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One day, I might perhaps become something so small and insignificant to you that you only think of me as often as you think of the little particles of dust that you can see floating around the window in the late afternoon sun.
If I'm lucky enough, you'll think of me as often as never thinking of me again at all.

133 pages, Paperback

First published February 2, 2013

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2 books24 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 101 reviews
Profile Image for ⊱ Poppy ⊰.
340 reviews296 followers
October 16, 2016

It was Dnf for me!! Damn, i had so many expectations from it,

It was like i am reading Bad Puns and Pickup Guideline.

It was so cliché and just SO juvenile & vague for my liking.

Anyone can right cliches, and all,

Really this book was a walking contradiction.

Wastage of time and tree's .. Ohh Poor Tree's!!

I really shouldn't have wasted my time on it,

There are so many good books out there.

For me I won't reccomend this to anyone.

But you can take a risk if its what you want, i don't care.

For me i really really hated this book. :/

I laughed and cringed at it so many times that it was unbearable at a time to just continue reading it. :/
Profile Image for Ammara Abid.
205 reviews156 followers
October 11, 2016
; is ♡
Absolutely beautiful & breathtaking.
I couldn't resist myself sharing few of my favourite lines here ^_^

'Because forever is composed of nows'

Hold on to me
like a grudge
you neither have
to forgive
or forget

Hold on to me
like leaves
on trees
and never
let autumn come

Hold on to me
like the fragrance
of flowers
layered upon
the flesh
~Hold on

I’ve never wished so hard
for something that doesn’t
even pertain to me
but that doesn’t mean
I don’t want it with all my soul
In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever
wanted anything more
than I know I do now
My wishes are simple,
I just want to keep you happy
I wish you will be, I wish I can
I hope and pray and I wish it always. ~11:11

You are my main
body of work
but perhaps all
I will ever be to you
is a mere footnote
in your story
~ Footnote

All you do is leave
when all I ever want is
for you to just stay

Her absence give birth
to the new miseries I would
much rather not feel ~Absence

They say
who needs money
when you’ve got love
But let’s be real
–we still need to buy coffee
~ Currency

Double exposure
of our souls, smudged together;
the perfect picture

You speak of dreams
as you speak of life
with utmost importance
and excruciating details

A thousand years of silence
bestowed between distance
and a thousand more
for every broken dream
~What did the moon say?

Your eyes are like
exclamation points
Your arms like
quotation marks
Mine are parentheses
Because I want you
exclusively to myself
~Illogical Greed

'Your presence in the present is my favourite tense-hence the heightened sense of exuberance'
57 reviews3 followers
February 14, 2015
I was intrigued by the sample pages I read when looking at this on Amazon. Maybe I am not in love, maybe I am not made for modern words, but I had wished for more magic; the things I read felt too predictable, which led to very few emotional responses and connections with the poems.
Profile Image for Alice-Elizabeth (Prolific Reader Alice).
1,162 reviews165 followers
January 14, 2020
3.5 stars!

So already in 2020, I had found and read a poetry collection called Semicolon then found this one by chance... is this some sort of spooky coincidence or what? Anyway, I liked how the writing style came across to me at points. Emotional poetry about love, loving and loss. Some titles I connected with more than others. A quick OK read available on KU.
Profile Image for Ivy.
1,036 reviews61 followers
September 7, 2022
A cute little collection of poems. Some are a were a little cliché, some felt kind of juvenile to me but there were also a few I really could connect with.

"Where is here?
When are we anywhere?"
Profile Image for Stephanie.
164 reviews30 followers
April 18, 2014
This was definitely one of those rare Amazon Kindle finds! Free to borrow for Kindle owners (although having read it, I will likely purchase a hard copy to mark up with highlights in the future). A beautiful collection of prose pertaining to love, loss, longing, and the human condition. I have been in these places and I recognize these pains. It is clear that the author is writing the words for himself, but at the same time it feels as thought he (she?) is speaking directly to you. A beautiful, impacting read that I will treasure for years to come.
Profile Image for Pam's Shenanigans.
638 reviews89 followers
March 13, 2017
What I love about Naveed Khan's poems is that even though they're easy to read, the poems still capture the complexity of one's affinity with someone they feel for dearly. I wish I'll finally escape this reading and writing slump I'm currently in.

“When I turn fifty, I will still love you the same way I do at twenty-one. I will still find you beautiful. I will still try to impress you, and I will still hold your hand. When I come home from work, I won't forget to wrap my arms around your waist and kiss you and ask you about your day. I will wait until you finish your meals, I won't let you sit alone. I'll miss you even when you make a trip down to the corner store for milk and eggs and the occasional chocolate bar. When I'm fifty, I might in fact love you more than I do now at twenty-one. In fact, I might have to worry because my jokes may get worse and less humorous as the years pass. I might not have that much hair when I'm fifty. I might become a handful. I might suddenly start to forget things I would usually never forget. But I will have never forgotten what you mean to me. And I will still love you. 

I just hope you love me when I'm fifty.”
Profile Image for Jamie (Books and Ladders).
1,429 reviews208 followers
January 3, 2018
Actual Rating: 1.5*

This did not keep my attention at all. It was boring and seemed juvenile and I was not here for it. I guess I was expecting more out of it or maybe I’ve just saturated myself with this type of modern poetry. But maybe I’ve just read better than this and am extremely disappointed. At least it was free with my Kindle Unlimited subscription.
Profile Image for Taylor.
242 reviews53 followers
January 23, 2018
If I were to write poetry it would sound like these.. completely cringe
Profile Image for Nancy.
45 reviews
July 11, 2015
I feel that by the time you've finished this quaint collection of poems, you will surely know what love is. However, I'm not sure what it's like to be in love and that's the mark where the poems miss. Many great poems but a few are very banal and felt tired that made it difficult to digest.

Stylistically, some of the poems became illuminated by it's structure but other poems it felt that it was done for the sake of being done. A bit of grandeur, euphoria and gut-wrenching pain would have elevated the selection.
Profile Image for Manilyn.
2 reviews5 followers
December 26, 2015

Khan has a unique ability to capture the thrills of infatuation and love, articulating them in such a beautiful and poignant way that made my heart ache. I was moved that someone could write with such intensity for another soul and found myself longing to be in both the author and his intended audience's shoes. This shall stay happily in my Kindle library for whenever I'd like to return to its beautiful imagery.
Profile Image for Tann Medi.
111 reviews46 followers
January 3, 2017
2 libro del 2017 y las lecturas estan empezando increibles
Lo empece a leer por qué su portada me dio curiosidad y más que era un escritor anónimo .
Debo confesar que mientras lo leia sentí muchísimas cosas :,) es perfecto.
Me dio un vuelco al corazón a un a sabiendas de que lo escrito no era para mí!
De lo mejor que he leído en poesía últimamente
Buscando una copia fisica del libro ya mismo ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Profile Image for Wennie Hong.
Author 5 books13 followers
January 13, 2014
I thought this book was ok. The beginning pieces were very powerful but as I got closer towards the middle, many of the pieces felt repetitive and short, it felt this way towards the end as well. The last piece in the book had a very powerful tone to it, but other than that this book didn't do anything spectacular for me.
1,718 reviews11 followers
February 29, 2016
I am not a poetry officianado, but I have been trying to read more of it lately.

Overall I enjoyed this book. There were some poems I didn't really get/like. Several poems that reminded me of Ed Sherman. A few poems that I wished were longer. A lot of poems that I thought were good but will never dwell on. And a handful that I really loved and want to hang in my memory for a while.
20 reviews
March 2, 2016
At the point of semi colon.

I don't know this book means something to me. I found it by happenstance and it was mine. I recently got a tattoo behind my left ear, a semi colon. It could be the end but I am choosing to continue. I must move forward. So, I fell in love with this book the moment I saw the title and before I read any page. Turns out it's quite lovely and quite me....
Profile Image for Sarah Marie Phillips.
44 reviews3 followers
March 27, 2016
"I want our love to be an old fragile teacup that somehow survived when all the others in the set list their handles or cracked on the surface"
; is a lovely collection of poems about the author's lover. This collection made me happy. It consists of ooey-gooey-lovey-dovey poems that fill your heart with joy. Fantastic. 4/5 stars for me.
2 reviews
May 12, 2016
The way the author wrote the book, adding meaning to every word, made every page seem full and thick and dense. After reading the book I felt I could breathe deep and steadily for the first time in ages. x q is truly a beautiful artist and really shows how much they pour their soul into their writing. The book is an eye opener and broadened my mind dramatically. An absolute must-read.
Profile Image for Sarah.
1 review
December 31, 2016
Romantic Poetry

I chose this rating because although it was beautiful poetry, sometimes it felt much to personal. I liked when it was sweet and consensual but sometimes it took a turn for the darker side of being in love and it made the lines of consent blurry. Otherwise it is well written and relatable.
Profile Image for Rachel Nicole Wagner.
Author 2 books91 followers
January 13, 2018

I believe this is one of my most favorite works of poetry, now. I really wasn’t expecting the greatness that came from these pages when I first seen the cover of this book. It’s so quiet in its appearance but once you begin reading, the emotion and feeling is exquisite. Excellent read. Will definitely be returning and reading this again and again.

Profile Image for NayDoubleU.
932 reviews31 followers
April 1, 2015
Something different.

I don't know what I was expecting when I bought this but I can say I'm not disappointed. I'm happy I read it and own it. I find it hard to say the things I truly feel and this helps a lot. many beautiful things written. enjoy.
Profile Image for Ryan Glaubke.
10 reviews2 followers
June 4, 2014
Incredibly beautiful poetry. I bought this book on a whim, searching for books to expand my poetry collections. This one is golden. This collection gives meaning to some of those feelings we all have but have no way to express in words. It's relatable. It's powerful. It's an amazing read.
May 28, 2016

I love the poems very much . It spoke to me in a way poetry usually does not. These poems actually made me think about some hard times in my life and brought back memories as well
22 reviews2 followers
August 5, 2016
DNF. I started this book with high hopes. Like real high hopes because goodreads recommended it after I read the book I wrote this for you. Obviously it was nowhere near it. Very boring although the note to readers was good.
Profile Image for Allison Fox .
11 reviews
October 7, 2016
I read this in one sitting because I couldn't put it down. Some of the best poetry I've needed a dose of in awhile. It's relatively short, but length doesn't always determine good writing. Sometimes concise is key; in this case raw, captivating, and vital.
Profile Image for Bobobo.
4 reviews14 followers
November 21, 2014
This book made me got all teared up in the coffee shop. Worth your time.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 101 reviews

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