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Time and Time Again

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Phoebe Mendel's day is never ending—literally.

On August 6th, she woke up to find herself stuck in a time loop. And for nearly a month of August 6ths since, Phoebe has relived the same day: pancakes with Mom in the morning, Scrabble with Dad in the afternoon, and constant research into how to reach tomorrow and make it to her appointment with a doctor who may actually take her IBS seriously. Everything is exactly, agonizingly the same.

That is, until the most mundane car crash ever sends Phoebe's childhood crush Jess crashing into the time loop.

Now also stuck, Jess convinces Phoebe to break out of her routine and take advantage of their consequence-free days to have fun. From splurging on concert tickets, to enacting (mostly) harmless revenge, to all-night road trips, Jess pulls Phoebe further and further out of her comfort zone—and deeper in love with them. But the more Phoebe falls for Jess, the more she worries about what's on the other side of the time loop. What if Jess is only giving her the time of day because they're trapped with no other options? What if Phoebe's new doctor dismisses her chronic pain? And perhaps worst of all: What if she never gets the chance to find out?

336 pages, Hardcover

First published July 23, 2024

About the author

Chatham Greenfield

1 book62 followers
Chatham Greenfield is a young adult author born and raised in Florida, which is why their stories often take place in humid seaside towns. After graduating from Sarah Lawrence College in 2020, they were selected as a fellow in the inaugural class of LitUp by Reese’s Book Club. You can find them wherever there’s air conditioning, wrapped up in a blanket, reading a gay love story. TIME AND TIME AGAIN is their debut novel.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 115 reviews
Profile Image for Star.
515 reviews215 followers
September 14, 2024
Content warnings: lesbophobia, fatphobia, misgendering (unintentional), mentions of IBS related issues, car accident (minor).

Rep: Phoebe (MC) is cis, lesbian, fat, white, Jewish, and has chronic IBS. Jess (LI) is nonbinary, white, Jewish, lesbian, and is disabled (arthritis, cane and walker user). Side POC, side queer characters.

Never in my entire life have I ever read anyone describe in perfectly accurate detail just how debilitating IBS is. I think this became my new favourite book for that alone, but then the rest of the book was incredible.

This book is my new favourite. There's an amazing story, wonderful plot, lovely fleshed out characters.

Phoebe is relatable, funny, kind, and I absolutely loved her everything.

I adored the romance and how it developed, and how Phoebe came out of her shell under Jess' guidance.

This book was just perfection to me.

6/5 stars.

First read: 27-28/07/2024
Second read: 13-14/09/2024
Profile Image for Jake Arlow.
Author 5 books370 followers
November 10, 2023
If I had a nickel for every time a YA rom com about jewish lesbians had a meet cute where one of them gets hit by a car, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. Right?

this was so cute :')
Profile Image for Liz.
133 reviews9 followers
July 9, 2024
I can't express how much I loved this.

This is a beautifully diverse time loop story about a fat lesbian (who is swooned over!) with a non-binary love interest, with a genuine and open conversation about disability and its effect on every day life (let alone in a time loop.) Did the characters ring a little younger than their age? Yes. Was there a massive exposition dump in the beginning that could have been sprinkled in over time? Absolutely. But all that is forgiven by the authenticity of the main characters-- who will have you rooting for them, their messiness, and their motivations.

This is what I love about reading young adult fiction, especially now as an adult who didn't get great representation when they were young. This is one of those stories that I wish I had when I was younger. Absolutely beautiful.

For lovers of time loop stories (why are there so few LGBTQ ones?), a romance with atypical lesbian main characters, a self-loving fat main character, hard conversations about disability, and a book that will surely make you cry.

Thank you, Chatham Greenfield, for writing such a beautiful and diverse story, and thank you, Edelweiss, for allowing me to read it.


Am I crying at work? I'm definitely crying at work.

Review to come.
Profile Image for Danika at The Lesbrary.
621 reviews1,525 followers
September 7, 2024
This is the most relaxed time loop story I’ve ever read. Neither of them seem particularly worried or in a hurry about breaking the loop.

They also don’t do what I associate with time loop stories, where they have a montage of whacky or deadly experiences they would never do in real life. They do get revenge on a bully at one point, but it’s not a big departure from typical teen activities. They drive to a different state or go to a concert or shave their heads—all pretty mild reactions to having endless do-overs.

That’s not a complaint, to be clear! Part of what I liked about Time and Time Again is how it used the time loop format in a different way. (The ending also resolved timelines in a way I haven’t seen before, and it explains some other choices in the plot.) It makes perfect sense that Phoebe is stuck in time, because she already feels lost and aimless. The end of high school approaches, and she doesn’t know what she wants to do afterwards. Her anxiety prevents her from taking chances and trying new things, including driving. (Same.) It doesn’t feel like a sci-fi story as much as a metaphor for what’s already going on in her life.

As you’d expect, then, the focus is much more on the characters and their relationship to each other. It’s so nice to read a book with a romance between disabled Jewish lesbians: that kind of representation is still pretty rare, and especially when it’s both main characters. (Jess is also nonbinary.)

If you like time loop stories and don’t need them to be action-packed sci-fi stories, I definitely recommend this one. I’m happy to see this book came out of a fellowship from Reese’s Book Club: I’ll definitely be watching to see which other books are published through LitUp! Hopefully this means that stories like Time and Time Again get the marketing push to put them into more readers’ hands.

Full review at the Lesbrary.
Profile Image for Shannon  Miz.
1,337 reviews1,075 followers
July 29, 2024

Time and Time Again is so very charming! I love a time loop book, so I had a feeling this would be a hit. I didn't realize it would be such a feel-good hit, though, which it definitely was. Interestingly, this one starts out mid-loop, if you will. I don't think I've encountered that before, and I enjoyed that take. When we meet Phoebe, she's in it, and has been for almost a month of August 6ths. She's almost resolved to it at this point, not that she's happy about it. But then Jess crashes into the loop- both figuratively and literally, as Jess crashes into Phoebe, with their car, joining the loop.

This is just such a heartfelt book, I am not even sure where to begin! Okay first, there is a ton of great rep. Phoebe has a chronic illness (IBS) and anxiety. Jess is nonbinary, and also has a disability (RA) which they require mobility aids for. Both identify as lesbian, and are Jewish. The thing that I loved is that these are just pieces of what makes each character who they are. Not solely defining, but parts of a whole. They are incredibly well developed, and while they absolutely have flaws, they are also definitely likable and relatable.

Speaking of relatable, whooo boy did I relate to Phoebe. She is so exhausted from doctors not taking her seriously in regards to how much she suffers from her IBS. It broke my heart and made me mad at the same time, because as anyone (especially anyone non-male, and extra especially anyone overweight) knows, the medical world can do a bang-up job of being dismissive of chronic illness/symptoms. Phoebe is desperate to get out of the loop because doing so means she'll finally get to her appointment with a specialist who she's heard actually (gasp) listens to patients! But she's also wayyy too scared to try in earnest to break the loop, which I feel in my bones. Also, when Jess enters the mix, and hints that maybe they have some feelings for Phoebe, Phoebe cannot compute. Which again, I feel on such a spiritual level that I cannot properly word.

Anyway, so these two get into some hijinks- I love that Jess cares so much about Phoebe that they want to get her out of her shell. Both characters have to navigate family issues, friendships, and their growing feelings in a day that simply will not end. Which of course makes all of this so much harder- how do you properly navigate relationships when most of the people in said relationships don't remember having the conversation? It's tough!

The book really is lovely, and obviously character is the biggest focus here. But also, time loop shenanigans! Romance! Making new friends, then having them forget they met you! There is just so much to love here, you probably just need to read it for yourself.

Bottom Line: So lovely and heartwarming and just... read the thing!

You can find the full review and all the fancy and/or randomness that accompanies it at It Starts at Midnight
Profile Image for Haley.
409 reviews74 followers
May 26, 2024
Thank you so much to Bloomsbury for sending me an early copy of this book! All opinions are my own!

How does one even begin to express their love for such a cute and simultaneously deep and soul-revealing book? I feel like it showed a part of me that the world hasn't seen as a chronically ill plus sized person, and I can't explain the ways I loved seeing my heart on page as these two amazing characters.

Obviously the disability and chronic illness representation was particularly special to me, but there was so much more as well. From Jewish representation to nonbinary and lesbian rep, this book is such a beautiful blend of diversity and never once shies away from it. It takes you into every part of these topics, even the internalized ones, and leaves you learning along with the characters about their (and your) places in the world.

The romance is so cute I can't even begin to describe how it kept me kicking my feet and giggling. I loved the slight enemies to lovers feel and the way that this is woven into the story even toward the end with the reveal as to why their friendship ended in the first place. They are so perfect together but also because neither of them are perfect, it feels so real and vulnerable. Then there are the platonic relationships that are so beautiful as well. The way that friendship is described and navigated was wonderful to watch grow and develop.

This book is such a beautiful blend of humor, depth, and vulnerability. If you are looking for a summer read, pick this one up the moment it hits shelves. You will not want to miss this!
Profile Image for Anna.
1,789 reviews319 followers
July 31, 2024
I couldn't tell you the last time I finished an ebook in one day. It doesn't happen to me very often and there were just so many things about this book that drew me in immediately and I could not put it down.

Time and Time Again is a time loop story where we have our Jewish fat disabled chronically ill lesbian with anxiety MC who is stuck on August 6th and she is not having a good time. She spends her days having breakfast with her mom, reading material about time loops, and then going over to play Scrabble with her dad and uncles then eating food that is going to give her extreme pain. And it starts all over. That is until her ex childhood friend and gay awakening hit her with their car and end up pulled into the time loop.

So now we have Phoebe and Jess who are both reliving the same day over and over again and Jess is determined to show Phoebe how to have fun. I mean they might as well take advantage. Jess is also a disabled chronically ill Jewish lesbian and they are non-binary. So as this book continues we see the two of them have fun and sad and painful experiences and fall in love along the way all while stuck in a time loop where no one else is going to remember it.

This book is fun and so raw at the same time. It's a very realistic and unfiltered look into being chronically ill and being disabled and how we deserve to be able to share our stories and our pain and have someone understand without dismissing or immediately trying to fix us. Another recurring theme throughout this book is Phoebe's history with fat phobia and the medical system. Knowing how much care is denied to fat people is infuriating but it is a realistic look at what it's like to be fat and disabled.

I loved this. I read a lot of books with fat characters but to see one that looks almost exactly like me on a book cover is pretty life changing.

Also I just KNOW Phoebe and Jess would love my trans frog cookie and fat pride candles 💕
Profile Image for Rhys.
250 reviews161 followers
July 26, 2024

*I received a copy from Netgalley*

This was so fun. I really enjoyed this. I ended up getting the audiobook on libro.fm and did a tandem read with the earc on my kindle, and that was a great idea. I really enjoyed this.

I do wish we got a few chapters from Jess’ POV, but I understand why we didn’t.

Overall, a really enjoyable YA speculative fiction with a disabled lesbian MC and a disabled nonbinary lesbian love interest!!!!
Profile Image for Starr ❇✌❇.
1,484 reviews148 followers
September 9, 2024
I received an ARC from Edelweiss
TW: mentioned antisemitism, accidental deadnaming, mentioned fatphobia including medical fatphbia, car crash, IBS

As a big lover of time loops, I had fun! This is a very cute story of finding your way back to your childhood love, but also just finding ways to love and stand up for yourself. I thought the dates were adorable, but I also really appreciated and enjoyed the moments of reconnecting with a friend she thought had drifted away from her, and questioning what she had to do or say with her parents. It was really lovely to see how much Phoebe grew, and to get to see her learn her own worth.

I personally didn't really know anything about IBS before this book, and it's still the only book I've read with representation for it! I feel like this book did a great job representing the disability, and sharing information, and I'm excited to get to share that with people.

Time loops often end in unsatisfying ways- I'd say its about 50/50- so the ending of this one didn't throw me, but I still wish it had felt like it made a little more sense. However, the actual ending lead up made up for that in my opinion.
I just wanted something a little more dramatic and weighty at the very end. There's a lot of work being done, and there isn't time to enjoy it- ironic, I know- and there isn't a moment given where it feels truly resolved.

Pre-review comments below
"The queer YA romance follows two disabled teens in a time loop: Phoebe, who has been stuck for 26 days, and Jess, who comes crashing in (literally) after hitting Phoebe with their car. They start to fall for each other, but how do you plan for a future together when tomorrow may never come?"
Profile Image for Bethany Hall.
717 reviews14 followers
May 7, 2024
If there’s one thing you want to know about me - I love a time loop. I want to read ALL of the time loop stories. You go to the future? I want it. Stuck in the same day? It’s mine. Go between years? You guessed it, I want that too.

I adored this one about Jess and Phoebe who were stuck in a time loop together after Jess hits Phoebe with their car. Phoebe was originally in the time loop by herself, but soon realized that Jess is there with her. Together, they decide to have some fun in the time loop since they have no consequences and the days start over.


Things I enjoyed about this book:
Phoebe! What a great character. I loved the representation with being both fat and having a chronic illness. I also just thought Phoebe was so relatable. Those fears? Had/have ‘em. The want to be with someone? Feel that too. I loved Phoebe’s journey in this book. They really grew and overcame so much of their internal struggles.
Jess! I adored Jess. They were funny, smart, and thoughtful. Planning out days?? The outfits?? The care!? It was too sweet. The dates 🥹. I loved Jess’s confidence and their no-nonsense attitude toward their disability.
The sweet first kiss and the grand gesture of the concert!!
I loved the friend group. So great - loved the different characters and how they were each fleshed out in limited book space due to the time loop.
Phoebe’s parents. They were doing their best. When you hear how her dad protected her. 😭
I loved the time loop days. They packed so much fun and growth into them.
Loved how they got out of the time loop!
LOVED that the memories were there for Phoebe’s dad (And Jess)!!
Loved that sweet ending. 🥹🥰

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Em.
396 reviews
August 26, 2024
Me crying because this book had to end.

This is about two teens struggling with their identities, ableism, fatphobia, etc etc etc. One of them gets stuck in a time loop reliving August sixth over and over again until one day she’s thrown off her schedule and gets hit by a car, driven by an old friend and current crush. They learn how to have fun, love themselves, and love each other while trying to break out of the time loop.

Was this book perfect? Nah. Did I love it? Yes. I wish books like this existed when I was in high school.

Profile Image for Bri.
40 reviews
July 20, 2024
4.5⭐️ For 26 days Phoebe has been stuck living the same day over and over again alone. Until her former childhood best friend and crush Jess hits her with their car. Now Jess is somehow stuck in the time loop with Phoebe and before they figure out how to get out of it they decide to take advantage of the situation by having a little consequence free fun. Phoebe and Jess were so cute together and I enjoyed seeing their relationship grow as the story went on. The adventures they go on were really fun and I really liked all the side characters. The adventures they go on were fun and I really enjoyed all the side characters.

Time and time again is a heartwarming queer romance that has amazing representation and very relatable characters. It was very entertaining and I highly recommend.

Than you to Netgalley and Bloomsbury YA for the ARC!
Profile Image for Genielle.
12 reviews5 followers
April 18, 2024
this book is such an important contribution to the world of disability YA lit!! all different facets of the main characters’ identities (sexuality, gender, religion, disability) are incorporated beautifully! i was so invested in all the dynamics between every single character (major and minor) and i loved how they were devleloped
i’m so grateful to have followed chatham’s journey as a writer from HS to now! i can’t wait to point this book out in every bookstore i go to for the rest of time 🩷
Profile Image for Anniek.
2,232 reviews830 followers
August 17, 2024
I will always and forever enjoy time loop stories. Read this in pretty much one sitting, and I had so much fun. I thought the romance was incredibly sweet, especially with the backstory of them reconnecting after having been best friends in childhood. I love how this dealt with some serious topics but wrapped everything up in such a soft way.
Profile Image for Katie.
289 reviews9 followers
July 12, 2024
I had such an amazing time reading this book. I think this was the perfect book to pick up while I was dealing with my own bit of ongoing pain. The two mc’s were so relatable and fun. There were many moments where I was cheering for them and laughing out loud. This book also had sapphic, Jewish, and chronic pain representation.

Definitely check out this book if you like time loop books because this is such a fun one!!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an earc copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Aster.
330 reviews139 followers
July 23, 2024
Phoebe Mendel is stuck in a time loop. In fact, she has been stuck in a time loop for thirty days with no indication on how to get out. It's only when Jess, her crush and former childhood friend, hit them with their car that things start to change: Jess is pulled into the time loop and decide to help Phoebe have some fun. Just because they are the small town only two out lesbians doesn't mean they have to fall in love right?

My last time loop book was Before I Fall back when I was a teen, and I am an enjoyer of the occasional time loop episode in supernatural shows (yes this is about Lost Girl). Time and Time Again manages to explore a shade time loop media that I haven't seen before. Phoebe isn't your typical time loop protagonist. At no point during her first thirty days does she do anything, and I mean, anything slightly unhinged. Like I don't know breaking plates just to know how it feels. It's interesting because you'd think the lack of consequences could lessen anxiety (I feel like maybe it would for me?) but it's an interesting exploration of a character who wouldn't if nobody was pushing her.

At the same time the time loop is both a punishment and a blessing for Phoebe. When the book starts enough time has passed in the loop that Phoebe would have been able to go to her doctor's appointment for her IBS. At the same time, the loop means while there is consequence that day there is no consequence the next days for eating certain foods. But it's only when Jess is drawn into the time loop that they start to push Phoebe to live dangerously. Jess is your regular time loop protagonist. They go to New York on one of their first loops. They try to live each day differently and have fun.

Of course the time loop isn't about the time loop but Phoebe coming to terms with herself, learning that she is worthy of love and can stand up for herself. All the intersections of Phoebe's identity are adressed during the loop. She's a lesbian who's isolated, in the grey area of out, who doesn't speak to the other lesbian in town. She is fat, has suffered from medical fatphobia and from her peers and this has been something weighing between her father and her. She has IBS and anxiety and doesn't know days without pain, watching herself, without social stigma and unwanted advice. In this Jess who is also disabled, offers the rare comfort and understanding of a fellow disabled lover. At last, Phoebe is Jewish like Jess and are the only Jewish families in town.

I hope this was obvious in the review but Jess, the love interest, is a nonbinary lesbian. Unlike certain other YA books with nonbinary lesbian characters, I didn't find this one too unsubtle about it? Jess is they/them-ed from their first appearance with no mention of their gender, then referred to as a lesbian and only later the character says "i am nonbinary and a lesbian" without getting into an info dumpy paragraph about it (actualyl they say it twice but time loop so it's fine). I do love being represented
Profile Image for bri!.
148 reviews5 followers
May 13, 2024
a fun book that I read in calc today. Also Gasped out loud at one part but everyone ditched so no one was near enough to hear. Very cutesy and made me consider what i would do in a time loop

thanks to bloomsbury and netgalley for the arc!
Profile Image for rhymeswithmoose.
11 reviews
August 17, 2024
Oooooookay, woof! What a book! Oy vey! Various other exclamations!

Time and Time Again is a really good book. At the risk of seeming self-indulgent (get used to it, whatever), before I get to the content of the book itself, I’d like to describe my reactions. As the drama of this book peaks, I found myself belatedly crying out in amazement at the end of chapters, the most recent twist of fate too momentous to simply take in normally. This is very much a happy stim book, y’all. At 7 AM, I was thumping my fists down on my bed in excitement and forcing myself to quiet my bursts of “holy shit” and “this book is so good” for fear of waking up everyone else. Raaaaag this book is so damn good aaaaaaaaaaaaaah

Okay, okay, review time. This is the kind of book that I’d recommend on its premise alone. I mean, disabled Jewish lesbian time loop romance? Truly incredible. Time loops are a weird trope, in that they feel extremely specific as a plot construction, and they are, yet they are widespread enough to feel predictable. Time and Time Again, however, infuses its chronic shenanigans with such heartfelt characters that I was literally pumping my fists at each of their victories and holding my breath to see what would happen next. Time loops are predictable? Maybe, but as I was swept along by Phoebe and Jess, I couldn’t even try to predict anything.

And…the writing. “It’s not the moment after growing pains, it’s the moment before death—or so I imagine. It’s the moment of clarity, where you have an epiphany that would change you forever if it wasn’t too late.” I’m not gonna give any more for fear of spoiling, because this book needs to be read unspoiled. Just know that Greenfield has spun a tale full of breathtaking moments, with metaphors and foreshadowing and imagery that crash into your awareness before you realize they’re there.

Time and Time Again is a romance, a coming-of-age, a drama, but maybe above all else, it’s a genuine, earnest, fucking beautiful book that I wish I could read for the first time again.
Profile Image for Shannon.
6,101 reviews345 followers
July 24, 2024
This was an incredible YA debut speculative romance book featuring Phoebe, a plus sized Jewish lesbian teen girl with IBS and anxiety who finds herself stuck in a time loop repeating the same August 6th day over and over until she crashes into her childhood best friend, Jess and knocks them into the loop too.

I loved the EXCELLENT disability and therapy rep in this book! Phoebe struggles to get doctors to take her IBS seriously and is anxiously awaiting an appointment with a specialist that will never come if she can't figure out how to get out of the time loop. While, Jess has rheumatoid arthritis and uses mobility aids (cane and walker).

The mental health and therapy component of the story was also very well written and normalized and I loved that aspect of the book too. Great on audio and perfect for fans of Rachel Lynn Solomon's See you yesterday (another Jewish time loop YA romance) or Lizzie Huxley-Jones' Make you mine this Christmas - a queer YA romance with plus size and chronic disability rep.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review! This was another great Reese YA Book Club pick selection and I can't wait to read more from this talented new author!
Profile Image for Misha.
1,238 reviews42 followers
July 27, 2024
(rounded up from 4.5)

I love a good time loop adventure. Existing outside of time, repeating the same day over and over, trying to do outrageous things to get out of the loop, it's all fantastic and I really enjoyed it.

Aside from the time loop shenanigans, this is basically a book about young adults with chronic pain and illnesses finding each other and learning to love themselves and accept love from others. I loved that one of the main characters is fat and has IBS and struggles with the horrible combination of both when it comes to being taken seriously by a medical professional and even family. I also loved that we have found family and a related by blood family and each person who has one takes it somewhat for granted and envies the other. I also love how the book doesn't shy away from practical concerns such as how embarrassing it is to talk to a love interest about something like diarrhea as a result of your IBS or ask for support when needing it in that vulnerable state.

Truly a fantastic book for younger people to understand things like fatphobia, coming out, distancing yourself from people to avoid rejection, anxiety, and also wanting safety and comfort over trying new things.
Profile Image for Manon the Malicious.
1,144 reviews62 followers
July 23, 2024
I was provided an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I loved loved loved loved this one. The main character, Phoebe, was absolutely amazing. I loved everything about her. She was everything and so layered and flawed and it was an honor getting to know her. I also loved the love interest. Let's go non-binary lesbians!!! There was a lot of different rep in this book and it felt so good and right.
The plot got me from the first line to the last. I could not stop reading. I just wanted to know what happened. Who knew a time loop story could be so fresh and not repetitive at all.
I don't know what to say, I just loved this all so much, I even shed a few tears towards the end.
Basically, I could not recommend this more and I'll definitely keep myself informed on Chatham Greenfield's next projects!
Profile Image for Andrew.
117 reviews2 followers
July 17, 2024
Thanks to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for an advanced reading copy in exchange for an honest opinion.

Probably a little more than 4 stars, but not enough to fully round up for my tastes.

I'm not generally a fan of time-loops, but this was really well executed. I loved the characters, sense of place, and a few things that made it stand out from the other loops I've seen (including referencing them, which was a very clever and self-aware way to get around obvious comparisons). It's also a really fast read - most of it was done over two days, with real life interrupting for a few in the middle.

I think a lot of folks are really going to love this book.
Profile Image for Franki Jace.
39 reviews7 followers
March 17, 2024
I was able to get this book as an ARC in a trade, and let me tell you, I'm so happy I did (this is a spoiler-free review).

This book has made its way to my favorite book ever. The storyline. The characters. The debauchery. It was so well written in so many ways. It definitely helped that I felt like I could relate to the main character so much. Having such amazing representation was so refreshing from what I've been reading recently. This book makes you think, laugh, cry, and feels like a warm hug. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a nice YA queer romance.
Profile Image for danielle.
100 reviews1 follower
July 22, 2024
4.5 stars!! This book was such a lovely debut from Chatham Greenfield, and I’m so glad I read it! The book follows Phoebe, who has IBS and is stuck in a time loop. There’s so much more that happens in this book, but those are the two things that are important to know. Even though it’s one day repeating over and over again, we really watch Phoebe learn and grow and foster an important relationship in her life throughout the book. Such a good ending too - I think sometimes you run the risk of a time loop book having a cliche ending but i thought it was nice (:
Profile Image for Alana.
Author 7 books33 followers
July 2, 2024


I was so mad when I was parted from this book when I had to go to work. I just wanted to follow these two forever! What a fun, romantic, and relatable book. I love time loop romances and this one is definitely at the top of my list now.
Profile Image for Jessica.
273 reviews7 followers
August 14, 2024
So fun!!! So cute!!! An absolutely delightful read
Displaying 1 - 30 of 115 reviews

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