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Greystone #4


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Think you know about gargoyles? The beautiful winged race disappeared eight hundred years ago. When they last walked the earth, they traveled in close-knit packs, their throats marked with ancient runes. Their greatest enemies were the ugly and brutal harpies that people today mistake for gargoyles. Defiance can't resist Whitney Anders. But the young gargoyle has trust issues where human girls are concerned. And Whitney's a babe among her human peers in Pine Grove, so he's going to have to work for her if he wants her. And overcome his trust issues once and for all.

116 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 27, 2013

About the author

Taylor Longford

10 books176 followers

1. The books in the Greystone Series are teenage romances written for younger readers.

2. You can read snippets from the Greystone Series in the section below titled "Taylor's Writing".

3. I'm an indie author; I work overtime at a demanding day job and write on weekends. My small clan of supportive readers has been the driving force that has kept me working on the series for the last three and a half years. My heartfelt thanks go out to every single one of them!

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Displaying 1 - 21 of 21 reviews
Profile Image for Mel.
239 reviews33 followers
November 23, 2013
This one isn't bad but I didn't like it as much as the previous two. I think a lot of that is because of Defiance. He just isn't my favorite guy. He is really similar to Reason in personality but without the charm. He's supposed to be this super badass but he kind of whined a lot. His manpain got to be a little much especially up until about 40% or so.

Whitney ties with Mackenzie for my least favorite girl in the series. She isn't a bad character, but I just didn't connect with her. I think her personality got overshadowed by how beautiful she is and the story spent so much time emphasizing that as opposed to showing her thoughts and feelings in a real way. Like with Mackenzie, she fell a little flat for me.

I can't say that I was really feeling Defiance and Whitney together. I don't feel it is extremely realistic because Defiance's infatuation with Whitney seemed really one sided at the beginning and then all of a sudden it isn't and that was a little weird. They are built a little like Reason and Elaina but it just doesn't work quite as well. While I don't like the main couple that much, I do like everything else. The dynamic between the guys is really funny most of the time, especially with Havoc keeping it light and needling everyone. Also the little scenes with Dare and Mim and Reason and Elaina made me happy because I love them both, they're adorbs. Also I'm super curious about Chaos, who is finally rescued. His situation is pretty crazy and I feel pretty bad for him about the mess he's in. Overall, I didn't love this one but I didn't hate it either.
Profile Image for Melissa Pearl.
Author 62 books852 followers
June 25, 2013
Once again, I devoured one of Taylor Longford's book. This series is so amazing. I love it.

I find it impossible not to fall in love with the characters in these books. I LOVE the gargoyles...and their girls.
The romances are sweet, yet the kisses are smoking hot...especially between Defiance and Whitney. They are gorgeous together. I loved the scene in the snow...and the motel!! Happy sigh!

The thread of mystery continues through this book as the reader continues to wonder what has happened to the rest of the gargoyle family, but we also learn more about Chaos, which I think will be the next book in this series. I certainly hope so!!

Taylor Longford has me captivated with this series. I just love it.

If you like books with great characters, exciting action and romance that will make you swoon, The Greystone Series is a must read.
Profile Image for Allyson.
22 reviews
June 30, 2014
I am in love with this series. I enjoy reading stories that add different characters, but still occasionally bring back the old. I know Defiance was the main character, but I definitely thought Havoc stole the show! His humor gets me. He has always been my favorite.

I like the sort of bad boy Defiance had going on. He was moody, which came from his artistic side. All artistic people are moody so it totally worked for him.

His agony when it came to Whitney was humorous and pitiable at the same time. Her personality meshed well with his, so they made a wonderful pair. She was constantly one step ahead with her popularity and spunk, while he was sort of puppy dogging behind her following her every move. It was goofy and adorable at the same time.

It would have been great to see Whitney more meshed out, her personality was interesting, and the way she drew in Defiance was fascinating. The romance they had was sort of hot and steamy, but my favorite parts were the parts where he was genuinely caring for Whitney. Particularly the scene when he's laying her in the tub trying to warm her up from hypothermia. But I LOVED his internal dialogue. When he'd think about her being a model or whatever. It was terribly funny.

This story revolved mostly around the romance, which was nice to get a taste of. I enjoyed the adventure at the end of the book when they're doing the rescue mission. That was pretty intense in some moments.

I'm so happy for author Taylor Longford creating yet again another wonderful story. May they live on!
Profile Image for Lenore Kosinski.
2,389 reviews64 followers
July 17, 2020

3.5 stars — Hmmmm….this one was interesting b/c the love story was sort of the side story, and it was really more about the development of Defiance… The problem is I didn’t really like Defiance all that much….but I guess he and Whitney were matched fairly well. Loved the side story of Chaos more than Defiance’s story really. Can’t wait to see what happens to the rest of them… It’s funny b/c in the end the rounding up is b/c of the pack more than the Defiance story.

On a side note — didn’t enjoy Whitney’s blase attitude after hearing about Defiance’s guilty confession…I mean, maybe it’s just that I thought it was more of a serious offense than either of them were treating it….?? I don’t know.

4 stars — Weird! I enjoyed this one more on reread apparently. I guess I kind of got where Defiance’s fear, anger and distrust came from a bit more this time around. I mean, he was still kind of a jerk (though that seems to be a bit of a theme with our Gargoyles)…but for some reason I saw underneath those emotions a bit better. And maybe I saw the connection between Whitney and him a bit more. He’s still not going to be my fave, but I guess I gave him a bit more benefit of the doubt this time around.

Agree with my side note above, that still struck me as odd…but it goes against things I believe in, so I guess that’s where my dissonance comes in.
Profile Image for Sandra.
3,123 reviews12 followers
January 17, 2017
Meh. It was ok. Didn't love it, didn't hate it mostly because of Defiance or Whitney. I don't hate them or anything I just don't particularly like them so I just don't care about their story or their romance neither of which (story or romance) was particularly compelling. The story / drama was lacking when compared to the other books in this series plus the romance was way unconvincing. I mean they don't spend much time together, and what little time they do spend together Defiance is acting cool or shouting at her about doing something he considers dangerous while Whitney avoids him or brushes him (sure she has a good reason for this) but it just does not make for a believable romance, certainly not one that has them declaring their love for one another. I do like how Defiance is waiting for Whitney to turn 18 before committing for life as 2 years is a much better time span for that kind of decision than two week. I am loving Havoc and his distinctive fashion sense and his friendship with young Sophie. Given how well they get on I am hoping she will be the one for him when she grows up.
23 reviews4 followers
May 30, 2013
3.5 stars. First off, let me say that I enjoyed this book. I have really enjoyed all the books in the series. This one has probably been my least favorite though. I just felt like the narrator's voice was too similar to the narrators in the other books. Sometimes, it even came across to me that it was the voice if a teen girl instead if a slightly older guy. Also, in future books, it would be great to see some more anguish/confusion/anger/temporary rejection when someone finds out there is a whole new species on earth that has been hidden away for centuries. I think it would take some time getting used to the idea, not so easily accepted. I know I'm nit-picking here and I don't mean to because this is my favorite series that I have read this year and I will continue to read the rest of the series. These are just my ideas to make it even better! :) I'm not a writer though and I know it's easier to critique than write!!! Oh, I really enjoyed the progress of Chaos' story line in this book. I can't wait to read more!
Profile Image for J.C. Cauthon.
Author 62 books96 followers
September 9, 2014
Defiance is the fourth book in the Greystone series by Taylor Longford. This is another amazing story that follows the lives of the nine gargoyles that were found in the walls of a crofter's cottage in York, England.

This story follows the character Defiance as he tries to fit in and help out the gargoyle pack as best as he can. He struggles to fit in to this brave new world, and he finds himself dealing with a young girl that he loves but he thinks she does not feel the same. As things heat up, he realizes that he has to make a decision to trust her, even though she suspects he is different all along.

Overall, this is very well written and it's a very quick and easy read. I would definitely recommend this book to other readers.
Profile Image for Michele Notaro.
Author 69 books860 followers
November 12, 2015
I love this series

I have loved all of the Greystone books. In this one I really enjoyed getting into Defiances head. I wasn't sure if I would like this one because Defiance wasn't exactly my favorite gargoyle in the previous books but the author did a wonderful job bringing him to life and making me really care about him. These books may be on the shorter side but the characters and the storyline are very well developed. I will be purchasing the remainder of the series tonight!
Profile Image for Mallory.
172 reviews
July 6, 2013
Another entertaining tale! Defiance and Whitney's story is sweet and unique. I do prefer the series when it is through the girl's point of view, but it is also refreshing to here it through one of the gargoyles'. Defiance is the gargoyle I feel has the most human-like qualities, which makes it extra intriguing. It is also thrilling to see the all the characters friendships and how the pack keeps growing! Can't wait for Chaos!
Profile Image for Emily.
329 reviews25 followers
August 10, 2015
Another great book! While this is not my favorite couple I did like that he went to work at the horse stable and that her parents were not as absent as the others and were right to question the accidents happening to her friends while in the company of the new young men in town. I'm ok with insta love in fiction books but again I also liked the real aspect that he respected that she was young and should wait till she was at least a legal adult to make a forever commitment.
Profile Image for Olive Bassey.
3 reviews
June 3, 2013
DINLKSNDNSIODNILS. That's how excited I was when i found out it came out. I absolutely loved the storyline and how Defiance tried to keep his cool even though his love for Whitney was breaking him. Beautiful. This has to be my favorite one out of the greystone series so far because I am truly in love with Defiance and I can relate to him.
Profile Image for Mary Myers-Huff Barscz .
199 reviews5 followers
June 11, 2014
Defiance doesn't trust human girls, that's a problem when he meets Whitney. She is one of the best looking girls of her peers, and Defiance will have to work for her if he ever wants to shed the trust issues!
The relationship between Defiance and Whitney is cool. She can keep him in line and does it well.
I am very excited for the next book in the series, Chaos!
494 reviews4 followers
December 27, 2013
I liked this series very much. Now I'm waiting for the other characters: Victor, Havoc, Courage and Force. I didn't mentioned Chaos because I already read it. I love it too!
Profile Image for Trish.
37 reviews
August 15, 2014
I love this series. A little different from the usual vampire YA books. Defiance didn't have as much action or fast pace as the other books in the series but still a good read.
Profile Image for Virginia.
11.2k reviews17 followers
October 6, 2023
Every book I've read by Taylor Longford makes me want to devour the rest of her books. I highly recommend the entire Greystone series - I read all 9 in one sitting as I could not put them down. The continuation between books and the love stories ... AHHHH INCREDIBLE!
Profile Image for Shorouk A.
605 reviews66 followers
August 26, 2017
It was good one. I liked all of the stories so far . I still like and really admire the group (the gang) being together. I liked this feeling that it was a real family .
Profile Image for Sarah.
144 reviews6 followers
June 24, 2016
General Series Plot: A bunch of gargoyles got trapped behind a wall (by harpies) for 800 years frozen in their stone form not being able to make the transition because they can only make it if they have access to sun light. After being discovered by MacKenzie's stepfather they are shipped to Colorado to MacKenzie's house. Most of them arrive apart from 3 whom the shipping company lost. With Mac's help, the gargoyles try to find out what happened to the other 3. Mean while each one of them finds his soul mate.

This is why I continues to read this series. The plot sound great, and though book 3 had some really bad romance, the action and plot development was good. And I really had to read the next. Defiance's book was such a disappointment that I feel it's going to be the last one I read in the series.

You can split this book to three parts. Which are not separate from each other btw.

Part 1: Which focuses on the main but the gargoyles the harpies the missing gargoyles and how to get them back. Defiance finding a job. The action scenes and the rescue plan to save Chaos. All that was good, actually great. Thats why I gave the book 2 stars instead of 1.

Part 2: Defiance whining and whining and whining, since the book was from his POV, that's all we got from him. And what is with him being so rude? What's with all of The gargoyles being so rude and yelling and fighting with the girls they supposedly fall for? I got sick of that. Just no!

Part 3: WHERE IS THE ROMANCE? Again him and Whitney were only attracted to each other, and in today's world it counts as love! should't he fall for her being like smart or kind or funny or strong personality. She did have a stronger personality in the sense she yelled back at him. That is not even attractive. All he thought about was her long legs, her lips and legs. Mostly her legs. And he was 18 while she is 16 and oh so ready to give herself to him. What's ironic is after seeing almost naked he tells her dad "she is 16! I'd never do that to her!" I skipped that scene so I don't know how far their kisses went but It seemed to go on for a while.

In general, this series had so much potential. But the execution was very weak and the author seems to focus more on sexuality then anything else! And after I got the free sample for Chaos's book, just from that short sample you could tell it's only gonna get worse. So no more Greystones for me.

Content: Minor violence. Lots of cuss words. Very sensual kissing scenes and partial nudity (I do not know how far it went since I skipped it). 18+ though I don't recommend it to anyone.

Profile Image for Nicole.
187 reviews
June 26, 2013
I love this series so don't take this review to mean that these are bad books because they are far from it. This one just wasn't my favorite...
I love the original plot about gargoyles since that is something not commonly written about. The other three books were amazing and I ate them up! I was so excited when I bought this book but the main characters, Whitney and Defiance, left me feeling a lack of interest. Defiance just wasn't one of the pack members I enjoyed... Maybe it was because he just was to "I'm a cool guy that doesn't need anyone but really deep down I'm as emotionally wrecked as a drama queen." Also, I did NOT like Whitney she was annoying and felt like a robot to me.
Well that's the bad stuff but there was good stuff in here too and I was happy that it overshadowed the bad. You get to see the other gargoyles that we fell in love with from previous books. My favorite couple is Elaina. I found them to be the most adorable and hilarious couple there was. I still love everyone else like Havoc but it's nearly impossible not to like him and his quirky fashion sense. I felt really bad for Chaos and Torrie in this book but at the same time I was hoping that the harpy situation would be resolved and it was to an extent but I just wanted the evil thing dead.
I am excited about the next one and hope it's either Chaos' or Victor's story! This series is a must read!
Profile Image for Calico.
87 reviews5 followers
October 13, 2014
If you've read this far in the Greystone series, you know what to expect from Defiance. It's more of the same, but that's not necessarily bad. However, I didn't enjoy this story as much as the previous 3. Maybe it's because I never had any particular fondness for Defiance himself. It's hard to get into a story if you don't like the main character. I also wasn't fond of the love interest, Whitney, which didn't help, either. This book also set up potential for a future love interest for Victor. It wasn't a big part of the book, but I'm really tired of these guys falling for the first girl they see. All in all it was still an enjoyable book though. I'm looking forward to seeing how Chaos plays out.
Displaying 1 - 21 of 21 reviews

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