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Christian's Coven #6

The Dark Side of Love

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[Siren Everlasting Classic Erotic Alternative Paranormal Romance, M/M, vampires, public exhibition, HEA] Rhys and Ceri have risen…The twins, Rhys and Ceri, had been placed in a dark sleep almost two thousand years ago. They were whispered about by vampires, resting so long that most thought them just a myth. But when a human stumbles on the cave that Rhys and Ceri rest in, myth becomes reality. Nathaniel loves caving. It’s his one peaceful respite in his confusing life. When he accidentally cuts himself, the blood awakens a nightmare that he can’t escape. Not only does he discover that vampires exist, but one of them shows Nathaniel just how truly horrifying vampires can be. Running for his life, Nathaniel finds himself turning to one of the vampires for help. The problem is he’s running from one of the twins. Ceri thinks Nathaniel is one of the evil humans he must kill, while Rhys argues that Nathaniel is redeemable. Rhys isn’t so sure Nathaniel is redeemable, but he must stop Ceri from killing his mate. ** A Siren Erotic Romance

135 pages, ebook

First published June 16, 2012

About the author

Lynn Hagen

529 books1,158 followers
Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.

You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 31 reviews
Profile Image for Heather♥.
782 reviews6 followers
June 17, 2012
3.5 stars

I really enjoyed the part where Rhys and Ceri finally awaken. It made the horror fan in me rejoice. Definitely not something I'd want to encounter while exploring dark caves (which is why you won't find me in any because you just never know what's in there and I'd also be paranoid about being trapped in a tunnel). Poor Christian had such a complex relationship with his brothers. He had to explain that they could no longer go around killing everyone they judged to be evil. And even though he had missed them so much, he also had to be prepared to kill them if necessary. Thankfully Rhys had Nathaniel to help him adjust to the strange new world he woke up in. But even though they had a really sweet ending, I didn't really feel the connection or passion between them. Now Ceri, he was one scary vampire but it looks like there may be hope for him yet.
Profile Image for Neko.
399 reviews38 followers
June 17, 2012
This was absolutely fantastic!!!!! And now, absolutely my most favorite book out of this series! ahh!! I am so looking forward to the next book!
(and to Ceri? I hope he has one coming soon! lol)
Profile Image for David.
6 reviews3 followers
June 17, 2012
I love where this author is taking this series. Fantastic! It's not your normal, everyday, predictable vampires. I can't wait for the next story.
Profile Image for Mimiinwonderland.
34 reviews1 follower
June 1, 2019
No tengo nada más que elogios para este libro. Totalmente me encantó, el leve terror al principio, cuando los gemelos finalmente despiertan de su sueño, ¡fue absolutamente genial!
Profile Image for Raelyn Dane.
17 reviews3 followers
June 25, 2012
May Contain Spoilers...

This author has done a wonderful job so far with her Vampires. Christian is intense, in every sense of the word. So, knowing this I was a bit concerned on how his twin brothers would be. Would they be just as intense or more so, since being in a deep slumber for so long?

The story of Rhys and Ceri definitely didn't lack for action or suspense. The deep seated anger they both felt toward Christian was vivid and well earned. Sometimes, doing things for the right reasons can backfire, leading to more problems.

Nathanial reminded me of a few people I use to know, fence straddlers... addiction vs non-addiction. This character worried me as he was placed in several situation of having to explain himself and his actions in order to survive. He lived an addicts worst nightmare-explaining why he was an addict.

Changes take place over the course of this book, and you get to see the darker side to vampirism. Ceri is complex, yet simple...he wants to do what he feels he was born to do. Rhys is the same, yet more rounded. He yearns for a life and not just the one he was use too. Even in the days of old, Rhys wanted what he felt he never could have, or what his twin told him he should never have. This wanting helped round Rhys out for me.

I think that out of this series so far, this book is my favorite. The side stories are all present...liquid wrath, the rogues, fear of the hunters, just to name a few. Yet you have this new and scarier threat emerge...the twins. Will they be able to function in society today, when everything they knew was society of old? Will Ceri be able to control his thirst and hungry for blood and flesh? And will Rhys be able to control his urges to kill evil doers and live peacefully with his mate?

The Dark Side of Love answered most of my questions and left me with plenty of new ones. Will be interesting to see who the next couple will be, although, I've got a few ideas.

Highly recommend this series to anyone who likes vampires!
Profile Image for Kinny.
295 reviews10 followers
June 21, 2012
4.5 stars. I was going to quit this series because after Christian's story the rest were so-so or outright disappointing. I love this!!! Nathaniel is a more complex character than the usual Lynn Hagen partner to the alpha but he is not irritating. Rhys is a bad boy who loved his twin so he would go with him anywhere even take same punishment so Ceri would not be alone. But his love for his mate Nathaniel let him see the light.

Oh, the coven gets another baby. Well 2 babies. Yasuko is preggers again and Nathaniel is too. Awwww...
Profile Image for Tj.
2,225 reviews67 followers
September 6, 2015
Yes, this is a Lynn Hagen book and has the same style if you don't like it stay away. I actually enjoyed this one much more than the last. There was more focus on the couple and what was going on there. I was happy to see what is becoming of "The Twins". I look forward to seeing Ceri get his mate:) I know that mate will be very interesting.
Profile Image for Michi Rosa.
384 reviews11 followers
June 19, 2012
I loved this!

I was almost hating Ceri, but at the end I kind of want him to find his mate, get him pregnant and (after lots of tears) find his happy ending too.

Profile Image for CB.
3,182 reviews6 followers
September 12, 2017
Well, I delved into the Bracverse a 2nd time and now there are 121 books - yikes! I loved this Universe the first time I read it several years ago and now I love it more, I really do, but I've only been able to read these series (and I have expanded to all the books that are currently out in each):
Brac Pack
Christian's Coven
Zeus's Pack
Demon Warriors
The Exiled

These are the series that start the Universe. Reading them in order is a must. Each book has it's own love story but there is an underlying story that plays out throughout them all. As you get towards the end of these series, other series come into play and I noticed that, since I did not read them, I missed some of the characters being mentioned (good and bad) but I was still able to follow because the main ones stay the same.

One day I WILL buy these and read them all!!! (For the correct order, just look on the Internet for Lynn Hagen Reading Order):
Brac Village
Shadow Tribe
BPNG (Brac Pack Next Generation - Brac Pack kids)
The Remus Brothers
Wolves of Desire
Profile Image for Brenda  Era.
206 reviews
March 19, 2022
Iniciamos y Orin fue el idiota perfecto. No sentí ninguna pena por su muerte.  Además, Rhys confirmó que Orin era un hombre despreciable. En fin. Algo que me molestó fue cuando Nathaniel se disculpa con Rhys la primera vez que lo lleva a su palacio en ruinas y Rhys "lo perdona", o sea, quién realmente tuvo que disculparse debió ser el vampiro no Nathaniel.

Por otro lado, ya habíamos conocido personajes que consumen droga, en la Saga de Brac pero... por alguna razón la adicción de Nathaniel me dejó un "mal sabor de boca."

Considerando las circunstancias y las personalidades de los gemelos, me atrevo a decir que este podría ser el primer libro "oscuro" del Universo Brac... para mí, claro.

Debo decir que la experiencia de Rhys en el cine fue divertida, jajaja. Rhys tuo un cambio rápido y su yo "soñador" me parece precioso.

También tengo que decir que Ceri resultó ser un personaje atractivo. Creo que su mentalidad y su batalla interna tienen potencial. Tengo altas expectativas para su historia, espero que esté a la altura de ellas.
Profile Image for D..
1,860 reviews11 followers
November 17, 2021
I never imagine that someday I will DNF'ed a book by Lynn Hagen, one of my favorite author but this book is a bust!

Reasons why I stop reading this book are the gruesome scene when Ceri and Rhys make a feast of Orin, Nathaniel being a drug user just for fun and the story in not engaging and I felt really bored since I don't like the MC, Nathaniel in the first place.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Phaney.
1,248 reviews22 followers
May 19, 2013
2012 Review:

Interesting. Definitely different from the rest of these series. I don’t consider that a bad thing.

Mind you, Nathaniel’s came out of nowhere and did not match with the way he was portrayed in the very beginning. And both Nathaniel and Rhys were not terribly likeable for the greater part of the story. On the other hand, their characters made some kind of sense, which kept things interesting in a way that didn’t rely on the usual mushy stuff. Even the sex had nothing to do with sexy (in that it did not even seem to try for it) and worked more as a biological function.

Overall, I liked this. It certainly turned out a lot less depressing than I’d feared.
Glad to have the twins mostly sorted out because the constant re-hashing of that threat was beginning to bug me. Sure, Ceri’s still brittle, but it’s clear that he’ll get his own book eventually, so all will be fine.

I especially liked the beginning of this book, the cave thing. It reminded me of one of the best (short) volumes in Christine Feehan’s Dark series (Dark Descent), except it was not at all romantic, which made it even more intriguing. Gruesome too. For some reason that really worked for me here.
Maybe I have been stuck in mushy-land for too long. (Well, I have. No doubt there. But since I suffer a lot of misses in that area I hadn’t been aware that I was really all that syruped up.)
Profile Image for Asteropê.
680 reviews10 followers
November 10, 2015
Ceri: Woah. He has a serious diet issue! Gross. I wonder how that'll be played out later. I'm assuming he'll be getting his own book and mate soon. .

The only thing that bothered me was the concept that drug addiction = being an evil person and deserving to die. Though I do understand Rhys and Ceri's thinking was warped, antiquated and very black and white. At least Rhys saw the light and snapped out of things.
Profile Image for Debby.
1,007 reviews1 follower
October 16, 2014
The twins have arrived

This book has been a Kong time coming, previous books have eluded to the twins but now you get to finally meet them. The plot revolves around the awakening of Rhys and Ceri but it is also about Rhys's mate. As always there is drama and intrigue. As I've recommend before don't read this as a stand alone book, you will be lost.
Profile Image for Teresa.
3,612 reviews41 followers
June 23, 2015
First Read 08/12/12

re-read 21/06/15

This installment is definitely the darkest so far, bordering on horror in places. The vampires are vicious, if holding to their own virtuous moral code, and the descriptions are gory.
Profile Image for Absynthe.
432 reviews5 followers
November 9, 2013
How does this book manage to have a 4+ rating? It started with some potential, but quickly got as ridiculous as every other Lynn Hagen book. Is it mass hysteria? Brainwashing? Who's giving this book such high ratings?
Profile Image for Candice.
2,922 reviews132 followers
September 2, 2014
2nd read June 2014
I guess I didn't picture Nathaniel as

First read 11-18-13
Rhys and Nathaniel. WOW.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
376 reviews54 followers
April 23, 2015
Absolutamente fantástico! ! Al principio me recordó a esa película "El Descenso" ja ja así es como se tiene que conocer un vampiro. Un libro muy agradable que da un giro al introducir una nueva etapa el la historia del aquelarre.
Profile Image for Ayune01.
93 reviews
June 17, 2012
i was expecting a very good plot from this one but it's really a dissapointment.
too many gaps in plots.
Profile Image for Marsha Spence.
1,281 reviews17 followers
May 10, 2015
05/2015 Reread of Brac Pack, Zeus's Pack, Christian's Coven, Demon Warriors, Brac Pack Village. Current #'s are: BP 31, ZP 9, CC 6, DW 6, BPV 4
Profile Image for anarcHy(amanda).
32 reviews1 follower
June 19, 2012
I loved it!!!, great to see the twins awake, now to wait and see who will mate with ceri
Profile Image for T..
872 reviews21 followers
May 10, 2013
I liked it the first time I read it, but I just re-read it and thought it was better this time. I have to say I really liked Rhys and Ceri but I would totally LOVE a book just for Ceri!
Profile Image for Denise White.
1,897 reviews
April 11, 2015

I just loved the story of Rhys and Nathaniel....it was funny how Rhys viewed the new era of the world..I can't wait to get to Ceri,s story....
1,413 reviews4 followers
July 28, 2015
The Dark Side of Love [Christian's Coven 6]

Great book I Loved it both times I read it and this time too Wtg .. And I will be reading the next one again too.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 31 reviews

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