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Pike, Wisconsin #5

The Murder Club

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Over the years, small-town Pike, Wisconsin, has seen its share of shady characters, murderers, and serial killers—and not all of them have landed behind bars. For some folks, solving cold cases from the safety of the virtual world is a harmless diversion—but the stakes can be deadly . . .

An online crime-solving group is just the kind of adventure Bailey Evans needs. She loves her nursing career and small-town life, but her days are predictable. Her confidence bolstered by having her sheriff cousin Zac nearby, Bailey’s up for some innocent fun and intrigue. . . . Until she starts receiving unnerving Once the game begins, there’s no backing out of The Murder Club. Then the game gets real . . .

First, Bailey is shut out at work after an elderly patient dies and leaves her a shocking inheritance. Then a priceless necklace from an anonymous source arrives in her mail—along with a bone-chilling threat. Determined not to involve expectant father Zac, Bailey contacts an expert the charming Las Vegas businessman who’s never left her mind . . .

Dom Lucier knows real gems—and Bailey is the most precious thing he’s seen since they met at her best friend’s wedding. Returning to Pike to trace the jewelry’s bloody history, Dom helps Bailey kick open a murderous cold case. But as death and disaster escalate, they’ll need a new strategy to escape a killer who won’t be satisfied until the streets of Pike are soaked in blood . . .

393 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published February 20, 2024

About the author

Alexandra Ivy

166 books5,108 followers
I'm not exactly sure when I fell in love with books. Probably on my mother's knee listening to her read Dr. Seuss to me. I do remember that I was barely old enough to cross the street by myself when I discovered the delights of the local library. Could anything be more wonderful than spending summer days surrounded by stacks of Nancy Drew mysteries? Over the years I fell in love with Victoria Holt, Jane Austen, Agatha Christie, and J.R.R. Tolkien just to name a few. I read poetry, essays, biographies, and plays. In fact, I read anything I could get my hands on.

Years later (no, I'm not admitting how many) I'm still an avid reader, and my tastes are still as varied as they were in my youth, which I suppose helps to explain why I enjoy writing regency historicals under the name of Deborah Raleigh, as well as my contemporary paranormals as Alexandra Ivy. For now that is enough to keep me busy, but who knows what the future might hold!

I do have a few other loves in my life besides reading and writing, the most important being my unbelievably patient husband, David, and my two sons, Chance and Alexander. Without their constant support and belief in me, I never could have been able to follow my dreams. They are truly my heroes.

--From authors website--

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 121 reviews
Profile Image for Madison Warner Fairbanks.
2,810 reviews431 followers
March 23, 2024
The Murder Club by Alexandra Ivy
Pike Wisconsin series #5. Romantic suspense. Can be read as a stand-alone.
Over the years, Pike, Wisconsin has become famous for its murders and serial killers. Bailey Evans has enjoyed helping solve cold cases online. She’s good at the detail, and being a nurse, has a vast knowledge of medical issues. But when she’s invited to a Murder Club, it’s a bit too much and she declines. One of the elderly women at the nursing home where Bailey works, dies and Bailey is surprised that she is included in the inheritance. The family protests and threatens and Bailey ends up on an unpaid leave. Another elderly person in town dies and Bailey is getting threats from someone. Dom Lucier is in town and having met Bailey at a wedding, jumps in to protect Bailey from whatever threat exists. Now they have to discover who this newest killer is before Bailey is the next victim.

You’d think having a relative as the sheriff in town would make a person safe. Not in Pike. Twists and clues make this adventure gripping and thrilling. You know Dom and Eric will try to keep Bailey safe, but a determined threat will find a way.
This series is intense. You’ll want to read every one. But stay out of Pike! I’m thinking not all the killers have been revealed.
I received a copy of this from NetGalley.
Profile Image for Amina .
865 reviews545 followers
January 1, 2024
✰ 2.75 stars ✰

“It was certainly the sort of case they would investigate in the old Murder Club. A tragic death that had been ruled an accident. There didn’t seem to be anything special about it.

Whoever was pestering her was obviously hoping to create an intimate relationship using their mutual interest in solving crimes. It was only her raw nerves making it feel ominous.”

So, when I requested to read The Murder Club, I wasn't quite aware that it was actually part of an ongoing series. It was only when I started seeing callbacks to various characters' interactions and relationships, did I bother to investigate, only to discover that it was actually the fifth book in an ongoing murder mystery series! Well, wonders never cease? 🙃

“They sounded like the words of a stalker.

Leave me alone, she texted back.

I can’t. You’ve been chosen.

Unchoose me.

Too late. I have created our first case. Solve it quick or else.”

Add to the fact that most of the crime takes place in one city, Pike, Wisconsin, you would think that there's something cursed about this city that has the ability to attract so much murder and mayhem; much, in the way, the main character in this story, Bailey, hints to multiple times. 'You know, even after all the terrible things that have happened, I wanted to believe that Pike is a good place to live. And that my neighbors are decent people.' But, it's also in the reassuring way, her love interest and partner-detective, handsome Dom Lucier, a pawnshop owner, reminds her that 'It’s like any town: good guys and bad guys and lots of guys in between.' 🥺 And so in this case, I didn't mind being a spectator to the crime that was afoot, because despite how I felt that the relationship between the two main characters was moving at the speed of light, I still did feel that the mystery was a compelling one.

The idea was an intriguing one that immediately piqued my interest. Bailey Evans has had her fair enjoyment of being part of an online murder club - 'average citizens who investigate cold cases - or suspicious deaths'. But, when she's wrongfully fired from her job at a nursing home, simply because one of the recently murdered residents left their entire saving inheritance in her name, things take a turn for a worse, when she starts receiving anonymous text messages from an unknown caller, enticing her that the murder game is afoot - and she has to solve it, if she wants to live to see another day. 😮 Throw in Dom, a handsome stud, who's already set his eyes and heart on her from way back, the duo make for an interesting and dynamic duo who take it upon themselves to solve the mystery behind these unexpected murders and threatening texts - before it's too late.

And I was intrigued - once I got over the annoyance that this was actually part of the series, I got into the swing of it. The writing was engaging, the clues were naturally and gradually unfolding, and I liked being along for the ride. It is, of course, not so satisfying when characters don't really require introduction and there's already a general connection and familiarity between them, but for what it's worth - it allows the story to progress at a solid and steady pace. Even though Bailey and Dom were figuring out things a lot faster and more conveniently than the local sheriff, Zac, Bailey's cousin, it still was fun, being the third wheel to their adventures. 😅

“Coming here wasn’t just about getting away from work, but an opportunity to spend time with the new friends I met during Kaden’s wedding.”

He paused, his thumb continuing to brush over her lips. “One friend in particular.”

Her lips parted as she sucked in a sharp breath. “Me?”

“Yes, you. I thought about you every day.”
“I . . . you can’t be serious.”

“Why not?”
“I’m not very memorable.”

I didn't quite appreciate, though, the love connection between Dom and Bailey. There were enough context clues to make me aware that they've already been acquainted from the fourth book's story, but sometimes Dom treated Bailey like she was this damsel in distress; maybe it wasn't intentional and it really showed his concern and care for her, but there was something a little old-fashioned about his approach to Bailey that didn't quite appeal to me. Not to mention that right after one night in the sheets, he's already talking about having children together??!! Talk about moving fast! 😆 Then again, I can't exactly fault it for being too insta-love for my liking, since their relationship has already had the chance to grow in the previous installments. Still, I liked their interactions; they were a good solid team and I liked how their minds played off each other. He was a confidant and a support that she needed at her moment of weakness, and I appreciated that.

I also enjoyed that the mystery wasn't such an easy reveal or guess. The author wove the story in an impressive way that had me guessing who would be the actual culprit till the very end. The characters were well-developed and interesting enough to gauge my interest, as well. Some were absolutely detestable, some actually pleasant enough, but it was how their personalities interacted with either Bailey or Dom that kept the momentum going. 👌🏻👌🏻 There were some unique unexpected twists, and as much as there were many plot lines, how they all tied up to one thread was cleverly done.

“Or else what? Was he—or she—talking about losing the game? Or threatening her?

Bailey’s mouth was dry, but she shook her head.

I’m not interested.

You will be.”

I didn't quite feel a lull in the story at any moment, but again, Dom's constant outpouring of affection for Bailey kinda threw me off, from time to time. I know he was being protective, and he's got his own personal issues that makes him so very drawn to her kind and demure demeanor, but Bailey, someone with 'a big heart that’s easily wounded' had plenty of backbone on her own. She was someone who was innately good, but somehow was being targeted again and again, for things completely out of her control. So, I don't think it was necessary for him to constantly be worried about her because it became a tad annoying to me. He started off as an okay guy; I was rooting for him and her to get together - but, after a while, my respect for him started falling... 🙄

So, if not for Dom irritating me from time to time with his overly zealous concern and the fact that it wasn't exactly a standalone mystery, it was not that bad of a read. Just not quite enough to make me want to revisit Pike, Wisconsin any time soon. ☺️

*Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC, in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Anita.
2,378 reviews195 followers
February 19, 2024
One thing I love about an Alexandra Ivy book is that she is excellent at hiding the baddie. You really don't have a clue until she decides to reveal them. The suspense is always there and makes you keep reading to the very end. The plot was a seemingly endless chase that had possible baddies dropping like flies. As for the romance, Bailey and Dom make a wonderful couple and we got lots of background on both of them. They were in on the search for the killer from the beginning as full partners and I loved that. However, the sex scenes were little better than cozy, which for a lot of readers is just fine.

Bailey Evans was born and raised in Pike, Wisconsin and just hates that her town has become known as the Murder Capital of the World. Since Pike is such a hotbed of murder and mayhem Bailey, for a brief time, was part of a Murder Club where participants review cold cases and offer up alternative resolutions. She thought it would be fun and she did have an eye for details that got overlooked.

Bailey, as a nurse, loves her town and loves the patients she cares for at the Pike Rest Home. But she is not a fan of the mother and son who own and run the place. When a patient dies and leaves a bequest for Bailey, she is accused of using undue influence and suspended. Then she starts receiving strange text messaged inviting her to join a private Murder Club.

Wealthy Los Vegas businessman, Dom Lucier is a man she met at the wedding of her best friend. They spent a lot of time together as the besties of the bride and groom and Dom was smitten. He's back in Pike to see if Bailey was smitten too. What he finds is Bailey in turmoil and Dom is not about to let anyone harm her.

Together they follow the clues and try to piece together the strange accidents that they suspect are actually murder. They need to try to figure out how they are tied to Bailey before her stalker can make good on his final threat. 3 1/2-Stars

My thanks to the Publisher and Author for providing a complimentary digital Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this novel via NetGalley. This is my fair, honest and personal review. All opinions are mine alone and were not biased in any way.
Profile Image for Bri'sBookReviews.
187 reviews12 followers
February 16, 2024
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⋆ (3.5 stars)

I had a bit of an epiphany while reading this book. You see, I have a challenging time getting into books and have had years where I couldn't even read one page besides children's books read to my kiddos.

I'm a stay-at-home mom to a blended bunch of 4 home school kiddos. There isn't a day that goes by where I'm solving some kind of kid mystery/drama. I'm constantly ten steps ahead of who did it, what did they do, and where were they. From missing toys to who made those messy fingerprints, I'm always on the detective case. (My assumptions are about 95% correct in most of my daily scenarios)

So, Mystery novels have become my newest book interest, and I can clearly see why. They help train my detective skills even further. (Luckily my day-to-day mysteries are very tiny in comparison!)

Enough about me already...on to my thoughts on The Murder Club...

The Murder Club is part five in the Pike, Wisconsin series by Alexandra Ivy. Having not read the first four, I was a bit worried that I wouldn't be able to follow it very well. The only downside from not reading the first books was that I wasn't sure of the characters. There wasn't too much information as to who these characters were or if they were in any of the other novels, but the main storyline overall was easy to follow.

In my opinion, to really get a grasp of the characters I would recommend starting the series from the beginning, which I fully plan on doing.

So why the 3.5 stars? Well, being that I have such a difficult time having books grab my attention throughout the entire book, I had to at least say that I did enjoy reading this.
It was a fairly easy read and easy to follow. It had my detective skills on high alert. But what I didn't enjoy was the romance.

✹Spoiler alert✹: So, the main character (who loves to solve murders) decides to stay at some new attractive guy's house that she barely knows while living in a town with strange murders happening...while getting strange texts about solving a murder... and being accused of murdering for money... (Yes, I know..a bit confusing) I had a huge red flag pop up in my head and instantly thought how dumb she was for doing that. He could have been the murderer...duh! She falls in love with this hunky guy and the romance/spice department was a bit on the cheesy side. Oh, and they really loved eating pizza.

The mystery aspect did keep me on my toes and was enjoyable.

Overall, I'm glad that I gave this book a try. I enjoyed Alexandra Ivy's writing am intrigued enough to begin reading the series in full.

Special thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Books for providing a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Christina (stinarinareads).
301 reviews254 followers
January 31, 2024
This is a NetGalley arc review. Thanks as always to NetGalley and the publisher for these opportunities to provide honest, pre-release reviews!

2.5 stars, 1.25 spice

The Murder Club by Alexandra Ivy is a contemporary romance novel with a suspense/murder subplot. I put romance before suspense because I definitely felt like the romance between the main characters was the core of the plot, and the murder subplot was used as a vehicle to develop the romantic storyline, giving the MMC the opportunity to play hero and so on.

This was an OK read, I wasn’t entirely impressed by any of the elements of the story, the romance or the murder plot, so coming all together just made this an average experience. I think this would definitely be better for light readers that don’t want to go into the true nitty gritty of murder and suspense, but want a romance with a little something extra for fun.

I think my biggest area of issue was the fact that I never felt like we truly got to know the characters, or that their personalities or passions truly jumped off the page. This would’ve been a great book to go extra campy with the true crime murder solving online club and have the main character be super into it, but I never felt like the FMC had any passion for true crime, which made following her as she solved the book’s mystery a little dry. We definitely need to see more backstory from the characters, and more emotional depth to them. I don’t feel like I got to know any character better from page 1 until the end.

I appreciate the effort here to come up with a clever murder plot, but I personally think it took too many swings and misses, and with the lack of character development, I never felt there was anything for me to sink my teeth into.
Profile Image for Dawn.
1,028 reviews47 followers
November 24, 2023
A quick read that keeps you connected and waiting for the next thing to happen.

Bailey and Dom met at their best friends' wedding. After a really good weekend Dom has returned to house sit for Kaden and Lia and to see if what he saw the first time was real.

Bailey liked Dom when she met him for the wedding festivities and now he's back. Just in time for Bailey to have a stalker and it to turn dangerous.

Read this for their adventures. I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kate.
2,204 reviews341 followers
April 4, 2024
Gah. Once again a miss for me in this series. I really don't know why I bother as normal people just don't go around trying to solve murders. Glutton for punishment.

It started off strong and then once again a long the way it became lacking. The H is all in and overprotective which is too much for the short period of time that they have known one another.

ARC generously received in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Shelley.
2,622 reviews51 followers
February 8, 2024
The Murder Club🔪

Bailey is a long time resident of Pike and has been there through all the serial killers that their town has become known for. In her down time, due to boredom, she joins a Murder Club - to help solve cold cases…unfortunately, she attracts the attention of a killer who tries to get her to join in.

Dom knew when he met Bailey at Kaden’s wedding, she was someone special. He’s now returned to Pike to get to know her better and stumbles into these murder puzzles with Bailey…trying to figure out how to keep her safe, while trying to solve whodunnit😳

A great read, pieces started falling into place towards the end for me though…I wasn’t as onto it as previous books unfortunately😢 I received an advanced copy via Netgalley and willingly leave my honest review❤️
Profile Image for Hanna Nez.
96 reviews2 followers
July 25, 2024
This was such a meh mystery for me. Especially at the end where Baileys forced involvement with the murder club had no impact to the story and didn’t even make sense. Also the romance was way too perfect Dom made me gag multiple times.
Profile Image for Heather.
631 reviews4 followers
February 21, 2024
Thanks to #NetGalley and #KensingtonBooks for the book#TheMurderClub by #AlexandraIvy. This book is about a murder club where there is re connection of two people from a wedding years before. As they try to figure out why they are being brought into a suspenseful situation, a romance starts to bloom. But who is after them?
1,032 reviews17 followers
February 18, 2024
cold cases thriller with an interesting idea, but the culprit was BURNINGLY obvious from the moment they stepped on the scene. thanks for the arc.
Profile Image for Bookish CT.
130 reviews
January 20, 2024
4.5: As soon as I read the first page of this book I couldn’t get my mind off of it. I was extremely excited to read it and be engulfed in the mystery. It didn’t take long for me to realize that this was actually the most recent (fifth book) in an ongoing series so if you’re going to read it I definitely recommend reading the rest of the books because I was extremely confused by the call backs to the previous books. Even though I do believe that it can easily be read as a standalone, when the characters or narrator make call backs to the books before you’re left wondering what happened in those books. With that being said it is on my for not doing my research before requesting the arc and realizing that this is indeed apart of a series and honestly reading this book before the rest made me extremely curious to know what happened in this books and want to read those to get answers.

I really enjoyed this book, it was a quick and easy read. I could hardly put it down and unlike most mystery books I read I did not guess how the ending would go, not even at the very end. I of course had theories but none of them were even close to what happened at the ending which only made me even more excited to get to the end and figure out what happens. The writing was great, the author knew how to keep the reader engaged but I will say it switches from characters a few times and those switches could have been a bit cleaner so that the reader is blindsided from someone else’s pov.

The two main characters were definitely likable. I really liked the romance between them but it happened pretty fast, it felt like the whole story happened within barely a few days and they were already talking about spending their futures together. This book also had a bit of spice in it that I honestly don’t think it needed, it took away from the mystery. I love a mystery with a good romance subplot, but I don’t think the spice was needed and was a waste of a few pages. I also think that Baileys character contradicted herself a lot, one minute she comes off as strong and independent and the next she’s belittling herself and I just wasn’t a fan of it I understand that people have insecurities but I don’t like it in books when the FMC constantly says how boring or unattractive they are compared to the MMC.

I received this ARC through NetGalley and definitely recommend picking this book up if it seems like something you would be interested in reading!
Profile Image for Abra.
579 reviews15 followers
April 28, 2024

It was ok. I appreciate that the author didn’t just pick a main character out of a hat to be the bad guy. For me, the writing seemed a bit juvenile and the love story was kind of rushed. I get that they met before, but the insta-commitment was unbelievable.
Profile Image for Brittany.
240 reviews7 followers
January 14, 2024
Do I have you attention, Bailey?
Welcome to the Murder Club.
Your first case begins today.

Bailey is living her life in Pike, Wisconsin, where small town living is fairly predictable, until a coworker convinces Bailey to join an online murder club. Everything is going well until she starts getting messages trying to get her to join a private club. After deciding to delete her account, events in Bailey's life takes a turn. The man she was interested in at her best friend's wedding comes back to Pike, she starts getting text messages from a possible stalker, and one of the residents at the nursing home Bailey works at, Nellie, passes away. Unfortunately, Nellie's son starts accusing Bailey of killing his mother after she changed her will only a few days before her death. These events start a series of murders that Bailey will have to solve to find out who the stalker is behind the text messages.

When I first started reading The Murder Club, I was not aware that this was book #5 in the Pike, Wisconsin series. However, this could be read as a standalone. The author does a great job of describing past events and other characters related to the other books in the series. I liked the investigation of the murder and trying to figure out if it was the same person that was stalking Bailey. I was surprised to figure out the identity of the killer and the connections between the series of murders were believable. I also enjoyed the romance between Dom and Bailey, but I did find the romance between the two a little too fast paced for my liking.

Overall, The Murder Club is a fast-paced murder/thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat trying to figure out what is going to happen next.

The Murder Club comes out on February 20th.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for the opportunity to review The Murder Club. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Carole Barker.
371 reviews20 followers
February 20, 2024
Small town living can be predictable….but she never guessed what joining an online crime solving club would do to her life.

Bailey Evans’ life in the town of Pike, Wisconsin had become pretty boring, particularly since her best friend’s recent wedding. At the urging of a coworker she joined an online group called The Murder Club who pooled their talents to find solutions to cold crimes. It seemed like an innocent enough thing to do, but when one of the other anonymous group members began to pester her to join a private offshoot with them and saying no didn’t make them back off, Bailey logs out of the group. Problem solved, right? Wrong. This same unknown person starts texting her directly and the invitations become warnings. No one from the group should have her direct contact information except the co-worker who had invited her to join, but he swears it isn’t him making contact. When one of the patients at the nursing home where Bailey works as a nurse passes away and is found to have left her a large sum of money, Bailey finds herself being threatened by the deceased’s son (who thinks that she exerted undue influence on his mother) and put on unpaid leave by her not-very-nice employers (who don’t want their business reputation tarnished). Angry and upset by her work situation and increasingly worried by the mysterious contact from the unknown crime buff, Bailey turns to Dom Lucier, best buddy to her own best friend’s new husband. They had met one another at the recent wedding of their friends and felt an attraction. Dom is back in town to pursue that relationship, and his protective instincts are roused when he discovers what is happening to Bailey. When another elderly woman dies in a nearby town, they wonder if her death is connected to that of Bailey’s former patient. And worse still….are their deaths natural, or is someone committing crimes in order to force Bailey to solve them?

True crime shows and podcasts are all the rage these days, so the online Murder Club is a timely and believable backdrop to this romantic thriller. Bailey is kind, compassionate, and an overall sweet girl next door type who has somehow caught the attention not only of the town’s oddball (her co-worker and former Murder Club group member) and the very good looking Dom, but also that of a sinister person who is insistent that she “play” his murder game. Maybe her boring and predictable life wasn’t so bad after all. Bailey and Dom try to get to the bottom of the situation with Bailey’s cousin and town sheriff Zac backing them up; can these two find happiness and find out who is stalking Bailey? There are plenty of suspects to consider, although that list dwindles as the body count increases. There is, after all, something about Pike that draws in serial killers, as readers of this series (in which The Murder Club is #5, but you don’t need to have read the earlier books to thoroughly enjoy this one) know only too well. Readers of Ms Ivy’s previous novels will undoubtedly pick this latest installment up and will be glad they did, but I would also recommend it to readers of Kat Martin, Lisa Jackson, and Sharon Sala (among others). Many thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Books/Zebra for allowing me access to an advanced reader’s copy of The Murder Club in return for my honest review. I very much enjoyed this quick, addictive read!
Profile Image for Elanda Birch.
90 reviews3 followers
November 23, 2023
The Murder Club is a gripping murder thriller that seamlessly weaves together well-rounded characters, a carefully paced romance, and a captivating mystery that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. I found myself engrossed in the narrative, with its intricate plot and a plethora of shady characters that added layers of complexity to the story.

One of the standout features of the book is its well-developed characters. Each individual comes to life on the pages, with their unique personalities, flaws, and motivations. The author's attention to detail in crafting these characters allows readers to form a connection with them, making the stakes of the mystery even higher as the plot unfolds.

The romance element in the story is skillfully integrated, serving as a complement to the main plot rather than overshadowing it. The pacing is just right, offering moments of respite amidst the tension of the unfolding murder mystery. The subtle and gradual development of the romantic subplot adds depth to the characters and enhances the overall reading experience.

The heart of the novel lies in its mystery, and in this regard, it excels. The author masterfully plants clues and red herrings throughout the narrative, keeping readers guessing until the very end. Personally, I was taken by surprise when the true identity of the perpetrator was revealed. I had several guesses as to who it was throughout the book, but I was still guessing at the end. The author skillfully navigates the intricate web of suspense, ensuring that the resolution is both satisfying and unexpected.

What sets this murder thriller apart is the array of shady characters introduced, each with a plausible motive for the crime. As a reader, I found myself constantly reassessing my suspicions as the story unfolded, creating a sense of intrigue that held my attention from start to finish. The author's ability to maintain this level of suspense throughout the novel is commendable.

In conclusion, The Murder Club is a thoroughly enjoyable and well-crafted murder thriller. With its compelling characters, expertly paced romance, and a mystery that keeps you guessing until the final pages, this book is a must-read for fans of the genre.
24 reviews
December 8, 2023
As a lover of solving cases, I was really excited about this book. It started out great and I was excited to see how Bailey and Dom would partner up (in more ways than one!) After the first few chapters, I really struggled to keep reading. The concept of the Murder Club Game was also interesting at first but then it became creepy and stalkerish. Maybe that was the point… but it just didn't resonate with me or keep me motivated.

There were a decent amount of characters to keep track of and as murders continued, it was hard to follow the patterns and how all of the potential suspects could fit in. That could completely be my fault since I started skimming some chapters just to finish!

The "romance" between Bailey and Dom fell flat for me. Forehead kisses just don't get me going! I feel like there was a lot of potential with this book but it just didn't hold my interest. I would still recommend it for those who love true crime and solving crimes- especially since it is a series. I plan to try another one from this author- maybe this particular book just wasn’t for me.
Profile Image for Hera Aradóttir.
48 reviews
July 13, 2024
I was unaware that this book was part of a series until I began reading it. It didn't completely ruin the experience, as it can certainly be read on its own. However, I think it would've been more enjoyable if I had read the other ones first. The romance between Dom and Bailey escalated very quickly, making me feel like I missed something. They had apparently met in a previous book. I did not particularly like the connection between them, as Dom gave off savior complex vibes, portraying Bailey as a damsel in distress he needed to rescue. This aspect was not my cup of tea, and I struggled to get through the book because of it.

I wish the murder mystery aspect of the story was given more attention. The romance overshadowed everything else. The killer's reveal and the story behind it had potential, but it all felt rushed and left me feeling a bit disappointed. Still, the book was decent overall.

I give it 2.5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for a copy of this book.
Profile Image for Linda.
18 reviews4 followers
December 3, 2023
Bailey is a nurse who is invited by a colleague at the nursing home she works at to join a fun online murder club that works on solving cold cases. She also is the recipient of a resident’s will which results in her being fired after the deceased’s son takes action. All this comes to a head when the murder club takes a sinister turn, starting with creepy messages and escalating into murder.

I really loved the premise of this book, the murder club is actually really fascinating, and a thrilling plot idea. I haven’t read the previous books but I don’t think you need to, the background is explained well. The only downside for me was really the romance, I didn’t feel that it worked, and there wasn’t any chemistry between the leads. It felt a bit shoe horned into what was already a crowded plot.

Thanks to NetGalley and kensington books for the advance copy.
3 stars
Profile Image for Alex.
101 reviews15 followers
December 10, 2023
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
This was my first read by Alexandra Ivy and my first ARC! ☺️ This book is a murder mystery and the main character gives me girl next door vibes. She’s extremely likable! It’s a bit of a slow burn before getting into things. It also has a hint of romance in it with some added spice. For me, I could do without the romance part. It’s just not my cup of tea anymore. I don’t mind a little bit of it but this book had more of than I’d like. Overall, if you like a good murder mystery with some romance, this book is for you.
Thank you to NetGalley, Kensington Books and Alexandra Ivy!
Profile Image for Les Romantiques.
575 reviews20 followers
February 4, 2024
Posted on Les Romantiques - Le forum du site
Reviewed by Fabiola
Review Copy from the Publisher
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

The Murder Club is the 5th volume of the Pike, Wisconsin series by Alexandra Ivy. I have, of course, read all the previous volumes, and overall, it's a good thriller series. However, not being a fan of the genre, there are some volumes that I liked less. The fact that the author is Alexandra Ivy encourages me to continue because, in any case, I find all the ingredients in it that make me love her books.
The previous volumes are 1- Don’t look (https://www.goodreads.com/review/show... ), 2- Faceless (https://www.goodreads.com/review/show... ), 3- Unstable (https://www.goodreads.com/review/show... ) and 4- Desperate acts (https://www.goodreads.com/review/show... ).
The murder club is one of the less dark in the series, even though there are still murders, and consequently, it is one of my favorites.

The story features Bailey Evans, the best friend of Lia Porter (Desperate Acts) and cousin of Zac Evans (Unstable), and Dom Lucier, a friend and associate of Kaden Vaughn (Desperate Acts). We got a glimpse of these two characters in the previous installments, and at the beginning of the novel, we learn that they met at Lia and Kaden's wedding. They were immediately attracted to each other, but at that time, neither took the first step, and they went back to their routines.
The novel begins when they meet again in Pike. The heroine is having a drink with a colleague when Dom enters the bar and approaches her directly. He explains that he has a mission to « watch over his friend's house while he is away with his wife. » That's what he tells Bailey, but readers know that he mainly wanted to see the young woman who left a strong impression on him a few months earlier.
On her part, Bailey was also immediately drawn to Dom, but she didn't expect to see him again, and she never imagined there could be any romantic relationship between them. He had remained in her memory as a fantasy.
The development of the love story is fast - but that's usual for Alexandra, which is why I love her books. Nevertheless, there aren't many hot scenes. There is no doubt about the couple and their future together when closing the book.

The suspense side of the novel is linked to what the author calls a « murder club. » I don't know if it really exists in the USA, but it's like a book club. The members - ordinary people with no connection to the police or any other professional in the field - gather around a suspicious or unsolved murder case to discuss it and find clues that may have escaped investigators at the time. However, it doesn't go any further. The police are not informed of their conclusions, and the media doesn't pick up the case either.
When the book begins, Bailey has ended her subscription to the club. She had joined it in a moment of boredom, enjoyed unraveling cases, but recently, she had been receiving strange private messages, including one asking her to join a secret club, which she didn't want to do. So, she decided to close her account.
Unfortunately, she receives a text from an anonymous sender informing her that she is a member of this secret club, willingly or not. This person then sends her a newspaper article announcing the accidental death of a woman in a nearby town. When Bailey goes to the scene, she realizes there is something to investigate.
At the same time, she is suspended from her job following a certain event that I'll let readers discover, and she is suspected of having taken advantage of one of her patients. She works as a nurse in a retirement home. Later, she receives a suspicious package, and that's when she starts to worry.
Fortunately, at that moment, Dom is already in the vicinity, and he will confirm to her that she is right to be wary, in addition to offering his help. None of our heroes are part of law enforcement, but Zac is the sheriff of the small town, and he is there to help his cousin get out of this situation, which I appreciated. In any case, the investigation progresses rather slowly, and the clues are revealed gradually. I had no idea about the ins and outs of the story, and I was very surprised by the revelations.

Regarding the writing, we can say that Alexandra Ivy knows how to use modern computer tools to handle her story. The members of the murder club only know each other online, and few know each other in real life, each using pseudonyms. Alexandra Ivy has been published since 2001, and she has been able to evolve with the times and new technology, making it easy for a young reader to connect with this book.

To conclude, The Murder Club is a very good thriller/romantic suspense that I recommend. It can be read on its own without any problem, but being a fan of the author, I can only advise to read the entire series. After all, there are only 5 volumes.
21 reviews
February 16, 2024

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⋆ (3.5 stars)

I had a bit of an epiphany while reading this book. You see, I have a challenging time getting into books and have had years where I couldn't even read one page besides children's books read to my kiddos.

I'm a stay-at-home mom to a blended bunch of 4 home school kiddos. There isn't a day that goes by where I'm solving some kind of kid mystery/drama. I'm constantly ten steps ahead of who did it, what did they do, and where were they. From missing toys to who made those messy fingerprints, I'm always on the detective case. (My assumptions are about 95% correct in most of my daily scenarios)

So, Mystery novels have become my newest book interest, and I can clearly see why. They help train my detective skills even further. (Luckily my day-to-day mysteries are very tiny in comparison!)

Enough about me already...on to my thoughts on The Murder Club...

The Murder Club is part five in the Pike, Wisconsin series by Alexandra Ivy. Having not read the first four, I was a bit worried that I wouldn't be able to follow it very well. The only downside from not reading the first books was that I wasn't sure of the characters. There wasn't too much information as to who these characters were or if they were in any of the other novels, but the main storyline overall was easy to follow.

In my opinion, to really get a grasp of the characters I would recommend starting the series from the beginning, which I fully plan on doing.

So why the 3.5 stars? Well, being that I have such a difficult time having books grab my attention throughout the entire book, I had to at least say that I did enjoy reading this.
It was a fairly easy read and easy to follow. It had my detective skills on high alert. But what I didn't enjoy was the romance.

✹Spoiler alert✹: So, the main character (who loves to solve murders) decides to stay at some new attractive guy's house that she barely knows while living in a town with strange murders happening...while getting strange texts about solving a murder... and being accused of murdering for money... (Yes, I know..a bit confusing) I had a huge red flag pop up in my head and instantly thought how dumb she was for doing that. He could have been the murderer...duh! She falls in love with this hunky guy and the romance/spice department was a bit on the cheesy side. Oh, and they really loved eating pizza.

The mystery aspect did keep me on my toes and was enjoyable.

Overall, I'm glad that I gave this book a try. I enjoyed Alexandra Ivy's writing am intrigued enough to begin reading the series in full.

Special thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Books for providing a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Sandy S.
7,364 reviews189 followers
February 16, 2024
3.5stars-THE MURDER CLUB is the fifth instalment in Alexandra Ivy’s contemporary, adult PIKE, WISCONSIN mystery, suspense series . This is pawn shop owner/ television personality Dom Lucier, and registered nurse Bailey Evans’ story line. THE MURDER CLUB can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty . Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary . Bailey is Sheriff Zac Evans’ (UNSTABLE #3) cousin.

Told from omniscient dual third person perspectives (Dom and Bailey) following several intersecting paths, THE MURDER CLUB follows in the wake of the death of a local nursing home resident, a death blamed on our story line heroine. Months earlier Bailey Evans met television personality Dom Lucier at the wedding of mutual friends (Kaden and Lia: Desperate Acts #4), and his arrival in Pike, Wisconsin coincides with Bailey’s life spiralling out of control. Dom Lucier is temporarily living at Kaden’s place in Pike where he will seek out the woman who stole his heart but Pike’s reputation as the murder capital of America is about to push our couple together in more ways than one. Enter Bailey Evans. Bailey is a nurse who loves her clients but the death of a resident, and her subsequent inheritance of several thousand dollars places our heroine at the top of the list when several other items go missing, and the nursing home owner refuses to listen to reason. With the help of Dom, Bailey goes in search of the truth, a search that has more twists and turns the deeper our couple dig into the investigation. With everyone having a motive, and a potential stalker targeting our story line heroine, Dom and Bailey begin an investigation of their own only to discover there are more players and suspects than they could have ever imagined.

The world building is detailed and complex as the number of potential suspects, clues and possible red herrings enter into the investigation. As a former member of an online Murder Club, a group that re-investigates murders and deaths that were never solved, Bailey finds herself in a threatening situation when she refuses to ‘play the game’, a game playing out in Pike, Wisconsin. As the number of victims begin to amass, Bailey and Dom’s search reveals a web of vengeance for sins of the past.

The relationship between Bailey and Dom is one of friendship that will quickly turn into something more. Bailey is in need of protection, and Dom volunteers to guard the woman with whom he is falling in love. There are no $ex scenes , everything is implied.

THE MURDER CLUB is a story of secrets and lies, betrayal and vengeance, jealousy, obsession and murder, friendships and love. The premise is intriguing but not believable on so many levels-in this I struggled to accept the concept of our couple as the principle investigators. The characters are energetic; the romance is limited, but I felt no palpable sexual attraction.

copy supplied for review

Profile Image for Sarah Michelle.
248 reviews
September 9, 2024
It pains me to read this book 2 stars because it really was well written, and I definitely plan on reading more books by this author, but my issues with this book are the same issues I have with other books. I was looking forward to a change and not reading just straight up romance instead having this mystery this murder mystery element, but I felt like murder mystery aspect of it was way too convoluted. All these people died or were killed and who was it who even did the killing this guy from the murder club who becomes fascinated with the female main character why I don’t really know and before I just read another book where it was like what’s so great about the main character and similarly here too although There was a little bit more empathy on my part with this female main character she lived on her own didn’t really have family. She just had some friends and she was a nurse. I thought that was a nice profession. She had her dogs and friends with everyone she seemed like a genuinely nice person, but I don’t know that she was just a little too blah for me to get really excited about her and especially when the main character is all like oh I’ve been so fascinated with her since I first met her and you know, I just wanna protect her and his reaction is very immediate. It was very kind of Insta love or Insta lust on his part And I am not really for celebrity or whatever so like him having this famous pawn shop and everything and I could really take relieve at actually I couldn’t take it. I wanna leave it entirely. I’m not into those storylines. I also wasn’t so crazy about the fact that this was a standalone book but these two characters had I wasn’t sure if they had met. They definitely met previously off page, that seems to be a lot of books but characters meeting for the first time off pages fine as long as it’s executed well when they first introduced the readers, I couldn’t really tell if these two characters had actually met in one of the other books and since the book is from the female, main characters POV and then the male main characters POV I don’t really know that if I read any of the previous books, I would’ve gotten their perspective you know about how taken he was with her how gorgeous she thought he was or whatever unless they were making those comments to their friends anyway I’m not curious enough to go back and read all of the books in the series. I don’t know that I’m gonna go that far but you know I kept trying to figure out who the murderer was. I thought for sure it was her neighbor, but I was wrong so the mystery itself was a little bit of a letdown, but do not give up on it just yet maybe since this was book 5 in the series she lost her steam a little bit I don’t know we’ll see
Profile Image for Tara.
206 reviews2 followers
June 23, 2024
I love the Pike Wisconsin series with it's mix of just the right amount of romantic suspense with the mystery to solve wrapped into one! I had started in the middle of the series by chance when I had seen Unstable first come out and it sounded good so I gave it a shot and that is where it began. I like that while the series overlaps with the characters you can still read them as a stand-alone. I like Ivy's writing style and loved this book just as much as the others I have read so far.
Small town Pike, Wisconsin where you wouldn't think there is this much murder and mayhem lies so many secrets that are bound to surface usually in murder! Also, a small town with not much to do so Baily Evans decides to fill her spare time apart of an online crime solving group called "The Murder Club." It's all fun and detective games until Bailey receives text messages that she is invited to a private murder club case and she seems to be the star of this case. Bailey is thrown into a multiple murder investigations and trying to solve how she is being threaded into each case so intricately and who is behind these murders. Why did they pick Bailey? What do they want from her? What do these murders have to do with her and her being a part of The Murder Club??
Within all the suspense and mystery that is happening Bailey gets an unexpected romance that heats up the whole investigation when Dom Lucier strolls back in to town becoming Bailey's partner in more ways than one! Dom has this fierce protectiveness to protect Bailey at all costs while dealing with his own past and his own demons.
I'm ok with predictable when it comes to some things in stories because it gives you something to root for. I like knowing that all this intensity was leading to Bailey and Dom making a forever romance. I liked how it all came together and it was an interesting plot with the club and so many suspects. I will keep reading the Pike series if it keeps being written. Thank you NetGalley for a gifted copy to read and review with my own opinions.
Profile Image for Janalyn.
3,674 reviews105 followers
February 15, 2024
When Kayden from book fours best friend Dom Lucier comes to Pike he’s there to housesit but when he sees Bailey across the street at the local bar the bait and tackle he immediately rushes over there to say hello. Ever since Aaliyah and Kayden‘s wedding where he met Bailey he could not stop thinking about her.
Bailey Evans Riley wasn’t looking for love but when she realizes that’s what Dom wanted something more than a one night stand she wasn’t exactly against it she even tells him about the strange text messages she’s been getting about joining a private murder club and she has no idea who’s sending them. They start spending a lot of time together especially since she’s been fired from the old folks home but when people start getting murdered he doesn’t want to let her out of his sight. There’s also a strange guy in town who staying at a rented cottage and saying he is the Artist Ford Smithson Who at the very least is strange but he is just one of many very good suspects
It’s not just dumb who is worried about Bailey however her cousin Zach, the sheriff it’s also concerned. People are dying she gets fired for stealing from the resident at the old folks home and a local resident gets caught stalking her Bailey has a lot to contend with the wind they tell Bailey dumb is a Serial Killer she is just baffled and doesn’t know what to think. These books are so good they read like thrillers Pike Wisconsin is supposed to be the serial killer capital of the world and true to form it seems every book there’s one a foot this is the first book I have read from the series but it will not be my last I absolutely thoroughly enjoyed this book as much as you can enjoy a book if you love action mystery romance then you’ll definitely love the murder club book 5 in the Pike Wisconsin mysteries I totally absolutely did and I definitely recommend it! I want to thank Kensington Books and NetGalley for my free arc copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.
487 reviews3 followers
November 23, 2023
A bit under 2 stars

This story started off so well, and I was really excited about it. But before long, my interest waned. In fact, I came close to a DNF on more than one occasion.. I'd read the previous book in the series a while back and liked it well enough and Dom and Bailey were secondary characters in it. I had high hopes that these two very nice people would find their happy ending here. Unfortunately, they had zero chemistry. I mean, they said all the right things, but I felt no vicarious spark whatsoever.

I also didn't really like this Murder Club game that Bailey used to play. The concept is straight up creepy. And when Bailey drove alone to Grange on a whim to look into a suspicious death, I wanted to smack her upside the head (shades of "i heard strange noises in the basement.; i must go look"). I really dislike it when the female lead character shows signs of being TSTL.

But then Dom jumped on the TSTL bandwagon himself, something the male hero rarely does, and it got worse. Two people with careers really far from anything law enforcement playing Nancy Drew, and not particularly well at that. Even the sheriff and Bailey's cousin Zac suffers. What's a sheriff doing being okay with Dom and Bailey poking around, especially when Bailey has a stalker?

Lots of characters, lots of suspects, a rather forced choice for the main bad guy. A town that's described as run down in many ways and is also the hellmouth when it comes to murder.... why didn't Bailey just pack up and go the minute she was put on unpaid leave? I get hometown nostalgia, but Pike really has nothing to offer.

I received an ARC of this book for free from the publisher and Netgalley. I'm writing this review voluntarily, and it reflects my honest opinion. Thanks!
309 reviews11 followers
January 8, 2024
The author had me at the premise to this book. I have read some of Alexandra’s paranormals but have never read a Pike story even though I have a few on my kindle. Turns out giving it a read was a good choice.
There are so many threads in this story that our heroine is forced to follow to regain some normalcy in here life. Her caring personality and medical knowledge unwittingly pitted her against a very dangerous and maniacal person. There is no shortage of sick people in this story all dancing to the puppet master’s toon that only he could hear. Bailey becomes involved in the “Murder Club” out of boredom and her involvement serves as a cautionary tale on how quickly you can be pulled into something dangerous on the net.
I loved Dom because while he was the typical alpha male, he was not the type to beat his chest and then go solve things for the little woman. He knew she was in danger and wanted to protect her but did not smother. There relationship was adorable and pretty hot. The line in the story where he said his relationship was an empty shell until her just proved how well suited they were. I suspect her life was the same.
I always give a shout out the dogs in the story and I agree with the author they give unconditional love.
Overall, I enjoyed this book and waffled on the rating. It was a skosh to long in places and those places got a little dry. I may have glossed over the dry passages because I had been sucked into the story and needed to understand who ran the Murder Club.
Profile Image for Bharath.
785 reviews576 followers
February 5, 2024
A relatively quick read.

Bailey Evans is at a bar with her friend from the nursing home - Kari Wentz in Pike, Wisconsin. They see a very attractive man walk in whom Bailey has met before – Dom. They find themselves getting drawn to each other. Bailey has been a part of a murder club of citizens which checks out cold cases for clues. In the clinic, one of the patients Nellie passes away tragically. She changes her will leaving her son Gage Warren with nothing. Greg is furious and accuses Bailey of foul play. Bailey is sent on unpaid leave. There is a death of a lady Pauline Hartford in nearby Grange town, presumed to be an accident. Her son Kevin had visited a few hours prior asking for money. Bailey gets messages from an unknown sender asking her to rejoin the murder club. She is also getting stalked and stressed, but has Dom’s support as well as her cousin Zac who is the local Sheriff. Though the recent deaths could be accidents, it is also possible that there is a clever killer in town and it is not clear.

I liked the overall plot, though not all ends tie up well. There are quite a few murders in the book, but this is not a serious procedural story. There is a drawn-out romantic track (which I found boring as it was written as you would read in 1000s of other stories) as well. The murder club itself unexpectedly has very little coverage in the story. I liked Bailey’s character but the others are not very well developed. Dom’s introduction is abrupt. I liked the fact that the twists were not too outlandish (as is often the case with many books these days) and the story progressed well. This is an easy read, and that is to its credit.

My rating: 3.25 / 5.

Thanks to Netgalley, Kensington Books and the author for a free electronic review copy.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 121 reviews

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