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Sons of Wrath #1

Soul Avenged

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Passion is blind in vengeance and love ...

Ayden’s suburban home was invaded by a pack of Lycans.

The brutal attack is the only memory she carries of her former life.

Now, one motive burns in her soul:


The Sons of Wrath—a brood of vengeance-dealing warrior demons—band with Ayden to hunt the Lycans on Detroit’s most deadly feeding grounds.

Kane Walker should’ve been her easiest kill.

Unfortunately, the newly bitten Lycan has something she wants—clues that may finally lay her past to rest. To reach them, she must be willing to submit to the sensual pleasures awakened by his touch.

Time is running out.

In seven days, Kane will become what Ayden despises most. She can halt his transformation but the antidote requires the ultimate sacrifice. As the beast takes hold, Kane becomes more of a threat.

Ayden must choose between her lust for revenge, or surrender to her enemy and discover a horrible truth.

Sons of Wrath
Never gamble with vengeance

534 pages, Paperback

First published January 16, 2013

About the author

Keri Lake

39 books5,268 followers
Author of gothic romance who specializes in demon wrangling, vengeance dealing and wicked twists.

I love connecting with readers, so feel free to join my reading group: http://bit.ly/2lWjOFg

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Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
June 29, 2017
4 Holy Shit Why Did It Take Me So Long To Read This STARS

Anger and vengeance was all she'd ever known, all she'd ever lived for.

PNR was the genre that first got me into reading, it continues to be one of my favorites to this day. But finding a good PNR series lately has become like finding a needle in a haystack. But boy did I hit the fucking motherload when I found Keri Lake's Sons of Wrath series.

You want a kickass heroine that puts most men to shame? Meet Ayden

Usually when I start a new PNR series, I have what I refer to as a case of the "book firsts". What I mean is, it takes me a while to truly get into the book with all the character introductions and world building. Not here. Keri's intricate and unique world building sucked me right in from the very beginning. I knew right away that that I had a new favorite series on my hands. And the Wrath brothers? Holy mother of FUCK, those boys are drool worthy and panty melting hot.

Ayden is a very tough and yet cold heroine. She's survived a brutal attack that would have left her dead and then was molded into a cold-blooded hunter whose one goal is to hunt down and kill every single Lycan. With zero memory of her old life, all she's known is vengeance and death.

We're introduced to an intricate world of ghouls, lycans, demons, and much more. Ayden definitely stands out above the rest with her no-ties, cold hearted and brutal tendencies. This is not a soft heroine in the very least. This woman kicks ass and makes no apologies. When she finds a recently bitten Lycan (Kane) writhing in pain, it should be an easy kill...except one touch gives her memories that may very well be her own. She has seven days before he makes a full turn and she's forced to kill him to figure out just how this halfling ties into her old life.

I have to admit that Ayden was a tough heroine to truly like in the very beginning. She treats Kane like the dirt stuck to her shoe, even though he's not a fully turned Lycan yet and is a victim just like she was. Her treatment of him was so cold it was almost off-putting at times.

I would also say that the romance was not really the center of this book, or at least it didn't quite feel like that to me. But I couldn't care in the least because between all the secondary characters and the world building, I was so thoroughly sucked in that I didn't even bat an eyelash at it.

My other minor quibble was that Kane wasn't quite the alpha male that I usually prefer in books...or at least not in the beginning. He wasn't quite beta either, I'd call him a gamma hero. He really came into his own towards the end, and it was very satisfying. But he was more sweet and caring and at times I almost questioned how he could have feelings for Ayden after her treatment of him.

However, Keri Lake is an extremely talented author in that she's able to tie everything together flawlessly. Everything was a balance system and all questions get answered in the end about Kane, Ayden, as well as a few others. I LOVED how Keri was able to tie everything together. The reader really gets a feel for why Ayden is the way that she is and why Kane, although not quite as tough as she is, is the perfect match for her. Then there were the plot twists! Holy fucking shit those plot twists! You will never see them coming and when they hit you BAM! You'll be left with your jaw hanging open. Holy shit it was awesome!

Soul Avenged is a unique, action packed ride that you will not want to put down from beginning to finish add into that some incredibly sexy Wrath demons and you've got yourself a recipe for awesome! As a matter of fact, I'm diving right into Logan's book because I can't wait a second longer. If you're looking for a new PNR series with characters that you will absolutely pant over, look no further. I cannot believe it took me so long to finally start this one. Thank you to my lovely friend Sammy for giving me the final push that I need it. I highly recommend this for any fans of sexy PNR.

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Profile Image for ✰ Liz ✰ .
1,374 reviews1,342 followers
September 28, 2015


"I don't suppose the saying, 'Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all' means anything to you?"

Soul Avenged is a delicious blend of paranormal creatures, passion, romance, action, beautiful heroes, and one bad ass heroine! It is an addicting read that once it was started, I could not put it down!


Ayden is a Slayer. She is a crafted warrior who has the ability to take down evil with one swipe of her blade. She hunts her enemies, the Lycans, with a vengeance. She has allied herself with a broody bunch of "alpha male demons" who will protect her with their lives! She is a defector of an underground army of soldiers, the Alexi, led by her arch nemesis Wade. While hunting one night, she comes across an injured man. He has been infected by a Lycan bite and will transform into a Lycan in seven days. There is something different about this "Lamb". When Ayden touches him, she feels a surge of memories. In order to cling to the memories he has evoked, she brings him home with her to uncover the truth to her past.


"Ties, costly to someone like her, were best unmade."-Ayden

Kane is a doctor who is caught at the wrong place at the wrong time. Attacked by Lycans, he is left injured and his life is forever changed. Ayden, his captor, is a force that he cannot overcome. However hard her exterior seems to be, Kane sees beneath the wall of steel and discovers a broken girl longing for love. Can these two find solace in the storm and make a way to be together? Will Ayden have to kill him?

"I'm broken. And neither you nor anyone else can ever fix me again."-Ayden


In addition to the blooming romance between Ayden and Kane, the secondary character development kept me intrigued the entire read. Instead of being a distraction, I wanted more from the brothers and to discover their plight as well! Gavin, the leader of the brothers, has a history with Ayden and wants nothing more than to mate her and make her his. No matter how tender (and sexy) Gavin is with Ayden, it is unmistakeable that the two were never meant to be more than just friends. Gavin is the ultimate "alpha male" and a small part of me hoped that Ayden would make away with him. And yet, when Ayden and Kane come together there was no question in my mind that they were a perfect match for one another.

"She belongs to me."-Kane


Logan is the brother who brings the most humor to the read. He is big, broody, and brutal! With the way this read ended, I cannot wait to see what is in store for him next. Calix is the boy scout of the group. Although he tries to stay out of trouble, he seems to attract it wherever he turns. Zeke is the playboy of the bunch. Finally, and perhaps the most appealing to my ovaries, Zayne is a perfect blend of jock and goth. Tatted and pierced, he has been in mourning for loosing his mate. (Be still my heart....if only I could heal his pain!) This delectable band of brothers holds the promise of many more amazing heart stopping moments to come. Can we say, one click the entire series now? Yes! Yes, we can!


Overall, I simply cannot rave enough about Soul Avenged! I have been a huge fan of Keri Lake ever since I discovered her work. She is a skillful writer who paints every single picture (page to page) for her reader. Each moment is sequenced beat by beat. Every character is complex and developed down to the most minute detail. Additionally, the passionate moments between the sheets left me aching for more!

"Gentle and slow, he brushed his opened mouth across hers. Her breaths, so warm, hit his face in a pant. He closed the small space and took her fully. So soft, her lips against his. His body stirred with the kiss, becoming restless, wanting more."

This is by far a perfect example of why I read PRN and LOVE IT! When an author can transport me to another world, offer a beautiful romance story, and insert heart pumping action throughout, I become one with my kindle and there is just nothing better in the whole wide world! My only complaint is that I can't jump directly into the next book right now! But have no fear, my kindle will be stocked full with Keri Lake! Don't miss out on this gem! If you like PRN, action, passion, and romance, this is the read for you!

~BR with my girl LOYDA!~

~ARC graciously provided via author in exchange for an honest review! Thank you Keri for sharing your work with me!~

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Profile Image for Alexis *Reality Bites*.
757 reviews3,664 followers
May 21, 2013
SPOILER FREE REVIEW -mature content reader discretion is advised.
4 STARS out of 5
Genre: Paranormal Romance

She's Fun, Fierce and HELLO she is Female! What a deadly combination! Just the way I like my heroines!

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There is nothing better then when a book exceeds you expectations. This book did just that for me! It’s been a while since I had a kickass heroine who is not afraid to bring a man down to his knees. Ayden is that chick and then some!

"..The fruit that feeds the soul is vengeance.” ~Ayden

Ayden was brutally attacked by a pack of Lycans. After almost dying she joins the Alexi where she is trained to become a non-stop killing machine against Lycans. The mission of the Alexi is to eradicate ALL Lycans. Lycans are monsters living amongst humans. They kill entire families men, women, children even unborn fetuses.

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When the book starts Ayden is no longer a member of the Alexi but she is still killing Lycans. A chance encounter with a halfling(human going through the change to full Lycan) has her taking him with her instead of killing him on the spot as she usually does when on the hunt. Ayden has discovered that this halfling(Kane) holds information to the past. Well, at least she suspects that he holds the info after getting a flashback/vision when she touched him.

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He has 7 days before his transformation to full Lycan is complete. At the end of those 7 days Ayden will kill him. Because killing Lycans is ingrained in her. Of course her plans for keeping him alive are unknown to Kane. The only thing she does make clear to Kane is the fact that she will kill him.

“We work on the motive of vengeance..." ~Gavin

The sons of Wrath
Once you meet them you will want more. More more more!!! Led by the oldest brother, Gavin, the sons of wrath are vengeance Warrior Demons who work with Ayden to kill Lycans. They are selective with each case they take. Ayden is their most recent client. There are seven brothers total. In this book you meet Gavin, Calix, Zayne, Zeke and Logan. And let me tell you each and everyone of them are panty-dropping-H O T!!!

As each day passes the intensity of sexual chemistry between Kane and Ayden goes to new levels. If Ayden decides not to kill him she would have to get whats known as “the antidote”. The problem is..getting “the antidote” comes with a price. A high price called sacrifice.
Is Kane worth the ultimate sacrifice?

Truths start to surface as Ayden gets closer to her past. And the Alexi start to close in on their only other target besides the Lycans. Ayden.

My Thoughts
LOVED IT! A lot of different characters and more then one story line built to one helluva showdown! Not gonna lie it took I had to get a little more than 30% in to finally feel comfortable with the flow but once I was there... I. WAS. SOLD. I think it took me so long because I struggled to understand Ayden. She was so cruel to Kane, when the poor guy had just been bitten by a wolf. It was literally out of his control. Yet she treated him as a killer from the start, before he fully turned Lycan. The more I got to know her the more things became clearer. All was revealed in a plot that I cannot speak to much on for fear of spoiling the story.

I am super excited for Logan's book! I am also curious how the story will play out between Gavin and Sabelle. What will she require from

If you enjoy PNR's that have multiple plot lines and sexy-alpha-male-brothers that are to die for with a good suspenseful arc! This book is for you!! READ IT!

My Ratings
Characters- Lovable
Writing Style- Good world building
Plot/Storyline- Multiple plot lines, Great arc with Suspenseful events
Steam Factor- Medium/Moderately Steamy

Now go forth and read. Then come tell us about it on Goodreads!

For more reviews got to http://realitybites-letsgetlost.blogs...
*Copy kindly provided by the Author for an honest review*
Profile Image for Pam.
1,093 reviews1,048 followers
September 8, 2014
5 darklightful stars
Woman with a traumatic past, who seeks out unfriendly, ass-kicking Wrath Demon for casual sex and side-jobs, in exchange for complete freedom and the power to do as she wants, when she wants.

Her goals are simple, hunt and kill the Lycans, make them all pay; but one night when she touches a newly bitten Lycan her world is thrown completely off course. She is a cold and remorseless killer but how could this Halfling project visions into her mind when no one else has, especially when those visions make her feel. She's a rouge Alexi warrior, who does what she wants when she wants, she has no intention of letting the Halfling live; anger is all she has ever known. After being subjected to mindslating, her past has been erased but can this Halfling have the answers she needs, there is only one way to find out. With seven days to examine her Halfling she brings him to her refuge to satisfy her curiosity.
“The fact is, in less than seven days you will be one of them. A mindless, killing machine that I’ll have the absolute pleasure of destroying.”

You know the saying "curiosity killed the cat", well Ayden is getting more than she bargained for, never before has she taken the time to "get to know" her prey, Kane challenges every belief her mind has conjured for these beasts. Even with her guard up, Kane is getting more and more under Ayden's skin, so it's no surprise when the thin line between lust and hate is blurred. To top it off, the only way for the memories to come is to touch the man she has no sense wanting.
She answered to no one, but right then, she wanted to belong to him. Just for one night.

Kane has no desire to live beyond the seven days, he doesn't want to be a mindless killer, but as each day passes he is finding it harder and harder to hold on to his humanity.
It wasn’t right the way he wanted her. Not the way a man should desire a woman and make love to her, but the way a beast would take her and own her.

The Wrath Demons and Ayden notice a rise in the number of Lyncan's being turned, as stated in the contract the Wrath Demons are at her disposal to help her exact revenge and get to the bottom of it all. But when they do, are they prepared for the consequences? Choices and sacrifices need to be made, who is prepared to make the call.

Soul Avenged is a darker erotic paranormal read, and as grim as the twist and turns are in this book, there is also a sense of light and hope. The balance between Ayden and Kane was refreshing because when Ayden is spiraling, Kane is there to lighten the mood. It's no secret I love me an alpha man, and Kane started off to be the complete opposite, but as his transition progressed, his personality changed as well, I don’t think it had anything to do with being turned but more so because of Ayden. Ayden isnt't a ray of sunshine, she is headstrong and stubborn, so you know the man that could turn this tiger into a kitten must be someone special.

The Wrath Demons are vengeance dealing warrior demons, they love to fuck and exact vengeance on those who have wronged. There are some intermingled plot summaries tied in to prepare us for the books to come, but never was it confusing. As with any paranormal read, the author has to paint the world for it to come alive and no expense was spared in getting us in line with her world. Although Ayden and Kane's story ends here, the story of the Wrath Demon's continue on. One I jonesing to get my hands on is Gavin, the leader of the Wrath Demons, this man is too delicious for words. Onto the next!
Profile Image for * Meli Mel *.
856 reviews675 followers
October 21, 2015
~Copy provided by Author in exchange for an honest review~

***5 Badass Stars***

Ayden doesn't remember anything before a group of Lycans attacked her. She is driven by her revenge and wants the Lycans who bit her to suffer as she did. She decides to get the help of the Sons of Wrath -- a group of demon warriors-- to help her find the Lycans, so, she signs a contract with them. But on one night of killing Lycans, she stumbles upon a Halfling, Kane Walker who has recently been bitten and is already going through his change. When he touched her, she sees a few pieces of memories that feel familiar to her. He is her key into finding out who bit her and maybe even about her past. She needs the information he has before his change is complete and time is running out.

Ayden was one badass chick and I LOVED her! She was tough and just plain awesome! Killing Kane after the seven days was supposed to be easy for her, but she never counted on feelings to blossom for him, the enemy. I enjoyed seeing her come out of her shell a little bit as the story progressed. She saw herself almost like a cancer when it came to relationships. So I loved how Kane was able to make her feel.

Kane Walker was one SEXY Lycan Halfling! *swoon* He was a doctor at a Children's Cancer hospital. He was walking to his car when he was attacked by Lycans that caused him to change. He is a really nice, sweet, funny, and HOT man! He seriously had my panties melting! He kept trying to stay in control for Ayden and never let his beast come out. He was also possessive and I loved it! I don’t what else to say about him, I really loved him.

Then there were the Sons of Wrath -- Gavin, Zeke, Calix, Logan, and Zayne. What a Hot group of Demons. I liked them all, especially Zeke, he was a total flirt with a dirty mouth. Well, also Gavin, He was loyal, sweet sometimes, and such a great guy, for being a Demon and all. I am wishing him the best in the next book. But I did love them all, you just can't not like any of them. I am really interested in Zayne and hopefully we will get to learn more about him.

The scenes of all of them fighting Lycans, was AWESOME!! I just could not get enough of their badassness! I want more! Oh, and I hated Wade with a passion. I could not stand him and what he was doing with the Alexi. Just had to say it!

The writing in this book was great! I loved the alternate POV's of several characters and how everything about this world was well explained for the reader. The storyline kept me interested throughout the book, so I never felt bored. I recommend this for any of you paranormal fans out there. It was truly Awesome! I am so looking forward to reading more of this series. Thank you to Keri Lake, for allowing me to read your amazing work! I can't wait to read more!

Profile Image for Didi.
865 reviews286 followers
December 13, 2014

As far as Pnr's go, this was good. I liked the action, world building and suspenseful edge to the plot, and really liked the heroine, Ayden. She was quite cold and bitchy to poor Kane, mocking his suffering and almost blaming him for his predicament, but I did understand her bitter approach. Kane was a great guy, never using Ayden's vehemence against her but maintaining a level of sympathy and kindness she often didn't deserve.

The secondary cast of Wrath brothers were great. It'll be interesting reading their stories in the proceeding books. So why just 3.5 stars? I did like this but thought it was a little too long. The several pov's was okay and helped get into the other characters heads, but it sometimes felt disjointed. That's all I've really got, nothing tangible but something was missing here for me, can't quite put my finger on it. And although this has nothing to do with my rating, I can't get past the cover of the 'Kate Beckingsale' doppelgänger from the Underworld movies. I wish the cover was different because it almost sets up this book to follow how those movies went. Anyhow, this was good but not the best pnr out there. Aside from several incredible pnr/UF series I've read, I highly recommend the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning--absolutely amazing--and the most recent one I've read, The Disillusionists trilogy by Carolyn Crane, which was fantastic.
Profile Image for ☆ Sammy ☆彡.
273 reviews
August 11, 2016
ARC provided by the author, Keri Lake, in exchange for an honest review.

Ever since being brutally attacked, Ayden has only one purpose in life; to seek vengeance against lycans, the beasts who attacked her, and to prevent them from hurting anyone else. In order to carry out this mission, Ayden hires the Sons of Wrath, a group of demons who specialize in helping people seek justice against those who have wronged them. During one of their Lycan hunts, the Wrath Demons and Ayden come across Kane Walker, a halfling (recently bitten human awaiting full change to lycan), who may hold clues to what Ayden’s life was like before she was attacked by the group of Lycans. Ayden has seven days to get information about her past from Kane before she must kill him before his change into Lycan is complete.


“Anger was a necessity. A survival mechanism. Cheery bullshit like flowers and laughter didn’t belong in her head”

To be honest, it took me a while to warm up to Ayden’s character. While I thought she was definitely a tough, lycan killing, badass; I had a hard time accepting her cold demeanor toward every single person in her life… especially when it came to Kane. At first, I couldn’t understand how she could hate him so much considering he didn’t ask to be attacked by lycans, he didn’t want to become one, and he hadn’t actually hurt or killed anyone yet. I also felt like she was somewhat hypocritical considering she had also been attacked by lycans and would have become one if it weren’t for the fact that she carried the antibody to the lycan venom. This was how I felt about her in the beginning of the book. My opinion of her definitely started changing as I got a better understanding of her past and what happened to her since the lycan attack. It helped give me a perspective of how she could be so uncaring and apathetic toward others.



Kane is one of the book heroes that you can’t help but love because he is just an all around great guy. Throughout this book, he proves how selfless he is by putting the safety and lives of other people above his own and I really respected him for that. Instead of throwing a fit about the fact that Ayden will kill him before the change to lycan is complete, he actually agreed that his death was necessary so that he didn’t harm any other human beings.

I felt like he was a really good match for Ayden. He didn't take any of her shit and responded to her heartless attitude with witty comebacks and sarcasm.

Kane to Ayden: "She told me you weren't scary once people got to know you. That you were actually sweet of all things. Yeah..." He slid down further into the bed, head back against the pillow. "...personally, I think you're serial-killer-in-a-clown-suit kind of creepy."



Of all the characters in this book, I think that Gavin was by far my favorite and I definitely think he has the potential to be one of my new book boyfriends! I just loved how sweet, caring, protective, possessive, and utterly loyal he is *sighs* Seriously, I could not get enough of him in this book and I am anxiously awaiting his story in book 3!

Overall, I LOVED THIS BOOK and this series is definitely going up on my favorites shelf :) It is fast paced, action filled, with characters I won't soon forget! I would definitely recommend it to others!

Memorable Quotes

"Sometimes people touch our soul in ways we wish they wouldn't. Funny, isn't it?"
"Our greatest weakness can sometimes be our greatest strength."


"I think its exceptional talent when you can extract beauty in the midst of all that chaos."
Profile Image for CC.
1,167 reviews695 followers
February 5, 2017

Ayden is an Alexi super soldier created to fight the Lycan race of wolves. Though fully human at one time, she no longer has any memories of her previous life. Upon hunting Lycans with the Alexi since her transition, Ayden rebelled against the General and is seeking her own vengeance against those who took her human life. Seeking the help of the Wrath demons, Ayden is on the verge of uncovering what’s been hidden for so long but when Ayden comes into contact with a Halfling, she begins to question everything.

“You know, as humans, we’re allowed to feel. It’s what separates us from inanimate objects. It’s okay if the memories made you … feel something again.”

Kane Walker is a director at a Children’s Cancer Institute. Upon leaving work one evening, he is attacked and bitten by a Lycan (wolf) but instead of taking him as their own, Kane is left in his Halfling state and found by Ayden. While Ayden typically wouldn’t have any trouble killing a Lycan in cold blood, a transference of memories occurs between Kane and Ayden causing immediate shock. Needing to discover how and what it all means, Ayden takes Kane hostage in an effort to get more information before Kane becomes a full-fledged Lycan but Kane also learns more than he expected.

“Finally, a woman who seized his attention, set his body aflame, and made him want to piece her puzzling complexities together—the same one who’d be severing his head. What a cruel paradox.”

During Kane’s transformation period, Ayden openly shows her disdain for Kane’s new Lycan identity and declares she will be the one to extinguish his life upon his full transformation. However, Kane isn’t a man driven by greed or immorality and his easy and lovable personality starts to wear on Ayden, as she didn’t expect him to accept his demise with such honor and selflessness. As they forge a friendship and more, Ayden’s memories become clearer and her vulnerability is tested yet Kane remains a constant strength by encouraging her to accept the truth and pain.

“Because I feel something for you. And I’d hate for you not to know how fucking fantastic it feels. Even if I die today, I’m happier than I’ve ever been.”

Adding to the complexity between Ayden and Kane are the surrounding forces at play. The General of the Alexi is intent on getting Ayden back under his command and continues to plot against the Lycans for his own gain. After going AWOL, Ayden hired the Wrath demons to find those responsible for her lost life and as more details are uncovered, the demon brothers are posturing to fulfill their contract obligations. However, with unexpected complications the action becomes tense with so much at stake.

“No species is spared,” she muttered. “We’re all victims of something bigger, aren’t we?”

In this book, the paranormal world is layered with different species – humans, hybrids, demons, beasts, succubi, etc. – that offer nuances within their own life forms. With many secondary characters in this story, the foundation takes some time to establish but once it takes hold, the pace is swift. I enjoyed all the character relationship dynamics, as each character had clearly definable traits that enhanced the plot direction. With the Sons of Wrath brothers, it certainly begs the question about each getting their own books within this series but I absolutely loved Gavin and hope he gets what he’s been seeking for centuries. Of course, Ayden was a kickass heroine that I won’t forget.

Overall, Keri Lake’s writing style is energetic and fresh yielding to a layered plot steeped in fraternity, acceptance, love and truth. For those who wish to get lost in a supernatural world, I recommend Soul Avenged.

Sons of Wrath series:
Soul Avenged (Sons of Wrath, #1) by Keri Lake Soul Resurrected (Sons of Wrath, #2) by Keri Lake Soul Enslaved (Sons of Wrath, #3) by Keri Lake Soul Redeemed (Sons of Wrath, #4) by Keri Lake Soul Unchained (Sons of Wrath, #5) by Keri Lake

*This was a (F)BR with Anna Sweets!! ‘D

Profile Image for Rain Hart.
177 reviews161 followers
February 10, 2013
You know that feeling when you're staring at a blank page, trying to figure out a way to pour all the joy, excitement, happiness... all the spectrum of emotions bubbling up inside you, and failing miserably? No? Well, lucky you!
It's funny, actually, how words seem to fail me every single time I fall in love with a book...

Let's try it this way - have you read Soul Avenged yet? No? What are you waiting for? Go, right now, and once you finish it, you can keep me company while I bite my nails waiting for the SoW #2! Trust me, you'll want it - need it - as much as I do now. You won't be able to resist! This book will blow your mind!

But, let me explain things a bit...

First of all, a note to self - do NOT worry about the Glossary, and just start reading. Seriously, once I saw Brozszius, Gaszla, Servosx, Zshula ... I couldn't help but think - what have I gotten myself into this time??? But, page one - I was already hooked, and forgot all about it.
I'm pretty sure this is the best paranormal/urban fantasy book I've read so far. It pulls you right in, holds your attention, and doesn't let go. Quite a page-turner! You'll meet a bunch of paranormals here - Demons, Lycans, Alexi, ghouls... You'll laugh, giggle, frown, yell and fall in love!

Ayden is an awesome, kickass heroine (the very first badass one that did not annoy the hell out of me!), and she just got herself a human halfling. Now she has seven days before the halfling turns into a Lycan. Seven days to find out what she needs, before she has to kill him. And those seven days are exactly what Soul Avenged is all about.
So, here we have Ayden - an Alexi soldier, killing machine, and then there's Kane - this poor, average human/halfling, and then here's me thinking - this is soooooo not gonna work! Well, that thought lasted until Kane opened his mouth and spoke properly for the first time. I was too busy happy dancing around to worry about him (not) being alpha enough - and, he is. Oh, my, he most definitely is!
Those witty/sarcastic/snappy dialogues and lines are just what I needed, wanted, and what I was hoping I'll find. Damn, I could quote pages and pages of it, and that would be just Ayden and Kane, without even mentioning the... oh, wait!

“So Ayden’s been … wronged. I’ll assume by lycans, considering how fond of me she is.” He rubbed his non-greasy hand down his face. “And she’s sicced the prince of violence and all his sons on me. Fantastic.”

Let me introduce you to Wrath brothers! They are (picky) demons for hire. They live in a mansion. They are HOT! And, there's seven of them.
If I had to choose right now, I'd go with Gavin, Logan and Zayne - but I do expect to change my mind... often.
Please don't ask if they are similar to BDB. I have no idea. Haven't read BDB yet. I'll just stick with these hotties. They are more than enough.

So, why should you read Soul Avenged?
Because it's one hell of a story.
Because Keri Lake is incredibly talented writer.
Because her world-building is exquisite, her characters are flawed, damaged, alluring, witty, real...
Because she'll show you that the greatest weakness can sometimes turn out to be the greatest strength.
Because this is not an easy, light or short read. It's full of action, it's bloody at times - definitely NOT for the faint of hearts - but, once you start reading, you won't be able to stop, and by the time you finish it, you will most definitely want more. Much more. And you'll want it right now!

*** ARC kindly provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review ***
Profile Image for texxie-PRUFreads.blogspot.com.
382 reviews85 followers
January 24, 2013
Originally reviewed at http://prufreads.blogspot.com/

My rating: 5 out of 5 stars

"The Sons of Wrath wish to say hello."
~Head of Security

**Please note, ARC provided by author in exchange for honest review**

Hells bells. Ms. Lake has officially introduced me to a new clan of brothers to fall hopelessly in love with! I'll gladly go on the record right now and call for no less than 7 full books for this series. There are 7 brothers afterall! Please oh pretty pretty please?! Ahem. Moving on.

What would you do if your life only truely began 7 days before it's set to end? Kane Walker lives for his work, it's his entire life. He has no family, no girlfriend, he is completely engrossed in his role as the Director of a Childrens Cancer Institute in Detroit. The streets of Detroit have become increasingly violent, but even a security escort to the parking lot after work can't save him from his destiny.

Ayden, an Alexi soldier bred to slay lycans, is in contract with the Sons of Wrath to extract vengence upon the growing number of lycans plaguing the city of Detroit. For Ayden, it's personal and she will not stop until she kills the very lycan that attacked her some 5 years prior. Ayden has no sense of her life before her attack, she was saved and basically 'reprogrammed'. The result being a sleek lethal machine set on 'kill'. Before killing what will soon be another filthy lycan, the pathetic victim (aka Kane) grabs her in rush of desperation. Ayden is stunned to be thrown into mixed scenes, visions that she cannot make sense of. Are these flashes of her past, someone else's, and what does this pathetic hafling have to do with it? Instead of ending his life right then and there, Ayden takes him back to the Wrath Demon's manor while also watching her own back. Wade, leader of the Alexi, isn't thrilled to have lost his top soldier. Kane's turning process is not an instant one. It will take days for Kane to fully turn. In the meantime, while handcuffed to her bed, Ayden will study him, his transformation and look for any clues that may make sense of the visions she had through his touch. On the 7th day, she will sever his head herself.


*pause so that all my pervy readers can enjoy the pretty boy cuffed to the bed*

Welcome back. In the 7 days that followed, both Kane and Ayden not only discovered alot about one another, but also themselves. I have to say, Ayden is 100% kickass heroine. I really felt for Kane early on because despite his black hair, bronze skin, emerald eyes and charming demeanor, Ayden knocked him around, kicked his ass and enjoyed it. Ruthless. As their short time tics by, Ayden struggles, a fight within herself between what she's been programmed to think and feel as opposed to new ideas, wants and desires that are coming to the surface. Ayden has her own way of dealing with the pain and confusion, her scars have a story to tell.

Kane can hardly wrap his brain around the information she provides, outside of hollywood productions, he didn't think such monsters existed. One thing is for certain, he will not become one of those monsters, a cold blooded killer. With this determination comes an odd sense of peace within him, knowing that he can possibly save more lives by his death. It isn't easy for Kane, he is a prisoner afterall, even though you wouldn't know it by how Miss Anna (housekeeper for the Brothers) dotes on him, brings him lavish meals, batting her lashes and is just as giddy as a school girl. Can't say I blame her though, Kane is a fantastic lead hero, he has strength and vulnerability with an alpha streak that's just getting started...

His only rival, or rival(s) I should say...


Meet the brothers...

Gavin-the leader, reformed, gorgeous and lethal

Logan-the chaotic live wire

Zeke-the impulsive, cocky, teasing playboy

Calix-the sweet 'boy next door'

Zayne-Zeke's twin, broken, jock meets goth with his multiple piercings and tats. All snuggled in a black hoodie? I. AM. DONE. FOR.

Also mentioned are Ferno and Maddox. I can't wait to 'meet' those two! With their cinnamon scented pheremones, 'like walking lollipops', what woman can resist?! Ayden seems to have won the hearts of each brother, they see her as a little sister with the exception of Gavin. Gavin sees her as something much more...complex. A girl could have bigger problems. lol

Soul Avenged is a high adrenaline, fast paced urban fantasy with fascinating characters, both lead and supporting. As the reader you will love, hate, laugh and yes, there will be tears as well. This first installment of the 'Sons of Wrath' series is an emotional rollercoaster laced with action, humor, white hot sex scenes and a love triangle that will test you many times over. Brava indeed.
November 21, 2014

When Lana tells me to read a book that's part of a series, three things come to mind:
1) Aw, hell, this is gonna be good

2) Aw, hell, do I have enough money for this?

3) Aw, hell, just one-clicked the whole series.

Souls Avenged is the first book in the Sons of Wrath series that introduces us to a life filled with Alexi soldiers, Lycans and a brotherhood of demons that are just too hot to handle. Set in Detroit, it follows the story of Ayden (kick-ass extraordinaire), who's on a mission to exterminate all Lycans. On one of her ass-kicking jaunts, Ayden stumbles across Kane Walker, a victim of a Lycan attack, who is on the verge of turning into one of those mindless beasts. Coming into contact with him floods her mind with memories that may hold the key to her unknown past. Taking him with her, she has seven days to unlock the truths to her past, seven days to seek her revenge, seven days until she'll have to kill the man she loves.

I enjoyed this book. Enjoyed the writing style, the action packed scenes, the gruesome scenes, the heroes, the villains and the secondary characters. But what I enjoyed the most about this book was Kane Walker. He absolutely made this book for me. He's witty, intelligent, well-mannered, and possesses an innate strength made of bloody titanium. My heart absolutely broke for him and like a hopeless fangirl, I found myself ridiculously plotting ways to save him from his impending death.

Ayden and Kane as a pair was awesome to me. The sweet moments they had together when Ayden let her guard down, the trading of barbs, the shared memories had me wanting for a deeper communication between the two of the physical kind. They certainly had to work for it but when it finally did happen, I couldn't help the massive grin that broke over my face. Yoooo.

As much as I enjoyed this book, there were a few things that stopped this from being an absolute winner for me. The first thing was Ayden's character during the first half of the book. She was a complete bitch to Kane, so much so that I wanted to punch her lights out. I was infuriated with her and really only came to like her when she does a turnabout face with Kane. The other thing that kinda rubbed me the wrong way was the constant mention of Gavin and Ayden's past affair. Honestly, I didn't know whether the hero was supposed to be Gavin or Kane, and as much as I loved Gavin as a character, the constant screen time for Gavin/Ayden annoyed the hell out of me. One hero is enough for my one-track mind. Also, I'm not sure I'm a fan of the "mating" concept portrayed here. Though to be fair, I may be letting my bias for other PNR books cloud my judgement.

Overall, a great start to what promises to be an amazing series! Would definitely recommend this book to readers who like to delve into the paranormal and lose themselves in non-stop action.
Profile Image for Miranda.
415 reviews41 followers
February 19, 2013
Author interview and giveaway! Super awesome prizes come check it out! Ends 03/06/13!!!! Enter while you can! http://www.bittenbyparanormalromance....

Check out my review here!! :) http://www.bittenbyparanormalromance....

*Normally I don't write long reviews but I felt to do this book justice my review could not be surmised in just a few sentences.*
Where to start..

First off I will start off by saying that I was asked to beta read and review this book by the author. Being honest my hopes were not high that I would like or enjoy the book. Needless to say I absolutely LOVED Soul Avenged. Keri packs you with a punch of all kinds of paranormals from Lycans and demons to ghouls and hellhounds. It's almost nonstop action and a few scenes that will steam up any window.

Ayden is one kick ass woman who has plenty of awesome “atta girl” moments. A total badass but without getting to the point of annoying. I absolutely loved her. Then you have Kane. I loved that even knowing what his future would look like still had time to pick on Ayden and make jokes. Ayden and Kane were great for each other.

The wrath brothers are an interesting bunch and I cannot wait to read more about them. Of them all I think I am half in love with Gavin. Grumpy as can be Logan has me biting my nails as to what is to come for him. Zeke annoyed me. His overconfidence was to the point of just plain vain. I cannot wait to see what is coming for him. I’m sure it will be a good.

Although not a light read, Sould Avenged was a great story and keeps you turning the pages. You get to experience a bunch of different POVs and see into what is going on with different characters. Keri keeps you on your toes and just when you think you know where the story is going to go, she throws you off the trail with a great plot twist. Her characters will make you laugh and piss you off.

This is one of the best paranormal reads I have read in a long time. I cannot wait to see the "shiny" finish Soul Avenged will have. And I anxiously await the second books release! :)

**As a side note if you look at Keri Lake's website she mentions that while writing this book she would listen to the song Shelter by The XX. I have been a fan of The XX and knew the song so I went to listen to it. I don't think there is a better way to describe Ayden and Kane. A truly great choice of song and band!!!


Profile Image for Anna.
231 reviews133 followers
February 1, 2017
Id say a very complicated read, so many storylines and charecters to be honest i got confused, even with the Glossary this world and all the many creatures and rules didnt all come tougether for me, id call it moor a 3.56 read. The charecters i realy liked, though are Gavin, Kein,Aydan, Zeack,the main villain is defenetly creapy and the perfect crazy sientist type, i also got intrigued by the Sucuby Sibile, love me strong females with a sence of humour
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for ★★Sara Lizzy★★.
199 reviews70 followers
November 1, 2013
BR with Jo and Sammy!!

I wasn't sure what I was going to think about this book when I'd agreed to read and review it, but I'm so glad I took the time to do so. This book exceeded every expectation I had for it!

In this book, Ayden is a woman who is part of the Alexi. The Alexi's mission is to get rid of all Lycans. She became a part of the Alexi after she was brutally attacked by a pack of Lycans and almost died. The Alexi see all Lycans as horrific monsters that will kill men, women and children and that is the only way they see Lycans.

Ayden happens to come across Kane, a halfling (a human in transition to become a Lycan, the transition can take 1 week before the human becomes a full Lycan) and upon touching him, she realizes that he holds information to her past when she gets a vision/flashback. She decides to take him with her and keep him prisioner to see if she can get the answers she needs, but says that when his transition is complete a he becomes a full Lycan she will kill him. Kane had worked at a Children's Cancer hospital and was attacked while walking to his car.

She is at war against her instincts and the need that is ingrained in her to kill him now, but resists because Ayden has no memories of anything prior to being attacked by Lycans and becoming part of the Alexi and thinks that Kane may hold the answers. The problem also is that the more time she spends with him, the more she feels for him and the more she wants to find a way to get "the antidote" to stop his transformation, but the only way to do that is for an ultimate sacrifice to be made. Will she make the sacrifice to save Kane? Will Kane make his transformation before Ayden can get him "the antidote"? What will become of Kane and Ayden's relationship as their feeling grow for each other? You'll have to read the book to find out.

I loved reading Kane's POV in this book as well. Kane's POV was quite entertaining at times. I loved how Ayden didn't rely on other people and she was a strong heroine who would stand up for herself. She was never a weak person like heroines in so many other books.

The Sons of Wrath demons were great too! I loved those characters in this book. Gavin, Calix, Zayne, Zeke and Logan all made the story that much more interesting. Gavin and Ayden have a history together and he wants so much more than Ayden does, but respects her decisions and there were times I felt so bad for him because it's obvious how deeply he feels for Ayden, but those feelings aren't returned. All the Wrath Demons were entertaining as well during certain parts of the book. They all had fascinating personalities and I can't wait to read more about them in future books in this series!

There is also a sacrifice that Gavin makes at one point in the book to save one of the Wrath Demon brothers and it just shows how great of a guy he is and how far he will go to save those he cares about. You'll just have to read the book to find out why he has to make a sacrifice and what brought all that on.

You will also find out there is more to the story on why Ayden sees flashbacks when she touches Kane and it doesn't happen to anyone else. The story also uncovers so much more than I've even mentioned that you just have to buy the book and read it to find out more about this awesome book!!

There is so much action packed into this book that it's way too much to try to fit into a review without going on and on. I'd definitely recommend this book to everyone who loves a great paranormal book with lots of alpha males!

I was pleasantly surprised with how much I loved this book. I'll definitely be reading every book in this series - Keri Lake has me sold on this series and I don't know why it took me so long to read it in the first place now that I've read it and seen what a great book it is! I'm definitely looking forward to reading Logan's book next!!

ARC provided to our Smexy Bookaholics blog by author Keri Lake in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Myla.
634 reviews120 followers
June 26, 2017

I certainly enjoyed this one. It's like watching an action-packed movie where characters are well defined and plots are eloquently laid! Ayden, Kane, Gavin and his brothers kept me glued to the story as I turn each pages. Wrath Brothers definitely gave a new meaning to the word Demon in a good way! I cannot wait to read the next book Soul Resurrected. Keri lake is a new author to me and I'm excited to read more of her books now that my experience with this one is beyond good feel, it's excellent! If you're into paranormal/slayer/wolves/sexy demon this book will satisfy you to the nth level. Highly Recommended!
Profile Image for Stacey.
1,446 reviews1,139 followers
July 6, 2017
DNF at 33%

It's taking too long. I have been reading this book for days and I feel like I'm going nowhere. The heroine is like a robot with no emotions. The hero feels like an additional character. I'm more interested in the Wrath Brothers and what they're getting up to.

There are exciting times with action, suspense and a little humour but they don't seem to be heading anywhere. I can't see where we are going. By this stage of the book I want to be backing up the heroine on her quest. I need to see that the hero has potential. I want the storyline to have grabbed and held my attention. Unfortunately, I'm not getting it. I don't like the heroine. I don't know the hero. I'm completely distracted by the sexy, interesting and mysterious Wrath Brothers.

I think the series has potential and I may return at a later date.
Profile Image for Jac K.
2,328 reviews357 followers
November 15, 2020
I’ve been reading several of K.L.’s books recently, and read an author’s note that said PNR is her comfort zone, so I wanted to try one of them. Soul Avenged is the first book of the Sons of Wrath series. I had skimmed a couple reviews, so I knew it would have a Black Dagger Brotherhood/Underworld vibe which sounded promising, but unfortunately the h pretty much ruined any chance I had for loving it.
Profile Image for Amanda.
1,392 reviews325 followers
May 7, 2015
This is going to be my next favorite urban fantasy series. The cover itself reminds us of the Underworld movie and it pretty much have the same vibe. We have Ayden, the cold-blooded kickass heroin with hatred towards Lycans and her mission is to kill everyone of them. Then we have the Sons of Wrath, there is a total of six of them, and each one of them exude sex appeal. Usually I don't like reading books with so many future-hero-to-be waving for attention, it kinds of distract us away from the main H/h. Although the Sons of Wrath do take some of the page time for us to get to know them, I really enjoy all their multiple POVs. Even the villains are fleshed out and we understand their motivation. Well, except for Draven, the Alexi soldier. I think his POV can be cut short. We have Gavin, the eldest brother, Zeke, the man-whore, Logan, the asshole, Zayne, the heartbroken one, and.... sorry I couldn't remember.

Kane, a doctor leaving a night shift got attack and bitten by Lycan and his life practically turns into hell. He got kidnap by this violent woman back to a demon lair and thrown into this supernatural world. Initially I expect him to be wallowing in self-pity and at the brink of suicidal from the way the demons taunted him and Ayden giving him shit. But I was surprise to find him acting all upbeat and carefree for a man who was going to die in a week time. He definitely was enjoying his last day of living. Yeah, that's what Ayden had been threatening all along. Kill him when he finally turned into a full blown Lycan in a week.

Initially I dislike Ayden for treating the Kane, the poor innocent man like shit. I don't understand why she hated him so much. The only reason she didn't kill him on sight is because when she accidentally came in contact with him, she had some vision that she can't explain herself. To satisfy her own curiosity, she decided to keep him alive for a week and use him to help her locate the Lycan that attack her three years ago.

We later learned the reason behind Ayden's extreme hatred towards Lycan and why she acted the way she is when she first met Kane. Although the first half of the book was focus more on the Wrath brothers, I felt that Ayden and Kane did get sufficient time to build up their relationship. She started wanting to kill him, to hating him, to being annoyed by him, then understanding him and finally loving him. The way they interact with each other is fun to read because Kane keeps annoying the hell out of her. She don't understand how a dead man can be so cheerful. He is this bright spot that appear in her life full of darkness and gloom.

"I think hell welcomed you a long time ago, baby."
"How dare you call me baby, you filthy wolf."
She leaned forward. "Same damn thing, moron."

The first half of the book Kane spent most of his time being handcuffed to bed. Wink wink. The second half is where the action starts. Kane is turning from a weak human into a full blown Lycan and goes all berserk! Wow! He is afraid that he will end up killing innocent people when he turned. My eyes goes misty when both Ayden and Kane wanted to sacrifice themselves for each other. At the same time I also had a wide grin because Ayden finally starts to feel.

Of course, we also have Gavin, the eldest Wrath brother. He is this perfect alpha hero that exude dominance and authority. He used to be Ayden's lover, but when he wants her to be his permanent mate, she back out. I knew from the start that no matter how awesome he is, he won't get Ayden. But anyway, from the progress of this story, I'm sure he had a story later on Sabelle, the succubus. For the brief time that she appeared near the ending, her presence intrigue me. I hope that the next book will be of Gavin and Sabelle.

Now that I finished the book, I only realize is 500+ pages. I never notice it because I'm reading from my Kindle and I just breeze through the pages in two days. There are so many things going on without any dull moments. Well, except for Draven's POV. Okay, I should stop mentioning the name of someone I hate. Anyway, go read this!
Profile Image for Lola.
1,753 reviews269 followers
April 24, 2013
I got a copy for review in exchange for an honest review.

When I started this book I was a bit unsure if I would like it. It starts out pretty violent and the world is dark. But even though there were some gruesome details I really enjoyed this book. I beta read this book, so my review is based on the beta version of this book, this means it is entirely possible the book is even better when you read it.

The story is so good, the beginning is a bit confusing and I had so many questions about what was happening. But it doesn’t take much time before it starts making sense and then I just wanted to keep reading, because the story was awesome. I wanted to know what was going to happen. I also liked the mystery in this book, there is so much going on and so much that I wanted to know and understand and I just kept firing all of my question towards the author because I couldn’t wait to learn more.

I also liked the fact that we get to see multiple point of views in this book. It makes the story so much better, we even get to see the perspective of the “evil” guys and get to understand a bit of their minds and perspective. I love multiple point of views, although some POV switches where a bit confusing and the author also switched perspective in the same chapter a few times, on the one hand this is a bit confusing, but it also allowed to easily switch perspectives and give both characters opinion of what happened.

At the beginning I wasn’t really interested in the characters, but as the book progresses we learn more about them and I began to like many of them. I still think that some character could’ve used a bit more attention, but the author assured me we get to know them better in the next books. I really liked Ayden, the main character, she is broken, but is also very strong and I liked seeing her develop as the story progresses. I also really liked Annabelle, she is so caring and nice, but also loves to gossip and even though she is a side character I really liked her. And ofcourse I liked Kane, he is thrown into this world from which he knows nothing and he manages to stay a good guy even through everything that happens. Also it felt like all characters had hiding depths and there is more to them than what we learn in this book. We do get some glimpses of the personalities of most of the characters in this book.

The world building is one of the things I love most about this book. The author has created such an interesting world. And even though only small parts of it are explained in this first book, it did capture my attention and I only wanted to know more and understand everything about this world. There are demons and Lycans in this world, but both are different from what you usually read in this genre. I loved the originality of the world and can’t wait to learn more about it.

To conclude: I really enjoyed this book. The story was great and interesting and I couldn’t wait to read more and learn more about it. I really liked the characters and loved seeing multiple perspectives. And the world was so interesting and I wanted to know more about this world than we learn in this book. I can’t wait to see from who’s POV the next book is and what will happen. The ending gave some clues of what is to come and I want to read the next book now!
Profile Image for Penny Well Reads.
840 reviews223 followers
March 17, 2022
The romance here goes from "I hate you" to "I love you" in a blink of an eye and just because. Makes NO SENSE whatsoever so I couldn't care less.
Ayden is a very irrational and deeply unlikable heroine, so again, I couldn't care less.
The action scenes felt too long for me, maybe because I didn't care, so I skimmed a lot of it. In the end I was just bored.

The only reason I am giving this book 2 stars instead of 1, is because I am intrigued about the secondary characters in this book, specially Gavin and the succubus, which is why I might gave the next installments of the series a try.

Soul Avenged (Sons of Wrath, #2) - 2 stars.
Profile Image for FV Angela.
1,384 reviews129 followers
February 1, 2013
Review originally posted at http://fictionvixen.com/review-soul-a...

This was a hard read for me, for several different reasons. There were things that I absolutely loved and things that drove me nuts. There might have been some emails to Sophia and Jen venting my frustration at one point. I had to wait a bit to write this review so that I could gather my thoughts and do some deep breathing so this wouldn’t be some rambling mess that no one would understand. There will be gushing, and there will be bitching, but I think I’m finally able to put down my thoughts.

This is an all new urban fantasy world that reminded me of a cross between JR Ward’s BDB and the Underworld movies. There are demons, lycans, antidotes to the lycan venom, a secret society of people trained to kill the lycans, good guys, bad guys, trolls, incubus’ and fallen angels. One would assume that a reader would be utterly lost when they first start, but they’d be wrong. I had no problem jumping in and understanding what was going on, and if there is any misunderstanding the author has included a lovely glossary at the beginning to guide you through. The brothers Wrath, an awesome group of seven demon brothers, live together in a mansion and take on contracts from people in order to exact vengeance against the people who have wronged them. Their main client is Ayden, a woman who was attacked by a Lycan five years ago and wants to find the one who destroyed her life. She is an Alexi, part of a group of people who carry the natural immunity to the lycan virus and were given some kind of serum to build up their strength and abilities. When they are given this serum they undergo training and their memories are wiped. As sworn enemies of the packs, they kill lycans on sight and try to keep their numbers down.

Ayden has left the cult and taken a contract out with the Wrath brothers for protection against the Alexi and help finding the wolf that ended her previous life. She has no memories of who she was or what her life was like before her attack. When out one evening fighting lycans she encounters a halfling, a bitten person who hasn’t turned fully yet, and when she touches him memories flow through him into her. Memories that feel so real she doesn’t know if they are his or hers. She decides to take him back to the mansion so that she can find out what is going on, he won’t fully turn for seven days, so she has plenty of time to solve the mystery before she kills him. In between trying to discover what these memories or visions mean she also has to keep killing the lycan population and stay off the radar of the Alexis looking for her.


1. This is truly a wonderful new urban fantasy world. The author took great care in creating all the different facets and the world building was incredible. I can picture this series going on and on, with its readers becoming very faithful to each new installment.

2. I couldn’t get enough of the Wrath brothers. I must now have seven stories to accommodate all seven brothers. Two of them weren’t even introduced yet, just bit of their back story, and I find myself wanting to find out more. These brothers are divine. Especially Gavin. I’m claiming Gavin for my own.

3. The sexy scenes were… very sexy. I didn’t like waiting to the 70% mark to get to them, but they ended up worth the wait.

4. Did I mention the sexy as hell Wrath brothers? They are truly worth a second mention.

5. I didn’t see the end coming. I was actually surprised to find out who the Alpha of the pack was, and what his true motivations were. The ending was done very well, and left room open for many more additions to the series.

6. I liked that this wasn’t just good vs. evil, each character was given broad, imperfect personalities that made them more interesting. Logan, one of the demon brothers, is rude and kill happy, but bits and pieces of his story were hinted at and it gave the reader the impression that he is a much deeper character and we will eventually see why he acts the way he does.


1. I couldn’t stand the heroine, Ayden, for most of the book. She was an absolute bitch to the hero, Kane. She keeps him handcuffed to the bed upstairs, slaps him around, punches him when she feels like it, repeatedly reminds him she’s going to cut off his head and rip out his spine and basically treats him like shit on the bottom of her shoe. I still have no idea how Kane could even develop an affection for her.

2. More than half of the story deals more with Ayden and her past relationship with Gavin than her forming a new relationship with Kane. Gavin felt like more of a main character here than Kane did. Hell, up until the 60% mark I was convinced that Ayden and Gavin would run off into the sunset together.

3. While I understand Ayden’s anger coming from the fact that she was bitten and her past destroyed by lycans, I still don’t get why she had such complete hatred for a man who was himself bitten and his life ruined because of those same creatures. Kane wasn’t changed yet, he’s still a man undergoing the metamorphosis and hadn’t done anything wrong. Her absolute lack of feeling and understanding to his plight made me dislike her even more.

4. Ayden sneers a lot. Like A LOT. Even in urban fantasy a character who sneers is not attractive, and she did it every other page.

5. Kane and Ayden’s eventual relationship and HEA weren’t that believable to me, mostly because it seemed so sudden.

By the very end Ayden became a tad bit more appealing after she opened her eyes and stopped being a raving bitch. Her character seemed softer, more lucid and I actually started to feel some compassion for her circumstances. As much as Soul Avenged frustrated me, I will probably pick up the next in the series. I have mad, mad love for these demon brothers and can’t wait to visit with them again. Because I both loved and hated this book at times I’ve settled on a nice, middle of the road rating.

Favorite Quote:

“Love him,” Gavin said, lifting her chin. “Sometimes, people touch our soul in ways we wish they wouldn’t. Funny, isn’t it?”


“Our greatest weakness can sometimes be our greatest strength.”
Profile Image for Carmel (Rabid Reads).
706 reviews392 followers
February 4, 2013
Reviewed by: Rabid Reads

Typically I prefer my werewolves to be the good guys but Keri Lake’s lycans are so maliciously evil that I couldn’t stop myself from jumping on her “kill them all” bandwagon. Except for Kane of course but I’ll get to him later. The Sons of Wrath reminded me of J.R. Ward’s best-selling Black Dagger Brotherhood series and well, need I say more? Replace a house full of sexy vamps with one full of beefy demons and you have my full attention! Soul Avenged is not for the faint of heart with its gruesome battles and stone cold heroine; heck, even the love story is dark!

Readers get to enjoy multiple POVs which is always fun. There’s nothing better than getting to experience both sides of a story. Rather than having to guess at the various characters’ motivations we get to witness them first-hand. I love visiting the minds of twisted individuals and this book has plenty to choose from! That being said, I found the background info to be lacking. The world felt post-apocalyptic and yet not. The outskirts of town are littered with abandoned buildings and mangled corpses but no one seems to notice. People don’t know that lycans exist yet they avoid these “bad parts” of the city like the plague. There’s a link missing somewhere in there…

The Sons of Wrath were by far the best part of this novel and I wish that they’d gotten more face-time but seeing how this series is named after these hunky demons I expect that this won’t be the last we’ll see of them. There’s an interesting mix of preternaturals in this story too and they’re not the usual suspects either; I’m talking ghouls and hellhounds people! And finally, just when I thought that I’d read every possible variation on werewolves Lake proved me wrong. I enjoyed the changeling aspect of her lore as well as their violent natures. This book truly is a rabid read!

Ayden’s character was a little too black-and-white for me. I enjoyed her spunk and killer battle instincts but found that her human side was lacking. Other than the odd blip she seems incapable of feeling anything other than hatred which isn’t surprising given her lack of memories but she was still too much of a Debbie Downer for my tastes. Kane is the complete opposite; his wisecracks and charm added some much needed sunshine to this otherwise gloomy tale.

Soul Avenged is gory and dark with endless action that’s sure to please even the manliest of Urban Fantasy readers. My next dose of The Sons of Wrath can’t come soon enough!

Profile Image for Kate.
2,204 reviews341 followers
July 28, 2017

I saw a lot of my GR friends speak very highly of this series and when it came in a boxset and as a deal I snapped it up. I am so glad that I did. Lately I feel as if I haven’t been reading enough PNR/UF so I’ve been looking for new series that are unique and different. The Sons of Wrath is most
certainly one of them and I can still play catch up to book 4 so the task isn’t that daunting.

Ayden is Selene. Pure and simple. I don’t know if the author had her mind when it came to the heroine but it just seems to fit. A totally kick arse heroine.

A Beretta, loaded with silver bullets and a silver parrying dagger rested at one of her hips, a silver bullwhip at another. – my kind of heroine.

Ayden is out on the hunt for Lycans. Since her change five years ago and being part of the Alexi, she is out for vengeance there was more taken from her than she initially thought. But she is also a deserter to the Alexi and if they find her. Well, let’s just say it ain’t going to be pretty.

On that night, she runs into a man who is becoming a halfling/changeling and for reasons she can’t fathom she doesn’t kill him and takes him back to the Manor. He has seven days until he turns into a full lycan and a killer and then she kills him.

Kane Walker has lead a normal life until he gets attacked late one night. He imprints, blacks out and wakes up in a strange room. His life is about to end well in 7 days he will be killed but first Ayden wants his memories.

“So, how do you think you’ll go about killing me?” Stupid question. “What the hell is wrong with you?” “What?” “What kind of question is that?” “I don’t know. Just curious to know how you kill a lycan.” “It’s incredible violent.”

Her first urge is to always kill him but her hatred lessens to dislike. Her dislike becomes less and she sees his innocence. I felt as if they didn’t really spend enough quality time together to make them attracted to one another. I felt the connection to be somewhat flimsy.

I’m not entirely sure how Ayden fits in as it seems to be Son of Wrath series but I’m sure Ms. Lake had her reasons there is the obvious world building and I personally think that a fantastic and unique paranormal world has been created. Although there is a lot going on lycans, ghouls, demons and Alexi it all worked for me. It might not work for everyone.

I look forward to the other books with Logan, Gavin, Zeke, Calix, Zayne, Ferno and Maddox.
Profile Image for Angela Carr.
732 reviews82 followers
February 7, 2013
Review also posted at Under The Covers Book Blog

"Soul Avenged is an impeccable start to the Sons of Wrath series. Ms.
Lake’s world of evil Lycans, sexy demons, twisted villain and a kick
ass heroine had me turn the pages nonstop." ~Under the Covers Book

I am a big fan of Kate Beckinsale in The Underworld and when I saw the
cover of this book, I instantly thought the heroine is sure to be just
as kick ass. I know it’s a lame reason to pick up a book but hey, I
was right.
Ayden is not the typical damsel in distress. In fact, she is quite
the opposite. It may be for vengeance or duty to save human lives from
the big bad wolves but at this time, her main goal is to Kill Them
All. Rightly so, if you find out what happened to her past. And this
pretty much starts the story off. Ayden finds a newly bitten human
and was instantly fascinated with him. There’s really more to that
story but I don’t want to spoil it for you. Needless to say, the
human she found was Kane Walker, top notch at Detroit General
Children’s Cancer institute. I have to admit, I thought I was going
to be disappointed with Kane. He seemed so human, fragile and he just
got his ass whooped all over the place. I never thought Ms. Lake
would pull him out of that character. He actually turned out to be
one very powerful alpha male. You will be amazed with the things he
did to prove that point.
Now, as far as the Sons of Wrath, they are the demons who are teamed
up with Ayden in her escapade to wipe out the Lycans. Technically
they are hired help but really their motives are just the same. They
are the ones that intrigued me the most. They remind me of the J. R.
Ward’s Black Dagger Brothers. Don’t get me wrong, this book is
nothing like BDB but the Sons of Wrath share the same characteristics
as the brothers. They are big as football players, very strong, with
powers, sexy and you can tell off the bat that they each have dark
sides. Their interactions with each other include fights, annoyance,
funny banters and they are loyal to the bone.

I love, love this book! I thought the world building was
exceptionally good and the characters were easy to connect with. I
have to warn you though; this book is full of action but has a good
amount of bloody scenes that’s not meant for the faint of heart. The
lycans are not your typical wolves. Ms. Lake bent the rules and added
her own twists to these beasts. But I promise you that it is
intriguing, engaging and even leave you teary eyed once or twice.
Soul Avenged is an impeccable start to the Sons of Wrath series. Ms.
Lake’s world of evil Lycans, sexy demons, twisted villain and a kick
ass heroine had me turn the pages nonstop.

If you like Kat from Jeaniene Frost’s Night Huntress Series, Lara
Adrian’s Midnight Breed series and the J. R. Ward’s BDB series, you
will enjoy the Son’s of Wrath.
Profile Image for Izy.
924 reviews77 followers
February 9, 2017
Rating~ 4 stars

This is not a proper review; more just random thoughts.

This was an impulse read, mainly due to two people namely Naomi and Lana! Thanks ladies :) I do not regret reading this series nor do I regret the zombie brain I had going after reading the two books one after the other.

Please check out Lana's review https://www.goodreads.com/review/show... and Penelopes review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...

They did an excellent job at reviewing!



Keri Lake has created an intricate world, where the lycans are the bad guys, demons among various other creatures roam free and Alexi an army of soldiers who kill the lycans while the humans remain blissfully unaware.

This book is very Urban fantasy I would not class this as a paranormal romance because most of the story is from Ayden's POV with some other POV's of which Kane's was very less. The romance was not the main focus of the book, in my opinion it wasn't even the second really. Which did not bother me here much because the other characters were so interesting and the plot was gripping.

I couldn't help but feel for Ayden though even with her seeping hatred out of her pores. I felt sorry for all she went through... I really liked Kane, he was charming and funny. Also though in my opinion in shock as well because of the way he was so calm most of the time.

Quibbles: Ayden disassociation with being the Victim/survivor though understandable was sometimes annoying especially with her behavior with Kane, I mean the guy was just bitten yet she treated him like lesser than a sewer rat. Also I kinda felt the their whole falling in love felt rushed to me at least. I am even now not entirely sure how I felt about Ayden being with Gavin in the past, though I understand it's in the past. I just dislike it when it's an active part of the story, I think about 60% of the book Ayden did think occasionally about being his mate which was annoying to me I get that she wasn't with Kane at the time butttt...especially with Gavin getting his own book, I did not want to know about his and Ayden's relationship that much.

Overall: This was a great start to a series and I'm really looking forward to the next books in the series especially Gavin and Zeke's since I already read Logan's book :P Happy Reading!

November 1, 2013
***BR With Sara & Sammy***

I was pleasantly surprised with this book. When I saw the glossary at the front of the book, I was a little intimidated and wondered, what did I get myself in to. Surprisingly I didn't find myself looking back at the glossary very much as I was able to figure it out, but was very happy that it was there as it did help explain and in turn help understand the series better. It is a story about Lycans and Wrath demons. Ayden was a very strong female character in this book. She didn't take shit from anyone. She has no memory of her past and has escaped from the hands of the one person who controls the Alexi (which is what she is). She had been attacked by a pack of Lycans and left for dead and one the person changed her into what she is now is after her. Ayden hunts Lycans and has unlikely allies with 7 brothers who are Wrath demons.

While on a hunt one night, she stumbles across Kane Walker, who is a halfling. (A halfling is a human that is in transition of becoming a Lycan.) When she touches him, she gets some flashes of memories and is unsure whether they are hers or his, but know that she cannot kill him right away. She knows she should kill him, but she finds herself unable to do so until she gets the answers that she needs first.. She ends up taking him of all places, to the Wrath demons house. They would love nothing better than to kill him themselves, but she lets them know that she needs some answers from him first and that by the end of 7 days, she will kill him herself. At the end of the 7 days, he will have changed to a full blooded Lycan and will be dangerous to her and many others.

There is so much that happens in this book and so many twists and turns that you should read the book to find out everything that happens. There was a lot of unexpected events that happened and this book definitely kept me wondering what would happen next. I loved the way the pieces of the story fit together. The twists and turns and how they entwined together was brilliant. There is a love twist in the book and with an amazing ending. There were some hot, steamy moments that were well written. Also the 7 Sons Of Wrath were really hot. The brothers oozed sex appeal. I absolutely loved the Sons or Wrath (the 7 brothers). I don't have anything negative to say about the book. I loved it from beginning to end. I am looking forward to reading Logan's story next.

ARC provided in exchange by Author Keri Lake in exchange for a honest review

Profile Image for Terri Rochenski.
Author 13 books173 followers
February 4, 2013
Forget the yums & yucks. I'm going to ramble. BUT ... um ... where to start?

Wow. Holy Craptastic Batman. Ms. Lake has IT.

I.T. folks - the goods to write one hell of a story, sweep you up in the rush, and leave you panting for more. Few books make me rave. Few books go back on my to-read list the moment I finish it. But Soul Avenged? Oh, yes.


Characters - flawed, full of emotional turmoil, evil yet with a spark of goodness. And not just the MCs. ALL the Sons of Wrath, aka demons for hire. You WANT them to win. Long for it. Riding their horrific story to a completion that comes too quick. Yes, Soul Avenged is a long book, but not long enough. I want more. Now.

No. Scratch that.


The world Ms. Lake created, the supernatural amidst a ravaged, slummed Detroit, is vivid. I saw the images she painted. Tasted the stench of those slums. Reading her filtered-in descriptions and imagery was a total delight to the senses. Fulfilling.

And to top all the excellence of this dark story, there is some steamy. I mean STEAMY. Like ouch! So many heated scenes read the same IMO. Read one romance, you've read them all. Soul Avenged, however, is so emotionally in depth within the characters' minds, that these scenes are almost like an experience, not just words on paper. Er, kindle.

Gotta go back to the characters for a minute. I think we'll be seeing a LOT of these Sons of Wrath in the future. *fingers crossed* The supporting cast of this first book is incredible, so non-cliche, so passionate as individuals. This is the kind of book you wish you'd picked up years after release, fell in love with, and devoured the next five or six within a single week, skipping meals, losing sleep - all for a bunch of demons for hire. Ones who will be with you LONG after you've finished their stories.

Yes. This book has IT.

I forsee some amazing things in Ms. Lake's future. She just needs to get writing because I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED the next book.

Profile Image for Tee loves Kyle Jacobson.
2,480 reviews175 followers
April 27, 2013
First I have to say that this story is AMAZING! I have never read a story where the author has joined lycans and demons.The flow of the story was also a plus because Keri took the time to build her worlds and when they collided they worked well together. I also really enjoyed the descriptions Keri posted in the beginning of the book because some things as I was reading I had to check and see what they were. This of course caused me to really get into the book because I had to do like a mini read on the side to make sure I understood what was going on and I loved every minute of it. This book is by no means a small book it is actually long but it worked and I am glad I was able to read it.

Ayden is a strong character and can hold her own. What I really enjoyed about her was that after she was attacked she was determined to get revenge. She did not sit back and cry about it but she decided she would get even and find out who she really is. Ayden is such a kick butt character that I found myself thinking what gave her the strength to keep going? I mean she lives with the demons and holy hotness are they. They have their own agenda and what happens in this story is so much.

You go from one scene to the next and as things unfold Ayden meets Kane and she knows Kane can give her answers she needs but there is just one tiny issue with Kane and he has limited time to help Ayden. Will Kane be able to help her get back what was taken from her? Because has two choices on the brain and they are not looking good at all. Is Ayden going to get revenge like she wants or will her heart stop her and she succumb to something or someone else?

This is a must read! I promise you will not be disappointed.
Profile Image for Timitra.
1,470 reviews8 followers
April 29, 2016
Reading this book was an experience. It felt like I was watching a film the descriptions were that vivid. I loved the characters both main and secondary and can't wait to read more in the series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 195 reviews

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