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Life After War #2

Adrian's Eagles

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This large-print edition fits the recognized standards for readers with some vision impairments. It is 20PT Arial font, spaced at 1.5, with a margin of 0.05. Most books are published in 12 or 14, meaning this novel will start out 4-5 times larger than average. Then, it can be increased even further by using your magnifications settings.

Six of Seven
Three months after the nuclear war that turned America into a wasteland, Safe Haven has made it from California to South Dakota. Adrian now has six of the seven gifted people sent to ensure the survival of their country. However, not everyone can handle Adrian’s version of safety—including some of his closest people.

Adrian’s Eagles.
Book 2 of the Life After War series.
Won’t you join us?
This adventure
•Deleted Scenes
•Sneak Peeks
•Character Profiles
•An Eagle Team List
•A Note from the Author

788 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 26, 2012

About the author

Angela White

130 books243 followers

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5 stars
854 (44%)
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607 (31%)
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332 (17%)
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77 (4%)
1 star
43 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 92 reviews
Profile Image for Aildiin.
1,374 reviews33 followers
June 27, 2013
Somehow I read the first 3 books of this serie a couple of years ago. I am not sure if I was high at the time, or if they were better written but I don't remember them bothering me that much.

I can not stand spending one more second of my life reading this book however. So this is going to be the first book I Lem in over 10 years...

The writing is very poor and convoluted and I had to reread some sentences 2 or 3 times to figure out what they meant, that is not however what bothers me the most.
My main beef is the following :
- The main character is a woman named Angela. She has a strong history with one of the others character, and yet each time she speaks or think of him she keep addressing him in a different way. One time she calls him Mark, the next line it's Brady, and the third line it's the Marine.
It is so bad that I keep all the time wondering if she's speaking or thinking of one person or if more people are present...( Brady drives the car that stops next to her, Marc steps out of it, and no there are no two guys in that car !!!)

Now I don't know about you but when I think of someone or talk to someone I know ( and this is a case where they have/had serious feeling) there is one way I will use to address them, one, not two, not three, not hundred, ONE!
So there it is, feel my wrath Angela White !
PS : and stop rating 5 stars your own books...

Profile Image for Maria.
5 reviews3 followers
July 10, 2012
I love this series but I have a HUGE problem with the lead female character: I simply do not like her.

She's such a Polly Sue type of character who's fickle in her emotions and tries too damn hard. I feel like she's the mystical Forrest Gump who can do no wrong and it annoys me.

The storyline is great, the characters are fantastic (even the brutal bastard Kenn as he's fun to hate), but Angela, nope--I cannot find it in me to like her. She's a strong woman but annoying as hell.

There are two other female characters: Kendell and Samantha (they kick ass). I wish they were given HALF the attention Angela is. Overall, I love the series and will continue to read it because the author does well in keeping the reader interested.

I do wish she'd tone down ont he politics of the eagles (they're America's new army) because it's a bit tedious.
Profile Image for Faye .
336 reviews72 followers
July 1, 2012
Another amazing chapter in the Life after War series. This book deals with the continuing journeys of Adrian , Angie, Kenn, Marc and the survivors in Safe Haven and the Mexican slaver gang trying to destroy them. How am I going to wait till part 5 comes out after that cliffhanger is going to be painful. Cannot wait !!! Hopefully we'll have more of the companion series "Alexa's travels" to keep us going. Can highly recommend these books !
2 reviews
March 7, 2015
The characters you are supposed to root for are awful people. I don't want to write a long review so I'll try to sum up my very mixed feelings about this series especially this book. Here it goes. I feel sad for the author. Her ideas of what is right and wrong are so twisted it makes it hard to understand the plot. She consistently tries to present awful scenarios as if the were inevitable and her take on women in our society is downright scary. They are all weak and pathetic. Even as the author tries to sell you on this loser Angela, you can never believe any of it. She thinks all men have pent up attractions to 14 years old and that those "in the know" understand why it is important that in the future girls choose their mate/protector at age 7 from among the adult men. None of her characters have an ounce of loyalty. There is no actual romance since not a single character has a healthy relationship with their partners. The "leaders" she attempts to make out as almost god-like heroes represent everything that is bad in our world. The story can be a fun read at times but the authors own twisted ideas and values ruin it all in the end.
Profile Image for Cynthia.
37 reviews
January 25, 2014
Love this series!

Angela White's series, Life After War, contains some of the longest ebooks I've read, and still, I can't get enough. I've grown quite fond of several key characters, and felt a range of emotions as I read of their struggles and triumphs.

The ONLY reason I am reticent to give any of the books in this series a 5 star rating is that the editing doesn't do the writing justice. A daunting task to be sure, to perfectly edit such wonderfully long books, but the excellence found in the writing is sometimes overshadowed by glaring mistakes, and jarring sentence structure. Then again, as an experienced editor, I know it is sometimes superb editing that makes or breaks the readability of anything written. The aforementioned does not, however, interfere with the overall enjoyment of the reading experience, nor does it break it. Still, the proof reading needs work, and unfortunately, that is the case throughout the series thus far.

I truly enjoy the way Angela has mixed genres, and created a world wherein both sexes can test and stretch their capabilities to become true equals with a much deeper understanding of what it means to be human.

NOTE to AUTHOR: Great work! Thank you for sharing your vision. :-D
Profile Image for Elizabeth Bailey.
Author 130 books290 followers
May 23, 2015
Couldn't wait to read this after the first 3 and downloaded it immediately. Loved it. So relieved that certain character relationships got sorted out, because White is so good at keeping you in suspense I really wasn't sure it would come right. What I like so much about this series is that the way people react in the situation is so believable. I finished this last night and downloaded the next book this morning.Can't wait to get back to it. Such a pleasure to have a whole series to enjoy when I'm completely hooked.
Profile Image for Shotgunmary.
11 reviews
December 19, 2012
Great story still has poor editing, overall a good read. Looking forward to book 5. I would recommend to a friend.
Profile Image for hCharles Obert.
44 reviews9 followers
May 29, 2017
It is a bit unnerving that I am reading so many post apocalyptic books these days... almost like a sub-conscious attempt to get some advice that will help me survive the madness in DC
Profile Image for Albert Yates.
Author 17 books5 followers
May 8, 2017
I don't know what to say about this book. It's been a great read. I really loved the action and the pacing was fantastic.

The war rages on as the survivors in Safe Haven keep trying to outrun Cesar and his band of Mexican slavers. The camp struggles to accept a woman in a position of power, even though she's more than capable of handling herself in a fight and has proven that she's a better soldier than most of the men numerous times. Meanwhile, Marc has a hard time accepting that Angela wants to have a career in the army, and not be his baby making love toy. There's a common theme in the book where the women are pushed to the fringes of society to be the babysitters and kitchen staff while the men are the only ones to make decisions.

But the teenage lust running through the survivors of "Safe Haven" is the worst thing ever for me in this kind of story. I get that the world needs to repopulate, but having women being "claimed" by the first guy that looks at her for being a "mate" just seems outdated and backward when trying to move forward in a world that's been destroyed like it has.

I'd like to read more of the series, to see how they end up on the island that was talked about in start of the first book, and to see if they make it somewhere safe to wait out the first winter. But I think the lust is going to get in my way and I might have to walk away from it.
594 reviews6 followers
October 8, 2018
31/2 - 4 stars +/- Very well written!

There's a difficult line for me on dystopian fantasy. By definition it has dissonance with modern sensibilities. Live After War has elements that make me uncomfortable, as intended. The use of a Mexican Rapist/Slaver and rather graphic (Never quite too graphic for me, but uncomfortable to have in my mind.) imagery makes it difficult for me to recommend this book to friends. The romance scenes are very well written, the erotica, when not tied into torture is some of the best that I have read recently. The torture porn is too much for me. The plot is well laid out, the characters, with the exception of rather cartoonish stereotypical villains are fairly well rounded.

The author gives a lot of material for the money, but books with lots of extra features. If only there were fewer moments when I was cringing from disgust, this would easily be a four star book for me. Since this is not a Amazon Prime Unlimited series and I have the areas of discomfort, this will be my last book in the series. That doesn't mean that I won't miss knowing the rest of the story.

I hope to read more from this talented author.
Profile Image for Crystal Koenig.
17 reviews
April 7, 2019
This series has a soap opera quality with vague sense of a possible reality

There are too few resolutions as the story lulls into soap opera mentality. The antagonist, who beats and mentally abuses women, becomes a hero. The love triangle (or is it a love square because three men want the main female character to fulfil their own sadistic dreams) needed to be resolved at the end of the first book. The climax is so brief you are left with the feeling you are stranded in the rain with nowhere to go while cold and miserable. The overall premise actually helped me move on to the second book. I foresee the reality of an apocalypse becoming a world where the strong prey on the weak in the way this author spins her tale. It makes me want to brush up on my jiu jitsu training and become adept at sword and knife fighting. After reading middle of the line reviews, I will not be moving on to the third. My same issues apparently are never resolved throughoutthe remaining books. I recommend this series if you are entertained by constant drama and discord
Profile Image for Julie Powell.
Author 72 books321 followers
May 11, 2021
I have the first box set and found book two was extremely detailed (a little too much maybe) with plenty of action.

The story swung back and forth between the Eagles and Safe Haven to another set of characters that are dealing with a strange virus that sends people crazy. This, I assume, is to introduce Kendle and her part in the full story later?

The writing style was good, although, sometimes repetitious. I admit that I didn't like the constant use of 'the herd' and 'sheep', as if the only people with intelligence and common sense is the 'Army'. Though, I can see that many humans are stupid and panic in the face of disaster, and that selfishness is the ugly truth in real life.

I also don't like the bias against race (Mexicans) nor how women are underestimated, although, the latter is tackled to some degree. Though, it is a story I want to continue, despite its flaws.

Worth a look.
Profile Image for Terry D. Russell.
54 reviews1 follower
September 5, 2018
Thoroughly encompassing story.

Excellent, outstanding! Extremely well written! Ok, I am retired and an old science fiction fan from the 1950's, and I also read 🐌 slooooow. I guess that it took me 3 months to get through these first two books in my spare time. But even at my slow pace I couldn't hardly find a stopping place each night. Both Angela's did great especially the one doing the writing. I don't know how the island couple are going to tie into the story, but I can't wait to find out. I am with Angie in the story though, I believe we need a class on radio channel switching. Can hardly wait to read the next one.
Profile Image for Betty Almes.
303 reviews4 followers
October 21, 2018
gets a bit confusing at times and seems to want to be mysterious but takes to long that you tend to not care if something is ever going to happen. The first book in the series was great so i bought the entire series so i am stuck finishing them so that i don't waste my money. Hoping the get better again.
Profile Image for Sherrie Haynes.
70 reviews
January 11, 2019

I have really enjoyed reading these books except for the reference of the excessive use of pot and smoking. Though I know it is highly accepted in many places now, it is not not nor would be by military members, law enforcement, or medical professionals. Hence my 4 stars.
258 reviews3 followers
January 21, 2019
I have finished book 4 in the series. It is a good series; however I cannot afford to continue with it as there are 11 books in the series. The author also needs a better proof reader as there are numerous mistakes in #4. The series would be great for someone who can afford it.
47 reviews
February 24, 2019
Excellent book in series

This is the second book written by Angela White I have read. I read many books in this genre, but this is the first Kindle book I have read that felt like I had enjoyed a real book and not a series of chapters claiming to be books.
35 reviews
April 24, 2021

Best writer I have ever read. Lots of action. Never dull. Hard to put down. Stayed up early morning reading. Love the action. Very believable. Hope it never happens in my life time or anyone else's.
6 reviews
November 26, 2023
Amazing storyline!

I love these books! I can't put them down. The combination of apocalypse and magic is fascinating. You can really tell she did research into the military aspects of the plot.
636 reviews5 followers
December 1, 2017
4.5 stars. Very enjoyable. The series is getting better. I am pretty invested in the characters by now.
Profile Image for Steve.
37 reviews
April 30, 2018
Actually did not get very far into it. Maybe you have to start with book one and progress from there.
Profile Image for Virginia Saxman.
16 reviews
November 15, 2019
Good Reading

After reading the first book of the series decided to try the second and was not disappointed. Story is getting deeper.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 92 reviews

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