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How to Get Your Child to Love Reading

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"An exuberant treasure trove for parents." — Publishers Weekly
Are children reading enough? Not according to most parents and teachers, who know that reading aloud with children fosters a lifelong love of books, ensures better standardized test scores, promotes greater success in school, and helps instill the values we most want to pass on.

Esmé Raji Codell—an inspiring children's literature specialist and an energetic teacher—has the solution. She's turned her years of experience with children, parents, librarians, and fellow educators into a great big indispensable volume designed to help parents get their kids excited about reading.

Here are hundreds of easy and inventive ideas, innovative projects, creative activities, and inspiring suggestions that have been shared, tried, and proven with children from birth through eighth grade.

This five-hundred-page volume is brimming with themes for superlative storytimes and book-based birthday parties, ideas for mad-scientist experiments and half-pint cooking adventures, stories for reluctant readers and book groups for boys, step-by-step instructions for book parades, book-related crafts, storytelling festivals, literature-based radio broadcasts, readers' theater, and more. There are book lists galore, with subject-driven reading recommendations for science, math, cooking, nature, adventure, music, weather, gardening, sports, mythology, poetry, history, biography, fiction, and fairy tales. Codell's creative thinking and infectious enthusiasm will empower even the busiest parents and children to include literature in their lives.

480 pages, Paperback

First published June 1, 2003

About the author

Esmé Raji Codell

19 books151 followers
Esme Raji Codell is the recipient of a prestigious James Patterson Pageturner Award for spreading the excitement of books in an effective and original way. She has been a keynote speaker for the International Reading Association and the American Library Association, a “virtual” keynote for the National Education Association’s “Stay Afloat!” online conference for first-year teachers, and a featured speaker at the National Museum for Women in the Arts. She has appeared on CBS’s The Early Show, CNN, C-SPAN, and NPR, among other media outlets across the country. The author of How to Get Your Child to Love Reading, as well as five award-winning books for children, Esmé runs the popular children’s literature website and the unique literary salon, PlanetEsme.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 80 reviews
Profile Image for DivaDiane SM.
1,086 reviews110 followers
July 16, 2022
My dad gave this book to me (I think), which is kind of strange, because he never gave me any other books. But honestly, I don’t think I needed any help with this and I haven’t read the whole thing, hence the missing rating and finish date.

My husband and I read to our son every day from the time he was an infant. In 3 languages (English, Italian and German) and he loved it. He loves stories and storytelling. We still read to him but now he reads more complicated novels on his own (he’s 12) but we sometimes do family reading sessions and I’m looking forward to our upcoming road trip.
Profile Image for Esther.
505 reviews7 followers
July 19, 2009
I've been feeling that my preschool book club is becoming a little stale or that I have become stale. I have been leading it for 3 years and feel bored towards picking a book and activities. So on a whim I picked this book up hoping to get some new ideas but I didn't have a lot of hope for it...most books about reading to children or teaching them how to read are dull, blasé and not creative. This book took something like a dull potato and made it exciting. (If you have read the book, you will know what I am talking about). I am excited again about my class and about when Aurora gets a little older and I enjoyed reading this book just because it was a fun read. I think the author and I would be good friends if we knew each other :)
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,700 reviews66 followers
March 15, 2008
A must for teachers and parents alike! It also came in handy during my stint as an elementary school librarian. Chock full of reading related activities and wonderful lesson ideas. It's a great jumping off point to work with.
Profile Image for Cynthia Parkhill.
348 reviews14 followers
July 14, 2018
This book speaks to several of my ambitions for librarianship, which are to 1) foster a love of reading, 2) create library “repeat customers,” and 3) encourage life-long learning.

Author Esmé Raji Codell compares children’s literature to a potato, because it’s versatile and plentiful. But “if you hand somebody a potato, or if you hand somebody a children’s book, and he doesn’t know how to make it cook ... well, then.”

This book’s purpose is to aid those adults who match children with appropriate literature, who want to help children form positive associations with books and reading.

It begins with “Children’s Book Basics” that address motivations in reading, the value of read-alouds, and more. Of particular interest, because the school where I work integrates art in its curriculum, was a section in the book that discusses integrating art and literature.

Codell suggests several questions for discussing artwork and layout:

“Why do you think the author chose these colors? How do they make you feel?” ... “What art supplies do you think the artist used to create this picture?” ... “When you look at this picture, does this character / object seem near or far? Why?” ... “What in this picture tells us when the story happened and where the story happened?” ... “What in the character’s body or face shows you how he feels?”

I expect to refer often to this book for ideas and inspiration.
Profile Image for Ami.
1,655 reviews45 followers
October 13, 2009
This book would be a great reference addition to any home library. It is full of THOUSANDS of books for children and hundreds of ideas to get them reading (either singlely or in groups). My favorite thing about this fabulous resource is that she lists the books in topics. For example, she has a section on geography with the expected top-notch non-fiction books, bu also listed are many fiction books that go with that subject. She does the same with history, animals, gardening, drama, and many, many more topics. Excellent resource!
Profile Image for Stacey.
584 reviews1 follower
June 30, 2009
I love this book. As a lover of booklists it absolutely overwhems me in a delightful way. I have checked it out of the library many times, and just yesterday I found it on half.com for 75 cents plus shipping.
Profile Image for Shauna.
354 reviews12 followers
December 30, 2007
I read this book every year . . . and then refer to it again and again. I love it. Brent calls it my "Book of Mormon" . . . to go with my "bible" which is the Read Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease
Profile Image for Emily.
248 reviews11 followers
February 3, 2009
Just happened to see this book on display at the library and after thumbing through it decided to check it out--if only for the amazing book lists! My two small kids love when I read to them and this book has given me some great ideas to make our reading time (and learning time!) more fun and to expand our book choices. She discusses all types of books (picture books to chapter books) in a broad range of genres: historical fiction, biography, poetry, folklore, mystery, science fiction...and has lists of the best books to read on just about any topic. She also encourages parents to be proactive and get involved in the classroom when it comes to reading. Wonderful book that I'd love to have as a reference.
Profile Image for Julie Tompkins.
13 reviews
July 26, 2008
This book is a good resource for parents and teachers that provide lists of quality literature listed by theme, topic, or genre. This book also provides the reader with resources, lessons plans, and activity ideas throughout the book. I used this book to help me find Cinderella stories from many countries. The book listed several options of Cinderella stories that I could use in my classroom for my unit on Cinderella stories from around the world. All of the literature suggested in this book has been published recently and seems to be what I would consider to be high quality literature. I also used this book for suggestions what quality multicultural literature looks like.

Profile Image for Lindsay.
232 reviews11 followers
January 27, 2010
I really, really like this book! The least entertaining and useful part really is the title. I LOVE book recommendations, and Esme has many, categorized by subjects, and ages. I love her list of must read by age 13, her reasons for reading aloud even when your children can read alone(of course!, her suggestions for when to decide if a classic is right for a teen. One of my favorite things I've walked away with is to teach children that people write books --authors --and to investigate their purpose and think about it. I would like to own this book, as I have not read every single word of it yet. :)
Profile Image for Stephanie.
521 reviews14 followers
March 28, 2012
While this book has a lot of great lists for future reference, I found Codell to be slightly condescending. In parts, I think she was trying to be funny, and it fell flat. In others, I think she was assuming that parents have no clue how to read to their child and make it fun.

Since my son absolutely loves to be read to I felt that maybe this book wasn't quite for me. It is definitely more for parents whose kids don't care for books. I did write down a few of the books she mentioned so I can get them from the library over the next few months.
Profile Image for September Michaud.
140 reviews13 followers
October 13, 2015
Lots of information in this book! Includes many specialized lists of picture books and chapter books--has a list of books for just about every occasion/childhood experience. Good resource for helping kids find books they will relate to and books to help them cope with the trials of growing up.

Also includes commentary and personal stories by Esme Codell which are a nice break from all the lists, and keeps you reading.

Overall an awesome resource to have on the shelf for children's librarians, teachers, and parents.
Profile Image for Lisa.
794 reviews19 followers
March 27, 2009
My 15 year old son saw this book and remarked, "Mom, don't you think I already like to read?" I told him it wasn't for him, but for his nephew.
The best thing about this book is all the lists of books that could be good for various age groups. This book makes a great reference and you may find as I did, that you don't read every word or even from every page. I'm going to turn it back to the library, but I plan to check it out again for more book ideas.
Profile Image for kristen.
596 reviews17 followers
June 3, 2012

This book is a practical and comprehensive overview of children's literature and how to incorporate all genres into a child's reading development. Codell knows what she's talking about! Her passion is tangible when reading about literacy activities she did in her classroom, home, and library. I would highly recommend this book to educators! My copy is on loan from the library but I now plan to buy a copy to use as a resource for my classroom.
February 19, 2012
Great resource book for all categories / topics of books that your kids would love to read. Great categories ie. "Power books for Girls", "Jurassic Period" etc. Varied. Entertaining.

It's like the Bible of books. Very thick. If I can't hold onto this forever from the library I'm going to have to buy one.
Profile Image for Juliet.
147 reviews
June 2, 2008
Recommended for any parents or baby gift buyers out there. We use this book all the time. When your kids first get obsessed with dinosaurs (or drums or dance) or start studying Colonial America at school, out comes the book. You can look up tons of categories and find children's books that fit the topic to keep them engaged.
Profile Image for Amber.
231 reviews19 followers
October 24, 2008
This book looks pretty interesting, if you want some ideas for kids books it is full of them. The organization of the books is a bit dry and boring, but the sheer number of books she talks about is big. It turns into a list book more than anything, but the parts that she writes are kinda cute. There are ideas for how to spend time with your kids besides reading also.
Profile Image for Christina.
92 reviews4 followers
September 7, 2010
I think this book is great. My sister's friend recommended it. And it's a good place to go when you don't know what to read aloud next. There are also lots of ideas on how to get your kids excited about reading. And if you have a child that reads so much that you can't keep up it will give you lots of suggestions of what to read next. I just borrowed it from the library but I hope to buy it soon.
Profile Image for Kelly Sachleben.
306 reviews7 followers
October 23, 2012
This book is FANTASTIC!! I have it on loan from the library but am purchasing my own copy this week. Has TONS of book ideas and ideas for keeping children engaged in reading - from early ages up. Also has some neat ideas for things you can do volunteering in schools, etc. Would highly recommend to all - especially parents and teachers.
Profile Image for Marilyn.
620 reviews
January 16, 2012
This is a fantastic resource. She sold children's books before she became a teacher and a mother and now an author/reading website founder. Great, great suggestions in here. Love the organization and we share some favorites, but there are MANY titles in here I've never heard of. So good. I love her opening remarks--the principle of the potato.
Profile Image for Karyn Tripp.
Author 8 books21 followers
June 25, 2012
Fabulous resource with so many lists of children's books on just about every topic you can think of. I will pull this out many times in the future to get ideas. If you love kids books, or want ideas on what books are good, you have got to look into this one. Don't be afraid of its size... It is a very easy read.
Profile Image for Leah.
25 reviews2 followers
December 8, 2011
This book is super useful for a wide range of people. Teachers, tutors, parents and anyone with an interest in spreading a love of reading should read this for great ideas on how to make reading fun and appealing to every kid. As a tutor and teaching assistant, I use many techniques from this book on a daily basis and they really work!
Profile Image for Mary Louise Sanchez.
Author 2 books26 followers
January 25, 2014
This book really fits every shelf and more on my Goodreads page. Esme Codell has ideas, activities, and lists of great books, by subjects and age groups, to help parents guide their child's reading. A reference treasure which calls to be revisited with over 3,000 hand-picked titles--many with pictures.
Profile Image for Amy.
110 reviews23 followers
May 7, 2008
a good reference book. i've thumbed through it a few times and really like it. it contains lists of books on different subjects and also offers tips as to how to incorporate reading into everything. good ideas on volunteering in your child's classroom to promote reading and books.
Profile Image for Michelle.
34 reviews
August 10, 2008
This is a great reference for parents. Sometimes the last thing our kids want to do is read, especially when things like video games, tv, and cell phones seem to be much cooler. Esme' gives some great advice and suggestions to get even the most finicky reader devouring book after book.
Profile Image for Whitney Sorensen.
497 reviews15 followers
September 19, 2008
There is so much in this book! Wonderful ways to develop a love for reading in any child. Many important ways to share books and all the benefits that come from reading. Filled with fun activities, cute illustrations, advice, and book recommendations. LOVED IT!!!
Profile Image for Danna.
5 reviews2 followers
January 5, 2013
Esme Codell is awesome. She takes what we know and NEED to know about reading and puts it in language everyone can understand. This is a great book, not only for parents, but for anyone who wants kids to love books.
19 reviews1 follower
April 3, 2010
Lists books for kids at every level from primary to high school. Has reviews and how to approach interest, how to pair modern stories with classics, projects for book talks. Every school library should have this incredible resource. Great gift for parents.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 80 reviews

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