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Van Von Hunter #1

Van Von Hunter vol. 1

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The forces of evil have come back to rip peace from the twice-peaceful Kingdom of Dikay! The land's only hope lies in the one man, who many years ago vanquished the evil tyranny: Van Von Hunter, Hunter of Evil... Stuff! Together with his loyal memory-challenged sidekick, he faces off against the deposed, former ruler of Dikay, who has come back to reclaim his throne!

173 pages, Paperback

First published July 3, 2007

About the author

Mike Schwark

4 books2 followers

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Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 reviews
Profile Image for Rachel.
31 reviews
May 6, 2009
I've only read the first of this series. It was very amusing, though I wasn't immediately hooked on it. Liked it! Didn't love it.
Profile Image for Дарина Гладун.
Author 11 books35 followers
May 18, 2021
Купила книжку на другий тиждень коміксів у школі (один із моїх учнів дуже любить мангу і попросив хоча б одну принести).
Чогось хорошого про книжку сказати не можу: герої і ситуації - шаблонні. Використано мій найменш улюблений із усіх прийомів масової літератури: втрату пам'яті. Здається, навіть у 2010-му році, коли "Ван-Вон Хантер" вийшов українською, амнезія одного з головних героїв уже асоціювалася з ледачістю чи браком фантазії у сценаристів.

- Не хочеш довго пояснювати?
- Не встигаєш прописати передісторію?
- Пишеш сотні сценаріїв на місяць?
Можливо, твоєму сюжету бракує... амнезії?!
Амнезія - просте пояснення складних питань!

Отже, втрата пам'яті головною героїнею не викликала в мене співчуття, а лише роздратувала. Як колективне забуття, про яке багато разів говорили інші герої. Можливо, наступні частини виправдають наявність амнезії, але наразі вона виглядає досить проблемно.
Найбільш симпатичною героїнею виглядає прибиральниця Хантерів, оскільки вона діє згідно з власною логікою, не зумовленою винятково її посадою.

Переклад не жахливий, але не маю за що його хвалити.

P.S. Але маю відзначити, що Назару (моєму учневі, який просив мангу) ця книжка дуже сподобалася.
Profile Image for Vanessa.
73 reviews5 followers
December 6, 2018
Hilarious and wonderful. Read this if you like parodies of either epic quests or supernatural monster hunters :)
Profile Image for Kirsten Simkiss.
851 reviews3 followers
June 24, 2019
The art is weird and the story is basic and reactive. I’m judgy about my art styles, so that may be a weakness on my part, but it’s not that great. There are better manga-styled comics out there.
Profile Image for Andrew Brown.
23 reviews1 follower
September 1, 2020
Good read but it's very quirky not a lot of action, it's more humorous than anything.
Profile Image for Nic.
1,679 reviews73 followers
July 21, 2013
I'd read a good review of this series on No Flying No Tights, so I ordered the first volume through interlibrary loan. When it arrived, I was surprised to find that it advertised itself all over the cover as being full of SAT/ACT words, with more than 300 "identified and defined!"

And so it was. Most of the words actually fit more smoothly into the dialog than I expected, but the little boxes around the edges of each page with the definitions were distracting to me. (Plus, I'm not sure all of the words were used in ways that totally made sense. A character with magical gloves of lifting, using them to catch a falling tree, marvels that they are, "sturdy enough to lift a giant tree!" Am I wrong, or is sturdy more of a toughness thing, whereas she's really looking for a strength-implying word?) Furthermore, many of the definitions used words longer than the words they were explaining! On the other hand, readers who want to learn the vocab could probably get a lot of it just from context clues.

I assume this is not the original, then, but some kind of weird new edition. It's the only copy in my library system, though. Oh well. I wasn't so hooked that I needed to read the other two, anyway.
1,964 reviews17 followers
August 11, 2013
This is a comedy manga about Van Von Hunter a hunter of evil stuff who has amnesia on a mission to destroy the resurrection of an evil villain. There's very little good I can say about it. It's not funny and at times the comedy is downright annoying. The story is terrible. The characters aren't interesting and just plain dumb and the artwork's only so-so. The best thing about it is the gender dubious villain "The flaming Prince" - his ineptitude is mildly amusing. Scraping the bottom of the manga barrel.
Profile Image for Zoe.
57 reviews
December 27, 2011
Um... no. Stupid! I think my little brother would like it. It's got booby girls (what manga doesn't. unless it's a yaoi one) and immature jokes.
Profile Image for Gina.
Author 5 books28 followers
November 28, 2012
These are fun reads. I admit to being confused by the Flaming Prince's gender, but I think that was the point.
286 reviews17 followers
October 18, 2015
Entertaining and amusing enough, though I probably wouldn't buy the rest of them.
Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 reviews

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