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No One's Daughter

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My name is Jasmine Bath and the novel “No One’s Daughter” is based on actual incidents from my childhood during the 1960s and 70s. I did not write this book for sympathy or notoriety; I wrote it in an attempt to shed light on the ghosts that have haunted me for a lifetime, hoping that by putting them down on paper that I could look at them more objectively from a mature point of view and eventually free myself from them.


First published October 1, 2012

About the author

Jasmine Bath

1 book33 followers
My name is Jasmine Bath and the memoir “No One’s Daughter” is based on incidents from my childhood during the 1960s and 70s. I did not write this book for sympathy or notoriety; I wrote it in an attempt to shed light on the ghosts that have haunted me for a lifetime, hoping that by putting them down on paper that I could look at them more objectively from a mature point of view and eventually free myself from them.
I began writing about specific incidents that happened, attempting to write them in the voice of the little girl I used to be, hoping to understand how these incidents had managed to still affect me as an adult. In giving the little girl I used to be her voice, I found peace.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 41 reviews
Profile Image for Jenny Lloyd.
Author 12 books107 followers
February 18, 2014
Jasmine's childhood was one of total neglect on the part of a mother who was more interested in chasing men than bringing up her kids. There was no love, no pity. The only things in abundance in this little girl's world were squalor, cruelty and fear. And Jasmine's mother continually placed her children in danger with her appalling choices in men. As her mother brought more children into the world that she was incapable of nurturing, it was this wonderful little girl who provided the love and care her siblings needed and which she had no experience of herself.

I don't think I shall ever forget little Jasmine. This book has left me feeling such respect and awe for the strength of that little girl.

There is no sensationalism here, no over-dramatization. This is a work of dignity and hope, a tribute to all little children who suffer and survive. It is the poignant and beautifully written story of a genuine survivor of childhood abuse and unforgivable neglect.

The author is as courageous as they come, but she isn't shouting to the world about how courageous she is, or looking to inflict horrors that will haunt you. Little Jasmine's voice will haunt you but not in a bad way. Her voice is like a song which you feel compelled to pause and listen to.

And the ending, well, that really made me cry. For this little girl, what was stolen from her she will never get back, ever.
No amount of book sales can ever compensate this author for what she's lost but you can show her the love by buying this book and taking the time to listen to her courageous voice.

A beautifully written and poignant true memoir, I highly recommend.
Profile Image for Taylor Fulks.
Author 1 book764 followers
February 12, 2013
First of all, this is not an easy read by any stretch of the imagination, yet I don't think Ms Bath would disagree with that statement. I also know it wasn't easy for her to write. To lay it all out there...the bad and the horrifying aspects of ones life is not only difficult, but also humbling. Well done Ms. Bath...well done!

This beautiful and very well written memoir of the life and abuses suffered by an innocent child, is a must read. Yes the subject is painful, and the images and scenes depicted are heart wrenching, but her story transcends the nightmares she endured. As a reader, you get to see this woman rise above the abuses inflicted by her narcissistic mother, rise above the violence inflicted by the men in her mother's life, rise above the crippling poverty, to become an educated and vital woman today.

I read this book in less than two days...I couldn't stop until I finished her journey. My...what a journey! There is no doubt in my mind that the writing of this took immense courage. I applaud you Ms. Bath. Thank you for sharing your story. Your courage and strength will be an inspiration to many. I can't wait for your next one.
Author 7 books243 followers
July 27, 2013
This is the saddest story I've read in my life. I could only want the best for Jasmine as a child, but as I continued I knew it wouldn't happen. The ending left me beyond speechless. Honestly I read the story in about two days but got close to the end and had to set it aside for a few hours... though I'm sure my hopes wouldn't help the situation. It's a must read and a humbling experience.
Profile Image for Nichole.
63 reviews
March 25, 2013
What a very sad story. Growing up, Jasmine was reminded on a daily basis that her mother didn't like her. Mom would have boyfriends come and live with them on every occasion. Every boyfriend that her mom had hurt her emotionally & physically. While she was getting tortured by her moms boyfriends, her mind was still with her sisters and she did whatever she could to keep them safe. This went on until one day, Jasmine was unloading the laundry when she heard and seen one of her mother's old boyfriends. She was finally old enough to defend herself. When she did, her mother came out to stop her. It was then that she finally had enough. She decided to leave that day and never come back. A few years later, she has found her happiness with her own family. Through all of this, she continued looking for her dad. Suddenly, somebody gets a hold of her with the information she had been waiting for. After traveling a bit, she finds herself face to face with her brother. After going to his house to eat, her brother Tom takes Jasmine to see her father; but it was to late.....I feel so bad for Jamine. The saddest part is that this kind of abuse continues around the world.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Brandi.
34 reviews3 followers
August 11, 2013
No One's Daughter is the true story of a young girl growing up in a very abusive household. Definitely wasn't an easy read, this story broke my heart the whole way through. To me it's worth more than a 5 star rating.
Profile Image for Amanda Green.
Author 13 books185 followers
February 10, 2013
‘No one’s daughter’ is a book that stands out for me and I doubt I shall ever forget it. Written through the eyes of a young Jasmine, I grew with her and viewed the awful abuse she went through, whilst empathising with her unending ability to use her strength of mind to overcome the adversities which were flung at her from all angles. These are not the usual adversities of childhood, these are terrible experiences thrown at her by those who were in the position of being her caregiver.

Although the content is upsetting, I feel that this is a subject that each of us should read about, as it is happening right now to children all over the world. It is brutal, yes, but this is not the most brutal book of the subject matter I have read, and therefore, I recommend it as a book that most people could handle reading.

Jasmine’s lovely writing style is so easy to read, it flows beautifully and I found myself reading it very quickly as it was so hard to put down. Truly gripping, full of emotion and honestly written, I became very angry with her mother and wish that I could have helped this poor child!

I do hope that, in writing this story, it has helped Jasmine in a cathartic way to leave those awful memories and events behind her, so that she can be more at peace with her life now and I feel she is very brave indeed for remembering such things in detail, writing them down and publishing them for everyone to read. So glad to hear that she is happy now!

This review is for Jasmine and all the children in the world who have gone through or are going though child abuse - sending you all strength and warm thoughts. I live in hope that the perpetrators of child abuse will get the punishment they deserve and that, in sharing stories such as this one, that it might help to end child abuse or at the very least, stop more people from going down this disgusting, cowardly route which ruins innocent children's lives and all too often affects their adulthood negatively.
Profile Image for Melanie Adkins.
802 reviews19 followers
January 29, 2013
Jasmine's life was never good. It was the kind of life you see in the movies or on television. No one would ever believe people lived this way, but Jasmine did. She got herself to school, took care of her younger sister and her mother. Jasmine was the adult. Living in filth, garbage and tons of other stuff, Jasmine knew from a young age the difference between right and wrong. She may not have known why, but she knew more than her own mother. Left alone, left with just anyone who would keep them and in dangerous situations, Jasmine was always the protector. Who protected Jasmine? No one.

Powerful and heart wrenching, this story will shake you to your core. I dare you to read it and not cry or get angry. It's not possible! This book gives yet another reason why people wanting children should possess a license. I cried, I got angry and I wanted to just wrap Jasmine in a hug. I recommend this book to everyone. It's written honestly and in great detail. I applaud Jasmine Bath for having the courage to put it in writing. Hurrah for Jasmine's bravery and strength. She developed both on her own!

I found no issues with the writing. I found tremendous issues with the lifestyle Jasmine endured.

I gave this one 5 out of 5 cheers because I know others who suffered similar abuses and couldn't bring themselves to say anything. ~Copy of book provided by author in exchange for a fair review~
Profile Image for Janice Ross.
Author 18 books243 followers
March 17, 2014
Where do I begin? ... Some stories have the ability to rattle readers, completely shaking you to the very core. Some stories will forever remain in your mind. No One's Daughter by Jasmine Bath has done just that, but the difference - this isn't a made-up tale. This is real life.

It isn't easy to read about abuse and neglect, especially when you're provided with every ounce of detail. Moreover, when the abuse and neglect effects a child. From the very beginning of Mrs. Bath's heartbreaking account of growing up in difficult situations, I was floored. Being a mother, I could not grasp the circumstances that would allow a mother to not want to cherish and protect her child. Having given birth, I can't imagine taking advantage of my children's feelings or allowing anyone to be anything but respectful and caring to my children. What a very complex and heartbreaking account of real life abuse. Abuse that went on for far too long; abuse that should have never, ever occurred. And through it all, Mrs. Bath grew to be a fighter - she survived. I am so very glad that the author did not allow her unfortunate childhood to dictate her future. I am so very pleased that she was able to grow beyond a life that many are not able to, and share this inspirational story with the world.
Profile Image for Alan Wynzel.
Author 2 books16 followers
December 20, 2013
Ms. Bath tells the story of her childhood with great simplicity, realism, and honesty. It is a sad, harrowing, and unsettling story of poverty, neglect, emotional and physical abuse at the hands of her mother and the men in her mother's life. I was astounded at times at the horrific extremes of some of the incidents, while admiring the direct and understated way in which Ms. Bath presented them. What stood out for me in this story was the way in which Ms. Bath pulled the missing pieces together in the climax to answer the reader's questions: what drove her mother to live the life she lived and why did she abuse her children? Ms. Bath achieves this with skillful insight into her family history and the emotional dynamics of her mother. And the denouement, in which Ms. Bath comes to the end of a long quest for her own answers, is rendered with poignancy and is a fitting end to the story. This is a sad tale of an abused child; but in addition, it is a compelling look at the base yearnings of humankind. Read it, to learn about both.
Profile Image for Hilary D.
3 reviews7 followers
October 22, 2015
I was eager to start this book. However, a lot of it seemed exaggerated. I even made notes as I went through it. What was so much worse for me, was in this book, I found typos, grammatical errors, run-on sentences, misspellings, too many words ("She picks lifts her from the crib then roughly tosses her back in.") She put the word "the" before words where it didn't belong, etc. Just so many general errors, this book was not edited! I underlined all the misprints and misspellings, and there were multiple per every two pages. So frustrating and distracting. I read this book in a day because I just wanted it to be over. So disappointed.
Profile Image for richwire.
79 reviews1 follower
February 16, 2013
Short, but well-written memoir of an unfortunate, abusive childhood. If her mother's still living and reading this - shame on you for turning a blind eye. A couple of times while reading I lost track of what age Jasmine was, but I can't fault the author. I'm sure one's timeline gets distorted when part of such chaos.
1 review
April 13, 2014
Take it or leave it....

I was anxious to start reading this novel and once I did, I was very interested. I didn't like the ending. I expected more chapters but it just stopped abruptly. I was disappointed all together.
was NOT worth the price of the book.
Profile Image for Angelina.
21 reviews7 followers
July 25, 2013
Not an easy read with page after page of the torment this child endured. Well written and this story will stay with me for a very long time.
Profile Image for Stacey.
6 reviews
October 2, 2013
I could not put this down. It was heartbreaking, emotional, and just overall an amazing piece of writing.
12 reviews2 followers
August 5, 2018

Many times throughout this story I just wanted to hold this little girl in my arms and give her the love she so richly deserved. Sadness for the things you went through and anger for all those who should have reached out and helped you are emotions that still run through my mind. You are an amazing woman to come out of this with your heart still open to love. Thank you for sharing.
289 reviews9 followers
March 26, 2019
No Ones Daughter

Oh my! Rip my heart out would you? I am still holding my tissue close to hand. A case of the child is wiser than the parent and more! From beginning too end I was hooked!
13 reviews
April 29, 2019
This is a short, quick read. You can’t help but feel sorry for Jasmine and what she endures as a child in a dysfunctional family growing up in the 60s-70s and at times you will feel anger and disgust. As difficult as it may be, try to hang on until the end.
24 reviews1 follower
April 20, 2022
I felt this woman's life very deeply

because I was the grey sheep in a family of very BLACK sheep. I always knew that I was unloved and unwanted and that proof poured out time after time!
I am SO glad that You, Jasmine, were
Profile Image for cleda bulger.
37 reviews
January 3, 2019
Well written

I read this book without putting it down. Such a tragic tale of a lost childhood. I encourage everyone to read it.
June 30, 2019

So emotional. Such a good story. It was so great to hear that someone could overcome abuse. It's such a scary thing to be abused.
15 reviews
October 22, 2021

Quite a sad book makes you think that things like the story happen in true life not everyone has a happy ending 😔
Profile Image for Dana.
65 reviews
March 4, 2017
It was a little too choppy for me. The chapters didn't flow at all.
Profile Image for Louise.
1,548 reviews87 followers
February 11, 2014
Story Synopsis:
"My name is Jasmine Bath and the memoir "No One's Daughter" is about my childhood during the 1960's and 70's. I did not write this book for sympathy or notoriety; I wrote it in an attempt to shed light on the ghosts that have haunted me for a lifetime, hoping that by putting them down on paper that I could look at them more objectively from a mature point of view and eventually free myself from them.
I began writing about specific incidents that happened, attempting to write them in the voice of the little girl I used to be, hoping to understand how these incidents had managed to still affect me as an adult. In giving the little girl I used to be her voice, I found peace."
My Review:
Jasmine suffered unspeakable abuse at the hands of her mother and her string of boyfriends. One in particular, Earl, was especially cruel laying a beating on Jasmine that almost killed her. From a very young age, Jasmine was responsible for taking care of her siblings and the house, a job much too difficult for someone her age. She became the parent.
Jasmine handled the subject matter with integrity and sensitivity. She is a survivor who deserves all the best that this world can give her.
I experienced so many emotions while reading this touching memoir. I ran the gamut from smiles to tears to horror to anger. Jasmine's mother was such a cruel woman and how she could treat this beautiful child the way she did is beyond me. How dare she abuse her role as a loving, caring mother and turn it into an absolute horror show.
Jasmine, you are a strong woman, a survivor and an example to many people around the world who have suffered some of the same abuse that you have that you can overcome the horrors of your past and move on into a brighter future.
I thank you for having the strength and the courage to share your story with the world and wish you all the best in the future.
Profile Image for Erik Nelson.
Author 1 book10 followers
March 3, 2014
I was born into a fun loving family. Sure we had our troubles here and there just like all other families. There's no such thing as the perfect family because as we all know, nothing and no one is perfect. But still, my childhood maybe just a memory but it's a time and place that I sometimes find myself wishing that I could go back to. Unfortunately, some families have much more than their average share of troubles. When that's the case, it isn't a norm within the family tradition. I can't imagine anyone living that kind of childhood. That's why when I read Jasmine Bath's memoir of her childhood; "No One's Daughter", I found it difficult to read. Not because she didn't write it good, because she actually wrote it very well. I found it difficult to read because I found myself crying most of the time. This book will truly break your heart but at the same time, it will give people a harsh reminder about what abused children go through on a daily basis. When I was reading the book, I almost felt like I was right there with her. I would like to not only salute to her but to everyone who has had the courage to stand up and speak about their abusive childhood. It's something that NO ONE should have to experience. Sure life isn't always fair and sometimes it delivers us obstacles but an abusive childhood is something that life should NEVER throw at us. I would also like to salute to her for how well written the book was and the title too. "No One's Daughter" really defined the story because when children are abused by their parents, would you really call that a mother/daughter or father/daughter relationship? If you say yes, then you are probably one of those abusive parents. Once again, Jasmine Bath writes her memoir masterfully and yet, she gives us a harsh reminder that the statistics of abusive households in America or not just statistics, they are children with names.
Profile Image for Georgiana R.
65 reviews6 followers
November 7, 2013
Sometimes we read a book that is true. We know it is true, but we wish with every fibre of our being that it wasn't. This is one of those books - a memoir of a child that has endured horrendous abuse, neglect and poverty such as most people would consider a nightmare beyond a nightmare. Throughout the book I was struck harshly by the strength Jasmine showed. Her tenacity and care towards her younger siblings is a testimony to her not being her Mothers Daughter, yet she was the better Mother figure, and far more wise beyond her years than her biological Mother. I honestly felt an intense anger towards the Mother. I detested her; her and her male "friends". I was angered at teachers who had to have turned a blind eye. Why did no one help this child? From a personal point of view, and in my own opinion, the Mother comes over as a pure narcissist incapable of loving anyone or anything besides herself. Part of me felt as if the child, Jasmine, wrote this memoir. I may be wrong, but it is my feeling that she did without knowing. If you read this book, be prepared to feel every emotion that exists. The entire book is unforgettable. I just wanted to hug Jasmine and bring her to safety. Brava Ms Bath for having the strength and courage to write your memoir with such honesty that it humbles your reader.
Profile Image for Kelly Graham.
Author 10 books35 followers
November 22, 2013
Thank you to Jasmine Bath for sharing with us the memories of her truly tragic childhood. To reconstruct psychologically jarring and often fragmented recollections of a traumatic past into smooth, coherent prose via the perspective of ones childhood self as Ms Bath has done is quite an accomplishment. Not to mention a brave one. To disclose the shortcomings of family members to others undoubtedly leaves one feeling vulnerable and open to the perception that they too are being judged. Our family, after all, are our history and are part of us. So good on you, Ms Bath, for having the courage to speak out, and well done for recreating your history into a book that was both emotionally evocative and well written.

The book left me wondering whether or not Ms Bath's family read the book themselves and if so, what effect it had on them. From the memoir, I expect that it would have little impact on her mother, but the same cannot necessarily be said for her siblings. Perhaps it will help clear the clouds brought about by their mother's manipulation over the years and assist with healing the rifts between the sisters which it has created.

NO-ONE'S daughter is a valuable read and carries with it a significant message. I recommend it to all readers, regardless of their preferred choice in genre.
Profile Image for Christoph Fischer.
Author 45 books472 followers
December 27, 2013
"No One's Daughter" by Jasmine Bath is the story of a neglectful and cruel childhood. Told from the perspective of a young girl this tragic tale portrays how she is forced to take care of herself and her siblings while her irresponsible mother wastes her life away without any kind of responsibility.
Although the protagonist is the victim of violence and emotional abuse to say the least, one of the biggest strengths of the novel is the understated character of the often almost factual descriptions of what does happen. I found this style of story telling much more powerful than loud accusations and self pity. What we recognise as outrage and abuse, for the girl in this novel it is almost 'normality'.
Like our narrator I was waiting with her for the next drama with fear but certainty that it would come: the next mother's next baby or boyfriend - she would surely draw the short straw.
The minute detail and the many episodes of this ruined childhood illustrate poignantly how much suffering and hardship is involved for a child in such circumstances. It is hard to comprehend how much is irretrievably lost and how far reaching the consequences are.
Although we are all aware of the basic concept of abuse this book needs to be read.
Profile Image for Robin Donnelly.
Author 3 books3 followers
February 13, 2014
I read this book in one night and it affected me so much I cried for three days. My husband came home from work as I finished the book and as I hugged him hello from work, I wept in his arms like a baby. Like gut-wrenching crying. I don't think I've ever read a memoir that had me reeling as much as this one did. You will feel every emotion there is.

It took guts for Jasmine to write this and I admire her for her strength and courage. Her story telling grabs you from the very beginning and never lets you go. How incredible a feat it is for this author to tell her gut-wrenchingly sad childhood story as the strong, confident woman she is now. It's facts not blaming. I like that style of memoir. There's no belly aching here. Just facts is all. I couldn't put it down and I don't think you'll want to either. I would love to read anything else this author writes in the future. I'd love to give Jasmine a hug. She's the heroine of a her own story. Bravo!
Profile Image for Sylvia Valevicius.
Author 5 books45 followers
February 5, 2014
Jasmine Bath tells her story of surviving abusive adults in her life. At a young age she takes on responsibilities of which her mother is neglectful. Poor girl is protective of her little sisters, and is subjected to emotional pain doled out by her mother, and endures physical and sexual abuse by 'friends' of her mom.

This story needs to be told. The sharer knows that others have suffered similar pain. 'No One's Daughter' breaks my heart. No one's child should be treated so harshly, and in such a dismissive fashion. I burn with anger reading this.

I can't say too much other than I know of such situations. Hard to talk about. I'm sure therapy is on-going in many cases. But I would like to add that there is such a thing as 'parenting yourself' as you grow up. Be the nicest, loving person you can to yourself, and heal that little girl inside.

It took a strong woman to write this.
Major hugs to Jasmine.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 41 reviews

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