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Alexander’s costly victory at Northport provides only a brief reprieve from the onslaught of enemy forces converging on those loyal to the Old Law. Prince Phane has created a deadly new soldier – man mixed with darkness – imbued with terrible power and a purpose so sinister that that it could turn those Alexander loves most against him … or take them away from him forever.

Zuhl is plundering Fellenden, killing, torturing and enslaving the people for his own selfish purpose. He’s using the fabled Iron Oak forest to build a fleet of warships capable of dominating the oceans of the Seven Isles, ensuring his ultimate dominion over everyone, everywhere.

The shades are loose in the world and starting to make their move. They intend to open the Nether Gate and plunge the world of time and substance into eternal darkness.

Blood of the Earth is the story of Alexander’s struggle to preserve the Old Law against impossible odds while trying desperately to save the one person he loves most from a fate worse than death.

366 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 6, 2012

About the author

David A. Wells

18 books291 followers
Since my childhood, I've been passionate about fantasy. After reading many stories of epic struggle set in worlds of magic, I've decided to create a world of my own. The Seven Isles is the result.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 61 reviews
Profile Image for Mark Boyd.
Author 3 books68 followers
May 10, 2019
Book 4, Blood of the Earth, is the next journey for Alexander. Caught up in battles all around him, wounded from a stabbing infused with dark magic, Alexander is obsessed with finding a cure for Isabel who is now slowly being possessed by dark magic.
Discussing possible healing remedies with his mentors in the Stone, he is told of a possible potion that could save her but the ingredients are rare and dangerous to find, the blood of the earth being one of those ingredients. He is given a dire warning about the power, good and bad, this ingredient can wield. Determined, Alexander seeks and finds the necessary ingredients only to get distracted once again.
Wells spends a good deal of time on the emotional battles Alexander deals with trying to save the Seven Isles from Phanes grip, getting wounded in various skirmishes, and trying to save his wife from the dark side.
Another good read.
Profile Image for Jenn Lambert.
198 reviews1 follower
January 15, 2013
It was ok. For me Chloe is getting a little old "Darkness comes my love"....well NO KIDDING!!! Although I do like that it was more than just Alexander doing everything. Abby and Isabel are doing their own thing to help without him.
Profile Image for Tala Gilbert.
167 reviews3 followers
December 18, 2020
So intense!

This series has continued to mesmerize me. As Prince Phane continues to cause terror across the land Alexander must continue to find ways to destroy him or all the world will be lost. To make matters worse, through a Phane creation called a wraithkin, Alexander's beloved Isabel has been tainted and now is beginning to cave to the darkness slowly eating away at her. Will Alexander be able to save his beloved wife, will he be able to destroy Phane and save the world? I will continue this quest for the answers in book five. So hard to put this series down and I know I won't until the final page of the final book is read! Great read!
1,546 reviews11 followers
March 22, 2021
3.5 stars. OK, but I've lost interest in the series. Likely won't read next.
Profile Image for Jeanne Johnston.
1,458 reviews14 followers
October 15, 2017
I'm not digging the way these don't even pretend to stand alone anymore. It's a long book chopped up into chunks that keep you buying, starting in the middle of the action and ending on tenterhooks.

But yeah, I'm committed and still reading. I'm getting a bit of a bad Robert Jordan vibe, the way the story keeps spinning into more and more foci of drama. Can he keep the threads connected?

Although I really hate this bit where Isabel is tainted and turning quickly, it has occurred to me that I have to give credit for making so many strong female characters. That's unusual for a male writer, especially. I despise it when an author laboriously tries to make a point of a woman's "masculine" strengths and forces endless scenarios that belabor the point, even to the point where all I can think is how ridiculous and out of character for the time period they are. (Crappy romance novels really love to do that--making the heroine so modern that the story just seems stupid and I long for someone who isn't pushing the boundaries to the point of idiocy...) Wells may not be a skilled author yet (he's getting better), but in this, he's been very astute.
Profile Image for Dawn Tessman.
416 reviews
October 11, 2023
In Book Four, the war to restore the Old Law escalates as Wraithkins, Shades, dark wizards, and a power-hungry leader named Zuhl possessing a barbarous force of soldiers and dragons all seemingly work together with Phane to distract Alexander and his merry band from closing the Nether Gate and securing peaceful rule over the Seven Isles. While battles rage on, Alexander’s opposition grows to biblical proportions making the reading experience increasingly intense. The sheer number of setbacks is shocking. Will finding the magical “Blood of the Earth” help them to survive or cause further complications? Unfortunately, the book ends without closure, much like Mindbender, its predecessor. That’s not to say the book fails to be entertaining. While the writing is somewhat simple and despite its many cliffhangers, the book is a wonderful escape into a realm of magic and adventure with strong moral lessons. I continue to feel that what David Wells lacks in authorial skill, he more than makes up for through his wildly-imaginative stories, characters, and world-building. On to Book Five!
Profile Image for Ski Croghan.
609 reviews5 followers
May 13, 2020
It just keeps getting better!!!!

Every book I keep thinking that it can't get better and every book it proves me wrong. This book was superb. Alexander and Isabel just can't catch a break. As soon as they overcome one bad set of circumstances, Phane comes up with an even worse one. I luv all the heroes and heroines as if they were life long friends. Mr. Wells is an excellent storyteller and I hope he keeps writing for many years to come. I promise I'll keep reading as long as he keeps writing. Highly recommended for 16+ as there is mild adult content.
106 reviews
October 30, 2023
More of the same action-packed goodness. I really like how new powers, artifacts, enemies are continually sprinkled in. Slowly elevating the abilities and threats to be dealt with while still advancing the main storyline towards the inevitable clash that is clearly on the horizon.

The best thing about fantasy book is that anything conceivable is possible...such as Alexander meeting the progenitor or the demons creating his worst situations.

And, as the seemingly invincible allies/enemies prove less so, it continually raises the stakes at play.
165 reviews
June 5, 2019
As in any serial, more and varied conflicts have to be established to keep the story moving. Although it is consistent, it almost gets a bit tiresome to see again, “He was in a battle with a blade in his hand,” but that is really a recurring theme of the book, hence appropriate. The good news is that the characters are so well-developed that you can’t help but root for them and look for their salvation.

On to book 5.
Profile Image for Stephen.
108 reviews
October 10, 2019
Halfway through

This is one interaction with the blood of the earth that you will NOT regret. As this story progresses every action holds more and more meaning, each word weighs more and the tone doesn't get to lighten much. We're in the thick of the war, keep going because we're only halfway through the tunnel.
1,474 reviews17 followers
March 21, 2020
While Alexander fights to keep the Old Law in place he needs to fight to keep himself from falling into the Darkness, and the love of his life must stay safe as she fights to become a dragon rider and a full-fledged witch with powers beyond compare. In the meantime, Phane creates deadly creatures that can move about in seconds and kill before anyone is even aware. And, Zuhl had conquered Fellenden leaving little to rescue or restore.

I was on the edge of my seat for most of this story! Very hard to put down!

64 reviews1 follower
July 11, 2020
Another frustrating yet entertaining read. The hooks are in but I wish that Alex and friends but Alex in particular would hurry up and get his full power on. Small victories overshadowed by more pain and suffering because he is lamely using a fraction of his potential. Agh! Now it looks like Isabel and Abigail are going to get it. While our hero is convalescing from a stupid wound he should have seen coming. He has Mindbender but NO forgot to use it to his advantage. WHAT? Come on man! At least use the tools you have!
On to the next one. I must be a glutton for this kind of punishment! Phssst!
Profile Image for Mergen Chuluun.
46 reviews15 followers
January 24, 2021
Somehow last few books are definitely easier to read than the first book.

There are still a few annoyingly too modern slangs and terminology... like a mature king son of the Seven Isles calling his father "dad" and his mother "mom".

Overall, action is fast paced and so quite entertaining to read. Definitely not one of the finest novels out there, IMHO, but have been enjoyable to read.
6 reviews
September 25, 2024
Book 4 and still loving it

Book 4 is still holding my rapt attention. One thing I like about Wells' writing is that his female characters are strong women rather than simpering caracatures or simply damsels in distress. They are intelligent and gritty like so many real women l know and love.
24 reviews
September 4, 2018
Yeah The Reading Gets Better

WELL I am up to the Fourth book Blood of the Earth. IT GETS BETTER THE PLOT THickens my amazing creatures, fairies he said even and good and bad dragons David A Wells is a great writer
Profile Image for Carol Edholm.
142 reviews
August 21, 2019
This is the 4th book in the Sovereign of the Seven Isles series. Oh my gosh! Can’t put these books down. Dragons, evil and good rulers, Knights, dragons, witches, dragons, wizards.....all so good, fast paced and entrancing. Now on to Book 5!
117 reviews2 followers
June 17, 2020
Really good

All of these books have kept me captured. Just finished this 4th book. All have been wonderful. No let downs. Going into the 5th book. Very happy with the twists and turns. Each time I am sure what is going to happen it changed.
Profile Image for Larry B Gray.
Author 6 books156 followers
January 19, 2021
Great Epic Continues

Having just finished the fourth book in the series I am just as hooked as I was on the first three. The author has done an excellent job of continuing his epic tale. I totally love this series and I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Jessica Reed.
31 reviews
April 13, 2021

Learning more as he goes but doesn't feel like it is fast enough. Abigail had to step to her post. Now Isabel is getting consumed by the darkness. I fee for her but I would have done the same. Now my only hope is their strong love
53 reviews
October 10, 2021
Love will always win !

Another fine story . Keep it up
Master David ! I love this continuing story.
Keeps you on your toes. Excited can not
Fully express that I feel . now out to the next book !
26 reviews1 follower
September 15, 2023
Meh. Enjoyable enough, but the plot line is starting to drag and become repetitive. Isabel is poisoned, hurt, possessed so often it's a shoulder shrug. Chloe is beyond annoying - my love, my love, and little one. Good grief. The series is losing steam.
Profile Image for Mnoraznan.
373 reviews4 followers
March 6, 2017
The pacing superb, the story is kept fresh with every new revelations that accompany each strife and conflict.
682 reviews3 followers
July 18, 2017
Book 4

Book 4 was well done with a few errors. The plot was not as expected and was mostly about Alex saving Isabel and the war on the isles. Still enjoyed the book though.
Profile Image for Justine.
666 reviews
July 10, 2018
Just what I expected

More action. More magic. More deception. More trouble for Alexander and co, in search of allies against Phane. What a breathtaking read!
Profile Image for JOHN EVANS.
1 review
February 26, 2019
Very good follow up book.

Very good follow up.
Latest in the series that I am enjoying and look forward to the next one in the series.
240 reviews2 followers
March 17, 2020
Still on track

I’m still enjoying the tale, enough to want to know what happens next - which is surely the authors desire too. Book #5 awaits....
16 reviews
March 30, 2020
I like this book ok. But, the whole series seems to jump from one crisis to the next. I guess I will read the next one. Not sure
58 reviews
July 6, 2020
Love how he keeps adding new characters without overwhelming the story
Displaying 1 - 30 of 61 reviews

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