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Sky Fall #1

Let the Sky Fall

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Vane Weston should have died in the category-five tornado that killed his parents. Instead, he woke up in a pile of rubble with no memories of his past — except one: a beautiful, dark-haired girl standing in the winds. She swept through his dreams ever since, and he clings to the hope that she's real.

Audra is real, but she isn't human. She's a sylph, an air elemental who can walk on the wind, translate its alluring songs, even twist it into a weapon. She's also a guardian — Vane's guardian — and has sworn an oath to protect him at all costs.

When a hasty mistake reveals their location to the enemy who murdered both their families, Audra has just days to help Vane unlock his memories. And as the storm winds gather, Audra and Vane start to realize that the greatest danger might not be the warriors coming to destroy them, but the forbidden romance growing between them.

404 pages, Hardcover

First published March 5, 2013

About the author

Shannon Messenger

27 books16.7k followers
Hi! I'm the NYT and USA today bestselling author of the KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES series and the SKY FALL series! And yes, I DO accept friend requests here--BUT! Please note: I *never* check my private messages here, so if you send me one, you won't get a reply. My real contact information is on my website: shannonmessenger.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,744 reviews
Profile Image for Shannon Messenger.
Author 27 books16.7k followers
February 14, 2013
It's entirely possible I'm a bit biassed about this, but I think this book is pretty amazing. In fact, I dare say it blew me away (come on, I HAD to make a wind pun!)
Profile Image for Mitch.
355 reviews620 followers
August 30, 2016
Normally I don't do playlists but this book got the damn Adele song stuck in my head, so why not?
This is the end...
Hold your breath and count to ten...
Feel the earth move and then...

*shakes head and wonders if it’s an incurable condition*
Let the Skyfall...
When it crumbles...
We will stand tall...
Face it all, together....
At Skyfall...

Ok, catchy title aside, Let the Sky Fall (the book, not the lyrics) is what I’d call a clash of the highly original and the entirely derivative. On one hand, Shannon Messenger definitely goes all in with the world building, the concept of wind elementals - er sylphs - is a nice diversion from every other paranormal creature ever, but the way Messenger incorporates the wind into her writing and the actual story goes way above and beyond what I expected and really brings the wind powers to life (not realistically obviously, but with a believable depth) - the logline about 'wind swept prose' is definitely right on the mark. On the other hand though, I'm sorry but the plot isn't exactly anything new, a casual summary of this book could apply equally well to any number of different books and movies off the top of my head, so beyond the originality of the wind powers the storyline gave me a definite feeling of been there, done that, even got the t-shirt to prove it.

I know Messenger’s writing, particularly the dual points of view and the very well done incorporation of the wind theme, kind of obscures the actual workings of the plot, but let me give it a shot: Kind of loner boy finds out he’s an orphan, last of his kind, and is the only person standing between a powerful, evil villain and absolute world domination. Unfortunately, this isn’t explained to him for a good deal of the book because of the good ol’ ‘sorry but it’s too complicated for you right now’ excuse until it finally all comes out in an exposition laden ‘chat’, only he doesn’t believe it at first and has to come around. Hot chick (who happens to be a member of a ‘resistance’) is assigned to guard and then train him, and they fall for each other, but it’s a no-no because of some technicality. By the end of the book, they beat the villain’s minions, basically the author saying now read the sequel to see if/when/how they confront the actual villain, who doesn’t even appear. (Obviously there's more to this than just that but this is a casual summary after all so there you have it.)

So why does the plot sound so familiar and where have I seen it before? Eragon perhaps? Sword of Truth maybe? Basically every single fantasy written in the last fifty years featuring a Chosen One as the protagonist? Yeah, like I said, been there, done that. It’s certainly not a fatal flaw, just a big one though, because otherwise Let the Sky Fall is actually fairly good and enjoyable, once I put the derivative plot aside. Messenger’s creative use of the wind theme, and I don’t just mean crude wind puns, definitely saves this book - she really goes nitty gritty fleshing out how the four winds (although they’re just called Northerlies, Easterlies, etc and not mentioned by name, shame) work with wind farms and weather patterns and air currents and even some mythology based traditional perceptions and everything. Training is usually pretty boring too, but taking the wind myths and weaving them into mini-tornados, flying abilities, and even weapons? – wow.

Finally, characters. From what I got out of the book, Audra is badass, Vane tries too hard. I mean, obviously it takes serious dedication not to eat for years and years just to be closest to your elemental form (and to live in a burned out hovel to boot), but she's doing it to prove herself after how she fails the first time (hence why Vane's an orphan), whether to her mother or to herself I don't know, but she's definitely the best kind of badass, one doing it not to be tough but because she has something to prove. Vane though, I'll give his character an A for effort but eh Star Wars references and body odor humor is way more than what most female authors attempting a male point of view will do but he's not even close to being believable in my book. Besides those two, there's a distinct (and disappointing) lack of secondary or supporting characters, Vane's parents and friends are used more like props and don't feel like actual characters, while Audra's mother is the kind of unbelievable cold parent that I needed to get to the end to accept.

I think I lost my train of thought somewhere along the refrain of Skyfall (thanks Adele), but here goes. Let the Sky Fall (*tries not to hum along even though I'm referring to the book*) is interesting but unoriginal - normally, that's an oxymoron but in this case loved the world building but really wanted to see more, much more, from the plot.
Profile Image for Aj the Ravenous Reader.
1,101 reviews1,157 followers
September 27, 2016

I know it sounds lame but the one word that keeps popping out of my mouth while reading the book was: AWESOME because honestly, it really was from the very beginning (actually make that from the cover page) until the end. I thoroughly enjoyed it. For a first book to a series and a debut one even, Let the Sky Fall is pretty good.

Everything about it worked really well for me (except maybe for the insta-love although it isn’t exactly insta-love given the characters’ history). The premise is super cool- about a young boy (Vane) whose dreams are plagued by a mysterious girl who is actually a “Sylph” or more commonly known as a Windwalker and who happens to be a gorgeous, sexy, bad-ass girl named Audra. (Even her name sounds sexy!) The intrigue develops and the mystery unravels as the story (alternately narrated by the comic Vane and the serious Audra) builds up.

The plot is fast-paced and the writing is very imaginative and creatively descriptive. It kept me gushing words like “ooh!” and “cool!" (both in the literal and figurative sense so many times. ;)). The plot twist is also surprisingly unexpected which made me appreciate the entire novel even more and the ending even though bordering between a cliffhanger and open-ending to me is just right. I really have to find the sequel.
Profile Image for ✨    jami   ✨.
726 reviews4,196 followers
December 7, 2016

Something people might know about me is that I love Avatar: The last Airbender. Like that show is honestly my life and remains one of the best I've ever seen no matter how old I get. I picked this book up because of the cover, but then some reviews mentioned things like this is the book version of Avatar!

and I was sold.
like I had to read this book
I'll read anything if it's like Avatar

I see 100% why people think this is like Avatar. But it's no where near as good as Avatar is.

Here's the plot:



it's honestly, legitimately, Avatar.
Serious now though.

Let the Sky Fall is about a race of people known as "sylphs". They are also called WindWalkers sometimes as well. WindWalkers are separated into four main groups - each WindWalker is an ancestral member of one of the groups, which means they understand the 'language' of that group better than all the other. The four types are Northerlies, Southerlies, Easterlies and Westerlies (haha, wind types? gettit????) Anyway - each wind type has different properties and it's people fit those characteristics. Like, Northerlies are strong, but difficult to manage winds and there people are usually hot headed and impulsive.

A little while ago, all the wind groups were seperated. However they realised they could teach eachother the "language" of their wind to someone who didn't speak it, and that would make them more powerful. Unfortunately, one guy, Raiden, got a little too excited by this. He became determined to learn all four languages of the wind. He only needs to learn Westerly, but there's no one left to teach him.

Vane Weston is the protaganist of this book, and he's the last Westerly. (GET IT ! RAIDEN IS THE FIRE NATION, VANE WESTON IS THE LAST WESTERLY) He's been protected his whole life by a girl named Audra, another Sylph. Audra needs to help Vane unlock his powers, otherwise she (and all the sylphs) will be wiped out in the war that rages on.

The plot. The plot was really cool. The world building was cool. I've not read any book about air people/sylphs/windwalkers and so this felt really new and refreshing, even though it was paranormal which is a genre which has been done over and over.

The world and the order of WindWalkers was really well constructed. Their powers and roles within the world were well explained and the way they call/control/use the wind was so well explained. It was really interesting and well developed.

The external plot, including the war with Raiden and the destruction of Westerly culture was enough to keep the story exciting and the plot moved relatively well. There were some good action sequences including WIND FIGHTS which I really enjoyed.


The characters. the characters were killing me. They were so dull and ANNOYING.
Vane was just such a whiny kid? He spent the whole time complaining about how Audra didn't want to kiss him back and how he wished she'd wear her hair out more and generally lusting over her (even going on to say how much he loves her) EVEN THOUGH THEY HAVE KNOWN EACHOTHER FOR FIVE DAYS!!!!!

I found alot of the things he said about Audra (lustful/sexual) to be creepy and uncomfortable. The relationship was one of the worst cases of insta-love and it was impossible for me not to keep screaming at them FIVE DAYS !!!!!!!!!!! THE BOOK IS SET OVER FIVE DAYS !!!!!!!! AND THEY'RE "IN LOVE" EVEN THOUGH THEY HAVE NEVER MET UNTIL !! 5 !! DAYS !! AGO !!

but anyway. I'm calm.

Audra was the more interesting character to me but she did give off the faintest whiff of Mary Sue. I wouldn't call her a complete Mary Sue, but she had some traits. She was constantly going on and on about how stuff was her fault even though it clearly wasn't. She also spent a good portion of the book thinking about how she loves Vane (did I mention she only met him 5 days ago?) and how she's willing to die for him if he lives.

Despite this, I found her toughness and bravery quite appealing. I liked her character - she was incredibly selfless and loyal to what she believed in and she held her own against the antagonists of the book.

I felt her character was just okay though. Character wise there was nothing deep or intricate going on. There development felt like it was just enough to get by and that was really disappointing to me. I wanted to see much more from these characters and I got very little.

The romance was unforgivable. Like I'm sorry but I hate insta-love so much. It's unrealistic and it's silly and it's just uncomfortable to see play out. I have nothing positive to say about it I was SO ANNOYED at how they were all "ily soo much we're meant 4 eachother" after like 2 days of knowing eachother GROSS.

The whole thing would have been so much better if it weren't for the awful insta-love and the mediocre. character development. The plot was so interesting and the concepts behind the action but it all had to be ruined by the characters.

My only other complaint is that one of the characters motivations made no sense. I don't want to spoil but it doesn't make sense why they did what they did and I feel it was just a twist thrown in for the sake of having one - it didn't feel well thought out at all.

I'm not sure when I'll get to the next one. I'd like to but I've heard that there's more romance and less plot in book 2 and that terrifies me.

Profile Image for Valeria Andrea.
573 reviews126 followers
Want to read
March 2, 2013


Now you'll have that song stuck in the head all day long.
You're welcome.
Profile Image for Brittany.
1,094 reviews156 followers
January 25, 2019
3 Stars!!

“The wind is a part of who I am, and when I expose my heart to it, I feel it calling me home”

This is a classic Ya read - filled with lots of action, angst, romance and charm. Audra is a slythe/wind walker/elemental. Ever since Vanes parents died in a storm when he was little, she has been in charge of looking after him. The catch is, he doesn't know she's been watching over him all this time. All he can remember from that dreadful day, is a girl with long dark hair, the one who keeps showing up in his dreams.

Audra was a strong character, who is willing to do anything to protect Vane. Vane is such a fun character. He's super funny and charming and has no clue about the supernatural things going on around him or the war that is brewing. Though I liked the characters, I didn't really connect with them fully. They were just ok. The story, writing, plot was also decent just nothing GREAT about it. It was an enjoyable read and it had its moments where it reminded me a little bit of Avatar- the last air bender. If you're looking for a fun YA fantasy without a ton of depth, and a quick read - I would recommend it!
Profile Image for shady boots.
504 reviews1,970 followers
April 24, 2013
This review is also available over at my blog.


Well. I'm quite baffled.

In the best way possible.

After a recent . . . incident, I guess you could say—coughInkbyAmandaSuncough—I was a little more careful when it came to having high hopes for books. I had high hopes for this when I first saw it but soon pushed those hopes away because I didn't want to get burned in the end. So I went into this hoping for the best and expecting the worst, and I ended up beaming from start to finish.

I guess I was kinda expecting this cheesy insta-love-fest of a book where its main concern is about the main characters' "epic forbidden love" or whatever, but that was so not what I got reading this. Far from it, actually.

The main thing that made this book as good as it was were the characters. Audra, for example, who I really really liked. She was tough, determined, and her head was always in the game. She always put her duties first. She said that she was physically and emotionally trained for the job of being Vane's guardian, and it showed. I also loved that she is a flawed heroine, too, like she can be selfish at times. But I felt for her during those times because she never got the chance to truly live her life, and I could tell she would love a break once in a while. I thought she was an awesome heroine, and I'd even say she's kickass. Especially nearing the end, I was like WHOA. This bitch is awesome.

Vane I also liked because I thought the author did a great job in making him such a teenage boy. He was a douchebag, but in the charming, likable kind of way. I liked when he got on Audra's nerves, which is pretty much most of the time, cause he's whiny and rebellious. But this also made them have great chemistry.

I guess some people would consider the romance insta-love, but I don't think so. I mean, they've technically known each other since they were little, and they spend most of the book together. I didn't roll my eyes when they said their "I love you's" at the end. Maybe it was because I like the two so much, I don't know. I will say that there were a lot of cheesy little scenes that had electric touch and all that, but they weren't that bad. And besides, the romance isn't the main focus of the plot, so yay for that.

The supernatural aspect was very interesting, but I know that the author's holding back on a lot of things, since this book is the first in a series after all. Be that as it may, I can definitely see her doing way more things with the world of this book, and I for one cannot wait, since the book ended very cliffhanger-y.

Speaking of, the ending was the point where I decided to give the book 5 stars instead of 4 or 4.5. It wasn't as epic as it could have been but again, first book, so I won't be too hard on it. It still was pretty climactic though, and by the end I found myself liking the characters even more.

Overall I thought this was an awesome start to a series, and I'd definitely recommend it to you guys if you wanna read a PNR YA that has awesome characters. There's still some cheesiness in there but hey, it's YA, what'd you expect?
Profile Image for mads.
586 reviews528 followers
October 29, 2021
TW: blood, death of a parent.

Someone, please tell my stubborn self to stop giving my DNF's second chances. You stopped reading it the first time for a reason.

I love Shannon Messenger. Keepers of the Lost Cities is probably my favorite middle grade series and has some of my favorite characters, ever. Which is why I wanted to give this a second chance.

It's also why I'm shocked at just how bad this was.

The insta-love/lust. The rushed/choppy worldbuilding. The cartoon-like villains. Some of the most cringeworthy dialogue I have ever had the misfortune of reading.
And Vane Weston, aka the worst character I have read about in a very long time. I get that she (the author) was trying to get in the head of a teenage boy and they're sometimes a breed of their own, but my God did I hate this kid.

All he thinks about is Audra's body. Like, to a disturbing extent. He constantly fantasizes about the different ways he wants to touch her, even when she's in a compromising/dangerous/wounded position. Every five seconds he's hoping that he'll walk in on her changing or that she'll change back into a skimpy dress, when all the poor girl is trying to do is keep him and their people alive? He sexualizes literally everything about her, at least once throughout the duration of the book. I get it, dude is straight and thinks girls are hot. There are ways to get that across without making the hero feel like a pervert.

"...because you're seconds away from seriously screwing up your life. Which I'd rather you didn't do. I'm kinda looking forward to us being together. Making out all day. Taking a break for dinner. Then making out again all night. But if you want to waste all of that on her--if she's worth that... I won't stop you."

THIS is how he tries to stop Audra from Two seconds after they kiss for the first time, which he had been pressuring her into since the first time they were alone together. I get that he was supposed to be cocky and sarcastic, but there was not nearly enough substance or kindness in this character to balance out his constant sexualization of every female character (aside from his mom).

I have decided to end this review with the following quote because it captures the essence of this book perfectly. For context, this is a very serious moment - practically the beginnings of an argument - between our resident Romeo and Juliet couple about everything keeping them apart. This is not meant to be humorous.

"I care for you, Vane," she whispers. "But you're not a cheeseburger...."

*chef's kiss*
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,683 reviews213 followers
August 7, 2019
I have no words right now.

Let's just say that I really wanted to read Let the Sky Fall for a while now. Then let's pretend that it was amazing.. amazingly confusing and boring at the same damn time. Some characters actually reminded me of others - for example, her mom vs rose's mom from Vampire Academy. It could just be me.. but that's what I'm stating right now (and forever).

In this, you will meet Audra and Vane. Two people who were okay in my eyes. Didn't really like Vane that much.. but I'll live. Audra trains him throughout this book and some of it kind of annoyed me. Then this book had random moments (or chapters) of just info dumping on my poor tired brain. No amount of coffee, food, or alcohol prepared me for this. So long story short, most of it went through me and that's about it.

Back to Vane (this will be short), I just didn't like him. He acted like a two year old most of the time and I just wanted to punch him - a lot.

Overall, things confused me to no end and I have no idea how I'm going to deal with the next book. Seriously hoping it's a lot better than this and less confusing.. but I also don't have high hopes either. Pray for me.
Profile Image for Sasha.
350 reviews99 followers
June 17, 2013
Let the Sky Fall combines the swoonworthiness of Melina Marchetta’s On the Jellicoe Road with the action and heroism of Kristin Cashore’s Graceling.

You know what I really loved about Let the Sky Fall? It felt so fresh. Air Elementals?! So creative. Shannon Messenger built up the world of these Sylphs and I was caught up in it. Is it High Fantasy? Definitely not, more like Urban – and I loved it! Action packed and intense – full of suspense from the very first chapter – I loved every page. And the dual POVs helped to see inside the heads of both characters – though I seemed to enjoy Vane more than Audra. She had a bit of a Katniss-get-the-job-done-Everdeen feel in the beginning, and I like my heroines to be a little bit softer than that.

Speaking of Audra and Vane – they have an amazing amount of chemistry that seemed to lift off the pages (haha, pun totally not intended) and I haven’t seen that kind of spark between characters for a while. The last book that I can recall doing that was On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta.

Bottom line: If you’re reading our blog, you’ll want to read this book
Profile Image for Crystal.
449 reviews95 followers
February 16, 2013
*sigh* I just don't even know where to begin. Let the Sky Fall was a book that I had really high hopes for. I jumped for joy when it landed in my hands and I couldn't wait to read it, unfortunately my expectations were not met and I am left with a weird feeling after finishing the book. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good. The characters were okay, not great. The story was just off enough to make me question the whole thing. This book at least for me falls into that icky category labeled just meh and I hate that category. I would rather feel hate towards a book than indifference.

The story itself is an interesting one. We have Windwalkers and big bad enemies that are coming in eight days, we have a forbidden romance, and we have strange mother thrown in that feels like she should star in Mommy Dearest. Maybe not that extreme but that woman gave me the creeps and from the get go I had my eye on her. See it all sounds exciting right?? I thought so too, but the story just seemed to drag on and and some parts I wanted to scream to get back to the story and forget about the romance. Being a romance reader I should never say those things but I did and I do feel terrible about it, but the story needed more story and less pinning. I know the two characters wanted each other from the beginning and it felt like filler to have them go back and forth so much. I might have been okay with it all if the ending hadn't of erased all the back and forth so quickly. There is a part and no I can't tell you but Vane makes a simple demand and poof years of planning are thrown right out the window without a care. At least that is the way I took it so all the back and forth talk and scenes ended up being for naught.

Anyway back to the story. I am always on the look out for something different in my books and Windwalkers are right up there with cyborgs so I knew I had to read it. I know we all get tired of the same ole vamps and weres so this sounded fresh and new. It was new and fresh, but I found it a little hard to grasp at some parts and honestly the whole slyph idea was lost on me. We have Vane and Audra who are training to win the war against the baddiest that want to control all four winds. These baddies need Vane to teach them the Westerly wind language and seeing as how he is the last remaining Westerly alive they will torture him to get what they want. So the weight of the world lies with two teenagers with no help from anybody else. I just don't understand why Vane wasn't guarded more. We get a somewhat explanation but I don't buy it. If he truly is the last Westerly and if everything depends on this one boy then shouldn't there be an army in front of him? There were little things like this that never clicked for me. Too many holes in my opinion and since I kept coming up with more and more questions my feelings toward the book started to become meh.
May 11, 2022
Excuse my unconscious comparing to kotlc, but I have my reasons as stated below.

I've always been very curious about this book ever since I read her kotlc series. I love kotlc for many reasons but one in particular is how well written and developed the characters are even though there are many. And of course the world building is great too.

Those were NOT my expectations coming into this. My expectations were a lot more lax. Obviously this wasn't going to be kotlc, and I also wasn't really sure what to expect exactly. Take the time it was written (2013) and the fact that it's a YA novel, (at that time.) Considering all of that, it wasn't too bad. excluding a few things.

It honestly could just use MORE. And by that I mean it was pretty much a basic plot followed through till the end. it's just the difference between GOOD and BETTER. So not too much to keep you hooked to the story ALL THE WAY THROUGH. no sparkle. No extra plot lines.

I was hoping to see a little bit of keefe in the hero of this book, that way I could know what type of love interest Shannon messenger prefers lol! But honestly… I couldn't tell. This is told from the main characters' perspectives while kotlc is not, so you could take that into account. Some things the hero, (vane) said in this book reminded me of keefe, but also he had a bit of a temper that reminded me of fitz.

Both of the characters were, I think, unnecessarily reckless in a way I don't understand HAD to be there. It didn't really make sense.

Honestly I do think this book is worth reading if you really want to. The happenstance and just the plot is amusing, and the characters have conflicting personalities, as she is very much a serious person and he is not. It's also pretty simple and easy to understand to read.

Profile Image for Elizabeth.
233 reviews63 followers
March 7, 2013
Vane Weston is my new bookboyfriend, WELCOME TO MY HAREM!!!!!!!!!
 photo tumblr_mgwadaljkX1rog1kto1_500_zps3bb23f3c.gif
Vane&Audra are now part of my favorite OTP list.
 photo tumblr_inline_mimxf6nUE11qz4rgp_zpsd1ef3a0f.gif
I love this sylph world, is very interesting and I want to Know more and I HAAAAAATTTEEE!!!!! Audra's Mom
 photo tumblr_m00jpqh59L1qlwg67_zps7dc2100c.gif
Untitled (Let the Sky Fall #2) Expected publication: 2014 Nooooooooooooooooooooooo
 photo tumblr_mczve3VIXr1qkhgjd_zps4ed7a4a7.gif
Profile Image for Stephanie • Ideally Inspired.
435 reviews1,073 followers
March 31, 2014
4.5 STARS!!

I loved this book! LOVE LOVE LOVED IT!

This is another book that I am kicking myself for not starting sooner. This book sucked me in right away. (The cover alone did that!) I'm want to keep this review short and sweet, cause I'm eager to just jump right into book 2. So here's a list of what I LOURVED:

Omg, I am a sucker for dual POV. I especially love when it's from a both the hero and heroine's perspective. Vane and Audra made for a very entertaining read. I especially loved reading from Vane's POV. He's so funny, and I love that he was a "normal" guy. I just loved reading moments like this:

"Will you do me a favor? Will you please take your hair out of this ridiculous braid?"
I know it's just a hairdo. But it's also this tight, restrictive thing she does to punish herself. And I'm not going to let her do it anymore. Her hands reach for the knot at the end and I stop them.
"No. Let me."
She doesn't resist. I help her lower herself to the ground, then sit behind her. In my head, I picture this cool, romantic moment, like something from a movie where violins play in the background and the lighting's all moody and seductive. In reality, I kinda botch it, tangling her hair about a million different ways and taking three times longer than necessary. But come on, I'm a guy. I don't have a lot of hair-unbraiding experience."

2.) The Premise
I love me some fantasy. I love me some paranormal. I absolutely love reading about a whole new world of fantasy, and beings I've never heard of before. This book is about sylphs, wind-walking air elemental beings. I was thoroughly captivated by the concept of sylphs, and I found myself glued to the pages eager to learn more about them and their world. Shannon did a fantastic job with the world building too. Generally, world building can make or break a story for me, but with this book, it totally worked. The dual POV helped a lot with that as well.

3.) The Audiobook Narration
Thank goodness for WHISPERSYNC TECHNOLOGY! After I purchased the kindle version of this book, I saw that I could add the professional narration for only $1.99! Naturally, I had to have it. I started "reading" this book via audible app, and I found that the narrators were fantastic. Especially Nick Podehl, the narrator for Vane. I had a really hard time not listening to the audio version, so I decided to continue my reading experience with the audiobook, while following along on my kindle. I'd find myself staring off while listening, because I was completely entranced by the narrators' performances. SO GOOD. Do yourself a favor, and snag yourself the audiobook for this one. The narration is so good, I'd recommend it for a first time read, for sure. The writing was really great, but the narration totally took the writing to the next level.

4.) The Feels.
That's right. I said I loved the feels. I felt everything from sadness, to lolz, to swoon. It's all here, and it all worked for me. (As most of you know, I'm not a huge lover of "the feels" .)

"When someone you love dies, part of you dies with them. It's why you're never the same after losing someone."

"Parents: perfecting ways to humiliate their children since the dawn of time."


"Why do you live like you life doesn't matter? You do matter. You matter to me-- and not because you're this fierce warrior thing who's going to sacrifice yourself to save me. You matter because you're you."

"You're the one constant thing I've had in my life. I lost my entire past--except you. You stayed with me. And kept coming back, every time I closed my eyes."


"I've tried so hard not to love you that I've driven us both crazy. But I love you. And I don't want to lose you. So please come back to me. Please don't leave me."

"I need you. I've never needed anyone--but I need you."

There you have it. I really can't think of one negative thing to say about this book. I just loved it! This was 4 and a half stars of pure awesomeness!
Profile Image for Alice-Elizabeth (Prolific Reader Alice).
1,162 reviews165 followers
December 29, 2018
Read as part of The YA Room's Throwback Bingo Challenge!

Challenge Square: First Time Read

Actual Star Rating: 3.5 stars!

This was such an interesting story-line, told in alternating POVs of Vane and Audra. Vane lives in California and soon learns about his heritage. Audra is his guide and trains him for when danger strikes. Through the powers of wind, tornadoes and storms, Let The Sky Fall sealed my extreme fears for storms. I did enjoy the plotline and characters, the two POVs did really work well together. Having both points helped to tell the story. I'm not convinced the pacing was fast enough for me. The last few chapters were both exciting and emotional. I'm strongly considering continuing with the series! Wind elements for the win :)
Profile Image for aimee (aimeecanread).
578 reviews2,585 followers
September 1, 2016
Actual rating is 2.5 stars, maybe?

I have a lot of mixed feelings about this book. I had no general reaction while reading. I didn't hate it, but I wasn't that interested while reading.

The story is told from two perspectives: Vane's and Audra's. They were both okay characters. There were times when Vane would come out as a funny (in a perverted way) character, but sometimes he got on my nerves. At first, I thought Audra was a pretty badass heroine (my favorite kind!) but somewhere in the middle she started getting kind of mush-y and lost most of my respect for her.

It was a fast paced (too fast?) plot. I didn't like how Vane trusted Audra too easily and very quickly. I wasn't a fan of the pacing in terms of the romance. Again, we have a case of insta-love. It takes them a couple of hundred pages before they say they love each other, but technically, it's only been a few days. I would've appreciated the story more if there was no romance (*cringe!*). I've been saying that for my past reads (Reboot, Shadow and Bone) and I have no idea what's happening to me.

The story was so focused on Vane and Audra that we learn nothing about the secondary characters. I thought Vane's best friend, Isaac, was pretty funny and hopefully there'll be more of him and the other characters in the future books.

I loved learning about the sylphs and their powers. You can learn so much about the wind and mythology, but there are also some life lessons thrown around here and there. There was so much to learn and hopefully there's more in the next book.
Profile Image for Marie.
504 reviews388 followers
October 13, 2013
Even before I read the book the cover had already blew me away .
It's flipping gorgeous.
I've been excited to read this since it was released. I was waiting for it to be released as an ebook but I soon got fed up of waiting. And you know what? I'm SO glad I purchased a hardback copy. That cover will fit in nicely with my collection and looking at it on my iPad would not have done it justice.
The whirlwind adventure that lies inside the covers did not disappoint either. It got stuck in and started up quickly which was great. It managed to keep me engaged from start to end which is all you can ask for!

Profile Image for Sarah Book Dragon.
406 reviews240 followers
November 29, 2023
This was one of my fist ya books :) Shannon Messenger is AMAZING!!! She wrote Keeper of the Lost Cites (read it!) bUT anyways, this book is just so... *tries to think of words to show how perfect this is, finds none*
I'm not gonna spoil anything but in this book we have:
-a helicopter mom
-a cute hawk named Gavin
-a soggy french fry that changed everything
-a REALLY BAD first date

My Original Review from when I was 10 (plz don't judge me):
OMG Audra's mother is so evil!!!
Profile Image for Lauren.
48 reviews90 followers
September 27, 2023
something i've noticed with shannon messenger is that she will describe every color of blue eyes under the sun 😭 this series, her other series, it's just so interesting to meeee

this is no fault of her own ofc just an...interesting (and consistent) worldbuilding detail...

this book was so eh to me. like so EH it borders on 'meh' and 'bleh'.
Profile Image for Once.
2,344 reviews80 followers
February 5, 2013
Review will be posted closer to release time, but I WOULD SERIOUSLY RECOMMEND PRE-ORDERING the book. ITS AMAZING!!!!!

My review:

Let the Sky Fall was AMAZING!!! That sentence should be enough for you to go out and buy this book. I devoured this book in no time. First off look at the cover, Beautiful! Once you read the book, it goes hand in hand with the story. I can sit here in front of my computer all day and fan-girl all you want about this Epic story. You know me and how I get when I read a book that is an orginal concept that has never been written before or at least that I haven't heard or read before. Its the same way I felt when I read Breathe by Sarah Crossan and Sophie Jordan's Firelight series. They are all orginal concepts that are new and AMAZING and well-written. This is why I read, so that when a new concept is written I am able to discover its magic.

Let the Sky Fall immediately captures you from the 1st chapter. You are taken into a story that has such an original concept and that concept is Windwalkers. Yes you read the right, its pretty much self-explanatory too. The mythology of the Windwalker is so alluring and poetic but has its dark-side too. I think I now would answer if someone were to ask me, 'what would I choose if I could have superpowers'? I would respond by saying I would be a Windwalker. Who doesn't want to be able to walk on air, listen to its beautiful music and even use the air to your benefit for protection and more, much more. After reading Let the Sky Fall, you'll catch yourself listening to the wind when your outside to see if you can hear anything coming from it. Shannon's writing was so believable and honest, you can actually picture or imagine what the Windwalkers hear. Did I mention already, that this book is EPIC!!! Didn't want to leave that piece of information out.

In Let the Sky Fall you are introduced to Vane and eventually to Audra. Vane for as long as he can remember has been dreaming of a girl that ends up being Audra in real life. He has had this recurring dream since the day he lost his parents during a category 5 tornado that he survived when he was really young. When Vane discovers Audra is real, events take place that now place them in serious danger. Audra basically has to give him a crash course on who Vane really is and what Windwalkers are, she has to 'WAKE' him up. Needless to say, Vane is not a happy camper even if it is Audra telling him. Now Audra and Vane must work together to figure out how to survive the doom that is headed their way. No one will help Audra, so she is left on her own to figure it out and train Vane at the same time. Vane must learn to call the West Wind which is something that only he can do. It has to come naturally to him in order to survive and be able to protect himself and Audra. Audra is starting to loose hope on Vane figuring out how to call the West Wind, so she is ready to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect Vane at all cost. Her life! If that is not enough to take in, it seems that Vane and Audra might be falling for one another and guess what? It' forbidden.

Let the Sky Fall will have you gripping the pages so hard from its charged-filled pages. You literally will get the wind knock out of you and you might even feel like you have been sucked in to your own personal category 5 tornado. Let the Sky Fall has it all and more. Its will grip you with its original story, believable characters, poetic mythology and passion that even Romeo and Juliette might be jealous about. I truly hope everyone reading this review will listen to me and buy this novel.

Profile Image for Janna.
382 reviews46 followers
June 13, 2019
I didn't expect Let the Sky Fall to be such a struggle, but unfortunately it was ...

I really liked the blurb at the back, but as soon as I started reading I noticed that the two main characters lacked depth. We get the broken Audra, and then we've got the omg-Audra-please-kiss-me Vane. Needless to say, Vane annoyed me so much. The only things he could think about were Audra's too tight tank tops, her lips, kissing her, and her perfect figure. For real, that's all he thought about. This is probably one of the most annoying insta-loves I've read about.

The second thing that bothered me was the fact that everyone just accepted the fact that Audra is a wind walker.

I just think that some reactions of certain characters weren't realistic. The plot had too many plot holes and I couldn't really enjoy this book because of that.
Profile Image for Jacob McCabe.
160 reviews48 followers
December 31, 2014
Marking this as read, but I didn't finish it. I cannot give a complete rating, but by 150 pages in, I realized I didn't like the story that much. The author somehow took an original idea and made it so cliche that I could tell how it would go from the beginning. Special powers, eye-roll-worthy romance, an ambiguous antagonist, The Chosen One Meant to Save the World and Become King Syndrome, etc.

I feel bad for not finishing it (mainly because I spend the money to buy it), but I'm not going to suffer through something I honestly didn't enjoy.
Profile Image for Abida's Book Adventures.
116 reviews30 followers
February 22, 2014

This book was very cute and sweet. The cover of this book so beautiful and amazing. The book had a nice pace and great story line and plot. Plus the book had humor in it, so that by itself made me fall in love with this book. There were moments where I couldn't stop laughing at the corny jokes in this book.

I loved how the two main characters last named symbolized what part of the wind their from. Vane Weston is known for being the miracle child who survived from a hurricane attack that killed both of his parents. Sadly he doesn't remember anything about that day besides a dark haired girl that keeps reappearing in his dreams. Later on in Vane's live he encounters that girl (Audra)and finds out that he is one special boy. Audra has taken the mission on becoming Vane's guardian and making sure that nothing bad happens to him. Everything goes smoothly over the years. Unfortunately that doesn't last long enough. Audra gives away the location of Vane's where about to Raiden (dude who caused the hurricane to kill Vane's parents) by accident. So now she has to make Vane the perfect warrior to fight Raiden's men less than 8 days.

Their relationship in this book was book sweet and funny. How one of them will reveal their feelings for the other out in the open. While the other one won't tell their true feelings at all. Plus is was funny how they argued around each other in the funniest moments about silly things.

The plot twist in this book was unbelievably crazy. It was sooo unexpected and completely shocking. Like I did not see that coming, but it made complete sense when it was revealed. Boy did that answer all my questions in my mind. It now makes sense why Vane had the feeling that person was a bad guy.

The ending of this book was so good. Plus Audra's decision was so shocking (but I show have seen it coming). It left me wondering whats going to happen between Vane and Audra. Where did Audra go and will Vane over up for her. Will they meet up again. Or will we see more of Gale Kingdom and their way of life. Most importantly will Vane and Audra be able to fully stop Raiden and his rein or terror. I can't wait to read the next book!

Profile Image for Erica.
1,277 reviews698 followers
June 13, 2012
Let the Sky Fall by Shannon Messenger has been a book I have been eagerly anticipating since I first heard about it. I mean, hello, sylphs? How much cooler can you get!? And with it, Shannon Messenger has really spun an intriguing tale all wrapped up in a forbidden romance and a plot that will take the world of fantasy by storm.

Let the Sky Fall is told in dual perspectives - which I was totally not expecting and I absolutely loved it. I loved hearing from both Audra and Vane, as they were both such different, dynamic characters. Both were really great narrators - Vane was funny and sarcastic while Audra reminded me a bit more of myself and was a bit more on the serious side. I also just loved Shannon Messenger's writing - There were quite a few quotes that I found myself rereading to myself just loving the way they were written. There also were quite a few funny lines, particularly from Vane, which were lovely.

Let the Sky Fall was a slower paced novel. It was good and it was the kind of book you kind of just savored as you read along. The slower pace did make it feel like the stakes were not as high at parts, which did distract me a little. It was the last 1/3 of the book where the plot really picked up. There were also a few plot twists I could not see coming in the slightest, which took my by total surprise.

The sylph aspect of Let the Sky Fall was so darn cool. Sylphs are one of the fantastical creatures that really don't get a lot of attention in books, so when they pop up I always find it so interesting to see what the author does with that mythology. Shannon Messengers sylphs were so different from any others I have encountered, which was a joy to read, as I was constantly trying to put together the pieces about their history and what exactly they all can do.

This was a great read from Shannon Messenger and I am very excited to see where things will go in the sequel, especially since the ending may have broken my heart a little bit. Let the Sky Fall had such a great cast of characters and I really enjoyed them all. I cannot wait to see where Shannon Messenger will take her characters next.
Profile Image for Sarah Elizabeth.
4,894 reviews1,374 followers
July 1, 2014
I was really looking forward to this book, but unfortunately it fell short.
I didn’t really love Audra or Vane, they just irritated me a bit, and they both came across as a bit immature. I thought they might grow on me as the book progressed, but they didn’t.

The storyline in this was just lacking. Even though I had never read anything about Sylphs before, this just felt old, and it really reminded me of books about fallen angels. The whole thing just felt old and tired, and it dragged. I kept reading hoping that it would pick up, but for me this just wasn’t for me.

The romance was very much of the ‘destined for each other’/’soul mates’/’we just bonded’ variety, and it just didn’t do it for me. There were a couple of moments between Audra and Vane that were sweet, but generally I just wasn’t sucked in.

The ending was a relief, but I didn’t really like it either.
Overall; not for me,
4.5 out of 10
20 reviews12 followers
May 13, 2023
I've read Keeper of the Lost Cities, and I sorta expected the format to be similar to KOTLC. I was wrong, but I enjoyed the book nonetheless. It's real good, and I did NOT expect that little twist at the end! Fully recommend.
Profile Image for Taschima.
921 reviews449 followers
October 22, 2012
I don't think anyone has ever done so much with so little. Meaning this book runs on air man, it runs on air! Loved it, review to come.
Profile Image for Karen.
480 reviews9 followers
July 6, 2018
This book was a total surprise for me! I had signed up to read an ARC through Around the World Tours and while I was excited to read it, it wasn't one of the ones I was dying to get my hands on. What a pleasant surprise to find that I couldn't put this book down. It totally blew me away... pun intended! :)

Let the Sky Fall introduces us to Vane, a teenage boy who survived a scary tornado that killed his parents. He can't remember anything about his past and childhood except one person--a beautiful, dark-haired girl who has shown up in his dreams since that fateful storm. And the strangest part? She grows up with him in these dreams, changing from a young girl to a stunning teenage beauty. Vane has never been sure if she's real or not until an encounter with her in person removes all doubt...

Turns out the girl is Audra, a Guardian sent to protect Vane from the Stormers who killed both of their families. Vane is the last Westerly and he is shocked to learn that the fate of his world rests on his shoulders. As him and Audra begin a massive race against time, training and hoping that Vane reconnects with his heritage, Vane begins to remember the past, and the thing that Audra hoped he would never remember.

Will Vane and Audra be able to face the Stormers, or will Audra be forced to make the ultimate sacrifice? Will the two be able to ignore their undeniable attraction for each other or will they form a bond that can never be broken? Let the Sky Fall is one wild ride that will leave readers begging for more.

I loved this book!! It's got something for EVERYONE... it's got romance, passion, action, heartbreak, pain, betrayal, and super cool supernatural powers. Windwalkers? Awesome! I've never read a book about sylphs before so this was all new for me. I also really enjoyed the writing in this book. Shannon Messenger is a really great storyteller and I enjoyed the switch of POV between Vane and Audra throughout the book.

I think the other thing I REALLY liked about this book was that it's different than a lot of the YA books that have been out there the past few years. Seemed for awhile, a pattern had been going on where you could take a supernatural being, most likely a vampire or a werewolf, add in a love triangle and some danger and VOILA! YA Gold. I've been so pleased recently by the shift in the books I've been reading. While many still have a supernatural element, they've been fresh and unique and how fabulous that Let the Sky Fall didn't have a love triangle!! I'm sure the potential exists for some complications in future books but this one thankfully stayed away from that overused element.

I give this one 5 of 5 stars. It's exciting, engaging, fresh, romantic, and I love the characters. And the concept of sylphs is just so cool. How awesome would it be to control the wind?! I highly, highly, highly recommend this book to EVERYONE. Make sure to add it to your TBR pile!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,744 reviews

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