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Worthy: How to Believe You Are Enough and Transform Your Life

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What has self-doubt already cost you in your life?

Imagine what you’d do if you FULLY believed in YOU! When you stop doubting your greatness, build unshakable self-worth and embrace who you are, you transform your entire life! WORTHY teaches you how, with simple steps that lead to life-changing results!

“In life, you don’t soar to the level of your hopes and dreams, you stay stuck at the level of your self-worth. In your business, leadership, relationships, friendships and ambitions, you don’t rise to what you believe is possible, you fall to what you believe you’re worthy of. When you build your self-worth, you change your entire life. WORTHY teaches you how. I wrote WORTHY for YOU if you have some self-doubt to destroy and a destiny to fulfill!– Jamie Kern Lima

Author Jamie Kern Lima’s first, instant New York Times bestselling book, Believe It, captured her journey of going from Denny’s waitress to billion-dollar entrepreneur by learning to believe in herself. And now her second, much anticipated, upcoming book WORTHY , is the playbook for how YOU can believe in YOU!

If you’ve ever struggled with self-doubt, felt like you don’t have what it takes…or that who you truly are isn’t enough, even if you’re really good at hiding it from the world, WORTHY is for you. If you’ve been underestimating your talent and gifts, or battle imposter syndrome, WORTHY is for you. If you’ve been letting fear of failure and rejection hold you back, WORTHY is for you. If you’ve learned to please others so much that you end up betraying yourself, WORTHY is for you. If you’re sick and tired of what self-doubt has already cost you in your life, in your goals, in your relationships, and in your hopes and dreams, WORTHY is for you! If you’re ready to expand your self-love, ignite your self-confidence and wakeup your self-worth, WORTHY is for you!!

When you change what you believe you’re worthy of, you change your entire life.

This book is about how to do that.

Get Unstuck from the Things Holding You Back Build Unshakable Self-LoveUnlearn the Lies the Lead to Self-DoubtEmbrace The Truths That Wakeup WorthinessStop Dimming Your Light and Doubting Your GreatnessLet Go of Past Mistakes and Restore Self-ConfidenceOvercome Limiting Beliefs and Embody Empowering OnesEliminate Your Fear of Rejection and FailureLearn to Believe You’re Enough Exactly as You AreTransform the Meaning You Give to Your Own Story and IdentityFollow the Roadmap for Achieving True Fulfillment in LifeAchieve Your Hopes and Dreams by Believing You Are Worthy of ThemEmbrace Who You Truly AreAnd much more...

Are you ready to unleash your greatness and believe in the power that is YOU? Are you ready to finally stop believing the lies that you’re unlovable, unqualified or not

322 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 20, 2024

About the author

Jamie Kern Lima

6 books123 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 249 reviews
Profile Image for Crystal.
Author 7 books29 followers
March 5, 2024
I ended up skimming through this after a few chapters. I’m not a fan of memoir-type self-help books full of stories of the author’s awesomeness, and I didn’t realize that a pet peeve of mine is when authors use a ton of bold print to emphasize random thoughts. I don’t know how many times she mentioned that she was friends with Oprah, or that she was on QVC - it just got old. I couldn’t find enough helpful content in the lengthy stories of her own success.
184 reviews
March 28, 2024
I guess I’m one of the few that really wasn’t thrilled with this book. I’m not big on self-help books anyway, but this one read like the prosperity gospel except on the topic of self worth. Literally the answer to everything was just believe you are WORTHY (and yes, always in capital letters). When I read the acknowledgements where she thanked Joel Osteen, it all made sense. Maybe it just wasn’t the right time in my life for this book, but it felt like one loooonnngg cheerleading session.
Profile Image for Erin Skye Kelly.
Author 2 books42 followers
February 20, 2024
This is going to be the industry-leading book on self-worth and self-confidence. In addition to being impeccably written and enjoyable to read, it’s full of concepts that immediately transformed the way I understood self-worth, self-confidence and self-love. I have recommended this book to everyone I know and now I’m recommending to you! If you have ever doubted yourself, or felt unworthy of something (no matter how big or small) add this to your library immediately! This book is life-changing.
April 2, 2024
This book was okay. I was surprised at how often god was mentioned, but I tried to just look past that. I probably wouldn’t have even bought it if I would have known there would be so much god talk (and bible verses).

It had a lot of good messages but it did get pretty redundant and felt a little fluffy. I started to skip all of the personal stories because there’s only so many times I can read about CVS and Oprah lol.

Overall, probably a good read for anyone really new to the concept of self-worth.
Profile Image for Harsh Patel.
33 reviews
April 8, 2024
I found myself reading the same thing again and again in every chapter. After the first two chapters skimmed through the entire book. The reader can just read the bold face sentences in every chapter and get the jist. This can easily be compressed into a 100 page read.
Profile Image for Sarah.
2 reviews
March 26, 2024
I tried to listen on Audible. I couldn’t do it. Sentence after sentence ran on and never seemed to end. It was full of “ You can benefit from this if you want to lose weight, if you want to get healthy, if you want to dream big, if you are tired of being small, if you need encouragement, if you...". I just felt like it would never get into the actual discussion of the book.
Profile Image for Karen Whooley.
Author 35 books33 followers
March 14, 2024
I couldn’t get past the start here. It was too much about how women have a horrible mindset. I’m not a fan of these rah rah books. Not at all what I expected
Profile Image for booksbikesbooze.
554 reviews29 followers
March 7, 2024

The best book I've read this year & will forever recommend to everyone!

It’s beyond inspirational – it’s a reminder for deep self-worth (which dives deep into the difference of self-confidence). I found it very interesting to learn there are very highly successful people who exude high self-confidence, however with the deep lack of self-worth, will always feel un-fulfilled.

By the end, Jamie had me balling with the story of her mother.

Some favorite quotes from this book:

"Que la vida me perdone las veces que no la vivi - May life forgive me for all the times I did not live it"

"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"

"In the midst of winter, I found there was within me an invincible summer"

"Spend time around people who pull you into your future, not your past"

"You've healed too much to not raise the bar on who has access to you"
Profile Image for Bryn Whitlock.
18 reviews2 followers
May 19, 2024
If I could give it six stars I would! WHAT AN AMAZFRAME, life changing book. Seriously every woman and person needs to hear this message. I can’t wait to read it again! Thank you Jamie 🧡🤪🙌
Profile Image for Ash P.
129 reviews
August 11, 2024
I've never been so disappointed in a book before. I desperately needed the kind of help this book promised to give me. The blurb, the celebrity endorsements, the content page: it all looked incredibly promising, so this book is how I decided to begin my journey into tackling my self-worth. I'm so angry. The author rambles on and on repeating the same points and never getting to the core of anything. The introduction is 20+ pages of the same thing over and over and the author telling me my time is precious while proceeding to waste all my time of repeated, run on sentences that lose meaning the more you read.

This is not a self-help book. This is the promise of a self-help book with none of the follow-through. Again, I am in desperate need of what the author promised, and I did not receive it. I'll stick to therapy.

Note: I do not enjoy leaving bad reviews on books. Writing is hard and what the author was trying to accomplish was a big feat. At the same time, the execution is so terrible that I simply have to share this experience in the hopes that no one else shells out $30 for 300 pages of run-on sentences that don't actually say anything.
Profile Image for Maryna.
107 reviews7 followers
July 9, 2024
Jamie Kern Lima is not a writer but she has poured her heart into this book. If someone reads it not to analyze authors literary talent but because they really needed someone to tell them what was said here, they will most likely find it helpful and uplifting.
Profile Image for Guerry Sisters.
495 reviews4 followers
February 25, 2024
Phenomenal book! This is a book that I will continue to think about for awhile to come. First the book cover is 😍. But, honestly, this book is such a deep read into self worth & I highly recommend you pick it up now.

Also Jamie Kern Lima is donating all of the proceeds from the book so another reason to grab it!!
2 reviews1 follower
February 23, 2024
It is rare for me to write a review on anything. However, I felt compelled after "devouring" Worthy and being inspired and excited to implement the plethora of valuable and easily applicable tools, insights, and resources that it provides. Jamie Kern Lima writes with such authenticity…generously sharing her own journey and holding the reader's hand firmly yet lovingly, reminding us that we too can move past our limiting beliefs, build unshakable self-worth, and live to our fullest potential. This is not just another self-help book, but rather an invitation to take a transformative journey to recognize our innate value, uniqueness, and worthiness (independent of external goals, achievements, or the opinions of others), and how to sustain that knowing of our worthiness in every single moment. For decades I struggled with accomplishing things yet always feeling like something was missing, and yearning for more. That something I now know is my self-worth. I did not understand the critical difference between self-confidence and self-worth. Honestly, I thought they were the same and my problem was a lack of confidence. That discovery alone from Worthy has been a massive game changer for me. This book is for everyone, regardless of age, gender or professional status. While it is not my intention to speak for others, I wholeheartedly believe that Worthy’s content can richly enhance any individual's current beliefs and progress towards discovering and living in their ultimate greatness. While it is never too late for us to unlearn limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones that speak to our infinite potential, I wish I had this information decades ago. I hope and pray that Worthy's messages, tools, and resources will become an integral part of our education curriculum, influencing and inspiring future generations to truly own the magnitude of their value and the unflinching conviction that they are all that is possible.
25 reviews
April 27, 2024
I really wanted to love this book but I just can’t. Maybe it’s her obsession with Oprah that is almost god like. Honestly, it’s hard to read words from a woman preaching authenticity while every social media video of her shows a perfectly flawless woman unwilling to embrace laugh lines, wrinkles or graceful aging. The very images she posts create the self loathing so many women face making them feel so very unworthy. It’s terribly sad. I pray the words she writes eventually penetrate her own self worth. We need to teach younger women that beauty is indeed from within. It is okay to not buy into society’s version of beauty. Laugh lines, wrinkles, regular eyelashes and small lips are beautiful. As a child of God you are indeed worthy and you don’t need this book to tell you that.
Profile Image for Sadie.
322 reviews
May 17, 2024
It’s cute. It has some good nuggets. There’s really nothing in there to set it apart from any other self-help book, or Pinterest quote about self-love. Would recommend other books in this category that give the exact message.
Profile Image for Jaycee Hill.
47 reviews
April 8, 2024
Quite literally the best book I have ever read in terms of my self development. I cried countless times because what she was saying hit so close to home. I am currently ordering multiple copies to gift to the most important women in my life. I don’t doubt that I will pick this up every 6 months to a year. I listened to it on audio (which I loved because she reads it, the last chapter is especially special listening to because you can hear the emotion in her voice) but I can’t wait to get a hard copy so I can make notes to look back on. After I read her first book over a year ago “Believe it” (which is also amazing) I knew I would love this one and it exceeded my high expectations. Amazing. This book is going to change people.

Profile Image for Molly Neville.
441 reviews27 followers
March 10, 2024
This book is real, honest and definitely "worthy" of a read. Whether only parts of it are for you or every single word, it's awesome! For me, even if I didn't relate specifically to every example, I related many of them to something in my life from some point in my life.
Profile Image for Aušrinė Žvirblė.
49 reviews5 followers
September 1, 2024
Tiesiog eilinį kartą supratau, kad ne mano tipo knyga.
Vis dėlto knyga patiko tuo, jog supratau, kokią galią turi jautimasis tiesiog WORTHY.
Profile Image for Carly Welch.
6 reviews1 follower
March 28, 2024
This book has definitely inspired me to achieve more from my life! I am already looking into my next endeavor and know I will be successful because I am worthy of that success!
Profile Image for Fay.
1 review1 follower
May 27, 2024
What an excellent self help book. One of the best I’ve read. Jamie seems to know how to talk to people from experience and she does so with empathy. It’s refreshing. Definitely learned a few things 🤩
April 28, 2024
Wao, que mucho disfrute de esta lectura. Gracias a nuestra hija por este hermoso libro. Te queremos mucho!!
Profile Image for Oddpotato.
15 reviews1 follower
June 2, 2024
What an insightful read, I learned a lot but I also knew or had heard of some of the things mentioned in this book, the biggest difference though was that the author wrote this in a way to make me feel like she was speaking TO ME, like a friend so it really hit different.

The biggest takeaway from this compared to other self-help books I've read is that it really ingrained how theres a difference between self-confidence and self-worth. Many other books focus more on the confidence side of things, but this book explains how worthiness is the foundation to true fulfillment in one's own life. Other books will focus a lot on how "confidence is key" to being successful, but this book reminds the reader that thats not all there is to it. It digs deep and at times got too real that I cried. The author discusses a lot of her personal life and struggles as well as some of her friends stories and uses them as examples for the points she's trying to get across adding this raw realness factor to it. It felt like a good friend telling me exactly why I need to stop doubting and hesitating to do the things I wish to do but continue to postpone and realize I am worthy as I am. At times it felt like therapy as it really made me think inward a lot. I recommend this book for any woman who doubts her greatness and hides in plain sight.

Despite all it's greatness there were some things that I just wasn't feeling. There were several moments in the book that felt repetitive and some quotes were repeated in different parts of the book, maybe if you skipped some chapters it would be fine but if you're reading it in its entirety it just feels unnecessary to repeat. The mention of God is also something I can see many not relating to and as she is a Christian woman I understand that her views work for her but for many readers I can see that being a problem, I personally just changed "God" to "The Universe". I also do think this translates better for a woman than it would a man because a lot of the stories mentioned related more to women but the sentiment of the book still holds true for both. This is not necessarily a bad thing but I wanted to mention this in case a man was thinking of reading this, at least they would know that's what they're getting into.
Profile Image for Wendy Cooney.
12 reviews
August 16, 2024
I liked this book and the themes. I didn’t love the tone that was portrayed in the audiobook however. I also could have gone without all of the god talk. I appreciated the first time god was mentioned she said “god or the universe, etc” but that was the last mention of anything other than straight up god. That’s great for you if your faith was a large part of finding your worthiness but that would’ve been a nice heads up to potential readers as a theme of the book since not everyone believes in god.
646 reviews1 follower
September 1, 2024
If you’re religious this may resonate with you but I’m not so since the basis of this book revolves around God I just didn’t vibe with it. Also it just spews out phrases and topics we’ve all heard and it just felt like a live laugh love suburban white mom with an asymmetrical bob who carries around a pink Stanley cup and says everything is a blessing and has a it’s wine o’clock shirt wrote a book.
Profile Image for Jen Perry.
3 reviews
March 25, 2024
Repetitive, felt like standard self help. Idk how many more times people can say the same thing in a shiny cover to fool us into spending money. She got me tho haha sooo apparently at least a few more times. I like that she is donating the sales $, that’s about it.
Profile Image for Christina  G.
2 reviews
February 22, 2024
It's taken me a LONG time to read this book, in the best way. This book has put into words SO many things that I knew internally,, but didn't know how to put into words. I suggest reading only one chapter at a time and reflecting on each before moving on to the next. Each chapter has made me rethink the way I think about EVERYTHING. This book relates to my life on a cellular, SOUL level and I truly feel SEEN for thoughts and feelings that I didn't previously know how to express. I highly recommend EVERY person to read this book. Self-loathing and Self-Deprecation have become such a part of our culture but it's come at the cost of our own Self-Love. This book is the perfect way to get us on the path to love ourselves again. There are actionable steps in each topic and chapter that help you make changes right away to close gap between Self-Confidence and Self-Worth. As Jamie explains, they are not the same. You can reach your goals, but if you don't increase your own self-worth, you will never feel fulfilled. I already can't wait to share this book with my daughters who are elementary school age. I have seen the power of being a healed role model already for them and I just KNOW this is going to take not only me, but our whole family to the next level and I'm so excited for our future and theirs especially!
17 reviews
August 13, 2024
Wow, 'Worthy' is written with such passion and love! It's a smooth and refreshing read, yet packed with valuable insights that brought me countless 'aha' moments. The author articulates perspectives so perfectly, especially on topics where I’ve often struggled to find the right words. It feels like a powerful source of wisdom speaking directly to you—almost like a biography. This book is truly worth reading. It offers so many viewpoints that will blow your mind and help you discover the real meaning behind so many things. It has also confirmed many thoughts I’ve had about self-confidence, external influences, material things, appearances, achievements, all external things and true self-worth, that in the end it what really matter for a beautiful, calm and serene life, enjoying the real things and the present moment and of course the real YOU. Loved it!

4 reviews1 follower
March 19, 2024
I purchased this on Audible following the author being a guest on Mel Robbin’s podcast. I LOVED this book & so glad I listened to it as it was read by Jamie herself ❤️ I purchased 4 hardback copies. One to keep for myself, one to give to a friend, one for my younger sister and one for my younger cousin. I’m looking forward to reading this again & being able to highlight, as well as utilize all the accompanying materials Jamie has available on line. Such a great book. “You’re not crazy, you’re just first.” 🥰🥲
Displaying 1 - 30 of 249 reviews

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