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October is for Owen

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When a rockslide strands them in the mountains, he's her only chance at safety...

It was meant to be a solo trip—a tribute to my grandparents, and a final memory before a new chapter in my life.
Only, I wasn't alone at the lake.
I hadn't planned on meeting a mountain man that made my heart race or the rockslide that left the path back to town unpassable.
If not for him, I don't know what I would have done.
I just know I wasn't supposed to fall for this rough around the edges mountain man in the town I was trying to say goodbye to...

I wasn't about to embrace being named mountain man of the month, so I took to my favorite secluded lake to hide out for a few days.
Only this time, I'm not alone.
When I meet the curvy girl camping nearby, the last thing I want is solitude.
A rockslide later, I become her survival guide.
It's one thing to navigate fallen rocks and wild trails, but navigating my growing feelings for her?
That's uncharted territory.

80 pages, Kindle Edition

Published October 2, 2023

About the author

Kaci Rose

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Kaci runs on coffee, chocolate, and Oreos. She loves her book boyfriends with tattoos, muscles, beards, and a little dirty.

Kaci loves romance books and has been jotting down ideas since she was in high school and is now putting the ideas down on paper. She believes in satisfying, happily ever afters with a lot of steam on the way.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 47 reviews
Profile Image for Donna McEachran.
1,073 reviews26 followers
October 6, 2023
Love these books and glad to finally read Owen's. Ruby is certainly doing well! Interesting to see what Fate has in store for Nate.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Laura.
844 reviews1 follower
October 5, 2023
Fabulous book. I loved it. This entire series is awesome.
Profile Image for Nikki_Kate.
1,196 reviews
July 1, 2024
OMG!!! WOW!! Fab*u*lous Absolutely love this one!! I couldn't put this one down. This was a nice quick, short read.

Owen mets Kennedy when they are both out hiking. Kennedy is laying next to the lake reading her book when Owen finds her, she has taken his camping spot. So Owen hikes a up the lake a little more and sets up his tent. Owen headed out on a hiking trip because Ruby made him Mountain Man of the month, so he wants to get away for a few days.Owen then goes to introduces himself, but finds that Kennedy is alone. Kennedy was suppose to come with her sister, Jill but she backed out. Kennedy came to Mustang Mountain to find the spot where her grandfather proposed to her grandmother. After Owen introduces he tells Kennedy that he'll catch supper, but she tells him she tired to catch fish yesterday but they didn't bite. They both have a hard time sleeping that night but when Kennedy wakes the next morning Owen is already making breakfast for her. Kennedy heads out to find where her grandfather proposes headed around the lake when she finds it she lets out a little scream. Kennedy sees Owen looking at her so she waves at him so he knows she alright. Kennedy takes the time to take several photos, then she takes several of the area, she also takes several of Owen. When Kennedy gets back she shows him her pictures and he tells her how amazing they are, then he sees the ones she took of him. As they eat Kennedy asks him why he lives in Mustang Mountain. Owen asks Kennedy about her grandparents, and. they sit and talk until the sun sets. Then it starts to thunder and lightening out, they both know it wasn't suppose to rain. When the rain starts falling fast Owen helps Kennedy get to her tent but it's leaking so he tells her she can't stay in her tent. Owen and Kennedy head to his tent and they'll dry her things off in the morning. Owen is waken the next morning by Kennedy screaming outside the tent. When he grabs his gun to protect her he doesn't see what the problem is, Kennedy points to Hades. Owen tells her about Hades, then pets him and asks Kennedy if she wants to. After breakfast they hear a rumbling and Owen knows it's a rockslide. Kennedy asks him if they should move but he tells her there safe next to the lake. Owen soon finds out that the rockslide cut off Kennedy's way back. Owen and Kennedy soon start to head back the way he came, in case there's anymore rockslides. Kennedy keeps questioning Owen about if this is the right way to his cabin, he tells her he knows this trail very well. When they come upon a more shaded area they find a tree has fallen and blocked the path. Owen goes ahead to make sure it's safe to climb over, while Kennedy waits. When Owen comes back he tells her they need to climb over the tree they can't go around. While Kennedy is climbing the tree she slips and falls, she twist her ankle. Owen bandages her ankle up for her, then carries her so that they can get further on the hike. They take a few breaks to stop for water but continue with Owen carrying Kennedy. Owen finds a good spot to stop for the night and while he gets the tent set up Kennedy works on the fire. Then while Hades watches over Kennedy Owen heads out to hunt for supper. Owen and Kennedy snuggle together for the night since the temperature dropped. Owen leans in and kisses her, but then tells her they need to get some sleep. The next morning Owen heads out to get them something to eat and tells Hades to watch over Kennedy. When Owen comes back Kennedy smiles at him, he didn't think to let her a note to tell her where he went. Owen found some apples that some of the Mustang Mountain men have planted over the years and is thankfully for them. Owen bandages Kennedy's ankle up again but she tells him she thinks she can walk on it for a while. When they stop for lunch Owen knows Kennedy's ankle is bothering her so after they eat he carries her. When the sun starts to go down they stop for the night, Owen tells Hades to stay with Kennedy. Owen tells her he needs to check the clearing that isn't far from his land. When they head to bed, Owen kisses her once again and then tells her goodnight. Owen knows that Kennedy is his, he just needs to convince her to stay in Mustang Mountain to be with him. The next day they reach Owen's land and he's more confident about the area. Kennedy is able to walk until lunch time, then Owen carries her. Soon Owen's cabin is in sight, and Kennedy is blown away at how gorgeous it is. When they reach the front porch, Hades sit down next to Kennedy. Owen heads inside to grab him a treat. Then Hades takes off to check on Persephone and their pups. Owen takes Kennedy inside and shows her the bathroom, he tells her to take a bath and soak her ankle. When Kennedy is done in the bath Owen has set out some clothes for her. When she comes downstairs he has a burger waiting for her and they sit in the living room while Kennedy puts Ice on her ankle. When dinner is done, Owen suggest that Kennedy take his bed, and he'll sleep on the couch. Kennedy tells him they've been sleeping in the same tent for the past few night, they can share a bed. When Kennedy climbs into bed, the bed feels to big for them. Kennedy moves closer to Owen so that her head is on his chest. When Owen looks down at her he kisses her, the kiss become more passionate. Then Owen strips off her panties and pleasures her. Kennedy climbs on top of Owen and they make love. The next day Owen is up and makes a call to Jensen June is for Jensen, he tells him he's home safe, and he's with Kennedy. Jensen soon figures out that Owen has fallen for Kennedy and tells him that she's not due back for a few day, to take the next day and see if he can convince her to stay. Owen gets breakfast ready and takes it to his room where Kennedy is just waking up. Kennedy tells him she's never had breakfast in bed before. Owen tells her he'll spoil her any chance he can. After Owen shows Kennedy around his property she knows it's beautiful. Owen tells her he wants to stay in bed with her, but Kennedy tells him the whole town probably knows about the rockslide. Kennedy needs to let her sister know she's alright. When they head into town, Owen takes Kennedy's hand and holds it while he drives. Owen takes Kennedy to check in at the ranger station. Then they head to the cabins she's sharing with her sister, Jill. As soon as they pull up her sister comes out to greet them. Kennedy knows Owen wants to say something but he's holding back. Kennedy introduces Owen her sister, and she asks him if he'll be at the harvest festival. Owen doesn't plan on going, but he finds out that it's Kennedy's birthday. Kennedy thanks Owen for helping her down the mountain, and he tells her he's glad they met. Owen leaves and Kennedy heads inside to tell her sister about her hiking trip. On the way home Owen soon realizes how empty it feels without Kennedy. Owen calls Jensen again, and soon realizes he needs to go to the Harvest Festival Dance so that no-one else puts their hands on Kennedy. When they head to the dance Ruby introduces them to a few of the Mountain Men, but Kennedy doesn't feel a connection. While one of the men is talking to her, she feels someone's hand on her shoulder she knows who it is. When she turns around Owen is standing and asks her if she'll dance with him. While they are dancing Owen kisses Kennedy, she asks him if they can go someplace to talk. Kennedy asks him why he came and Owen tells her the thought of another mans hands on her upset him. Kennedy tells him she's developed feeling for him over the last several days. Owen tells her he feels the same, he thinks he fell for her the first time he seen her. Owen asks her what this means and she tells him she's not going to New York City. Kennedy tells him that Mustang Mountain has much more appeal. Owen tells her he doesn't want her to give up her dream. Kennedy tells him she didn't have any dreams, she didn't know where she belonged. Maybe her grandparents knew all along she belonged in Mustang Mountain. Owen tells Kennedy that they should get her things moved into his cabin, she asks him why. Owen tells her he's not spending another night without her. Owen is going to make sure this is where Kennedy stays, because he had a glimpse of what's it's like without her and he doesn't want to be there again. Kennedy loves walking into town and people knowing her name. Kennedy's photo circulated around town and businesses are hiring her to do pictures for them. She also has a few families that want her to take their pictures. While Kennedy is finishing up the dishes Owen comes and asks her to go on a four-wheeler ride. They head up the side of the mountain, when they stop they move to the edge. Kennedy can't believe the stunning view. Owen points out the trail they walked from the lake, then he points out the river bend, and the big rock where they camped. Kennedy looks out over the land and senses peace and knowing that this is where she belongs. When she turns back to Owen he reaches in his pocket and pulls out a small box, then drops to one knee. Owen tells Kennedy that he knew the moment he met her that she would change his life forever. When they got to his cabin he he was in love with her, but she had dreams bigger than this small town. Owen tells her he wants to spend the rest of his life with her here in their cabin, then asks her to marry him and she tells him yes. When Kennedy looks at the ring Owen tells her that he talked to her sister and they decided that she should have her grandmother's ring. Kennedy tells him she loves him and Owen tells her he loves her more than she'll ever imagine.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
1,509 reviews7 followers
October 9, 2023
Owen is headed to the special lake near his mountain property to camp for a few days by himself. He is hiding because Ruby has made him Mr. October, the mountain man of the month. His friends Nate and Dean took off fishing to avoid Ruby too since the three of them are the only single guys left in their group of friends. When he gets to his special spot, he sees a woman reading by a tent. Owen sets up camp a little bit away from her hoping to still have alone time. He is 35 and doesn’t have time for Ruby’s nonsense.

Kennedy is at the special lake because it is the spot where her grandfather proposed to her grandmother. Her sister was supposed to come camping with her but bailed. She is 22 and unsure what she wants to do with her life. She is there to recapture the picture of her grandparents when they got engaged. She loves taking pictures.

Owen comes over and introduces himself. They end up enjoying the next few days talking and keeping each other company. Then there is a storm and rock slide so Owen tells Kennedy they need to move somewhere safer. Since the path Kennedy took is near where the rock slide occurred, Owen takes them on the path to his property. He tells Kennedy it is the safer route and he promises to get her back to town. On the way, Kennedy twists her ankle.

Will the two see each other after Owen takes Kennedy to town?.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for KY Book Lover.
426 reviews
October 12, 2023
October is for Owen is the next installment in the Mountain Men of Mustang Mountain Series. I thought I had read everything Kaci Rose had written. How did I miss this entire series?? Well, I am going to remedy that starting with this one.

Kennedy is on a birthday camping adventure to relive her grandparents' love story when she meets Owen.
Owen had planned on escaping the town's fall festivities and especially Ruby, the town's self-appointed matchmaker. When he sees Kennedy, his reaction is unexpected. Not only is he attracted to her, but he also enjoys her company and he finds they work together well. But when a rock slide threatens their safety and they must make their to his cabin, they are each dreading when the time comes that they have to part. He is resistant to telling her he has feelings for her, knowing she has a life somewhere. When she asks if he is going to the fall dance, he says no. But the more he thinks about her going with another man, the more he can't stomach the thought.

Kaci Rose writes books you read when you want something short and sweet with a great storyline and great chemistry. This is exactly that… Now, I will go back and catch up on the previous books in this series before the November book comes out.

ARC provided by Booksprout, and this is my honest review.
9,811 reviews40 followers
October 26, 2023
She is camping in his hidden spot...well now what does he do

October is for Owen by Kaci Rose is the tenth book in the multi-author Mountain Men of Mustang Mountain series. I enjoyed this story about Kennedy and Owen. Kennedy has come to camp and try to find the place where her grandfather proposed to her grandmother, as a way to remember them both and pay tribute. She is all set up and enjoying herself at the edge of the lake when a man walks out of the trail. Owen has headed out of town for a while as he knows just what Ruby was up to and that he was next on her list to find a wife for. So he headed up into the mountains to his favorite lake, which on one else really knew about. That is until he walks out and finds another person camping in his exact favorite spot, and it turns out the camper is a woman. Well this is about to get interesting as these two find not only find relaxation but face some difficult times in trying to get back down the mountain to safety.
Once again the author has written a fast-paced, entertaining, delightfully smexy, action oriented, and engaging easy reading story. A very enjoyable book and one that is a great addition to the series.
Profile Image for Rebmay.
2,128 reviews35 followers
October 6, 2023
It seems no matter how the mountain men try to avoid Ruby’s matchmaking, when it comes time to for her to advertise the eligible mountain man of the months, the bachelor she chooses ends up taken before the month is over. It might be Fate, a Devine power or even a little mountain magic, but it happens for Owen in October too. He went on a camping trip in the mountains in order to avoid Ruby and her plans and met his perfect “One” anyway. Kennedy was supposedly to be camping with her sister and trying to find the spot where her grandparents became engaged, but her sister stayed in a cabin in town instead. Owen has never had company when he camped in this remote spot before, but after seeing Kennedy and feeling an immediate connection, he doesn’t mind the company at all. After a rockslide, Owen refuses to let Kennedy out of his sight and is determined to get her back to his cabin safely. Let’s just say the campfire is not the only source of heat between them! The ir story continues with plenty of steam, a little angst and the a happily ever after. Another mountain man succumbs to love.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Michele McMullen .
2,405 reviews79 followers
October 9, 2023
Pack your bags and camping gear we are headed back to Mustang Mountain and visiting the burly men that live there. Ruby our town matchmaker is once again working her magic as she tries to pair off all those single men in her rustic town.
Kennedy is out on a birthday hike camping trip to relive the location that her grandparents fell in love. Her sister was to join her, but she is making on her own. Owen was headed out of town and away from the matchmaking ruckus of Ruby. Little did he know that he would find a pretty curvy camper that had set up camp at his favorite site. It is want and overwhelming feels for Owen at first sight but he doesn't want Kennedy to run scared, so he is willing to take it slow. That all goes to the wayside when a rockslide puts them in danger. Now they are taking the long way back to his home and getting to know one another along the way. The more he learns the more he knows that she is it for him and Kennedy may just surprise him when she reveals her true thoughts and feelings on him! This is an instant love, close proximity, sweet, sassy and all kinds of sizzle. Ruby the menace matchmaker may have struck again.
~~Michele McMullen~~
Profile Image for Wendy.
1,599 reviews43 followers
October 17, 2023
Owen is going to his special spot in the mountains to hide out because since he was declared Mr. October, he can't get a minute of peace. He just wants to be left alone until the hubbub dies down. When he arrives at the lake, he sees a woman who has also set up camp nearby. He tries to set up his camp far enough away she won't notice him and he'll still get that peace and quiet. Kennedy is the woman at the lake. She's spending time in nature sort of as a tribute to her grandparents because the spot she chose is where her grandfather proposed to her grandmother. Eventually, Owen decides he's going to introduce himself and then leave her alone. They talk off and on over a few days, but just for a short time each time. Then there is a storm and a rock slide. Owen helps Kennedy get to safety in his cabin. Since they are trapped together, they make the best of the situation. Then he helps her get to town after she is injured. Will he seek her out now that they aren't alone at the lake, but in public in town?
Profile Image for Dee.
4,286 reviews58 followers
October 6, 2023
Part of the Mountain Men of Mustang Mountain each can be read as a standalone one for every month but not all want to be man of the month. Owen sexy as all get out mountain man who wants no parts of being man of anything so taking off to his favorite spot in the mountain to avoid any man of month shenanigans or love just wanting to be left alone but fate had other ideas. Kennedy wanted to celebrate her late grandparents lives so she took a trip to Mustang Mountain to pay tribute to them and make a new memory before starting life without them no matter how hard it may be. But when Owens shows up to the very place and a rockslide changes both their intentions instantly and the attraction that has been brewing between them only grows stronger but where are they headed, will he honest about what he feeling, will she be honest, can she find what her grandparents had, is he man of the month, and can they find happiness in their spot?
1,162 reviews4 followers
October 4, 2023
This series can be read as a standalone. Ruby, the mayor’s wife chooses a mountain man to match up every month. Well October is Owen’s turn! He tries to get away from the town by going camping. While doing that, he meets Kennedy. Kennedy is from New York and is looking to take pictures and see where her grandfather proposed to her grandmother there.
Kennedy and Owen have an immediate interest in each other. They both feel the spark between them but are afraid to act on it. They spend time together in Owen’s cabin and are both at ease with each other. Owen is afraid to ask Kennedy to stay with him and Kennedy is afraid to assume anything.
This book was incredible! This author does a great job of creating well rounded, likable characters. I would definitely recommend this book!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Korkoi.
5,314 reviews26 followers
October 5, 2023
Escaping Into A Forever -
Owen was only looking to camp in solitary, as he was trying to escape a matchmaking situation, but he run into Kennedy at the campsite. Spending time together allowed them to get to know each other, but their time at the campsite was cut short due to unforeseen circumstances, which led to them growing closer whilst rescuing themselves.

Unfortunately, their lack of confidence to go after what they wanted nearly cost them their forever happiness, but luckily Owen quickly realised his mistake and took steps to ensure they got their happily ever after. This was a really interesting, feel good story, that I was able to get lost in for a few hours on a Sunday afternoon. It is a definite must read book.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and I am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Michele Richardson.
571 reviews4 followers
October 25, 2023
This series is so good! These alpha, mountain men bikers are such good, protective guys who want to keep their lives just the way they are. Until, some pretty lady crosses their path. For Owen, it was Kennedy. What an amazing, no nonsense story! Owen has left to go enjoy the solitude of camping, and finds another solo camper there, Kennedy. They meet and become friendly all the while the chemistry is simmering. They have to hike back to Owen’s because of a rock slide and the path out is blocked. They spend a few days stranded together and she sees how gentle he is with her and he gets feelings for her he didn’t know was possible. I really enjoyed their story and her bravery, telling him how she felt. Two more for this series and I cannot wait to see what Ruby does!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Lisa.
1,850 reviews18 followers
October 6, 2023
Owen is a good guy. He runs away to try to avoid Ruby and her matchmaking efforts. Kennedy comes to Mustang Mountain for a bit of camping. Owen runs right into her path. This is another hit for the men of Mustang Mountain. This is another solid story with good characters. It is fun to watch as another bachelor bites the dust. I love the way the towns people interact with Hades. He adds more heart to the stories. I got a little lost in the ARC where Kennedy was going to move to NYC. I truly don't remember that being stated in the story, just talk about her not going now and not having any desire to go. I enjoy this stories and can not wait for Nate.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Curvy Girl Book Nerd   (Jen S).
2,213 reviews26 followers
October 9, 2023
October is for Owen, is part of the Mountain Men of Mustang Mountain series. It is a short and steamy, instalove, OTT, age-gap, curvy girl gets her mountain man romance. Kennedy is a 22 year old curvy girl out camping to honor her grandparents. Owen is a 35 year old mountain man out camping to avoid Ruby's matchmaking attempts. The second Owen sees her camping near him, he knows they are meant to be together. When a rockslide occurs, Kennedy relies on Owen to get her to safety. The two fall more in love at his cabin, but what happens when it's time to go? Can Owen convince her to stay? The couple had great chemistry, and after a little drama, we get a nice happy ending.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
2,295 reviews23 followers
October 8, 2023
This one hour romance finds Owen hiding away from the town’s matchmaker when she decides October is his month to find love. He goes to his usual camping spot on the lake only to find Kennedy there already. A rainstorm and resulting rock slide give these two plenty of time to be together and fall for each other. I enjoyed their journey and loved Owen’s determination to lay it all on the line in hopes she returns his feelings. Sweet and spicy story with a happy for now ending in the book and an extra epilogue available as well.

I received a copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Jennie Fortna.
2,058 reviews20 followers
October 14, 2023
October is for Owen by Kaci Rose is book 10 in the Mountain Men of Mustang Mountain series that also includes Dylann Crush and Eve London and sure do love these alpha mountain men! 4.5 stars

Up next is Owen and Kennedy’s story a final camping trip to honor her grandparents before starting a new chapter and camping for him to ignore Ruby making him man of the month. Meeting at his favorite spot only to get stranded during a heavy rain and becoming her survival guide that leads to so much more…

I voluntarily read an advanced reader copy (ARC) of this book from BookSprout . All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Nina Diab.
3,563 reviews37 followers
October 15, 2023
'It’s a sweet sound that fills the room and makes this place truly feel like home. It's a giggle I know I will hear over and over again as I sit in this bed once she's gone, trying to remember what it was like to have her here.
I have to find a way to convince her to stay.'

I loved this book. Good world building and I loved both Owen and Kennedy. I liked their personalities. Them falling in love was an adventure. I think they ended up being one of my favorite couples in this series. And I was exciting for another visit from Hades. The mention of him always brings a big smile to my face. I don't know why I always seem to forget him until he just pops up. A sweet read. 5 stars.
Profile Image for kymagirl.
4,228 reviews60 followers
October 20, 2023
Mountain man Owen (H35) heads out for a remote lakeside camping trip to avoid Ruby’s matchmaking interventions back in town. He’s surprised to find another camper, Kennedy (h22), already and finds himself drawn to the younger woman. Just as the two are getting to know one another, a rockslide and an injury force Kennedy to rely on Owen to care for and protect her. The more time they spend together, the closer they become, and Owen isn’t sure he can give her up. Thankfully Hades can always be relied on for help too. Loved why Kennedy was at the lake, and the surprise connection that Owen and Kennedy shared. Sweet mountain man, curvy girl romance with a side of heat and some danger.
Profile Image for Anne (Izzie).
335 reviews1 follower
October 5, 2023
This is another quick read in the author’s great Mountain Men series, and doesn’t disappoint. Owen has no wish to be selected as man of the month so heads off to his favourite spot for a few days solitude and to get out of the way. Kennedy also went to the area to pay her tribute to her grandparents and make a new memory before starting a new life. A rockslide changes both their immediate intentions. The book is well written and will keep you turning the pages to the end.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
2,128 reviews7 followers
October 5, 2023
There was no way to escape Ruby's matchmaker ways. Owen tried leaving town going to his favorite camping site, but someone was already there. Kennedy had returned to the area to relive her grandparents engagement week. The campsite was at the lake where her grandfather proposed to her grandmother. Owen and Kennedy camped next to each other starting the beginning of an amazing adventure down Mustang Mountain after a rock slide.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
4,321 reviews27 followers
October 27, 2023
I received an ARC from the author and am voluntarily leaving my review. All of the men are avoiding Ruby, which leads Owen straight to his soulmate. Kennedy was on a quest to discover about two soulmates she holds dear to her heart. It seems fate would have a hand in things, Mother Nature also. Their story is short, sweet, passionate, funny at times and trust comes easily. I liked the characters and how their story plays out. I do wish it was longer with more time with them. Overall a good addition to the series
Profile Image for Brandi-Lynn Weiser.
1,650 reviews60 followers
December 4, 2023
Age Gap, Mountain Man, Insta Love, Short Story

It’s time for more single men of Mustang Mountain! Now it’s October and Ruby has her eyes set on Owen!
When Owen decides to skip town for a couple days and do some fishing, the last thing he expects is for a curvy little brunette to invade his campsite. But as soon as he lays eyes on Kennedy he knows… she’s his!
One of my favorite things about this series is always seeing Hades!
I can’t believe all we have left are Nate and Dean! I hate that series is almost over. It’s one I’ve looked forward to each month.
6,841 reviews42 followers
October 4, 2023
Kennedy wanted to start to celebrate her late grandparents lives so she took a trip to Mustang Mountain. Owen wasn't going to sit still and be man of the month so took off to his spot in the mountains only to find Kennedy. When a rockslide traps them together, its Owens chance to show Kennedy what they can be together. Well written steamy fast paced age gap, mountain man romance.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Syd Springer.
3,772 reviews6 followers
October 6, 2023
This was a great book. I enjoyed Owen and Kennedy together with their instant connection and chemistry. These two fall hard and fast with each other as they try to get back to safely after a landslide. These isn't any drama, just Owen trying to make up his mind that Kennedy is his. I am looking forward to the next two books!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Jenifer.
2,066 reviews6 followers
October 7, 2023
Camping when a rockslide occurs that blocks your path back to town sounds like a nightmare in the making. For Kennedy it ends up being a chance to get to know the mystery man camping next to her. A slow burn (at least as slow as a short story can be) that gives way to a happily ever after. An enjoyable read.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Michelle.
9,325 reviews24 followers
October 15, 2023
Owen wants nothing to do with Ruby and her matchmaking so he heads out camping where he falls for Kennedy from the moment he sees her. Kennedy is at the camping site following her grandparent's love story and ends up finding love herself. This is a sweet novella with likable characters and a perfect happily ever after. This is a great addition to the series and I look forward to reading the next book. I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book.
3,165 reviews8 followers
October 17, 2023
Ms Ruby is at it again and this time she has her sites on Owen. He escapes town to avoid the wrath and lands in the fire. He goes camping and finds someone at his camping spot. The minute he sees Kennedy he is a gonner. Short older man younger woman story. Will he be able to convince her she is hos and to get her to stay? You'll have to read to find out.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Oriana Reads.
3,927 reviews29 followers
October 17, 2023
Owen is a mountain man and takes a break from the harvest festival and all the people in town. He hikes to his favorite secluded place, but he is not alone. Kennedy took a hike to the place where her grandparents got engaged. She meets Owen by chance and sparks fly instantly. These fell head over heels for each other😏 Instalove, OTT, steamy, fast paced, romantic and safe with a sweet HEA and no drama😍😍😍😍😍
1,358 reviews12 followers
October 5, 2023
Some things in life are unavoidable

Owen thought he could run away from Ruby's shenanigans and falling in love. But he soon learned it was impossible to out run his fate on love when he meets Kennedy in the very place he went away to.I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 47 reviews

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