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Something's rotten in the heart of apple country!

Hildy Biddle dreams of being a journalist. A reporter for her high school newspaper, The Core, she's just waiting for a chance to prove herself. Not content to just cover school issues, Hildy's drawn to the town's big story--the haunted old Ludlow house. On the surface, Banesville, USA, seems like such a happy place, but lately, eerie happenings and ghostly sightings are making Hildy take a deeper look.

Her efforts to find out who is really haunting Banesville isn't making her popular, and she starts wondering if she's cut out to be a journalist after all. But she refuses to give up, because, hopefully, the truth will set a few ghosts free.

Peeled is classic Joan Bauer, featuring a strong heroine, and filled with her trademark witty dialogue, and problems and people worth standing up to.

256 pages, Hardcover

First published May 1, 2008

About the author

Joan Bauer

31 books875 followers
From: http://www.joanbauer.com/jbbio.html

July 12, 1951 - I was born at eleven A.M., a most reasonable time, my mother often said, and when the nurse put me in my mother's arms for the first time I had both a nasty case of the hiccups and no discernible forehead (it's since grown in). I've always believed in comic entrances.

As I grew up in River Forest, Illinois, in the 1950's, I seem to remember an early fascination with things that were funny. I thought that people who could make other people laugh were terribly fortunate. While my friends made their career plans, declaring they would become doctors, nurses, and lawyers, inwardly I knew that I wanted to be involved somehow in comedy. This, however, was a difficult concept to get across in first grade. But I had a mother with a great comic sense (she was a high school English teacher) and a grandmother who had been a funny professional storyteller, so I figured the right genes were in there somewhere, although I didn't always laugh at what my friends laughed at and they rarely giggled at my jokes. That, and the fact that I was overweight and very tall, all made me feel quite different when I was growing up--a bit like a musk ox at a tea party.

My grandmother, who I called Nana, had the biggest influence on me creatively. She taught me the importance of stories and laughter. She never said, "Now I'm going to tell you a funny story," she'd just tell a story, and the humor would naturally flow from it because of who she was and how she and her characters saw the world. She showed me the difference between derisive laughter that hurts others and laughter that comes from the heart. She showed me, too, that stories help us understand ourselves at a deep level. She was a keen observer of people.

I kept a diary as a child, was always penning stories and poems. I played the flute heartily, taught myself the guitar, and wrote folk songs. For years I wanted to be a comedienne, then a comedy writer. I was a voracious reader, too, and can still remember the dark wood and the green leather chairs of the River Forest Public Library, can hear my shoes tapping on the stairs going down to the children's room, can feel my fingers sliding across rows and rows of books, looking through the card catalogs that seemed to house everything that anyone would ever need to know about in the entire world. My parents divorced when I was eight years old, and I was devastated at the loss of my father. I pull from that memory regularly as a writer. Every book I have written so far has dealt with complex father issues. My dad was an alcoholic and the pain of that was a shadow that followed me for years, but I've learned things from that experience that have made me resilient. I attempted to address those issues in Rules of the Road, and I took them even further in the companion book, Best Foot Forward. The theme that I try to carry into all of my writing is this: adversity, if we let it, will make us stronger.

In my twenties, I worked in sales and advertising for the Chicago Tribune, McGraw-Hill, WLS Radio, and Parade Magazine. I met my husband Evan, a computer engineer, while I was on vacation. Our courtship was simple. He asked me to dance; I said no. We got married five months later in August, 1981. But I was not happy in advertising sales, and I had a few ulcers to prove it. With Evan's loving support, I decided to try my hand at professional writing. I wish I could say that everything started falling into place, but it was a slow, slow build -- writing newspaper and magazine articles for not much money. My daughter Jean was born in July of '82. She had the soul of a writer even as a baby. I can remember sitting at my typewriter (I didn't have a computer back then) writing away with Jean on a blanket on the floor next to me. If my writing was bad that day, I'd tear that page out of the typewriter and hand it to her. "Bad paper," I'd say and Jean would r

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 646 reviews
Profile Image for Thomas.
1,685 reviews10.5k followers
May 2, 2010
Ugh. I hate it when an author writes an amazing book, and then writes a so-so one. Bauer's Newbery Honor work Hope was Here showed her expertise in making a lame premise interesting. In Peeled, the lame premise remained... lame.

The story is about Hildy Biddle, a high school reporter who is always searching for the truth. Her high school paper, The Core, hasn't been receiving as much attention as she would like. When mysterious hauntings and ghostly sightings enshroud the Ludlow house, Hildy takes it as a chance to prove herself and dispel the false rumors printed by the local newspaper, The Bee.

Undeveloped characters, slow plot, and a boring story are the main downfalls of Peeled. While there are some helpful facts about journalism, the overall "appeal" of the book is weighed down by a shallow cast of characters and less than average writing. Nice cover, though.
397 reviews
June 17, 2012
Hildy Biddle wants to be a reporter more than anything and her time working at The Core, her high school paper, is just the experience she needs. Hildy lives in Banesville, a quiet city known for its apple orchards and, unfortunately, the creepy Ludlow house. The Ludlow house has always been a legend since Mrs. Ludlow and her boyfriend were found murdered in the garage and Mr. Ludlow wasn't convicted, going on to become a curmudgeon who never left the property until he died in the orchard.

The mystery of the Ludlow house is starting to overtake the beautiful tranquility of the apples though. Strange signs have been appearing on the house, accidents are starting to occur near the property and residents of Banesville are getting scared. The local paper, The Bee, has taken to printing some pretty sensational stories about the events and Hildy is ready to tackle the issue with some investigative reporting to make sure the citizens are hearing the truth.

Her pool of informants include the creepy fortune teller new to town, Madame Zobeck, the survivor of Polish World War II, Minska, the self assured and under researched editor of The Bee, Pen Piedmont, and the rough around the edges former reporter turned newspaper advisor, Baker Polton.

This book would appeal to both genders and would be great for someone interested in newspaper writing.
Profile Image for Brooke Shirts.
152 reviews20 followers
June 11, 2008
A story of intrepid high school reporters going against their hometown's yellow rag of a newspaper? A haunted house? A murder mystery? An absolutely adorable apple valley? What's not to love here? This story is the kind of thing I fantasied about when I wrote for my high school paper: an actual story that matters to follow! A hardboiled experienced journalist for an advisor! Classmates on the paper staff who ACTUALLY CARE about writing!

Ah -- I love that the protagonist of this book is named Hildy. I can't help but suspect that she was named as such in homage to the Rosalind Russell character in that great old newspaper screwball comedy His Girl Friday. Bauer infuses a bit of the same brassy/classy banter from 1940s cinema in the dialogue of her characters. Fun stuff.
Profile Image for Kit.
365 reviews12 followers
March 8, 2009
OK, I pretty much know what I'm getting when I get a Joan Bauer novel, and that's fine with me, because the package includes a smart, gutsy teen protagonist (almost always female) with:

- loyal, quirky friends and family
- an ability to wax poetic on her favorite job or hobby, whether it's photography, history, or selling shoes
- budding romance with a truly nice, caring member of the desired sex
- an extended community worth fighting for
- some outside threat whose butt is ultimately kicked by teamwork and staying true to your beliefs.

Peeled isn't the absolute best of them (I'd give that honor to Rules of the Road), but it's definitely worth reading - and then looking up all the rest of Bauer's books.
Profile Image for Grace Boster.
9 reviews18 followers
September 7, 2016
Cute! I love Joan Bauer so much. I read her first book, Rules of the Road, when I was nine and ever since then, every new book by her that I see I have to read! Joan is unique as an author because her characters are all girls from hard background who have one special talent that carries them through. This is so awesome. Even though at times her books are painful and difficult to read, the message that they ultimately get across is priceless. I would recommend not only this one but all of her others!
Profile Image for Samantha (WLABB).
3,857 reviews274 followers
February 3, 2021
This is my second book by Bauer, and I love her characters. Hildy is smart and sharp, and I loved her lust for getting her story. There was some worthy discussion about propaganda and a newspaper's responsibility to the community, which I found quite timely, though the book was written back in 2008. Charming, entertaining, and I am all for the shoutouts to our farmers.

Profile Image for unreliable greenink.
170 reviews37 followers
February 9, 2016
This is a ten year old's fantasy. This is where people say cheesy things in every sentence, where houses coincidentally break down right when everyone needs to, and outcasts in the normal world become popular. Maybe it has something to do with the tone - it tried to come off as amusing and casual but ended up sounding immature more than anything else. Middle schooler would've been more appropriate for our narrator. This book might fall into the "contemporary" genre, but it was anything but realistic.

It's also where amateur journalists magically write better than newspapers who have been printing for a few decades. This part irritated me the most. Even worse, it was something that started from the beginning of the book. Imagine a Harvard student graduate journalist who's so good at writing that the person sounds like a professional. Rare, but not impossible. But that person writes better than New York Times? Really? Really?

Town newspaper, which you'd assume have legitimate reporters who have experience/studied in journalism, even though the only person mentioned is the editor. (Or does he have ghosts writing for him...?) To write the book, I'd assume one would have to research exactly how many people work in a newsroom.

And pray tell, why would someone who's never had any experience in the journalism industry start a newspaper? Forget the fact that teenagers write better than town newspapers, the town newspaper itself writes like a ten year old, which our narrator has the brains to oh so obviously point it out. Common sense, but no matter how many ads that newspaper has, writing like that would have everyone in real life tossing their newspapers down in disgust thinking, This is the work of a professional?

The real (poorly executed) plot doesn't start until the last quarter of the book. And so you end up with an equally worse conclusion to the story: Someone wants to build a haunted house theme park, but the house it's based on coincidentally breaks in a half so, oopsies, no theme park. (...? The company couldn't have just rebuilt it?) Instead of focusing on all of the character and town drama, if the book focused it's energy on the plot, the plot at least would've been somewhat better.

The slow pace if the book annoyed me to no end, so I found myself skipping through the pages to get to the end. I just wish I'd stopped reading when the warning bells started ringing at the beginning of the book.
Profile Image for Melanie Dulaney.
1,819 reviews101 followers
January 14, 2018
I am such a fan of Joan Bauer's books and while this one did not tug on my heartstrings and loosen the tears like some others, it warmed my heart and left me happy with the outcome for another teen faced with a serious situation. Enter Hildy Biddle, daughter of a deceased newspaper man, part of a agricultural family, and a budding journalist. Her town has two standout features--its history of fine apples and assorted other fruits and vegetables plus a deserted, and supposedly haunted, mansion. That mansion's ghostly reputation is getting a boost with disturbing signs popping up all over to warn residents of the evil to come, a break in and murder on its boundaries, and some unusual new townspeople, as well as a local paper that predicts doom coming. Hildy and her friends operate the high school newspaper and must strive to research the facts and thwart the ghosts and villains that threaten their town's farming roots. As in all her books, the story feels real and the reader becomes completely enmeshed in the troubles of a diverse and fully developed cast of characters. And this particular Bauer book also adds a bit of inspiration with stories of Poland's women who led a revolution for freedom. Readers of both genders in grades 5-8 will enjoy this story of journalism, revolution, determination, loyalty and friendship.
9 reviews1 follower
January 3, 2019
If my eyes had not caught the bright green color of the front cover of Peeled, I probably wouldn’t have even picked it up. After I picked it up, though, I realized that it was exactly what I was looking for. I wanted to read a book about a small, innocent mystery, and a realistic one too. And boy, did this book deliver a realistic mystery. If you’re looking for a small town mystery with relatable characters and nostalgic charm, I highly recommend picking up Peeled.

This story begins in Banesville, New York, set in the “Happy Apple Valley”. Hildy Biddle, the town’s high school reporter, works for the school newspaper called The Core. The Core is devoted to always telling the truth and spreading it in the community, but after rumors start swirling about a “ghost” at The Ludlow House, the newspaper business gets intense. After loud noises, ghost sightings, and a dead body show up at the house, the town falls into a state of terror, and it’s up to The Core to fix it. As Hildy tries to get to the center of the story, she starts to uncover dark truths about The Ludlow House. She discovers secret plans to flatten apple orchards and build a haunted theme park in Banesville, which could cause harm to their economy. Racing against time, threats, and an enemy newspaper called “The Bee”, Hildy realizes that she can save the town through the press and that the pen is truly mightier than the sword.

In Peeled, I liked how Bauer didn’t focus primarily on one aspect of the book, instead jumping around from characterization, to mystery, to more characterization, etc. The mood was consistent from start to finish, and the plot twist at the end was a great bonus. Also, Bauer did a great job of description and used many descriptive words that made me picture the storyline in my head, rather than just reading words on a page.

Although this book had a good storyline, it could’ve been way longer. The story is 240 pages long, and I could easily see it surpassing 400. Some parts were skimmed over, and if those ideas were built more upon then the story would’ve been a lot better. This story featured Hildy Biddle, and did much description on her, but failed to do so on some of the supporting characters. If these supporting characters were written to be more significant, and the storyline was stretched out, this book could have gone from great to amazing. Also, the reading level felt kind of low for me personally. It was labeled Young Adult Fiction, but I could easily see this book being read by a 6th grader, maybe even 5th.
8 reviews
November 11, 2019
Personally I do not feel comfortable criticizing somebody else's work, but to be honest, it was hard for me to fall in love with reading this book. It kept my interest for the first few chapters, as for the concept seemed interesting it, but eventually page after page got increasingly boring.
I originally chose this book because it looked like a good mystery/thriller read. At first I was thrown off by the cover of the book, “... a graph of an apple with skin peeled part way off…” from Joan Bauer’s “Peeled”. I thought to myself, how can such a lovely looking cover be a dark and gloomy mystery book. Never judge a book by its cover, right?
I felt the book went in and out of many different plots. It was difficult for me to stay on track with the story and understand each chapter to the fullest. From what I recall, the book is about a highschool student at Banesville High, Hildy Biddle. Her family owns an apple orchard and herself along with her friends are writers for their schools newspaper The Core. When there is a sudden scare in the town over a shocking sign that was put up in front of a house in the neighborhood, Hildy is determined to get the facts straight. Although there is a constant battle between The Core and the towns local newspaper The Bee, the team continues to work hard and discover what is really going on.
What worked? I have to say, although it did not hold my interest for the entire book, I didn’t completely give up after the first three chapters. I enjoyed that the chapters were not too long and were overall equal. For others, this book might have been really good and was super interesting, but I guess it just wasn't my type.
I wouldn’t recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a creepy mystery/thriller, but for someone who enjoys a more realistic story with a few twists and turns might love it. There is never a limit to how many books you read, so why not!
Profile Image for Jenna.
1,933 reviews21 followers
June 26, 2018
Cute. Amusing.
Too many characters to keep track of but the humor was good.
Likeable characters. I loved the color code system she had w/her best friend. (ie. black=what’s going on?, red=danger, etc…)

As an adult, it was a good read, since it’s geared towards the YA audience. I would say middle & high schoolers. Kids who like a mystery.
People who’ve worked on their school papers.

I wondered about all the ex-boyfriends who cheated on her that Hildy had. It would make me smile but is that something that really happens w/teens these days?
And just how many boys are in this town since it seemed like she’d dated them all??? J
Profile Image for Cecily Black.
2,099 reviews21 followers
July 24, 2017
The apple theme was really strong in this novel, I was surprised how many things could be turned into a pun about apples. I was pleasantly surprised with the story overall but it was a little slow in the plot and not enough character development, but I liked what the book stood for.
Decent, quick read!
9 reviews1 follower
October 11, 2018
I selected this book peeled because it was a book about death and mystery and those books with that kind of murder mystery plot and suspense really pulls me in. I also picked this book because my friend who is a junior said it was a good book filled with was a lot of unknown factors and having to use your brain for common sense to have to figure things out yourself. This book is interesting and relevant to the experience of young people that makes it easily relatable to.

This book is about a young girl Hildy Biddle, she is highschool journalist who lives in the small town of Barnesville . Hidly has been trying to follow her passion of being a reporter ever since her father's death while also helping the family apple orchard. Ludlow house is where her repotter skills are put to the test. There is a big story that she is assigned to involving the suspicious actions going on at this abandoned house,that everyone in the town think is hunted. Strange threatening signs appear at the house, weird-looking people, a psychic named Madame Zobek who only a few has heard of and a stranger’s dead body all appear at the Ludlow house, the town is horrified and reacts by making up nonsense stores and feeding them to local newspaper. This is when Hidly and her classmates set off and try to find out the real story behind these strange on goings in her town. As they investigate what's really going on they start to uncover shady plots of history behind this house that turns this small town of Barnesville into a quirt apple picking town into a real life disgusting trap.

This book introduces a smart, outgoing, funny fiery teenage girl who doesn't give up no matter what anyone says. That one of the many things I like about this book it introduces you to a strong female character who doesn't care what anyone has to say she just does what she believes without a care in the world. I also like plot of the book how they make the plot thicken with each word you read. The book takes the work of a young reporter and makes relevant to the experience of young people through e especially reminding the audience that teens are an important part of a community no matter how young.

Overall i think th book is a great book to read a couple thing i would change about this book is how slow it goes into finally getting to the points. It would take awhile to get into ab big event going on in the book because the author forced on the small things a little too much. Other then that its an amazing book. I would recommend anyone interested in mysterious suspenseful mesmerizing books to read this one.
Profile Image for Alexa.
175 reviews
May 28, 2020
Previewing books for J's 8th grade year. This one features upstate NY apple orchards, debunking ghosts, journalism, revolution, plus a little romance/family drama.
March 16, 2023
One of my favorite books. I love a story about people who dig deeper than the surface level to find the real issue.
Profile Image for Judah.
267 reviews13 followers
July 10, 2014
Technically this would be 2 1/2 stars, but I'm not given that option.
'Peeled' is a YA mystery appropriate for ages 12-17 according the the back of the audiobook. But from reading the book, I would say the book hugs the lower end of that range tightly.
Our lead character is a 16 year old high schooler (though you can only tell because the fact she drives) who's a feature writer for the school paper 'The Core'. Things start going strangely when the old house at the end of town starts to show signs of ghosts...or does it?
Honestly this book shattered the sense of disillusion that her world is real, or that I care. The biggest problem is the town. Bainsville is a small apple growing community in rural NY. It probably has a population of less than 5,000 but yet has a Toys-R-Us, a Polish Revolutionary immigrant who runs her own polish-themed cafe , and an OBSESSION with apples. I kid you not, the cutesy puns and references wear thin. The school paper is 'The Core', Our lead Hildy Bittle has a dog named Macintosh, there's an Apple Blossom Queen , the taxi service is 'Big Apple Taxis' , almost every meal or food item seems to have an apple ingredient (save Orange Chicken...).
It's to the point, you really start looking for them.
Secondly, the plot is a bit hard to swallow. A whole town of 5,000 get frightened to death (and reportedly spend hundreds on security systems, and personal safety devices that even the gas station stocks extra pepper spray) over unverified ghost encounters? Sure I'd be more apt to believe it in 1890... Maybe even 1932, but 2007? Really now, a refuse to think these characters that stupid. The local paper covers it like a 'Weird US' book, and a phony psychic moves to town and few if any adults seem to think reasonably. Those who do, are seemingly ignored for no reason other than it solves the plot too easily.
Honestly, the book tries to cover too much (Romance , Mystery, Slice of Life, young Journalism) and ends up satisfying none of those topics. I guessed the end 2/3 of the way in, but dragged myself through. When the mystery solving does kick in (75% the way through) it feels already too late , and it's solved way too quickly and easily.

The sad thing is, I wanted to like this book. I always have wished for a 'mature' YA mystery series (like a fleshed out ND/HB case-file). Veronica Mars without the downside of Noir and some class.
This is definitely how to do it badly.
Now someone try to get it right.
Ill be waiting over here to review it when your done.
Profile Image for Christa.
8 reviews3 followers
June 12, 2017
The main character of the book is Hiddly. And her passion is journalism. But when the town news mentions something about a ghost baiting the town it make her career a lot more difficult to understand. Hiddly is very smart and very persistent with her work! Hiddly throughout the book was very interested with the "ghost" story the the news talked about. Personally the book was amazing and I recommend this book.
Profile Image for Steph (Reviewer X).
90 reviews129 followers
January 28, 2009
As of finishing Peeled, I have to say, without a doubt, it’s getting some big smiles la Steph. It appealed to me tremendously to begin with, because of the journalism element and the fact it’s set in the country. No need to say more—I love tranquil stories and nothing like a little country haze to get effect.

Onward. I’m going to try this new thing where I’ll say the bad things before the positive, so I can end this review on a good note. (After all, I’d hate to go the other way and have a bittersweet ending; this is supposed to be a positive review.)

The character development was a little off. I’m not one to get all judgmental about showing and telling and all those perceived be-all-and-end-all writing rules1 but I do think Joan Bauer could’ve expanded some scenes in order to achieve a cast filled with defined, distinct voices. (This is especially true with Zack—I’d love to know some more about him.) Consequently, because of the shift between drawing on some traits instead of letting the characters grow into them, their interaction also suffered.

That said, I really loved Hildy. She was strong and knew the true feeling that often accompanies bravery is uncertainty, not confidence. She was interesting by her own virtue and her own conviction, because of what was inside of her. It was refreshing to see a character who didn’t curse, who didn’t drink, who didn’t smoke or snort up crap. A character who, when presented with a social problem that threatened her entire town, did not turn unto herself and cause internal damage but rather fought for the values and life she was given.

Which brings me to the plot. Could this be any more pertinent to us teens? I would love to see some more thoughtful and thought-provoking stories such as this one. I won’t give away any of the setup—the book description says enough. All I’m saying is: If you’re looking for something that touches on politics and social dilemmas, this book = perfect for you.
29 reviews14 followers
January 4, 2021
I just love everything Joan Bauer writes, and this book was no exception. Reading her books is like a story from a friend. The story in Peeled is one that has been written many times - small-town high schooler takes on big-town journalist spreading corruption - and yet somehow this book has its own spin that was so nice to read.

Bauer subverts expectation throughout the books, subtly thwarting every trope. The first example of this is in the first few chapters, where the snobby girl gets sick and doesn't become festival queen, and there are many more throughout the book. During the school dance scene I was just waiting for the "miscommunication with love interest when protagonist dances with her ex" and it just never came. That trope has ruined book after book for me and Bauer never falls into it. It's beautiful to read.

The characters demonstrate this too. I didn't even realize until Hildy mentioned her ex how refreshing it is to have a high school girl character who has dated and been cheated on and generally been around the block a few times. Hildy never falls into the "I'm so Outcast and Special™" trope. She sasses authority, she stands up for herself, she is assertive. She is real. She is the heroine I wish was written more often. I could go on and on. I've seen other reviews say the characters were underdeveloped and honestly, I completely disagree. I thought the characters got the amount of development they needed for the story. Since it was told from Hildy's perspective, the ones closest to her that she interacted with most or had meaningful relationships with were developed most. Others that she had acquaintance-level relationship with were less developed. That's good writing, people, not bad writing.

I'm off to find more Joan Bauer books, they always make me feel so happy.
September 13, 2016
“Peeled” is a book about a high school newspaper team who wants to give their readers nothing but the truth. Throughout the book they face problems regarding their freedom of speech, but eventually uncover a plan endangering the whole town. This book is a quick read, but at times can get really slow. Mostly because they have to plan what to write, what to publish, and check over their facts; which takes along time. The book doesn't really skip days it goes on like real life, so if nothing happens then the book will say so, then go on to Hildy’s, the main character, and Zack’s really slow development of a relationship. It took a very long to for the plot to reach the climax, which is understandable considering the fact that the characters had to figure out what was going on first. The book did have very relatable characters, and did a very good job of creating a setting. Lastly but by far most important, this book would be enjoyed by anyone who enjoys the underdogs winning, mystery books, or just quick relaxing books. It has it's flaws, but it truly was overall “Peeled” was a good book and I enjoyed reading it.
Profile Image for Laura.
1,639 reviews80 followers
August 13, 2008
Hildy Biddie wants to be a journalist, not just any journalist, but a Good journalist. She strives hard to get all the facts straight and get every angle of the story before she publishes it. She writes for her high school newspaper and is waiting for the perfect moment for her work to shine when interest about the old haunted Ludlow House starts creeping up. Pretty soon Hildy is caught up in a story that she must crack.

I enjoyed reading this book, Joan Bauer is one of my favorite authors. Her writing is very comical and at the same time has elements of surprise and sweetness thrown in. While this was not my favorite book of hers to date I still thought that it was definitely worth reading. I absolutely love the cover of this book, it beautifully portrays the two main elements of the story. I also thought that this book had some helpful tips on journalism.

*Taken from my book reviews blog: http://reviewsatmse.blogspot.com/2008...
Profile Image for Julia Klot.
5 reviews
September 17, 2013
As a high school news reporter for The Core, it's not always easy for Hildy Biddle to capture the facts, especially when The Core's competitors at The Bee play up the community's fears with false articles about creepy occurrences. As The Bee continues to publish, their subscriptions increase and they thrive, while The Core, desperate to uncover the truth, heads downhill. However, Hildy is determined to discover what's really going on, and as her newspaper struggles to be heard, she tries to find a way to make the townspeople listen.

I really enjoyed reading this book-- it has an engaging plot and characters that are easy to relate to. It was especially interesting to read about the struggles of a news reporter and in general, the press. I definitely recommend this book to all realistic fiction readers.
Profile Image for Jodi.
215 reviews11 followers
June 6, 2011
I thought it was disjointed & stereotypical (characters' names especially!). I didn't understand the whole "fear" aspect. If the author would have focused more on the effects of a bad economy on a small town, that would have been one thing, but instead we're supposed to believe that most of the community is crippled by fear -- by a "haunted house" and ghostly presence, nonetheless. What's so scary about some trespassers putting signs on a door? I didn't get it. Another thing that bothered me -- I got the idea this was a small town, probably less than 5,000 people, yet they had a Toys 'R Us. I've yet to see a Toys 'R Us in a small town.
Profile Image for Mokamonkey.
460 reviews4 followers
September 9, 2009
I'm sorry I listened to this book, rather than read it. The book focuses on another of Joan Bauer's strong, independent, hard working girls - this one a journalist - as she works to solve a mystery and save her town. The problem I had was that the narrator's voice was very dull, so I didn't connect with the story. Halfway through, I couldn't remember who some of the names referred to. So...read it, don't listen!
Profile Image for Mandy.
636 reviews69 followers
July 31, 2016
I remembered reading this when I was a young teen and loving it so I recently bought it, hoping it would live up to my childhood expectations. It kind of did. I remember finding it a lot more thrilling back then, but perhaps it was because maybe I knew where the story was going from the long recesses of my my memory? Overall, it was still a good book although it could get a little dry at parts and a bit forgettable...although I instantly remembered how much I loved it back in the day.
Profile Image for Christy.
35 reviews
December 4, 2021
Ahhh I loved this book! Anything by this author is amazing. Also this is a great book for fall. Apples, ghosts, a mystery, so good!
Profile Image for JJ.
9 reviews
November 7, 2014
"Peeled" is about a high school reporter named Hildy Biddle. She waits and waits for a shocking story for the chance to prove herself as a solid reporter. She finally finds one when a ghost starts to haunt the town. Will she succeed? Read the book to find out!
Profile Image for Jamie.
1,249 reviews70 followers
August 18, 2008
OMG! They totally would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids.
tm Scooby Doo
(Actually the Husband says this was also an Andy Griffith plot, can anyone verify?)
Profile Image for Linda.
Author 90 books464 followers
April 25, 2009
Fun and interesting with "ghosts" and a mystery. The focus on newspapers makes you wonder about the future of newspapers in our society.
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