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The Secret People

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'The Sun Bird was beginning to travel fast, close to the edge of the whirlpool. They could look right down into the hollow of spinning water' While flying over Africa's New Sea, a water project in the heart of the Sahara desert, Mark Sunnet's rocket plane crashes and is sucked through a hole in the desert floor into a strange, cavernous new world. There, he and his partner Margaret encounter the survivors of an ancient race of underground dwellers whose whole existence is now threatened. Captured and forced to live with other prisoners taken from the surface, the pair know that they must escape before the waters above drown them all . . . The Secret People, published in 1935, is John Wyndham's first novel. 'Perhaps the best writer of science fiction England has ever produced' Stephen King

224 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1935

About the author

John Wyndham

306 books1,883 followers
John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris was the son of a barrister. After trying a number of careers, including farming, law, commercial art and advertising, he started writing short stories in 1925. After serving in the civil Service and the Army during the war, he went back to writing. Adopting the name John Wyndham, he started writing a form of science fiction that he called 'logical fantasy'. As well as The Day of the Triffids, he wrote The Kraken Wakes, The Chrysalids, The Midwich Cuckoos (filmed as Village of the Damned) and The Seeds of Time.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 109 reviews
Profile Image for Tony.
567 reviews47 followers
August 7, 2020
I chose this purely because of the cover, expecting it (not only because of the cover but also as this was his first book) to be worse than it was.

I miss the days of cheap books in oxfam, days when every other book on their shelves was a Wyndham book. I suppose it is, in some ways at least, a good thing that no longer seems to be the case.

This is very much a 'testing the water' book - pun intended - and it is so well written, that in some parts, the story becomes secondary to the enjoyment of reading
Profile Image for Kim.
693 reviews13 followers
September 8, 2020
"The Secret People" is a science fiction novel by John Wyndham in 1935. The novel was written under Wyndham's early pen name, John Beynon. " The Secret People" came out in a serialized form in the English magazine "Passing Show". Now before anything else I wanted to know why he wrote the book using another name, so off I went to find out. This is what I came up with, for some reason beyond me Wyndham's full name is John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris. That seems like an awful lot of names for a person to have to remember and write and tell people over and over again, you know like when you go to the doctor and the receptionist asks for your full name, I can just see the look on her face as she is writing all that down, and I'm positive there isn't enough room on any form I've ever had to fill out for anything for all of those names. However, that's what his full name is so it is now perfectly understandable to me why he shortened it writing under names such as, John Beynon Harris, John Beynon, Wyndham Parkes, Lucas Parkes, Johnson Harris and of course John Wyndham. As to why he changed his pen name so often, I'm just going to go with "because he could" and be done with the wondering.

As for "The Secret People" it certainly was unusual, I'll give it that. It was filled with surprises for me, things that have never even occured to me before. For instance I am positive I have never read a book before where mushrooms played such a big part in the story. It has never occured to me that if we had giant mushrooms growing around here, we could defend our small town from all invaders by using the mushroom stems to build walls around our village. We can also use the big round part of the mushrooms as shields. If the creek floods our town as it does once in a while, we can use the mushroom stems to build rafts, if we have enough rope that is, they are fantastic floating machines. I learned that you can live your entire life eating nothing but mushrooms. You can eat them raw, or boil them, or mush them up and eat them like a type of mushroom oatmeal, or make mushroom soup, and there is also a mushroom drink described as "several stages below that inferior vodka which is made from bread".

And where are all these mushrooms? They are in a deep, deep layer of caverns. Caverns that, once you find yourself in them, there seems to be no way to get out again. And where are all these caverns? They are under the Sahara Desert, only the Sahara Desert isn't a desert anymore, it's a sea. The New Sea. It seems that France and Italy joined together and flooded it. According to our novel the idea of the New Sea had been around since the nineteenth century, the great De Lesseps (whoever he is) had first come up with the idea, but it went nowhere until 1945. According to the book:

"Then after being for almost a century a matter of merely academic interest it had, in 1945, suddenly become practical politics. The French, in fact, decided to flood a part of the Sahara Desert. That the undertaking was within the range of possibility had long been admitted by many experts, but until France had discovered Italy's willingness to enter into partnership, the financial obstacles had proved insurmountable. Through mutual assistance and for their mutual benefit the two nations had gone to work upon the most ambitious engineering scheme yet projected."

So, now I know that France and Italy decided to make a sea, but I'm still not sure why, then I read this:

"France could foresee in the creation of this inland sea several advantages for herself. First, she hoped that southern Tunis and a part of Algeria would benefit. It was argued that the land about it would rapidly become fertile. Trees would grow, clouds would follow, bringing rain; the rain would induce still more vegetation, and so on until the erstwhile desert sands should bloom. Italy, once satisfied that there was no catch in the plan, became equally enthusiastic. If her barren property should become fertile, at least in part, colonial expansion would give her a chance to build up a yet larger population. The great day when the might of the Roman Empire should be revived would be brought a step nearer."

Now me being anything but a scientist or even a person who thinks scientifically ever, I couldn't see how this plan of theirs could ever work, I'm still not sure where they were getting all the water unless they were just emptying some other sea from some other place. Another thing I was wondering was if you build a sea in a desert would it really make it rain and things grow and all that wonderful stuff? I have no idea. The only way I could see this working at all however, was as a fresh water sea. If it's salt water how is anything going to grow anyway? I'm pretty sure if I went outside right now and watered my plants with salt water it wouldn't be good, I can kill a plant though just by bringing it home so I'm not sure what salt water will do to them, but my sister who is a wonderful gardener doesn't poor salt water on them. So I can't see anything growing if the sea is salt water. And no one could drink it, so why would they move to a now watery desert that still has no drinkable water? So in my mind it has to be fresh water.

OK, now that we have mushrooms, caverns, deserts and seas all we need is the people to finish our story. As for them our hero is Mark Sunnet and our heroine is the beautiful Margaret Lawn. Our main characters get trapped in the caverns that you can't get out of with a whole lot of other people, I'm not telling you how. When Mark wakes up in a "room" with other men who are dressed in rags with long, dirty beards he asks this:

"But what are you all doing here?"
"Just living here."
"But why?"
"Because we darn well can't do nothing else. D'you think we're here for fun?"

He finds out that there are hundreds of men and women living in the caves and most have been there for years. The groups of people are broken up into three catagories; first, the people like Mark who have come in from the outside, next the people who have been born while in the caverns, they are called the "natives", they have no desire to leave; and finally we have the "secret people", little people everyone calls "pygmies", it's good they are there or we wouldn't have a book title. They don't want anyone to leave, they want to keep their world a secret.

Now here's my water problem, I'm already convinced the sea should be fresh water or pointless, but from things I've read it seems to be salt water:

"Besides, it's salt water-it's got into some of the reservoir caves already, and joined the fresh water streams."

So it is salt water and if I'm right will not help the desert at all. Another thing, they are worried it will polute their fresh water streams, are there really streams under the desert? Finally, there's a cat in there, just one, running around the caverns. The cat won't eat mushrooms so they catch fish and feed it the fish. If they can catch fish in their mysterious streams, why in the world don't they eat some themselves? At least once in a while for a change from mushroom oatmeal. I've told you enough now, how they all got there, if they ever get out, if they ever turned the Sahara into a beautiful seaside resort, if any pygmies wind up married to outsiders and all living happily ever after, how there happens to be enough light for everyone to be able to see just fine, and how they build fires without wood, you will have to find out by either reading the book or just searching the internet.

It said on my copy that it is a "Science Fiction Classic" so I looked up the words Science Fiction and it is described as this:

"Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginative content such as futuristic settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, time travel, faster than light travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life."

Well, it was set in the future, it was written in 1935 and set in the year 1964, so that covers the futuristic parts and maybe the cat is an alien. Oh, and no one in the novel looks anything like the cover picture of the strange guy with mushrooms growing out of his head, that's just one more odd thing about the book. It certainly was interesting, I'll give Wyndham that. On to the next book. Happy reading.
Profile Image for Tweety.
433 reviews239 followers
March 20, 2015
So, after reading reviews I feel a bit like I'm about to praise an "OK" book to the sky. This is John Wyndham's first book (as nearly every reviewer has said), however, I don't feel it shows, not anymore more than The Day of the Triffids. In fact, I liked this book much better. The first half was amazing, it was felt like a mix between The Loch and Journey to the Center of the Earth. And even Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. How could I not love it?

What starts as a hot, dull vacation in Africa, soon turns into a nightmare for Mark and Margaret, after one flight over The New Sea which has covered a part of the Sahara Desert. It leads them to a lost civilization, caves, monster fungi and the most startling of inventions.

After the halfway part things slow a little, Mark and Margaret are fighting for their freedom and their lives. As The New Sea grows steadily larger above their heads, the rock bead begins to leak, and its only a matter of time before they can never escape. They fight with the Pygmies, who are also fighting for their lives as well as their civilization.

I don't want to give anything away, because the surprises were the kind that once spoiled would never be the same.

While I'm not going to say this is amazing literature (how can I with all the "OK" reviews and three stars?), but I can and will say that I really, truly, loved it. Maybe I was in the mood for good Si-Fi pulp. Or maybe I don't have very good taste, whatever. (I think my taste is pretty good, so we'll allow me a few iffy ones, right?) Anyway, for fans of Science Fiction and John Wyndham I'd whole heartedly recommend this. I can only hope you'll enjoy it at least half as much as me.

PG There are some mild swears, a bit of violence, more when it comes to warfare and a bit of what I'd call "Chinese Torture". I must say about the torture, I'm very glad we were not show it step by step, because I think we can all imagine how it feels to have splinters thrust into our fingers, without being told. We do get the "excitement" of being there, but it is blacked out among other things which aren't every expounded on.
Profile Image for Simon Pressinger.
254 reviews1 follower
February 13, 2022
No sense wasting time on a book you’re not enjoying, even if it is from an author you really admire. But it was his first published book and he was a young man. There’s some signs of the brilliance he displays in his later work, but it’s a real shame to see old yet familiar racial stereotypes, and used in such a cringingly insensitive 2D fashion. Sure, I’ll probably return to it, but right now I’m in no mood for anything that doesn’t grip me.
Profile Image for Paul Darcy.
194 reviews8 followers
January 9, 2012
by John Wyndham, published in 1935.

I love to read author’s first novels and this, “The Secret People”, is indeed John Wyndham’s first. And I have to say right off that despite it having been written so long ago it reads pretty much like a more modern novel and not like its contemporaries.

And for whatever reason he published it under the pseudonym; John Beynon. If my first novel was this good I would stick with my first published name and run with it from there on.

Which gets me to the meat of the book itself - or should that be Portobelo mushroom steak? Let me explain.

The gist of the novel is that a secret society of pygmies lives deep underground below the Sahara Desert. No, really. And two, for the times anyhow, cool concepts were being explored and kudos to Wyndham for coming up with them when he did though he is likely not the first, but I don’t really know for sure.

First off he has a rocket powered airplane. Remember this was published in 1935. Cutting edge technology for the times. Also the Sahara Desert is being turned into a huge inland sea which leads to troubles as you can imagine. And what would a science fiction tale be without cool big concepts into which you toss a handful of characters.

Which is pretty much what happens. You see, the rocket plane crashes into this growing sea while the pilot (Mark) is trying to impress a female friend (Margaret). Some things are just universal aren’t they.

Well the plane with Mark and Margaret inside gets sucked down a whirlpool and underground into the lands of the pygmies. They are separated and Mark ends up in a prison colony in a deep layer of the caverns where he meets many others who have been there as much as ten or more years. It seems that once the pygmies catch you in their lands, they never let you leave and so their society has indeed remained secret for all these hundreds of years.

But their world is threatened now by flooding as the Sahara keeps getting pumped with more and more water and more and more cave ins occur which will eventually flood their homes.

Oh, and one other cool concept I almost forgot - the pygmies have developed cold light. Think a kind of bioluminescence coupled with fluorescent light and you have the glow globes of the underground. Again, this is 1935 we are talking about, so cool light is very cutting edge tech. I’m impressed.

The novel overall is pretty exciting with escape plans to make Papion blush and several skirmishes with pygmies and evil double crossing humans - oh and romance, cat worship and some other surprising twists.

So, if you ever wondered what the creator of “Day of the Triffids” and “Midwich Cuckoos” first novel was like - find a copy of this, “The Secret People” and give it a go.

While reading this novel I was mostly reminded of “Journey to the Center of the Earth” by Jules Verne, so if you liked that you will like this.
Profile Image for Bill.
1,803 reviews100 followers
January 15, 2017
The Secret People was one of science fiction author, John Wyndham's first books, written under the pen-name, John Benyon in 1935. Wyndham is one of my favourite science fiction writers. His books, The Day of the Triffids, The Chrysalids and The Kraken Wakes are amongst my favourite books in the genre.
So, it was quite a pleasant surprise when I found The Secret People while I was leafing through one of my used book store's shelves.
Was The Secret People at the same level of Wyndham's classics? Not by a long shot. However, it was still an entertaining adventure, somewhat in the same vein as Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth, and maybe more so, HG Wells' Land that Time Forgot books.
The Secret People is set in Africa, in the Sahara Desert. The French and Italians have begun a project to flood the desert by piping up water from under the desert to make a huge sea. An English adventurer, Mark Sunnet, in his new jet plane, is visiting Africa, just to see new lands and to try out his plane. He meets the lovely Margaret in a stopover in Algiers and takes her for a flight to see this new sea. Unfortunately, an accident lands them, floating, in the middle of the sea.
Caught in a whirlpool, the are sucked beneath the surface into a world of tunnels and caves under the desert. It's peopled by a pygmy people who are desperate to remain undiscovered. It turns out that there are many people who have by various accidents been made prisoners below the surface.
Thus begins an adventure to escape from below the desert before a major disaster occurs (I'll leave that part for you find out about). It's an entertaining story, sometimes encumbered with philosophical discussions, but all in all fun to read and a nice intro to the future works of Wyndham. I hope that I can find his other earlier works. (3 stars)
Profile Image for Deborah Ideiosepius.
1,823 reviews144 followers
September 29, 2016
In The Secret People we are drawn down a sinkhole into a series of subterranean caverns in which live a strange tribe of people, descendants perhaps of people who once walked the face of the African continent. Captured and imprisoned,our heroes Mark and Margaret must survive as they strive to escape the doomed caverns.

John Wyndham was one of my parents favorite sci-fi authors so I read a lot of his growing up, I was amazed to find one I had not read. The story telling, writing and world crafting are every good as I remembered them to be and I thoroughly enjoyed this story.

It could be argued that it has not dated well; written in 1935, the setting is in some ways very true to it's era and in that way very dated; the men and women are 30's people through and through, appearances, social gender and imperialism and all, I found that quite fascinating but I am not sure it would be every modern readers cup of tea.

The futures Wyndham predicted did not eventuate. Rocket ships zooming through the atmosphere under the hands of private pilots were not a thing in 1964 (but if he can called it a 'concord' would it have worked?) and rocket propelled craft had a very limited trialing in the 2000's. Italy and France did not combine forces to flood the Sahara desert and create an inland sea - on the other hand apparently the idea was discussed at one stage.

While reading this story I kept getting reminders of other old but brilliant stories; Edgar Rice Burroughs Pellucidar adventures, H. G. Wells' marvelous adventures and of course Jules Verne's Journey to the center of the earth.

On the whole, I enjoyed this book throughly!
Profile Image for Graham.
1,348 reviews63 followers
April 25, 2020
As a massive fan of Wyndham's later classic novels, in particular THE KRAKEN WAKES and, of course, THE DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS, I'm always eager to read other works from the author. This one's his first published science fiction novel and it came out in 1935 under the pseudonym John Benyon. It's much more old-fashioned than his 1950s work, particularly after the high-tech plane opening; it quickly turns into one of those once-popular 'lost world' stories so beloved of Burroughs and Verne.

You can tell Wyndham is writing because a lot of the story contains digressions on society, albeit a particularly alien, pygmy-style society not dissimilar to the Morlocks in the Wells classic THE TIME MACHINE. Plant life also plays a big part in the story, this time around fungus getting plenty of wordage. The fantastic aspects of the tale are well described and the characters likeable enough; after a lull in the middle part, things pick up for a lengthy climax which is full of action and spectacle, which works well. Just when things threaten to get a little juvenile, the author throws in some stark violence and rumination on mankind, so I'd recommend this overall to Wyndham fans.
Profile Image for Joe.
1 review2 followers
March 28, 2018
Came to this having read and loved the books that Wyndham is better known for, and while the main concept is interesting, this novel has aged pretty badly. A relatively diverse group of characters provides him with the opportunity for quite a lot of racism.

Stick with The Day Of The Triffids, The Chrysalids, The Kraken Wakes, etc.
Profile Image for Antonio Fanelli.
974 reviews182 followers
December 25, 2017
Non male; più che fantascienza, si tratta di avventura esotica alla Haggard con tutti i pregi e i difetti di quel genere.
Non entusiasma, il finale è scontato ed ha una sua tragica bellezza; si legge con piacere, ma nulla più.
Profile Image for Iris Bratton.
293 reviews8 followers
September 5, 2020
A classic sci-fi story that is simplistic but delivers in entertainment value.

*Reduced one star for racial slurs

This was such a fun book! I loved some of John Wyndham's other books, so I thought I would try reading his first. I was happy I did!

The story is linear and predictable with not much character development, but the plot kept me engaged despite it all. Wyndham's books are more about the journey rather than the destination, and that's why I enjoy his stories so much.

If you liked The Chrysalids , you'll enjoy this too.
Profile Image for Charity.
632 reviews544 followers
November 12, 2022
The Secret People is one of the first (or THE first...I can't recall) books written by John Wyndham (and originally published under the name John Beynon). I thought it was very good overall, but it didn't engage me as much as The Midwich Cuckoos and The Day of the Triffids did.

However, the part where evolution was discussed with regard to the pygmies was extremely impressive...especially considering this book was written in 1935 before all the tenets of modern evolutionary synthesis were fully realized. Wow!

Oh! And the book is set in (the future) 1964 and Wyndham identifies Queen Elizabeth II as the reigning monarch of Great Britain...BUUUUUUUT, when the book was published, in 1935, she wasn't in the direct line of succession. How freaky-deaky is that!!??

So, while I do believe that John Wyndham's writing definitely improved over time, I can now see that his ideas have always been rather revolutionary. Kudos, Mr. Wyndham!
Profile Image for Daniel.
622 reviews49 followers
February 3, 2017
Es gibt Ideen, die können einfach nur aus bestimmten Zeitaltern stammen. Ein Meer in die Wüste zu machen, zum Beispiel. Während man heute über die praktische Nutzung von Sonnenstunden ohne Ende nachdenkt - und dabei die Energieversorgung im Auge hat - waren die geistigen Projektoren von Science-Fiction-Autoren auf viel profanere Einfälle gerichtet. Profan im Sinne von "nicht besonders hilfreich". Und was ist unnötiger als noch ein weiteres Meer, um das wir uns nicht kümmern?

Sei es, wie es sei. Die riesigen Pumpen, die das "neue Meer" erschaffen sollen, verrichten jedenfalls ihren Dienst, als der Pilot eines Düsenjets samt seiner Freundin (nebst Katze) just über diesem künstlichen Gewässer abstürzt. Sehr zu seinem Glück geht zwar der Flieger selbst zu Bruch, ihre Knochen bleiben aber größtenteils heil. Nachdem man sich vom ersten Schock ganz gut erholt hat, folgt sofort der Zweite: Während eines Versuchs sich von einer kleinen, aufgeschütteten (oder vielmehr: noch nicht untergegangenen) Insel aufs Festland treiben zu lassen, werden die drei hinab gesogen in ein bis dahin völlig unbekanntes Höhlensystem. Und dort geht gleich von Anfang an alles schief - die hiesigen Bewohner (totenbleiche Pygmäen) leben von Pilzen, Götterkulten und Langeweile. Die einzige Abwechslung in deren Leben scheint es jedenfalls zu sein, unglückliche Neuankömmlinge zu unglücklichen älteren Ankömmlingen zu sperren. So werden unser Pilot und seine Freundin (noch immer nebst Katze) zu Gefangenen unter Tage; bewaffnet einzig mit der Hoffnung das Tageslicht irgendwann einmal wiederzusehen.

Wem das nicht Anfang-zwanzigstes-Jahrhundert genug ist, dem kann man nicht mehr helfen. Das Tolle daran ist aber, dass wir einen weiteren, sensationellen Einblick in die Köpfe dieser Zeit erhalten. Wyndham verbindet klassische Science Fiction bester Tradition mit mit genau jener Sorte Zukunftsvisionen, die eigentlich auch dem Größenwahn jenes Zeitalters entsprechen, in dem "Das Versteckte Volk" geschrieben wurde. 1935 klang die Erschaffung eines künstlichen Meeres vielleicht nicht nur wie eine großartige Leistung - sondern auch wie eine großartige Idee.

In Sachen Stil hat sich Wyndham tatsächlich viel von anderen Meistern abgeschaut. Beim Lesen erhält man den Eindruck nicht das kreativste Werk aller Zeiten vor Augen zu haben, dafür aber mit soliden Erläuterungen und Herleitungen ausgestattete Upper-Class-Ware. Es machte durchaus Spaß jenen Bogen gemeinsam mit seinen Figuren zu spannen, den diese von Kinderbüchern über Wichtel und Gnome hin zu einem vergessenen Pygmäen-Volk zogen.

Ich würde die (kurze) Lektüre sicherlich jenen Empfehlen, die gerne einmal etwas von Wyndham lesen wollen, weil er sicherlich ein bedeutender Schriftsteller auf seinem Gebiet war. Zwar habe ich das Buch nicht deshalb ausgewählt - ich hätte es aber durchaus deshalb tun können. Was man vorab aber vielleicht wissen sollte ist, dass die Übersetzungen nur mäßig angepasst wurden. Das eine oder andere heute geächtete Wort ist darin jedenfalls vorhanden. Und obwohl ich mich in dieser Hinsicht gerne recht unempfindlich gebe muss ich durchaus zugeben, dass es auch mich kurz gebeutelt hat, als ich das erste Mal "Neger" gelesen habe.
Profile Image for jessica.
479 reviews
October 30, 2023
I won’t be rating this, but easily my least favourite out of all the Wyndham novels I’ve read and by far the most dated. The ending actually made me quite angry.

It started off promising and earlier conversations between the two main protagonists, Mark and Margaret, could even have been read as a condemning commentary on colonialism, but alas, not only did the story get boring pretty quickly but it soon made for literal flinch inducing, uncomfortable reading.

Racial slurs used throughout, not just by the ‘baddies’, but by characters we are meant to root for. This book was written in 1935, so yes, we can say it’s ‘of its time’ and that may be enough of an excuse to write it off for some readers, but for me, any potential enjoyment diminishes when this sentiment of white supremacy washes over the whole narrative.

Spoiler alert, but only a handful of people make it out alive - all white, plus a cat, whereas every single character of colour and the whole race of the ‘secret people’ are presumed to be wiped out. Also, one of the characters steals a light created by this hidden people and in the final lines is discussing how he plans to patent it and we can be sure he’ll become disgustingly rich from it. The survivors are not even going to bother sharing their experiences with the outside world any longer - too much faff, I guess, and not much point when the entire society has been erased right? Oh and Mark and Margaret are getting married now, so way more important things to be worrying about… Can you tell how increasingly annoyed I got whilst writing this review?

For some inexplicable reason, prior to this, I really liked John Wyndham. I don’t read many male writers, especially from this period, and I don’t read much sci-fi, but there’s just something about his books that usually grip me. In stark contrast, this one was just deeply disappointing on so many levels. This was the last Wyndham on my physical TBR after reading and enjoying most of his other works, but I believe it’s actually his first novel; so perhaps in time I can just pretend it doesn’t exist? But for now, it’s pretty depressing to have this one as my lasting impression of his, it being highly unlikely I’ll ever return to this author now. Boo!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Amy Lambert.
13 reviews
August 2, 2022
This book took me so long to read because it was not very enjoyable.

After getting half way through the book I realised that this was John Wyndham’s first novel and you can tell. It doesn’t have the weird, wonderful and complexing ideas that you expect from his fiction. It's a predictable story line with one dimensional characters.

The Secret People, which was published in 1935, has not aged very well. Racist and outdated views. Stay away from this book, stick with Wyndhams later works.
Profile Image for Charlie.
1,039 reviews5 followers
November 13, 2013
Another great Wyndham book! (Terrible jacket art. The "secret people" are supposed to be grey, and why are there mushrooms on their heads? Weird.) Still liked "Day of the Triffids" "The Chrysalids," and "The Midwich Cuckoos" better. This was a little bit Jules Vern-ey. Good characters, cool scenario... a fun read.
Profile Image for HW.
100 reviews
June 17, 2018
Don't get me wrong, I think Wyndham is a great writer, but his convoluted descriptions are a bit too much for me-- fanciful and elaborate as they may be, they distance me from the story instead of drawing me in because I just don't know what he's going on about. This book's political allegory was also lost on me because I was ignorant of the references made to things like "comic-military reactions of Germany (which in 1935 was under Nazi rule) towards potential violations of their airspace by the protagonist's descending rocket plane" and 'the Piltdown Man' (Yes I got these off Wikipedia). But I enjoyed reading about how the different individuals reacted to bring trapped in the caves and he illustrates well just what humans are capable of when driven to desperation. I think the implicit commentary on how humans have impeded on flora and fauna for their own (selfish) benefit is worth dwelling upon.

(At first, I did think that the people consuming mushrooms were a reference to drugs and that implied the story was going to be a whole hallucinatory process lol)
Profile Image for Jeff.
624 reviews11 followers
May 17, 2021
I admit I am a sucker for lost world/lost race novels, and this is a very good one indeed. It was written in the 1930s but takes place in the far future of the 1960s -- so in that respect, it is dated. Still, it's an engaging story about a man and his girlfriend flying in a newly designed rocket plane over the New Sea (actually a portion of the Sahara Desert that was intentionally flooded). They get sucked into a whirlpool and end up in a land under the desert, populated by a race of people whose existence nobody knew about -- and also by other land dwellers who accidentally ended up there over the years and are being held prisoner. A great read!
Profile Image for Wahyu Novian.
333 reviews43 followers
December 20, 2018
As it’s Wyndham’s first published novel, I didn’t feel it’s as enthralling as his next novel. But he definitely had his own style from the beginning. It’s still enjoyable too. And don’t forget the tea.
Profile Image for Otherwyrld.
570 reviews56 followers
September 24, 2017
This, the first published novel by John Wyndham in 1935, is a story that looks both to the future and the the past. The future is represented by the private jet plane that protagonist Mark flies over the newly created Sahara Sea; the past is the ripping yarn presented here that could easily have come from the pen of the likes of H G Wells or Jules Verne, as Mark and his partner Margaret are sucked underground into a world of Bast-worshipping pygmies. While their eventual escape is inevitable, their adventures along the way make for an exciting read.

If I have any criticism of the story, beyond the typical racism of the story which is not unusual for it's era, it is that our two protagonists are separated early on. The result of this is that Margaret disappears for over half the book and possibly it might have read a little better if their stories had been covered in alternate chapters. Margaret is a fascinating character - a strong independent woman (Mark calls her a "brick" at one point - an old fashioned English term for a reliable and dependable person), but when she finally reappears her story seems a little boring compared to Marks, as she finds herself the handmaiden to the cat who accompanied them and who is worshiped as a god by the pygmies. Mark on the other hand has a boys own struggle to survive in the caves, which is probably the best part of the story.

The pygmy society is well fleshed out, though the author seems to sometimes vacillate between admiring them and denigrating them, sometimes making out that they inspired the ancient Egyptians, and other times just blindly imitating them. Still, it is often surprisingly sympathetic to the lifestyle that they have forged for themselves below ground.

This is a book I don't remember reading as a child, unlike most of the author's other books. While it is somewhat dated, it is a fascinating story and a good sign of things to come with subsequent novels.

Profile Image for George K..
2,630 reviews352 followers
March 13, 2015
Αυτό είναι το πρώτο βιβλίο που έγραψε ο Τζον Γουίνταμ, το 1935 και τρίτο που διαβάζω εγώ. Παίρνει την δεύτερη θέση, αφού μου άρεσε λιγότερο από το Η ώρα των Τριφίδων και περισσότερο από το Λαθρεπιβάτης για τον Άρη. Και είναι στο ίδιο επίπεδο με την ιστορία Εξόριστοι στον Άσπερο που διάβασα τον Ιανουάριο.

Πως έχει η ιστορία: Η "Νέα Θάλασσα" είναι ένα μεγαλεπήβολο σχέδιο που σαν σκοπό έχει να γεμίσει με νερό ένα μεγάλο κομμάτι της Σαχάρας. Βέβαια οι δυσκολίες είναι πολλές, κυρίως λόγω των μεγάλων σπηλαίων που βρίσκονται κάτω από την Σαχάρα. Ο Μαρκ Σάνετ, ένας πλούσιος άντρας, που βρέθηκε σε κείνα τα μέρη με το ανεπτυγμένο τεχνολογικά αεροπλάνο του, ονόματι "Το πουλί του Ήλιου", και η όμορφη γυναίκα, ονόματι Μάργκαρετ Λόουν, που είχε για παρέα, πέφτουν θύματα ενός ατυχήματος, αφού το αεροπλάνο τους έπαθε κάποια ζημιά και έπεσε στα νερά της "Νέας Θάλασσας". Και μετά από λίγο, το αεροπλάνο βυθίστηκε στα νερά, λόγω μιας δίνης. Τέλος πάντων, μετά από διάφορες καταστάσεις, οι δυο τους φυλακίζονται από μια φυλή μικρών ανθρώπων, στα μεγαλειώδη τους σπήλαια, κάτω από την "Νέα Θάλασσα". Φυσικά υπάρχουν και άλλοι άνθρωποι εκεί, που είχαν πάθει και αυτοί διάφορα ατυχήματα σε εκείνες τις περιοχές. Άλλοι ήταν κλεισμένοι για μήνες και άλλοι για πολλά χρόνια. Με τα πολλά, σχεδιάζουν να ξεφύγουν, τόσο από τους μικρούς ανθρώπους, όσο και από τα νερά που είναι έτοιμα να τους πνίξουν.

Καλό σενάριο, αν και κάποια πράγματα είναι λίγο τραβηγμένα. Το βιβλίο ανήκει στην κατηγορία με τα βιβλία στα οποία υπάρχουν χαμένοι κόσμοι και πολιτισμοί και όπου οι άνθρωποι γνωρίζονται με αυτούς. Εννοείται πως είναι παλπ, καλής ποιότητας, με αξιόλογη γραφή, ενδιαφέρουσα ιστορία, γεμάτη με περιπέτεια και περίεργα τοπία. Οι χαρακτήρες είναι δίχως ιδιαίτερο βάθος, αλλά λίγη σημασία έχει. Φυσικά το τέλος είναι λίγο-πολύ αναμενόμενο, αλλά πιστεύω ότι το βιβλίο είναι ό,τι πρέπει για μια ξεκούραστη ανάγνωση που σε ταξιδεύει.


Στα ελληνικά από τις εκδόσεις Λυχνάρι, με τον τίτλο "Μονομαχία στο χάος".
Profile Image for Marceline.
131 reviews8 followers
January 21, 2020
Normally I enjoy John Wyndham's stuff to the point I own about half of his works. However, I didn't particularly enjoy this and I suspect it's largely due to it being one of his first novels. The writing itself is fairly well written and it was a fairly fast read.

The issue I had with it was I just couldn't connect to any of the characters. The lack of character development. And the part in the beginning where Margaret has known Mark for just a few minutes and he goes and tells her to change and she does... obediently. Yes. I get it. This was written in 1935. This was the expected behavior of women for the time. The question I ask is: why? No, seriously. Why? He was able to write brilliantly about interesting topics. Imagine sophisticated technology. He's written one of my favorite dystopian books. In many ways he was so ahead of his time in the sci-fi genre. But he couldn't add in a female character with a bit of gusto? A bit of stubbornness and independance? Sure, she *did* scream at the end. But only because she heard others.

The book itself is rather rough. It reads at too quick a pace at times, and sometimes I felt that he explained a lot, with little depth. It's something that is prevalent in some of his other novels that I've read but this has taken the longest to read out of any of his books I've read over the years because at times because it felt like more of a chore.

And so I'll recommend people read this if they want to see where he started at compared to what I consider his opus... The Chrysalids. If you're wanting to read this for anything else?? Buy it used. Or choose something else because I cannot recommend trying to find a new copy.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Derek.
1,320 reviews8 followers
August 11, 2016
The author takes great effort to make the story's events reasonable instead of exciting. To make them explained, at least, which is done in long introspection or long discussions: characters are prone to digress into anthropology or philosophy for a two-page dissertation, at the expense of the story's momentum. And there are times when momentum is sorely lacking.

The story takes an interesting turn early on as protagonist Mark is confined to a segregated prison area away from the main pygmy civilization, and the pygmies are a relatively distant, alien menace. Instead, it is all about the prisoners themselves: the personalities and factions and work being done in secret. It is only later on, when the story switches to protagonist Margaret, that we see the native culture from the inside, and see the outcome of certain events from the perspective of those outside the prison area.
Profile Image for Ade Couper.
302 reviews12 followers
July 12, 2012
Ok , cards on the table - Wyndham (along with Clarke & Asimov) was part of my formative sci-fi reading....so , when I saw a Wyndham novel I'd never heard of before in a 2nd-hand bookshop , I snapped it up !

I soon discovered why I hadn't heard of or read this before - it is (& I never thought I'd say this of 1 of my favourite authors) bloody awful. The plot cocerns a rich playboy , Mark , & his holiday squeeze Margaret , who crash their jet into the New Sea (a portion of the Sahara flooded to help with irrigating Africa) , & are sucked into a subterranean world ruled by albino pygmies.....

Little of any interest happens , & the characters are frankly cardboard . I lost interest in the story a long way before the end.

This actually feels like a bad parody of Wyndham , & shows no signs of the greatness to come. Avoid
Profile Image for Kris Ashton.
Author 29 books8 followers
January 24, 2014
The Secret People was Wyndham's first full-length novel and was published under his nom de plume John Beynon. His influences are obvious in this book (not least HG Wells' The Time Machine) and it's clearly written by a young man - the characters are a tad superficial in type and motivation and there's an excess of telling and explanation. The book is also one of his weakest scientifically - I'm not sure if the medical world knew about vitamin D deficiency in 1935, but many of Wyndham's 'secret people' would have been suffering from it. Still, the narrative really starts to cook in the last 50 pages or so and it's interesting to see the author's brief vision of 1964 (which is when the story is set). If nothing else, it's a worthwhile piece of juvenalia.
Profile Image for Ricardo.
Author 11 books83 followers
May 28, 2020
Una de las primeras novelas de John Wyndham (escrita bajo pseudónimo en 1935, casi dos décadas antes de sus obras más famosas), por lo que de entrada hay que saber que es muy diferente al resto de libros por el que le conocemos. Esta es un relato más en línea con la tradición pulp y el tipo de historias de "mundos perdidos" en el que el realismo se sacrifica en favor del sentido de la maravilla y una estructura de aventuras. Sabiendo esto es muy disfrutable aunque resulta sin lugar a dudas un trabajo menor en el que se nota poco del nivel que alcanzaría este autor en libros posteriores.
Profile Image for Braden Koop.
170 reviews2 followers
April 17, 2016
probably like countless people before me, i liken this novel to Journey to the Center of the Earth. One of the odd things was the respect for women so lacking in traditional science fiction or probably any novel back then. i just thought it slightly interesting. i didnt find the book overly compelling, and i dont even know if i would recommend it, but im glad i read it either way.
Profile Image for Rik.
569 reviews6 followers
May 5, 2014
I like the worlds created by writers last century, ideas that maybe seemed plausible then, can look rather silly now, but all the same give fascinating insight into how people thought. This was a good idea, and well conveyed, and a good read.
Profile Image for Flyss Williams.
562 reviews2 followers
July 31, 2016
Master of prose John Wyndham's first published book, beautifully written as all his books are, following the story of a young couple sucked through a whirlpool into the world of strange forgotten underground pygmies.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 109 reviews

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