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Cordelia Rose has a horrible life. She gets bullied by students at school, beaten by her father, practically abandoned by her mother, and wants to end her life and suffering. But when some strange things start to happen, she questions whether or not she has a purpose in this life.

Then she meets a brother and sister that means more to her than she realizes. They are her protectors, and her kindred spirits. Just like her, they are bruised and broken, though for different reasons.

When she finally discovers the truth of her existence, her mind is jumbled with everything She has to take in; not to mention the battle she has to fight inside and out.

YA Supernatural

144 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 21, 2013

About the author

Sandra Love

11 books278 followers
SSandra Love is a new to the author world, publishing her first book in 2013. She currently lives in Michigan, with her son and partner. Sandra is very lucky to have a sister Amanda, who has been there with her through everything, including helping her with the editing of her books. She is also very lucky to have her editor Genevieve Scholl. Sandra has four cats, Stubby, Odin, Thor and Freya. She loves to spend hours reading her favorite authors and writing. Her favorite genres are Paranormal, supernatural and romance. Sandra's first series of books (Broken Wings) is a Supernatural romance. She currently has 3 books out, Broken, Broken Hearts: Kaleigh’s Revenge and To Love Again. She is working on book 3 of the Broken Wings Series; Broken Prophecy. It is due out later this year or early next year. Her inspiration are Indie Authors. She loves and adores them all. Here are some links if you want to follow her.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorsandra...
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show...
Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/sandeelove1980/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lovesandee951
Blog: http://authorsandralove.blogspot.com/

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 71 reviews
Profile Image for Sandra Love.
Author 11 books278 followers
December 14, 2013
This was my first book I've written. I think i did a great job and I'm proud of it. I love the story and the characters I've created. In some parts had me in tears. I hope you all enjoy my first book. <3
Profile Image for Christina Trischetti .
7 reviews27 followers
February 19, 2014
The author has definitely started out great for her first book! I couldn't put it down. I would put this book in the YA paranormal/fantasy category and would have no problem letting my teenage daughter read it.

The story is about a girl that has had rough start at it. Abused by her dad and bullied by the kids at school. She is at her breaking point but then all of a sudden her world flips upside down. Now she needs to fight or give up. Everything she knew was a lie. Will she become what she is suppose to? Only time will tell!
Profile Image for Tina Brimlow.
146 reviews11 followers
December 21, 2013
This is Sandra's first book she has ever written or should I say published. I must say I loved every word. Be aware there will be spoilers so keep reading if you'd like. But know this its an awesome read with a cliff hanger that will definitely get you to get her second book.

Cordelia she is a beautiful person who was being tortured her whole like by her father and school mates. The one thing I hate is bullies. So reading the beginning part of this book told a true story for so many people. I loved how Sandra brought that to life and maybe people will understand that whats going on is horrible and needs to stop now. Later on she meets Cameron. He was the new kid in school. But he was special in a way. Something about him pulled him to her. She found out from reading a folder and Cameron's sister Kaleigh that she was special herself. She was a part of something that was going to cause a big war. She is kidnapped and Cameron and Kaleigh leaves Earth to go and save her.

Cameron I fell in love with him well until he found out the reason why his parents were dead and he threw hatred to Cordelia. But he learned it was not her fault. Anyway. He loved her but knew cause of his curse he could not be with her. But once he found out what was going on it was screw the curse your mine kind of thing. He knew he needed to protect Crdelia more now then ever since she was finding out who she was and what her powers are.

I can not wait to part two comes out. Sandra you have me hooked and not many authors can do that. Congrats on your first published book.
Profile Image for Kaleigh.
32 reviews4 followers
December 26, 2013
First of all I want to congratulate Sandee for publishing her first book! I think that it is very brave and amazing that she did this. I know there are many wonderful authors out there and I am sure that when they published their first short story, novella or novel they were excited and scared all at once…and that is why I am so proud of Sandee for taking that step!

I read this book as an ARC and could not put Broken down, they story line kept me drawn in and I could not wait to see what was happening next. I loved the characters, especially Kaleigh (Sandee knows why). But honestly all the characters were great! The story was not a romance or sexy story, it was heart wrenching and sad to read about bullying. But the paranormal areas of the books were great!

I think Sandra Love will become an even better writer as time goes one and I am so excited for her!
Profile Image for Sandra Shrewsbury.
Author 10 books34 followers
December 14, 2013
I could not put this book down. It was so amazing....my heart was broken when i read this. Bullying is terrible and people don't understand when they do this there is a life at stake. I loved Cameron he was my favorite in the whole book. I cant wait until the next book comes out. This is a must read... The author draws you in and holds you until you have finished every word and then you are begging for more. Please hurry and get the next one done i cant wait.
Profile Image for Amanda.
76 reviews
December 15, 2013
This book was so good! I love every minute of it. I can't wait for the next one. It was written wonderful. I recommend you read it. It will keep you interested from beginning to end. There is action, love!
Profile Image for Sandra Shrewsbury.
Author 10 books34 followers
December 23, 2013
It was amazing! It kept me on my toes through out the book. Cameron was my favorite charterer in the book. I can't wait for book two to come out. This is a must read.... Magical, suspense, Romantic.
Profile Image for Becca.
Author 34 books270 followers
January 3, 2014
That. Is. Not. Nice. NOT NICE. People shouldn't end books like that!

Song Choice: "Say Anything" by A Great Big World - no not the one with Christina - the one by the original singer. "Funeral Song" by Laura Gibson

First thoughts: This was really good, it was a fast read, and intriguing. Unfortunately this is a solid four stars for me. There was a lot going on, there was and I love that I really do, but this book needed to be slowed down and expanded on. For the most part because i know this was the first for this author it was really amazing <3 I look forward to seeing what Sandra has for us.

Thoughts on Plot: Okay so there is a lot, a lot we learn in this book, at first everything is a bit of a mystery until we start reading in Cameron's POV then things are explained a bit more. I have to say though, there were scenes that needed, very much needed (and i say this with love) that needed to be SLOWED WAY DOWN. There is a lot of information that we are learning at one point and the fragile-ness of Cordelia she needed more time to reflect and take in these revelations, she by no means had a good easy life, and while it should have hardened her into an unfeeling creature it didn't and i am not talking about characters yet, bad becca! bad! Anyways! So back to the plot really my biggest complaint is that it needs to be slowed down and there were a couple different inconsistencies that should have been addressed, but again nothing so overwhelming that i thought this was a stinker, in fact I quite enjoyed the book. The idea was very new, interesting and I could see it was well developed, but as a writer myself I know that we can get a little writer happy - just meaning that we get excited during certain scenes and move a little too quickly. So yes I think that this was really good, and I am excited about the next one


Whoooo-doggy there were quite a few characters alrightie

Cordelia: Like i mentioned before she had not had an easy life and quite frankly i am amazed that she made it this far into life XD sorry that sounds horrible just wait until you read what happened to her though. I thought that sometimes here character was hard to believe, I would think it would be impossible for her to love but maybe that is what makes her so special as well, that she is willing to love after everything she has lived through.

Cameron: He was young haha, its a rarity to find a main male in a YA (almost NA though) who is actually the age he looks XD strange i know! CRAZY YES! Anyways now that you have gotten over your shock, he was heart-broken over his last love, which yeah i had a hard time believing was only months before, there should have been a bit more separation of time. He was kind of an ass and not in a good way, he does redeem himself

Kaleigh: She was one of the inconsistencies everyone said that she was a girl with a heart of gold, she seemed like the hardest of hearts...oh that is good song choice for her from Florence and the Machine, anyways. She was probably my favorite out of all the characters though, I feel like she is going to being a major favorite.

Dean: Interesting. He was passionate that is for sure.

The ending: seriously? Seriously? Sandra we are going to have words. haha alright that is all

For more Becca-ness please check me out here: http://theviolethourbookreviews.wordp...
Profile Image for Kera Montgomery.
38 reviews4 followers
January 9, 2014
I absolutely loved this book it sent me on a roller coaster ride of emotions! Cordelia is such a strong Beautiful character that goes through so much bullying at school and neglect and abuse at home I just wanted to reach in the book and pull her out and give her a big hug! Sandra Did such a wonderful job showing how bullying and abuse can affect a person and Cordelia's feelings really sprung off the pages, if your like me you will need some tissues while reading this book. Cameron's character had me a little conflicted on one page I was swooning over his thoughts and feelings for Cordelia and the next page I wanted to punch him in his face then I would be right back to swooning. I was drawn into this story and instantly invested in the characters right from the very beginning I started this book and didn't move or get up till I was completely finished. I literally screamed "you've got to be kidding me" at the end of the book The Cliff hanger is such a big one that I will be counting down the days hours and minutes till I can get my hands on book 2! Congratulations on a well written and amazing first book Sandra I can not wait to read book 2~
Profile Image for Melissa.
118 reviews12 followers
March 23, 2014
I have read this book multiple times. I am only just now reviewing it because I wanted to write a review that did the book justice.
There are many books out there that depict women as being weak and submissive, yet there are also many books out there with strong lead women. This is one of those books. Cordelia starts off as being bullied and beaten to feel weak and inferior to those around her. As the story progresses, she slowly begins to transform into the strong woman everyone know she is. I look forward to continuing to see her come into her own with the help of those that do care for her in love her in Sandra's upcoming books in the series. A great read by a great up and coming author!
Profile Image for Shannon.
365 reviews7 followers
December 26, 2013
I love that this book touches and two serious issues, abuse and the biggest is Bullying!! Reading Broken had my emotions all over the place! You want to cry when you read what this girl went through and you really feel like your her. I love Cameron and Kaleigh, they are brother and sister and they are suppose to watch over her but they have their own heartbreak to deal with and overcome. All of them will have to deal with loss and betrayal and try to find out the truth about themselves and the past to try to save their future!! So excited for book #2!!
Profile Image for Helen Simpson.
1,117 reviews34 followers
December 26, 2013
This book has you gripped from the beginning. It is a very realist subject that not many people would tackle it especially not for the debut. This author did a fantastic job and adding a supernatural twist was genius. For a debut book this makes you feel for Cordelia and want to shout at the pages. I really cant say enough i really loved it apart from ending ha-ha wont give anything away other than hurry up with the next one i need to get me some Dean ha-ha .
Profile Image for Lynsey Sabin.
90 reviews21 followers
December 24, 2013
Ok so this is the Sandra's first published book and I gotta say it has been hands down the best book I have read in a long while. I am not really a one for paranormal books but this one just gripped me and wouldn't let go. I loved the characters especially Cameron although he is an arse at times but he gets better. I really cant say to much without giving anything away but I will definitely have to read the next one.
Profile Image for Caissy Boudreau.
Author 17 books53 followers
December 30, 2013
This is a debut novel by Sandra Love. I have to say WELL DONE!!!!...I loved every minute of this story. Cordelia has such courage..She is truly a beautiful character. I love how Cordelia finds out about her real parents. She learns she has powers..But her evil mother Amelia is trying to kill her at every turn..I can not wait for the next book in this series..This is a must read for everyone!!!!
Profile Image for Kathy Jones.
3 reviews2 followers
January 3, 2014
i really enjoyed this book, the author did very well for her first book. i found it very exciting and also very sad. No one should get treated the way this girl did.I think everyone should take a stand against bullying and abuse. i am looking forward to reading more of this authors work. i usually don't read paranormal books by this one i liked. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to read this.
5 reviews3 followers
April 18, 2014
Witches, angels, fairies, werewolves,and other mythical creatures...good vs. evil...great story line...Kaleigh is vibrant..Cameron, a hero, but uncertain...Cordelia...a leader unsure because she's always been told she couldn't...are they unbeatable...or just dreaming of things best left unseen...waiting to find out all the answers...
Profile Image for Jan Murphree.
371 reviews8 followers
December 29, 2013
Was a awesome book!!!! Cant wait till the next one...its about bullying...and finding out who you really are!! Its a wonderful read!!! LOVE IT!!!
Sorry I didnt leave this sooner...sont get on here much...but for you I did!
HUGS!!! Sandra!!!
Profile Image for Suzanne.
290 reviews28 followers
January 7, 2014
I'm not normally into paranormal, but I gave it a shot!
Great job on your first book Sandee! I enjoyed learning the backgrounds to each of the characters, and what a cliffy that she gives us!
Profile Image for Becca.
Author 34 books270 followers
February 18, 2014
4.5 stars

That. Is. Not. Nice. NOT NICE. People shouldn’t end books like that!

Song Choice: “Say Anything” by A Great Big World – no not the one with Christina – the one by the original singer. “Funeral Song” by Laura Gibson

First thoughts: This was really good, it was a fast read, and intriguing. Unfortunately this is a solid four stars for me. There was a lot going on, there was and I love that I really do, but this book needed to be slowed down and expanded on. For the most part because i know this was the first for this author it was really amazing <3 I look forward to seeing what Sandra has for us.

Thoughts on Plot: Okay so there is a lot, a lot we learn in this book, at first everything is a bit of a mystery until we start reading in Cameron’s POV then things are explained a bit more. I have to say though, there were scenes that needed, very much needed (and i say this with love) that needed to be SLOWED WAY DOWN. There is a lot of information that we are learning at one point and the fragile-ness of Cordelia she needed more time to reflect and take in these revelations, she by no means had a good easy life, and while it should have hardened her into an unfeeling creature it didn’t and i am not talking about characters yet, bad becca! bad! Anyways! So back to the plot really my biggest complaint is that it needs to be slowed down and there were a couple different inconsistencies that should have been addressed, but again nothing so overwhelming that i thought this was a stinker, in fact I quite enjoyed the book. The idea was very new, interesting and I could see it was well developed, but as a writer myself I know that we can get a little writer happy – just meaning that we get excited during certain scenes and move a little too quickly. So yes I think that this was really good, and I am excited about the next one


Whoooo-doggy there were quite a few characters alrightie

Cordelia: Like i mentioned before she had not had an easy life and quite frankly i am amazed that she made it this far into life XD sorry that sounds horrible just wait until you read what happened to her though. I thought that sometimes here character was hard to believe, I would think it would be impossible for her to love but maybe that is what makes her so special as well, that she is willing to love after everything she has lived through.

Cameron: He was young haha, its a rarity to find a main male in a YA (almost NA though) who is actually the age he looks XD strange i know! CRAZY YES! Anyways now that you have gotten over your shock, he was heart-broken over his last love, which yeah i had a hard time believing was only months before, there should have been a bit more separation of time. He was kind of an ass and not in a good way, he does redeem himself

Kaleigh: She was one of the inconsistencies everyone said that she was a girl with a heart of gold, she seemed like the hardest of hearts…oh that is good song choice for her from Florence and the Machine, anyways. She was probably my favorite out of all the characters though, I feel like she is going to being a major favorite.

Dean: Interesting. He was passionate that is for sure.

The ending: seriously? Seriously? Sandra we are going to have words. haha alright that is all

for more Becca-ness check me out here: http://theviolethourbookreviews.wordp...
Profile Image for Aislinn.
14 reviews10 followers
September 9, 2016
This is a story that may seem typical in today's society, except for the supernatural elements. A young girl, Cordelia, is dealing with a lot of factors in life including elements like abuse, cutting, depression, high school bullies and more. It's an understatement to say that Cordelia has a rough life. In addition, she has to deal with other worldly elements such as the supernatural and it could be a recipe for disaster or triumph. The story starts out from Cordelia's point of view and immediately immerses you in her world both home life and school, and you can feel the daily struggles she has as real as if she were sitting next to you telling you her life story like you were old friends, except Cordelia doesn't have any friends to turn to and you feel the loneliness from the beginning of her story. I was in chapter four before I realized I hadn't intended to read the entire thing in one sitting, and then by the time I looked again I was in chapter 8. It's a relatively quick read, if you're an avid reader, but good luck putting it down to split it into more than one sitting. I don't want to get into too many spoilers, but it's the type of story anyone who's gone through abandonment, abuse, or depression can relate to quickly and in some ways we all hope that people would step up and help, or step in to rescue or save a person in these types of situations. It's a completely immersive experience with multiple strong characters - Cordelia, Cameron, and Kaleigh. In addition, there are other characters that keep you wondering - Amelia, Dean and Kale. I'm excited to read and review the next story in the series. It's a lighter read for the serious topics it touches upon, so kudos to Sandra Love for a series that will leave people wanting and coming back for more!

I gave this book a rating of 4 out of 5 stars because there were a few minor grammatical and spelling errors in the book and it doesn't feel like a complete story that can stand alone, which is only personal opinion. Personally, I like books that tell a complete story and leave you wanting more and the end of this story leaves you hanging and wishing there were more to it right now, without having to wait for the next installment of the series. I still feel overall, these things detracted from the story or the author. Amazon has this listed under "contemporary fiction" but I believe it could easily fit into the paranormal or young adult category as well. As the author's first published book I think she did a wonderful job of writing and I look forward to the next one in the series.
Profile Image for M.L. Steinbrunn.
Author 6 books127 followers
April 22, 2014
Sandra Love
5 Star Read

An amazing contribution to the young adult paranormal romance genre!!

Let me start by saying that I’m usually not a fan of paranormal romances, if fact, I typically steer completely away from them. However, I’m so glad that I took a chance on Sandra Love’s novel, Broken. It is the first book within the Broken Wings Series, and it ends with a major cliffhanger, but thankfully book two is available. I immediately purchased book two, Broken Hearts: Kaleigh’s Revenge, as I had no choice but want to finish the story of Cordelia Rose and her new world of angels, witches, and fairies.

Broken is a wonderfully written novel about the trifle-filled life of Cordelia Rose. Centered on the mystery of her existence and powers, Broken takes the reader on Cordelia’s journey to uncover the unknown to help her save a world from the wrath of her mother. Along the way she finds people and creatures that help her to discover the truth and understand her powers. Brother and sister duo Cameron and Kaleigh particularly play a huge role in her journey of self discovery. They are fabulous characters that I easily fell in love with.

Would I recommend this book? Absolutely! As a junior high and high school teacher myself, this is a book that I would gladly hand over to my students knowing that it is age appropriate and that they would enjoy the complex storyline and intriguing characters. Broken is a wonderful breakout novel; I’m already reading the second in the series!
Profile Image for Tina.
343 reviews19 followers
January 21, 2014
This is the first book published by the author and I must say I am pleasantly surprised. I can't believe she ended the story the way she did. What a huge cliffhanger! I have to know what happens next. I will definitely be reading book 2.

Cordelia Rose is a 17 year old girl that is beaten and abused by her family and classmates. I feel terrible for her. I wanted to knock out her father and smack around some of her classmates. Honestly my heart was broken and I had a difficult time keeping the tears from flowing. I wanted to protect her from the pain and loneliness.

Kaleigh and Cameron are siblings that are sent to keep an eye on and protect Cordelia. They both have their own pain and are cursed to never know love. Cam tries to keep his distance but can't help but fall for Cordelia. Will he be punished for breaking the law and falling in love with his charge? Just another question I NEED to have answered.

I look forward to reading the next book in this series. I think the Broken Wings series has great potential. I'm truly impressed with the originality of the plot and the depth of the main characters. I highly recommend it!

"Maybe Death will take me to that field I had imagined and I can dance free in the sunlight, smell the flowers, and most importantly be happy." Cordelia-Broken (Broken Wings Book 1)
Profile Image for Rebecca Edwards.
243 reviews7 followers
February 2, 2014
I loved this book. I was pulled in from the beginning. Cordelia has had a horrible life. She gets beaten on a daily basis by her father while her mother does nothing because she's drugged up on prescription pills and is bullied at school. Delia cuts herself so she can deal with her messed up life. Just as she begins to reach her breaking point strange things start to happen. Now not only is she beaten and bullied but she's beginning to question her sanity.

Cameron and Kayleigh are there to watch over her. They are not allowed to have any contact with her until October when Cameron enrolls in her school. Cameron and Cordelia have a connection but things are rough.

After all the secrets and lies are exposed some people turn on the ones they love hurting them emotionally. Will they be able to get past the hurt and move on? Does Cordelia have what it takes to stand up and fight and become what the prophets saw or is she too broken? This book ends with a cliffhanger!!!

Sandra Love congrats on writing such a captivating debut novel. I loved the characters and my heart went out to Cordelia. She suffered so much. I look forward to reading the next book so I can find out what happens. I definitely will be recommending this book to my fellow readers.
Profile Image for Michelle Bellon.
Author 8 books120 followers
February 4, 2014
I don't read too many YA novels. It's not that I don't enjoy them, I really do. They can be fun. However, I often find they lack in storyline.

That is not the case with this fast-paced book. I found the storyline to have many layers and the best part was how the author revealed each layer at a time to keep the suspense building. Love does a good job of allowing the reader to discover new facts about the characters and the plot as they read along, keeping them engaged throughout.
The characters have complicated pasts that link them together and they must decide how to move forward into their futures. The only downside to this story was that it moved a little too fast. The ending was a definite cliff hanger, making me eager to see not only what happens with Cordelia and Cameron, but with Kaleigh and Kale, too! I enjoyed Kaleigh and Kale's story almost as much as Cordelia and Cameron's. It will be exciting to see what happens in book 2.

I recommend this story to those who love paranormal YA.
Profile Image for Rosemary Hendry.
27 reviews4 followers
February 16, 2014
Broken Wings by Sandra Love
When I started this book it hit home because there is so much abuse going on
The heroine in this book Cordelia is a strong person she has been abused and had a horrific life
She is hidden to save her from her mother by her real father an angel . She was subject to all kinds of abuse at home and at school .
She meets a guy name Cameron who I felt a tie to, no reason I can explain
Well no spoilers but the story unfolds and Cordelia finds out her life has been a lie , her mother was a witch and her father an angel so she is very special, Cameron has a sister named Kaleigh that is also part of this journey. This story is very well laid out and flows . I like the way the author goes about telling the story of the characters themselves which is important to the whole story. It is hard not to give to much away in a review when the story needs to be read to appreciate it I sure do recommend that you read this book . I enjoyed it a lot
Profile Image for For the Love of Books.
755 reviews28 followers
February 17, 2014
4.5 Amazing Stars
I am hooked and can't let go! Awesome book and kudos for this being the author's first published book. The story is engaging, the characters are well developed, and the book is overall one you will not want to put down. I was very impressed by the author and her ability to write about a very touchy subject in our world today, bullying. It's something that everyone knows goes on, but if it's not happening to you, we tend to just turn a blind eye to it. Through the book and characters of Broken, we don't just get a wonderful paranormal story line, we also get an in-depth look into the world of bullying from the stand point of the person being bullied. I rooted for Cordelia throughout this entire book! I absolutely LOVED her! She isn't one of those heroines who is whiny and gets on your nerves. I was very proud of her. The book definitely ends in a cliffhanger and leaves you wanting more. Can't wait to get my hands on the next one and I see a lot of growth happening in all of the characters.
Profile Image for Becky G.
86 reviews1 follower
January 15, 2015
*** Reviewed for Sarah & Kirsty's Book Reviews ***

This is a truly compelling account of a young girl called Cordelia Newton who is really lost in the world, her mother is medicated and sleeps all day and her father is an abusive drunk who beats her everyday and starves her. Cordelia is in her senior year and not only suffers a terrible home life but is also the target for bullies at school. The main bully being the principles daughter!

Cordelia spends most of her time wishing her life away and self harming to make herself feel something. Her pain flows in waves from the pages and you cant help but feel sad for her. One day she meets a new pupil at school and things change for her, she discovers more about her life than she ever thought possible and learns that she is needed to make a change for the better.

I really enjoyed this story but there were a few issues with grammar/typos that could easily be sorted with a detailed read through. I am really interested to see where her story takes her next!

Profile Image for Hayley Barlow.
72 reviews2 followers
April 27, 2014
I loved this book and was so relived i had book 2 to dive straight into after the awesome a cliff hanger you will definitely want to get her second book.

My heart strings were being tugged on so much for the Cordelia, she has been tortured her whole life by her father and so called school friends. I have been bullied myself at school and even in adult life, which im sure most people have done So reading this part of the book ,reads true for so many people.
Cameron is just wow he is so special in so many ways. Something about him will pull you in and ,you understand why she feels pulled towards him.There is a reason for that attraction bigger then him and her, which she soon discovers out, along with finding out who she is was and her own supernatural powers.

This really held my attention and i could not wait to get part two. Sandra has me hooked on a emotional roller coaster ride within a awesome book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 71 reviews

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