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In less than a day everything they've ever known has vanished and the world is in chaos. Uncertain where to turn and who to trust in this strange new world, they must band together in an attempt to survive. However, they slowly begin to realize it’s not only the crumbling earth, and treacherous people around them that are a threat, but also something unseen and even more lethal.

*Note* This book is the second compilation of a serial story. It does not have an ending.

*Due to language and graphic content this book is recommended for readers 17 and older.

364 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 31, 2013

About the author

Erica Stevens

48 books2,270 followers
Erica Stevens is the author of the Captive Series, Coven Series, Kindred Series, Fire & Ice Series, Ravening Series, and the Survivor Chronicles. She enjoys writing young adult, new adult, romance, horror, and science fiction. She also writes adult paranormal romance and historical romance under the pen name, Brenda K. Davies. When not out with friends and family, she is at home with her husband, son, dogs, cat, and horse.

She loves to speak with readers and can be found:

Erica Stevens/Brenda K. Davies Mailing List: http://bit.ly/ESBKDNews

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 94 reviews
Profile Image for Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen.
1,688 reviews619 followers
March 31, 2015
4.5 Snapping Teeth Stars

So, in this book we finally meet the zombies or freakzoids or the lost souls.

I have to say that the explanations/hypothesis behind what is going on ---- is FUCKING AMAZING!!

This isn't fiction or a fantasy from the heavens - instead there is a sound reason behind what is going on and why people are starting to eat others. Hmmmm...really makes you think!

Yeah, in this one, I fucking ended up choking up...the 2 groups are trying their hardest to get to each other at an agreed spot. They battle bites, scratches, messed up humans, black tongues, and so much more.

Again we span just about a day!
Profile Image for Dianne.
6,794 reviews602 followers
June 11, 2018
It happened in the blink of an eye, chaos, destruction, death and the world humanity took for granted was gone. It is now survival of the fittest or the luckiest. The second book of Erica Stevens’s apocalyptic serial series, The Survivor Chronicles, THE DIVIDE is a true test of humanity’s resilience or it’s downfall and no one knows why it happened, what caused the devastation, or who can be trusted. No one knows who will survive or how. No one knows where the zombies came from.

One group, divided will make a vow to survive, to meet again and to reunite. Their separate journeys will be fraught with danger, some won’t make it and others will have to kill to survive. Heroes will be born as the horrors of what is left of the world threaten them every step of the way.
As hard decisions must be made to reach their intended rendezvous point, no one will remain unchanged, but through it all, they held on to a tenuous thread of hope.

Can you imagine NOT KNOWING what happened? Yet these strangers will become unlikely allies in a world gone mad, because maybe at this point, WHAT happened isn’t as important as living to help create a new tomorrow out of the ashes of the present.

Lots of gore, lots of realistic human reactions and the addition of zombie-like creatures changes the tone from book one when it seemed that the event was more the earth’s revolt against humanity’s desecration of its resources. Now, once again, we are left in the dark, as we live each grueling minute with the divided group of survivors.

I was completely caught up in the terror as well as the amazing camaraderie that formed, because it felt real, like true connections. Erica Stevens has taken each page and turned them into what so many of us could imagine as reality. Emotions run high, desperation creates a volatile world and these characters are hard-pressed to maintain honor and a sense of dignity for those who have fallen around them, including the zombie-like creatures who were once living humans.

Fabulous reading from start to finish that will leave readers wondering, what would I do, what could I do to survive?

Series: The Survivor Chronicles - Book 2
Publication Date: October 31, 2013
Publisher: Erica Stevens
Genre: Post-Apocalyptic
Print Length: 370 pages
Available from: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
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Profile Image for Nicole Storey.
Author 7 books126 followers
November 2, 2015
She had me until the zombies showed up.

With everything going on in this apocalypse, why throw zombie-like people into the mix? IMO, it was unnecessary and too predictable. Still, there are a few characters I've become attached to, so I'll continue to read.
Profile Image for Valerie (Howler_Puff).
307 reviews23 followers
May 1, 2015
"Reunited and it feels so good
Reunited 'cause we understood
There's one perfect fit
And, sugar, this one is it
We both are so excited 'cause we're reunited, hey, hey"

Yes, this was the song that was playing in my head when I got to the end of the book! If I knew how to add pictures I sure would have! You guys are lucky..it would be a GIF overload for sure!

This series is really growing on me. I don't even know why I gave the 1st book a 3 start rating..I feel like a fool! A damn dirty fool! It has only been a couple of days after the world went to shit and you are seeing each character grow and find themselves in this new world. Each of them have a moment where they realize they can't be the same as they were. They can't be that person anymore. I enjoy the fact you feel how scared they are. I chalk that up to good writing. I love a book that makes me feel what they are feeling. Especially Carl. He is kind of like the bad ass of the group but you can really feel his fear and OMG I was so scared for him. My little heart was a pounding! This is actually a very good series. You have different POVs which I really enjoy. You want to continue because you want to know what caused all of this since you don't know. You are as clueless as each character. You are guessing right a long with them and making up your own theories. Give this series a chance...seriously, do it.
67 reviews
March 12, 2015
35% is Enough

I've always enjoyed apocalyptic books and hated zombie stories. At 35% thru book two this tail had transformed sufficiently from a natural disaster type tail to a horror story with rotting fiends after our friends that I decided to toss it in. You may enjoy that stuff. If so, read on. For me, enough is enough and I will search for something I enjoy more which is most written literature.
Profile Image for Haley.
204 reviews
March 4, 2018
Following the two groups, to get back to each other. This had me gripped throughout! I’m looking forward to the third book now. Writing is superb as always!
Profile Image for Jamie Gordon.
11 reviews
October 10, 2017

I love these books so intense and heartbreaking and amazing all rolled together keeps you interested all the way through amazingly scary and awesome!!!
Profile Image for Barb McKinley.
268 reviews7 followers
May 24, 2015

It is not often that a book can create fear but this book has all the elements of a truly horrifying future for humanity. With everything going on in our world, the world created here seems too believable. I hope not!

Your emotions will skyrocket as the characters face everything that is thrown at them. Who will live, who will die? Will anyone live? The characters are developing more and more and changing as their lives are constantly in danger. You will not want to stop reading as you want to know what happens next. I am definitely getting the next book in the series.

My one complaint is that at times things are a little repetitive in this story. There is some scenes that just are a repeat of earlier scenes. That is why this book got a 4 star review. It didn't stop my reading until 4:36 am but I did notice the problem. A little editing for errors would benefit the book as well.

Would I recommend this book? ABSOLUTELY! If you read apocalyptic books or like scary books with a little friendship and romance that includes action, adventure and suspense...this book is for you. It is well balanced and will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don't miss this series, I guarantee it will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

KUDOS Ms. Stevens on a tale really well told.
Profile Image for Flora Viggiano.
60 reviews
March 14, 2022
This was an intense, edge of your sit

I wasn't sure if I would be able to continue with the story as in got very dark and intense but I just could put it down. I read to entire book in one night! I was so focused on the amazing characters trapped in a world that was deadly. I will be reading the next book in this series. But I think it is best I try to get some rest before work tomorrow...but then again...it is just that good I may need more than a coffee tomorrow.
This book is more intense and has situations that are scarier then the first book.
Profile Image for Tara B.
9 reviews10 followers
December 17, 2013
I read through this one quickly, I was much more invested in the characters after finishing The Upheaval. The 4 instead of 5 star ratings come simply because of the unanswered questions. was it a super volcano that started this? And more pressing....what is wrong with the zombie-like people, how did they get that way, and just how contagious are they? I can't wait for book 3, hopefully some of those questions will be answered for us!
September 3, 2021
A wild ride on every page.

I’m only just beginning my ride into the apocalyptic book genre, and am very happy to have found this series. The mystery of what’s causing these events lends itself well to the constant tension, and the escalating dangers, and resulting life and death struggles are keeping my interest high. I can’t wait to get into book 3 tomorrow. It’s now 2 am and I have to be up at 6, I just couldn’t put down this book.
117 reviews
November 1, 2022
This story is an eye-opener for what could happen if the world you knew and took for granted changed in a blink of an eye. I can honestly say I am hooked and then there are times I am afraid of turning the page. Al being the oldest and wisest has earned his place among the younger survivors. Look forward to reading what they plan to do or go next. Every day is a challenge to survive.

Robin D
278 reviews
January 17, 2023
The Survivor Chronicles: No 2

Wow, oh wow!! Would love to give this 10 Stars. What a great way to end this second book! Love this series!! Why a movie has not been made is beyond me!! Just love this!! Wow!!! Gotta keep reading! Ready for next book in series. Sorry, got over excited.
Profile Image for Gail Bengston.
185 reviews1 follower
August 14, 2022
the Survivor Chronicles

The se find book does not disappoint. The characters all grow stronger as they try to survive the new world. You will cheer them on, cry with them and rejoice as they find their way through the divide.
1 review
November 28, 2022

I have really enjoyed this book and the rest of the series that I have read thus far. The characters are endearing and you feel they are your friends and family. You go through every struggle and every victory with them.
January 10, 2023
Too real.

A really, really good read. All of the characters are so real that i have been unable to put the book down. It's so real that I actually felt like I was in the story. I can't wait to read the author's next book.
233 reviews
January 16, 2023
Heart pounding

Love this series. Keeps me hooked from one page to the next. The action keeps me on the edge of my seat and keeps me turning pages to see how they're going to continue surviving.
1,686 reviews18 followers
November 25, 2014
The resolve of there 2 groups was unbelievable. I could only hope that if it was me, that I'd be the same. Yes, there was loss, but look at what the world they lived in has become.
780 reviews7 followers
January 22, 2023

Our intrepid little group gets split up but with a goal to rendezvous in mind. Read the harrowing journey they must survive
Profile Image for Dave Farmer.
Author 3 books12 followers
November 23, 2013
After reading the first book in this series I was left needing a reason behind the freaky events and hoped that would come in the follow up. I won't give anything away except to say I'm glad I read Book 2 because it's just as gripping as Book 1.

What pleased me was how the story picked up right where Book 1 left off - straight in, no messing about and on with the action, although it wasn't necessary for the first chapter to be one of those future cliffhanger scenes that links to half way through the story.

The switching between character view points for each chapter works really well, giving the reader a decent insight into how they think, act and view their new damaged world. Only issue I have with this is a slight similarity of personalities, mainly in the way they think and talk.

They all have their own quirks that make them unique to a degree, but they all state to the reader (via internal monologue) or say things that end with "...don't know what to think anymore..." or "...not that it matters anymore..." which is fine to say once but it becomes repetitive.

Carl and John are still my favourite characters by far. Mary Ellen is still a weakling. Rochelle is under used. Riley seems a bit self involved and obsessed with her inner feelings. It's got to be hell going through such insanity, but the reader will surely grow bored of her continued self pity and emotional turmoil.

I'm pleased there are less "wan" smiles being handed out compared to Book 1. Even so, in such chaotic times I still question whether anyone would or could manage to offer up a "wan" smile given the life or death struggle they constantly face. The same with "...single tear rolling down her cheek..." business. Too many single tears which makes me wonder how these people are able to squeeze out just one tear. It works in the movies but in books it comes across as forced when used more than once.

And on that subject, and a plus point in Stevens favour, is the story is pretty much relentless, never letting up for very long before the next big problem forces the characters to battle one again. Even when the reader thinks there's a quiet lull, some peaceful down time to regroup and contemplate the last chunk of action, there's another big problem to overcome.

I like that constant struggle. It feels realistic in this plot setting. If there had been a prolonged period of quiet with no action, it would feel forced and unnatural. The reader occasionally has a chance for a quick breather before more bad stuff shakes them up again.

A key scene I found enjoyable was Xander in the dark damaged school. Great visuals and almost the right amount of tension, though I would have liked a creepy "thing" following Xander to add a touch more finger nail biting atmosphere. I felt that scene was a bit too easy (with plot gears grinding a little to introduce new characters) and the rescue and escape could have been more dangerous, especially considering the hectic events leading up to it.

The other scene in the barn with the weird creatures skittering through the shadows - very scary prospect, with the characters thinking the danger is outside trying to get in when they realise it's already in there with them. Harks back to that Alien moment where Ripley thinks she's safe and then the alien hand drops down.

I'm not a fan of how the characters suddenly see something dangerous or important, talk about it with each other and THEN the narrative explains what IT is to the reader, or tries to as often the actual explanation isn't clear. I'm saying: "Yes? And? What's going on? Just tell me!" I'd prefer a line stating what IT is, then have characters react so I have some context in which to enjoy those important reactions.

Onto zombies. I guessed these might make an appearance in Book 2, though I wasn't sure how it would play out. This isn't a typical zombie story, or even a zombie story to be more accurate. These people don't act like they're dead, more plagued or injured by some mysterious illness. I like how this is drip fed to the reader without coming across as a "zombie outbreak consumes the planet" kind of set up.

The infected people are well described, and the scene at the motel is well written with good tension, lots of room for questions to be asked by characters and reader alike. There's definitely a dislikeable itchy quality to the infected people. Love that!

One slightly flawed aspect of the story is how the characters either know what's coming, or jump to massive conclusions without any or little evidence. It's as if the characters have got together with the author for a good chat before writing commences but aren't very good at keeping secrets.

They all quickly arrive at the assumption that whatever the infected people are, they're all flesh eating, brain chomping mutants who will clearly pass on the same infection to our hero's with a bite, cut or similar attack/injury. This is the one aspect of the story that feels rushed to me, as if Stevens isn't content with nature going nuts, and needed to add some zombie-like beasts into the mix as well.

I was keen to find an explanation of the weird events in Book 2, though I felt the zombie issue was inserted too soon. Up until the motel scene things were going very well, subtle hints, observations and fears expressed by the characters. Lots of time for the reader to mull over their own theories.

Then BAM these people are zombie-like flesh eaters! I would have been much happier to have this revelation, evidence or conclusion arrive in Book 3 after a good dose of "what they hell are those things?" and "what's doing that to them?" to keep me guessing.

There was one big thing I didn't like and didn't make any sense at all. The scene where our hero's are driving from one town to another and they happen across a community where the people aren't infected flesh eaters. There are barricades, people with guns who are organised and prepared. Our hero's don't stop. They just drive on by like it doesn't matter.

After the hell they've been through it made no sense for them to do this. Like I said how any prolonged lull would have felt unnatural, this scene didn't fit with the overall plot. They would have stopped, talked with those locals, asked questions, swapped information, maybe gained an insight into why the events have taken place. It would have made a very good chapter, and given the reader something more to ponder.

However, despite my criticisms I enjoyed Book 2 as much as Book 1. A few weird dialogue issues aside - weird/clumsy/uncharacteristic use of vocabulary/explanations/retorts (too many ...he/she retorted... by the way)this is still a cracking read!

I applaud Stevens for not being afraid to kill off her characters and for keeping me up way past my bedtime alarm. Whilst there have been a few new characters, I'd be most interested to have a view point from a new set who aren't the good guys so the reader can see from the perspective of the bad guys or infected guys, whatever works really.

I'm looking forward to Book 3!
5,726 reviews31 followers
December 2, 2017
The second book in the series continues the story of the people who survived the tsunami, earthquakes, craters, suicidal animals and the evil thugs. A new element is added and that is people who have been altered. One group is what the characters term the Lost Souls who wander basically mindlessly and don't react to much of anything at all. The other group are the ultra-violent and very deadly zombie-like beings. They can be killed and they don't come back but otherwise they have all the characteristics of zombies.

The survivors try to get away from the main destruction but it seems anywhere they go they encounter the zombie-like beings. Surviving just got a lot tougher and not everyone will survive.

As I did in the first book I do have a problem with exactly what happened. Tsunami? Possible. Earthquakes, volcanoes and lava flows on the East Coast? Very, very unlikely. I am wondering now just what has caused the zombie-like nature of many of the people. It just appears and there is no conjecture as to the cause and this bothers me. It could fit into some kind of terrorist bio-weapon concept but there's nothing in the book to indicate that as a possibility. Considering the vast numbers of people who have been infected (or whatever) I think at least some guess to the cause should have been brought up. For me this detracts from the characters (which are well done) and the story in general.
Profile Image for Tutu Cin.
39 reviews1 follower
September 11, 2022
I give 3 stars for effort.

I really liked the first book. I was looking for more of the same in the second book, earths disasters that were believable, even if stretched to the limits. We don’t know all mother nature could unleash on us, but we’ve all seen it getting incredibly worse year by year, and speeding up. So it was believable on the outside scale of believability.

Unfortunately the second book went completely away from that theme and put all its focus on diseased humans that were acting like zombies to some degree, although intelligent, thinking zombies. So all the natural disasters just stopped all of a sudden? A lot of it was not believable in the second book. Like if it was a super volcano, the sky would be black for a lot longer, just saying… I don’t think the series would work for somebody looking for a zombie story, because they first have to get through the first book. And it certainly doesn’t work for people looking for natural disaster stories after the first book Unfortunately I will never find out what happens to Xander and Riley, or if the mom and the daughter meet up again. Because I can’t keep reading this series with the theme that the author introduced in the second book, which I almost finished but realized I couldn’t be bothered. Too bad.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Barbara Chandler.
124 reviews1 follower
January 1, 2018
I like the premiss but everything is so detailed.

I like the story and characters but the first book and this one were so dragged out. There was some very long passages that seemed to go on forever, I skimmed these. I don’t like the fact that it seems to be done this way to make se there can be another book in a series, the story could be done as one or possibly two. I like the different chapters for the characters but we have already read another’s point of view, I felt that once the situation was happening that another’s view was too long.
Why is the word Zombie never used, more plausible than thinking Werewolves? Also the guessing of what’s happening to the world, Riley, my least favorite character, seem so knowledgeable about what might be happening.
Do I recommend this book/series, yes, will I continue, I don’t know.
Thank you author for the editing with 99.9% of the book(s) with only a couple of typos.
64 reviews3 followers
May 27, 2019
Chaos and mayhem surround the two groups of survivors as they struggle to reach each other. The action is non-stop and the heart pounding fear is unrelenting. This is a page turner of note! If you love books on the apocalypse and strong characters that strive to survive against overwhelming odds, then this is the book for you. The Divide is the second book in the Survivor Chronicles by Erica Stevens, I strongly recommend that you read the first book, The Upheaval, first as that is when you get to know the characters and see how they grow and adapt to their ever changing world. I cannot wait to read the next book in the series, The Forsaken.
Profile Image for Karen.
284 reviews6 followers
November 25, 2017
Humans determination to survive...

I have read Erica Stevens books for a long time, but this series is my first apocalypse series. I can't stop reading, it's fantastic. The determination of two groups of people to rejoin their friends show what we as human will do to survive. The description the author uses to bring you into the story is unreal. Erica Stevens keeps you wondering what's going to happen next. You cheer, laugh and cry with the characters and pray they make it to the end. The saying 'One day at a time' is the motto for this book.
4 reviews
June 10, 2019
Stays with you

What I find in this series is character development in an unknown but violent apocalypse. All hell has broken loose and it’s relentless. The characters, most strangers to one another, bond as one hopes in a world out of control. The author allows each to experience their bewildering relationship to this world in between some very scary sh*t. A series that keeps you reading chapter after chapter, when maybe you need to stop and fix dinner. You get pulled into this world. It leaves me with the thought - could I survive this hell?
Profile Image for Linda.
18 reviews1 follower
December 2, 2017
Apocalypse? The Four Horsemen?

Well, the wrath of Mother Nature continues in this second book. However, humanity has darker edges than the stormy sky. Inquiring minds want to know: massive volcanic eruption? Aliens? Zombies? A plague for the end of days? Earth in meltdown? A group of people forms and perseveres. What will the third book bring? I have not read two books in a shorter timeframe in years... A great accomplishment for me. My reading adventure continues.
Profile Image for Whitney Cannavina.
Author 8 books130 followers
August 14, 2018
This is a story like any other. The group of survivors have been split and continue on trying to meet up in another town. Each group goes through tremendous struggles with their new reality and the virus that has spread. Zombie like people with some intelligence become their biggest obstacles in trying to find a safe haven. I couldn’t put this book down and if you love apocalyptic stories this is definitely a story you don’t want to miss.
7 reviews
August 22, 2018
Must read

Following the events of these survivors, and the things they have to endure, draws you in and keeps you hooked. Sometimes you feel that there is no way they can survive a situation they find themselves in and the only way out will be far fetched, BUT the writing is so believable and remarkable you find yourself willing them to survive. I dare anybody to read these books and not be moved to tears, like I was. Roll on book 3
Profile Image for John F. Wells Jr..
175 reviews1 follower
September 22, 2018
So now I want to be a vegan.

Well you think it can't get any worse and then it just gets worse. I'm glad that everyone got to where they wanted to be and there was a happy reunion. So it now takes a strange twist and we find out if the characters I like turn into zombies. Still a very good story going in a true direction and not jumping all over the place trying to keep you up to date on everything. Just getting ready to start book Three so we shall see.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 94 reviews

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