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The Little One

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Struggling journalist Barbara tricks her way into the home of former soap star Margaret Reynolds. Desperate for a scoop, she finds instead a terrified woman living alone in a creepy manor house. Little by little, actress Margaret's haunting story of broken promises is revealed, and Barbara is left with a chilling discovery.

124 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2012

About the author

Lynda La Plante

116 books1,660 followers
Lynda La Plante, CBE (born Lynda Titchmarsh) is a British author, screenwriter, and erstwhile actress (her performances in Rentaghost and other programmes were under her stage name of Lynda Marchal), best known for writing the Prime Suspect television crime series.

Her first TV series as a scriptwriter was the six part robbery series Widows, in 1983, in which the widows of four armed robbers carry out a heist planned by their deceased husbands.

In 1991 ITV released Prime Suspect which has now run to seven series and stars Helen Mirren as DCI Jane Tennison. (In the United States Prime Suspect airs on PBS as part of the anthology program Mystery!) In 1993 La Plante won an Edgar Award from the Mystery Writers of America for her work on the series. In 1992 she wrote at TV movie called Seekers, starring Brenda Fricker and Josette Simon, produced by Sarah Lawson.

She formed her own television production company, La Plante Productions, in 1994 and as La Plante Productions she wrote and produced the sequel to Widows, the equally gutsy She's Out (ITV, 1995). The name "La Plante" comes from her marriage to writer Richard La Plante, author of the book Mantis and Hog Fever. La Plante divorced Lynda in the early 1990s.

Her output continued with The Governor (ITV 1995-96), a series focusing on the female governor of a high security prison, and was followed by a string of ratings pulling miniseries: the psycho killer nightmare events of Trial & Retribution (ITV 1997-), the widows' revenge of the murders of their husbands & children Bella Mafia (1997) (starring Vanessa Redgrave), the undercover police unit operations of Supply and Demand (ITV 1998), videogame/internet murder mystery Killer Net (Channel 4 1998) and the female criminal profiler cases of Mind Games (ITV 2001).

Two additions to the Trial and Retribution miniseries were broadcast during 2006.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 100 reviews
Profile Image for Aj the Ravenous Reader.
1,101 reviews1,157 followers
April 12, 2016

This novelette would have passed for a quick, somewhat amusing, teeny tiny bit creepy, if not, weird read had it not been written and told apathetically like a reporter would lazily tell what would have been an exciting event or like a teacher would droopily discuss what would have been a really interesting topic. As it is, it’s basically exactly a two star book. An okay horror read. *smiles apologetically*

Why did I read it then? Because I found it at BOOK SALE (the actual name of the store) for an almost free price! Who am I to refuse that? Lol! I would have asked the book seller to just give it to me but I didn’t want to piss him off and risk getting kicked out or worse, banned from the store. That’s the true horror! Aaaah!

Profile Image for Erica⭐.
384 reviews
June 18, 2020
Barbara Hardy is a Journalist in desperate need of a good story,and as chance would have it she meets Margaret Reynolds an ex soap star and a good subject for Barbara. She manages to trick her way into staying with the actress in her home in the hope that she can seize the opportunity to attain a much needed article to further her career. It does not take long for Barbara to realise that she is spending time with a woman who not only carries a great burden, but also appears to be living in an old house where strange nightly occurences are taking place.
Profile Image for Gary.
2,807 reviews402 followers
April 29, 2013
This is my first taste of a Lynda La Plante book and it was certainly not what I was expecting. Having watched a lot of her television work I picked up this quick read without really reading the synopsis and expected more of the same. What I did get was a gripping ghost story that thoroughly entertained me, I will be reading more of her work very soon.
Profile Image for Susan Barnes.
430 reviews70 followers
April 8, 2014
The Little One is part of the Quick Reads series. It is a clever and well constructed story by Lynda La Plante.

La Plante initially creates a believable scenario to develop a relationship between Barbara, a struggling journalist and Margaret, a former soap opera star. Gradually they reveal to each other more and more of their histories thus preparing the reader for the bizarre twist at the end.

There was something absurdly satisfying about this story. Barbara's new circumstances actually suit her life style and her acceptance of an unorthodox situation leaves the reader with a feeling of hope. Whatever strange events life throws at us there is a way to make peace with it.

An interesting read.
4 reviews1 follower
September 2, 2012
Although a good introduction into this genre, which I don't usually read, I just couldn't get over the lack of empathy I felt for each of the main protagonists. Barbara, the main character is thoroughly unlikeable and I spent the last chapter of the book hoping she would get her comeuppance! From the description of the book I expected a few more chills and suspense however it became quite transparent a few chapters in. All in all a quick easy read but not terribly satisfying
Profile Image for Owen Townend.
Author 4 books9 followers
July 20, 2019
While I have not read the books of Lynda La Plante before, I am fairly certain that she is better known for her crime than her horror. Even so this proved a ghost story worth telling.

At first I was put off by La Plante's tendency to use exposition paragraphs to tell rather than show dialogue. Though I appreciate this may have been done to keep within the parameters of a 'Quick Read', I believe dialogue would have been just as efficient with a potentially even smaller word count.

Style aside, I thought the familiar haunted manor house plot was improved by having a selfish but ultimately lonely protagonist. Also the supporting cast of a photographer she insists is a close colleague and his good-natured partner whose hospitality is soon taken advantage of, counterbalance the rather tedious Margaret and the 'little one' who haunts her. I equally enjoyed the ambivalence of the ending which is both somehow dreadful and heartening.

I recommend The Little One to fans of ghost stories and the spookier side of La Plante's writing.
Profile Image for Louise.
38 reviews1 follower
May 14, 2017
I really struggled with this book, first of all I could not connect with the main character Barbara which is a bad start to any book in my opnion but because of it being a quick read I persevered.
Profile Image for Maxine (Booklover Catlady).
1,365 reviews1,363 followers
September 13, 2023
I’ve loved a lot of Lynda’s books and do enjoy them. This is an Amazon Short Read so a long story basically, not a book. I like these type of things if struggling to concentrate on a full novel.

It’s well written, I don’t think this Author could write anything badly. It’s got some creepy elements but it’s not as scary as true horror so if horror is too much for you but you like something a little dark this is for you.

It’s easy to read and the plot is decent. I’d wanted a more twisted ending however. I’ve given this 3 stars as it didn’t wow me enough for more but I did enjoy it overall.

Thanks so much for reading my review of this book. Join me as a friend or follower and feel free to browse my shelves for your next great book! I love to connect with other readers.

4 reviews
March 31, 2018
Nice light quick read with a good tight plot. Part of the Quick Reads series.
Profile Image for Lina Cankas.
44 reviews
December 16, 2022
Read it while commuting. Easy read and I expected something intriguing in the end. Is that all?! No no no nooo!
Profile Image for Jade Heslin.
128 reviews9 followers
January 16, 2014
What a load of old shite.

I’m doing something at work with the ‘Quick Reads’ series and so I decided to do an experiment to see how ‘quick’ they actually are - i.e can they be read in one sitting. The Answer is NO. This is not due to the length or complexity of the story, but merely the fact that it is pure attention-steering drivel.

I’d heard good things about Lynda LaPlante, and I used to really like that Trial & Retribution programme. It must have been sexed up by the producers though, because her writing is just atrocious.

I know that these Quick Reads are supposed to encourage reluctant readers, and that the words have to be dumbed down a little bit, but if you’re supposed to be ENCOURAGING people to read, at least give them something to read about! The plotline was so lacking that I kept thinking I must have missed something.

It’s about a bell-end of a journalist who forces her way into the home of an aging soap star with the intention of writing an exposé. While she’s there, all sorts of spooky things happen and she thinks she can hear the laughter of a child coming from upstairs. Surprise surprise, it was a fucking ghost!

I kept waiting for some sort of a twist which never actually came. I was working my way through the pages of droning and droning, thinking to myself “it must get better at the end”, devising my own little plot twists along the way. It fell short, leaving me disgruntled and deflated. This is NOT the sort of book you should be giving to somebody who doesn’t enjoy reading. It’d have the complete opposite effect. I’m actually a little bit angry at LaPlante. Bitch.
Profile Image for Lorraine Southern.
185 reviews46 followers
July 24, 2017
64/85, 3 stars ***.
I was actually fairly disappointed with this. I know it's a 'shortie' but it was very simplistic in its writing, the story in itself wasn't much to rave about either and was very predictable, and I just don't understand why it's had such rave reviews. It wasn't 'bad', as such, but the author is Lynda La Plante, fgs, and she is capable of so much more!
Ah well, it's finished now so I can go focus on the brilliant Slaughter's latest instead ;)
Profile Image for Fran Cole.
16 reviews6 followers
November 12, 2012
First Quick Read i have ever read - really enjoyed it - only took a couple of hours to read so was perfect whilst i was cooking the sunday roast yesterday. This is a ghost story so if you arent a ghost lover or arent interested then this obviously isnt for you but i would definately recommend.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mel.
1,283 reviews8 followers
October 31, 2015
I picked this up on a whim as I needed something to read during my commute home, and from the blurb this sounded like the kind of story I usually enjoy.

This was a good little story, with just enough to keep you interested.
Profile Image for George.
27 reviews
July 3, 2013
A good read (2 days) Held you in the story. I enjoyed the writing of this author.
Profile Image for Alicia.
14 reviews2 followers
October 14, 2015
was alright. was looking for a horror book. not very scary.
Profile Image for Donna.
123 reviews
August 13, 2017
I absolutely loved this little book! I have been reading Quick Reads books for the last couple of months now and I find that they are perfect to dip into when you have a nine month old baby on maternity leave! By reading in this short 'dipping in' manner, I find I am given the opportunity to experience more and more stories - by great authors. This short read took me four days to read, and this has boosted my 2017 read books by one more, rather quickly!

I really like Lynda La Plante's writing. Having read one of her full length novels 'Entwined', which I thought was excellent, I knew that I was going to enjoy this read too. Lynda writes brilliantly twisted plots and develops strong characters which you can't help but get attached to. The Little One had an amazing protagonist called Barbara. She was not really likeable, and you don't root for her as you do with most main characters - mostly because she is a liar and is untrustworthy and people dislike these people - but you stick by her and good readers will know that she was designed this way to compliment the edgy feel of the book. If Barbara had been fully likeable then it might have come across as a bit fairytale-like - especially at the end. Damsel does no wrong and gets a fortune at the end of the rainbow...hmm.

I absolutely love horror, and I tend to not read horror books at night, as they can have the potential to unnerve me - especially ghost-themed books such as this! The tendency not to read at night might also stem from the fact that I live in a Victorian house. Built in 1903, who knows what history and happenings lurk inside these walls hmm...fortunately and thankfully the house is not at all unnerving in the slightest.

I thought this book was a really captivating and quick read and one that I will always remember. I tend to remember all of those stories where the superatural and human beings come into contact - it is something that has always fascinated me.

If you love horror, suspense, strong lead characters, and plot twists then this book is for you! I will always recommend Lynda as a writer. For one, she sets a lot of her books in London and that can never be a bad thing either!
451 reviews2 followers
November 15, 2023
I really enjoyed reading The Little One a Quick Read short spooky mystery for World Book Day by Lynda La Plante that will send shivers up your spine.

Barbara is a struggling jounalist who has been fired by her editor for a grave error and she has fallen on hard times as she tries to make ends meet.

Barbara garners information that there is to be a surprise birthday party for a former star Margaret Reynolds who had appeared in a long running production and had suddenly given up acting and the producer of the show and the cast were determined to surprise Margaret at her birthday party into appearing once again in order to save their jobs and for the show to carry on.

Barbara gate crashes the party in order to meet the famous Margaret Reynolds and secretely hopes to glean inside information from Margaret herself as to why she left the long running production in order to write an exclusive story for her editor and get her position reinstated at the paper she worked for.

Barbara is going to be shocked when Barbara takes her into her confidence and reveals the real reason she had retired from acting.

Due to an accident on the stairs Barbara ends up twisting her ankle and is invited to stay overnight until the snow has cleared and she could go home. Barbara felt she had been pushed and it was not an accident.

Barbara hears a child's footsteps running around upstairs and Margaret talking to someone during the night but why is the child being kept out of sight.

All will be revealed in an eerie pact that Margaret will have Barbara swear on a holy bible.
Profile Image for Lynne.
952 reviews16 followers
August 18, 2022
Another in the Quick Reads series. This sees La Plante attempting the gothic with mixed results. Cliche up on cliche, narrow, undeveloped types rather than empathetic characters, this has sacked journalist, Barbara Hardy trying to wheedle a story about former television actor, star of Downton Abbey soundalike Harwood House, Margaret Reynolds with surprising consequences. Barbara herself is a somewhat pathetic character, dumped, unemployed and homeless, even the two acquaintances who initially offer her a roof swiftly reject her, Barbara finds herself growing closer to the mysterious and unpredictable Margaret alone in her isolated manor house. The house is predominantly closed, electricity is unstable, but every night Barbara hears the sounds of a piano apparently being played by a small child and Margaret is heard talking to empty air.

Thankfully a very quick read, mastered in little over an hour, and, it has to be said, not particularly well written.
Profile Image for Laura Wooding.
130 reviews
August 4, 2020
3.5 stars

I’ve come to realise I just really despise journalists. At least the journalists that are in the books I read, I don’t know any real ones so I will reserve my judgement.

Barbara is completely odious, she reminds me of Emilia Granita from the Helen Grace series, will do anything and trample anyone for a story. What a depressing existence.

However, I really liked Margaret, and I liked the house and the spooky setting. I wish it was just maybe another 50 or so pages and Margaret was fleshed our a bit more there’s so much more I want to know about her.

Also, it only got like properly spooky right at the end, I wish that had carried through a bit, because the ending was brilliant.

This was a nice, easy, quick read. My first by this author but would definitely read more. Would recommend, just wish it was a bit longer.
623 reviews2 followers
January 16, 2024
An exclusive short story for World Book Day from bestselling author Lynda La Plante. This spooky tale will make you want to sleep with the light on. Barbara needs a story. A struggling journalist, she tricks her way into the home of former soap star Margaret Reynolds. Desperate for a scoop on the actress and her return to stardom, she finds instead a terrified woman living alone in a creepy manor house. A piano plays in the night, footsteps run overhead, doors slam in dark corners. The nights are full of strange noises. Barbara thinks there may be a child living upstairs, unseen. Who looks after her? And why is she kept out of sight? Little by little, actress Margaret's haunting story of broken promises is revealed, and Barbara is left with a chilling discovery.
Profile Image for Vanessa Hoyles.
100 reviews1 follower
December 17, 2021
So many funny faces pulled at the start of this book, her friend says she can stay with him until she gets a new place but seems pissed off and thinking she'll never leave after one night (some friend)😳 Barbara gets told she can stay with them until she finds somewhere to live but instantly takes it for granted she's staying there rent free and with free food (who does that!?) She lies through her back teeth to scrape her job back she was sacked from for legal problems which seems strange. Very simple easy to read book. Wasn't very creepy or scary alright for a quick read but wouldn't go mad or crazy over it. The main character is just awful don't like her at all
80 reviews2 followers
September 13, 2018
Sadly, this novella didn't quite hit the mark for me. I found the main character, Barbara to be dismally dull and repetitive - I lost interest very quickly. She was also incredibly annoying. Even the climax of the plot was predictable and very similar to works I've read in the past.

My only praise for this book is that La Plante is excellent at setting the scene and building quite the picture for the reader.
Thoroughly disappointing. It really did lack the chills and thrills that I expect from a ghost story.
Profile Image for Tom.
81 reviews13 followers
September 5, 2019
Oh, freak night, as I read this ghost story by the brilliant Lynda La Plant. It's a ghost story rather her usual crime dramas or thrillers and she creates a believable, chilling story. Beware your curiosity when staying in other people's houses, is all I can say after this chill.

If a quick, satisfying read is your way of spending an hour or so, this novella from the 'Quick Reads' series, is for you. But beware, they're are no detectives or crimes in this story, at least, not on this side of the line that separates the living from... who knows what?

Profile Image for Kirsten.
84 reviews4 followers
February 7, 2022
A serviceable ghost story, with all the classic ingredients and a nicely ambiguous ending - though to be honest, it didn’t really make the flesh creep. This is mostly down to the writing: I don’t know if it’s typical La Plante or intrinsic to the Quick Reads format, but I found the prose pretty simplistic, the dialogue pedestrian, and the character introductions clunky. On the other hand, the characters were decently drawn for the short format, and there was the odd flicker of suspense. What can I say? It helped pass an evening pretty painlessly.
Profile Image for Carla Warren.
272 reviews3 followers
August 4, 2021
A Quick read, and that it was I finished it in one day. Okay a day and a half.

This is a new genre for La Plante. Moving away from her usual genre of crime this one was more of a ghostly horror.

With a strong plot and a promising start I found that this didn’t last and the whole story became rather predictable. However I’m still rating this a three out of the five stars as I think it was brave to write out of her comfort zone and to condense everything into a Quick Read.
11 reviews
August 23, 2021
I’ve read a lot of Lynda LaPlant books but this is VERY different, even the style of writing. I would never have recognised this as her work as it feels very amateurish and a bit predictable. It doesn’t make you like or care about any of the characters. If it hadn’t been a short read I wouldn’t have bothered to finish it. Most of her other books I’d give 4 stars so this was a real let down, only positive was that I didn’t buy the book!!!
Profile Image for Nic (nicsbooks).
130 reviews5 followers
November 26, 2021

I read three quarters of this in one go and saved the final few chapters for when I was less busy. This wasn’t really a stand-out story for me, not one I was eager to finish. The characters and story were quite basic, with a guessable plot, but I still found it a rather interesting read. I wish it had been spookier, with a bigger plot twist. But I’m glad Barbara had the character development that she did, though I wish this had been more of a challenging read.
Profile Image for Lee.
440 reviews14 followers
May 31, 2018
I seriously enjoyed this quick read. It had me hooked from start to finish.

Barbara is down on her luck in the worst way. Her boyfriend just broke up with her, her landlady want the three months rent she is due and then she gets fired.

She ends up staying with Alan and Kevin and in turn meets Margaret. Margaret seems a bit strange and strange things are happening. What is going on???
Displaying 1 - 30 of 100 reviews

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