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Remain Nameless

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How did it feel? It felt like he was barely holding it together. She, of all people, should shun him. Or yell at him. Curse him. Spit at him. Take out her wand and blast him off the face of the earth. It was crushing guilt and relief and confusion all at once when he looked at Hermione Granger.
The monotony of Draco’s daily routine had become both a lifeline and a noose. But this new habit of grabbing coffee with Hermione Granger is quickly becoming a reason to get out of bed and is unfortunately forcing him to re-evaluate his inconsequential existence.
Hermione is living her life in fragments, separate pieces scattered about, and she can’t find a way to step back and let the full picture form. Why are morning meetings with Draco Malfoy the only thing that make sense anymore?

Words: 312286

1000 pages, ebook

First published November 24, 2020

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Profile Image for Ali.
360 reviews30 followers
April 11, 2023
I’m in my Dramione era and I never want to leave. This one was chicken soup for the soul after Manacled. I loved every bit. It’s lighthearted and fluffy and all the good feels!!
Profile Image for Angie Cox.
452 reviews4,249 followers
June 7, 2023
5 ⭐ Perfection. One of the best stories I’ve ever read! A beautiful, meaningful Dramione fanfiction

"So you were enemies at school, what changed?" inquired Sasha.

War. Torture. Death. Destruction. Addiction. Redemption. Friendship. Love.

Draco turned to Hermione in a panic, but she only smiled up at him, the cold dread that had treated to seep into his soul burned away by the warmth in her eyes. She was a living, breathing Patronus, chasing away the darkness that wanted to consume him.

"We did," she said simply.

This is a story about healing, living life, and love. There's no evil villain or shocking plot twists. It's about two broken people who fight for their own happiness. It's beautiful, charming, real, and raw. And in my opinion, it's way more satisfying than the canon epilogue in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I loved every moment reading this!


Nine years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco is merely existing. He wakes up, gets coffee, goes to work, and heads home for dinner. The monotony of Draco's daily routine kept him from falling apart but has now become stifling. All of that changes when one day, he sees Hermione Granger at his favorite Muggle coffee shop.

Seeing her after all these years fills him with so many different emotions: guilt, relief, confusion, excitement, grief. While Draco may not be the same prick he was when they last saw one another, he's still convinced she has every right to ignore him, scoff at him, or curse him. So why does she keep smiling at him? Why is she kind? Doesn't she remember every awful, horrible thing he's done like the rest of the world? She should hate him, but she continues to stop at his table to chat before heading to work day after day.

Hermione has a job at the ministry, lives alone in a nice flat, and frequently visits with her friends and family, but why does she feel lost? While everyone has moved forward and cultivated fulfilling lives for themselves, Hermione is still broken and trying to put the pieces back together. Hermione could never guess that a chance encounter with an old bully would be the key to finding happiness.

My Thoughts:

Remain Nameless completely healed me after the wonderful emotionally traumatizing experience that is Manacled by SenLinYu. I was a total wreck and thought it would take weeks to fully recover, but this beautiful story filled my heart with so much love, hope, and happiness. I am completely and utterly obsessed, so much so, that I have bound it into a hard copy and tabbed the entire book. I love love love love love love love this story, and here's why:

The timeline. The fact this story starts nine years after the Battle at Hogwarts is brilliant! Draco and Hermione are adults and have done their best to cope after experiencing such traumatic events. Draco has consistently gone to therapy and keeps to a strict routine while Hermione finds support with her friends and by burying herself in work at the Ministry. These methods have been helpful and kept Draco and Hermione from falling apart, but neither feels as if they are truly living. Until one day, these two broken individuals recognize themselves in each other and begin an unlikely friendship that leads to healing and love.

The character portrayals fit with the canon Harry Potter story. For example, Draco is still proper and snarky at times, and Hermione is a bookworm and overachiever. While they retain many of their original personalities and traits, they've also grown up and evolved into better versions of themselves.

The story's pacing. Remain Nameless spans over the course of 3.5 years. Some may find it to be too slow, but I thought it was perfect. By moving the story along at a slow pace, the author was able to depict Draco and Hermione's love story accurately. We see them go from hesitant acquaintances to friends to lovers to life partners through a natural progression, which of course takes time. It's a beautiful journey, and I'm glad we get to witness every moment.

The writing is incredible! From the descriptions to the dialogue, the writing is some of the best I've ever encountered. The fact this is fanfiction is insane. Like, how am I reading this book for free???? I specifically enjoyed that Draco's inner and outer dialogue is written sequentially. This allowed the reader to see inside the mind of someone who has a negative self-image. When Draco speaks to Hermione, we often witness an internalized war that rages inside him as he struggles to be vulnerable and trusting. It's sad reading some of the self-deprecating and hateful things Draco thinks about himself, but I thought it made Draco more relatable and human.

Draco's mental health/healing journey. The book is mostly in Draco's POV, and it starts with him in a dark place. After years of self-loathing, fighting against pure-blood ideologies, waking up to nightmares, and struggling with addiction, Draco wonders what is the point of living. Things start to get better after Chapter 1 as he spends time with Hermione at the coffee shop, but Draco's journey to healing is a slow process that takes place throughout the entirety of the book. By befriending the one person he feels should hate him most, Draco learns the power of forgiveness, how to be vulnerable, and that it's okay to trust others. Hermione helps Draco see that he is worthy of living a fulfilling life and that he is a good man, regardless of past mistakes. It's such a beautiful message. (Yes, I know I keep using the word beautiful, but I genuinely don't know how else to describe this story.)

The natural progression of Draco and Hermione's relationship. I LOVE the slow pace because it is realistic!!! Draco and Hermione start as acquaintances and move towards friendship and beyond in a reasonable timeframe. Like I mentioned earlier, this story takes place for the course of 3.5 years, and during that time we see their relationship blossom.

The flirting and sex scenes are fantastic! First off, the sexual tension at the beginning of the story is *chef's kiss*. So well done! Then, when Draco and Hermione finally cross the line from friends to lovers, the sexual chemistry is explosive! The scenes are so freaking hot yet tender and endearing at the same time. Everyone should be loved the way Draco loves on Hermione. Facts!

Draco and Hermione's relationship is healthy. Their relationship is wholesome and pure. I've read so many Dramione fanfictions that are toxic AF and so unrealistic, but this is the best-developed and most realistic Dramione relationship I've ever read about. They start with friendship and trust, dive deep into lust and appreciation, and then end with love and adoration. It's lovely to see how Draco and Hermione try to maneuver the relationship as a team. Even though they sometimes fail, they work through it together, which only makes them stronger. Their relationship is goals. Plain and simple.

Draco and Hermione intentionally and unintentionally help each other heal. The way they do this is by letting each other know they are worthy. Hermione helps Draco realize he is worthy to live, be happy, and be loved. Draco helps Hermione realize she is worthy of a fulfilling life and capable of making the world a better place. Together, they help one another become the best versions of themselves; and that is what anyone should seek in a life partner.

The realistic conversations between Draco and Hermione. It takes time for them to be fully comfortable talking about uncomfortable topics like their past with one another, exes, sexual partners, love languages, and setting boundaries, but over time they get there. These conversations were well-written and done so in such a refreshing way. I feel like I actually learned a thing or two about communicating with a partner.

The comedy in this story is subtle yet charming. There are so many rom-com type situations Draco and Hermione find themselves in where you can't help but laugh either with or at the characters. From Draco's drunken ordeal with the flowers to Harry and Ginny using the invisibility cloak to spy on their friends, countless scenes will make you laugh out loud. I also need to say that I thought Ginny was a riot!!! I love her vulgarity, her confidence, and how she teases everyone (especially the boys). Plus, her relationship with Draco is too funny! When she fake swoons over him while dancing at the gala to embarrass him, I died. She's like the annoying yet endearing little sister Draco never had.

There's so much more I could say about this amazing story, but this review would turn into a full-blown research paper if I keep going.

Overall, this is my favorite Dramione fanfic next to Manacled. Reading this book is like drinking a warm cup of tea while snuggled up on the couch or laying down in a field of flowers while watching the clouds pass by on a sunny day. As you read this story, you'll feel your heart bursting with love.

Scroll to the bottom for some of my favorite quotes!

My Current Dramione Fanfic Rankings

⭐ = Must-Reads
🌶️ = Best Smut

Novels (150,000+ words):

1. Manacled - SenLinYu ⭐
2. Remain Nameless - HeyJude19 ⭐🌶️
3. Cruel and Beautiful World - Lena Phoria
4. The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy - Speechwriter ⭐
5. Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love - thisisselfcare ⭐
6. Various Storms and Saints - ViridianAtNight
7. Isolation - Bex-Chan ⭐
8. Bring Him To His Knees - Musyc 🌶️
9. The Auction - LovesBitca8 ⭐
10. All You Want - SenLinYu 🌶️
11. Breath Mints / Battle Scars - Onyx_and_Elm 🌶️
12. The Right Thing To Do - LovesBitca8
13. Beginning and End - MightBeWriting
14. The Gloriana Set - ThebeMoon
15. Love In A Time Of The Zombie Apocalypse - RizzleWrites
16. All The Wrong Things - LovesBitca8
17. Hunted - Bex-Chan
18. The Fallout - EveryThursday (DNF)

Novellas (less than 150,000 words):

1. Hot For Teacher - MotherOfBulls ⭐🌶️
2. Apple Pies and Other Amends - ToEatAPeach ⭐
3. Thirteenth Night - Nelpher ⭐
4. Sex Ed - MrBenzedrine89 🌶️
5. Still Life - monsterleadmehome
6. A Second Look - RiverWriter
7. The Best Of Me - MrsRen
8. Silencio - AkashaTheKitty
9. Wait and Hope - MightBeWriting
10. Between Certifiable and Bliss - HeyJude19
11.Atonement - Lunamionny
12. Incomplete - Niffizzle
13. Love and Other Misfortunes - SenLinYu
14. An Indefinite Amount of Forever - MotherOfBulls (sequel)
15. Making Amends - slytherin_prince27

Short Stories (less than 50,000 words):

1. Movements, Contrived and Improvised - HeyJude19 ⭐
2. Best Shot - AccioMjolnir ⭐
3. The Library of Alexandria - SenLinYu ⭐
4. The First Rule of Fight Club… - LadyKenz347
5. Until The Ink Runs Dry & Indelible Ink - AccioMjolnir
6. Break For Me - Ada_P_Rix 🌶️
7. Call It What You Want - HawthorneWhisperer
8. Under The Wings of The Shadow - AccioMjolnir
9. The Watergaw - smokybaltic
10. Amends - thelashjedi
11. Write For Me - Ada_P_Rix
12. Ties That Bind - TattoosAndHighHeeledShoes
12. Amateur Cartography - worksofstone

One Shots (less than 15,000 words):

1. Your Lonely Calls To Me - SenLinYu ⭐
2. The Unbearable Tedium of Romance - smokybaltic
3. For Her - dirtymudblood
4. Because You’ll Like it - BedtimeFantasies 🌶️
5. Stupid Games - SenLinYu 🌶️
6. A Patient Man - LadyKenz347
7. Between Pages - DarkoftheMoon
8. An Unlikely Companion & An Unlikely Family - happy_valley
9. Potions, Perfume, and Apples - ellywolf111
10. Les Pelerins - PacificRumbaud
11. Like A Dagger To The Heart - hxllowsandhorcruxes
12. Fantasy - krissyxkat 🌶️
13. Head over Dragonhide Thigh High Heels - rubykrishna
14. Coming Down - nikitajobson and raven_maiden

Favorite quotes:

" 'Feelings are never pathetic, Hermione,' Luna piped up softly. 'It's all right to care about someone unexpected. In fact, I think it's quite beautiful.' "


"Hermione grinned wickedly to herself and thanked several deities that Molly and Arthur Weasley had continued reproducing until they reached Ginny."


" 'Everything you've accomplished, all your achievements . . .well, they're bloody brilliant and I just thought that . . . someone in your life should remind you.' Someone should tell you every damn day, Granger."


"To be in love meant to be a slave to an ideal, surrendering one's rational mind to an alluring concept that could potentially border on obsession. Draco had long given up sycophantic devotions to ideals of any kind.

To love meant a choice. One he'd not made before Hermione. She ought to know that for Draco, loving her was a conscious decision, deliberately made.

Not in love. He loved. He loved her."


"Over a year and a half ago, the name 'Draco Malfoy' would have conjured memories of a snarling pale face hurling the word 'Mudblood' in her direction.

Now, however, the name 'Draco Malfoy' conjured memories of his lips trailing soft kisses down her body, of his face between her thighs, of spirited debates over morning coffee, of good-natured testing about Muggle music, of the way he passionately breathed her given name, of his gray eyes burning with need and unspoken declarations, of his fingers playing with hers, of him holding her when he let his guard down, of him admitting weaknesses and faults, of him asking her to forgive him . . ."


"The experience of falling never stopped and she knew it never would."


"He was to become a servant for the Dark . . . She was to become a warrior for the Light."

Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,136 reviews3,076 followers
August 5, 2024
✅ Cute romance (and smut!)
✅ Friendships
✅ Timeline
✅ Characters
✅ Healing journey of Draco
✅ Pace (some length though)
❗️❗️ Trigger warnings: brief mention of suicidal thoughts and past abuse

4.5 stars

This one was very cute and heartwarming.

How did he look?” Ginny’s question broke through her reminiscence. Lonely. Thin. Tired. Broken, but trying. Exactly like me

Nine years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco still struggles with his life and feelings. He gets up, goes to work, and comes back home. His routine is the only thing that keeps him sane, but at the same time, it's becoming unbearable for him to just exist without any purpose. Hermione has a steady and fulfilling job at the ministry and sees her family and friends weekly, but somehow she still feels lost. She feels that she is still trying to put the pieces of her life back together, while everyone else moved on. Everything changes for both of them when Draco sees Hermione enter his favorite Muggle coffee shop one morning.

There is no complex plot and twists, or villains to defeat in this Fanfiction. Remain Nameless is about two survivors of the war trying their best to heal and thrive. Draco desperately needs something meaningful in his life to give him the motivation to push through and go on with his life, while Hermione has a great career, but feels as if she's not on the same page as her friends because she is not married and doesn't have kids, and she feels as if no one really understands her. This fiction makes a much better epilogue than the one we had in the last Harry Potter book.

I like the fact that this story happens 9 years after the war. Draco and Hermione are adults, and they both had the time to mature and change for the better. It also forces them to take the time to rediscover each other because they both changed so much since they last saw each other. It was refreshing to have a fanfiction focused on happiness and healing, without the darkness and trauma that come right after the end of the war. That being said, I still adore the darker Dramione fanfictions, but I think I was ready for something lighter and fluffier.

The pace is good enough, with funny and cute moments, but I admit that some parts were getting a little bit long or repetitive after a while, but I still enjoyed it very much and read it all in 2 days even though it's over 1000 pages.

“You would carry around monogrammed handkerchiefs,” she chuckled and finally managed to remove the ink. Draco rolled his eyes good-naturedly.
“Well of course, Granger, I’m a gentleman.”
Hermione snorted. “More like trust-fund brat.”
“Careful, peasant, or I shan’t ever lend you my coveted kerchief ever again.”
Hermione laughed and held it back out to him. “Here, unless you want me to wash it first?”
Draco waved a hand imperiously. “Trust-fund brat, remember? I could have several sails made from my stockpile. Keep it as a reminder of my chivalry.”

“You should have let me pay,” he frowned, annoyed that she wasn’t letting him display any sort of chivalry. She waved his statement away.
“No, you got the tickets tonight and you paid for the ballet. Besides, I need to keep building my credit in the Muggle world. You rob Gringotts one time and they constantly treat you like a criminal every time you need to visit your vault…”
Draco laughed at the image of Hermione being harassed by a group of security goblins. “Come on then thief, we don’t want you accused of purloining the silverware tonight.”

Seeing Hermione after all those years fills Draco with guilt, and he feels like he does not deserve her forgiveness, and he is not worthy of her. He obviously enjoys his time with her but is always waiting for the other shoe to drop, for her to get fed up with him and abandon him. He cannot understand why she's kind and smiles at him, after all the horrible things he said to her, and after his part as a Death Eater in the war. Hermione is, as always, very driven and determined, and she feels whole and complete whenever she's with Draco. He truly listens to her and is not afraid to give his blunt opinion or challenge her. They have their morning routine: during the week, they meet every morning for a cup of coffee in the muggle coffee shop, and they take this time to chat, talk about their jobs and their life, just breathe, and enjoy each other's company without the judgment of the rest of the magical community.

I loved the banter between Hermione and Draco. Their romance is a slow-burn, and it is a healthy relationship, which is a nice change from Breath Mints / Battle Scars and the other Dramione fiction I've read lately. They get to know each other again, years after they last saw each other, and they become friends long before they get into anything romantic. There is no rush between them, and they take their time to just sit and talk and appreciate their routine together. This story happens over 3.5 years, so we can see how their relationship develops and evolves. I have to say though that I was very eager for things to finally progress between them because it took a while for them to finally take that leap of faith, and I wanted to see where all that sexual tension would lead them.

Hermione slumped against the wall of the pantry cupboard and put her hands over her face. “Am I constantly giving off vibes that I am a pathetic and lonely spinster?”
“No more than I’m giving off the vibe of pathetic and lonely bachelor without a woman to take care of him,” Charlie responded wryly.
Hermione snuck a peek at him through her hands and let out a laugh. “I suppose I should break the news once again to your mother that despite this lovely time together in the pantry, we did not emerge engaged.”
Your mother just tried to trap me in a cupboard with Charlie. She also saw me hug him and I’m pretty sure is now setting a date for our wedding,” Hermione wryly reported to Ginny, who grimaced. Hermione grinned wickedly to herself and thanked several deities that Molly and Arthur Weasley had continued reproducing until they reached Ginny.

Seeing how the Weasley adopted Hermione, and how she considered them to be her family just as much as her muggle parents was so cute. They all love each other so much, and they would all be willing to do anything to protect each other. Their family is now extended with the husbands, wives, and kids, and they just all seem so happy in this chaotic environment full of love and laughter. Seeing how Molly kept hoping that Hermione and Charlie would end up together because they were both single was also cute and funny.

Ginny and Hermione's strong friendship was the best. Ginny was so supportive of Hermione and always willing to run interference when needed. She was also there to control Harry and Ron whenever things got out of hand and was always willing to hex anyone mean to Hermione or Draco.

“You just missed Harry,” Hermione said from her spot on the couch.
“You say that like I wanted to see his face.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “Mmhmm. You can snark all you like, but I know you two are close to friendly these days.”
Draco scowled. “I think my ‘Potter Stinks’ badges need to come out of storage.”

Draco's snarkiness whenever it comes to Harry and the Weasleys never failed to make me smile or laugh. Draco and Harry being forced to spend time together once Draco and Hermione started dating, and slowly warming up to each other was so wholesome! I ADORE how Harry was so empathetic and forgiving, and how Ginny and he tried their best to integrate Draco into their group. It was also quite funny to see how Draco would keep on saying that he didn't want to spend time with them, or would be snarky when things became a little too friendly, but we could see how he kinda like his time with them despite what he was saying. His new nicknames for Harry made me smile every time, and I am really happy that Draco finally got to experience what real friendship and loyalty feel like because he had no one besides Theo for so many years.

“Potter, take your wife off my hands and for Salazar’s sake, learn to dance a proper waltz yourself,” he hissed and quite literally handed Ginny to Harry.
“Oh thank you for indulging me Sir Malfoy, I’m all of a flutter,” she gasped dramatically and sighed, pressing her hand to her forehead. Harry only encouraged her by snickering and Draco suspected the Boy Who Lived was well on his way to being the Man Who Tossed His Dinner into the Hogwarts Shrubbery After One Too Many Whiskys.

Poor Draco was also forced to spend time with the Weasleys and all their extended family and friends (because we all know how Molly and Arthur love to "adopt" every friend of their kids). Ginny and Draco developed a nice bond, and even Draco says that he kinda likes her... compared to the rest of the Weasley.

This is a funny and heartwarming Fanfiction that I highly recommend to any Dramione fan looking for something lighter and full of cute moments and banter.

"So you were enemies at school, what changed?" inquired Sasha.
War. Torture. Death. Destruction. Addiction. Redemption. Friendship. Love.
Draco turned to Hermione in a panic, but she only smiled up at him, the cold dread that had seemed to seep into his soul burned away by the warmth in her eyes. She was a living, breathing Patronus, chasing away the darkness that wanted to consume him.
"We did," she said simply.

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Profile Image for Miks.
60 reviews2 followers
July 13, 2023
DNF’d 50% through. I don’t know why some fics have to be so unnecessarily long? This started off great and I’ll admit that it is well written but it just stared to lose me around the 40% mark. When I got to 50% I thought I’d persevere considering I’d already read 27 chapters and didn’t think there’d be many more till the end - wrong!! Still 15 looong chapters between be and finishing this damn thing. Definitely not for me.

(Actually read in 2023 not 2019, however I didn’t want to count it towards my reading goal for this year, even though the first 50% was basically the length of a normal sized book)
Profile Image for Oz✿ (semi hiatus- dying at work).
108 reviews133 followers
January 16, 2024
these fan fictions should be made into movies 🔥

I actually loved this fanfic so much, I'm a HUGE Harry Potter fan so this was just heaven to read!! 😍

I loveddddd the enemies to lovers trope between these 2, they will forever be my favourite 😍

Thank you sooo much to the girls who actually helped me navigate and download this fanfic from AO3, I've gone on to download like 10 more Dramione Fanfics that I'm so keen to start 😍

I'm so grateful to this community, I love how helpful and wonderful everyone is towards each other its such a beautiful social media platform because all the users are so incredibly compassionate and kind and empowering towards each other 🤗🥰️ truly love you guys 🤗🥰️

This story was so damn beautiful, Draco you have always had my whole heart, even more so after these fanfics im about to read about you! 😍🥰️
Profile Image for Irene.
30 reviews2 followers
May 23, 2023
Ok, this fanfic was well written and I read it through to the end, since it was a good palette cleanser after reading the heavy and dark fanfic 'manacled‘. Boy, but did all the mundane triviality annoy me! Everything about this book was desperately trying to be forward thinking, but I was unfortunately left with many contradictory messages. Wanting to break out of stereotypical pureblood ideology, while at the same time lusting after Dracos almost ‚royal‘ status and feeling inferior. Everybody was solely focused on somebody‘s impending nuptials, which of course had to be proposed by the male, as well as making the first move or saying ‚I love you‘ first, always beying busied with preparing meals for the males, while them drinking harder liquor, black coffee or smoking cigars to fulfil their 'strong‘ male persona. There were so many typical stereotypes, it was dripping of the pages. On the other hand, H. was supposed to be the forward thinking, equal rights, feminist… Unfortunately, it's not enough to only state that you strive to live these ideologies , but also have (try) to live and breathe them, to be considered authentic and believable. 

If I could guess, this was written by an American author, which just doesn't fit original prose at all… The characters, language and overall day to day life were waaaay too americanized and only the names seemed to be in line with the original. Nothing of this reminded me of what the original was like and was too cliché for my taste...
Profile Image for Kimberly.
33 reviews
March 23, 2024
DNF 65% (after the fairy forest incident). I just could not get invested in them. It was cute at first, but he's just too weak for me. He doesn't seem like a grown man. To be fair I'm not a fan of the man's pov in stories. I prefer to experience everything from the woman's perspective. I like the mystery of the man. I'm just going to read Manacled again, in order this time. I guess stoic, tortured Draco is the only Draco for me.
Profile Image for Kiran Cryer.
106 reviews1 follower
May 7, 2023
I almost had to DNF this fic. The fic girlies love this one and I simply cannot relate at all. If I wanted to listen to someone bitch for 50 something chapters I’d read my own goddamn diary. At first I was captivated but after chapter 20 I was like this simply needs to end. There is no conflict or climax to this. Bad.
Profile Image for lookmairead.
650 reviews
December 1, 2023
Another home run in the #dramione multiverse.

TBH this was a therapeutic read after #manacled that my heart needed.

5 stars. #heyjude19 passion for the HP universe is obvious and I inhaled the 1,000+ pages like a blueberry scone.

This fanfic has been the biggest surprise in my TBR this year. Are they all this fantastic? Only one way to find out. 👀🤗
Profile Image for moretomary.
100 reviews8,571 followers
April 30, 2024
I whole heartedly believe this could have been a shorter fic and the impact of the story would have still been the same.
Profile Image for Lyla.
94 reviews24 followers
Want to read
May 1, 2024
don’t mind me
Profile Image for Janice Perosa.
7 reviews
April 3, 2023
This story healed my heart for Dramione after the devastation I felt when I finished Manacled.
Profile Image for elly.
275 reviews223 followers
March 8, 2024
i don’t give 5 stars lightly, especially not on fanfics, so you know this one MEANT A LOOOOT. i’m utterly obsessed about everything in this fic and i procrastinated finishing this for a good week cause i loved it so much????? ILY CANON COMPLIANT COFFEE SHOP AU
Profile Image for Alissa.
478 reviews36 followers
December 14, 2023
Sigh. If you’d asked me last year whether reading fanfiction at all, let alone fanfiction about one specific couple falling in love in different ways, would one day make up a significant portion of my reading choices, i’d probably have scoffed. Nevertheless, i cannot get enough of these two and im yet to read a version i havent enjoyed. I dont know what it is about this combo that really works for me - i read and enjoyed Harry Potter like the rest of us but i wouldnt say im a Potterhead - i havent even re-read the OG books as an adult but i cant say i want to now because honestly the complex topics some of these fanfictions unpack is so much more delicious than anything that was achieved in canon (I’m looking at you Let the Dark In for that intricate dark magic system/blood status politics👌).

But i digress, i dont think Remain Nameless is on the par of Let the Dark In but it did give me a Draco riddled with guilt and shame and struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts and having therapy sessions! God i loved his therapy sessions. I really felt for this version of Draco, who was traumatised and crippled when it came to understanding and expressing his emotions in a healthy way and all of that just felt so realistic to me and i loved that he was engaging in learning how to get beyond it but still making mistakes along the way. I enjoyed Isolation because i saw Draco’s journey of realising he was wrong and prejudiced and i enjoyed this because of Draco’s journey to forgive himself or at least accept that he was that person and didnt have to be anymore.

I always really love when Hermione and Draco get together and we see the reactions of others to that unlikely pairing and this ff gave me that in spades! I enjoyed that this also gave us a bit of a journey in terms of Harry, Ron and both of their parents learning about and accepting this relationship, rather than just the one conversation that sometimes happens in fics. It was great to see the Slytherins and Griffindors attempting to get along.

Their relationship was adorable. It was emphasised as a slow burn but i actually didnt find it that slow haha. There were so many special and funny moments for these two. I loved the bit where he kisses her hand and then immediately apparates away cursing himself for being such a lame idiot while Hermione is like wow that was smooth. Also i love Crookshanks and Draco bonding - so far DMATMOOBIL has been the best for that but we saw some bonding here which was nice.

This is going to be weird for me to say but i actually think as much as i enjoyed the spice - there was a bit too much of it at the end. Their relationship stayed spice heavy where i feel like it should have focused more on those connection based activities but having said that i wouldn’t necessarily remove any scene - i think it just felt a little too much like they were horny teenagers fresh in a relationship where i wanted it to feel like mature adults in a committed, long term relationship. If that makes any sense. I think when McGonnagal says ‘you’d think the novelty would have worn off by now’ i was in complete agreement with her 😅
Profile Image for Janet.
271 reviews3 followers
July 9, 2023
♾️ Stars!! This was everything I didn't know I needed in my life. Wow, what a brilliant Dramione fanfic. Who would have thought Dramione Smut 🥵🥵🥵 would make me so happy? I cannot recommend this more.
Profile Image for Hannah Stob.
168 reviews147 followers
September 22, 2024
2024 re-read: infinity stars ♾️

This fic is quite literally the best follow up to the Harry Potter series! This is everything I wanted to happen with these characters and it is done so well.

It’s spicy and that’s still my one qualm but 10/10 will read again and again.

4.5 ⭐️

I love, love, love revisiting the world of Harry Potter through fanfic and this one delivered!

I loved the slow burn (wasn’t too long of a burn though) and the friendship Hermione and Draco developed. My favorite thing though was the involvement with the other characters from Harry Potter. I loved the little bits from their lives and the relationships that were formed between all of them!

The only reason this book didn’t get 5 stars was for the spice 😂 I am a fan of spice and am fine with it but the continued scenes throughout the book were not necessary in my opinion.

Would still 100% recommend if you’re looking for a Draco/Hermione fanfic! 🥰🥳
Profile Image for Maria Carolina.
43 reviews1 follower
November 20, 2023
The story is pretty well written but unfortunately there is no plot. Just dramione in a caffe...
I mean, in the first chapters it was interesting seeing both characters POV and their relationship evolve but when they finally get together we still have like 25 more chapters?? It was too long for me.

But if you want spicy scenes this fanfic is fantastic 'cause Draco was insatiable...
Profile Image for Chelsi.
373 reviews9 followers
January 26, 2024
DNF about halfway through. This was soooo sappy and saccharine. Nothing happened. It had potential, but was just not at all how I view these characters or enjoy seeing them come together. Also, a love declaration that early on, is not a slow burn!! 1.5 ✨
Profile Image for HapJulka.
341 reviews246 followers
July 5, 2024
CUDNE I ROZGRZEWAJĄCE SERCE JAK CIEPŁE SCONES Z JAGODAMI (uwielbiane przez Draco w tym ff) Idealnie się nada na pocieszenie po smutnym i ciężkim fiku.
Profile Image for Abby.
43 reviews
January 19, 2024
So good, heartwarming like a cozy blanket with tea. A lovely refresh after the darkness of Manacled
Profile Image for Laura.
408 reviews
September 10, 2023

Creo que, a la vez que Draco y Hermione (sobre todo Draco) sanaban, algo de mí también lo ha hecho. Creo que está todo super bien construido, desde su relación, a la aceptación del resto de la sociedad (y de los amigos de Hermione), a la relación con Narcissa...de verdad, se me ha hecho blandito el corazón de mil maneras distintas. ❤️
Profile Image for anie.
25 reviews
July 14, 2023
dnf at 76% ( I had to force myself through it because after a while it felt too long) the writing is good but I don’t know I happen to lose interest and I want to give it another chance because it started off so good and I wanted to love it but it just got boring ( that might be controversial to say because I know the girlies LOVE this fic) idk it just feels like the story was stretched on and it ruined it for me. I do plan on giving it it another chance because seriously this Draco has my heart (from the parts I read) but idk the whole book as a cohesive story just felt idk.. dare I say lackluster 🫣. If i do happen to find time to re-read or even just finish where I left off I’ll update this rating but for rn it’s a 2 for me.
Profile Image for Tiff Talks Pages.
91 reviews197 followers
December 30, 2023
An all time favorite fanfic now.
This had all of the markers I’m looking for in a romance. This was a cozy slow burn with found family vibes. I loved the focus on healing. Ughh I could not get enough.
Profile Image for Diana.
50 reviews386 followers
April 28, 2024
Loved this so much 🥹♥️
Profile Image for Babs | babs_reviews.
598 reviews14 followers
March 21, 2024
Idk how to rate this so I’m not. I needed the first half of this to heal from Manacled but could have gone without the second half.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 917 reviews

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