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119 reviews
October 7, 2023
It's a hero problem *SPOILERS*

I loved the first book enough to read it twice. Larek was just out of his small town and his naivety made sense. In book one, he has had months of travel, his life almost lost based on one person's false accusation, threatened, ostracized and seemed to come into his own. This is why I simply cannot understand how much of an idiot he is in book 2. Like somewhere between book 1 and 2 despite his increases in intelligence, exposure to real damage to others and the knowledge of the thin line his freedom was on, he got dumber.


Last book a bunch of students got hurt. His teacher who encouraged him died and her reputation screwed over because of both what Larek did as well as the prejudice of the dean. He was depressed and barely interacted with the other characters due to this. He knew his creations blew up an entire floor of the academy. All of this and he is still talking too much and exposing his friends to danger. 5 minutes into new book and he is sharing his MAJOR secret of stama? I could understand his telling them about the fusions issues but the other clearly dangerous thing in a not private area? Nope.

He was almost killed by the other student and his friends got hurt because of him and he STILL made such donkey decisions. After all that I simply didn't like him anymore because he is dumb, inconsiderate and makes absolutely stupid decisions. It makes no sense he is not locked up somewhere and the fact that he isn't makes this feel like a bad story. I kept getting mentally kicked out the story because things just didn't make sense.

Last thing, the games weren't real life and death fights and he bumps his stama stats right in the middle of an arena? Displaying all his physical power when just taking care of Neirda (sp?) was both the smart and right thing to do. Not rushing off to try to win this thing? ESPECIALLY after that meeting between Dean to prove it wasn't cheating? Come on!

I am going to try another series by the author to see if the issue is only this storyline. I hope the author fixes this one but at this point I don't know if I can continue this series.
Profile Image for Steve.
1,418 reviews42 followers
November 10, 2023
I'm not sure about the MC here. The bigger pictire and where Larek comes from comes into focus, which is good. He on the other hand I have a hard time really caring about, as there really isn't much to the character. Minor spoilers follow.

He spends most of this time in some sort of crafting fugue, and even when there's action he doesn't really want to win, unless it's life or death. In the latter case he deals quite ruthlessly with his tormentors, but then we have to deal with him feeling crappy about it. Just not the dynamic MC that I can really get behind. At the end some of the reasons for his reticence to make waves are removed, so hopefully the next book gives him a bit more "oomph".
Profile Image for Jon Svenson.
Author 8 books103 followers
January 7, 2024
Book two starts with Larek and his friends leaving the college they spent book one in and moving to a new one. The big change this time is that the dean is a proponent of Larek's instead of hating him for being a fusionist.

The big problem I had in book two was the very thick plot armor. Larek consistently gets in trouble for various reasons (sometimes not his own fault), but nothing really comes from it. This is a very light fantasy story on enchanting and while book one was decent enough, book two just didn't work for me as much. I'm stopping the series here to move on to different books.

The editing is fine as are the stats, and if you can get past the plot armor you may find this enjoyable.

Profile Image for GaiusPrimus.
813 reviews87 followers
October 19, 2023
Good follow up from book 1. Nothing out of the ordinary and no actual twists. Nice, organic progression from the previous book.

Looking forward to the next one.
Profile Image for Andi Buchanan.
33 reviews
October 6, 2023
I am sorry, not good

The first was better. There is not enough advancement for our MC. Sure, he gains some levels, but things stay much the same. The concepts and plot in the story are overused and not well executed. Very much a rote effort.
Profile Image for Shannon.
80 reviews
April 13, 2024
Really not a fan of this main character he is a complete dumbass blockhead who has a cheat ability and that is about it. He says he wants to keep his abilities secret and then tells the first teacher he meets who is nice to him after less than 5 minutes of knowing him. He is also very cowardly unless he is forced to do something. He also can't put more than two thoughts together without having everything spelled out to him honestly this guy is so bloody stupid. The well building and Crafting system is interesting however and there is enough story here to make it good but the main character really needs a lot of work. He never understands emotionally what other people are talking about whenever he has a conversation with anyone else. This makes absolutely no sense because he grew up with his family so why wouldn't he understand basic things about what people are talking about. He is also a constant scatterbrain he doesn't care about anything else besides fusions. Unless it helps him in some way he basically ignores the whole world and everyone around him he is very egotistical.
Profile Image for Sundeep.
Author 9 books11 followers
December 25, 2023
I enjoyed this book better than the first one - academy continued to be a big focus, plus all the crafting stuff. A few POV scenes from side-characters was a welcome addition, hope that'll continue in future books too. It was fascinating to see details of the overarching plot being revealed at various occasions, and it cleared some of the confusion I had in the previous book. And I especially liked that the main character got some much needed support from competent characters. I even enjoyed the political maneuvering, which I'm usually not a fan of. The intense conflict around the midway mark was well done, but a tad too-dark for me. I wish it was resolved differently, though it was understandable given the context and worldbuilding.
898 reviews12 followers
October 6, 2023
Great book

Truly enjoying the series. this book Continuous a great story. I'm a sucker for Crafting anyways and this book scratches that itch. The MC is progressing at a reasonable pace and having the usual quandaries and roadblocks. More of the over Arkansas storyline is revealed and as usual it is not pretty. I'm still a little concerned at the MC's Appearance of cowardice. Certainly don't expect him to be a warrior but he seems a bit more reluctant than I would like to step into the heroe role but maybe that's the point. Of course trying to advance abilities while hiding them is difficult. I certainly look forward to more of this in the next book.
168 reviews
November 15, 2023
Has potential but needs so much work

It's interesting but so flat and simple it lacks real depth. SO much focus is put into the main character's skills that everything else seems to be secondary.
The flow of conversation is very bad as well as the personal interactions.

Here is a quote from the book “ Yes! I’ve seen the way you look at him; the way you covered him in kisses within minutes of meeting him was bad enough, but—”

Stuff like that happens a lot and the plot just moved forward.
Just one example of what I mean. I feel like that it was badly written even though it had a great concert but just can't make an actual working story
Profile Image for Travis.
2,519 reviews36 followers
December 4, 2023
Academic Confusion book 2 is a very good second in series. If you liked the first one, then you'll likely like this one just as much. More knowledge is learned, tricks are pulled off, and the academy reveals the main character as being a fusionist. Of course, it's not quite that simple, but I won't ruin it by telling how that occurred, so that's up to you to find out by reading it. It's a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to the next book in the series now.
Profile Image for Ford Miller.
517 reviews4 followers
October 8, 2023
Very good read. Simple, yet with game complexity! Entertaining !

Book two was very good in the series. Sometimes stories can fall off however this one kept the pace fast, fun, and enjoyable!
The game complexity was easy to follow as the writer explained the main characters progress well even if you're new to the genre. I enjoyed the world building in the story with the protagonist having new elements to him as the world building continues. Recommend book 1 and 2 definitely, can't wait for book 3!
921 reviews5 followers
March 25, 2024
Larek forced to serve the SIC to save his family from harm an serve the kingdom.

Larek an some other first years must travel to another academy for the rest of the first semester after their academy was attacked by monster's from a different realm . With destroying part of the academy living spaces were limited thus transferring students . The travel time was 3 months walking an riding wagons . An beginning attacked along the way by more monsters between academics . recommend reading excellent series.
Profile Image for Jack Vinson.
837 reviews42 followers
April 23, 2024
Non-standard Academy series

While I am not sure about the pace of this series, it at least isn’t following the pattern of magical academy stories that make it one book per school year. This is the second book, and Larek hasn’t even finished his first year of schooling. Granted, a lot of other stuff has happened to him - discoveries and abilities that turn his world upside down. And at least now he is in a situation where he isn’t actively being tormented.

Fun story this time around.
Profile Image for Danae.
575 reviews5 followers
December 1, 2023
The story goes on in the next school. We learn a lot more why Larek is special and sticks out.
He makes some really dumb decisions.
While I like academy-based plots i am starting to be fed up with "yet another fighting competition". I reallly don't need X rounds of meaningless action.
Nevertheless there are some good ideas about his fusion abilities and I cannot wait to see what happens next.
Profile Image for Kurt.
263 reviews2 followers
May 4, 2024
I basically lost interest in the series here, largely due to the protagonist being an annoying twatwaffle. The "clueless boy unaware of girl's interest" continues and, if anything, is amplified. Add onto that an annoying pacifist streak that emerged and...yeah, not my favorite.

Which is unfortunate, because I like the world the author built and the broader story arc. But I cannot get past the annoying MC.
558 reviews12 followers
June 2, 2024

Just how whiny can a writer make a character? Most of this book is about whining!! He killed people that tortured him, so 3 or 4 pages of whining Fromm that then he whined that he somehow influenced his teammates and started whining about that. Enough is enough no more will I read anything from this writer if he cannot get away from his whining in his writing and in his life probably!!
Profile Image for Aaron Eichler.
494 reviews
January 30, 2024
Are secrets safe?

Larek has had quite an adventure so far. He has gone to a new school, which seems to be working out better for him. I love the skirmish and how he helped his team. I was not a great fan of how he dealt with the people who kidnapped him, but it was an effective way to go about it. I look forward to reading what happens to Larek in book 3.
103 reviews1 follower
March 15, 2024
What a continuation

What a continuation of this series.Grabbed the first
book in a whim ( Kindle Unlimited ) loved it and jumped into book 2
The story of Larek.and companions connects.with me.Loved.the progression of plot , character. , book 2 is even better than book 1 .. Already downloaded book 3 and jumping into that as soon as possible
Profile Image for Jonathan.
511 reviews
April 24, 2024

The main character is a new school and faces new challenges, makes new friends, and eventually find a way to reveal to the world his skill at fusions.

The story is excellently told in the world world building is captivating. The narration is sitting on the ears. The pace of the story is excellent and ultimately this was a highly enjoyable listen.
213 reviews5 followers
October 6, 2023
Eagerly awaited, worth every moment!

First love your covers! Second totally enjoyed the sequel! Thank you for characters that stay true to themselves, and the story you are telling.
379 reviews4 followers
October 19, 2023

Incredible second Magical Fusion book by Jonathan Brooks! Great story, fantastic world, interesting magic, not too much LITRPG stats but enough to help understand the character. I can’t wait for the next book!
20 reviews2 followers
January 14, 2024
Can’t continue

Lack of character growth, 11 year olds behaving like 20 year olds, 16 year olds behaving like 11 year olds, arbitrary plot devices, and really just annoying characters ruin a great magic system.
187 reviews1 follower
January 24, 2024
Academic ConFusion

Larek and several of his classmates have been transferred to another school after the multiple attacks on the school. The road to Copperleaf is long and a new school will be filled with new opportunities. Let’s hope they are more receptive to fusions than Crystalview was.

It has been a very nice change of pace to read a crafter focused series. There is still plenty of action, but Larek is primarily concerned with his fusions. The marshals play a larger part in this book, so it was great to see what they can do! As always, Miles Meili does fantastic narrating.

Content warning: one surprising dark part for a Jonathan Brooks book.
Author 1 book
June 22, 2024
Solid 2nd entry

Still following great world building. Enjoying the dynamics between friends. Sometimes the trailing bits of infor.ation take a little too long to be revealed but otherwise good book
Profile Image for Albert A Kleyn.
32 reviews2 followers
July 13, 2024
Really enyoyed this book

It never ceases to amaze me where Jonathan finds his inspiration to write thede novels. Truly enyoyed this book and cannot wait to see if there is a next.
Jonathan.... Way to go!
Albert. A grateful reader.
426 reviews3 followers
October 5, 2023
So far one of the best new series of this year. If the quality continues it will be climbing my all time rankings.
Profile Image for Mike Goodman.
1,343 reviews9 followers
October 7, 2023
Awesome Stuff

This story of a 7 foot 12 year old boy who was a logger being forced into mage school was a very interesting entertaining read that I really enjoyed.
Profile Image for James Riley.
868 reviews14 followers
October 8, 2023
Great fun

Simply put, if you liked the first one, then you'll love this one. It's a perfect continuation for the series. I can't wait for the next one.

Highly recommended.
1,802 reviews7 followers
October 11, 2023
I enjoyed this book very much

I enjoyed reading this book very much and I recommend this book to anyone who like LitRPG and progression type of books.
752 reviews2 followers
October 15, 2023
Academic Confusion: book 2

This was as fun to read as the first book. The growth of the main characters was well done. The twist in the last part was inspired.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 40 reviews

