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Six months into her stay with her foster parents, Katie Parker is finally adjusting to her new family. But after a tornado rips through the town of In Between, nothing is ever the same again.

When her foster mom, Millie, is diagnosed with cancer, Katie begins to doubt if God really does care. What will happen to Katie? Could she possibly have to leave In Between and the family she's come to depend on? Things spiral even further out of control when Katie juggles a science fair project, a malfunctioning best friend, spring break plans, and holding the attention of her own Prince Charming. It's going to take more than a glass slipper and some fairy dust to fix Katie Parker's problems. But will help come in time?

367 pages, Paperback

First published August 23, 2007

About the author

Jenny B. Jones

32 books2,153 followers
Four-time Carol Award winner Jenny B. Jones writes contemporary romance with wit, sass, and Southern charm. Since writing for both women and teens leaves her with very little free time, she believes in spending her spare hours in meaningful, intellectual pursuits, such as watching E!, going to the movies and inhaling large buckets of popcorn, and writing her name in the dust on her furniture. www.jennybjones.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 167 reviews
Profile Image for Lindsey (Books for Christian Girls).
1,837 reviews4,197 followers
April 27, 2016
About this book:

“What's a girl to do when the glass slipper doesn't fit?
Six months into her stay with her foster parents, Katie Parker is finally adjusting to her new family. But when a tornado rips through the town of In Between, nothing is ever the same. When her foster mom, Millie, is diagnosed with cancer, Katie begins to doubt if God really does care. What will happen to Katie? Could she possibly have to leave In Between and the family she's come to depend on? Things spiral even further out of control when Katie juggles a malfunctioning best friend, Spring Break plans, and holding the attention of her own Prince Charming. It's going to take more than a magic wand and some fairy dust to fix Katie's problems. But will help come in time?”

Series: Book #2 in “Katie Parker Productions” series. (Book #1’s review Here!)

Spiritual Content- Many prayers; Scriptures are quoted, mentioned, remembered & discussed; Many, many talks about God, Him being in control & fairness; ‘H’s are not capital when referring to God; Katie’s foster dad is a pastor; Katie, at a 100 pages in, is mad at & ignoring God (she doesn’t get why God isn’t stepping in); Katie is new to church & God and says she isn’t a Christian *Spoiler* *End of Spoiler*; Wednesday Nights at Church, Singing & lessons; Church camp & a mission trip; Many mentions of God; Many mentions of prayers; Many mentions of church & Wednesday nights; Mentions of the Bible; Mentions of those in the Bible; Mentions of mission trips; A couple mentions of Heaven & Hell;
*Note: Mentions of people being the devil; A couple mentions of aliens; A couple mentions of meditating.

Negative Content- Minor cussing including: a ‘darn’, a ‘freakin”, a ‘sheesh’, a ‘shrew’, a ‘stinkin”, a ‘sucker’, a ‘wimp’, two ‘crap’s, two ‘duh’s, two ‘dumb’s, three forms of ‘sissy’, four ‘idiot’s, thirteen ‘oh my gosh’s and seventeen ‘stupid’s; Almost cursing (once); Sarcasm & Sass; A tornado & blood (up to semi-detailed); Pain (up to semi-detailed); A party with underage drinkers & drunks; Many mentions of injuries & cancer; Mentions of selling drugs, prison & knifes; Mentions of cigarettes, parties, & alcohol; Mentions of going to the bathroom, gas, peeing & peeing a pair of pants; Mentions of zits; Mentions of divorce;
*Note: Mentions of Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle, Victoria’s Secret and other brand names; A mention of the movie S*x in the City; A mention of a Kardashian; A mention of Starbucks.

Sexual Content- a neck kiss, a cheek kiss, an almost kiss, two boarder-line semi-detailed // detailed kisses; Wanting a kiss (barely-above-not-detailed); Touches & Dancing (barely-above-not-detailed); Noticing, Staring & Smelling; Talks about hands & boundaries; Frances wants Katie to turn her into a girl that the boys will find irresistible; Maxine talks about showing legs & when she was a show girl; a ‘hoochie’, a ‘slutty’, a ‘smoking hot’, two ‘hotties’, three ‘sexy’s and fourteen forms of ‘hot’; A guy is called ‘yummy’; A mention of having the ‘hot’s for someone; A mention of testosterone; A mention of when Maxine’s top blew off & showed everything; A mention of a grandma showing cleavage; A mention of a Harlequin book & kiss; A mention of a husband who left his wife (for a younger model & moved in with her); A couple mentions of anorexia; A couple mentions of PMS & cramps; Mentions of plastic surgery; Mention of the part in Book #1 of two guys (one older, one young) dancing together; Mentions of jealousy, blushing, flirting & winks; Mentions of kissy noises, kissing & lessons in kissing; Mentions of PDA, hand holing & making-out; Mentions of a leggy boy magnet; Many mentions of a player & his conquests; Many mentions of crushes & cute boys; Many mentions of dating, girlfriends & boyfriends;
*Note: The dress on the new cover is strapless; Many mentions of wonderbras, undies & bras; Mentions of mini-skirts; Mentions of ads for feminine products; Mentions of body order; A couple mentions of books & bust lines; A mention of an overly bosomed girl (technically, she’s called a tart); A mention of Victoria’s Secret and Abercrombie & Fitch models along with them not wearing enough; A mention of half naked girls; A mention of a speedo; A mention of the wrestling move called “the crotch light”; A mention of a harness between a crotch; A mention of butt crossing boarder lines; A mention of a butt falling asleep; A mention of the butt-end of a flamingo; A mention of the butt-end of a donkey costume; A couple mentions of butting in.

-Katie O’Conner, age 16
1st person P.O.V. of Katie
321 pages

Pre Teens- One Star
New Teens- One Star
Early High School Teens- Two Stars (and a half)
Older High School Teens- Three Stars (and a half)
My personal Rating- Three Stars
{Add up to a Star and a Half for girls in Public School}
Katie Parker, Katie Parker. She’s too sarcastic for her own good…which causes some hilarious scenes. Truth be told, I’m highly sarcastic, so I do like Katie. I’m looking forward to read the next two books to see what happens to dear Katie. Maxine is an absolute mess, she had me crying from laughing so hard.
This did have it’s typical Christian YA/Teen scenes in it, which I admit, I found highly annoying, since I see it a lot already. The main two parts I’m talking about: The party scene with underage drinking (and the main girl knowing she shouldn’t be there). The jerk/player (I sure hope Trevor doesn’t pop back up in later books!).
There are many parts I didn’t like and comments I don’t think were necessary. I do think a Frances Vega series by Jenny B. Jones would be neat to see though!

Link to review:

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.
Profile Image for Hannah • So Obsessed With.
1,435 reviews367 followers
August 29, 2014
Hmm... So, I had mixed feelings on these books. I read all three books on vacation at the beach, which was the perfect place to devour the series. They were sweet and fun, but I felt like they were ultimately a bit unfulfilling. I wanted a bit more - they never really felt like emotional reads, even though all the elements were there. It also got a little cheesy or over-the-top at times. And, honestly, I suspect I might have liked them more when I was an actual teenager. So, I ended up feeling mostly disconnected from them overall. Jones writes with warmth and humor, and I don't regret reading the series. But I think they were a bit forgettable for me, so I don't see myself really pushing them on anyone in the future.

See my full review on So Obsessed With!
Profile Image for John Gilbert.
1,137 reviews172 followers
December 25, 2020
I really liked the first book in this series and previous reads by the author, but this one left me a bit flat. Too clever by half, some over the top scenarios and some pretty predictible characters. I found Katie's foster Grandmother especially over the top, where in the first book, she was just quirky. Ms Jones still occasionally got inside Katie's head, but overall I found it mildly enjoyable most of the time and too much in the rest. Not sure if I will go on to the next in the series unfortunately.
Profile Image for Annette.
3,329 reviews156 followers
October 23, 2021
I'm officially a fan of Jenny B. Jones. I read four of her book so far and all four of her books were five star reads for me. They touch me. They really touch me. Somewhen while reading her books I start crying because the storyline gets to me, because what happens to the characters is so incredibly beautiful. I can imagine that for some people the talk about God and faith is simply too much, but the way Jenny B. Jones writes about it is just perfect for me.

Katie Parker is one of the most amazing characters I've ever encountered in a book. That's mostly because she's incredibly realistic. She's not some perfect angel, she's not free of mistakes. She does mess up at times. She does let her anger and other emotions get the better of me and it's also quite clear that the life she led did leave her with quite a few scars. But that makes her so much fun to read about. She feels real.

In this book she goes through some amazing changes and she grows amazingly much as a person. Disaster has found her family and friends, bad things are happening to her at school and the school's most famous player has set his eyes on her. Throughout the book I felt for her so much, but I also understood her struggles so well. And the moment she does realize that believing in God doesn't mean everything ends well or is solved is so beautifully written!

The plot of the book isn't even that complicated. I think it's the normalcy of the plot that works so well. What happens to Katie, the issues she's dealing with, can happen to every teenage girl, no matter where they live and who they are. Normally I'm not a huge fan of contemporary teenage stories (I'm pretty sure at some point this will turn into a romance!), but Jones captures the heart and soul of Katies life and personality and that makes it so beautiful!
Profile Image for Amanda.
407 reviews49 followers
May 5, 2020
I mean, what can I say? I love JBJ. I love Katie. I love Frances. And Nash. And Millie and James. And Maxine. Oh, Maxine!

I also thought the way Katie became a Christian was so nice--it was easy and not-overwhelming.

There is more romance in this one but it was age-appropriate and not really the crux of the story.

Another happy trip to In Between!
Profile Image for Trinity.
286 reviews
November 9, 2018
I loved this book! I am obsessed with weather and the tornado started this book off right for me. This book was very emotional and deserves many awards. Between Millie's cancer, Amy's return, Katie and Angel, and all the family stuff this book is emotional and I didn't see it coming. I can't wait to see how things go with Katie and Charlie in the next book. I don't know about you but I totally ship it. Anyone else? I might reread this series again in the future. I recommend for ages 10+.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Hot Chocolate Confessions.
156 reviews59 followers
November 4, 2021
I can so relate to Katie! I love this series and it’s hilarious, yet also serious heroine. I love how this is a slower storyline, and like how it’s not all centered on romance and boys as books usually are. I’m already deep into book 3, and loving every page
Profile Image for Amanda Louder.
72 reviews6 followers
May 29, 2017
Cute book. I didn't like it quite as much as the first, but it ended up really cute.
April 1, 2020
Another great read..

This was a great quick follow up to the life of a Katie the orphan. Can’t wait for the next book to see what happens next...
Profile Image for Rainbow | Realm of Stories.
84 reviews10 followers
January 19, 2023
On The Loose had a lot more romance in it which totally spiced things up. Charlie Benson, Nash Griffin, and Trevor Jackson...oh my gosh, these boys drove me as crazy as Frances whenever she was around Nash! They all had their own individual, special qualities that drew different types of people to them, and all the parts with them in it were captivating and enthralling to read. Katie Parker's inner emotions toward hot, charming guys were mixed, realistic, conflicted and relatable, and the way Jenny B. Jones described them made me feel the exact same way. When she was baffled, I was baffled. When she got frustrated, I got frustrated. When her heart was fluttering as happily as a bird, so was mine. See what I mean? Although Katie had affection for none other than the talented actor and cool athlete, Trevor, there was definitely chemistry going on between her and Charlie at the same time. Charlie had his flaws, made mistakes, and wasn't perfect, but then there was no such thing as a perfect Christian in this world. Charlie was kind, generous, compassionate, cute, and seemed like a really great guy. He was a much nicer choice for Katie. I thought she would be better off being with him than with Trevor. The author appeared to have hinted that fact on more than one occasion.

Plus, I loved the awkwardness and hesitations between Nash and Frances. There were tons of laughable moments that came with those two people, and the fact that Frances got rendered speechless, petrified, and hypnotized at the sight of Nash was hilarious! However, I felt she was too pining and infatuated in the second book and that her nerdiness, responsibility, and supportiveness, which were so fabulously illustrated in the first book, sort of took a backstage. I wanted to see those traits in Frances brought out into the spotlight a bit more. She had been an excellent sidekick to Katie, making her life brighter, helping her out, and sticking by her no matter what.

The only minor problem I had with the whole teenage dating thing was that Jenny B. Jones used the phrase "he runs a hand through his hair" waaaaaayy to much. Just felt it was worth mentioning. Apart from that, everything was cool. Maxine was as wonderful a mom to James and Millie and as incredible a grandmother to Katie as always. She could get extremely overprotective of Katie at times when she detected something fishy going on, but in the end she was doing the right and best thing for her.

Moving on to Katie's on-and-off relationship with the Lord. With her foster mom Millie diagnosed with cancer, her being kept in the dark on updates, and feeling practically shunned at Amy's return, it was small wonder Katie had great trouble being patient with God and trusting Him to take care of things. It was not until chapter 33 when a big, dramatic turn of events occurred. It was absolutely magnificent to see Katie letting go of her worries, doubts, and anxieties and casting them all to God, putting them completely in His hands. It took her a long time to open herself up to God and it sure wasn't easy for her, but in the end she did it anyway. She chose to have faith in the Heavenly Father and to accept Jesus, and that was an amazing moment that touched my heart. Not only did Katie's relationship with God developed and grew, her bond with her foster family was strengthened too. At last, Katie was grateful for the life in In Between God gave her and started to feel truly loved - a great improvement and contrast compared to her attitude in the beginning of book one. The girl had finally, and bravely, taken that huge step.

I noticed Katie and Charlie made for a pretty awesome team. Yay! They managed to kick Angel's butt in the end! I was so happy.

The light-hearted parts in the book caused me to titter and laugh. Once again, Jenny B. Jones did a fantastic job in entertaining readers with a witty, humorous writing style that never lets up. Having found certain parts of the first book rather boring and not enjoyed it as much as I thought I would, I had a feeling that On The Loose would be much better. And guess what, ladies and gentlemen? It certainly was. What an improvement from In Between!
Profile Image for Halee.
144 reviews
June 10, 2015
~Six months into her stay with her foster parents, Katie Parker is finally adjusting to her new family. But when a tornado rips through the town of In Between, nothing is ever the same. When her foster mom, Millie, is diagnosed with cancer, Katie begins to doubt if God really does care. What will happen to Katie? Could she possibly have to leave In Between and the family she's come to depend on? Things spiral even further out of control when Katie juggles a malfunctioning best friend, Spring Break plans, and holding the attention of her own Prince Charming. It's going to take more than a glass slipper and some fairy dust to fix Katie's problems. But will help come in time?~

POV: Katie (main character)

Positive/Spiritual Content: scripture quoted, Katie works through trust/faith issues praying, going to church, youth group, having Christian friends

Negative Content: wanting to kiss, (can't remember if there' literal kissing or not?), being attracted to the opposite sex, references to Victoria's Secret and some magazines (although I do NOT endorse or support those I didn't have a problem with them being in the book),******SPOILER***** Millie (Katie's foster mom) gets cancer....Not sure if some people would be sensitive to that??? Also Trevor asks Katie to go to a party that involves alcohol, making out (ewewewewe!!!) and possibly some drugs.

Personal Opinions: Oh.My.Word. This book was awesome! It was soooo funny and I literally found myself laughing out loud (even though everyone else was in bed!). Loved Frances...Just loved that girl! I really enjoyed the theater/drama part of the book as well as the romance (of course!). AHHHHHHH!!!!!You just HAVE to read this book! Thank you Jenny for being such an epic author! :-)
Profile Image for Melissa (Trying to Catch Up).
4,904 reviews2,684 followers
May 22, 2019
Katie Parker has been through her share of trials in her young life. But she is now finally in a good foster home with Millie and James, and things seem to be improving. She's going to church with them, but Katie hasn't quite bought into everything regarding Christianity. When their small town is hit by a tornado, Katie has to share a room with her quirky foster grandma, and Millie is diagnosed with cancer, Katie isn't sure where God fits into all of these things.

On the other hand, her romantic life seems to be improving, but there are some other issues at school that need to be dealt with. Who is setting Katie up with accusations of stealing? And where is Katie's place when James and Millie's biological daughter decides to come home again?

On the Loose is the second book in A Katie Parker Production series. One doesn't need to read the first book in order to understand what is going on, although a little background would help readers relate to the characters better, especially Katie. She's an incredibly likeable heroine; one readers will be able to identify with even without shared circumstances. Many of the situations Katie experiences are universal to teens.

Katie's struggles with faith and fitting in are well-written and will cause readers to think. The faith-based sections are not preachy and will really appeal to those who are looking to explore what faith means and how it fits into a real life. On the Loose is a good book filled with humor and realistic life situations.
Profile Image for Jill Williamson.
Author 60 books1,472 followers
September 26, 2008
This book is hysterical!

On the Loose is the second book in the Katie Parker Production by Jenny B. Jones. Just when Katie Parker is getting used to life with her foster family, a tornado blows the roof off Mad Maxine’s house. Since her foster grandma has no place to go, guess who Katie’s new roomie is? Then Millie is diagnosed with breast cancer. Katie can’t believe God would allow such horrible things to happen to the Scotts. She worries constantly about her foster mom’s health and is angry they seem to be hiding information from her about the treatments. Then Amy, the Scott’s real daughter, shows up, sending everything into chaos. Amy’s rude and insulting attitude causes Katie to doubt the Scott’s true affections.

Things aren’t much better at school. Katie has been accused of stealing, her best friend and Max Maxine are completely against her dating the cute senior star of the school play, and her mom is being released from prison. With Amy back home and Katie’s mom getting out, will the Scotts send Katie back to her old trailer-park life?

Jenny B. Jones has written another amazing book. Between Katie’s sarcasm, Mad Maxine’s bizarre behavior, and Katie’s hysterical letters to her social worker, Ms. Smartly, I couldn’t put this one down. Very funny, very realistic, and very touching. Looking forward to book three!

Highly recommended.
Profile Image for C.J. Darlington.
Author 15 books381 followers
October 14, 2017
There's no such thing as sophomore slump for Jenny B. Jones. I wondered if she could write a sequel to In Between that was just as good. She did! In fact, On the Loose is even better than In Between. It's all here. The crazy antics (with Mad Maxine right in the middle), the heart-wrenching moments . . . all the struggles of being Katie Parker, the sixteen-year-old foster kid of a pastor and his wife.

Some of the best moments occur between Katie & Maxine. Since a tornado has ripped through In Between and left Maxine's home a shambles, guess who gets to share her room with the woman? Yes. My thoughts exactly.

The thing I love about this series is the way Jones is able to blend the serious with the silly. I don't know about you, but sometimes it annoys me when a book is only about the laughs. That's not the case here. The Katie Parker Production series is one of the funniest series' I've read, but Jones also isn't afraid to deal with some tough subjects.

Teens and adults alike will find a lot to enjoy in On the Loose.
Profile Image for Kathleen Fuller.
Author 117 books988 followers
May 22, 2009
Romance abounds in this second installment of Katie Parker Productions. Well, almost. Jones has a fantastic knack for creating wacky characters who are both funny and poignant. This includes the hero, Katie Parker, who is finding her way as a foster kid, a high schooler, and an aspiring actress. Maxine is up to her usual hijinks, with facial mask and Ginger Rogers in tow. Another excellent book in what is proving to be an awesome series.
Profile Image for Sami.
17 reviews
December 7, 2011
Profile Image for Cathy.
1,180 reviews55 followers
May 28, 2013
So good! I cried at the end! Can't wait to read book #3! I will be so sad to say goodbye to Katie Parker and company :(
3 reviews
October 28, 2018
Favorite series ever

Honestly these books are a must read for any teen girl that wants to laugh her socks off. The amount of times people ask me "what is so funny?", Resulting in me trying to explain the insane antics of mad Maxine or the hysterical sarcastic comments/thoughts of Katie, and then ending up laughing harder while watching my poor audience wear a perplexed grimace while struggling to understand my explaining words through mad fits of giggling, I can't count. This book is amazing.... Just finished reading it for the second time. It is an inspirational/Christian/YA/Romance/coming-of-age type book... And it is hilarious. You have to read the first book to fully understand and appreciate this book, so I definitely recommend reading them all and in order. If you are wondering about this book.... Get it:) it's worth it. You're welcome:'P
Profile Image for Natasha Polak.
Author 6 books9 followers
May 10, 2020
Fun and Endearing

Just like the first book, On the Loose was yet another hilarious yet poignant drama that is Katie Parker’s life. I really appreciated how she learned to grow spiritually and in her self confidence. It also gives me more insight to girls of similar background, girls who were once even younger and scared and confused about life, and I want to help them even more - so that by the time they reach Katie’s age, they can know how much Jesus loves them and that they do matter. Finally, as a mom of a daughter of same age, and likening it to my own experiences, it just really hits home how so many things that girls today go through that seem extra dramatic are all rooted in the same things we all want - to feel loved, wanted, and feel like everything is going to be ok, and it makes me want to be there even more for my kiddo.
807 reviews5 followers
June 18, 2018
This book picks up where #1 left off with all of the main characters back. My favorite is Maxine aka “Mad Max,” an endless source of funny statements and general craziness. In this book she busts Katie at a party then blackmails her so she won’t tell her parents. Things Katie has to do: 1. Call her “the lovely Maxine” 2. Eat all the green beans off of Maxine’s plate, 3. Allow Maxine to decorate their room in weird safari chic. Etc. (Did I mention an inconvenient tornado means that Katie and Maxine are roomies?)

Amy—long lost daughter of James and Millie—makes an appearance and it doesn’t go well for anyone.

Again, this is a “lite” book that turns out to be heavier than the reader expects.

I enjoyed listening to it with my wife.
Profile Image for J.M..
Author 10 books202 followers
January 19, 2020
I really enjoyed this one. It had been a while since I read book 1, but the characters were easily to reconnect with, and I jumped right back into Katie's chaotic and funny world.
Sure, it's a bit over-the-top here and there, but I really didn't mind. I love Katie's foster family, and Charlie is adorable but frustrating like any high school boy. I really do appreciate the combination of maturity and total immaturity in these adolescent characters.
Another reminder of why I never dated in high school and would never, ever want to relive those years. Ha!
Profile Image for Kelly Boggs.
210 reviews13 followers
May 7, 2017
I really enjoy reading the Katie Parker books. The way she narrates what she is thinking but doesn't always say it is so realistic and hilarious. This book about her evolving faith is interesting to watch and they way she describes her relationship (or non-relationship) with God is more real than most would let on. I like how Jenny B. Jones finished the book but still leaves me anticipating the next one.

This is a great book for teen girls and I liked it as well!
Profile Image for Delinda Mauney.
47 reviews
April 24, 2018
This was a heartwarming story about Katie Parker who found a wonderful foster family. Tragedy comes, first love, heartbreak, healing and lots of things in the life of a teenage girl.

Jenny B. Jones is a great author. She tells a good story but is clever and brings out the fun side of her characters. The is an author with humor and makes you smile while you read.

I plan to read more of her books.
614 reviews3 followers
August 7, 2019
Sweet,charming characters

Ms. Jones has created a winner with her protagonist Katie Parker. The tale has a religious base, but you never feel like it is being forced down your throat. The problems that arise within the story are of such a nature that one questions their faith. Well done.
Profile Image for Steph.
430 reviews
May 9, 2017
This is the second book in the series. Katie Parker starts to really care about her foster family. Millie, her foster mom, gets cancer. Katie feels left out when her foster family withhold information from her. She also gets to meet Amy.
169 reviews
September 13, 2017
a truly delightful story - a great one for teenagers who seem lost, confused or just uncertain about things. I certainly am not a teenager but I wish my grands could discover God's unfailing love from reading this book.
Profile Image for Holly .
19 reviews
April 17, 2018
Good uplifting book

Enjoyed reading the 2nd book in the series. The author did a good job portraying the mixed up life of a teenager and how important "family" is. katie finally realizes that family dies not have to be by blood but family can be who loves us.
130 reviews2 followers
April 18, 2018

Jenny B Jones is an author that makes you feel her character's anger, not and playfulness as well as deep hurts. She writes with humor and she also incorporates the love of God and His forgiveness throughout her writing. I enjoyed this author and her character's very much.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 167 reviews

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