When a creature attacks the city, a man with strange powers reluctantly stands to fight... but a shadowy government organization has unfinished business with him.
Tsutomu Nihei (弐瓶 勉 Nihei Tsutomu, born 1971) is a Japanese manga artist. His cyberpunk-influenced artwork has gained a strong cult following. He has a relatively large community of fans in Germany where his manga Blame!, NOiSE and Biomega were published by Ehapa. Blame! was also published in France and Spain by Glénat, in the US by Tokyopop and in Italy by Panini Comics.
At first he studied architecture and later it is shown up in his manga works with drawing huge structures. This became one of his general theme that makes his manga unique. His works are usually in black and white. He is also an avid fan of the video game series Halo, as he mentions in his commentary section in the Halo Graphic Novel.
Totalmente brillante. Planteo un misterio que no se ha resuelto: Como fue que la humanidad llego a perecer de esa forma? Y la existencia de los Gaunas?
Sin mencionar que, las ilustraciones son no comunes, provocando una inmersión total en el manga.
A palavra japonesa "Abara" quer dizer costela. E por incrível que pareça, existe um mangá em que "costelas" fazem a diferença. Não vou ficar contando história, mas a ideia das costelas está muito ligado a qualidade do mangá. Elas se misturam com o cenário, além do corpo dos personagens. É uma experiência visual incrível, porém difícil de entender onde é um cenário e onde é uma expansão de uma costela. A história, as vezes, pouco importa - tanto que, em várias páginas, a contação é sem balões. Esse é o trunfo do mangá, que certamente está entre os visuais mais instigantes dentro de mangás de ficção científica. Ansioso para o #2!
The art is terrific at times, but there's no character development and barely any dialogue. You've got some gauna monsters on the loose in the city, and some organizations going after them. Itou (Kudou) Denji, whom I thought was going to be the main character, we really don't know anything about, nor has anything been explained about the gauna. I'd be okay with that if at least we were given SOMETHING story-wise, but it's mainly just views of the city and the monsters. A really, really flat read.
Love this manga. The illustrations are fantastic, the story is compelling. The characters are sparse on personality, but they fit with the world in which they are portrayed. They are people of action, not talk.
Again, you have to already be a fan to enjoy this type of manga. The impressive and perfectly impractical environments are a joy to behold. Too bad the story is so hard to get into. It's a good thing this manga has a Wikipedia entry.
Gaunas are ancient creatures that eat humans, growing ever larger until they can consume mausoleums which were designed to be time machines for humanity. The way the creatures are created is pretty cool. They are resilient, well-armored, tentacled and able to fly (or jump really high, at least). The tentacles can cut through human skulls like a hot knife through butter. In ancient times, when the 4th Eon Group existed, it was thought that the Gaunas were defeated, but they still plague humanity. These are the evil White Gaunas. There is also the Black variant created by humanity to combat the White Ones. There is an impressive battle mid-way through the volume that showcases the Gauna's awesome powers. Until I read the Wiki entry I had no idea who was who - this seems to be a recurring issue for this author. Might as well see how it ends.
Allgemein sehr sehr nice. Der Zeichenstil ist halt auch einfach ein wenig überwältigend. Es kommt nicht selten vor, dass man mit einer Detailflut konfrontiert wird, aus der man sich dann ein Bild raussuchen muss. Für mich ist das eine durchaus willkommene Abwechslung zu anderen Mangas. Und das Character-Design ist auch right up my alley~
Apropos Charakter: Die sind auch rein storytechnisch schön gemacht. Niemand redet mehr, als er muss. Nichts wird unnötig erklärt. Wenn, dann sprechen Fäuste, Pistolen, oder einfach die Bilder [argh, diese Hintergründe!]. Ernste Stimmung wird nicht durch irgendwelche dummen Witze von Comic Relief-Charakteren kaputtgemacht. Wiederum eine willkommene Abwechslung zu anderen Mangas.
Keine Ahnung, wieso dieses Buch in meinem Comicladen als Ladenhüter gegolten hat. Aber wenn ich für 2.- sone Geschichte haben kann, hinterfrag ich das nicht weiter.
Some have lauded this as some sort of great artwork and you need to be intelligent to understand it. However, I do understand Abara, and it isn't miraculous.
The manga tries to tell the story specifically through images. But it has poor character development and you are left confused until the very end. It puts off explaining things far to late in the manga.
Also, the artwork can range from, "Dang this looks good!" To, "Okay this looks sloppy at best. . ." Which irritates me to the point, of wanting to give this a zero stars.
You want something miraculous, abstract, and intelligent manga?! Well go read or watch Darkside Blues. All the things Abara is trying to do, Darkside Blues did it ten times better.
Really liked the bleak and surreal art style(5⭐) . However, there is very little text - maybe not enough text! - for its complex world building. Therefore, I found it very hard to follow. I intend to "read" the second volume in hope to get some answers... So far, it is just weird and confusing (narrative style 2⭐).
The ideas are very interesting and some of the panels and pages look amazing, but I found the story kind of confusing at first. I wish it had been longer and the author had expanded on the world, as well as on the ending. I also feel a bit conflicted because, on the one hand, I wish there had been more explanations, but, on the other hand, I love how little dialogue there was.
Well I can only second what the other reviewers say. The artwork is really cool but the storyline is pretty much non existent or maybe just to vague for me to understand...
I got this manga more because I'm a big fan of Nihei than me liking the book. The thing is that the story is very confusing and in my case I'm more frustrated wondering what Nihei is trying to convey here, like he has no direction. In Blame!, Biomega and the very short Noise Nihei is telling a story, in Abara I feel he's making stuff up because it looks cool. His drawings are beautiful as usual and the manga is packed with action and violence. Some elements of Abara reappear though in a new manga called Sidonia no Kishi Nihei is working on.
Abara vol. 1: Abara is an amazing combination of HR Giger-style art with an Orwellian flair. Anyone who is familiar with the premise of the Claymore manga or anime will feel at home reading this. Instead of taking place in a quasi-medieval setting, the characters capable of changing into a more fearsome form do so in a steam/cyber-punk futuristic dystopia.
Com desenhos extremamentes atordoantes e história idem, o mangá tem nesses dois pontos sua força principal, no qual a confusão cerebral criada pela dificuldade em reconhecer o universo em que se insere força o leitor ou a desistir ou à persistência da leitura ao visualizar formas presentes em seu próprio inconsciente.
Fazla sıkıcıydı. Yarım bırakmayı sevmediğim için başladığıma pişman olduğum bir mangaydı. Çizimleri de çok karışıktı. Bunun da sıkıcı olmasında faydası var. Ayrıca anlaşılmayan çok şey oluyor birden.