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New York Times bestselling author Alyssa Day returns with a thrilling new series of paranormal romance and a heated battle between good and evil fought to the death on the streets of New York…

Bordertown private investigator Luke Oliver’s beat is the dimensional fold in Manhattan between the human and supernatural realms. But now a secret from his past—the League of the Black Swan—has surfaced. Because Luke isn’t any ordinary P.I. He’s the Dark Wizard of Bordertown, and he never backs down from a fight.

But this time the fight threatens his life and his heart. Rio Jones, the only woman he loved, needs his help against a deadly menace. Luke pushed her away once before, so she’d never fall prey to the curse that threatens to destroy him. He swore he’d never let her go again.

Luke and Rio, with the help of the newly reformed League, must keep evil forces from taking over Bordertown—all the while battling a passion on the razor’s edge between danger and desire. And going to take everything they have just to stay alive.

304 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 7, 2013

About the author

Alyssa Day

78 books1,585 followers
Alyssa Day is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author with more than a million books sold, including the Vampire Motorcycle Club, Warriors of Poseidon and Cardinal Witches paranormal romance series and the Tiger’s Eye Mysteries paranormal mystery series. Throughout her seventeen-year writing career, she has won many awards for her fiction, which include Romance Writers of America’s prestigious RITA award for outstanding romance fiction, and the RT Book Reviews Reviewer’s Choice Award for Best Paranormal Romance Novel of 2012. A former trial lawyer and frequent speaker, Alyssa is also a past president of Romance Writers of America. She also writes comedy and nonfiction as Alesia Holliday

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 192 reviews
Profile Image for Annie .
2,484 reviews944 followers
May 6, 2013

In a brand new series that filled to the brim with unique and larger-than-life characters, Alyssa Day takes a lighter approach in regards to the personalities of her new leads and it is sure to make readers fall instantly in love with them.

The very first line of this book aptly sets the tone for the whole book. Allow me to share it with you:

“Getting stabbed is hell on the dry-cleaning bill.”

That is said by the hero, Luke Oliver aka Lucian Olivieri aka The Dark Wizard of Bordertown. Here’s what you need to know about Luke… He is Bordertown’s private investigator and he has had dealings in the past with our heroine, Rio Jones (I adore her!). However, Luke was part of the League of the Black Swan and when he receives a picture of Rio one day, he knows that trouble is coming his way.

Rio is also an interesting character. Not one to be pushed around, it’s so entertaining to see how circumstances bring Rio and Luke together. Luke has some dominant and possessive tendencies and with Rio as a strong and independent woman, maintaining the balance will be just one of the obstacles they have to overcome together.

When Rio witnesses a kidnapping of a young halfing girl, she asks Luke to her help. Later, the plot all comes together and you’re really able to see Day’s skill as a writer. However, I do wish there was a little more in terms of the plot since a lot of it is spent on the romance and the hilarious antics between the characters.

That being said, I also really, really loved the sarcastic quips and the hilarious banter that this book has. So I guess in a way, that makes up for it. For the entire book, I was smiling from ear-to-ear and didn’t really want it to end. Prepared to be entertained, readers! Alyssa Day has a hot one on her hands! THE CURSED is a phenomenal start to what promises to be a stellar series!

Another great thing about this book is all the different supernatural creatures. You have grendals, fae, a freaking wizard and other interesting things. I am also very interested in Alice. Her appearances never failed to bring more laughter into the book.

I am so excited for this series and am looking forward to where Day will take this series. With unique characters with rapier wit, THE CURSED is sure to make readers fall in love.

*ARC provided by publisher
Profile Image for D.G..
1,366 reviews337 followers
May 8, 2016
The Cursed was probably the most maudlin UF book I've read in my life. None of it made any sense and instead of feeling bad for these two, I wanted to slap them silly. I know having your parents abandon you is a horrible thing but lots of people lose their parents at an early age and they don't become pathetic ninnies.

Luke's curse was completely laughable, the "funny" parts of the book were ridiculous and don't get me starting on all these people wanting Rio! I simply couldn't stand her. Instead of a grown woman, she behaved like a child, losing her composure every time anybody would mention her parents or going whining in the rain when she didn't want to have a difficult conversation.

If I hadn't been reading this for a few challenges, I would have dnf it.
Profile Image for Krystle ~A Booknatic~.
129 reviews12 followers
May 4, 2013
First of all I want to extend a H-U-G-E Thank you to the author for sending me a review copy. When she asked if I would like to have one, I damn near fell out of my computer chair. Then when I opened the package and had my hands on it I *Squee'd* again!!! I wish that this week hadn't been so busy for me, I didn't want to put it down, I just wanted to read and read and read haha!

Welcome to Bordertown – Hidden in, around, above, and below the Manhattan area it's a place where demon, fae, and some humans coexist.

So the book starts out with our hero Luke and a dark and mysterious man named Maestro having a conversation of sorts. By sorts I mean that Maestro stabs Luke to see if the silver of his blade has any affect on him yet – seeing if his curse has taken affect or if he's still “good”... Then he gives him an envelope from the League of the Black Swan (a supernatural police force type of organization) which contains a photograph of a young woman. Rio Jones...He's seen her around his office when she delivers packages and thinks she's absolutely stunning but he keeps his distance. He doesn't need any distractions for the sort of control he has on his curse. So what's the Black Swan want with a human Messenger??

Rio Jones is a woman of many names, and this had me laughing so hard, especially when she called herself Rio Holmes. Every time she'd meet someone new she would always come up with a new last name for herself. She's a 24 year old woman who works for the bike messaging service of Bordertown. Grew up in an orphanage ran by a convent, and is still best friends with another girl from the orphanage, Clarice. I like the friendship these two have, they're like sisters.

In the beginning of the book she witnesses a little girl get snatched up by a huge man and thrown into a limo while out on a delivery run. Rio has special ability with being able to hear peoples thoughts, and with what this guy was thinking not only was she worried for the little girls safety but now for hers. Knowing she's got to pack up and leave where she was living behind she knows one man who can help her and that's Luke Oliver, he's a P.I. ,but she also knows he has powers as well.

Now that this case has made it impossible for Luke to keep his distance from Rio, they work together to try and find the little girl. This case is just the beginning of their relationship. And Ms. Day sure does GIVE us a relationship, let me tell ya :) ! I really loved learning about Rio's history and how she may not just be a measly human after all....

Key Elements I loved about the book:

-The Sex in this book is at the very top of this list. Can we say, “Oh my god!” Hot Hot Hot! And the first time they're together had me cracking up!! If you read it you'll know what I'm talking about :) !!
-There are a lot of laugh out loud moments. In Bordertown with all of these different types of Fae and Demons you never know what's going to happen. Like for instance, a giant duck laying an egg in the middle of the street. Then later when they had to give the egg back to the duck! HILARIOUS!
-When we meet Luke's friend Alice, I LOVED her! I want to see more of her in the series as it progresses for sure!
-Anything that has to do with animals is a go for me, and her little familiar/pet fox Kitsune is adorable. You definitely don't want to upset this “furface” as Luke likes to call her.
-The world she created for the story and how it's nestled inside Manhattan with all of these different non-human creatures. This is why I love paranormal, I love anything Fae/Demon related. You can make up anything, your imagination has no limits and write what you love and excites you.
-The mention of them using a Crock Pot, hey I love my crock pot meals. I'd be lost without that thing, especially in the winter!

I loved everything about this book and can't wait to read more of this awesome series.

“Rio, my name is Lucian” he growled. “I need you to say my name” - Luke

“I don't know how to have all these feelings. I know how to blow stuff up. You were hurting, and I wanted to help, but I didn't know how, so I blew something up.” - Luke
Profile Image for Kira.
1,262 reviews137 followers
October 24, 2019
Both of the main characters annoyed me. Lucian was hundreds of years old but had the maturity of a teenager. The way he blurted out things to Rio I would have thought he'd never spoken to a woman in his life. Rio was too naive. All kinds of random people started popping up in her life, and she never seemed to think that anyone was lying to her or was trying to use her. It was boring how special she ended up being because it was very predictable. Lucian's curse was dumb, not sure I'd even call it a curse. By the end of the book, I still had no idea what the league of the black swan does. I have no interest in reading any more books in the series.
Profile Image for Shauni.
1,061 reviews27 followers
May 10, 2013
If you are looking for the camaraderie and lightheartedness that we found in Alyssa Day's Warriors of Poseidon Series.. rethink that. The Cursed is the first book in her brand new series The League of the Black Swan and let me tell you it was spectacular.

This book was so good I am having trouble writing the review so bear with me. If it sounds disjointed it's because I want to share so much and the words are just tumbling out!!

The Curse is a supernatural mystery taking place in the Borderlands. A Pocket in the dimensions where several meet and individuals can cross over. The thing about The Borderlands is that those that live there are outcasts of some sort. Some by choice, some by banishment and some well just because..

Rio Jones, Smith, Green, Stephanopolous (pick a name she's probably used it) has spent her entire life alone. Even the nuns at the orphanage really didn't have any use for her. She has made it on her own and has managed to make a large assortment of friends. Everyone respects her. Life is pretty boring for our girl.. she does have the hots for the Wizard she delivers packages to sometimes but he made it pretty clear he's not interested.

Luke Oliver is your everyday imortal wizard with a curse.. Being a descendant of the Borgia he is cursed to never do evil.. if he does he looses his soul for eternity. It's not all that hard for him most of the time. He is a protector by nature so he spends most of his time protecting those around him. He is runs The Borderlands detective agency.. although everyone and I mean everyone feels he should become the Sheriff (a humours side note in this book there is always someone asking him if he is running for sheriff, when he is running for sheriff, has he begun his run for sheriff.. it's a great way to release some of the tension). Luke would do just about anything to be able to be around Rio but what with the curse and all he's a little worried. That and the fact that smooth this man is not..

When a member of the League of the Black Swan wants Luke to recruit Rio he is adamant that, that is not going to happen. But things change really really fast. First Rio witnesses a kidnapping and turns to Luke for help, then the Fey are interested in Rio, then the Sleazebag underworld is interested in her, then the Demons.. what the heck she's just a human orphan, right? Yeah... right.

We watch Rio and Luke maneuver their way through the politics and battle lines drawn by all the races.. as Rio discovers that there is much more to her than meets the eye and on her 25th birthday (just a few days away) everything is going to change. You mean it's gonna get weirder?? There are some great scenes in this book.. one of which involved a giant duck (think jack and the beanstalk giant) laying an egg right there in the middle of the road. Then the egg goes missing and Rio and Luke have to find it and return it to one angry duck mama.. see weird.

While Rio considers herself pretty normal, all things considered, the one gift she has is the ability to make friends. She respects the individual and doesn't worry about what species a person is. She has no clue how many people stand beside her and when she finally realizes that she is not alone it is amazing.

I love the way Ms Day's mind has skipped to insane on this book.. She definitely followed her Warriors of Poseidon Series with another excellent book and what looks to be a spectacular series.. YAY Alyssa!!

This book was meant to be a classic and I think it moves Alyssa up the tier of PNR writers.. it is absolutely Brilliant..

Profile Image for Fangs for the Fantasy.
1,449 reviews191 followers
June 6, 2013
Rio (of varying last names) is an inhabitant of the Bordertown, that section of New York that is the doorway to the other lands, to faerie and the demon realm. A part of town where nearly everyone has a quirk of some kind, a part of town where the fae and the demons and who knows what else walk around freely

And a part of town with little in the way of laws, since it’s largely free of mortal authority and no-one has stepped forward to replace the last sheriff. And Luke Oliver won’t accept the role. A powerful wizard and the cursed immortal son of Lucrezia Borgia, he isn’t willing to get dragged into it.

But nor did he wanted to be dragged into loving Rio, especially not with his curse. And there’s a lot to be dragged into as Rio approaches her 25th birthday and suddenly all the movers and shakers of Bordertown are after her. Whatever’s going to happen is going to be big – and everyone’s determined to have Rio in their hands before it does.

There’s a lot I loved about this book – world, characterisation, world, the story, world, the different side plots and, did I mention the world? Because I really liked the world.

The writing, while generally good, can get severely derailed in places with description. Particularly of each other – which can go on and on and on and on. And you get a scene where they’re doing something else then it’s back to describing how very luscious the other is and how things are becoming wet/turgid and omnomnomnom. It’s distracting and pretty unnecessary and drags out the plot

In fact, the whole book would be so much better if the romance were curtailed, reduced or at least rendered less dramatic. We don’t have a love at first sight – because they already saw each other before the book started and they fell madly in obsession with each other for no apparent reason. He cut her off and drove her away because he has a Curse (*sigh* get me a bottle) which he thinks could hurt her and destroy him so he has to Drive Her Away For Her Own Good. Which is even more odd because when they finally get round to revealing the curse it doesn’t seem to be all that relationship or love interest destroy-y. It's annoying because he decides, after centuries of flings, that She Could Be the One based on... based on? I mean it's not like he gets to know her before making his decision - so based entirely on his lust he decides he'll fall madly in lover with her so must avoid her? As for her, she has a sad past that has left her with abandonment issues which causes her to flounce out in tears at one point – seriously I had to re-read the page 4 or 5 times before I could figure out WHY she was so upset and decided the whole thing was over. And that's asideHe is extremely protective to the point of actually blowing shit up because he’s so angry and frustrated with his need to protect her (of course, he randomly blows stuff up for funsies when he’s in a bad mood anyway, but we most commonly saw it when protecting Rio or being frustrated in his urge to protect her). Then there’s her deciding she needs to leave him for his own good because… REASONS.

When they were actually together and not tripping over convoluted conflict, they actually bounced off each other well. But that conflict was annoying

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Profile Image for Ami.
6,040 reviews491 followers
May 20, 2013
I never read anything by Alyssa Day before (there are already too many titles in her Warriors of Poseidon for me to catch up); but I'm quite intrigued with this new title of hers. The word 'private investigator' and 'Dark Wizard of Bordertown' just reeled me in. Turned out that it was a really entertaining story...

The story felt like a bunch of 'small cases': from finding a kidnapped girl, helping a woman to find her dog, helping to find duck's egg (yes, DUCK'S EGG. Not an ordinary duck, mind you. Which led to one of the funniest scene here, including duck poop! *LOL*) ... but turned out that all of these cases matter and part of a bigger plot. Everything was connected smartly until the truth about Rio's identity was revealed.

I really loved Rio -- she was a smart heroine. Rio was really likeable, she made friends here and there (including mountain troll!), and nothing really scare her. Luke was an adorable hero. I mean, he blew things up when he got emotional, it was hilarious! I loved every single characters introduced here ... Alice (I LOVE ALICE!!! She can change herself into other people, which in here, includes Charlize Theron, Meryl Streep, and Anne Hathaway *grin*), Clarice, and of course, the Yokai Kit. Heck, even the manipulative Fae Merelith and the demon prince were great.

This felt lighter than some of those dark/intense urban fantasy. I did have complain, most notably the usual "I leave you to protect you" plot. Luckily it didn't last long enough. In the end, it was a wonderful start of a series and I would definitely stay for the sequel...
Profile Image for Veronica .
767 reviews205 followers
November 25, 2013
One and a half stars.

Maybe I just wasn't in the right frame of mind for this book but really, I think it just had too much that annoys me. There was the usual instalove (which I was ready for, this being PNR and all) but it also had one of my pet peeves: a centuries old immortal who has all the maturity of a freshman frat boy. Couple that with superficial characters, a boring plot, and a world that offers nothing new and it's no surpise that I had to force myself to finish it. Of course, the mere fact that it took me so many days to finish what is a very short book should speak volumes about my attachment to it. I'll definitely take a pass on this series as I found nothing interesting or impressive about it.
Profile Image for Heather Book Savvy Babe.
494 reviews135 followers
May 15, 2013
*This review was first published to Book Savvy Babes Blog*

4.5 of 5 Stars

The Cursed is my favorite kind of paranormal read; a book that blurs the genre lines between paranormal romance and urban fantasy. The Cursed features a kick-butt, snarky heroine, an urban fantasy setting full of magic and supernatural creatures, and a sizzling romance that heats the pages. Alyssa Day has me hooked on this new series, this is one urban fantasy and paranormal readers do not want to miss.

When the book begins, Rio is a "mostly human" woman trying to get by and survive in Bordertown, a supernatural city pocketed away in New York. Rio's life suddenly gets complicated, she gains unexpected enemies and turns to the hot wizard/private investigator Luke Oliver for help. Luke and Rio have known each other in passing, but Luke has done his best to avoid the temptation that is Rio. When Rio needs help, he can't help put step in and do his best to protect her. Rio is more than she appears, and as her 25th birthday approaches, the danger to Rio rises as does the sizzling attraction between them.

I happen to love snarky, kick-butt characters and Alyssa Day has delivered some excellent characters in Rio and Luke. The dialogue and interactions between Rio and Luke are very witty, sarcastic, and thoroughly entertaining. I wanted to share and example, and this is not a spoiler and it's a pretty fun teaser (I was highlighting all over the place in my e-reader).

""Seems wrong, doesn't it?" Rio asked, shoving her hands in her jeans pockets and affecting a nonchalant pose when she felt anything but.
"Listening to Barry Manilow on the way to the evil villains lair. Seems like it should be AC/DC or a soundtrack of evil cackling maybe." "(page 63 on my e-reader)

I love that Luke and Rio do their best to stay true to themselves while life throws them road blocks and changes and adjust to having someone significant to share life with. Luke has some serious power that gets ramped up by his protective instincts towards Rio. I love Luke and Rio as a couple. As more of Rio's mysterious background is revealed, the story becomes even more intriguing and complex.

The setting and world-building of The Cursed is fantasic. Bordertown is an intriguing place, a world hidden within the human world with ties to various different dimensions. Bordertown is full of paranormal beings of all kinds, from various realms and magical abilities. There seemed to be no end to the different types of supernaturals that popped up throughout the story. Luke is the go-to guy to solve problems in Bortertown, and the problems are as varied, complex, and as unexpected as the supernatural entities that inhabit Bordertown.

I only fell deeper into the story as I read. As I stated earlier, Alyssa Day has completely hooked me into this new series. The Cursed is a fast-paced, entertaining, I-didn't-want-to-put-it-down book and I absolutely want to read more in this series. The secondary (and other various side characters) are well-developed as well as the protagonists and I am itching to see where this series will go. The Cursed is only book 1 in this brand new League of the Black Swan series. I sincerely hope that there are many more books to come. Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy readers, I absolutely recommend giving this book a try.

*E-galley provided in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for All Things Urban Fantasy.
1,921 reviews618 followers
May 6, 2013
Review courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy

The blurb for THE CURSED was what drew me in- a supernatural private investigator in a dimensional fold in New York City with a romance storyline to boot? Yes please! But if there is one thing I’d like to get across with this review, it is that though THE CURSED definitely has those elements, it is more a book about Rio and Luke (not just Luke), and it is far better than the blurb makes it sound. Set in a richly created world, with likable main characters, and excellent pacing, THE CURSED is a perfect first installment in the League of the Black Swan series.

If I were to rewrite the description for the book, it would go something like this: Rio Jones is just a bike messenger…until she sees the kidnapping of a human girl in Bordertown. Then, all of a sudden, everybody is after her, and she has no choice but to seek out the Dark Wizard of Bordertown, Luke Oliver, the very person she has been trying to avoid since despite their obvious mutual attraction, he has rejected her advances in the past. As Luke and Rio start the search for the little girl, they meet up with fae, demons, and other denizens of Bordertown, all who seem to know more about Rio’s past and parentage than she does. Why is everybody suddenly so interested in Rio, and what significance does her 25th birthday have? As the date grows closer, Luke is desperately trying to keep Rio safe, but is it because she hired him, or something more personal? And when Rio finds out about her heritage, will it bring them closer together, or will it tear them apart- forever?

Rio and Luke are really spectacular main characters. This is definitely a case of opposites attract with Luke, a gruff loner, and Rio, super friendly and fun, making an interesting, unexpected combination. Luke having to contend with feelings for somebody after being alone for so long is a realistic struggle, and it is satisfying when he comes to the (obvious) conclusion that Rio is the one for him. And rightly so! Rio is an independent, strong woman, the kind of person ready to stand up for children and small animals and who wins everybody over with her charm and manners. For example, at points, Rio makes friends with a troll and acquires a pet kitsune! And though THE CURSED took place over a short period of time, the growth of the relationship didn’t feel forced or rushed. The pacing did a really good job of balancing the action and romance and I was never bored, always wanting to know what was going to happen next.

Seeing how Luke and Rio work out their relationship kinks is something I’m hoping we’ll see in the next book in the League of the Black Swan series. Plus, I feel like Day has only scratched the surface of the world she created, and I want to learn more about the fae and the demons and other creatures of Bordertown. There are so many great elements that made for an excellent story in THE CURSED, and I have high hopes for further installments.

Sexual content: Several sex scenes
Profile Image for ᴥ Irena ᴥ.
1,652 reviews222 followers
August 18, 2013
This book doesn't end in cliffhanger.
The first time I've read about this world was in Enthralled (The Curse of the Black Swan novella) and I liked it a lot.

Bordertown isn't on any map and it occupies "five square miles of dimensional fold that lay hidden behind, beneath, and between the streets of Manhattan. Bordertown was the Wild West, but the cowboys and outlaws of the typical frontier town were demon and Fae here." Various different races live there. Different species of demons and others own restaurants and bars, ogres work as bouncers, Grendels act as goons, mountain trolls work as doormen, etc. What's not to like?
The origin:

"According to para-archaeologists and historians of magic, a violent tectonic shift that happened thousands of years ago caused reality to fold over on itself twice, making Bordertown the one place on earth where the human, Fae, and demon realm all collide."

Rio *insert last name depending on the situation* is one of the most lovable female characters I've read so far. She grew up as an orphan (I know, a cliché, but you forgive that as soon as you start getting to know Ria) and she doesn't know who her parents are. Her life suddenly changes when a few days before her twenty fifth birthday every single faction in existence takes a notice of her. And nobody is willing to be upfront about what they know about her.
Luke Oliver, a powerful wizard harassed by people of Bordertown to become a sheriff, is the only chance she has to stay alive and find out the truth. From the blurb you might get the impression that Ria and Luke had some kind of a relationship before the events in the book. They didn't. Luke tried really hard not to let her get close because of his curse, but when the events literally threw her into his lap, he decided that is right where he wants her.

The story itself is nothing special, but the two main character with a few of others are so great that it's worth reading this book. With all its curses and fights it is unexpectedly light with a lot of humour thrown into the mix.
Profile Image for Petra Grayson.
182 reviews6 followers
July 7, 2013
I was a little hesitant to read this book. Some of the Alyssa Day books I've read before have had villains that were a bit too sadistic to me. But the description of this one was too good and I couldn't resist. I'm glad I read it. There was no sadism and in fact there weren't necessarily "bad guys" in the book either - each person simply has different motivations for their actions.

Rio is an orphan living in Bordertown - a magical section of land near Manhattan that's not on any maps. A place where magical beings can be free or hide out from their enemies. When Rio witnesses a kidnapping, she goes to Luke, the resident wizard and private eye, to help find the missing girl. But all in the span of a day, Rio loses her job and apartment and is being chased by multiple bands of magical beings. Somehow it has to do with Rio's birthday and she's in a race against time to figure out what's going on. Rio is upbeat and makes friends wherever she goes. Mostly because she treats all people with respect. I could really picture Rio and Luke, and I loved both of them. They're tough, but broken and they need each other. They're super funny too. They're joking with each other all the time and it felt really natural and actually funny. I never felt like I missed the silliness. It was drawn so wonderfully that you could tell Luke and Rio enjoyed being around each other and were on the same wavelength.

In terms of magic, I didn't feel like very much was explained. Even at the end of the book, we don't know what Rio's powers are or what she's capable of. I'm hopeful that this means it's just an introduction book to the world of Bordertown and that Rio and Luke will get more airtime as the series continues. From giant ducks, to quoted movie lines, to jokes like "wizard pendulums hang low", I found the book to be very entertaining. I'll definitely be buying the next book when it comes out.
Profile Image for Darcy.
13.5k reviews514 followers
May 22, 2013
This book had been getting so much buzz that I made it a point to check it out sooner than what I planned, I just hoped that it would live up to the buzz.

I wasn't sure as the book first start out, but quickly I was sucked in. I found it hard not to like Rio, her life was rough, but she didn't really let it get her down. Her way at looking at things was great, as she called people on their crap, especially Luke.

Luke wasn't easy to like starting out, but when I realized that he was such as ass because he liked her too much, I had to laugh. I was glad that it didn't take too long before he was over that issue, a good thing, because Rio and Luke were funny together. I loved how Rio chastised Luke and made him pay for his mistakes.

Rio's past played such a big part in this book, but I hated the way that Rio was like a bone pulled in two directions. I did love how Rio and Luke came up with a plan to get past both of them.

I look forward to reading more in this series as there was so much that intrigued me.
Profile Image for Angie.
890 reviews2 followers
January 12, 2014
Une série que j'ai pris plaisir à découvrir, et dans laquelle je suis rapidement rentrée. Agréable dans la mesure où elle m'a changé des romans habituels bien bourrins de UF où les héroïnes sont too much et agaçantes. Il y a de l'idée, le tandem Rio/Luke est excellent, les clins d’œils/l'humour sont amusants, l'univers est bien ancré, riche, et l'intrigue, d'abord assez basique, est bien menée par un style fluide que l'on dévore.
En tout cas j'attends avec impatience de découvrir ce que cache la League of the Black Swan, qui reste encore trop discrète, et mystérieuse dans ce 1er volume.

Absolument rien à redire à cette petite douceur, si ce n'est qu'il m'a manqué un léger je-ne-sais-quoi pour en faire un total coup de cœur d'où un simple 4, mais un gros 4 malgré tout.
Profile Image for ALPHAreader.
1,215 reviews
February 15, 2016
Luke Oliver has a problem, and her name is Rio Jones. He met the attractive bike messenger months ago, and swore to himself that he’d stay away … and by “stay away” he meant occasionally stalk her and scope out her relationship status.

But Oliver can’t get involved with her. He’s been single for hundreds of years, and though she’s the most tempting thing to cross his path in all that time, he must remain strong and resist her temptation. Because Oliver is cursed – there’s a monster inside of him and losing his inhibitions to love could very well unleash it.

But then Rio Jones goes and gets a target on her back, courtesy of the League of the Black Swan. She’s also witness to a child kidnapping that gets her stuck in the middle of a faerie high court. Things get even more peculiar when orphan Rio is suddenly hounded left, right and centre about her upcoming 25th birthday – and starts receiving hints about who her parents might have been.

Of course Rio knows Luke Oliver – he of the sexy, sexy and someone she’s delivered packages to in the past – and she turns to him for help. Because everyone knows he’s a powerful Dark Wizard, who could walk into the role of Bordertown Sheriff, if he had any such inclination.

The only problem is that Luke Oliver is more than happy to help the beautiful Rio Jones … because he’s tired of lusting from afar, now that the fates seem hell-bent on throwing her in his path, he might just act on his instincts. God help us all.

‘The Cursed’ is the first book in a new paranormal romance series called ‘The League of The Black Swan’ by Alyssa Day.

There’s no other genre quite like paranormal romance for my quirky reading habits. It’s perhaps the one genre that I sometimes crave, but can over-indulge on and be put off reading again for months and months. I bought Alyssa Day’s ‘The Cursed’ back in 2013 when it was first released, anticipating that it might be a good book to have on hand the next time I got the reading-itch for some paranormal romance … and, boy oh boy, were my instincts right.

First of all, this book falls into one of my most favouritest (but rarely done well) categories of paranormal romance – the happy coupling. That’s right – this is a book in which the protagonists establish their romantic connection in the first book, and it looks as though the series will follow them as a couple. I am quite partial to such books, Mercy and Adam in Patricia Briggs’ ‘Mercy Thompson’ series is probably my favourite example of a romance being established very early on and subsequent books focusing on the evolution of that romance. Ditto the spin-off series ‘Alpha and Omega’ with Charles and Anna. This in comparison to, say, Kate and Curran in the Ilona Andrews’ series whereby the couple start out as antagonists and do a lot of (albeit, delicious) toing and froing before getting together. BUT, the downside of an early established romance is often boredom, as I found with recent instalments in Jeaniene Frosts’ ‘Night Huntress’ series when Cat and Bones were head-over-heels from the start (seriously, don’t even get me started on last book ‘Up From the Grave’ except to say it’s a good thing that’s the last book) that made me realise there was more fun to be had in the chase than happily-ever-after right in the middle of a series.

I actually have high-hopes and a sneaking suspicion that Alyssa Day has set Rio and Luke up as an established couple with plenty of rough-patches in store to keep things interesting between them, but also enough fated attraction to ensure they keep their heat. Between Luke’s curse (exacerbated by falling in love, no less!) and Rio’s unknown origins, this is one couple who will be interesting as a united front, but still have so much to learn about one another and what their attraction means for their futures.

“Big, tough wizard crying like a baby,” he said, mocking himself, and she knew he wasn’t only referring to the remembered dream. “Real romantic, right?”
She traced her finger over the curve of his sculpted lips and shushed him. “Maybe the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard.”
A thought occurred to her, though, and she laughed. “Except for ‘You were hurting, and I wanted to help, but I didn’t know how, so I blew something up.’”
His face flushed, and she fell back on the pillow, laughing even harder. “You just blushed! After days of making me blush every time I turn around, I finally did it to you!”
“Maybe I can make you blush again,” he murmured.

A lot does happen in this book. Readers do get dropped into the world of Bordertown with very little back-story about this universe, and then the story hits the ground running with Rio witnessing a kidnapping and finding herself being offered recruitment into the League of the Black Swan. Then lots of fantastical creatures start coming out of the woodwork to discuss her 25th birthday … Not to mention a magic fox (Kitsune) also enters her life for reasons unknown – suffice to say; a lot happens in this book. But it’s never too jarring or messy, surprisingly, mostly because Day has grounded the story in Luke and Rio’s romance as the pivoting point (possibly even of the series).

So it’s no surprise that Rio and Luke work very, very well as a couple. It helps that Luke isn���t your typical leading-man alpha asshole normally found in paranormal romance. He’s actually a bit of a shy geek, who happens to be a dark wizard of immense power and stunning physique (though he doesn’t seem at all self-conscious or self-aware of his handsomeness). He is alpha where Rio is concerned, but it’s more an instinctual reaction to her that he’s trying to tamp down, lest she get wigged out by his machismo. He hasn’t had a relationship for hundreds of years, and is very shy about trying to romance and woo the lovely Rio.

Rio is also not your typical heroine – she’s an orphan with abandonment issues who’s always out to please other people, lest they leave her like everyone else ever has. She’s quite sweet and polite, smart and loyal but when threatened you realize she has a spine of steel. Together they work really well – and I’m going to enjoy reading how Luke’s anti-social shyness plays against Rio’s need to establish a connection with family.

‘The Cursed’ is a stellar introduction to a new series, and definitely satiated (and maybe sparked) my paranormal romance/urban fantasy cravings. I’m definitely onboard for this new series, after Alyssa Day well and truly suckered me in with this book and that splendid couple.
Profile Image for Charles.
Author 71 books133 followers
August 5, 2013
First Reads Review - The Cursed by Alyssa Day

Coming on the heels of a different, vampire flavored paranormal romance, I will admit that I hesitated starting this book, which at first glance doesn't seem to offer much in the way of differences from the standard. But once I got into it, into the characters and the setting and the story, what I found was refreshing and fun, unapologetic in its delight and full of layers and interesting subtleties that I didn't find in that last vampire book I read.

It helps that there were no vampires. Not that vampires in and of themselves are bad, but that I think there is something in the water now that equates vampires to certain gender norms that I don't particularly like, and with the Cursed those gender roles are challenged and shifted so that Rio, the female lead, comes off as the stronger character, the stronger person, while at the same time being smarter and more resourceful at times and stronger physically even by the end of the story. That makes things much more interesting to me than having the man (vampire) being the better of the female in every way. In this book the two romantic interests met as equals, never as dom and sub, and I really like that.

It helps that the setting is fun, that Bordertown, full of demons and fae and monsters, is the right balance of crazy and familiar, that it takes enough elements from standard mythology and lore and brings in enough other elements to give the depth required to have the setting not be instantly forgettable. And while there is a lot that still needs to be fleshed out in the way of politics and the like, there is still a very good start here, and as this is the first book in the series, and not a very long book, it does the job well of introducing readers to the idea of Bordertown and to some of its more colorful characters.

Which is where the book really shines, with the characters of Rio and Luke. Both of them might seem at first glance to be bordering on standard characters, but enough is done to turn that around, from giving Luke a curse and an interesting family history to giving Rio a more down-to-earth background and at the same times a very celestial twist. It's interesting and the chemistry between the two is fast and satisfying. There are a few parts when you may want to sigh and shake your head, because that was my reaction to a few of the developments, where the characters act a bit like teenagers, but aside from that the romance was nice and I liked them and rooted for them. And the sex scenes were numerous and well done, steamy enough for my tastes and full of detail.

The only things that kept it back from being even higher in my mind were a few of the story points and perhaps just a more general lack of direction at times. While I liked the story, it did jump around a bit, and there were stretches of time where I wasn't really sure what was going on, or what was really motivating the characters. A villain from early on just sort of disappears and other things show up to pass the time, but there wasn't really that big a sense of conflict or tension at points.

Otherwise, the book was great, and I guess this means that I'm a paranormal romance fan, or perhaps just a fan of this particular one. But after reading some less than stellar examples of the genre, it's nice to find one that I can recommend without hesitation. It's fun and fast and a good read, and with that said I give it four stars out of five.
Profile Image for Toubob.
337 reviews8 followers
August 29, 2023

The plot was pretty generic but at least it didn’t heavily use all my most hated tropes.
Profile Image for Book Reading Gals  .
1,062 reviews38 followers
June 26, 2013
Title: Cursed

Series: League of the Black Swan bk 1

Author: Alyssa Day

Genre: Paranormal

Bordertown private investigator Luke Oliver’s beat is the dimensional fold in Manhattan between the human and supernatural realms. But now a secret from his past—the League of the Black Swan—has surfaced. Because Luke isn’t any ordinary P.I. He’s the Dark Wizard of Bordertown, and he never backs down from a fight.

But this time the fight threatens his life and his heart. Rio Jones, the only woman he loved, needs his help against a deadly menace. Luke pushed her away once before, so she’d never fall prey to the curse that threatens to destroy him. He swore he’d never let her go again.

Luke and Rio, with the help of the newly reformed League, must keep evil forces from taking over Bordertown—all the while battling a passion on the razor’s edge between danger and desire. And going to take everything they have just to stay alive.

When Alyssa finished her Warriors of Poseidon Series I was both happy and sad. So when I saw she had a new series I knew I had to read it.

I’m always a little leary when one of my favorite authors starts a new series especially when I loved the previous series so much. Especially when the world is so different. In Cursed I shouldn’t have worried.

When it comes to world building I’m really picky as I need to believe that this world the author has created is real. The world Day has created for this series is one I haven’t seen before and is so fresh that when I was done reading I wanted more of this world. The way she has the Fae, Demon and Human worlds converging is believable I almost believed it really did exist.

When Luke is asked to protect Rio and bring her to the League he knows something is up, and that the life he’s lived is over, because Rio affects him in ways he doesn’t want to be affected.

When Rio is suddenly without a job and an apartment there is only one person who can help her, the one person she swore would never hurt her again Luke.

Watching these two come together to battle against everyone who is hunting Rio was a lot of fun. From Luke’s reaction to grendel poisoning (and can I tell you how much I loved there were grendel’s in this story) to a troll who Luke now owes a favor and all of the other odd characters who claim Rio and Luke as friends.

The twists and turns that are thrown at Rio are some of the best ones I’ve read, and Luke is right there beside her.

This is one of those books that will keep you glued to the page and then immediately starting it over again when you’re done, and stalking Alyssa for the next installment in the series. Yes it’s that good.

Grade A+

Review By: Heather

- See more at: http://thebookreadinggals.com/2013/04...
Profile Image for Barb Lie.
1,972 reviews4 followers
May 5, 2013
I am a big fan of Alyssa Day, as I loved her Warriors of Poseidon series. With her new release, The Cursed, the first book in her new series, League of the Black Swan, I am thrilled to say that Alyssa has done it again. The Cursed, whereas totally different then WOTP, is a great start to a fantastic new series. Day has done a magnificent job on world building, which includes wonderful characters; the fictional town of Bordertown, a supernatural realm hidden in NY, with magic, and habited by wizards, paranormal beings, demons, grendels, goblins, immortals, and the Fae.

The story begins with our heroine Rio Jones, who works as a bicycle messenger, who one night witnesses a kidnapping. Rio finds herself frightened, and runs to the one person who can help her find the kidnapped girl, not to mention protect Rio. Luke Oliver, is our hero, and someone all of Bordertown fears and respects; who is also a wizard.

Right from the start, I loved Luke and Rio together, as they made such an awesome couple. Both have fought their attraction to each other for awhile, but helping Rio forces Luke to realize he cannot avoid her anymore. Their scenes together are hot, as well as having quite a bit of humor. The whole book had a lot of humor, and was fun, in between the tense battles. I did think a couple of the humorous scenes like a giant duck, pushed it a little, but nevertheless I totally loved this book.

Without giving any spoilers, the crux of the story is Rio’s upcoming birthday, and why is everyone interested in that? Both Luke and Rio are stumped, but whatever it is, brings the unknown and possible danger to Rio. As the story heads to the climatic exciting ending, you can’t put the book down until you discover everything. Alyssa brought us some great lovable characters, Luke (so swoonworthy), Rio (super kickass heroine) , Kit (a fox, who is magical, different and an awesome cool character), and Alice ( the woman of many very funny faces). There are other interesting characters like Merelith, Chance, Maestro that maybe are not as nice, but interesting nevertheless. But it is Luke and Rio, whom you fall in love with (also Kit), and you will become totally invested in what happens to them, not to mention their hot sex scenes.

I love the idea that Alyssa will bring all of them back, as the series will continue with Luke and Rio, and hopefully many of the wonderful characters we want to learn even more about. The Cursed is a wonderful start to a wonderful new series by Alyssa Day.

The Reading Cafe
Profile Image for Lady Lioness.
1,072 reviews89 followers
March 30, 2024
Truthfully, this isn't really a five star book, but, Lord, do I love the hero. Like, he's a wizard with a penchant for blowing things up, and yet I'm still entertaining the question of 'If this guy was real, would I date him?' I am actually going to quote all y'all a section that solidified my devotion to the hero. It's not really spoiler-y, but I'll stick it behind a cut just in case. From page 129:

I've never had a fictional boyfriend before, but I want Luke to be my first. *swoon*

For the non-hormonal portion of this review, I have to say I wasn't crazy about the world-building. I was confused as to the nature of Bordertown because quite frankly, it put me in mind of a Wild West town and it's actually more like a cross between the Dresden Files and the Shiftertowns in Jennifer Ashley's Shifters Unbound. In addition, The Cursed suffered from first book-itis. The plot jumped around a lot in order to expose the reader to the new world. We meet a lot of supporting characters and different races.

I really should have rated this 3.5-4 stars, but I'm powerless against Luke and his adorkable ways.
Profile Image for Jen Davis.
Author 7 books717 followers
May 28, 2013
Alyssa Day introduces us to a engaging new world in this first installment of her League of the Black Swan series. I had a bit of trouble engaging in the story in the first half... mostly because of the romance. But I got more invested... especially in the final third of the book.

The story begins with Rio in deep trouble. She witnessed a kidnapping at the hands of a powerful and Very Bad Man. Thanks to her ability to read minds, she knows he is now coming after her... so she runs to the most powerful man in Bordertown for protection, a wizard PI named Luke. Rio is messenger and has delivered to Luke before. In fact, she has quite the crush on him... and figures --if anyone can save her, he can.

It just so happens that Luke is investigating the very kidnapping Rio witnessed. And he has a thing for her too. When she fills him in on her situation, he quickly becomes her protector, her partner in solving the kidnapping, and later, her lover. All this, as she tries to figure out the mysteries of her origins. She grew up an orphan, knowing nothing of her past, but suddenly all kinds of powerful beings have an interest in her and her upcoming birthday. Now, it seems like everyone knows who she is, except for her.

I had a really hard time buying into the relationship here. Luke and Rio are completely smitten with each other from the get-go. A physical attraction, I get. But I never understood why --after centuries without love and near celibate conditions-- Luke's plan to avoid attachments is so utterly decimated by Rio. WHY is she so special? WHY does he love her? And speaking of love... these two are tossing around the L-word in a couple of days. All of this kept me from really connecting to the romance. I didn't feel deeply invested in either main character either. I didn't dislike them or anything; I just did feel like I knew them beyond the superficial. I didn't feel for them

That's not to say I didn't end up enjoying the book. The world building was good and once we started learning about the secrets of Rio's parentage, the story really got interesting. I liked how that all played out. And I didn't see it coming. For that reason, I'm glad I stuck with the book. But the first half was difficult to get through.

Rating: C+

*ARC Provided by Berkley
Profile Image for Melindeeloo.
3,208 reviews158 followers
May 7, 2013
3.5 stars - I liked the Cursed, Alyssa Day's new series starter is a steamy paranormal romance set in an urban fantasy caliber world populated with demons, ogres, fae and magic - but Day only scratches the surface of her world in this story and the League of the Black Swan itself wasn't really explained yet either.

I liked the lead Luke Oliver (AKS Lucian Oliveri), who is a gorgeous wizard cursed to walk the line between good and evil to pay penance for the evil acts of his family. It was fun to see how discombobulated his heroine Rio Jones Green Holmes makes him. Rio, a bike messenger whose life is turned upside down when she witnessed a child being kidnapped, was good too, very likable despite having one TSTL moment, but it actually turned out okay and her reasons sort of make sense when she tells why she took a chance that put her potentially into peril. Cursed had probably just a tad too many smexy times, but still I liked this story (and the connected short in Enthralled which falls directly after this one) enough that I'd likely check out the next and I like this new League of the Black Swan book better than Day's Atlantis books.

When I finished Cursed I found myself wondering where this series is going next, with the amount of focus on the the leading pair and the a fore mentioned smexy times, I am guessing that it's going to be a one couple a book PNR series, but with the leading man's detective agency and the element added by the leading lady's decision at the end of the story, there might be enough for these two to do (at least in a supporting capacity) that I wouldn't be surprise to see more of them in the future.

Anyway, I went hunting to try and find out more and, though I didn't exactly find my answer, I found this from an interview with Day on BookMonsterReviews:

"The League of the Black Swan is a cross between Urban Fantasy and paranormal romance. The League formed when the Knights Templar joined with the Fae and other supernatural creatures to police the non-humans who work on the black side of magic. It's set in contemporary New York, in an area called Bordertown, where NYC overlaps the Fae and Demon realms, and it's smoking hot! I'm having a total blast writing it!"
Profile Image for Shan ~A~.
2,747 reviews61 followers
July 11, 2013
Another great book and great series starter by Alyssa Day. The lady is amazing. I thought I was going to be lost not being able to read about the citizens of Atlantis(The Warriors of Poseidon series), but the citizens of Bordertown are pretty amazing too.

It had so many layers, but mainly it had a wonderful romance and it was laugh out loud funny. From reading above you know that Luke is a wizard who was cursed for crimes that his family committed. He is reluctant to get too involved with anyone because he is afraid of triggering the curse. Rio is just someone who is trying to get by. She does have the added benefit of being a telepath. Oh, yeah and she has the hots for Luke. Unbeknownst to her he feels the same way.

Well this girl who is just trying to get by all of a sudden has become very popular around Bordertown and she goes to Luke for help. Well, as you can guess, the sparks fly from there and they are on a roller coaster ride trying to figure out why everyone is so interested in Rio all of a sudden.

I did guess early on what the motive was for interest Rio started getting out the blue, but that didn't detract from the story. It is so many other twist and turns that even if you figure out that plot point you are still going to want to see how the first book in this series ends.

"You're wrong. I'm not trying to run your life. I'm only trying to tell you what to do," he said, and then his mouth fell open and a quizzical expression crossed his face. "Oh. Shit."

Yeah he just stuck his foot directly into his mouth. LOL.
Profile Image for Μαρία Γεωργοπούλου.
Author 5 books94 followers
July 17, 2013
I think I’m lucky! I found another very good start to a new urban fantasy series! I love it when it happens! A very nicely written world-building and many very interesting characters, made this book a nice summer read! Although, sometimes kind of corny, something not very usual in the urban fantasy genre, I enjoyed it very much.

Rio lives in Bordertown all her life. In this magical city, humans and supernatural beings are living together. She’s an orphan and her life wasn’t easy so far. After a series of events, she finds herself in the company of Luke, a very powerful wizard. The fact that she has a crush on him doesn’t help her situation. But Luke has a crush on her too and he wants to help her no matter what. When they have to deal with Fae and demons nothing is easy, but together they make this happen.

I liked Rio. She’s smart, funny and a down-to-earth person. Her life was very lonely and many times you can see that she’s sad. She didn’t have anyone to take care of her but she’s no bitter. She’s just sad about it. She’s a very good person and she wants to help those in need.

Luke was also a great guy. It was kind of weird to see such an alpha male, so in love and he was using many corny lines!! But I have to admit that it was a nice change. Yes, he’s a badass in love! So what? He is powerful and he is cursed but he’s doing everything he can to help Rio.

It was a very nice read and I will definitely read the next of the series!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 192 reviews

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