this girl. For all her brattiness and snark, for her sharp tongue and her naivety. I love her. I love her for her smile, her laugh, for the way her cheeks fill with color and her eyes dance with excitement. Fuck, I love her.” (Stone)

“The moment I answered that call from Azlan. The moment I agreed to help him bring the girl in. The moment I laid eyes on her. From that moment, I was set on a path, my fate, and it was always leading right here. Into my bed, between her legs. This was always where I was meant to be. So damn the consequences. Damn all of it. She’s my mate, my fated mate, and I’m done fighting it. I’m letting go. Falling.” (Stone)
Profile Image for Melissa.
21 reviews
June 5, 2024
Ok, a little bit better. Tristan and Spencer still piss me off. Stone was better towards the end but still a jerk. I really really want to see her put Summer in her place, I mean she is absolutely a typical mean girl but gets way too much coverage for my liking. Still not enough about Rhi’s background though which was sad but either way I’m invested so onto the 3rd book
Profile Image for Haven Garcia.
185 reviews13 followers
September 9, 2024
Okay so I take back everything I said about book #1 in this series…. This is absolutely NOT YA (🔥🙈🥰) and wayyyyy better than Zodiac Academy in my opinion.

I wish I attended a magical school with hot guys who were mean to me but also protected me because they secretly loved me :( :( :(

Excited to see where this plot line goes. Jumping into the next one ASAP bye!!!!!

Profile Image for Imee Benzon.
447 reviews19 followers
February 23, 2024

I jave read a lot of RH bully romance, but very few left me feeling lost and undone. Twisted ties is up there among my top 3 read. This book made me feel so much emotions, Rhi our bad ass bratty fmc is fantastic and gives as much as she gets.
Profile Image for Aoife.
43 reviews
April 20, 2024
Ehhhh, it was fine. Kind of entertaining but characters are super two dimensional, will be reading the third one tho lol
143 reviews
August 3, 2024
It was fun while it lasted but icba to read about the other men ESPECIALLY Spencer i hate him
Profile Image for Samantha.
189 reviews5 followers
August 5, 2024
Such a great second book! I felt like I got to know the characters more. I definitely need more because the twists and turns has me wanting answers lol. I cannot wait for book 3!
Profile Image for Toni Sparks.
327 reviews11 followers
February 8, 2024
I love it, the tensions, the intrigue, the stubborn men making dumb decisions that will bite them in the butt later and demand they come crawling to our FMC on their knees!! I may be getting far too much joy out of that part.

I've got a huge reader crush on Hannah Hazes writing. I fall in love with every single story, effortlessly. The plot pulls me in, and the writing keeps me awake until I've finished. When I got to the end of this book, I was so distraught. I swear I just started it, and then I was at the end in a flash.

I can't wait for the fated bonds to come to light. Spencer making that whole speech about if he had his mate, he'd never leave her side or hurt her!?!? Like, dude, you KNOW she's yours, what the heck are you even doing!!!?!?!? And the storyline with Mr. Psycho killer over here needs to be in my hands as soon as possible. The 2 conversations they had were entertaining and exciting!!

My updated cheat sheet, since I have to wait for the next book, again:

- Rhianna, crimson magic, mom was a seer, pip the pig is the best, Winnie is golden best friend

- Azlan, not as bad anymore, the man in black, motorcycle, told her he cares about her eventually, always knew he'd share a mate with Stone but decided not to say anything anyway. Stupid dumb face.

- Stone or Phoenix, mind reader, professor, finally admitted they're fated mates, sealed the bond. Super hot.

- Spencer, werebeast, attacked her but didn't really hurt her, is stubbornly not telling her shit, is losing control and getting sick because of it, nobody knows he's Werebeast except Tristan and principal York.

- Tristan, asshole, more powerful than his daddy, is getting sick, knows about Azlan and Rhi, is so jealous, definitely gave her a tiny drop of magic during class.

- Renzo Barone or something, super psycho killer, but going googly eyed for Rhi, keeps trying to give her creepy gifts from afar, won't kill her, doesn't know she's fated to others at all.

I seriously cannot wait for the next book. I might die.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Gemma Kitchen.
376 reviews7 followers
January 26, 2024
Book 1 Twisted Fate is our introductory book which not only sets the scene of what is happening but introduces us to our main characters and also our sub-characters. This book brought our characters to life and building them up. We get a sense of things not being as they seem, and more questions being asked. Great way to start a series.
Book 2 Twisted Ties concentrates more on Rhi and her friendship with Winnie (who I just love as the bestie), we start to see Rhi becoming a stronger character as her acceptance of her own powers starts to come to the forefront but we also get the sense that Rhi is going to something quite powerful (explains the need for more than one fated mate). Although we have a strength in Rhi there is a vulnerability behind her that is fed by Tristain and Spencer (the bad boy bullies who at the pit of their stomach know they want her but don’t want her to – it be will good as the books continue to see how this relationship with Rhi and both boys grows.). Stronger ties are forged with Azlan and Stone now accepting where he stand.
Book 2 for me is more of setting a scene further and growing the character of Rhi and opening her up more in what she can do and were the story is leading us. I think it is good that the book was not rushed to get to our end point and this is a gradual story, it is a builder. I also enjoy that we do get various POV in this book and this gives us a better feel for our characters.
I have enjoyed the series so far and cant wait for the next book.
543 reviews12 followers
March 29, 2024
Twisted Ties is book two in the Arrow Hart Academy series written by Hannah Haze.

💜 new friends
💜 academy setting
💜 fated mates
💜 mysteries
💜 🌶🌶🌶🌶 spice

We pick right up in book two where we left off in book one. Things just got a bit more complicated by the choices and actions that not only Rhianna took, but also the man in black. How will everyone handle these choices? Will things work out? Will Rhianna ever figure out anything about her past? Will she start learning and getting stronger with her magic?

😏 well I know it’s not much to go on with a review like normally do. But… I would end up giving away things that I don’t want to spoil. So in that case, you’re welcome. I will say that this installment didn’t disappoint. It was fast paced and opened up even more questions than we had in the first book. Again, this ends on a bit of a cliffy, so I can’t wait until I get my hands on the third book.
Profile Image for Melissa.
74 reviews4 followers
February 18, 2024
I didn’t love this. I did like it, and am intrigued enough with the storyline to keep reading and want to know what happens to our cast of characters, but it feels like a lot of this, episode I guess, could have been cut/left out. Or combined into book one. And I feel bad saying that, but it felt like not a lot more was revealed, plot wise, and our characters didn’t develop/grow much more beyond where they already were at the end of the last book. Which, really disappointed me.

I did love the chapters with Renzo, and his were one of the few spots where there was plot momentum. I also definitely had a moment of, wow HH has been holding out on us. His POV chapters were psychological, borderline thriller, terrifying forays into his mind and I was impressed by the writing and direction it seemed the plot was going. The downside of this is it definitely felt like we were sliding backwards when we returned to chapters at the school. Even the chapters where Rhi & Winnie are at Rhi’s old house and the fight with Renzo felt good because they were so different and were moving things forward, story wise, but then they revert back to twenty-year-olds-in-high-school. I mentioned it in my review for FF, but I’m really just not sure academy romance/stories are my thing.

Rhi & Winnie did grow closer, their friendship seems much more cemented and I appreciated the scenes with Winnie’s grandmother, though it honestly felt like we should have learned more information from her. Same from the mystery man who gives Rhi her aunts locket. We gained a tiny amount of info from him, but nothing that seemed groundbreaking or brand new (Rhi’s a seer, but the foreshadowing from her memories & dreams already showed us that, so it was no surprise).

Even the glimpse we get of Rhi’s memories that were locked away wasn’t much. They didn’t discuss them, we didn’t get a deep dive on them, and other than that they were horrific for a young girl to have experienced/have in her mind, we’re no closer to understanding why those memories were locked away or if it was her aunt who did it (unless I missed something??).

For those that are here for the smut, this book absolutely delivers, and while we’re still solidly in slow burn territory for the plot, and frankly the relationship development, ohhh boy the heat is high here. As always, HH delivers and you’re definitely left wanting more of it.

However, Rhi & Stone’s relationship and bond sort of progresses in this book, but not to any kind of satisfying place. He confesses he feels the bond, wants her and has been fighting it, but man I still don’t think she should have caved yet. He says he knows he has to make it up to her, but as of yet I’ve heard really very few words from him, and seen ZERO actions. If I was Rhi, bond or not, I would not have been jumping into bed with him after all the shitty (literally) things Stone has said & done to her. They needed way more relationship development, and that part felt rushed. Again, idk that bully romances are my thing and that might be why this left me feeling so, out of sync with our FMC’s actions.

This book ends on another cliffhanger and I’m left wondering how many books to expect for the series. Our other three mates have had no time working on or fixing their relationship with Rhi, and I can only assume they all need to be together, with sealed bonds, so they can work together for whatever war is building that’s been highly hinted at happening. So six to seven books? Just to give us a satisfactory wrap up? And does it even work out with Renzo??? He seems like a complete psychopath. The fact that I still have so many questions will definitely keep me reading, though with how little it felt the plot moved forward (at 400-ish pages too), I can’t justify more than three stars here. Bring on the next installment!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
17 reviews
September 10, 2024

I enjoyed it a lot more than the first, but I historically have always struggled with the first part of bully-romances, so I don't think that's anything against the book.

The plot definitely thickens in this one. I love that the fmc finally finds herself fed up enough to seek out answers herself. I was struggling in Book 1 with how in-the-dark she was about everything. It was nice to finally find ourselves at least on the PATH to answers.

Her friendship with Winnie is awesome, and I hope we see more of Winnie and her family in Book 3. She's a good friend and a total badass, and I'm here for it.
I hope we see more of Renzo, too. His narrative is so fun to follow. The dude is *actually* crazy, and I love that his relationship with the fmc is so up in the air on whether they remain enemies or become lovers. I think they will be lovers, but I genuinely just don't know.

I liked the development we got for Stone, Spencer, and Tristan.
I wish we had more of Azlan, though. For being her only bonded, we really don't spend enough time with him. I have no sense of him as a character beyond his troubled relationship with his family. I have no idea how he feels about the fmc outside of the stuff their bond inspires. He seems like he will be a really cool character, and I hope the author takes her time to flesh him out some more in Book 3.

I really love how this author handles the characters' feelings about fated mates beyond the bond and how she addresses the topics of choice and consent. Just because fate tells them to be together doesn't mean they have to, and I love that our fmc embodies and uses her power of choice. She has such a real view of her fated mates and is able to separate her own feelings from the more physical aspects of the bond. She doesn't just fall in their laps and forget all the other shit once she learns of the bonds. She can and will reject the bonds tying her to her abusers, and she's enough of a badass that she could pull it off. She's honestly pretty chill in her approach, and it's really refreshing to see.

Anyway, it's good, so go read it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Xime Ortiz.
368 reviews5 followers
April 5, 2024

I was entertained enough with this book, and bored enough to say this was not half bad.

The plot was so slow going and with the lack of information in anything it just felt nonexistent.

I really hate the lack of magic in the book, yes, there’s mention of it and some superficial stuff but no real explanation of the magic system nor any training.

I hate Rhianna as the FMC, she really is a brat, but an ungrateful, childish, ignorant brat.
Her insistence of being tiered of her ignorance and uselessness but not doing anything about it was frustrating.

The relationship with both Azlan and Stone were based on the bond and lust so they felt depthless, I really can’t see a future with neither Tristian nor Spencer, they’re both asshole and have treated Rhi horribly, starting with only calling her pig girl.
I feel adding Barone as another mate was a little too much when there’s a lack of balance with all of the others and that he has clearly issues and also, isn’t the fate bond something that would make you incapable of wanting or hurting your mate? Because I’m pretty sure Barone still wants to kill her.

I really dislike the lack of information in everything, about the world, the characters, the system and their politics, I get the FMC is an uninterested ignorant but what’s the point of reading this if I’m going to be too?

This two books have been filler plot wise because nothing really important has happened.

I’m not saying this is bad because I am enjoying reading this it just not as good as I was expecting.
I guess the idea is good, the execution not so much.
February 12, 2024
[Spoilers included]

I have read almost all of Hannah Haze's books including the first book of this series. I have to say hands down this is by far my favorite book of hers.

So first off I loved the first book I have to say I was thoroughly surprised by Hannah Haze for leaving out the "not like other girls" trope I often find in urban fantasy stories. I loved how Rhi was obviously completely different from the students at Arrow, but never mentioned it. It makes her edgy character so much more enjoyable.

At the end of the last book we were introduced to Renzo and for me it was love at first sight I was over the moon when it was revealed he was a MMC, I squealed. The twist of Tristan and Azlan being related was something I didn't see coming but didn't hate at all.

I personally lived for Spencer and Renzo's chapters over everyone's. I think we could have used a different term than "Fated mates", I feel like a unique term would have worked to separate the story from the omegaverse, but that's definitely a personal preference and was very minor.

This is by far the best written bully romance I have read in a while, I literally read this in a day when it came out. I am so excited for book three.

I enjoy how all the MMCs. They genuinely feel like different people and all have unique relationships with one another. Which is a big issue I found in her pack rival duet. I can't deny how much I enjoy the spicy scenes and I'm most excited for more Renzo!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Danielle (Danniegurl).
1,905 reviews101 followers
June 20, 2024
Better and a bit more info

I still can’t quite understand the bullying. I can’t quite understand why the characters behave the way they do. Their experiences and reactions to things have not been explained clearly enough for me to have full understanding. So I can’t absolve them of their actions or accept any apologies. So far they seem to bully her bc of the bond but if fated mates are precious shouldn’t she be treated so kindly?

Another thing that truly bugs me and isn’t completely addressed is her isolated upbringing and how none of the men in her life have acknowledged this. They all expect her to know things, or to have shirked her responsibilities but how would they know anything?

I do like some of the guys but again I can’t quite understand all the motivations.

For some reason maybe it’s how many other academy books are but I keep waiting for Winnie to turn on Rhia but it seems like that might not be actually happening. I do like Winnie.

I also wonder if Pip has been alluded to being right under Rhia’s nose with info she’s been looking for. I can’t help but feel there’s more to him.

Also I have questions about the others are they keeping the bond hidden bc they think she can pick and choose? Or what? The little speech about mates from Spencer was great but his mate is standing in front of him so he isn’t doing those things… it’s so confusing. I hope we get some information soon.

In this one we have 2 bonds, and find a little bit more info.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 238 reviews

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