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Someday, Someday, Maybe

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Goodreads Choice Award
Nominee for Best Fiction (2013)
A charming and laugh-out-loud novel by Lauren Graham, beloved star of Parenthood and Gilmore Girls, about an aspiring actress trying to make it in mid-nineties New York City.

Franny Banks is a struggling actress in New York City, with just six months left of the three-year deadline she gave herself to succeed. But so far, all she has to show for her efforts is a single line in an ad for ugly Christmas sweaters and a degrading waitressing job. She lives in Brooklyn with two roommates - Jane, her best friend from college, and Dan, a sci-fi writer, who is very definitely not boyfriend material - and is struggling with her feelings for a suspiciously charming guy in her acting class, all while trying to find a hair-product cocktail that actually works.

Meanwhile, she dreams of doing "important" work, but only ever seems to get auditions for dishwashing liquid and peanut butter commercials. It's hard to tell if she'll run out of time or money first, but either way, failure would mean facing the fact that she has absolutely no skills to make it in the real world. Her father wants her to come home and teach, her agent won't call her back, and her classmate Penelope, who seems supportive, might just turn out to be her toughest competition yet.

Someday, Someday, Maybe is a funny and charming debut about finding yourself, finding love, and, most difficult of all, finding an acting job.

340 pages, Hardcover

First published April 30, 2013

About the author

Lauren Graham

8 books7,985 followers
Lauren Graham is an actor, writer, and producer best known for her roles on the critically acclaimed series Gilmore Girls and Parenthood.

She is also the New York Times bestselling author of Someday, Someday, Maybe, and Talking as Fast as I Can.

Graham has performed on Broadway and appeared in such films as Bad Santa, Because I Said So, and Max. She holds a BA in English from Barnard College and an MFA in acting from Southern Methodist University.

She lives in New York and Los Angeles.

There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.

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Profile Image for Nomes.
384 reviews369 followers
July 17, 2013
I love the premise of the book (struggling actress! peanut butter commercials! charming guy in acting class! room-mates!) and I adore Lauren Graham (of Gilmore Girls fame). This book called out to me as a comfort read: cute and smiley and fun with a bit of angst thrown in.

This book was (as the blurb promises) CHARMING. Franny is delightfully charming, slightly quirky and kind of all over the place. She has the best of intentions and clings to her dreams... yet is constantly floundering - she's in danger of losing her waitressing job, her auditions never quite go as planned, others around her seems to be getting all the breaks.

Despite, at times, loving the narration, I felt Franny's asides started to weigh the story down and some scenes took a while to get through. At 30% in I felt like the book was only just getting started and I was kind of on the edge of my seat waiting for the plot to take off, but just as it did, the book ended.

It's a catch 22 for me: I love how Graham narrates, but the narration really bogged down the plot. Which meant even as I adored certain whimsical and charming scenes, the story as whole did not enchant me as I had hoped it would. I guess I love Graham's writing and the charm of it all, but wanted more from the story. More swoon, more stakes, more action.

Still. It was a lovely way to spend my afternoon. A breezy kind of chick lit read which I couldn't help but cast Lauren Graham herself as Franny. If you are a fan of chick lit and/or Lauren Graham you should definitely check this out for a relaxing and smiley Sunday afternoon read.
Profile Image for Catherine McKenzie.
Author 27 books4,789 followers
December 7, 2013
It seems like every review I read for this week's read for Lauren Graham's Someday, Someday, Maybe --is prefaced by the same caveat: I am a HUGE FAN of (insert one or all of the following: Lauren Graham, The Gilmore Girls, Lorelei Gilmore, Parenthood).

Full disclosure: this caveat applies to me. As I informed my agent when I was trying to see if I could interview Ms. Graham, I (a) own all seven seasons of The Gilmore Girls, (b) have seen every episode of Parenthood, and (c) have a girl crush on Lauren Graham. In short, as a kind fan wrote me once, I'm convinced we're already best friends, she just doesn't know it yet.

Surprisingly, then, my promises to my agent that none of the above would mean that I would act like a creepy stalker if I got to interview her were met with skepticism. But hey, we're both authors now, right? I can play it cool. So while I waited to see if her "people" (of course you have people, Lauren! I kind of have people too. You don't mind if I call you Lauren, right? Now that we're in the same club now and all?) I tried to formulate some killer questions that she would (a) not have been asked a million times and (b) signal that she had finally found that best friend she'd always been looking for. (No offence to my own best friend of course. I mean, I know we've been friends our whole lives, but it's Lauren Graham!)

And then I had this vision of me, Bridget Jones style, interviewing Colin Firth in the second Bridget Jones book, and it went something like this:

(Me) So, um, I'm a big fan by the way, just huge, I mean Gilmore Girls. Hello! Well, maybe not the last two seasons, but seasons 1-5? Perfection! Anyway, um, the book is about an actress in the 90s who's tall and beautiful and has unruly black hair and is struggling to make it in New York, and man, don't you hate it when people just assume that your main character is you?

And without even waiting for Lauren's pretend answer, I knew I wasn't going to get the interview, and that maybe that was a good thing. (OK, I still want the interview, and, if you're reading this, Lauren, I promise to behave and ask good questions. You are reading this, right? I mean, all writers read their reviews even when they say they don't, right, so ...)

Anywho: onto the review.

Someday, Someday, Maybe is about a struggling actress who has given herself six more months to make it in New York before she gives up and goes home to marry her high school sweetheart. Set in the 1990s, it's told quirkily, and sometimes quite funnily, through both regular prose and dialogue, and excerpts from answering machine messages and Filofax excerpts. While the plot follows a fairly predictable (forgive me, Lauren) trajectory, I was amused along the way. I even laughed out loud a few times, and there was one section in particular, about the tyranny of dry-cleaning, that I wished I'd written myself.

Graham has a good sense of characterization, and with the exception of one character -- her acting coach -- I didn't get the sense that she was telling a thinly veiled account of anyone's life, not even her own, who felt distinct from what I've seen of Graham through interviews etc. The book also ends on the perfect note to set up the next book that I understand she's already writing. In short, this is a book I would have read and enjoyed sans girl-crush.

So, bravo. And: Encore.
Profile Image for Suz.
1,366 reviews730 followers
August 28, 2016
After a bump in the road reading this (my precocious 12 year old daughter had some kind of issue with me, she must have been in trouble so badly to hide my book! Oh the injustice). I guess we don't have a Lorelai and Rory relationship, or anything minutely close. I was forced to buy the ebook just to enable me to finish. I found it to be exactly what I was hoping and thought it would be. Light, funny, sweet and full of quirk. Although being a HUGE Gilmore Girls fan, I don't know if my fan status clouded my opinion? It was enjoyable, like meeting a funny girlfriend you've been looking forward to catch up with for a coffee, or something similar. We follow Franny Banks journey to make it big in NY, she's trying to break into acting and has given herself a three year deadline, and we meet her when it's just about up. Funny and original hand written diary entries form part of the story, it's set in the 1990's so it's refreshingly different to see how she organises herself using a filo fax - how on earth could we have been without our iphones/ipads??!! I really did enjoy it, probably a tad predictable but it held my interest and I loved it. A definite must read for her fans, I think you'll see Lauren Graham's easy funny bantering nature shines right through. I've heard the audio is excellent with Lauren narrating. This would be perfect I think. I will give this a go one day.
Profile Image for Amy (caligurlreads).
229 reviews1 follower
April 14, 2017
***ARC copy provided by Random House courtesy of Edelweiss***


Lauren Graham is brilliant! I picked up this ARC primarily because I wanted to see if Lauren could be as witty in her writing as she is in her acting and as she appears to be when she is interviewed. I can now say with 100% honesty that she is! I can't write my full review now, but I wanted you all to know that this book was great. I loved it! Once I crawled out from underneath all of my Buddy Reads and I was able to sit down and focus on just this one, I couldn't put it down. It was absolutely, without a doubt, not something that I would normally read. I gave it a shot based on her acting abilities and the way that she always pulls me into her characters. Lauren Graham has done it to me again. If you get a chance to read this in the future...puh-lease do yourself a favor...DO IT! I promise, you will not be disappointed.
840 reviews164 followers
July 8, 2013
I don't know much about Lauren Graham, having never watched Gilmore Girls, and though I do love the awesomeness that is Parenthood, her character more gets on my nerves than anything else - and so I wasn't expecting much by way of this book, and I was not disappointed. It's exactly what you think it will be: a marginally funny but much more often gimmicky account of a woman's efforts to make it in acting. Because it - I imagine - draws almost entirely from Lauren's own climb, the writing for the most part is contrived and deliberate, following every trite formula (the audition that went badly? She will get the part! The audition that went well? Nope! The boy she has no interest in? Hmm let's guess).
Franny, the main character, is zany to the point of annoying. Graham badly wants her to be the American Bridget Jones, filled with charming klutzy moves and bad luck turned good at just the right moment with the help of an unsuspecting love interest, but all she ends up being is a knock off. The dialogue tries too hard, Franny tries too hard, and the characters are all cliche, whether it's the bookish, Luddite dad or the hyper verbal writer roommate or the shallow competition in her acting world.
Graham also endeavors to create dramatic irony and I just feel like that's a device that should not be tried at home. Franny was painfully unreliable in a way that showed the author's hand way too much, and so instead of irony being created we simply had a colossally stupid rather than charming heroine.
I know this book is meant to be a heart warming and funny romp and I guess it is, sort of, but does it have to be done so badly?
If you like silly books that read more like sitcoms than, say, books, then you will enjoy having this at your side when you are next on the beach. Otherwise, eh.
Profile Image for Susan Tunis.
824 reviews272 followers
April 7, 2013
Lauren Graham: As funny on the page as she is on the stage

Life is often heavy. Literature is often heavy. Sometimes I just want a little light entertainment, and Lauren Graham’s debut novel, Someday, Someday Maybe sounded like just what the doctor ordered. Now there’s no reason to believe that a gifted comic actress would be a particularly gifted comic novelist. Actually, my expectations might lean slightly in the opposite direction. So let me be the first to proclaim what a fun, funny, clever, and refreshing debut this is. It was absolutely everything I wanted and more than I expected.

Someday, Someday Maybe is the story of aspiring actress Franny Banks. She’d given herself three years to make it in New York, and as the novel opens in 1995, her deadline is fast approaching. Currently, she’s waiting tables, not for Godot. The novel details Franny’s travails personally and professionally as her deadline looms. There’s no real need to describe the plot further.

It seems reasonable to assume that there’s at least a smidge of autobiography in the mix. It can’t be a coincidence that Lauren Graham’s first professional listings on IMDB showed up right around 1995. She’s writing about a time, a place, and a world that she knows. The details ring true. And she does an excellent job of articulating the work of an actor. It’s quite interesting being inside Franny’s head, hearing her thought process, as she taps into the emotions she needs to convey. It’s easy to empathize with the likeable Franny and to root for her to succeed.

One of the greatest pleasures of the novel is the humor. Both actors and the industry are satirized. Additionally, there is rich observational humor. In discussing a neighbor, Graham writes: “We worry about Frank in the way New Yorkers worry about strangers whose apartments they can see into. Which is to say, we made up a name for him and have theories about his life, and we’d call 911 if we saw something frightening happen while spying on him, but if I ran into him on the subway, I’d look the other way.”

Aside from her career, Franny is a twenty-something woman navigating the rocky shoals of romance. There’s a light chick-lit feel to the novel, and the romantic subplot was truly delightful. Graham has meta-fictional fun with romance tropes: “I mean, the whole ‘love triangle’ THING bothers me. Who even thought of that? I’ve never been in a love triangle. Especially one where the girl is torn between the obviously right guy played by the more famous actor and the obviously hideously wrong guy played by the slightly less famous actor. And also, why does the heroine always have a sassy best friend? And why is she always a brunette?”

This is not literary fiction. Graham is writing in the voice of her first-person narrator. Yes, there are a fair number of run on sentences and sentence fragments, but she brings Franny’s voice to life. I could hear her, and she didn’t actually sound very much like Lorelei Gilmore at all. Franny is a new creation. The novel’s prose is very readable, and occasionally it’s more than that. Also, Franny’s tale moves swiftly. It’s a story you’ll read in no time, and the odds are good you’ll be left wishing for a few chapters more.

Graham’s characters are appealing. You want these young people to find their happy ending—whatever that happens to be. The novel comes to a very satisfying conclusion, and I enjoyed my time in Franny’s company enough that I wouldn’t mind at all visiting with her in the future. Given her creator’s success, I’m going to gamble that things turn out alright for her. As for Lauren Graham, I can only hope those long hours on set translate to further forays into fiction. This was an auspicious and entertaining debut. I’m waiting for a sequel.
Profile Image for Christina.
475 reviews9 followers
August 7, 2013
I read this because it got decent reviews and, as a fan of The Gilmore Girls, I was curious about Lauren Graham as a writer. The book is about a 20-something recent college grad trying to make a go of an acting career in NYC. I'm not all that interested in the acting world and have developed an aversion to books set in NYC (SERIOUSLY THERE ARE SO MANY) so it's not surprising that I wasn't enraptured with this book. It's pretty good and did make me laugh at times, but tonally I was distracted because the protagonist's voice was so close to Lorelei Gilmore. Those quirky, nervous-energy-fueled long speeches were usually entertaining on The Gilmore Girls but in written form I found myself skimming over them in order to get through the book. I also spent a lot of my reading energy wondering how much of the Lorelei Gilmore character was Lauren Graham vs. Amy Sherman-Palladino (the creator of the show). Bottom line: the story and characters didn't draw me in enough to overcome those distractions.
Profile Image for Lukas Anthony.
331 reviews362 followers
January 27, 2013
Lauren Graham/Lorealai Gilmore wrote a book!

I think there is a certain amount of dread whenever a favourite actor or singer decides to try writing a book, this almost instant assumption that it's not going to end well. I didn't have this feeling when I heard about Lauren Graham's debut, in fact I believed out right that she could do it, and I was proven right.

Make no mistake though, this is very much chick-lit, but it's at least well written and well thought out chick-lit, which makes all the difference. The story here concerns an actress living in New York, who is slowly slinking towards the deadline she set for herself to have 'made it' by. The main character here, called Franny Banks is very likeable, and it's very easy to simply picture Graham herself as the lead, whether it is supposed to be drawn from her own life I'm not sure, but if you're buying this book because of her name, chances are you will picture her while reading too.

The book does have the pre-requisite love interests/love triangle, and yes it is obvious who she will eventually end up with, though Graham wisely has a little fun getting self-referential about these things through the characters to the point where it's more amusing than cliched.

Overall this is a well-written, well-meaning, easy read from a great actress who has seemingly succeeded in a field where others have failed, and I hope it goes on to be a success for her.
Profile Image for Kelly.
428 reviews14 followers
March 11, 2013
One of my favorite ways to procrastinate is to watch Craig Ferguson interview Lauren Graham. He is my favorite talk show host, and she is bubbly, quirky, intelligent, funny, and a touch self-deprecating. I've loved Lauren ever since I started watching Gilmore Girls many moons ago, and I was thrilled to see that she had written a novel. However, I was afraid (as I often am when I get excited about something) that the book would suck.

It did not suck. Rather, it was wonderful. I flew through it, so caught up in Franny's plight that I needed to know what happened, even at the expense of sleep. (That's saying a lot, because I have an infant son that requires lots of energy.)

When I started reading, I was looking for Lauren between the lines, thinking, "I wonder if this happened to her when she was just getting started," "I could picture her saying this," etc. Soon, though (thank God), I fell into the story so much that I (almost) entirely forgot who the author was. I was enjoying the hell out of myself, along for the ride as Franny told me her story.

This book is funny and embarrassing and sweet and just overall wonderful. It was so much fun to read. I love that it took place in 1995; I'd forgotten how difficult it was to get in touch with people when we had to rely on pay phones and answering machines! And I (who now use my iPhone calendar to keep track of where I'm supposed to be and when) miss having a planner in my purse, because I too used to doodle and make notes to self in the margins, and I feel like that was good for me, a good way to see where I'm going as well as where I've been, in more ways than one. I'm rambling now, but that's because this book made me think of so many things while I was reading it, and that's a good thing. It's *so* worth reading.

Note: I received a free copy of this book through Goodreads's First Reads program.
Profile Image for Trina.
902 reviews3,897 followers
February 5, 2019
Nothing exceptional, but nothing terrible. I was probably initially interested in this because of who the author is, but this isn't a story I would typically be interested in. You may really enjoy it if you like stories about struggling actors though. I found it a bit aimless and lacking a strong enough character to make up for that (I couldn't separate Franny from Lauren TBH).

Also, I'd heard a lot of "it's set in the 90s! Cue the nostalgia!" but aside from a handful of Friends references, 2 mentions of a hair scrunchie, and the fact that the character uses a pay phone, I kept forgetting this was set in the 90s. So I wouldn't necessarily recommend it for that angle if that's something you were really hoping for.

Audiobook review: Lauren Graham herself narrates this, which is appealing in and of itself if you like celebrity narrators, or just if you enjoy hearing her talk (some dialogue felt a lot like a Lorelei Gilmore ramble). However, being a reader who listens to approximately 90 audiobooks a year, I found her narration just average overall. Particularly, there was no difference in voices for most female characters and I'd get lost in conversations because I couldn't tell who was speaking. There was one character with a very strong voice/accent and the accent began to carry over into other characters sometimes. I found this surprising since she's an experienced actor.
Profile Image for Dale Harcombe.
Author 14 books394 followers
March 18, 2016
Three and a half stars
This is an entertaining romp that demonstrates the difficulties and disappointments, as well as the small successes, along the way that an actress takes trying to make it. Franny Banks had promised herself that if after three years she had not become a success in her chosen career she will leave New York behind. As the deadline draws closer she wonders if she will be forced to make good on that promise.
Narrated by Franny herself, I could hear Lauren Graham’s voice telling the story and picture her in this role. I felt for Franny as she struggles to maintain waitressing jobs among other things, while still trying to get that big break. This story shows the pitfalls in the acting life as well as the various types of people Franny meets, the kind, the superior, the manipulative and the downright sleazy.
I rarely read stories about or written by celebrities but I had heard a bit about this one on Goodreads so decided to bring it home from the library and give it a go. I’m glad I did. I found it an amusing read, though I did wonder if fame was worth the price some actors and actresses pay to try and achieve it. For me, this book was a good balance to a couple to the more suspenseful books I had read. Anyone with an interest in acting should probably read it and take note of some of what goes on behind the scenes. Fans of the Gilmore Girls or Lauren Graham should enjoy it.
Profile Image for Fareya.
327 reviews913 followers
August 19, 2017
Charming, heartwarming and full of humor, Someday, Someday Maybe is about the joys and struggles of being young and carefree in a big city. Its about believing in the beauty of dreams and chasing them without losing hope. Its a story about making mistakes - in life and in relationships but knowing when to hold on and when to let go.

Franny Banks, the twenty something protagonist has always dreamed of being an actress. After finishing college she comes to New York giving herself a three-year deadline to make a career out of acting. However, since time flies, its January 1995 and only six months are left of the deadline Franny set for herself. Her achievements so far include one advertisement for bulky, ugly Christmas sweaters. A part- time waitressing job at one of the many comedy clubs makes it possible for her to pay the bills, and barely so. But quitting, is the last thing on Franny's mind and for some inexplicable reason she believes that everything will fall into place and all her dreams will come true.

The beginning of the book was a tad bit slow, as in there was little to no movement in the storyline, but Lauren Graham's witty, entertaining narration totally makes up for it. Franny is delightful, even if a bit quirky and oh so human. She has her flaws and insecurities but that doesn't stop her from being absolutely determined to follow her dreams and draw crazily optimistic conclusions for auditions gone wrong because after all she knows she is talented. Franny is warm and fierce with an amusing self-deprecating humor. She also possesses an unavoidable need for external validation, a not-so-good quality of hers that she is well aware of and constantly working on.

“I must work harder to achieve my goal of not seeking approval from those whose approval I'm not even sure is important to me.”

Her roommates are both solidly developed characters as well - the sassy best-friend from school, Jane and the brooding, slightly nerdy struggling sci-fi writer Dan, both of whom are always supportive to Franny's acting career. Along with these there are plenty of other interesting individuals in the story, a delicate and full-of-herself talented actress in class, another successful and very handsome classmate who is totally crush-worthy, strange agents and an even stranger audition crowd.

Even though the plot is fairly predictable, Someday, Someday Maybe is a sweet, funny and hopeful story, an amusing and enjoyable read that has several relatable laugh-out-loud moments and a gentle message, that if you want something deeply, desperately enough, you're bound to get it someday. A lovely book to spend an afternoon with, for readers who enjoy contemporary chick-lits.
Profile Image for Susane Colasanti.
Author 20 books4,015 followers
April 2, 2013
An uplifting story of what it takes to manifest your heart's desires. Lauren Graham writes with passion, soul, and honesty. Plus she's freaking hilarious. You'll love this journey of an aspiring actress finding her way in New York City circa 1995...complete with Filofax pages written and doodled on by Lauren.
Profile Image for ☮Karen.
1,651 reviews8 followers
February 22, 2015
This was just what I needed after reading a couple of very heavy books (two in a row with drowned children, how does that happen?). Lauren Graham delivered the audio version exactly as I am sure she intended when she wrote the words--in the same deadpan style with which she delivers her lines on Parenthood. Like many little girls, I spent many idle hours wondering what kind of actress I could make and what I'd change my name to when I became a star. Listening to Franny's adventures, flops and failures made me glad mine were just childhood fantasies and nothing more. I'd never survive the waitressing. A very enjoyable, fun book. 3.5 stars.
Profile Image for Sarah.
420 reviews88 followers
March 28, 2023
Is it just me or does Lauren Graham sound an awful lot like Lorelei Gilmore, both in her autobiography and in her fiction? Fast talking, funny, with just the right amount of whimsy and romance. Love this book. Hope she writes many more... I'll read them all.
Profile Image for TL .
2,052 reviews126 followers
February 8, 2015
A really lovely read:) Went into this not knowing too much on purpose and was pleasantly surprised.:)

Lauren Graham isn't the best writer but she has a nice style, it plops you right into Franny's world. You root for her and hope for the best with her as she tries to make in a tough industry.

I cheered with her at her successes and wanted to give her a big hug when things got tough for her. I admired her for not giving up and persevering despite her doubts.

Loved her roommates Jane and Dan... the type of friends who love ya to bits and know how to cheer you up/have some fun.

There is some romance in the book but it's not the main focus, more in the background.

This is a novel where not much happens and yet does sometimes. It has its own pace but never feels tedious. Kind of a comfort read I suppose?

The ending is a bit abrupt, it feels like we end mid-century (a happy one) somewhat but there's a hopeful vibe in the air and it makes me smile to think things may happen for Franny after all.

I hope she writes more about Franny sometime, I would love to know how things turn out for her.

Would recommend, happy reading!
(Typing on my phone, any major errors will fix when I get up from work)
Profile Image for Rachel.
Author 58 books4,295 followers
January 3, 2014
I won't summarize this story -- you can read other reviews or the book blurb to know it's about Franny Banks, an young woman trying to make it in New York, in acting.

This was chick lit at it's finest. The story of a young woman navigating her heart and dreams. Of failing. Of trying again. Of succeeding. Graham avoided most of the chick lit pitfalls a la Sex and the City (thank goodness) but wove a story with witty dialog, strong descriptions and my favorite, symbolism! I was taking notes!

Franny was real. Every day. Just like my kind of heroine. I loved her relationship with her roommates and her family. I loved the happy but not quite perfect ending. Enough to know Franny was on her way to finding her destiny. I loved who she ended up with romance in the end.

Well done by Lauren Graham. I hope she writes more novels. If so, I'll be reading them!
Profile Image for Tiff.
596 reviews551 followers
May 1, 2013
[Note: This is an adult novel - it's not especially racy, but there's definitely a bit of profanity and some sexual scenes. It should be fine for anyone fourteen and older]

Is there anything Lauren Graham can't do well? Known for her humourous and emotional on-screen performances in Gilmore Girls and Parenthood, Lauren Graham is one of those actresses who really feels like she is the characters she plays: she's funny, she's strong, and she's the girl you want to be best friends with. Because of my love for her as an actress, I had very high expectations of Someday, Someday, Maybe and I'm glad to say that they delivered.

The novel is written in first-person from the point of view of Franny Banks, a young, talented actress who is trying to get on Broadway. Each chapter is punctuated by Filofax pages with Franny's scribblings - appointments, what she ate, how much she ran, doodles...at one point, an agent tells Franny that she should write down what happened after each audition and job she does, so that she has something to learn from. I can only imagine that Graham did this, and that's where this novel came from.

You'll be glad to know that Graham's writing is very, very solid. I was incredibly impressed with her nuanced descriptions and her pitch-perfect rendering of character. Someday, Someday, Maybe was a smooth and effortless read from a writing standpoint.

While it's not an incredibly inventive story - young, poor actor trying to make it - the novel makes up for that in heart, in humour, and in authenticity. I loved how Franny rambled on like Lorelai Gilmore when she was confused. I loved how she really didn't know what she wanted to do, but she just kept on doing it. I loved how much effort and mental power Franny put into an audition for a girl who doesn't have a line, but just has a funny laugh. I loved how she had depressing weeks when nothing was happening in her career, and she had to just sit around in her pajamas and watch crappy TV for awhile before pulling herself back up.

Read the rest of this review at Mostly YA Lit
Profile Image for Natalie (Natflix&Books).
505 reviews120 followers
April 30, 2013

Find this review and others like it on my blog: Natflix&Books

While I'm familiar with Lauren Graham, I'll be honest, I haven't seen her in all that much. I don't watch the show Parenthood, but I liked her in Bad Santa and just started watching the first season of The Gilmore Girls on DVD, which I know has a huge fan base. Even though I'm not a huge fan of Lauren Graham, I was very interested when I heard she had a novel coming out and jumped at the opportunity to read an ARC of Someday, Someday, Maybe. It's always interesting when an actor writes a novel. Because this book is about a pretty brunette trying to make her way as an actor in the mid-90s, it was especially easy to picture Ms. Graham as the protagonist and to wonder throughout how much of the novel is autobiographical.

The novel follows Franny Banks, a girl in her mid-twenties whose self-imposed deadline of showing-progress-or giving-up on acting is looming in six months. She has one commercial under her belt, but no agent, no manager, and no acting jobs to call her own. She takes an acting class with a well-respected coach and waitresses at a comedy club while schlepping from audition to audition hoping that something happens.

There were several things I really liked about Someday, Someday, Maybe. I really liked her friendship with Jane. The two were funny and realistic and you feel how special their bond was. Jane gives Franny's boyfriends hilarious nicknames like "Purpolo" to a guy who wore the same purple polo the two times he came to pick Franny up for a date. The two live together along with their third roommate, Dan, an unassuming man who is trying to write a sci-fi script and who has a long-term finance who, because she works in banking, is slightly baffled by this world populated by authors, actors, and other artists. I also liked Franny's relationship with her father and found it to be realistic, as well. Her dad is kind and supportive, but he is also slightly baffled by her world and wonders if she wouldn't be better off coming home and teaching English like he does.

I liked the way the romance(s) were handled and enjoyed how they never really took center stage of the story. This book is purely about Franny and her "coming-of-(later)-age" or at least about her character's arc in the last six months of her deadline. She has her college boyfriend, Clark, who is currently serving as her "back-up." The two aren't together, but she finds the idea of him comforting and sometimes dreams of moving to Chicago to be with him. There is the cute, established actor in her acting class who occasionally shows some interest. And there is roommate Dan, who Franny sometimes catches herself thinking about, even though he's engaged.

I liked the actualities of an actor trying to make it. The auditions, the awkwardness of trying to get an agent, the "this is it" breaks that may or may not lead somewhere. There are so many people who try to make it in both NYC and LA and the realities of that life are rarely pretty. Like the old joke of "Oh, you're an actor? Where do you wait tables?"

The things I struggled with a little are small, but they do still exist. I simply could not separate the story from the author. Again, even though I don't know a whole lot about Lauren Graham, I do know enough, and I could just not not picture her as Franny and I kept waiting for something familiar to happen (like landing a role about a mother and daughter, say, or a recognizable movie role). When an actor chooses to write about a struggling actor, you can't help but wonder how much/what parts of the story is true.

Also, when it comes down to it, this story wasn't really about anything. It's a perfectly pleasant read and Lauren Graham can certainly write, but at the end of the day, nothing really happens.

Overall, I did enjoy Someday, Someday, Maybe. It's a well-written slice-of-life story. I'm sure her fans will especially enjoy it. If she does write something new or writes a follow-up to Franny's story, I will definitely pick it up.

*I received an ARC of this novel from the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Bruna Miranda.
Author 13 books786 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
September 23, 2017
Parei de ler praticamente na metade e parei de ler porque o livro estava completamente morno e tudo indicava que não iria ter nada impressionante. Não é ruim, mas é bem mais do mesmo de romances contemporâneos. Talvez seja uma leitura que me entretenha mais em outros momentos; por agora não parece fazer a menor diferença na minha vida ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Profile Image for Dee Montoya.
942 reviews596 followers
October 6, 2013
***2.5 Very Complicated Stars**

Ever since I read the blurb about Someday,Someday,Maybe I was desperate to read it, but the e-book was $9.99 and since my reading addiction is already costing me big buck every month, I added it to my Amazon wish list and have been watching it like a hawk waiting for the price to lower a bit, finally it went down and I was so happy to finally get my hands on this baby, unfortunately for me it was not what I expected... : (

Franny is a struggling actress living in New York city trying to get her big brake in theater. She's been in the Big Apple for two and half years and has only booked one christmas TV commercial about ugly sweaters and currently works as a waitress. She shares an apartment in Brooklyn with her best friend Janet and this guy Dan; they are all equally fun and unique and have a great time together. Since Franny's plan of making it in Broadway is not happening she has created a back up plan. Her boyfriend from college is in Chicago studying to become a lawyer and even though they are on a brake from their relationship, if things don't work out in New York in the next six months she is willing to move-in with him and try something different.
One night after a theater showcase at her drama school she lands a new agent and a TV appearance, also the cute actor from her class just asked for her number, so for the first time in a long time things are looking up , until...

The idea of the plot and the writing for this book were both great, my problem was with the heroine, she was a bit too neurotic for my taste and I got distracted a lot because she would spend too much time inside her head, I mean this book had too many pages of her inner thoughts and I really didn't feel like she evolved or learned anything from her struggles . Also she's kind of involve in a love triangle even though she never realizes this and finally when she's going to pick the right guy the book ends, and let me tell you that nothing makes me more crazy that an inconclusive ending.

This book was just NOT for me, I need a bit more romance, interaction and dialogue, but Im not saying it was bad at all, in fact I know for sure a lot of people had found it very charming, so give it a try and judge for yourself...
Profile Image for Joanna.
361 reviews17 followers
May 28, 2013
I imagine that most of the early readers of this book will have picked it up because they are already a fan of Lauren Graham. And if you are a fan of Lauren Graham, and the type of zany characters that Lauren Graham often plays, then you will probably like this book, or at least enjoy protagonist Franny Banks.

I will also say this for the book - I absolutely believe that Lauren Graham wrote it without the assistance of any sort of ghost writer. If she had, I feel like it would be a little more well written. But perhaps I am being a bit too harsh. The book, and Franny herself, do manage a decent amount of screwball charm. Think a downmarket Bridget Jones trying to make it as an actress, and you're fairly close to the story we have here. The narrative voice is consistent, but the plot is overwhelmingly predictable, and the writing style is sometimes uneven. One chapter verges into script form, which is amusing, but also jarring.

I think that my main issue with it, however, was the over reach for literary resonance with the inclusion of, and Deep Philosophical Cliff Notes Discussion About, Franny Banks being named after Salinger heroine Franny Glass. The forced comparison between the two do not serve either character well, and left me more annoyed with Franny Banks and her filofax stand in for "The Way of the Pilgrim," than I otherwise would have been. This book is a fine fluffy romance, with a great focus on Franny's story of trying to make it in show business. But it's not anything more than that, and trying to pretend otherwise within the text of the story itself feels pretentious.

Other than that, my main criticism is that the frequent allusions to Diane Keaton (who Lauren Graham mentions as the first person who suggested she write a book) feel a bit gratuitous.

But that is not to say that Someday, Someday, Maybe is not enjoyable. It reads like sitting in a bar listening to the early life story of the charming talkative stranger on the next stool. And if that stranger happens to be Lauren Graham, at least it's a good story.
Profile Image for Sunshine Rodgers.
Author 14 books386 followers
July 8, 2019
“Someday, Someday, Maybe” was an absolute delight! I am a huge fan of Lauren Graham after watching her hit TV show “Gilmore Girls” and her films like “Because I said so” and “Evan Almighty.” I have read her nonfiction book “Talking as fast as I can” so I knew I had to read her fiction piece. With her book, “Someday, Someday, Maybe” I was really gripped with the story. I was truly sucked into Franny’s world and was rooting for her throughout the book. I loved the character development and the made-up names for actors, movies and TV shows. I can tell Graham is an avid reader herself because she really describes the scene, the characters and the overall feeling to the story very well. I felt like I was there! A few little comments. I wasn’t particularly fond of the ending. I felt like the book itself really had a nice pace and then the ending was a little too quick. I wanted to read details of Franny’s ultimate success and her reaction to finally feeling like she’s “made it.” Also there was a “love story” between her and Dan. I didn’t really connect with that love story and the ending where he was leaving a voice message on her machine…I didn’t really understand what was going on there. Again, I would have loved to have seen that ending of them two finally together played out a little more in detail. Also, in the story, Franny gives herself a deadline which she extends which works in her favor. But I would like to add a disclaimer because sometimes it’s not good to extend a deadline. I know I faced a closed door only to have another, more unexpected door be the best thing for me. So, I hope all acting-wannabees understand a realistic deadline and to understand the gravity of sticking to it. Just my thoughts. Overall, I loved Graham’s writing style. I loved her use of the FiloFax and the answering machine and the scripts Franny had to read. I would definitely recommend it!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kristin.
326 reviews
December 14, 2016
3.5 Stars Hallows

This one is so hard to rate! It's not action packed or poignant but it is kinda fun. Being that it is Lorelai Gilmore Lauren Graham, read by Lorelai Gilmore Lauren Graham, and a fictionalized story of Lorelai Gilmore Lauren Graham's early career, I couldn't help but enjoy it. The MC clearly fits her to a T, even down to her speed talking and quirkiness that you can't help but love.

Franny Banks is a 20-something who moved to New York to pursue a career in theatre. Franny lives with her best friend Jane from college and Dan, a sweet, incredibly tall med school drop-out-wannabe screenwriter.

In Someday, Someday, Maybe we follow Franny as she attends acting class, auditions for Soap Operas, lands gigs for commercials, and interviews with agents. There is also a bit of a love triangle between dreamy James Franklin (James Franco is 10 yrs younger people, it clearly isn't him) from her acting class and her roommate Dan.

It's kind of cliche put she pokes fun of it herself. Her diatribe on how love triangles are stupid and love octagons are much more realistic is so Lorelai. I just really want to know who everyone is IRL, especially Dan. Can't wait to listen to the next one.

(It's ok, you can judge me, I know I am a big nerd for loving this silly show)
Profile Image for Carol Brill.
Author 3 books162 followers
August 9, 2015
A charming, fun voice and enjoyable story. I liked the narrator from the first page. I've been a Lauren Graham fan since Gilmore Girls. "Casting" her in the lead role as I read increased my pleasure.
Franny Banks is an aspiring actress, trying to make it in NY, coming up on her self-imposed deadline to achieve success. So many of her challenges resonated with me felt similar to the writing life--being offered representation by an agent only to have it fall through, her insecurities, and disappointing sure things that just don't work out.
I enjoyed her friendships with her roommates, Jane and Dan and touch of romance.
Profile Image for Alisha Marie.
911 reviews91 followers
May 22, 2013
I'm going to preface this review by saying that I'm a huge Lauren Graham fan. Gilmore Girls is one of my favorite TV shows ever (and I quote it pretty much every day) and Parenthood is also pretty amazing. I've also spent an inordinate amount of time watching Lauren Graham interviews on YouTube...which means that I'm very aware of how funny, charming, witty, and clever she is (or at least the way she seems in those interviews). So, my expectations of Someday, Someday, Maybe were through the roof...which I guess ultimately set me up to be just a teeny bit disappointed.

Starting with the good: I've mentioned before that supporting characters always tend to be my favorite aspects of chick-lit novels and in Someday, Someday, Maybe, that was no exception. I loved Dan, adored Jane, and pretty much aww-ed and chuckled my way through every single page that Franny's dad was mentioned in. Franny's dad was definitely my favorite character in the book (however, I can't seem to recall his name since I think it was only mentioned once in the entire novel) and I would have loved it if he was a bigger character.

Continuing with the good: A lot of the time when there's a debut author who's successful main job is something other than writing, I'm filled with some trepidation because I also expect some (if not all) parts of the book to be clunky or not that well written. I didn't find Someday, Someday, Maybe to be badly written at all. It didn't suffer from any of the clunky moments that are sometimes present in books written by first time authors.

The Not-So-Good: I wasn't wowed by Franny. While she wasn't annoying or infuriating (and trust me when I say that's one of the highest praises that I give in chick-lit novels), I just didn't find her charming. I think this is one of those moments where knowing of the author beforehand kind of soured the experience for me a bit. Again, Lauren Graham seems to be like a truly charming, witty, funny, clever person. So naturally I expected Franny to be the exact same way. But if you were to hold up Franny against Lauren Graham, then Franny would fall a bit short...because although, she was funny, I just didn't find her too charming or witty as I do Lauren Graham.

Overall, I liked, not loved, Someday, Someday, Maybe. It did have it's funny moments and more often than not, it was engaging. I think if you know nothing of Lauren Graham then you would enjoy it more than someone who's been charmed by her in numerous interviews. It's definitely not something that I regret reading, but I just wanted a little bit more. Graham did say that she was planning a follow-up to this novel, so hopefully that one's a little more engaging (and has more of Franny's father in it). So, Someday, Someday, Maybe is still recommended with 3 stars.

Profile Image for Bethany Erin.
316 reviews21 followers
May 30, 2013
Y’all. Lauren Graham can write!

Clearly, this shocks no one. But it’s just so nice to know that she’s good at everything.

I say that with zero maliciousness. She’s one of those people who you want to be able to do everything so that you can like her that much more. (Other people in this category: Connie Britton, Emma Stone, Claire Danes, Jason Segel, Zachary Levi, Jennifer Lawrence.)

So, this book, Someday, Someday Maybe. What I liked most about is how damn relatable it is. Maybe it’s because I live in New York City currently and, though I’m not an actor, have friends who are. But in general, New York is one of those places that gets under your skin to the point that you want to throw in the towel and move back home and get a sensible job somewhere, but you know that you can’t. The city burrows itself into your very self somehow and you know better than to try to leave.

It’s a bit like an abusive boyfriend, actually.

Read the rest of this review here.
Profile Image for Suzzie.
924 reviews171 followers
May 20, 2019
I liked this book but I did find it a tad slow and the Franny a bit of naïve. She was a funny character though and that made her amusing enough to look pack her naivety. Her journey was not picture perfect and that I appreciated. It was not a luck based journey but rather one of diligence and determination. Overall, I enjoyed it and would recommend it even though I was not completely connected to the story and my attention did wander.
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