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Kinsmen #2

Silver Shark

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ASIN B005N9FPOO moved to the latest kindle edition as per guidelines.

Claire Shannon is a killer. She uses no weapons, only her mind.

Born on a planet locked in a long war, Claire is a psycher, a woman with the ability to attack minds and infiltrate a biological computer network where psychers battle to the death. But when the war abruptly ends, Claire must hide her psycher's ability to survive. She is deported to a new planet, a vivid beautiful place, where she meets Venturo Escana, a powerful psycher, whose presence overwhelms both her mind and her body.

She thought she had left war and death behind, but now she must fight for her new life and this battle might just cost her everything...

106 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 14, 2011

About the author

Ilona Andrews

144 books31.7k followers
Ilona Andrews is the pseudonym for a husband-and-wife writing team. Ilona is a native-born Russian and Gordon is a former communications sergeant in the U.S. Army. Contrary to popular belief, Gordon was never an intelligence officer with a license to kill, and Ilona was never the mysterious Russian spy who seduced him. They met in college, in English Composition 101, where Ilona got a better grade. (Gordon is still sore about that.)

Gordon and Ilona currently reside in Oregon with their two children, three dogs and a cat. They have co-authored two series, the bestselling urban fantasy of Kate Daniels and romantic urban fantasy of The Edge.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 775 reviews
November 2, 2021
And the moral of this rereread is : it sure looks like those psychers know what “tactile” means. Well Mad Rogan's definition of the word, anyway.

That's not really the kind of “tactile” I had in mind but, yeah, sure, whatever floats your boat and stuff.

👋 To be continued and stuff.

· Book 1: Silent Blade ★★★★
· Book 3: A Mere Formality ★★★★★
· Book 4: Fated Blades - to be released Nov. 23, 2021

[November 2017]

We're the IAA™ and We Need to Buddy Read IA Stuff While We're Waiting to Buddy Read More IA Stuff Buddy Read Part II (WtIAAaWNtBRIASWWWtBRMIASBRPII™) ●

Previous rating: 4 stars. A harefish-brained decapod is me.
New rating: 5 stars. Alleluia and stuff! I saw the light!

It's official, I'm a complete, total, utter, absolute nitwitted dimwit. I mean, why else would I have rated this story 4 bloody pathetic diminutive stars the first time I read it? What a disgracefully ungrateful IA Addict I am. I should be severely punished or something. Preferably by my boyfriend Mad Rogan. In his basement. While chained to the floor. In my birthday suit underwear. Wait. Did I just say that aloud write that down? I didn't? Oh, good.

Yes, I am quite hilarious indeed, I know.

Soooooo, I don't know what caused the upper levels of my nefarious exoskeleton to short-circuit so thoroughly when I originally read Silver Shark, but slightly out of my mind at the time I must have been. I mean, how could I give this book the same lowly rating as I did Silent Blade?! When it is sooooooo much better! Why is sooooooo much better, you ask? Because:

① It is packed with Stupendously Awesome Cool Kinsmen World Stuff (SACKWS™). Complete with Matrix-like stuff and war stuff and lethally killing people dead stuff and kick-ass stuff and, you know, stuff.

The romantic crap isn't as strong in this one There is a lot less disgusting lovey dovey stuff and a lot more fabulously scrummy everything else than in Silent Blade. And that is most titillating indeed.

③ It is 228% longer than Silver Blade . Which should be the case for every IA book, come to think of it. Ha! A cunning brilliant little plan just popped up in that Machiavellian little head of mine! I shall blackmail kindly ask the Andrews to apply the Splendidly Glorious 228% Rule (SG228R™) from this day on: every single shrimping book they write will have to be 228% longer than the last. Starting with Magic Triumphs. Which shall therefore be 747.84 bloody fishing pages long. Ha again!

I know right? I must admit that this is one my best evil schemes ideas ever. Go me and stuff.

» And the moral of this reread is: I used to be young and stupid but now I am ancient and wise. A lucky crustacean is me.

[Original review]

Buddy read with the eye candy IA Addicts starting Feb 14, 2015.

Please remind me again. Why do I bother to write reviews for anything Ilona Andrews? Honestly, I think it must be getting pretty boring for you at this point.

► It usually goes like this:
Awesome. Blah blah blah blah. Loved it. Blah blah blah blah. So cool. Blah blah blah blah. Fantastic. Blah blah blah blah. Bloody amazing. Blah blah blah blah. Just great. Blah blah blah blah. Simply brilliant. Blah blah blah blah. You need this book in your life.

► Occasionally it might go like this:
Awesome. Blah blah blah blah. Oops, is that YA? *gasps* Blah blah blah blah. So cool. Blah blah blah blah. Wait, is that romance? *faints* Blah blah blah blah. Bloody amazing. Blah blah blah blah. Hold on, is that cuteness? *gulps* Blah blah blah blah. Just great. Blah blah blah blah. Man, is that a HEA? *drops dead* Blah blah blah blah. Simply brilliant. Blah blah blah blah. You need this book in your life.

► And it usually ends up like this:

► Alternatively, it might end up like this:

Hence my question: why bother with a review?

You know who wrote this = you know I'll love this = you know I'll tell you to read this.

Oh sorry, did you want to know about this story? Right. Silver shark is about: distant planets, war, psychic powers, mining, the bionet, colonization, mental shields, deportation, implants, human drones, lost puppies, mind scans, red cats, romance *gasps*, slaughter maidens, quiet minds, secret missions, jungles, white-fanged beasts on fire, ice dragons, dirty fantasies and silver sharks (obviously). There you go.

Now if you want to read an actual review for this story, check out Jessica's, Alexa's, Robin's or Jo's. Off you go!

Profile Image for Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽.
1,880 reviews23.1k followers
November 23, 2021
4+ stars for this SF romance novella by Ilona Andrews. I've read this one a few times now, whenever I need a quick romantic adventure pick-me-up read. :)

It all begins on a different planet, a bleak mining world where a bitter war has been raging for generations. Claire Shannon is a captain in the military, a "psycher," with extraordinarily strong mental powers that manifest both in real life and on the bionet (a type of virtual reality), where she leads military teams in forays against the enemy's online files and kills people with her Mind!Powers. When the war suddenly and unexpectedly ends badly for Claire's people, Claire quickly goes into hiding, since her dangerous mental powers would mean instant execution by the victorious enemy.

She ends up being deported to a new planet that has no interest in allowing any immigrants with her kind of mental gifts. So, still carefully hiding her psycher abilities, she takes a job as an administrative assistant ... to a man who's one of the most powerful psychers she's ever met, not to mention the sexiest. He's polite enough not to use his own psycher abilities to unearth Claire's secrets, but can that last?

Silver Shark was a lot better for me than the first story in this series, Silent Blade, which was about half the length of this one. I was so sucked into this story that I actually read it twice the first day I downloaded it, front to back (it's maybe 100 pages). It totally gave me all the feelz. :)

The connections between "Silent Blade" and Silver Shark are pretty tenuous - the same world, and a brief appearance by the main characters of the first story in this one - so you can read this one as a stand-alone story. This novella is only $2.99 on Kindle.

Content notes: R-rated for an explicit sex scene and a few scattered F-bombs.
Profile Image for Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ .
1,282 reviews8,898 followers
November 30, 2021
Reviewed by: Rabid Reads

4.5 stars



Oh, look! There are TWO kick-asses! Whoopsie. Must've been a mistake, right?


Silver Shark is just that awesome.

We're back in the world of the Kinsmen, only this time we aren't dealing with two rival families.

The blurb (YAY, I actually read one this time) does an excellent job of summarizing the position Claire Shannon finds herself in on a new planet---she's hiding her ability, she has a tenuous grasp on a new start, and she has 3 months to successfully find and keep gainful employment, or she'll be sent back to her home planet, and presumably, KILLED.

So no pressure.

And the employment process is kind of like that of a temp agency. You only get so many opportunities, and refusing an interview is mightily frowned upon. Which puts Claire in a tight spot when her first interview is with a company that specializes in the very talent she is trying to keep hidden.

And it gets even better---bossman is HOT. And brilliant. And surly. And all good things. And HOT.

Yeah . . . this short story was a lot of fun. The sci-fi parts are way cool without being overly technical. Claire and Ven are great together, b/c once again, Andrews effortlessly creates immediately likable characters (which is good b/c short story). My only issue was that the ending was slightly abrupt, but then again, that could just be me not liking that it was ending at all. Even more highly recommended.
Profile Image for Jo ★The Book Sloth★.
485 reviews442 followers
February 15, 2015
3.5 Too Short Stars

These books would have been great if they were normal-length but they are too short and sadly suffer from novella syndrome. They seem too rushed and not really complete, and you don't get enough time to get used to and understand things like the bio-net or psychers. I would love a new full-length novel on the series.

Generally the book was good but nothing really impressive. The first one was much better and although Claire was badass, she was also a bit whiny at some points so she doesn't get a perfect score.

BR with my girls at IAA.

Profile Image for Holly.
1,491 reviews1,414 followers
September 25, 2020
This was so much better than Silent Blade! Probably because it was so much longer and so they really had the space to develop the characters. I am now a proud card-carrying member of the Ilona Andrews fan club - I have officially read all their books (well, with the exception of some of the Kate Daniels novellas).
Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,782 reviews1,590 followers
February 17, 2015
3.5 Stars

Buddy Read with my lovely ladies over at Ilona Andrews Addicts (IAA)

This quick story set in the Kinsmen world seemed like a great blend of The Matrixx meets Hackers (anyone else besides be remember that movie) and classic Ilona Andrews flare.

Claire is a trained killer and one of the most powerful psychers alive. She has been at war since childhood and they just lost. To survive she must pretend to have no psychic ability and start over on a different planet. She comes from a world of grey and rationing to an extra colorful and extreme planet full of flowers and passion that might be just as dangerous.
”Your people kill each other in the streets?” Unthinkable. How could this be allowed?
“Sometimes. Most Kinsmen are so enhanced, the fights rarely last for longer than thirty seconds. Don’t worry. They almost never injure bystanders. It would be very rude.”
“Rude?” This whole planet was insane.
“Of course. Will all of the targeting implants and inborn abilities, they are so fast, you would have to actively work to get in their way. Killing a civilian would be sloppy and the height of bad manners.”

The nice thing is that this story happens over the course of months. The attraction the builds between Claire and Venturo might not get a lot of page time but it does get a bit of general time. Problem Venturo is a phycher and if he gets close enough to read Claire’s mind he is going to know she is shielding something. The other problem is that most psycher’s do not get involved long term with someone who doesn’t have the same abilities.
”Someone’s smitten,” Renata said.
Claire glanced at her. “Is it that obvious?”
“Yes. Very.” Renata paused. “Claire, you do know what psychers do, don’t you?”
She needed to give a general answer, “Provide security?”
“If they catch hackers on the bionet, they kill them.” Renata leaned closer. “Venturo’s death count is in dozens. You can’t keep doing that sort of work and not be affected.”

The bionet was fascinating and amazing. I enjoyed the descriptions of it and how it looked different for everyone. My only complaints are that I really wanted to spend a little more time in it. Hard to do with a novella yes but it was so interesting to me that I was disappointed I didn’t get so see more of the bionet world and the fighting that is done in it.

I would love to have a full length novel set in this world or even more novellas it is just as rich as some of the Andrews other creations in such a short time that it can be a lot to process but I love all the time I spend in the worlds they create.
Profile Image for εllε.
758 reviews
February 16, 2016
If only this book was any longer!!

Wonderful wonderful! Have I ever said that I love the worlds IA creates? Yes, a 1000 times.
This book had some similarities with Psy-Changeling series of NS. The bio-net similar to psy-net, tasteless foods the heroine used to eat in her planet and the overwhelming sensations she has in the new world. Or if you have seen the movie eXistenz with Jude Law, then you know what I mean

Claire and Venturo are so good together, I loved the development of their story and I wished there was more to read.

"I want you. Do you want me?"

"Yes," she whispered. " Yes, yes, yes, yes..."

Simple, effective, no drama included, perfect!

So damn short. The author hasn't proceeded with this series. Why Ilona, why??

Nevertheless, 5 amazing stars :)
Profile Image for Woman Reading  (is away exploring).
465 reviews354 followers
November 15, 2021
3.5 ☆

War made Claire Shannon a refugee. Claire attained the rank of Captain in the Brodwyn military because of her special kinsmen ability as a Grade A psycher -- she can kill with her thoughts. The Brodwyns lost the decades-long contest for control of the mineral-rich planet of Uley. The victorious Melko will automatically kill an enemy military officer. Claire's only chance for survival is to hide her former role and her rare kinsmen talent. She is sent to lush planet Rada, specifically to New Delphi, the commercial hub of the South.
"Yours is a strange culture," Claire said. "Beautiful, vibrant, passionate, but also savage."
Meli stretched. "It's the planet. Resistance is futile, Claire. It will claim you as its own sooner or later."

Irony of ironies, the first mandated job interview is with a powerful psycher, Venturo Escana, who has founded a security firm. Because Rada only agreed to accept refugees without kinsmen capabilities or combat implants, Claire still needs to hide her ability lest she's returned to the hands of the Melko in Uley. But her old obligations in Uley catch up with her just as Venturo's biggest company rival takes note of Claire. What's equally distracting is Venturo and her desire to place her trust in the man who had hired her as an act of kindness.
She could tell [Venturo]. He wouldn't betray her. She could.
"I feel at ease with you," he said. "Your mind is so calm. Every day I deal with people whose minds are a source of constant noise. When we work together, I can finally relax."
She almost screamed in frustration. ... That's what she was, an employee. She shouldn't have deluded herself.

Silver Shark is the second short story in the Kinsmen series. It's about triple the length of the preceding installment Silent Blade as there's more world-building. This takes place in the distant future in the standard year 2754. It can be read as a standalone, even with the guest appearances of the main protagonists from Silent Blade.

Overall, Silver Shark is better than its predecessor with a more developed storyline and a likeable pair of main protagonists. The dystopian feel of the beginning dissipates with IA's humor once Claire arrives in Rada and sees the playful warmth between Venturo and his Aunt Lienne, who's second-in-command at the company. My biggest complaint is that the ending is too abrupt, in particular IA glosses over a key confrontation in the penultimate chapter and the epilogue feels like a big tease.

Despite reading about two dozen novels and short stories by IA, I hadn't been curious about the Kinsmen books until I read Fated Blades #3 as I prefer urban fantasy over sci-fi. The Kinsmen stories are an unexpected pleasure.

#1 Silent Blade 3 ☆
#3 Fated Blades 4 ☆
Profile Image for Emma.
2,621 reviews1,038 followers
March 17, 2018
Obviously it was good. It’s Ilona Andrews! The only frustration was that it was too short. The world reminds me of the one from the Psy from Nalini Singh, combined with elements of The Hidden Legacy series. I don’t think this couple are capable of writing a bad book.
Profile Image for Irene.
856 reviews109 followers
February 25, 2019
That's how I feel after finishing this story...
There isn't really much I can say and I hate to repeat myself.
If you haven't read any book by Ilona Andrews and you want to get a taste of the author's infinite talent, just pick any short story of her Kinsmen series.

I hope we'll get more stories in the future set in this world. And I really hope they'll be longer than this...
Profile Image for Alexa.
484 reviews128 followers
February 15, 2015
Read with the awesome bunch at Ilona Andrews Addicts!

This one was a lot better than Silent Blade. I think it was a combination of a longer page count (almost double!) and the fact that there was some groundwork laid out in the previous book about the Kinsmen and how the society works.

The best part? There's no insta-love! Hurray!

Ilona does several fast-forward cut scenes, which I thought was genius. By doing this she implies that the two main characters have been working together for a while, so it's not insta-love, but she doesn't actually has to write down the whole day to day of both of them. You go from them knowing each other, to them in a working relationship based in trust, and you can fill the blanks however you want. There's insta-lust which is okay for me, but no talk of undying love and "can't live without you" crap.

There are a lot of coincidences, but I chose to ignore them in favor of just enjoying the read.

Nice fun read. Perfect for a rainy afternoon. :D
Profile Image for Cathy.
1,809 reviews276 followers
December 6, 2021
The Matrix meets something that comes along as SF on the surface, but feels more like UF with a dash of PNR and some steamy sex. Our female MC is the undercover caped crusader with insane skills, fighting for the desperate and powerless. Against a very steamy male hero with piercing looks. You get the picture. There is a grim start with a little darkness, good world building and a fascinating digital world. Reading this is a lot of fun. If you like Ilona Andrews and haven‘t read this, what are you waiting for?

Review from 2015:

Great story, the romance worked well for me, great characters, good snark, superb world-building in these few pages, with beautiful and vivid descriptions, definitely worth a full-length novel.

My only beef with this novella is the ending. WTF? That was such an infuriating place to finish the last chapter and with no sequel in sight. Argh.

I really, really like this on. Great fun.
Profile Image for Lyn *Nomadic Worlds.
469 reviews53 followers
May 17, 2019

This book was in one word – Fantastic. I loved the notion of the Kinsmen with their countless abilities and the dynamics between the different families in power. The rules of engagement were intriguing and set the Kinsmen apart from normal people.

The world-building was fascinating and so well-written , I could imagine it all in my mind with the vividness depicted in the scenes.

Thrown into a dystopian world, forced to endure horrible trials, to become a soldier trained to kill, Claire Shannon didn’t lose herself and found a way to cope. I admired her strength of character and willpower to rise from the ashes of who she’d been and become stronger, better.

Venturo was your typical powerful mogul, with power and money at his fingertips. Yet, that wasn’t the sum total of him. No, there was more to him than the surface. I enjoyed the little glimpses hinted at in his psyche.

The chemistry between them was pretty good and I loved that ending! It was hilarious and absolutely perfect.

This story was so good that I read it in one sitting. In fact, I devoured each page and when I got to the end, I was like one of those funny manga characters as I hugged my Kindle to my chest in giddy delight. I really wish there were more books like this one in this series.

Posted on Blog
Profile Image for h o l l i s .
2,606 reviews2,228 followers
November 20, 2018
This one felt leagues away from the first in the Kinsmen series and it was both entertaining and satisfying and sexy. Would definitely read more of this world and yes I know I say that about all of Andrews' series. But for real are we getting more?
Profile Image for Angela (Angel's Book Nook).
1,634 reviews926 followers
August 23, 2020
**Note: Listened as part of The Kinsmen Universe Bundle.

I’m a HUGE fan of the Andrews team and I’ve been doing a re-read of their work. I’ve actually never read or listened to the Kinsmen series until now.

I do want to point out that The Kinsmen Universe has some similarities to the Hidden Legacy series. In a distant future humans went into space and colonized many areas, but they needed enhancements. Some of those enhancements where to be stronger, faster, & heartier. In doing these changes some ended up being tech-based and others were biological. Like in the Hidden Legacy series they learned that exclusivity to these enhancements is key, so the families ended up arranging marriages for their children based on bloodlines and to make business alliances that would benefit the family legacy.

Silver Shark is the second novella in the Kinsmen series. It starts us off on a mining planet at war where we meet Claire who is a talented psycher ripped from her mother at a young age to train and battle in the bionet.

We get a little suspense when Claire agrees to help a young boy from her home planet. Their was intense moments and a nice build up with the chemistry and secrets.

I liked this one more than the first. I think it had to do with the Bionet and the psycher power. I found these aspects to be fascinating. The story wrapped up nicely and I enjoyed.

Rated: 4 Stars

Audio: Samantha Cook narrates The Kinsmen Universe. It took me a bit to get into the narration, but when I did, I liked. The author changes up her voices well for each character and story.

Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,081 reviews898 followers
November 16, 2021
Loved Claire and Venturo's story! Original, imaginative, and passionate! Another excellent short story!

I had a whole review written up that Goodreads somehow deleted...so annoyed.
Profile Image for Jen Davis.
Author 7 books717 followers
September 15, 2011
Claire has lived her entire life surrounded by war. She was forced into military service at 14; her psychic gifts, powerful enough to kill. But now, the war is over and those very same abilities have turned her into a target. Such a powerful Kinsman could never be kept alive. So Claire must hide her skills and appear as a normal person in order survive.

She is forced from the bleak, war-torn world and becomes a refugee on a new planet. There, she goes to work for Venturo Escana, a Kinsman whose power rivals her own. He doesn't know who she really is, but... like calls to like. There is an undeniable connection between the two of them. The feelings are as alien to Claire as the beauty of her new home. But despite the happiness she finds in Ven's company, she lives in constant fear of discovery. If anyone figures out her secret, she'll lose everything she has worked so hard to build.

I really, really enjoyed this novella. Ilona Andrews is pretty awesome at world-building. Part of what makes it so good is the seamless way it's incorporated into story. The characters are three-dimensional and engaging. And I never feel compelled to skim over the narrative. (That's a mighty big compliment too, because it's an urge I am forever having to fight. Too many authors fill up chunks of space describing every detail from the wallpaper to the shape of the sconces on the wall. Andrews sticks to describing only what truly adds to experience of the story.)

The tension Claire feels is palpable; the danger is real. The pull between her and Ven is fantastic. And omigod, the payoff is so hot.

So why am I not giving it 5 stars? I felt like there should have been more, especially toward the end. As hot as the sex was, I would have liked to have seen a little more of the relationship work out on-page after the truth came out. And I felt cheated out of the action referenced in the Epilogue. I wanted a full length book, dammit. The potential is there. I hope Andrews revisits this world again in the future. 4 1/2 stars.

*ARC Provided by author for review.
Profile Image for Sarah.
3,346 reviews1,236 followers
October 12, 2021
Claire is a psycher, a soldier with a lethal mental ability who fought on the losing side of a war that consumed her planet for the last 300 years. Now her entire unit is dead and the enemy is killing off any soldier they can find, especially ones with abilities like hers, so her only chance of escape is to hide her power, pretend to be a civilian and get accepted as a refugee on another planet. She has three months to settle on Rada, find a job and start building a new life for herself but if anyone finds out who she really is or what she is capable of she'll end up being deported back to her home world where she'll certainly be executed.

She has build strong shields around her mind to prevent anyone from finding out what she really is so it's quite ironic when she is offered a position working for a powerful psycher, Venturo Escana, as his personal assistant. Ven is in control of his family's security firm and if he knew what Claire was capable of she could be a huge asset to him but only if he can get over the lies she has told and learn to trust her.

This story had everything, kickass main characters who have some fantastic powers, fun world building - I especially love the battles on the bionet which were a bit like something out of the Matrix - and a romance I was totally on board with. This is a novella (around 130 pages) but the Andrews manage to pack a lot into those pages and I loved every minute of it.

I waited a long time for Silver Shark to be rereleased so I was really excited to finally get my hands on a copy. Ilona and Gordon never disappoint and this story was just as much fun as I thought it would be. My only complaint is that it left me wanting more, more of these characters, more of this world, just more of everything really! You can see how some ideas from the Kinsmen world were expanded upon and to help create the Hidden Legacy series so I think it's unlikely that they'll choose to write more Kinsmen stories but if they ever do I'll be first in the queue to buy them.
Profile Image for Cheesecake.
2,833 reviews450 followers
March 18, 2020
Claire and Venturo.
I enjoyed this one as much as the first, but it suffered from the same fate as book 1. The ending is more told to us than shown, and wraps up too quickly.

Claire is from a very different world than Venturo's, so when she arrives as a war refugee, she does what she can to survive and stay 'under the radar'.

Venturo is a strong psych and Claire is smitten but must hide her own psych strength... until circumstances conspire to force her to reveal all.

Safety is good

Profile Image for MrsJoseph *grouchy*.
1,010 reviews83 followers
May 8, 2015

This right here.

I loved this. LOVED.

I'm not sure what I was expecting when I started Silver Shark. I'd just finished reading Silent Blade and I *guess* I was expecting it to be more like Silent Blade .

Silver Shark both is and is not like Silent Blade. The books are in the same series so of course they are a lot alike. Both books (plus Of Swine and Roses ) served as inspiration for Hidden Legacy, both books are Sci-Fi and both have some deception in it. But they are so different, too. Silver Shark is centered around something called the "bionet" - I would compare the bionet to the Matrix (of the movie The Matrix ) without all the humans being used as batteries, lol - while Silent Blade doesn't have the bionet at all.

What really captured my interest in Silver Shark were the characters. I loved Claire - she is the epitome of "when the going gets tough, the tough get going." Claire was forced into her planet's military as a teenager and spent the next 14+ years as a solider - Claire is a "psycher:" a Kinsman with the ability to to telepathically contact and/or attack and kill another with the mind. Only psychers can access the bionet. Claire faced each obstacle head on and never flinched. She is intelligent, brave, strong and so loyal. Watching Claire rebuild her life was pretty amazing, especially the way she hit the ground running while still finding the strength to help others. The only thing that ever through Claire for a loop was Venturo Escana. Meeting Venturo hit Claire like a 2x4 to the back of the head.

A tall blond man stood with his back to her. He turned at their approach and Claire almost stumbled.

He had a strong, masculine face, with a square clean-shaven jaw. On Uley, blond people had a washed out, sickly look, their skin too white, their hair verging on transparent. His skin was flawless bronze, his hair a pale , almost white gold. His broad shoulders strained the fabric of his tailored light-grey summer doublet, the outlined of muscle on his chest and arms plainly visible under the thin fabric. Everything about him, from the way he turned , graceful and perfectly balanced, to the way he held himself now, communicated health, strength and power. He was sun-kissed, golden and overwhelming.
-page 21

In her mind Lienne smiled. "Are you sure you're hiring her because you're buying her hard luck story and not because she looks at you as if you're made of gold?"

They knew. They both realized her reaction to him. It must've been so apparent, a blind man could've seen it. How embarrassing.
-page 26

I liked Venturo quite a lot, too. I liked that he was willing to take a risk with Claire - even when family was telling not to. I love the way he treated her with kindness and respect for her person as well as her intelligence. I loved watching Venturo and Claire get to know each other and the fact that it was so clear that Venturo was romantically interested in Claire. I LOVED the ending. hehehehehe

I think that one of the reasons I enjoyed Silver Shark more than Silent Blade is the length - Silver Shark is almost 50% longer than Silent Blade which really gives the author time to build good characterization.
Profile Image for Catherine.
336 reviews59 followers
February 15, 2015
My Kindle edition had a lot of spelling errors and bad punctuation, ill-formed sentences and clunky editing in general. It was a bummer. The story started out wonderfully and I was immediately pulled in to the world and in league with our heroine. She was such a bad ass early on, I was disappointed to see her turn into a doubtful, jealous, meek girl. These episodes never lasted long, thankfully, but they felt out of character.

It was a good story and I enjoyed it but I'm afraid the lack of editing and the sudden turn of events at the end made me a bit sad that IA, again, turns in an incomplete, abandoned series. I wonder why they even publish these if they never intend to come back to them. This has the promise of being a wonderful series, especially if they were to fully flesh out some of these characters instead of focusing each book on another person, much like they did in The Edge series. If they committed to the world and the main characters, I think they could have another series as successful and fun and bad-ass as Kate Daniels.

I still recommend this to Ilona Andrews fans, but prepared to be a bit let down. It's got a lot of fun and snark and sexiness, but it's incomplete and a bit disappointing.
Profile Image for Thenia.
4,121 reviews181 followers
November 30, 2021
Silver Shark on Books On Track

A great short story in the world of Kinsmen, with multi-layered well-developed characters and a believable love story.

Claire and Venturo are perfect for each other, even if it takes Ven some time to realize it, mostly because Claire is hiding a big part of herself in fear of being deported and executed.

The author's new series Hidden Legacy supposedly has a similar world, so I'm really looking forward to reading Burn for Me, which I imagine will be awesome.

Previous books:
Silent Blade (Kinsmen, #1) ~ ★★★★ (03/03/2014, 01/12/2021)
Profile Image for -ya.
518 reviews64 followers
November 15, 2015
Considering the limitation of managing character development and building a fascinating world in a short novella, Ilona Andrews display their talent in Silver Shark with well-developed characters, creativity, a believable romance, and interesting sci-fi elements that are easy to understand.

Claire and Venturo are lethal psychers, ie, they have ability to hurt or kill people (unauthorized users) just using their mind when logging into biological computer network. ( think hub, cloud, Matrix-like ) Unlike many sci-fi books aiming for unpredictability, Silver Shark has no gimmick, just flows nicely with an ending neither rushed nor anti-climatic. Cleverly done.

Kinsmen series is a nice pick for IA fans, but completed Edge series may be a better option for IA newbies.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 775 reviews

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