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When Lenard Blake is forced to leave his wife, he divorces not just her but her influential family, who makes it impossible for him to keep his job as a Denver police officer, never mind to find another one anywhere in Colorado. But a rural police force in Virginia has an opening, and the move could be just the change he needs, so Lenard buys a house based on an Internet ad. But when he arrives, he finds that the house looks nothing like the ad… and it’s haunted as well.

Lenard doesn’t believe in the supernatural, but he decides to research his supposed ghost anyway. Soon he learns that fifteen years ago, Jason Miller was murdered in the house, and his entire family died under suspicious circumstances. As he makes friends with his ghostly companion, they join forces to try to solve the old murders. Along the way, they find there are some things that conquer even death.

84 pages, ebook

First published July 16, 2013

About the author

Brynn Stein

11 books36 followers
Brynn Stein has always loved to write. Fan fiction, original fiction, whatever. While Brynn wrote in numerous genres—everything from mystery, to contemporary, to supernatural—she had always tended toward strong male characters. And then she discovered “slash,” male/male romance, and all those strong male characters were finally allowed to express their love for one another. It seems that there are always at least two characters clamoring to tell Brynn their story.

Brynn lives in Virginia with one of her two two-legged children, and two four-legged ones. Her supportive family encourages her writing and provides a sounding board for fledgling stories. When she isn’t writing, Brynn teaches children with special needs. In free time, when such a thing exists, she reads anything she can get her hands on, and haunts bookstores. She draws and paints, and enjoys the outdoors—especially if she can get to the beach—and is always thinking about her next story.

Please feel free to contact Brynn at any of the following:


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Profile Image for Deeze.
1,631 reviews289 followers
July 23, 2013
Very mixed feelings on this one.

On the one hard there was not enough explanations or closure for me. But on the other hand, if I stopped trying to rationalize everything it was an interesting and enjoyable story.

I think the ending was the most disappointing part for me. I think I'd of actually preferred it to go in the direction it almost went, but I'll leave you to read for yourselves lol.

Profile Image for Lena Grey.
1,562 reviews29 followers
August 15, 2013
“Happiness always comes and goes but I didn't know that I would find it there in you. If heaven is what you make it, then my heaven is in your arms.” ~ Swirl 360

Lenard Blake's of 'Haunted' by Brynn Stein life has been made unbearable because of his ex-wife and family. He comes to the little town of Jessup, Virginia hoping to start over and find some peace. He wasn't looking for a relationship and he most certainly didn't expect to find one with Jason Miller, who had died fifteen years ago, in the house he recently purchased.

Lenard has more curiosity than most people, probably due, partly, to the fact that he's a cop. He is trained to find proof before he accepts anything as real. He is told that the house he recently purchased is haunted, but he dismisses the idea and tries desperately to ignore or reason away the signs which point to the fact that he's not alone. Even though he's said he doesn't believe in ghosts, when the evidence becomes overpowering, although it defies logic, he is at least open-minded enough to accept it and proceed accordingly.

I loved the progression from friends to lovers portrayed in the story. Even before he encountered Jason, Leonard began to admire him due to things he noticed in the house, i.e., Jason's book collection. When he does further research about the family, particularly Jason and how he died, Leonard's fondness for Jason grows exponentially. The acts of kindness and consideration, i.e., Jason leaving breakfast for Lenard, and Leonard putting away Jason's books, was a wonderful way to show their growing mutual respect. Also, there were other signs of support. Leonard applauded Jason's developing mastery of viability; while Jason helped and encouraged Leonard with his research.

The men work together to try to bring Jason's killer to justice, even though they both harbor the same fear: once they've accomplished their goal, what will become of their relationship? Which is for the higher good—justice for Jason and his family, or the possibility of losing what they have together if it means Jason must leave?

This is a good murder mystery and paranormal romance all rolled up in one. It has interesting, well-rounded characters who interact amazingly well both in and out of bed. Bryann had me believing that Jason was a real person instead of a mass of intelligent ectoplasm. Since Jason knew who had killed him, he and Lenard were working, not with the whos, but searching for the wheres and hows of the crime which added uniqueness to the investigation. I recommend this book to anyone who would enjoy an endearing love story with a paranormal touch combined with a good mystery. Thank you, Bryann, for a unique, touching story.

NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
Profile Image for Cindi.
1,632 reviews84 followers
August 10, 2013
Full review can be found at On Top Down Under Book Reviews.

This is a nice, relatively short story about Lenard Blake, who was forced to move across the country to get away from the influence of his former in-laws after a nasty divorce. He buys a house (sight unseen) in a small town in Virginia for a very low price, accepts a job as a police detective at the local police force and begins his new life. The house he buys is supposedly haunted by a young man (Jason Miller) who was murdered there fifteen years ago. It doesn't take long for the skeptical Lenard to know beyond doubt that the rumors of the haunting are, in fact, very true. Not only does Lenard befriend the ghost of Jason but he begins a sexual relationship with him as well.

You obviously have to suspend belief to read this story as it is about a man and ghost falling in love with each other. There is a little bit of mystery here and there in regards to Jason's murder and the murder and disappearances of some others. You know who the killer is early on but it takes awhile for Lenard (and his work partner) to find the evidence for justice to be served.

Overall, a nice story for its length and the ending was better than I expected considering that one of the main characters is a ghost. :) I do wish another page or two (or an epilogue) would have been added to the ending but what is there is done well.

This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Profile Image for Becky Condit.
2,377 reviews67 followers
August 9, 2013
Please leave comments on Lucky's 4 1/2 sweet pea review at http://mrsconditreadsbooks.com/index....

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio. Lenard Blake is on the run. His wife’s family is rich and powerful, and he’s crossed them. Bad idea. So he settles in a tiny Podunk town, hoping to make his life there. He’s gotten a house for a ridiculously low price, but it seems that someone has forgotten to tell him that the former inhabitant hasn’t moved on.

That would be Jason, who was murdered by someone. Jason knows who, but the mystery needs unraveling before Jason can be at peace. The problem is that the man who committed the murders has a lot of power and he doesn’t want his crimes to be uncovered.

It seems many years ago, Jason’s brother disappeared after his brother’s lover vanished. When his father started poking into it, he and Jason’s mother never came home. Then it was Jason’s turn. Now there’s no one left to solve the crime. Or is there?

I felt an affinity for Jason. Long denied friends or companions, he fell in love and was willing to risk everything to not lose what he’d found.
144 reviews1 follower
July 17, 2013

Not a bad read.. a different take on the ghost scenario
Profile Image for Shandra.
204 reviews18 followers
November 30, 2017
Hottest Cold Case Work Ever!

Brynn Stein wrote a fantastically fun creature-feature read with Haunted. Her detective, Lenard, is absolutely the dogged type of man devoted to the law who would keep working a case even if all the people involved in it were dead for years. Her ghost, Jason, makes finding justice seem important yet not as important as finding love even after death. Both men worked so well together their love story was nearly as thrilling as the build-up to resolving the multiple murders involved in Jason's death.

Haunted is a short read which packs a big kick. I loved how everything could have focused on a Halloween theme yet the book goes wild right after in the time frame where everything, everywhere is all about Christmas. I admit I might have laughed and cried a little at Len trying to put a Christmas tree up for Jason yet forgetting trees need ornaments. I definitely cried a little over their first holiday together. This was a very fun read I'd highly recommend for someone looking for a little holiday fun or a lot of ghostly detective work.
Profile Image for Elaine White.
Author 43 books259 followers
July 16, 2017
Book - Haunted
Author – Brynn Stein
Star rating - ★★★★★
No. of Pages – 84 (74 of which are the story)

Ease of reading – very easy to read, no problems at all.
Would I read it again – Definitely!


Well, as only my second book by this author, I have only one thing to say : I frickin' loved it!

This was by far better than Lifeline, which was still good, but the chemistry and the romance of this one equalled the mystery, this time.

The main characters of Len and Jason were amazing. Not only real and relatable, quirky and fun to read, but they had their faults, their ups and downs, and were captivating. I couldn't stop thinking about them, after I put this one down.

The story itself – a murder mystery – was brilliant. I love a good murder mystery and this one didn't disappoint. Though the whodunit was obvious from the start, I did wonder sometimes if we'd have a surprise killer pop up, while they investigated. That was fun, because I could never be sure what would happen next.

Though the story plot mainly focused on the murder and the consequences of it, there were 3 main themes here, for me – the murder mystery, the romance and the confusing state of Len's sexuality. We're never told if Len is straight, gay, bi or whatever, which I really like. He's not labelled and he doesn't have any big epiphany about his sexuality. He was married at one point, to a woman, and then he began to fall for our ghost of the story, Jason. That was it. He began to feel the chemistry and reacted to it as anyone else would. There wasn't a crisis of confidence or a freak out about suddenly being gay or bi; he accepted the relationship and embraced it in a really lovely way. We're never told, even at the end, if he's gay or bi or whatever, because it doesn't matter. What matters is the intense emotional connection that Jason and Len have made.

I really loved the ghost aspects that began the story, too. I think they were really important and, quite possible, part of what was missing in Lifeline. The biggest strengths of this story are the biggest failings of Lifeline and I could easily have seen these two books on par with each other, if only the same amount of detail was put into both.

I'm not going to wax lyrically about any of the pros or cons of this story. The writing was great, the chemistry was palpable, the relationship was realistic and heartwarming, Len's friendship with Dan was solid and logical, while the murder mystery kept me guessing and held my interest. There. Those are the main reactions I can share with you.

Anything else I have to say can be rounded up to this: READ IT! You won't be disappointed.



One thing I've noticed about this author is their preference for the word 'brat', and the way that a dozen or so pages are filled with adverts from the publisher, at the back of the book. Not sure why this is (I'm not so much bothered by 'brat', but it's not a word I use a lot, so it's different.) but I feel like I'm being cheated out of story pages, for some reason. Rightly or wrongly, this bothers me, but doesn't affect my rating of the book. It's just an observation.

It's also a little odd that it's in 3rd person POV. After reading Lifeline, my only other experience of this author, I expected another 1st person, as authors rarely switch between the two. But, I much preferred the 3rd person, as always.
Profile Image for Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews.
1,206 reviews44 followers
July 16, 2013
4 Hearts

Review written for MM Good Book Reviews

Lenard has to make a fresh start after divorcing his wife, because her influential family hold grudges. So now he is starting anew in a small town and starting a new job on a rural police force, but he gets a surprise when he arrives at his new house and sees the condition is a bit more run down than he was led to believe, and his new colleagues inform him it is haunted. Lenard doesn’t believe in ghosts, but when unexplainable things keep happening he begins to wonder about the man who is said to haunt it and begins to investigate. Jason Miller and his family are a mystery until Lenard keeps digging and discovers there were unexplained disappearances and deaths, and he begins to get answers from Jason’s ghost. As they join forces they discover that not even death can conquer love.

This is a great haunting story that has some mystery and investigation, as well as a love that should be impossible. Lenard was royally screwed by his ex-wife and her family, he now has to move to a rural town just to get away from their influence and he comes across a mystery that has been covered up for years. As Lenard begins to settle in he discovers his new house is haunted and makes the decision to try to communicate with the ghost. Lenard also starts to discover just what happened all those years ago to Jason and his family and the deeper he digs the more he discovers the corruption and influence that have hovered over the town for many years.

I really enjoyed this story and the build-up of friendship between the ghost, Jason, and the detective, Lenard, the way it was drawn out from simple friendship to a romantic love over the course of the book. I also really liked how Jason developed from a ghost who could move objects, to a ghost who could appear solid and also travel to a small area around the house. Both threads are tied together and the progression was incredible. The mystery side was enthralling, Jason knew why he was murdered along with the rest of his family but as Lenard discovers finding the proof is hard, even with the help of his friend and colleague Ben helping.

This is a beautifully written story that weaves together an investigation and a haunting brilliantly, we also have a wonderful love story of the impossible and it is threaded with just a touch of tension and danger. There are no on page sex scenes, but from the interaction of both Jason and Lenard you know it is happening and their love shines through.

I recommend this to those who love ghosts and detectives, a mystery being solved, a man finally getting justice, an impossible love and a brilliant ending.
Profile Image for multitaskingmomma.
1,359 reviews44 followers
July 24, 2013
Blog Post: http://headouttheoven.blogspot.com/20...

Haunted by Brynn Stein
Published July 17th 2013 by Dreamspinner Press
Purchase Link
File Formats Available: .epub, .mobi, html, pdf

My Rating: 4 of 5 Stars

When Lenard Blake is forced to leave his wife, he divorces not just her but her influential family, who makes it impossible for him to keep his job as a Denver police officer, never mind to find another one anywhere in Colorado. But a rural police force in Virginia has an opening, and the move could be just the change he needs, so Lenard buys a house based on an Internet ad. But when he arrives, he finds that the house looks nothing like the ad… and it’s haunted as well.

Lenard doesn’t believe in the supernatural, but he decides to research his supposed ghost anyway. Soon he learns that fifteen years ago, Jason Miller was murdered in the house, and his entire family died under suspicious circumstances. As he makes friends with his ghostly companion, they join forces to try to solve the old murders. Along the way, they find there are some things that conquer even death.

I was prepared to read a ghost story that would be truly haunting scary or sad as the premise of a title like Haunted goes. I was not prepared for a cozy mystery, a sweet romance between a ghost and a cop and best of all, I was unprepared for a book that I could not put down until I reached the very end.

Books like Haunted is a reason why I truly love fiction. With fiction, anything goes and I am under the mercy of authors who can either be the worst story tellers, bland story tellers, or the best ones whose written words can capture my imagination and trap me in their world for even just a little while. This book written by Brynn Stein definitely lands in the third category for I was well and truly trapped in Jason's and Lenard's world.

Yes, I definitely agree that this is an improbable story and scientists who study ghosts would most likely roll their eyes in frustration saying that some of the things Jason's ghost does is impossible scientifically. But who cares? This is a fiction that tells of a love between one man and a ghost. There is a mystery to tell, to solve and to eventually get off the cold files list.

I loved reading this and I did it in under an hour. Yes, it was that interesting and gripping (If that sounds cliché I don't care.) This was a total surprise but a good read one that left me with a goofy smile on.
596 reviews1 follower
December 28, 2015
This is a sweet short story that is just an easy read.Lenard is trying to get his life together and a fresh start after a divorce that left him bitter and financially broken.His wife though she was the one who was found in bed with another comes from an influential and wealthy family who begin to blackball Lenard and makes it difficult for him to get a job in law enforcement.Lenard happily puts distant between his ex and her disgusting family and uses the last of his savings to purchase a house and accept a job in a small town in Jessup, Maryland.The house which he purchased from the internet based on pictures,is virtually falling apart.Lenard is upset but,decides to make a project of fixing up the once beautiful house.Suddenly,funny things start happening, doors off hinges suddenly seem to be back on ,dishes left in a sink seem to be done,books left on tables are put back on the shelf and much more.Lenard hears the tale that the place is haunted and a young man by the name of Jason Miller was viciously murdered there 15 years ago and his spirit is haunting his homestead.I won't say more but this is a good story and a good read.
Profile Image for Fallon Cahan.
Author 1 book6 followers
September 14, 2016
Haunted by Brynn Stein was a pleasant surprise to have just wandered across. The story is wonderfully believable and the characters are as well. It's shorter than I usually read but good enough that I would have kept reading if more were available. While romantic and sexy, the sexual content is limited to innuendo and implied sexy times. Personally, I would have preferred the scenes to be more in depth, but they were definitely hot and made the imagination run wild. Len and Jason made a really good couple despite their 'obvious' differences. The way they began to care for one another once Len opened himself up to Jason's very existence was moving. Reading as they fell in love was priceless and made up for the length of the story in my opinion. I'm glad that I have this in my collection because it is one that I will happily read again and again to remind myself that true love is out there in the most unexpected of places.
Profile Image for Stephen.
1,147 reviews217 followers
March 21, 2021
Was in the mood for an M/M Ghost and Mrs. Muir but what this was was something different. It's a novella and a very quick read and the romantic bases are covered but one has to really want to suspend disbelief to accept this story.

Of course one can't be too demanding when reading about a love affair between a detective and a ghost but a detective who buys a house sight unseen over the internet? An entire town who basically knows "who dunnit" but haven't even followed up because the culprit was too powerful? One can call this a detective story but it's NOT much of a mystery.

There's nothing painfully wrong about this story but there's not much that rises above either. I'm not sorry that I spent time reading it but I doubt that it will be something I re-read.
Profile Image for Meggie.
5,105 reviews
July 18, 2013
I have to admit, the way this story ends, with HEA for Lenard the police officer and Jason the ghost, just didn't feel right. But sure, I liked both of them. Dialogues between the MC's were witty, comical and at some part romantic. So from this point I liked how the main storyline developed and ended.
Profile Image for ~♥ Elle ♥~.
304 reviews6 followers
July 25, 2013
Unusual and interesting short story with an unlikely couple. I actually enjoyed it quite a bit but in the end it kinda left me feeling a bit unsettled because I kept thinking if the couple would be satisfied with their relationship since one is a ghost and the other one is living.
Profile Image for Catherine.
Author 306 books259 followers
January 5, 2016
The end left me wanting because I can't help but wonder what will happen to Jason and Len as Len ages, but the story was very enjoyable.
Profile Image for Angie.
206 reviews5 followers
February 16, 2016
I really liked this book.. It was a short little thing but it had mystery and love... The ending made me smile. :) It's not often I give over 3 stars but this book just made me happy.
Profile Image for Birte.
479 reviews11 followers
October 20, 2016
3.5 stars. cute and fluffy, even if a bit simple and actually not much to write home about. but I enjoyed it anyway
25 reviews
June 23, 2019
Wasn't Sure

I wasn't sure that I would like the book. But the truth is that I was pleased with it once I started riding it.
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