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Menas gyventi: Vipassanos meditacija, kaip jos moko S.N.Goenka

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Knygoje "Menas gyventi" pristatomas vienas reikšmingiausių praktinių budizmo mokymų - Vipasana. Nors per ilgus amžius šią Budos meditacijos techniką išsaugojo Birmos budistų bendruomenė, pati savaime Vipasana neturi jokių religijos požymių ir yra priimtina bet kokių įsitikinimų žmonėms. Tai mokymas, kaip praktiškai pažindamas savo kūno ir proto realybę gali atrasti ir išspręsti ten slypinčias problemas. Vipasana yra Budos mokymo apie išsilaisvinimo kelią svarbi sudėtinė dalis.

160 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1987

About the author

William Hart

80 books27 followers
William Hart is an editor, translator, writer and teacher. He studied English literature at McGill University, Montreal, and translation (French to English) at the University of Ottawa. Since 1990 he has worked in Ottawa as an independent editor-translator for various departments of the Canadian government.
One of the first assistant teachers appointed by S.N. Goenka, Mr. Hart continues to conduct Vipassana courses, mainly in Israel. His book, The Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation as Taught by S.N. Goenka, has become a definitive work in its field, translated into more than 15 languages. Fluent in English, French and Hebrew, Mr. Hart has lived for extended periods in Israel, Japan and India.

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Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews462 followers
February 4, 2022
The Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation as taught by Shri S. N. Goenka, William Hart

William Hart (December 6, 1864, Newburgh, New York, United States - June 23, 1946, Newhall, Santa Clarita, California, United States), was one of the first assistant teachers appointed by S.N. Goenka. His book, has become a definitive work in its field, translated into approximately 25 languages.

The Ancient Meditation Technique that Brings Real Peace of MindVipassand-bhavand (the development of insight), embodies the essence of the teaching of the Buddha. As taught by S. N. Goenka, this path to self-awareness is extraordinary in its simplicity, its lack of dogma and, above all, its results. The Vipassana technique can be successfully applied by anyone.

عنوانهای چاپ شده در ایران: «ه‍ن‍ر زن‍دگ‍ی‌ ک‍ردن‌ وی‍پ‍اس‍ان‍ا م‍دی‍ت‍ی‍ش‍ن‌ م‍طاب‍ق‌ ب‍ا ت‍ع‍ل‍ی‍م‍ات‌ س‌.ن‌ گ‍وی‍ان‍ک‍ا»؛ «ه‍ن‍ر ش‍اد زی‍س‍ت‍ن‌ م‍دی‌ ت‍ی‍ش‍ن‌ وی‍پ‍اس‍ان‍ا ب‍ر طب‍ق‌ ت‍ع‍ال‍ی‍م‌ س‌.ن‌ گ‍وان‍ک‍ا»؛ «ه‍ن‍ر زن‍دگ‍ی‌ (م‍راق‍ب‍ه‌ وی‍پ‍اس‍ان‍ا): م‍طاب‍ق‌ ب‍ا آم‍وزش‌ه‍ای‌ س‌.ن‌ گ‍وئ‍ن‍ک‍ا»؛ «هنر زیستن مراقبه‌ی ویپاسانا تعلیم توسط ام اس گوانکا»؛ نویسنده: وی‍ل‍ی‍ام‌ ه‍ارت‌؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش روز سوم ماه فوریه سال2016میلادی

عنوان: ه‍ن‍ر زن‍دگ‍ی‌ ک‍ردن‌ وی‍پ‍اس‍ان‍ا م‍دی‍ت‍ی‍ش‍ن‌ م‍طاب‍ق‌ ب‍ا ت‍ع‍ل‍ی‍م‍ات‌ س‌.ن‌ گ‍وی‍ان‍ک‍ا؛ نویسنده: وی‍ل‍ی‍ام‌ ه‍ارت‌؛ م‍ت‍رج‍م‌ س‍ع‍ی‍د م‍ه‍رب‍ان‍ی‍ان‌؛ نشر مشعل، سال1377؛ در200ص؛ شابک9646602029؛ موضوع هنر زیستن وی‍پ‍اس‍ان‍ا (ب‍ودای‍ی‌) از نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده20م

عنوان: ه‍ن‍ر ش‍اد زی‍س‍ت‍ن‌ م‍دی‌ ت‍ی‍ش‍ن‌ وی‍پ‍اس‍ان‍ا ب‍ر طب‍ق‌ ت‍ع‍ال‍ی‍م‌ س‌.ن‌ گ‍وان‍ک‍ا؛ ن‍وی‍س‍ن‍ده‌ وی‍ل‍ی‍ام‌ ه‍ارت‌؛ مت‍رج‍م: م‍ه‍داد اف‍ت‍خ‍ار؛ تهران، درسا، سال1380؛ در221ص؛ شابک9646104495؛

عنوان: ه‍ن‍ر زن‍دگ‍ی‌ (م‍راق‍ب‍ه‌ وی‍پ‍اس‍ان‍ا): م‍طاب‍ق‌ ب‍ا آم‍وزش‌ه‍ای‌ س‌.ن‌ گ‍وئ‍ن‍ک‍ا؛ ن‍وش‍ت‍ار: وی‍ل‍ی‍ام‌ ه‍ارت‌؛ مت‍رج‍م: گ‍روه‌ م‍ت‍رج‍م‍ی‍ن‌؛ تهران، مثلث، سال1382؛ در254ص؛ شابک9649416676؛ چاپ دوم سال1384؛ چاپ سوم سال1394؛ چاپ چهارم سال1396؛

عنوان: هنر زیستن مراقبه‌ی ویپاسانا تعلیم توسط ام اس گوانکا؛ نویسنده: ویلیام هارت؛ مترجم لادن صوفی؛ اصفهان نقش نگین؛ سال1386؛ در336ص؛ شابک9789642616107؛

ویپاسانا یکی از کهن‌ترین روش‌های مراقبه در «هند» است؛ «گوتاما بودا» در2500سال پیش، این روش را کشف کردند، و آن را همچون دارویی برای رهایی همگی انسان‌ها از درد و رنج آموزش دادند؛ «ویپاسانا» یک واژه ی «پالی» است که داشتن بصیرت، و مشاهده ی هر چیز همان‌گونه كه واقعا هست معنی میدهد؛ «ویپاسانا» یک باور کورکورانه و یا یک فلسفه نیست، و هیچ وابستگی با مذاهب ندارد، بلکه یک روش عملی برای پالایش ذهن و رهایی از تنش‌ها و منفی گراییهایی که باعث بدبختی انسان‌هاست، میباشد، و هر انسانی، با هوشی میانگین، میتواند آن را به کار بندد

نقل از متن: (از گروه مترجمین: شما رنگهای افکارتان را انتخاب میکنید: کسالت آور یا بشاش و روشن، قوی یا ضعیف، خوب یا بد؛ شما رنگهای احساسات خود را انتخاب میکنید: ناموزون یا موزون، خشن و نامطبوع یا آرامش بخش، ضعیف یا قوی؛ شما رنگهای اعمالتان را انتخاب میکنید؛ سرد یا گرم، ترسو یا شجاع، بزرگ یا کوچک؛ به واسطه ی قدرت تخیل خلاق شما به یک منظره ای دست مییابید...؛ شما یک رویا را به تصویر میکشید؛ شما خودتان را آنگونه که میخواهید به تصویر میکشید؛ شما خود را به مانند شخصی فاتح که به سوی افقهای دور برای سازندگی فضایل انسانی گام برمیدارد، مینگرید؛ شما خود را به سان یک بنیانگر، سازنده ی یک بنیان خلاق در جهت انقلابی برای رسیدن به یک تمدن مدرن مینگرید)؛ پایان نقل

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی14/11/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Brendan.
1,512 reviews15 followers
July 30, 2011
read this book, take a vipassana meditation course. it is honestly one of the most fulfilling experiences you can have on the planet that doesn't involve something illegal.
Profile Image for Greg Brooks-English.
5 reviews6 followers
December 28, 2008
This book is a review of the practice and theory that underpins the foundations of SN Goenka's famous 10-day meditation retreats. A former Hindu industrialist suffering from chronic migraine headaches sought treatment from all the world's best medical doctors and found no treatment. It was only after he did a Vipassana retreat that his headaches cleared up. This pure Buddhist teaching was preserved and kept in Mayanmar (Burma) and reintroduced to India and the world where it is one of the fastest growing Buddhist teachings in West and East (www.dhamma.org). Participants agree to practice the five precepts on the retreat of no stealing, lying, sex, drugs, etc., and to not leave during the 10 days (though if you really really want to, you can). Retreatants begin the first three days with shamatta, or calm-abbiding, which calms the mind whilst focusing on the in and out flow of the breath on the bridge between both nostrils - as the narrower the focal point the sharper the mind becomes. On the fourth day, Vipassana begins, meaning looking deeply. Meditators focus their awareness on the sensations arising from sitting in one position without moving or attaching to pleasant ones or pushing away unpleasant ones. Out of this strong effort, one's impurities are elminated, as you are doing this for about 10.5 hours daily, plus a 1.5 hour dharma talk daily (which are really fun and wholesome and a great relief from meditating all day long - whew!), amazing things happen!!! For each participant it is unique and suited to them because it's their own mind. Speaking for myself, my first 10-day retreat I relieved every sexual encounter of my entire life, helping me to become aware of just how much I overvalued sex over time. On the next retreat, I did a life review of my own death, touch such profound depths of gratitude, and finally I saw much deeper things which I am not at liberty to speak about. Can't recommend this book highly enough, but even more - go on the darn retreat and see for your yourself. The real test of the retreat is that it's offered by donation only. If you don't have money, no problem, and if you have lots of money, no problem. Just go! They have them in Korea now too!
Profile Image for Azar.
168 reviews50 followers
January 7, 2013

در دیدن فقط باید باید ببینی، در شنیدن فقط باید بشنوی؛ در بوییدن، چشیدن و
لمس کردن فقط باید ببویی، بچشی و لمس کنی. در شناختن فقط باید بشناسی.

منشاء رنج درون هر یک از ما قرار دارد.

کسی عامل رنج شما نیست. شما با ایجاد تنش هایی در ذهن برای خودتان ایجاد رنج می کنید. اگر بدانید که چگونه چنین نکنید، آرام و شاد ماندن در هر موقعی آسان می شود.

بودا گفت: شما ارباب خودتان هستید. آینده را خودتان می سزید.

اعمال ذهنی ما بر دیگران تأثیر دارد. اگر ما چیزی جز منفی گرایی در ذهن خود ایجاد نکنیم، این منفی گرایی اثر زیانباری بر دیگران می گذارد. اگر ذهن را مثبت گرایی سرشار کنیم و نسبت به دیگران حسن نیت داشته باشیم، آنگاه اثری سودمند بر محیط پیرامون خود خواهد داشت. شما نمی توانید اعمال دیگران "کاممای دیگران" را کنترل کنید، اما می توانید ارباب خود باشید تا تأثیر مثبتی بر پیرامون خود داشته باشید.

Profile Image for ساره.
43 reviews13 followers
July 4, 2019
*من غلام هر آنچه ام که مرا به خویشتن نزدیک می‌کند. و یکی از آنها مراقبه است.
مراقبه پاسخ نهایی نیست، بلکه روشی است که راه را برای جستجوی پاسخ هموارتر می‌سازد. مراقبه یعنی آگاهی از خود، در اینجا و اکنون. ساده است ولی آسان نیست. برای لحظاتی نشستن و تنها به ریتم تنفس توجه کردن بی هیچ تغییر دادنی آسان نیست. این‌که اجازه بدهی افکار بیایند و احساسات حس شوند اما سعی کنی فقط ببینیشان بی که واکنش دهی آسان نیست. اما کم کم ذهن بازیگوش آرام می‌گیرد و پرسه زنی را متوقف می‌کند.
به چه خواهیم رسید؟ هیچ! قرار نیست مراقبه به تنهایی، شما را به مراتب عالی روحی برساند یا متحول تان کند و یا حتی از شما فرد بهتری بسازد. که هرکس این ادعا را کرد متوهمی بیش نیست. بلکه ذهن شما را طوری میپروراند که بتواند بر حال و آنچه مهم هست متمرکز شود و قیود و شرطی بودن هایش را رها سازد.
تمرکز! ویژگی کمیاب این روزگار ما. مراقبه راهی ست برای ساکت کردن ذهن مشوش که بتوانیم مسیری به درون خود بیابیم و نیز نسبت به مسائل بیرونی بینش صحیح تری داشته باشیم.
اهمیتش در چیست؟ این کتاب توضیح می‌دهد. از منظر بودا ابتدا به ریشه ی مسئله و علت رنج ما می‌پردازد سپس از دلبستگی هایمان انتقاد کرده، واکنش گر بودن را نکوهش می‌کند و بعد از آن راه های کنترل و تعادل ذهن و شیوه ی مراقبه را شرح می‌دهد بی که قصد داشته باشد ما را تشویق به انفعال بکند.

«تنها راه تجربه ی مستقیم حقیقت، نگریستن به درون و کاوش خویش است. در تمام طول زندگی، عادت کرده‌ایم که بیرون را نگاه کنیم. همیشه به آنچه در بیرون اتفاق می‌افتد و آنچه دیگران انجام می‌دهند، علاقه ی بیشتری داشته‌ایم. به ندرت تلاش کرده‌ایم تا خویشتن را، ساختار جسمانی و ذهنی خود را، اعمال خود را و واقعیت خود را مورد بررسی قرار دهیم. از اینرو، برای خودمان ناشناخته مانده‌ایم. نمی دانیم که این نادانی نسبت به خود، تا چه حد زیانبار است، و تا چه حد ما به صورت بردگان نیروهایی که در درونمان هستند و از آنها آگاهی نداریم، باقی می‌مانیم.»

*پس از خوانش دوم
Profile Image for Atri .
215 reviews155 followers
February 7, 2022
Vipassana means "insight" in the ancient Pali language of India. It is the essence of the teaching of the Buddha, the actual experience of the truths of which he spoke.


You must act. Life is for action; you should not become inactive. But the action should be performed with a balanced mind.


We can control the present state of mind. By maintaining equanimity no matter what occurs outside or within us, we achieve liberation in this moment. One who had attained the ultimate goal said, " Extinction of craving, extinction of aversion, extinction of ignorance - this is called nibbana."

Every moment that we observe reality without reacting, we penetrate toward ultimate truth. The highest quality of the mind is equanimity based on full awareness of reality.

Profile Image for Lapis Lazuli.
1 review3 followers
October 1, 2007
I absolutely love this book. I would recommend this book to anyone if...
- you're interested in developing inner peace and wisdom
- you're interested in meditation
- you're interested in the mind-body phenomena
Profile Image for Tara.
18 reviews1 follower
Currently reading
April 16, 2012
I attended the ten-day course in Onalaska, WA in May 2012.

We began "noble silence" on day zero, and left on day twelve.
For the ten days in-between, we observed the noble silence: no talking or looking at any other student. This is to help the student feel as thought they are in isolation, and to minimize distractions.
The meditation retreat was the best gift I ever gave myself.

The study of Vipassana meditation is non-religious, and can be applied by anyone regardless of religion. To be clear, it is not a push on buddhism, although the buddah did teach this technique.
All can benefit from Vipassana.
The author S.N. Goenka is a hindu.
I am a Christian.

If you are at all interested, please talk to me about my experience.
Here is the website:
Profile Image for Carlton Davis.
Author 3 books3 followers
March 18, 2014
If you are looking for a book to explain Vipassana Meditation and the core principles of Buddhism, this is the book to read. It is very clear and precise. Wonderful short stories are attached to the end of each chapter on the various aspects of the practice. My favorite is the story of the two rings: one set with a diamond and the other a simple silver ring inscribed "This will also change."
Profile Image for Nishad.
31 reviews
April 1, 2016
This book is an excellent introduction to the wonderful technique of 'Vipassana' which is most secular, logical and scientific method of meditation I have ever came across.

Most of the texts, concepts and theories in the book are basically compilation of the 'Dhamma' discourses given at actual 10-day-retreat. However the writing style is simple, clear and concise enough to be understood by general readers. Accompanied with short stories and Q&A at the end of each chapters, it makes reading more fun and maintain a good flow.

I agree it will be more valuable resource/reference book for the ones who have already participated the course or ones thinking of taking one. Though it is equally insightful book for anyone interested in meditation, mind-body phenomenon, self improvement and understanding or in general wanting to be develop inner peace and wisdom. I am sure everyone will definitely get something beneficial out of this book and hopefully inspire them to try out this wonderful meditation technique.

Finally having participated the course, I can say it has been a very unique, fulfilling and profound experience for me and I am super grateful to have come across it. Can't recommend enough for everyone to give this technique a try. Reading this book would be a great starting point followed by participating in the course and obviously practicing it to 'really experience' it by 'yourself' and feel the difference.

May all beings be happy, peaceful and liberated.
Profile Image for Bharath.
815 reviews580 followers
April 4, 2015
This is an honest book written in simple language explaining vipassana meditation techniques and key teachings of the Buddha. It is a good companion to have which can be read prior to attending a course and referring to the concepts at a later date. Though it does not discuss any meditation techniques for which the course has to be attended, it does cover background, concepts and benefits. It has a good Q&A with SN Goenka and simple stories to make the point.
Profile Image for Homa.
30 reviews45 followers
July 30, 2017
کتاب خیلی خوبیه، خود خوندنش هم بهم آرامش میداد. فهمیدم خیلی چیزها باید در مورد بوداییسم و ویپاسانا بدونم و هنوز اول راهم... برای همه کسایی که علاقه مند هستن در مورد مراقبه و بوداییسم بدونن این کتاب رو توصیه میکنم. فقط از ترجمه خیلی راضی نبودم ...
61 reviews2 followers
October 1, 2013
Though nominally written by William Hart, the text is pure Goenka. This book is a great primer on the particular practice of Vipassana as passed on by Goenkaji (and through is teacher Sayagyi U Bha Khin). There's many references to the Buddha's teachings via quotes from a number of different suttas, and they get to the heart of some essential topics (e.g. the three characteristics, four noble truths, five khandas, Satipatthana sutta). If you've practiced and studied Buddhist teachings a little, there will be no surprises here. If you're new to Buddhism, I would read this book with the view that it can and should be re-read once one has some practice time logged. In truth, I think this book has good value for future review.

Finally, I was saddened to learn that Goenkaji passed away but two days before I finished reading this book. His contribution to our modern day practice of meditation cannot be measured. This book serves as a tribute to this.
Profile Image for Chetan.
308 reviews7 followers
March 24, 2022
Learning the art of meditation that this book derives from is one of the best gifts one can give oneself.

This book is based on the evening discourses that S. N. Goenka gives during his 10-day meditation retreat. The 10-day retreat is an introductory course to the technique of Vipassana meditation that is said to be taught by the Buddha. This book is a wonderful introduction to all who are curious and a greater resource for those who have attended a retreat and need something to refresh some of the concepts taught in it.
Profile Image for D.B. John.
Author 4 books190 followers
February 10, 2019
A masterpiece of concision, clarity, and profundity. Free of any mystical or esoteric claptrap.
Profile Image for Leila.
122 reviews49 followers
December 15, 2023
هر کدام از شما جزیره‌ی امن خود باشید، پناه‌گاه خود باشید، پناه‌گاه دیگری وجود ندارد. حقیقت را جزیره‌ی امن خود سازید، حقیقت را پناه‌گاه خود سازید، پناه‌گاه دیگری وجود ندارد.
Profile Image for Carlos Islas.
14 reviews
October 10, 2024
Im changing my review of this book, I read it before attending a Vipassana retreat 2 months ago and gave it 5 stars. The book gives a really pure explanation of the Buddha’s teachings (Dhamma), also talking about how a Vipassana retreat will help you detach from cravings and aversions, release repressed emotions, observe sensations without reacting, etc.

I was really hyped to experience all this during the 10-day retreat, but after attending, I realized I’d set my expectations too high. While I did reach some deep meditative states, the high expectations ended up being counterproductive. I found myself getting frustrated when I couldn’t meet the book’s claims, and the meditation instructions, both in the book and during the retreat, were pretty basic and left me wanting more practical guidance.

It wasn’t until after the retreat, when I read ‘The Mind Illuminated’, that I truly grasped the process and started appreciating the progress I’d made during those 10 days. ‘The Art of Living’ is still great for understanding the theory behind Vipassana, but I’d recommend pairing it with a more practical and detailed book like ‘The Mind Illuminated’ to really dive into the steps of meditation and stay motivated to keep progressing after the retreat.

Will definitely try a Vipassana retreat again soon!
Profile Image for Hannah.
249 reviews
December 20, 2017
Super accessible explanation of vipassana as understood by Goenka/Sayagyi U Ba Khin, mostly in Goenkaji’s words. My only problems with this book are my same problems/questions/complications with this style of meditation overall, namely:

—> Anything outside heterosexual monogamy is classed as “sexual misconduct” under Precept 3
—> Under Precept 5 you’re supposed to abstain from all intoxicants...except those prescribed by a doctor. This doesn’t mesh well with my understanding of criminalization within a white supremacist and capitalist context (i.e. what doctors prescribe is a poor judge of which substances are appropriate & likely more based in legal liability than dhamma)
—> My training in trauma & the nervous system increasingly makes me question the wisdom of, or need more nuance around, holding still and not responding to pain
Profile Image for William.
33 reviews5 followers
December 22, 2008
I just finished a 10 day silent retreat with S.N.Goenka. It was absolutely amazing and I learned so much. This book is essentially that training. Don't know how much a person could get just by reading it. Afterwards, though, it is a great resource.
80 reviews14 followers
December 26, 2016
كرهت الكتاب في البداية لكنني أجبرت نفسي على القراءة .. يحتوي على أفكار لطيفة ووردية .
364 reviews8 followers
June 26, 2018
"The Art of Living..." is the study of Vipassana Meditation which is the technique of exploring the subtle inner reality. The two primary exercises to this end is the focus on respiration and the observation of sensation. Both these exercises are designed to gain right awareness and to show the practitioner that there is no permanent "self" or "ego". The "self" is explained as a delusion that is formed by the combination of mental and physical processes that are in constant flux and movement. The practical side of Vipassana Meditation is the freedom of suffering and full liberation. The author further states that there is an experience, "Nibbana", that is beyond the field of mind and matter, that is unconditional, beyond death and is the ultimate reality. The question is how can the delusional "self" shed light on the unconditional nature of the ultimate reality. If, indeed, there is the dissolution of the "self," who or what is It that knows? Vipassana Meditation is taught in courses of ten days for those interested in learning the technique. The reviews of this course are mixed and this course appears to be very challenging. I would, however highly recommend this book.
Profile Image for Diego Ramos.
19 reviews1 follower
November 29, 2020
Incrível forma de me reconectar com o princípios e conceitos experimentados durante o curso Vipassana de 10 dias. A prática é soberana à teoria.

Resumo (Contem spoiler):

Dedicamos a nossas vidas a procura da auto realização (Caminho felicidade) → Pensar em viver de outra forma parece antinatural

Tornar a mente pura nos permite usufruir e compartilhar a verdadeira felicidade.

Propósito é libertar-se do sofrimento
*exercitar a capacidade de se conhecer
*observar a realidade
*e sair do sofrimento

A fonte do sofrimento reside dentro de cada um de nós

Seja qual sofrimento aparecer tem por uma causa uma reação. Se todas as reações forem extintas não haverá mais sofrimento.

Raízes do sofrimento:
1. Ignorância
2. avidez
3. aversão

1. Conduta moral
abstenção de todas condutas prejudiciais (físicas e verbais)
2. Concentração
Forjar a mente, instrumento para examinar a própria realidade e remover condicionamentos que causam sofrimento
3. Sabedoria
Desenvolvimento da percepção interior que reconhece e elimina as causas do sofrimento

Vipassana é um jejum espiritual para eliminar condicionamentos passados cujo objetivo é extinção completa da avidez/aversão/ignorância

faça o presente ser bom e o futuro será automaticamente bom
Profile Image for Karlos.
Author 1 book4 followers
January 4, 2023
An easy to read lay person’s introduction of the why Vipassana question, and its links with the Buddha’s original teachings.

The text is presented in sections: a steady progress through Vipassana; a Q&A with Shri S. N. Goenka on the section just read and, finally a story highlighting what’s been learned.

Notes give reference to the classic texts used, affording the work a scholarly weight despite its accessibility.

This is aided by a glossary of Pali terms complete with the more familiar Sanskrit.

There’s nothing here to question the next step: booking a place on the 10-day silent retreat, and I am certain I will also revisit the text on completing the course.

This is not a ‘how to’ more a why, why it makes sense, how it relates to the Buddha, and is ideal for secular readers or those of any faith. But it is a not a how to do Vipassana- that is what the silent 10 day retreat is for.

In the Uk and I imagine other sites around the world, you can normally visit a Vipassana centre to find out more and try a mini-Anapana session (meditation on the breath) before embarking on the 10 day silent retreat. I’d recommend that, this book and then jump in to the course if you think Vipassana is for you. And I think it’s for everyone- but you have to approach it yourself, when you are ready to convince yourself through direct experience (which is why it is secular rather than a traditional religion based on blind faith and ritual etc.)

Read it and ‘be happy’.
Profile Image for Pairash Pleanmalai.
389 reviews28 followers
August 26, 2019
เจอเล่มนี้ในชุมชนแห่งหนึ่ง วางระเกะระกะ ปะปนกับหนังสืออื่นๆตามแต่ใครจะบริจาคมา ลองพลิกอ่านแบบเร็วๆ อ่านๆไปเอะทำไมหยุดไม่ได้ มีความรู้สึกว่าเป็นการปฏิบัติที่ตรงและชัดดี อยากถือกลับไปอ่านต่อแบบละเอียด ก็กลัวบาป เลยจำชื่อหนังสือไว้ แล้วไปค้นหาใน google เพื่อหาซื้อ ปรากฎไม่มีขายตามร้าน ต้องซื้อโดยตรงจากมูลนิธิ
นับว่าเป็นหลักการปฏิบัติที่ตรงกับแก่นของพุทธะ โดยไม่ต้องมีคำว่าศาสนา
Profile Image for Tường-Vân.
38 reviews4 followers
April 17, 2021
A book about vipassana meditation in Buddhism, pretty insightful for beginner meditator like me.
(Only that the end of each chapter in the audio version that I listened to there’s a bit of recording of live teaching by Goenka that is sort of entertaining but also contains a bit of unnecessary science dissing).
Profile Image for Shashank Manae.
4 reviews2 followers
April 23, 2021
This book is not a guide to meditation, it's a introduction to vipassana. It is structured very well, each discourse is followed by a FAQ. There are short stories which are philosophical and engaging. Must read book for people interested in core concepts of Buddhism.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Linus.
38 reviews4 followers
February 28, 2024
Read this right after my 10 day sit. A lot of overlap in the course material and this book. Incredible nonetheless
Profile Image for vicalicalic.
72 reviews8 followers
August 28, 2021
Sometimes this feels like a lot of guff to work through just to say: 'try and stay balanced through it all, mate' but there's a few gems towards the end.
Profile Image for Neelam.
21 reviews8 followers
November 15, 2018
this book is written by william hart who is very old student of vipassana learnt from s.n goenkaji.. so he added question-answer in between which is answered by goenka ji..i felt this question are those which will come in every vipassana student as he will practicing more.so i felt very happy reading that main.. secondly the technique and with add on some good eg. of s.n goenka ji is well described in this book.still as said by goenkaji it is not something u can read and learn at home..so first atlest you have to complete 1 ten day course than u will understand better.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 321 reviews

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