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In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there’s a deadly war raging between vampires and their slayers. And there exists a secret band of brothers like no other—six vampire warriors, defenders of their race. And now, a dutiful twin must choose between two lives...

Fiercely loyal to the Black Dagger Brotherhood, Phury has sacrificed himself for the good of the race, becoming the male responsible for keeping the Brotherhood's bloodlines alive. As Primale of the Chosen, he is to father the sons and daughters who will ensure that the traditions of the race survive and that there are warriors to fight those who want all vampires extinguished.

As his first mate, the Chosen Cormia wants to win not only his body but his heart for herself- she sees the emotionally scarred male behind all his noble responsibility. But while the war with the Lessening Society grows more grim, and tragedy looms over the Brotherhood's mansion, Phury must decide between duty and love.

560 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published June 3, 2008

About the author

J.R. Ward

211 books50.5k followers
J.R. Ward is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of numerous novels, including the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. She lives in the South her family.

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March 21, 2023
3 Really don't care for Phury Stars

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First read 2014
Reread 4/1/2017

Oh God where do I start with the hot mess that is Phury? This book is the one I like the least of all the books in this series and that's because I really don't care for Phury. Let me just say that I like Cormia but I don't really understand how she and Phury fell in love. He totally ignored her for like 6 months. When did they spend enough time together to fall in love? Phury is a total drug addict for 85% of the book. He spends almost the whole book doing drugs, buying drugs, and talking to an imaginary voice in his head that he called the wizard. And us readers had to deal with The wizards constant stupid, boring ass chatter for like 90% of the book. Was J.R. Ward watching the Flintstones when she wrote this book because the wizard was just like the great gazoo and drove me bat shit crazy!

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Phury was so annoying to me. He was always playing the victim, feeling sorry for himself and whining about how bad, his life was, how much he failed everyone, but instead of getting off his stupid ass and doing something about it he just got high. Z said it best when he told him

“For fuck's sake, get off the cross. Someone else needs the wood.”

Cormia was likable but not real deep as a chosen she doesn't really have any personality. It was cute when she would learn something new since she was kinda like a newborn with no knowledge of the world around her. But it was sad that everything she would newly discover she did it with John Matthew because she was completely abandoned by Phury. He was getting high while she was going outside for the first time, running in grass for the first time, watching tv, a movie, eating M&Ms, etc. Which just made me dislike Phury more. He should have been there!

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I feel like Phury and Cormia didn't really have a relationship. And what little bit of one they started to have Phury ruined by casting her aside as first mate and trying to take another. I don't care that he didn't end up sleeping with anyone but Cormia. He hurt her and rejected her and it pissed me off. Yes he does redeem himself a little at the end but it was just too late for me. I was glad the chosen were freed and with them V's twin sister. I also really loved all the parts with John Matthew and Xhex. They have such strong chemistry. I also melted when Blay and Qhuinn had their first kiss. Little Nalla was born at the end of this book and I love Z as a father. I love Z period. Overall it was an okay read but all the stars are for everyone but Phury. If I was rating this book on Phury and Cormia alone I would have gave this book 1 stars. Thank God there was other story lines going on that saved this book for me. Below I leave my favorite quote from the book

I want to fuck you, he mouthed, not caring that he was making a fool out of himself. "Do you?" Clearly, she read lips. Either that or cocks, because God knew his had its hand raised and waving in his jeans. Yeah, I do. "Lot of women in this club." Only one you. "I think you'd be better off with them." And I think you'd be better off with me.-John Matthew and Xhex
Profile Image for Aquit.
109 reviews57 followers
November 5, 2011
I was so excited when Phury's book came out. He was the only man I liked in Black Dagger Brotherhood. I thought he was different in a lot of ways from the other guys. Stronger and more reliable. My type of hero. I bought the book and planned to love “Lover Enshrined” and Phury even more. . .

Boy, was I wrong. How many times did we had to see how tormented this guy was? How many times did we had to know that he had emotional issues that go way back to the century he was born in? How many times did he had to go into a pity-fest about himself? How many characters can I hate from this book? Answer: TOO MANY TIMES AND I HATED ALL OF 'EM.

"I have a horrible past so feel free to pity me and tell me how many times I screwed up as I smoke this joint. Kick me in the ass while you're at it too. I'd appreciate that. Thanks." --Phury

Yeah, I like to kick you a million times Phury and believe me, it wouldn’t be out of love. I understand that it's not Phury's fault I disliked him so much in his own book. I blame the author. Ward took a perfectly good man and turns him into an emo, self-destructive, pot head machine that had no personality or characteristics I could come to like.

How about the heroine? Well, let me see. WHAT HEROINE?!! Cormia the Chosen one wasn't even worth being a heroine or even be call a main character. I mean what the hell!?! What kind of heroine was she in this freaking book? We knew nothing about her except she's the one to bear Phury's baby, has no backbone, and um.....hell, we know more about the drugs Phury used than Cormia and that is sad. I liked her from what I read in the other book but in her own book Ward made her seem like she was a back-up character. No personality, no dreams, no power, no dialog, no nothing. She could had been a cardboard who could talk and still wouldn’t be interesting.

“Lover Enshrined” should had been called “Guess How Many Plotlines I Can Stick Into This Book.” I couldn’t follow any of the plotlines at all. I gave up by the end of the third chapter. The only plotline I was interested in was Phury and Cormia’s “love” story if you can call it one and even that wasn’t enough to keep me drawn in. It was rushed and by the time you finish it—or try to finish it—you wonder if maybe you missed something along the way.

Maybe you missed the TWENTY chapters of how Phury and Cormia fell in love. Maybe you missed HOW Phury kicked the Brotherhoods’ ass and moved on with his life. Maybe you missed Cormia STANDING UP for herself. Maybe you missed out on WHO the hell the real villians were. Maybe you missed Cormia ACTUALLY being a useful character. Maybe you missed Phury acting like a TRUE hero that he was supposed to be.

No wait . . . You didn’t miss any of that because THEY NEVER HAPPENED.

Skip this book. It’s a mess and it’s proud to drag you along through the stupidity and confusion if you allowed it to.
Profile Image for Blacky *Romance Addict*.
486 reviews6,507 followers
March 25, 2015

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“You tell the others I was not worthy of her.” As the Directrix’s mouth fell open, he pointed his finger at her. “That’s a goddamned order. You tell them . . . she is too good for me. I want her elevated to a special rank. . . . I want her fucking enshrined, do you understand me? You do right by her or I’ll bust this place into ruins.”

I have to say that these 4 stars go to the BDB world and stories revolving around all the other characters. I enjoyed the book even though I wasn't thrilled with the MCs, and in this case, YAY for J.R. Ward and her inserting as many characters as possible in her books :D

The story

After accepting the role as Primale of the vampire race, Phury brings Cormia, his First Mate to the BDB mansion, without consummating the union, which means he still hasn't accepted all the other forty Chosen waiting for him to impregnate them. Yep I just said that ahahahhah :D
He is still in love with Bella, and is easing his suffering with red smoke and drugs, which is getting worse by the day.
His drug addiction is making him think of nothing else but his next fix, and his obligations as Primale and one of the Brothers are in second place.
His other favorite pass time is torturing lessers, and the Brothers are worried about him, which makes Wrath take drastic measures to force Phury to wake up and see where his life is heading.
Cormia has adapted to her new life with the Brotherhood, even though she wants the closeness Phury isn't giving her. She's in love with him, but knows he still loves Bella.
Torn between wanting him for herself, and her duty to all the Chosen, she will have to make a decision, fight for Phury or return to the Scribe Virgin and let another take her place.

The story - Well, the MCs don't really have that big of a role here. If those two were more in the book, I'd probably hate it.
On the other hand, if the author made the characters a bit different (without the damned Wizard!!!!!!!), and they had more time in the book, I might have loved it. Who knows, but as it is, I was most looking forward to reading absolutely everyone else in the book :)))))
There really isn't a big storyline here, mostly Phury dealing with the drug thing, his inner battles, and the other characters dealing with a shift in the Lesser Society, a new bad guy *gasp*

The bad guys - Lessers. Again. *yawn*
Those morons get on my nerves like crazy. I really can't stand them.
Lash. OMG! The most irritating character ever to be created! EVER!!!! I want to kill him! Then revive him! Then torture him a bit! Then kill him! Then do it all over again!!! OMG! *rant over*

The characters - Well first, there is Rhevenge. He has a big role here (well 'cause his book is next). We get to see exactly what is the deal with his blackmailer, and it's some twisted sh*t I tell you!!! Terrible, I hate it all! I mean I love Rhev, but all that's going on... Jeez. Very disturbing.
Tohrment - finally. Won't go any more into detail so I don't spoil it for you :)
Lassiter - new character (I love that guy - LOVE!), and I somehow totally forgot that he knows everyone already :D
John/Xhex - :D In my first read of the series I didn't really care one way or another about both of them, but now :DDD I can't wait to get to their book!!! "Next time say my name" ahahahhahaha Love it!
Qhuinn/Blaylock - after the attack in the bathroom (!!! shock !!!), everything changes between the three friends, and we find out more about each of them, the family background and stuff :) And finally, FINALLY we get a few scenes with B/Q <3 Highlight of the book :)))))

The feel of the book - Somehow, this feels like a transition book for me. It has huge parts in it just for the characters for the following books, their storylines have started here already, and the new grand bad guy is made here too, plus there are loads of other characters introduced...
So yeah, this is like a "filler" book, stuffed with loads of characters but without anything major happening.
Maybe it's just me. I don't know.

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"It was hard to know what was worse: him being with her and all her sisters, or him being with none of them because his heart was held by another."

Cormia is one of the Chosen, she is to be the Primale's First Mate, well, when he gets around to having sex with her.
She hasn't known anything beyond the Sanctuary, and it takes her a while to adapt to her new life.
She is in love with Phury, even though he's still in love with Bella.
Eventually they start getting closer, but Phury just makes decisions that drive them apart :(((

"He thought of her brushing out his hair, and realized with a shock that she had actually managed to calm him in those moments—and not just through the strokes of the brush, either. Her very presence eased him, from her jasmine scent, to the way she moved so fluidly, to the soft sound of her voice."

Well, Cormia was OK, definitely the better half of the couple :D
I liked her, but didn't love her. She had potential, but not enough page time, and definitely not a good combo with Phury's character being whacked.
Oh well. There were a few good scenes with her when she went exploring, and watching Dirty Dancing with John :D That was funny :)

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Phury stepped up close to her. Her body was roaring with so much heat, he could feel it against his own skin, and her jasmine scent was as thick as his blood.
He flashed her his fangs and hissed like a cat. “We’re going to my room.”
“But I have no reason to go to your bedroom.”
“Yes. You do.”

Phury is now a Primale and is obligated to revive the vampire race.
He took the job to save his friend, but didn't really TAKE the job, he doesn't want to do it, and is dragging it all along, pushing it back so he doesn't have to think about it.
He brought Cormia to the Mansion, but doesn't intend to sleep with her and seal the deal that way. He's ignoring Wrath and direct orders, he's doing drugs and butchering lessers like a maniac.
He has a voice inside his head (The Wizard) who is basically a big suicide mission waiting to happen.
It takes a whole lot of sh*t to happen for him to pull his head out of his a** (pardon my expression).

"Okay. Fine. Whatever she wanted. Hell, at this point, she could have told his heart not to beat, and the thing would have complied with the order quite cheerfully. She had become his control tower, his body’s master, and anything she told him to do or say or get for her, he would. No questions asked. No care of the means."

I think I would've really liked Phury if it wasn't for the Wizard. Honestly, I don't remember ever hating an imaginary character so much. No, actually it isn't hate, it's just irritation! It went so much that Phury started to get on my nerves too, along with the damn Wizard!
Such a shame :(
His relationship with Cormia was weird too, at one point he's madly in love with Bella, but a few days later he realises he's bonding with Cormia? Based on what? It's not like they spent any time together, there were one or two almost-sex scenes and that's it.
I know most books here have that insta-love thing, but usually it's more believable. Or maybe it's just me again. I don't know, but I wish they got more page time with a REAL story and a REAL romance/falling in love thing.
Through most of the book, Phury felt sorry for himself, and doing drugs. Well that one sentence could just describe him totally as a character :(
BUT! I am very happy with how it all turned out, him being a Primale, and that decision at the end regarding it all. Very, very great, a big applause for him :)))))

My favorite quotes from other characters:

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"No . . . this couldn’t be the Fade. The aches and pains in his body and the screaming in his head were too much like what he felt on Earth.
Except, what about the sun? He was bathed in its warm glow, and yet he breathed.
Man, if all that vampire-no-daylight shit was a lie, the race was an idiot as a whole."

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“What is wrong with you,” he whispered, “that you care so much about me?”
Blay’s sad smile added about a million years to his age, lining his face with the kind of knowledge that came only after life kicked you in the nuts a number of times. “What is wrong with you that you can’t see why I would?”


“One thing, though,” Qhuinn murmured.
The voice that came out of his throat was unlike anything he’d ever heard from himself before. “If any guy breaks your heart or treats you like shit, I will bust him apart with my bare hands and leave his broken, bloody body for the sun.”


They pulled apart, looked into each other’s eyes . . . and something shifted. In the silence of the whole training center, in the vast privacy of the moment, something changed.
“Just once,” Blay said softly. “Do it just once. So I’ll know what it’s like.”

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“Getting him out didn’t save him.” Zsadist’s eyes drifted over. “That’s the point, Phury. There isn’t any saving him. There isn’t any saving me. I know that’s what you keep waiting for, living for. But . . . it’s never going to happen. Look . . . I can’t thank you, because . . . as much as I love Bella and my life and where I am now, I still go back there. I can’t help it. I still live it every day.”

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After a moment, Wrath turned to John. “This is Lassiter, the fallen angel. One of the last times he was on earth, there was a plague in central Europe—”
“Okay, that was so not my fault—”
“—that wiped out two-thirds of the human population.”
“I’d like to remind you that you don’t like humans.”
“They smell bad when they’re dead.”
“All you mortal types do.”

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The glowing man laughed. “Well, if it isn’t good King Wrath and his band of merry-merry happy-happy. I swear you boys should do kiddie shows, you’re so fucking cheery.”
“Great,” Rhage muttered, “his sense of humor’s still intact.”
Vishous exhaled. “Maybe I can try to beat it out of him.”
“Use his own arm to do it, if you can—”
Wrath glared at the two of them, who shot him back a pair of who-us? stares.

This book could've been better, you feel me?

Profile Image for  Danielle The Book Huntress .
2,701 reviews6,445 followers
January 16, 2009
I loved this book. I had heard many criticisms about it not being as good as the others, and Phury not being as fleshed out. I have to say that I have a real understanding of Phury now. His torment is very much internal and revolves around his sense of failure, his not being able to "get there on time", as my mother so wisely said as we discussed the book last night at dinner. He failed in helping his parents, he failed in getting his brother back faster. Boy does he have a whopping case of Survivor's Guilt.

I went through the whole gamut of emotions as I read this book: anger, sadness, joy, rage, helplessness, you name it. I was right there next to Phury every step of the way. And most of all, I felt his isolation. I firmly believe that he is the least understood of the brothers, and in some ways has been given less understanding. I would never justify drug abuse, but pretty much all the Brothers, possibly excepting Wrath, have had some pretty destructive habits.

I hurt for him when he was kicked out of the Brotherhood, but at the same time, I knew it was for the best. He could not grow if he didn't leave that safety net behind. And in my understanding of addiction, you cannot enable the addicted person. Zsadist said some harsh things to Phury, and maybe they needed to be said, and at the same time, I am so glad that Phury confronted him on never saying thanks. It needed to be said. Phury has been in a vicious cycle, as my sister said. He always feels the need to play the Knight in Shining Armor, yet continually goes without having his own needs met. It has taken a toll on him and I believe, lead to him seeking solace in drugs.

These Brothers are very highly sexed individuals, so I cannot imagine how difficult it must have been to spend many, many years celibate, and Phury did not have Zsadist's issues with sex to lessen his sex drive. The red smoke was a coping mechanism that started to consume him. But what is most telling is that when Phury gets the chance to have all the sex he wants, as the Primale, he is tormented about it, and hedges at doing his duty. I interpreted this as Phury being a romantic, pure and simple. Also it tied into his Savior complex issues. He was just burned out, and the last thing he wanted was to be responsible for forty more people, and their offspring. Plus, he wanted one woman, Cormia.

Once again, I am utterly impressed with JR Ward's ability to tell a story. This book shone from the first sentence. I love how she starts the book from the Omega's perspective, showing a little of his side of things, and showing some vulnerabilities, and what seems like 'humanity' in him. It leads so well into a major shift in the storyline. And what a shift it is.

I read this book late compared to other reads. I did that on purpose. I wanted to stagger my reading of the wonderful series because I did not want to go a long time before a new installment came out. Since I am very active in the romance novel fan community, I have heard many comments about this book, a lot of them less positive. Another area of major complaints was with Cormia. I don't understand why. I adored Cormia. I think she is PERFECT for Phury. They are both innocents in some ways, and their coming together could be nothing but destiny. I was quite annoyed that Phury wouldn't yield to this destiny, but understanding his Savior/Failure complex, he felt his was not worthy of her, and would only destroy her if he gave into his love for her.

Cormia was not a doormat, as has been implied. She is a soft, sweet woman, with a backbone of TITANIUM. This is made clear in how she steps up and is not afraid to tell off the Primale. I can't blame her for being intimidated by a houseful of enormous, formidable warriors. Going from a world of white and blandness to a world full of color, textures, emotions, and sensations. In fact, I loved seeing her immerse herself in this world. I enjoyed her innocent childlike enjoyment of simply running around on the lawn, and swimming naked, smelling roses, and watching movies for the first time. If anything, I wish that Phury had spent more time with her enjoying these moments. Whenever Phury was off "lighting up" I was telling him, go "play" with Cormia. However I did like that we got to see John Matthew interact with and be attracted to Cormia and to realize that his destiny lay in another direction as far as mates, a tough, strong woman that makes his heart beat faster. That person being Xhex.

It was nice to see Cormia and Bella interact and become friends. Cormia picks up right away, that Phury is mooning over Bella. She feels that Bella is a rival for his affections, because right away, Cormia feels possessive of Phury. He is her man, and she does not want to share him with anyone, much less her Chosen sisters, or Bella. But soon, she realizes that Bella is a true friend, and that Bella wants Cormia to win Phury. I loved their girl-bonding moments.

Cormia did help Phury in ways that the other characters could not. Her love and peaceful nature helped him to deal with his demons as he detoxed from two hundred years of drug abuse. That was a grand moment for me. I love Phury and I hated seeing him on that awful downward spiral. The scene in the bathroom was one of the most painful scenes in a book I've ever read (and since we are talking about the Black Dagger Brotherhood books, that's saying something.) It made the final triumph of Phury so much sweeter. That is not to say that Phury doesn't have a hard struggle ahead, but he is not alone in it, as he soon finds out.

It was painful to see Phury and Zsadist so at odds in this book, but I realize that this had to happen for their relationship to evolve and to heal. I was so glad at the scene near the end where Zsadist comes and sings again for his brother, accompanied by the other Brothers. I was practically crying, but also smiling at this. In fact, had this not been in the book, I would have been severely disappointed. And we also find out that although it seemed that Zsadist washed his hands of Phury, he never did abandon him. That was also great to experience.

I loved seeing Cormia and Phury interact. There was chemistry and fate in their interactions, although neither really seemed to grasp it. I think their relationship is one of the sweetest, most innocent in this series, and for that, it earns a special place in my heart.

Now for the other character's in the book. It was so great to see more of the triad: John Matthew, Qhuinn, and Blaylock. I wish there was more of Blay's viewpoint, but maybe that will be in the next few books. I just love John Matthew so much. I am happy that he is healing, slowly but surely. Not there yet, but he's going in that direction. His sense of shame for what happens to him, should not be a burden he has to bear, but I was so glad that he knows that there are people there to love and support him. His heartbreak about the loss of Tohr is readily apparent. And his joy at his return was sweet.

Qhuinn is such a complex character that we are just getting to know. He is a tortured guy just as much as the other brothers. I don't like his habit of picking up any person who's interested, but it makes sense in light of his self-worth issues. I cannot believe how callous his family was. It hurts to see "a male of worth" treated in such a way. And it shows the deep decay and rot in the society of the Glymera that a terrible person like Lash is lauded, whereas a really good, worthwhile person like Qhuinn is disparaged because he happens to have odd-colored eyes. Come on now. His relationship with Blay is so moving to me. I wish I could wave a magic wand and work things out for them, but that's not meant to be. Time will tell how things resolve in their case.

Now onto Rhev. Goodness I am fascinated and attracted to his character. He is complex with a capital "C." I loved how Ward seemed to put Phury and Rhev forward as contrasts to each other. The interesting thing is that they are like different sides of the same coin. The interesting thing is that Rhev is the "dark knight," whereas Phury is the "white knight," yet in some ways Phury might be more tarnished. I don't like that Rhev is a drug-dealer and pimp. Basically he is a smooth criminal. But he is also a really good person with valid motivations. This book only made my appetite for him grow. There are so many questions about him I want answers to. I can't wait to see him find his shellan to love him. His loneliness is heartbreaking, although he does have his good friend Xhex. But even with Xhex, he has to maintain a distance that leaves him in the solitary wasteland of his own inner sorrow.

Xhex has just a small part in this book, but it makes me hunger for more. She is a really cool, interesting character. I am dying to see her and John Matthew get together. They are made for each other, although one might shake her or his head at the thought of it. The bathroom scene with them was short, but WOW! Chemistry!

Other great moments: Qhuinn finding his place in the world of the Brothers. That was so cool. Go Wrath! Also loved the advent of the oh-so intriguing Lassiter. I can't say the evolution of Lash was a great moment, but it made for good reading.

I feel I could write ten pages about this book, but I won't belabor the point. I love this book. My life has been enriched in the reading of it. And although not all the moments I experienced in the reading were fun, I have no regrets in following these characters on their dark journey, with the hope of light at the end of the tunnel. In fact, it was some of the most enjoyable hours I've spent in the past several days.

Profile Image for Alex is The Romance Fox.
1,461 reviews1,193 followers
April 2, 2017
What is it about JR WARD's BDB Series that the more times I read the books, the more I love them.

I loved Phury & Cormia's story ......more if that's at all possible....after my 4th read!!!!!
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I think that Phury is probably one of the most underrated brothers...there's so much more to him than just being Z's twin!!!!!

I am even beginning to "feel" for the Scribe Virgin...yes I am... photo a27ff1282d624e5de253059e21f75895_zpsa6b78991.jpgher perfect world is just fading away..leaving her lonely and so alone!!!!

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2nd Review
After rereading this book I still find it the one I like the least...

Phury is just not as interesting as he was in previous books and Cormia kinda fades into the background....perhaps if there had been more about their relationship in this book I may have had a different opinion about them. There are so many sub-plots and characters....my head reeled....who, what...where????

Of course I devoured each word on Qhuinn....I just adore this guy....I wish he could be mine.......he's hot hot hot....
I am trying to read slowly .....make the next two books last longer...know what I mean!!!!!!!
Qhuinn...you rock baby!!!!!!!!!!!!

1st Review
I only discovered JR WARD’s books early this year and had no idea what this series was about but I found some of her books on a special price section of my local bookstore and finding the covers and titles quite different and interesting…I thought? Why not? So I bought the first 4 books in the series.

I became totally addicted. I couldn’t stop reading….as soon as I finished the one I began on the next and before I got to the 4th book I had bought the entire series.
What fascinates me about her books is that each one has different plot lines, different POV’S, sub-plots and there are secondary characters that we meet and continue to grow so one has a sense of getting to know a little bit more about them and kept in suspense of WHAT’S GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT!!!!

This book is the 6th book in the series and it’s not really one of my favorites..I am not saying I didn’t like it it’s just that It’s Phury and Cormia’s story but it does not focus that much on them. There is so much happening with other characters that you kind of lose track of their story …
Phury is very different to the brothers in the previous books. He’s an angst-ridden, artistic, guilt ridden by being secretly in love with Zsadist’s (his twin brother)shellan, Bella, He has spent his life- hundreds of years - making sacrifices for others even giving up one of his legs and celibacy to save Zsadist from slavery and torture. His struggles with his addiction to red smoke and then onto to heroin which nearly kills him.. He’s so out of control that Wrath kicks him out of the Brotherhood….which I thought was pretty grim…even his own brother turned against him.

Being the person he is…self-sacrificing ---always putting others before himself…doing everything for others safety, even the cost to his life, he volunteers to take Vishous place as Primale to the Chosen so that V can stay with Jane.

Phury will now have to mate with one of the Chosen to continue the pure line of the next generation of the Chosen and the Brotherhood. His first duty is to mate with Cormia, one of the Chosen who we met in Lover Unbound, who is sweet and gentle and falls in love with him despite his problems…she, sees the other side…how noble and great person he is. But despite knowing he’s in love with Bella, she wants his love and body for herself and no one else, not even to share with the other Chosen.

Phury soon realizes that he wants only Cormia but can he forsake his duty as a Primale? Their journey takes quite a turn and Phury finally finds a purpose in his life and a solution to the problem with the Chose. …. absolutely amazing. I really admired his courage in not giving up on something he believed was right and moral. He finally finds joy and peace in his life with the woman he loves at his side. The sensuality between them is pure and hot…the real hot scenes happen more between the secondary characters. . I would have loved to see a bit more romance in the story.

Lots of side plots going on in this book…...I really liked the part where we meet the new brothers..John Mathews who goes through his transition, Qhuinn …love this brother…hot hot….and Blay…..a bit bland…. Just love these sexy, gorgeous guys….black leather, designer labels, the talk..wow…wish I could meet one of them!!!!! It’s another world out there..….exciting, dangerous, dark and oh so cool!!!!!I couldn’t wait to read more about them in the next books…I just know we will get to know them really well.

Then there’s Bella’s brother Rhev, a sinful looking sympathy, dealer of drugs who owns a nightclub and wears a long sable coat…..he’s a dark and interesting character.
The lesser are back with a bang….lots of action, fights… a new leader called X and Lash …what a depraved guy!!!! There’s bound to be more about him in the next books.

And Xhex, the amazon who works at Rhev’s club –wow what a woman!!! I actually believed that she was a gay woman….why I am not sure…just she is so strong, remote, complex and shows no interest in the men around her….I loved her character….sure she will appear in her own book soon…..

I liked this book much more the second time I read it. I felt a bit more connected to Phury and Cormia’s HEA than the first time I read it

What I love about this series is the great, strong dialogue and the way the writer makes me feel that I am actually there…I can see the white colors in the Fade, feel the softness of that sable coat –….you can see, smell, taste, feel and hear everything in her books.

I am so crazy for this series that I read each book over and over again and find them just as exciting as the first time I read them.
Profile Image for Kathrynn.
1,181 reviews
June 8, 2008
I did not care for this book--at all. I thought it had too many plots, scene interruptions and not enough romance. I was very disappointed in Phury's character--FIVE months and he all but ignored Cormia, then "assigned" John Mathews to show her around.

Did not think Phury's way or style of killing "lessers" should have been grounds for kicking him out of the Brotherhood. It wasn't just the drug problem because he'd had that for several hundred years. The icing on the cake was his torturing the "lessers" coupled with his carelessness. Yes, he was a hazard to have watching your back, but he did his killings alone.

Phury's reasons for being a drug addict and vow of celibacy didn't tally up for me. He was whining about his childhood, when it wasn't that bad, certainly not enough to warrant several hundred years of drugs, celibacy, and guilt. I did not care for his internal wizard or his drug addiction and felt the Brother's should have undertaken prevention long ago. He was known as a liar and they believed he would be the Primale? They knew he was prone to dishonesty and they knew he was celibate.

For me, Wrath really lacked in leadership in the past couple of books. He should have been more aware what was going on in Quinn's life and how he was being treated by his family. He should be more aware of what the Brother's are doing as well.

As for Quinn's story, I fail to see how the race can be so desperate for "young" and treat one as an outcast because he has two different colored eyes. No wonder they are faced with possible extinction. Between the asinine rules on The Other Side and Glymera coupled with "lessers" killing them, their ability to remain a solvent race is slim. Toss in the added Brother's are practically falling apart and what a mess.

I did not care for all the details on Quinn, John Mathew, Blay. Their "coming of age" scenes and internal drama's were too much for me. I didn't need to know about their bodies baser urges to such detail and frequency. I got it the first time! Talk about throwing a wrench in the mess--Blay.

I did not care for Rhevenge or Xhex's stories. My WTF meter was at its maximum toleration level when their tales unfurled. (eyes rolling)

For me, the ending was the best part, but because there was very little interaction between Phury and Cormia, just didn't add up to a great "I love you."

Finally, there were a lot of mundane details throughout the book that I thought dragged the story lineS down. I got the impression this book was rushed and not as well edited as past books. I realize all the Brother's have now had their turn at the wheel and this one allowed for the story line to continue--albeit in a slightly more sci-fi/urban fantasy genre and not necessarily romance.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for • Lisa •.
561 reviews1,576 followers
June 8, 2013

Yes, JR Ward has most certainly won me over, again. Welcome to book six 'Lover Enshrined', if like me you can't get enough of the brotherhood your in for a real treat.

The brotherhood ...
If you want a flowery romance series full of sunshine and lollipops with straight laced characters and a straight forward perfectly happily ever after, then I doubt the brotherhood will be for you. BUT if you want a series about a band of brothers, who are fighting for the survival of their beloved race of vampires, with gritty, captivating story lines that are filled with love entangled up in their epic trials of life then sign up immediately. These brothers will make you wish you had a vampire to make his claim on you and call you MINE ...

Lover enshrined ...
Unlike some of the former books in the series 'Lover enshrined' is less love and romance and more about the struggles of one of the brothers - Phury, his life is wrapped up in a struggle with drug addiction and what can only be described as drug induced psychosis. Where this book lacked epic love it more than made up for with content. Vulnerability and strength shines through to bring our brother the ending we all craved for our beautiful hero.

Phury is a loyal member of the Brotherhood, in the previous book we see our hero giving himself up as the species primale - a job given to keep the race thriving, his first chosen mate Cormia is impossibly beautiful and has lived her whole life in service to the brotherhood. Love soon starts to win over their hearts, but can the two move past chosen obligations and all that is against them to find their perfect ending. This story captivates the journey of Phury and Cormia and I loved the connection between the two.

My book thoughts ...
I'm not entirely convinced this author can do wrong in my eyes. The story telling completely captivated me and unlike other series I've read, there's not a moment of boredom for me.There's never a dull moment with this series the author cleverly keeps all the characters interesting and included as part of the journey.

I won't be able to sum up what the story is about other than to tell you what you can expect ... More excitement, pages full of drama, plenty of the Brotherhood action, shock reveals, new characters, chapters full of writing that is flawless, drool worthy love scenes, content that will have you begging for more of the other characters ... I could go on and on.

'Lover Enshrined' (apart from entertaining my reading fixation) has done nothing but feed my addiction for all things brotherhood, and I'm nothing short of desperate to learn and read about rehvenge, John Matthew, Qhinn, Blay and Lassiter. Long live my love for all things BDB.

Never going to have enough of the Brotherhood ...


❤❤“I love you forever" didn't always need to be spoken to be understood.”

❤❤"You tell the others I was not worthy of her." As the Directrix's mouth fell open, he pointed a finger at her. "That's a goddamned order. You tell them...she is too good for me. I want her elevated to a special rank.... I want her fucking enshrined, do you understand me? You do right by her or I'll bust this place into ruins."

❤❤“Look, you didn't fail me. Because you can't fail at the impossible."
-Zsadist to Phury”

❤❤“Blay was the closest thing to an angel Qhuinn had ever come near.”

Last words from me ... I.LOVED.EVERY.PAGE
Profile Image for P .
691 reviews342 followers
November 10, 2016
"'I love you forever' didn't always need to be spoken to be understood.”

Phury and Zsadist are twins. Since Z was rescured and healed by his beloved Bella, Phury had tried to help him get past his nightmare and become a man that deserving a woman. But it was not that easy when Phury has feelings for Bella, from the last book, he cared for her too much and what happened in Lover Awakened doomed his life irrevocably. He chose to become the Primale of the Chosen.

“Among the problems with shame was that it in fact did not make you shorter or quieter or less visible. You just felt like you were.”

I pitied him so much for his own choice. He had never expected that he would deserve happiness as much as Zsadist. So Lover Enshrined worked so hard to pass my expection, as I thought it was very hard that I would enjoy this book like Z's, and proved that Phury was an prominent character no less than his brother.

J.R. Ward did her job very well this time. Her writing style and narration save this book after all. Even though I didn't like Phury's story as much as Z's, still the book was excellent in its own way with the unique style that kept me attached to it until the end. My heart also broke for him more than I could count. I loved him. Comia isn't a impressive heroine for me. She's so shy and humble. Her character bored me sometimes.

Thai review https://goo.gl/qCbDdW
Profile Image for Christy.
4,233 reviews35.1k followers
May 12, 2013
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I’m going to have to go with a 4-4.5 Stars for this one. There were a lot of things I really liked, but I guess following Vishous’ book was too tough of an act to follow.

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Phury is Zsadist’s twin. He is the calm, cool brother. Always willing to sacrifice himself to help anyone out. Thats whats got him in this predicament in the first place. After being celibate for over 200 years (can you say world’s oldest virgin?) Phury takes V’s place as the Primale. This means he has to ‘bed’ and impregnate roughly 40 of the Chosen. It is his duty to reproduce, save the race, make some strong, worthy vampire spawn. He thought he knew what he was getting into, but its been months since he took his first Chosen, Cormia, and he still hasn’t sealed the deal.
How was he supposed to climb on top of lovely, fragile Cormia, pound into her until he came, and then hightail it to the Chosen’s Sanctuary and make like Bill Paxton on Big Love? What the hell had he been thinking?

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Cormia is a Chosen. That is all she has ever known. Now spending all of this time on the other side, she starts to question things about herself. What does she like? What interests her? At first she was terrified about mating with the Primale, but now that she sees his loving nature and giving soul, she wants nothing more than to be with him. Phury feels as though Cormia is being forced into this. Even though he develops feelings for her, he wants to be with someone else. She doesn’t deserve him. He makes that perfectly clear.
“You tell the others I was not worthy of her. Thats a goddamned order. You tell them... she’s too good for me. I want her elevated to a special rank... I want her fucking enshrined, do you understand me?”

Phury is not as cool, calm, and collected as he seems. Not only has he been practically gutting lessers, but he has been smoking even more. The wizard is in control. Phury is a straight up addict.

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It’s affecting all aspects of his life negatively, even within the brotherhood. Cormia is the only good thing he has going for him. And he pushes her away. Once he finds his feelings are reciprocated, he tries to get out of being the Primale, but she doesn’t want that. There is a bigger picture than the two of them.
“I want you to know... If I’m with anyone else, it’s you in my heart.”

There has to be a solution...will these two find another way to repopulate the race and change things? Can Phury get his shit together long enough to try? Instead of Phury constantly being the savior, he may need to be saved.... from himself. Cormia may just be the person for the job.
He finally felt like the hero he had always wanted to be.

A LOT goes on in this book, Phury and Cormia’s story takes up a little more than half, maybe? The rest is a lot of Rehv, John Matthew, Qhuinn, Blay, Zsadist, Bella, Wrath, and of course small appearances by the rest of the BDB. Also, we get a re-appearance of

I know this is a strange thing to say, but I was relieved that that two ‘main characters’ shared the spot light with a lot of others. If this whole books was Phury and Cormia’s story, I don’t think I would have loved it. It isn’t that I didn’t like either of them, I did. I just found that I lacked a connection with them.

It was nice to see some more of Rehv, I think his book will be pretty awesome. Of course we get some Z in this one, being Phury’s twin, but who really stole the show are the guys I like to refer to as the ‘three amigo’s.
Qhuinn, Blaylock, and John Matthew. By far my favorite parts of the book were their sections. Now- Vishous is still my main man of the BDB, but I found myself seriously crushing on Qhuinn in this book!
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Things that won me over...
-How he reacted to John Matthew’s secret:
You are still the same to me. Nothing has changed.

-He sticks up for his friends always.
“I’ll lay my life down for you. With or without that piece of paper”

-What he did for John.

-His relationship with Blay.... Just love it!
“What is wrong with you, that you care so much about me?”
“What is wrong with you that you can’t see why I would?”

I think it’s pretty safe to say.... Qhuinn stole the book for me!!!

I would say, this wasn’t my favorite book in the series, but I am still looking forward to the next one... come on next Friday, I need a dose of Rehvenge!
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,658 followers
November 16, 2017
Phury and Cormia

I really really like Phury. When I was reading his book I just wanted to cuddle him and squeeze him and tell him not to be sad and everything will be all right. He has woken up my maternal instinct this boy.

In this book, Phury is lost somewhere in the cuckoo land living as a cloud cuckoo lander instead of being a fierce warrior and fearsome brother. And he talks to a wizard with a dark voice in his head.
Endless discussions, arguments, advices between Phury and his wizard who thought that he had left, but he was always there.

Yes Phury takes drugs nonstop and more accurately he prefers his red smoke that smells like coffee and chocolate. His chosen mate, Cormia, is somewhere in the next room and although they need to start producing babies, he does not feel like it. He would prefer Bella of course, but she chose his twin brother. Zsadist has ugly scars on his face and slave bands on his hands and Phury is definitely more handsome than him and with cooler hair. But still Bella likes better him than Phury.

Because of Zsadist, his right leg has no foot or calf. And it really wouldn’t bother him (it was his choice after all to go and save his brother), but he just wants an acknowledgment of his sacrifice. Maybe a simple ‘thank you’ would be enough. Instead he was accused that he has a “Good Samaritan complex”. So, it is better to talk to his wizard and then smoke some more.

Well, if Phury wanted respect he was looking at the wrong girl:
"The thing about Phury is, he’ll always put others before himself. Always. It’s his nature."
"I know. That’s why I admire him so. Where I am from . . ." Cormia struggled to find the words. "To the Chosen, selflessness is the greatest of all values. We serve the race and the Scribe Virgin, and in doing so we joyfully put the whole before ourselves. It is the highest order of virtue to sacrifice yourself to the greater good, to that which is of more importance than the self. The Primale does that. I believe that is . . ."
"Is . . . ?"
"That is why I respect him so."

Cormia is bored. Her job is to be Primate’s baby making vessel. Instead she is forgotten in her room and Phury does not care about her existence. What can a girl do to pass the time? Complex structures made of toothpicks . . . and peas. Why not?
No Cormia does not take drugs. But maybe it is a good idea to go for a swim at the pool, or watch ‘Dirty Dancing’ with John because she will definitely snap.

And my favorite scene is when Phury becomes Neanderthal:
Cormia was rising from the pool, her resplendent female form dripping with water . . while three newly transitioned males stood about ten feet from her with their tongues hanging down to their navels.
Oh . . . hell . . . no.
The bonded male in him came out like a beast, breaking free of the lies he’d fed himself about how he felt, roaring out of the cave of his heart, stripping him of everything that was civilized.
All he knew was that his female was standing naked and being coveted by others.
That was all that mattered.
Before he was aware of what he was doing, Phury let out a growl that broke through the air like a crack of thunder. John Matthew’s and his buddies’ eyes shot his way, and then the three of them moved back as one. Big-time. Like the pool had caught fire.
Cormia, on the other hand, didn’t look in his direction. She didn’t scramble to cover up, either.
Instead, she deliberately picked up her robe and slid it slowly onto her shoulders, all latent defiance.
Which powered him up like nothing else. "Come into the house," he demanded of her. "Now."
As she glanced at him, her voice was as level as her eyes. "And if I choose not to?"
"I will put you over my shoulder and carry you inside."

Bye bye wizard! Finally…
Profile Image for warhawke.
1,440 reviews2,160 followers
December 27, 2016
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Type: Book 6 of Black Dagger Brotherhood series
POV: Third Person - Multiple

After volunteering to take on a new role, Phury was having a hard time adjusting and accepting that things could no longer be the same. The only way he knew how to cope was a destructive measure.

Cormia's first time in their world proved to be a learning experience. Eager to gain knowledge and please Phury, she learned more about herself along the way. But thing were not easy when the future if their race hanged in balance.

I love everything Phury ever did for this twin and the Brotherhood in general. If you think this book would glorify that, think again.

Shit, all along he’d tortured himself about Z’s fate… all along he’d lived in the cold, pervasive shadow of their family’s tragedy. He had suffered, goddamn it… he had suffered, too, and suffered still.

Knowing all the noble things he did in the past and seeing him now, it was sad with how he's drowning himself in misery. He was self destructive and hurting not only himself but others who cared about him as well.

She wanted him. She was going to have him. To hell with her sisters. He was hers.

I love Cormia's wide eyed innocence. Everything was new to her and it was fun seeing her learn the new lifestyle and discovering her rebellious streaks.

Lover Enshrined is a story of a couple battling with their responsibilities and their wants amidst the race's troubles. As a new power emerged and with chaos in the Brotherhood, they would be looking at a hard time coming ahead. I am hoping for some intense confrontations in the future.

Note 1:
As much as I love the original Brothers, the new generations are really latching into my heart as fiercely. They played huge role in this book and I'm looking forward for their stories.

Note 2:
You’d understand the significance of the ivy in the teaser if you’ve read the book ;)

Standalone Books in the series:
Must be read in order
Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #1) by J.R. Ward Lover Eternal (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #2) by J.R. Ward Lover Awakened (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #3) by J.R. Ward Lover Revealed (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #4) by J.R. Ward Lover Unbound (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #5) by J.R. Ward Lover Enshrined (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #6) by J.R. Ward Father Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #6.5) by J.R. Ward Lover Avenged (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #7) by J.R. Ward Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #8) by J.R. Ward Lover Unleashed (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #9) by J.R. Ward Lover Reborn (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #10) by J.R. Ward Lover at Last (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #11) by J.R. Ward The King (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #12) by J.R. Ward The Shadows (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #13) by J.R. Ward The Beast (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #14) by J.R. Ward The Chosen (Black Dagger Brotherhood #15) by J.R. Ward

For more reviews/reveals/giveaways visit:

August 16, 2020
Phury’s Story was sort of depressing, but I still love him!

So we know Phury likes the red smoke a bit too much and at one point was almost going to move up to Heroine, but John Matthew knocking on his door right at that second changed his mind and he flushed it and spent time with John and Zsadist in the training room instead.

Now that Phury has agreed to be the Primale, I was hoping he would step up, but he starts talking more and more to this voice in his head that he calls The Wizard. The Wizard likes to remind him of all of his failures and why he shouldn’t do anything but sit around and get high, because he is no good for anything or anyone. This is a recurring theme throughout the book.

Though he does fall in love with the Chosen First Mate Cormia, and she him. There are obstacles in the way of them being together. Especially the fact that he is supposed to be with 39 of her sisters.

John's storyline is also forwarded in this book. Huge changes occur for John and his two friends and they are now in the war with the Lessers, not just trainees. Lash finds out who he really is and becomes more evil than ever. Also a suprising friend brings Tohr back and John has a reunion with his one time father.

I really liked the book, I just thought Phury’s depressing storyline dragged on too long and I wanted happy times for him to finally come on. I mean him and Z have both suffered enough already!

Profile Image for Kat.
Author 12 books559 followers
September 23, 2023
So many cool moments rereading this one. While a lot of Phury and Cormia's romance is taken up by Phury's addiction, their scenes together interspersed throughout the book are surprisingly tender and hot all at once. I especially enjoyed the JM, Blay and Qhuinn in this one. I'm liking all of the secondary story lines the most, and as things heat up with JM and Xhex, as well as Blay and Qhuinn, it's getting super interesting. I had forgotten this was the first book where we met Lassiter. I rather loved Lassiter when he's doing his angel thing, and the return of Tohr was heartbreaking and well written. She mentions in this book that the race's one prison colony is located up north of the Canadian border. I'm trying to remember if that's where the book coming out this August is set. I guess we'll find out!

How can I possibly rate this book? It's about my absolutely, hands-down favorite brother, Phury, and yet, there were definitely a few things that left me disappointed. But, I really loved that we had some exploration of Phury's childhood and the way he was neglected by his parents after Zsadist's kidnapping, as well as how Phury suffered in the search for him. It was so sad that Zsadist had never thanked him and seemed to take Phury for granted as every one else does. I am on the fence about so much of Phury's book being about Zsadist. On the one hand, I thought those parts worked, but on the other, I really wish Ward would write more parts of Phury that are independent of Z, too. She certainly doesn't have a problem writing Z independent of Phury.

I loved the romance with Cormia. Was sad that it took up comparatively little of the book. This is a couple I would LOVE to see get a "redo" book now that she's doing them.
Profile Image for Alyssa.
233 reviews118 followers
March 26, 2018
3 Stars

this book was boring and I rlly don't care all that much for phury

Rating: ★ ★ ★ / 5 stars
Lead Male Character: ★ ★ ★ / 5 stars
Lead Female Character: ★ ★ ★ / 5 stars
Plotline: ★ ★ ★ and a half / 5 stars
Genre: romance, vampires
Will I recommend this book to others?: nah
Will I reread this book?: nah
Overall story summed up in one word: OK

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

i love me some sexy vampires :)
Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews3,031 followers
July 30, 2021
Forth "re-read": 30.07.2021
Someone messaged me and asked me a question regarding Qhuinn and Blay and I found myself with a strong need to re-read their scenes. So that is exactly what I did: re-read only Q & B's scenes. That scene with Qhuinn and Wrath... I love it. I love Wrath. I love Qhuinn. Btw, as I stopped reading this series after book twelve I do not know the future couples; is there any more M/M couples?

What happened between you and Blay?
“I cut him loose, and I was cruel about it.”
Good God . . . Why?
“I was on the way to jail for murder, remember? He’d have eaten himself alive worrying about me. It would have ruined his life. Better that he hate me than be lonely for the rest of his days.”
No offense, but are you really that important to him?
Qhuinn’s mismatched eyes drilled into John’s. “Yes. I am. And don’t ask any questions about that.”

Third re-read: 22.08.2019
I only re-read Qhuinn's scenes, so this technically doesn't count as a re-read, but still, I decided to add this as a re-read. Everything for Qhuinn. Doesn't care for the rest of the plot.

Second re-read: 10.07.2017
I wasn't supposed to re-read this, but I missed Qhuinn, so I decided to fuck everything else, and read everything Qhuinn. So it goes without saying that I skipped everything but the parts of Qhuinn in the book this time around as well. I just love him. My second favorite character in this series. Behind Wrath. I think. Or he comes first. Shit, can they share first place?
See, this was the thing with Qhuinn. He could be out there and he could let his edge get away from him, but he always came back and made you feel like you were the single most important person in the world to him and that he was truly sorry for hurting your feelings.

Re-read: 12.01.2017
Though I cannot really consider this a re-read considering I only re-read Blay and Qhuinn, and Wrath's parts of the book. And yes, that does include John Matthew sometimes. I L O V E Qhuinn and I'm gonna re-read everything that has to do with him and Blay. I ship them so hard, and my heart breaks for them so badly. They, including my favorite character, Wrath, deserves THE BEST!
“If any guy breaks your heart or treats you like shit, I will bust him apart with my bare hands and leave his broken, bloody body for the sun.”

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (Adult) Paranormal Romance
Series: - Series, Book Six
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Favorite character? - Qhuinn
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - Yes.
Would I recommend this book/series? - Yes.
Will I read this again in the future? - For Blay and Qhuinn, yes.
Rating - 2.5 *Qhuinn* stars

First read review:
Only thing interesting was Blay and Qhuinn, and of course my man, Wrath. Since V and Butch clearly aren't getting it on (you know what I mean ;)) (which I had hope so fucking much for) it seems like there might be some Blay and Qhuinn loving in future... We can only hope!
Profile Image for Alp.
763 reviews452 followers
March 17, 2016
This was a disappointment. I was upset! It wasn't what I expected. The previous books in this series were good so who would have thought this one would be a dud. Why didn't I read any reviews before picking it up?! I must be a glutton for punishment!

I had two major problems with Lover Enshrined.

1. PHURY. Wasn't he supposed to be this book's hero? I felt like he virtually contributed nothing to the story and I couldn't care less about him. For 95% of his story, he kept drowning in his own misery, which I didn't understand exactly what it was. Being neglected as a child? What was his real problem? I became so frustrated that he continued his push-and-pull relationship with Cormia. One minute he acted as if he wanted to give the whole world to her, the next he pushed her away. And he thought it was for her own good. Great! I'm sorry Phury, beautiful long hair or not, I was fed up with you!

2. Almost every character in this book got their own POV. Was it necessary to shift perspective from one viewpoint character to another, and another, and another, at every chapter or scene break?

There was entirely too much happening in this book. TOO MUCH! It left me curious and confused about what the main plot of this story was. The romance between Phury and Cormia fell completely flat. What was interesting to me was .

Only one good thing in this book was the friendship between John, Qhuinn, and Blay. I enjoyed these three a lot so I ended up giving this book 3 stars instead of 2. And that's me being generous!

Profile Image for Danielle.
998 reviews582 followers
November 11, 2022
Guilty pleasure read 🤗😍 6th in series… Caution: 🛑 Rated R. This series is older- but still good. Steamy hot adult content. Not suitable for ya or wholesome folks. 😉
Profile Image for Maria Clara.
1,122 reviews624 followers
August 15, 2016
Como mucho un 3.5

Humo. Sí. Tal vez el mismo humo rojo que fuma Phury. Así es como he sentido este libro. Y aunque en cierto sentido me ha gustado y hasta he hecho las paces con Ward, reconozco que ese humo es como la historia de amor entre Phury y Cormia: una nube blanca difusa en la que se mueven los demás personajes.
Sin embargo, me he dado cuenta de que si algo hace bien la Ward, (aparte de que escribe de miedo), es que es capaz de hacer que los otros personajes, los secundarios, nos resulten atractivos, muy atractivos, hasta el punto de querer conocer su historia.
Profile Image for Eastofoz.
636 reviews394 followers
June 1, 2009
I didn’t particularly like this installment of the BDB. Ward still writes well but plot wise I felt that she was all over the place. Phury’s story, that was supposed to be the main story, meandered throughout the novel. I didn’t like him and I didn’t think that his sudden love for Cormia was in the least bit believable. He was boring and tedious. Even their love scenes were blah and Ward has always written phenomenal ones for her lead characters.

The other brothers were also stale. Lots of excessive over the top language for no reason especially from Wrath which just didn’t fit.

The only part that kept me reading was the sub plot with John, Blay and Qhuinn. I like these three but the scene with Blay and Qhuinn was a bit too reminiscent of Butch and V. It worked and all but it wasn’t fresh. Tohr’s return, Rehv’s story, Lash’s turning, Xhex now wanting John, this Lassiter guy showing up, the Chosen being allowed to choose the kind of life they want and Mr D’s staying power as a forelesser was all just too much and all over the place. There were too many mini stories to do justice to one. It was as if she ran out of ideas in this book or didn’t try and just threw in a lot of stuff or repeated a lot to fill in pages especially with Z and Bella and Phury loving Bella from a distance—get on with it and get over it. Talking about Bella’s pregnancy seemed like the most glaring filler because you know she has the baby back in book 3 and everything is fine so why bother continuing the storyline?

Granted there wasn’t the great romance/emotion or earth shattering sex like in the other books and that’s a shame, but what really bothered me was that she seemed to plunk down a bunch of stuff on the page without tightening up her stories in order to sell another book in the series so I felt gypped. If this were a stand alone I wonder if there would have been as much interest in it.

A disappointing read overall :( 2.5 stars.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Shurrn.
560 reviews896 followers
June 27, 2014
A clear departure from the Black Dagger Brotherhood...
For better or worse...
“For fuck's sake, get off the cross. Someone else needs the wood.”
I've taken a few days to gather my thoughts before writing this review. Truth is, I did not love this book... But, I didn't hate it either... It was just different from the other books in the series and didn't live up to my own expectations. That's not the author's fault.

One of the main problems: This was supposed to be Phury's moment in the spotlight, but I'm not sure he really had his chance to shine. There was so much going on in the Brotherhood (and in the Lessening Society) that Phury had to share a lot of pages... However, Phury and his "woe is me" attitude was driving me crazy, so maybe that is a good thing?

I'm still not sure.

One thing is for certain, there was a serious problem with supposedly bad-ass vampires being little pansy-ass babies...

He tapped the artificial leg. “I am not whole.” True, she thought sadly. He was not whole, although it had nothing to do with him missing part of a limb.
Phury's meltown outshines all the other melodraptic moments over the course of the series. Combined. He could best be described as self-loathing wrapped in drug addict and dipped in haunted past. That's not the kind of sundae you want to indulge in.

His only redeeming quality is the one which got him in so much trouble - he has an over-active savior complex and was named Primale in the previous book to save his brother from the fate.

“As much as we have free choice, absolute destiny is immutable. What is meant to happen does, through one measure or another.”
Cormia is a chosen. Virginal, naieve, and bland as her all-white-food diet. She wasn't nearly as obnoxios as Marissa (Lover Revealed) but she wasn't amusing, entertaining, or even interesting.

You know that this review needs? A personal anecdote used as a metaphor!

I had a friend in culinary school, and it was our job to taste all of her homework. She was amazingly talented in the kitchen and created theses stunning masterpieces of cakes, cookies, chocolates, & candies...
*drooling just thinking about it*
But when the class moved on to fruit-filled tarts, my friend was useless. For all her talent, the girl couldn't bake a tart to save her life... It always left a bad taste in your mouth... Were the tarts inedible? No. But we had come to expect this superlative level of achievement out of her, so our own expectations let us down.

See where I'm going with this?

Lover Enshrined might not have been the most awesome installment of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, but as a whole, everything fell into place.

I loved the whole side-story of my boys - John, Blay, & Qhuinn. That was the best part of the whole book in my humble opinion...

I liked meeting the Angel, Lassiter, and I hope to see more of him.

I absolutely adored

And speaking of fathers:

I've already started reading Lover Avenged, so obviously there's no love lost between me and the BDB...

Two more things:
1. The texting language and slang was WAY over the top in this book. I know the Brothers enjoy their Pop Culture references, and are as modern as can be, but seriously... Tone it down. You're hundred of years old, quit talking like a 12 year old.
2. I've been quiet for too many books about the sheer number of brands that are mentioned by name in each book. Stay tuned, because I'm writing down every brand name mentioned in the next book, and I'll have a visual representation ready for you in my next review which will literally illustrate my point.

My Other Reviews in the Black Dagger Brotherhood Series:

1. Dark Lover - My Review
2. Lover Eternal - My Review
3. Lover Awakened - My Review
4. Lover Revealed - My Review
5. Lover Unbound - My Review
6. Lover Enshrined - You're Reading it
6.5 Father Mine - My Review
7. Lover Avenged - My Review
8. Lover Mine - My Review
9. Lover Unleashed - My Review
10. Lover Reborn - My Review
11. Lover At Last - My Review
12. The King - My Review
13. The Shadows - My Review

Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #1) by J.R. Ward Lover Eternal (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #2) by J.R. Ward Lover Awakened (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #3) by J.R. Ward Lover Revealed (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #4) by J.R. Ward Lover Unbound (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #5) by J.R. Ward Lover Enshrined (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #6) by J.R. Ward Father Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #6.5) by J.R. Ward Lover Avenged (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #7) by J.R. Ward Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #8) by J.R. Ward Lover Unleashed (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #9) by J.R. Ward Lover Reborn (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #10) by J.R. Ward Lover at Last (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #11) by J.R. Ward The King (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #12) by J.R. Ward The Shadows (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #13) by J.R. Ward
Profile Image for Anna.
484 reviews370 followers
June 2, 2013
Its Phury Time !!!!!!!!!!! here is the weekly installment of the Black dagger brotherhood eye-candy-lick-a-licious........ yes that is a word


Profile Image for Auntee.
1,335 reviews1,444 followers
June 7, 2008
Wow! This one was unlike any of the others in the BDB series. It didn't focus so much on the romance between the H/H (Phury and Cormia), as the other books in the series did, and at first I missed that. This was more about Phury coming to grips with his past, and his ability to finally forgive himself and allow himself the freedom to love and be loved. It was also heart wrenching at times to watch Phury battle with his drug addiction, which he had for (hundreds!) of years! At times Phury's self destructiveness and hero complex did grate on my nerves, but at least the author took the time to reveal his heartbreaking back-story, so I could see the motivations for his actions. And when Phury finally got his act together and allowed himself to accept Cormia's love, it was a beautiful moment and brought tears to my eyes.

This was also a transitional book, setting in motion what is to come later in the series, with not many plot points being resolved. The plot about the future BDB brothers, John Matthew, Qhuinn, and Blay, and their close friendship, was especially interesting to me. Qhuinn's horrible treatment by his family, was especially disturbing and sad. (They shunned him due to his mismatched eyes? (One blue, one green) Haven't they ever heard of David Bowie? lol! And the friendship that blooms between Blay and Qhuinn reminded me much of V and Butch, but went much farther than theirs went. I am curious to see how far sexually the author is going to take this friendship.

John Matthew continues to have a fascination with the mysterious Xhex, but we only learn just a little bit more about her. Obviously more will be revealed in a future book.

And thankfully, a person very important from John Matthew's past makes a somewhat suprising return, brought back by a mysterious fallen angel. (once again--future book)

And the sympath Rehvenge gets a fair amount of mention in this book. The 'creature/princess' thing/person he is being blackmailed by I found really creepy yet intriguing. Once again, just enough to whet your appetite for a future book.

There is also a not so suprising revelation of who is the son of the villianous Omega. I think I saw this one coming, but the future war between the Omega's son and the Brotherhood will continue on in the following books, I'm sure.

Finally, a few of the things that I would have liked to see but were not in the book: more on the other brothers and their shellans! Although Zsadist and Bella were featured a little (mainly in a storyline regarding the birth of their child), and Wrath had a few moments, the others were barely mentioned. Doc Jane made a few 'ghostly' appearances--but only to do some 'doctoring'. Beth made one brief appearance. No sign of Mary or Marissa. Butch, V, and Rhage had token appearances. I would have loved a page or two just to see what they were all up to. But that's a minor quibble. Even though this was not the most romantic or exciting of the BDB series, this was a worthwhile book, bringing to light the future direction of the series. And I find J.R. Ward's writing style so exceptional, she could write a phone book and I would probably find it interesting! I would give "Lover Enshrined" 4 1/2 stars, and I will definitely look forward to more in this exciting series!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mel.
330 reviews528 followers
April 23, 2010
Lover Enshrined, the sixth addition to the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, is Phury’s book. Mind you: it’s not only about Phury finding love. So if you’re looking for a simple, straight forward romance and you’re satisfied with boy meets girl, boy loves girl, boy gets girl, please: skip this book. (At least you won’t be adding to the undeserved critiques the book has been receiving.)

Lover Enshrined goes deep: it’s hard, painful, frustrating, heart breaking. It is about Phury coming of age, deciding what’s important in life, changing his perspective and safe ways.

Alienated by his own parents, growing up to believe he was the reason for the misery of people around him, Phury has spent life alone, tortured and with a desperate need to make things right. It’s this kind of reasoning which made him look for his twin for decades. Which made him put everyone else’s well being before his. Which made him deny himself of the pleasures of life. And which strengthened the wizard’s voice in his head and made him a drug addict.

Phury’s love interest Cormia has her own battles. As a Chosen she’s learned to believe she serves only meaning as a part of a whole. That she is not important as a person. And, like Phury, she has a hard time differentiating ‘thinking about your own happiness’ from ‘selfishness’.

Both Phury and Cormia needed to fight their own demons before finding love. This might have made the love story a little less romantic in the traditional way, but it did make it more real.
At first I was thinking Phury got the shaft by getting this kind of romance, but now I think Ward did him a favor. Phury gets a realistic personal and love story and he features in a book which crossed the boundaries from PNR to UF.
A shift (looking back) Ward started in Lover Revealed, which became apparent in Lover Unbound and is now fully blooming in Lover Enshrined. The well layered story involves a lot of characters and viewpoints but in the end it all comes together.

We see a surprisingly gentle side of the Omega, get a deliciously wicked new villain, learn more about Rehvenge and Xhex, get reunited with an old character and acquainted with a new one and we see the younger generation stepping up (JM and his gang).
I absolutely love John Matthew. His inner monologue is often funny and- while it shows his vulnerability in spite of his big bad warrior body- it also depicts his intelligence, strength and resolve.
We also get to know Qhuinn up close and personal and might I say: it was a pleasure. Also: I’ve found my new favorite romantic pairing! Let's just say: I really hope Ward doesn’t chicken out. Again.

*spoiler alert*
At the end of this book we see Phury has stepped up and has managed to change things for the better, both in his personal life as in vampire society. But, eventhough he has shown great strength and mentality, Phury no longer is in the Brotherhood. To me, this only shows how misunderstood and unvalued he still is. I hope this will change because Phury deserves so much more.

Lover Enshrined was a very solid and engaging read. A well deserved 5 stars.
Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,681 reviews1,034 followers
August 22, 2014
**3.75 Too Much Going On stars**

LOVER ENSHRINED had so many different story lines going on that I started to lose interest in the book the further I went in it. Three main stories fought for attention in this book:
♦ Phury & Cormia - frustrating ★★★
♦ Rehv - interested at the beginning but as the book went on I dozed off ★★
♦ JM, Blay and Qhuinn - BEST PART OF THE BOOK ★★★★★

"The Wizard" came up with Top Ten Reasons, Phury, Is a Sh*thead.
Here's "Foxy's" Top 10 Reasons, Phury, Frustrated Me:
1. Spent his time smoking weed
2. Made Cormia feel bad about herself
3. Decided to
4. Druggie
5. Lies
6. Spent his time being a martyr
7. Gives up stuff important to him for his drugs
8. Won't admit his feelings to Cormia
9. Junkie
10. Pining over Bella

Overall this book was my least favorite, so far, in the series. It was a let down for many different reasons. JM, Blay and Qhuinn saved this book for me. Their friendship kept me flipping pages. I'm looking forward Father Mine where I get to see Z as a daddy.


Cheat sheet for the brotherhood :
Wrath: last pure-blood vampire in existence. Dark Lover(#1) The King (#12) {Wrath & Beth}

Rhage: is the strongest and most beautiful of the Brothers. Nicknamed "Hollywood." Lover Eternal (#2) {Rhage & Mary}

Zsadist: has a twin, Phury. Described as "ruined, not broken." Lover Awakened (#3) {Zsadist & Bella}

Butch/Dhestroyer: is the only human male ever to be allowed within the Brotherhood. Nickname "Cop." Lover Revealed (#4) {Butch & Marissa}

Vishous: is the smartest Brother, and the one who is specially gifted/cursed. Lover Unbound (#5) {Vishous & Jane}

Phury: Zsadist's twin brother and loyal to his brother. Lover Enshrined (#6) {Phury & Cormia}

Rehvenge: brother-in-law to Zsadist. He's half symphath and owner of a night club. Lover Avenged (#7)

John Matthew/Tehrror: is Lover Mine (#8)

Dr. Manuel "Manny" Manello: is Chief of Surgery at St. Francis Hospital. Lover Unleashed (#9)

Tohrment: Lover Reborn (#10)

Qhuinn: has mismatched eyes. Lover at Last (#11)

Blaylock/"Blay": Lover at Last (#11)

Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #1) by J.R. Ward Lover Eternal (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #2) by J.R. Ward Lover Awakened (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #3) by J.R. Ward Lover Revealed (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #4) by J.R. Ward Lover Unbound (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #5) by J.R. Ward Lover Enshrined (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #6) by J.R. Ward Lover Avenged (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #7) by J.R. Ward Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #8) by J.R. Ward Lover Unleashed (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #9) by J.R. Ward Lover Reborn (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #10) by J.R. Ward Lover at Last (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #11) by J.R. Ward The King (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #12) by J.R. Ward The Shadows (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #13) by J.R. Ward
To find out when The Shadows will be released and if there will be more books in the series click here.

Father Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #6.5) by J.R. Ward
60 reviews7 followers
September 29, 2009
yikes. I can't tell you how much I hated this book. Well ok I can and will. Well first off was there a contest to see how many subplots she could fit into this book? The cast of hundreds bored me, i cared about none of them. So many plot holes, The omega now can have children? Well I guess as the author she thinks oh well my readers are so stupid they will not remember I put that in a previous book, the omega can not create life. Well I did,and many others. This book was a mess from start to finish and I did finally finish this after 3 weeks yes I said 3 weeks I usually finish her books in 1 to 2 days. Well that was the first 4 books her last 2 have fallen off the rails. I thought lover unbound was bad but this one was worse. I mean this was no romance. And yes I know the spine of the book says novel, but the cover is a romance and the back of the book says paranormal romance saga. And the back of the book is all about phury and cormia but excuse me they take up what 100 pages of a 500 hundred page book! oh and it was put in the romance section of every book store and discount store. This book has about 6 short stories in it and they do not even have a middle and an end just the beginning of them. Nothing was resolved Nothing. I felt like I was in an episode of lost. I have a feeling she will dole out little bits and pieces over the next 10 books. All her next books will be transitional books. She introduced a new character Lassiter who doesn't interest me in the least. oh I'm sorry also Rev's blackmailer, the princess. big yawn, don't care! John is now becoming oh whine is me Phury. Yawn. Hex, gives me the whillies, I hate butch women. You can be a stong woman without looking butch and in her earlier books she was described as butch looking but suddenly she isn't any more. once again she forgets what she had previously written, If you can't remember hire someone to help you keep it straight or better yet just give a few drafts to your fans who will tell you if you forgot a specific plot point. J.R. your world is falling apart in these last 2 books. I am sorry but I wasted my money on lover unbound, I then wasted my time reading lover enshrined(luckily I got this one from the library),both money and time are important to me and you have lost me as a reader. Having checked out what others have said at amazon I think you may have lost half of your romance readers I sure hope for your sake you can pick up enough urban fantasy readers. I doubt you will, romance readers make up 50 percent of all books sold, and you aliennated many. You should have given V and Phury their books, then stated you were going to try something new and made the boys the urban fantasy part, I would have been disappointed but I would have wished you well. I have never seen a books series switch genre in the middle and you did not do yourself any favors. I am sure you thought you could make a few more bucks off us and possibly make us buy your urban fantasy. I for one will never buy a book with your name on it again, J.R ward or Jessica Bird. Shame shame shame on you. and your publishing house. berkley!
Profile Image for Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️.
820 reviews848 followers
September 9, 2013
4 "Red Smoke" Stars

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Where to begin....... I think this book reminds me of childbirth. All during labor you are cranky, not happy, feeling discombobulated and then you give birth and they place that baby in your arms and you forget how you felt before and all you feel is happiness!! The ending was so beautiful in my eyes that I forgot that this book did not wow me as much as I wanted it too.

While this book was about Phury and Cormia, there was more BDB and Lessers stuff going on. I almost felt like I needed a chart to keep all the comings and goings straight. I did love getting more on the 3 amigos- John Matthews, Qhuinn, and Blay (as my lovely friend Christy calls them-which is a perfect name for them Christy), the Omega's surprise, Bella's pregnancy, more of Rehv's life as a symphath, the life of the Chosen, Phury and Z's relationship as twins, Lassiter the fallen angel and , Cormia and her discovering of who she is, and finally the heartbreak of Phury's drug addiction and how it caused him to spiral out of control. Do you see what I mean about needing a chart!!! And in all of this was the love story of Cormia and Phury. Their story took awhile to develop with Phury's drug addiction but in the end, I was happy and the very, very end brought tears to my eyes....it was perfect, healing and very sentimental!!

I am a lover of all BDB and while this book didn't get 5 stars from me, it still delivered because I became more entrenched in the BDB world and it gave me a wanting of reading the next book and knowing all that I can where the BDB is concerned.

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BR with Barb, Jxxx & Pam
Profile Image for Exina.
1,252 reviews405 followers
July 31, 2024
I have to admit that for a long time I considered Phury’s book the weakest one of the series. Now, reading it more carefully and intensely, I don’t understand how I could ever think that.
And as I have the right to change my mind, I can say Lover Enshrined is an amazing story.

Phury’s personality and back story are so complex that I could talk about him for hours. His story begins in Lover Awakened, and with all his weaknesses, faults, wrong decisions, mistaken assumptions, drug addiction, and self-deceit tendencies, he is a wonderful man. In Lover Enshrined, Phury reaches the deepest and darkest point in his depression and self-destruction, and goes through hell emotionally. It was a relief to see him finding strength, love, and purpose.

Cormia’s innocence is sweet, understandable, and realistic, unlike Marissa’s unrealistic innocence in Lover Revealed. Cormia is occupied by lots of things other than losing her virginity: her faith, the frustrating traditions of the race, her feelings and possessiveness for Phury, her curiosity for the world in which she has arrived, and its people, discovering herself, her interests, and talents. Even small, ordinary things can make her joyful. She is kind, wise, and determined.

It is fantastic to follow both Phury and Cormia’s emotional journey, and character development not only in this book, but throughout the last three installments. First you meet Phury in Zsadist’s story, Lover Awakened, and he also has a significant role in Vishous’ book, Lover Unbound. Cormia appears first in Vishous’ book, and the insights into her offbeat, nonconformist thoughts are really impressing.

Cormia and Phury are both vampires, furthermore officially mated, so theoretically there can be no obstacle between them. The main problem is the lack of communication. Both of them assume

The attraction between them slowly turns into love, and they are very sweet together. Despite the fact that it is Phury and Cormia’s story,the most sensual moment is the first kiss of Blay and Qhuinn.

The ending is pretty satisfying; I love the new perspectives!

Lover Enshrined is not only a love story, it is also about the two main characters personal development. Furthermore the secondary storylines are not simply ‘side’ stories but really important and significant.  

My favorite quotes.
May 20, 2018
3.75 stars

For me, this installment of the Black Dagger Brotherhood was similar as the one right before it (Lover Unbound), wherein the story outside of the central couple was more interesting to me than the story of the two main characters.

A big bombshell is dropped at the very beginning of the book (and since it's the beginning, I don't think it's a true "spoiler"): The Omega (a wholly evil entity) fathered a son with a vampire civilian in order to infiltrate the Brotherhood as a foot soldier and be able to provide The Lesssening Society (his minions) with inside information on the Brotherhood and as well as the glymera (the aristocracy of the vampire society). The Omega believes that his son will be the key to bringing down the forces working against him. As the reader is aware from the previous novels that there are a handful of characters of age that could potentially be his son (they are all being trained by the Brotherhood to assist in the fight against the lessers), it's a guessing game to determine which it is. For me, it was obvious, but the author may have intentionally made it so - his identity is revealed at the end of this book, so we aren't left waiting for very long.

The central love story in this book involves Phury, who does his best to avoid reality by smoking his body weight in drugs to stay muddled at all times, and Cormia, a member of The Chosen, who does not feel that she quite fits in with the rest of her "sisters" as she has actual opinions and wants to be an individual. Phury, in his signature self-sacrificing nature, has stepped in for V who was the original choice as Primale (the member of the Brotherhood tasked with impregnating the members of The Chosen to produce vampires of exceptional bloodline to repopulate the dwindling numbers of their race). One problem: Phury is a 200+ year old virgin. His reasoning for abstaining for so long was initially because he needed to focus on rescuing his twin who was stolen as a child, so he took a vow of chastity to prove his worth. Even after succeeding in his mission to save his brother from those who enslaved him for 125 (or so) years, he remained celibate almost as a self-punishment. He carries a lot of guilt that his twin was taken but he was not as the reverse could have easily been the case. Yet the more he gives of himself and sacrifices to try to "even the score," the more pain he brings upon himself; thus, his need to escape reality often.

The main female character is Cormia, a member of The Chosen, who was selected to be the first female the Primale mated with. She is also a virgin and has no interest in being the sacrificial lamb on behalf of her sisters (many of whom would literally jump at the chance to serve the Primale), and she is terrified of the thought of mating with one of the giant members of the Brotherhood. Upon meeting Phury, she realizes he isn't as scary as originally thought, and her feelings start to warm towards him, though he still refuses to consummate their relationship almost half a year into the Primale role.

For me, there was very little chemistry between the two characters during the course of the story. Since Phury avoided her at every turn, there was not much relationship-building happening. Towards the end of the book after they were together, the chemistry was more present, but it felt like things went from "I don't want anything to do with you!" to "I need/love you!" with minimal interaction between the two of them, so that aspect wasn't very believable or compelling.

As I mentioned earlier, the broader story of the war between the Brotherhood and the Lessening Society (and even the glymera, to an extent) was the main draw for me of this installment. A lot of things unfolded in the book and set things up for later books nicely. I'm looking forward to finding out how things go for Rhevenge (who has been a bit of an enigma up until now) in the next book in this series.
Profile Image for Bev .
2,077 reviews458 followers
September 29, 2017
I don't know what to say, I mean, I'm speechless.

While I was slogging through reading this, my first thought was I want to know who this impostor is and what he did with Phury because the bloke had a total personality transplant and became a whinging, woe is me, pathetic zero. He was a bloody embarrassment to the vampire race, he really was. 😲

And the problems I had, too many to list them all, kept coming. First problem was the personality transplant. Next problem - I thought this book was about Phury and Cormia, yes? So not long after starting I went back and checked the blurb. Yep, this book is about Phury and Cormia. So, I carried on slogging through all the side crap, hoping I would get to "their" story, but no. All I got was the tiniest peek of Phury and Cormia here and there, they were totally side-lined. That said, it was probably just as well because Phury was a pansy arsed, self absorbed cry baby. What. A. Wet!! I think my feelings on him are more than clear now 😂

I carried on slogging ... uh I mean reading, thinking that maybe Ward forgot whose book she was writing because .... still not much on Phury and Cormia, but that's still a bonus because the above paragraph bears repeating!

Still having problems .... I slogged, and I slogged, I sighed, I winced and I squirmed and got to the point where I didn't WANT to read about Phury any more, and I was kinda grateful there was so much going on that took the story away from P&C. And was there ever a lot going on, so much so I was expecting the kitchen sink to land in the wreck.

Huge problem - Then, he sort of has an epiphany near the end and decides he loves her. Say whutt?? He hadn't even had a half a dozen conversations with her but ... but .... but .... he LOVES her? Yeah, whatever. There's Bob Hope and No Hope of me ever believing that crock! 😞

If it wasn't for the fact I wanted to read the rest of the books in the series I would've ditched this hot mess and called it a day.

I'm going to be SUUUPER generous and call this 2 stars, and those are for Quinn, Blay and John and say thank god this is behind me. Things can only get better from her, surely?
Profile Image for Penny.
405 reviews32 followers
June 10, 2008
Too many storylines, so little cramped space. I think J.R. Ward spent so much time interweaving the various storylines that she let the main love story lapse. This is supposed to be Phury/Corima's story and it ended up becoming a race to see how many characters she could cram into the book. Yes, she moved alot of different plots foward but in the end, she ended up not giving Phury/Corima the storyline that they deserve.

One reason I love her books is because she gets me invested in her characters. She brings them to life. She wants you to get to know them in every way. She used to tell the main love story and yet involve everyone else in a way that still drove the main story forward. But this time she dropped the ball big time! I was so disappointed. She gave Corima so little personality that her pairing with Phury was lifeless and dull. Her decision to kick Phury out of the Brotherhood was just wrong, wrong, wrong and even more wrong!
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