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Every single thing you want is going to require you to be uncomfortable.

Those words had been shared with her by the one man she didn’t think she could take a chance on. She just didn’t know that he was right, or that he was going to be the one making her uncomfortable.

Nash Wilder Christopherson was the world’s golden boy.

For fifteen years, she watched Nash race from the safety of her phone. Every single race, PR event, ESPN interview—she was there for it. He was the one thing that kept her sane while having to live the life her father forced her to.

That was all he’d ever be to her, though. A face on the other side of the screen.

Until he showed up at her apartment complex, carried her sister down hundreds and hundreds of stairs during a fire, and changed her opinion of him.

Nash Christopherson was Mean. With a capital M. And he couldn’t stand her.


He thought he had everything under control. Then he met her.

Nash knew from the moment he saw Zip waiting in her apartment, looking panicked, that she was going to damage him. She was going to pull him in, chew him up, and spit him out.

What he didn’t know was just how much damage he could take.

Nearly a year passed as he tried and failed to stay away.

A full year of her smiles, her playful jabs, her teasing, her eyes on him.

Then he got news that changed his life, and she finally took matters into her own hands, forcing herself into his life and pretty much giving him everything he ever wanted.

Everything was great, until it wasn’t. Life smacked him hard, and when the dust settled, she was gone. The only sign that she was ever there was the cracked and bleeding heart, half beating inside his chest, that yearned to hold her one more time.

262 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 27, 2024

About the author

Lani Lynn Vale

153 books7,036 followers
Lani Lynn Vale is married to the love of her life that she met in high school. She fell in love with him because he was wearing baseball pants. Ten years later they have three perfectly crazy children and a cat named Demon who likes to wake her up at ungodly times in the night. They live in the greatest state in the world, Texas. She writes contemporary and romantic suspense, and has a love for all things romance. You can find Lani in front of her computer writing away in her fictional characters world...that is until her husband and kids demand sustenance in the form of food and drink.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 127 reviews
Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,692 reviews1,383 followers
February 27, 2024
Sweet baby love, this story wrecked me and I'm sitting here kinda rocking in my couch, typing this review, wondering when I'll start feeling normal again.

Zip was a firecracker. She was cranky, sweet and so tenderhearted even when she was mad.
Nash was a sweetie, even when he was doing his best to be cruel and push people away.
Their dynamic was intense, full of feels and I'm a mess here in the end.

I'm being intentionally vague here. There is so much to experience in this book and you really to experience it all for yourself.

Know this: This story will tear your heart out. It will also make you smile and swoon and believe in the love between Nash and Zip, far sooner than they did.
Profile Image for Alex(Books-In-A-Storm).
2,084 reviews53 followers
March 4, 2024
I loved this one. Zip is just amazing, and I love her so much. Her and Nash are just hilarious and I fucking loved them together. I hope there will be a series with Nash's siblings. I can't wait to read the last book when it comes out.
Profile Image for 2OCC Reviews.
3,480 reviews248 followers
February 24, 2024
Oh my heart. This book had me sobbing by the end. Nash and Zip were amazing characters and this story line put them through the ringer. While it wasn’t lighter then the other books subject matter (leading about Zips father and all he was involved with) it was a nice pace to not have the focus of the story on that. This book dealt with heavy subject matter, but also had those moments that had me giggling stupid from what I was reading. I love how unique Zip is. She has to be one of my favorite characters by this author. Nash was so broody but I loved seeing him open up and fall in love. I really hope his siblings get books so we can get more of them. They were great characters. With the last book in the series coming next, I’m excited to see how LLV ends this series, but also heartbroken, knowing that it’s almost over. I know it is a set of books that I will revisit many times in the future.
Profile Image for Bev .
2,077 reviews458 followers
March 2, 2024
3.25 stars.

My least favourite of the series, and I think that's because I just felt an overwhelming sadness at times reading the second half. It was just too much both Nash and his mother having serious health issues. I get it happens, all too often, but it's not what I want to read in a romance.

I actually ended up liking Zip way more than I thought I would, loved her loyalty to Nash and her family. Nash has the IQ of a crayon when he pulls his ridiculous pushing away moves, it was cruel and unnecessary.
Profile Image for Darcy.
13.5k reviews514 followers
March 1, 2024
This one really didn't go where I thought it would and took a serious turn. I loved Zip, she marches to the beat of her own drummer, even among her own family, she is extra special. Her crush on Nash is funny, funny how it causes her to act around him. Nash on the other hand is a bit standoffish and not sure what to think of the weird Zip, other than you can tell he's intrigued.

I think it's funny how they end up in a relationship and how it goes, so very bumpy for them. It didn't surprise me when Zip took a very drastic step to end the stale mate they she and Nash found themselves in. Nor did Zip's actions when she ended up at the house with everyone else. I loved that they all got to spend this time together, even as it broke my heart of the why. The ringing of the bell, followed by what they all realized, so much happy, quickly followed by so much sad.

The ending made me smile, loved seeing these 2 happy a couple years later with their loved ones around them, also happy.
Profile Image for Kari Hansen.
10.7k reviews90 followers
February 28, 2024
Finding out that Nash was Zip’s neighbor was a dream come true even if he was very different from the impression she had of him. She had only known him for his performance on the racetrack but when he needs her to deflect attention at a family gathering, she realizes that there is a lot about him that she doesn’t know.

Nash has been intrigued by Zip for a while but doesn’t want to take it any further especially when he receives some news. The only problem is that she isn’t about to let him distance himself from her even if he believes that it is what is best for her.

Zip is a woman who isn’t afraid to say what she thinks and go after what she wants while Nash just wants to protect her even if it is from himself as they take us on emotion filled journey that includes two intriguing families.
Profile Image for Vashti.
1,194 reviews29 followers
March 4, 2024
LLV sure knows how to ring your guts dry!
Profile Image for Carrie.
3,409 reviews33 followers
December 28, 2023
Zip & Nash's story is emotional & fiercely about love. There's steam and shenanigans, crazy family stuff... but mostly it's a story about how strong love really needs to be sometimes. It's about strength and vulnerability, family bonds, and how sometimes you have to face your loved one's fears for them when they just can't.

Profile Image for Kylee.
2,806 reviews54 followers
February 24, 2024
Killing Booth Was a highly emotional roller coaster. I went from laughing to frustration to crying my eyes out. Nash and Zip have such an intense chemistry but at times the lack of communication causes unnecessary hurt and tension. These two will pull at your heartstrings as they maneuver through the toughest of times. A story that is relatable in so many ways will have you drawn to the characters and storyline with so much ease. Even though it is filled with pain it also shows us that a strong family support goes along way. Zip and Nash will have your emotions spinning out of control and winning your heart by the end.
Profile Image for Becca Stanfield Vernon.
1,728 reviews20 followers
February 27, 2024
This book will take you on an emotional roller coaster ride!! This might be my favorite book of this series!! Absolutely loved these two. Zip and Nash were amazing likable and oh so swoony. Their love/hate banter, plus lusting after each other keeps you entertained. There was a time I wanted to throat punch Nash, but he was forgiven. Be sure to have tissues or beware you may have slight bouts of watery eyes. A seriously amazing story!!
I highly recommend this book. Told in dual POV.
Profile Image for The Romance Book Disciple (Samantha).
2,015 reviews348 followers
March 1, 2024
This book is heavy-lots of tough topics get tackled. But, LLV does great humor and hope, so it isn't all doom and gloom. I've wanted Zip's story for a while and I was really happy with this!
Profile Image for Shelley.
2,621 reviews51 followers
February 20, 2024
Killing Booth❤️

Gosh this book had all the feels….loved Zip and Nash❣️I don’t want to say too much but suffice to say this couple have their up and down moments but also very realistic, which makes one stop to appreciate everything and everyone they have in their lives❤️‍🩹

I can’t wait for the final Circus book, which I’m hoping is Keene, the final sibling to get his HEA. I received an advanced copy and voluntarily leave my honest review😍
Profile Image for Michelle.
717 reviews4 followers
March 1, 2024
Oh Lani, what a roller coaster of a ride you took us on with Nash & Zip’s story!! Have your tissues ready because this story will pull at your heartstrings. This was another great addition to the series and I can’t wait for the next book in the series!
Profile Image for Valeen Robertson (Live Thru Books Blog).
5,515 reviews201 followers
February 27, 2024


Zipporah "Zip" no last name idolized Nash Christopherson. Too bad he didn't reciprocate her feelings. While she was growing up with her horrible father, watching Nash's race career is what got her through it and helped her stay strong through every single disgusting thing her father put her through. Now he's her neighbor and he seems to hate her. She doesn't realize it's not exactly hate he feels for her. But she'll come to realize once she waltzes herself into his life and doesn't leave.

Nash has really tried to avoid Zip for awhile now, just knowing how much she got to him and what she'd do to his life if he ever let her in. Well it looks like he doesn't have a choice, because she's burrowed her way into his heart and shows no signs of ever going away. Unless he pushes her away because he feels like he has to ...

Wow, I so was not expecting this when I read the blurb for Zip and Nash's story. It's heartbreaking in a lot of spots, and Nash's backstory is almost as heartbreaking as Zip's. Thankfully there's a whole lot of delicious chemistry and funny, quirky Zip to balance out the heavy. I think Zip just may be my favorite in this series, and Nash is her perfect complement - broody with a heart of gold. I love this series, it just keeps getting better and now I'm impatiently waiting for Keene's story (The Fool), it's going to be a doozy I think!

ARC provided by the author for an honest review.

Review / Release Blitz: Live Through Books Blog.

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Profile Image for Lea Bookjoy.
1,595 reviews80 followers
February 29, 2024
French & English reviews

Une romance que j'attendais avec plaisir et qui m'a tellement déçue !

Pour tous les aperçus qu'on a eu avec Zip et Nash, j'étais curieuse de voir ce qu'allait donner leur romance (surtout que le résumé était très flou) ... Et je ne sais pas ce qui s'est passé ><

C'est difficile pour moi de chroniquer ce livre parce que le principal problème cest que le livre entier était très flou en terme de structure et d'intrigue !! Arrivée presque à la fin, c'était comme si j'attendais encore que le livre commence !

La romance était très brouillonne et un peu hachée avec beaucoup de moments très difficiles (sans spoilers ce qui est compréhensible vu le contexte) mais aussi de moments où les personnages ne se parlent pas / se font du mal ... Et à la fin on nous dit qu'ils sont amoureux sauf que j'ai eu du mal à comprendre pourquoi et comment vu qu'il n'y a pas grand chose qui se passe entre eux pour qu'ils puissent apprendre à se connaitre / tomber amoureux !

Le rythme du livre / l'intrigue était aussi problématique : le début ça allait mais à partir du moment où Nash apprend "la nouvelle", tout tourne autour de ça et finalement ce qui aurait pu ajouter de la profondeur / du drama au livre (comme la famille de Nash, sa carrière très médiatisée à la NASCAR, le début de drama avec l'ex de Nash ou encore l'ex employée du cirque ...) est réglé en deux lignes. Je comprend le poids de ce qui lui arrive (et j'ai aimé le réalisme de tout ça) mais si je compare avec d'autres tomes comme Mess Me Up ou Hail Mary dans la même veine (mais que j'avais adoré !), ici j'ai eu l'impression de perdre tout le côté émotionnel pour avoir juste un compte-rendu rapide de leur vie ...

Bref, un livre qui fait un peu trop brouillon pour moi et que je ne recommande pas, contrairement au reste de la série qui est de bien meilleure qualité.


A romance that I was looking forward to and which disappointed me so much !

For all the glimpses we had with Zip and Nash, I was curious to see what their romance would turn out to be (especially since the summary was very vague) ... And I don't know what happened ><

It's difficult for me to review this book because the main problem is that the whole book was very vague in terms of structure and plot !! At the end, it was like I was still waiting for the book to start !

The romance was very messy and a little choppy with a lot of very difficult moments (without spoilers which is understandable given the context) but also moments where the characters don't talk to each other / hurt each other ... And at the end we are told that they are in love except that I had difficulty understanding why and how since there is not much that happens between them for them to learn to get to know each other / fall in love !

The pace of the book / the plot was also problematic : the beginning was okay but from the moment Nash learns "the news", everything revolves around that and ultimately what could have added depth / drama to the book (like Nash's family, his highly publicized career at NASCAR, the start of drama with Nash's ex or even the ex circus employee ...) is resolved in two lines. I understand the weight of what is happening to him (and I liked the realism of it all) but if I compare it with other books like Mess Me Up or Hail Mary in the same vein (but which I loved !), here I had the impression of losing all the emotional side to just have a quick account of their life ...

In short, a book which is a little too messy for me and which I do not recommend, unlike the rest of the series which is of much better quality.
February 27, 2024
Zip had loved Nash Wilder Christopherson long before she ever met him. He was the bright spot on a pretty awful childhood that encouraged her to never give up no matter what the odds. Zip idolized him to the point of obsession, but, from the moment she realized he lived in her building and actually met the man, she wasn’t sure she liked him.

Nascar driver Nash Wilder Christopherson had everything under control, living life as the Golden Boy of Nascar. He had everything he ever wanted, until he met Zip. He tried to stay away until he couldn’t. And, when life slapped him much harder than it should have, it was already too late.

I have loved every book and every couple of the Welcome to the Circus Series! Zip is the last sister to find her happy ever after, and I was here for it. While she may be the youngest of her siblings, she is also the glue holding everyone together as well as cheering them on as they all worked to find a life that was more than just the circus. She’s loud and eccentric and oh so stubborn, and I adored that, because it’s exactly what she needed to be with Nash.

Nash may appear aloof and cocky, but so much is an act trying to avoid the tough stuff (nope, not telling what that is) and protect his heart. He knows Zip is the one who could leave him feeling battered. When he finally gives friendship, if you want to call it that, a chance, it’s too late and she has found a permanent spot in his head and heart . . . no matter how hard he tries to remove her.

The drama in this book isn’t a killer clown or some big bad, but it is something awful. And, watching this couple work their way through it gave me all the feels. Zip is one of my new favorites. Her stubbornness and ways of showing her displeasure through insult while also continuing to be supportive in every way were a thing of beauty. And, Nash’s vulnerability when circumstances got out of his control was all too real. I literally had every emotion reading through this book and couldn’t put it down. 5 stars!

Profile Image for Lisa.
1,129 reviews2 followers
March 14, 2024
This latest installment of this series was not what I was expecting but still a great read just like the other books in this series. In this book we get Zip and Nash's story and what an emotional roller coaster of a story it was.

Zip, a member of the Singh family circus has always gone to the beat of her own drum. Being the youngest has always been the peace maker and let her family believe that they had spared her of the evils that her father had committed while they grew up while still taking her fair share from the man. She has had a crush on Nash Christopherson since he started in NASCAR only to have the man be her neighbor who barely tolerated her presence. She finds herself helping Nash in such a traumatic time in his life only to get more than she expected in the end.

Nash, a popular driver on the NASCAR circuit is drawn to his neighbor learns he has cancer and despite not wanted her around finds that he can't be without Zip. He lets her in only to have the bad news continue and he decides to let her go thinking that it's for the best but he lets go more than he thought he did.

This was a highly emotional read that really addressed much of what people with cancer and or their family members go through in such a short book. It was tastefully written and relatable through the characters and their struggles. This book is rather different than the other books in this series but is fits for these characters. The characters were well written and had amazing chemistry when chemistry was a possibility and their story just flowed. Overall this was a great read and a great addition to this series that I would recommend to others.
Profile Image for Storied Conversation.
471 reviews625 followers
February 27, 2024
Nash and Zip were simply everything! Zip is the last girl of the Singh Circus to find love and she found it in the one place she didn’t think she would. Zip is a little awkward but in the best of ways. I love that her sisters know her so well. Like they know she lost her keys and not whatever crazy excuse she gave Nash. The problem is Zip has followed Nash’s NASCAR career from day one. She really likes him but gets so awkward around him that it comes out as hate and anger.

Nash has his own issues with Zip along with some health issues that need to be addressed now rather than sticking his head in the sand like he had been doing. He convinces Zip to be his buffer with his family and that is the beginning of their journey together.

Let me tell you that this book tore me apart. There were some moments, like Nash with his brothers, that had me laughing so hard I cried. However, there were plenty of moments that had me in tears for the deep feelings that were inspired. It will take you on a roller coaster. Just when you feel as though your heart will be shattered for these two Lani Lynn Vale will remind you why they are a couple. The fact that they are stronger together and can weather the storm will make it all worth it.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. This review was originally posted on Storied Conversation
Profile Image for Kodie Mackay.
1,103 reviews66 followers
February 27, 2024
Lani never fails in her stories for me she is just my happy place in books. That's not to say I don't ugly cry. Woman. I tell everyone about Adam. There has been MANY. But Adam... That imprinted on my soul.

Anyway... I'm going in intentionally vague so you get to soak up all that is this emotional rollercoaster. I fancy this entire series has been a long standing WTF is going on in all the best and most heart-breaking ways. Of course why would Zip be any different. I'm scared for the last one. Lord knows what revelations we'll get there.

Zip is quirky and 100% authentically herself and I loved that for her. She's has so much depth is was great to finally get to pull back the layers to get a peak inside of what makes her tick. I was not disappointed.

Nash is a grade a AHOLE at first but there is so much boiling under that surface it gave me whiplash at first. He was a lot but also had so much to give and my heart broke for his circumstances. One I unfortunately find all too relatable right now.

Their journey had all the feels and much like all of Lani's story she did not hold back on the gut-wrenching emotion. But it also had a good dose of sweet, a whole lot of sassy, a pinch of frustration and dollop of delicious tension. I was here for it all. Including the side characters who some of which I definitely would love more from.

Read it, you wont be disappointed.

Now I shall anxiously wait for the last. I have a feeling she may have a surprise in store with that one.
Profile Image for Jody.
2,080 reviews57 followers
March 4, 2024
Throughout last year Ms. Vale's Welcome to the Circus series was a highlight for me! Fueled by a dark and sinister premise, each book divulges more about this painful past and a father who kept devils behind the bright lights and laughter of the circus world. Each book pulls readers in even more deeply into this world, and these larger than life characters, as we get closer to the end of the road.

Zip is the youngest child, and was sheltered from the truth about her father's actions, until she was the last one standing and it suddenly all came down on her. While being a part of the circus is something she loves, there's something...someone...she loves more! Zip has been drawn to NASCAR driver Nash Christopherson since the first time she saw him, and soaks up every bit of info she can find about him. Their initial meeting saw him putting up every wall he possessed, with her pushing him from that moment on, in a combustible pairing that had me rooting her on every step of the way.

Zip is immensely likable with a quirky personality and a strong set of beliefs that she stands firm in. Nash is a stoic and broody man early on, a man with a past that is heartbreaking, so the walls surrounding him are understandable. Zip is just what he needs though, someone to support him completely, and the slow lowering of his emotional walls was richly rewarding to see. With each turn of the page we get closer to the end of this series and I'm left breathless with anticipation for how Ms. Vale will wrap it all up.
February 27, 2024
Having read other books in this series I've been looking forward to more! I've been wanting to read this sixth installment since I found out about it. I picked it up and headed right back into the Welcome to the Circus world! I enjoyed this story so much!

Zip and Nash's journey drew my heart and I in! Nash and his racing was some of things that took Zip's mind off of things in her life. When Zip and Nash's lives collide, it isn't quite easy. Can Zip and Nash find a way to open their hearts and take a chance, together?

Going into Zip and Nash's journey I didn't quite know what all to expect and that pulled me in even more into their story! It's tough for these two from things in their lives to the ways in which they got under each other's skin and I felt so many things with them throughout. There was a lot of realness to both Nash and Zip that got to me. I was glad that I got to dig deeper with them.

The chemistry that Zip and Nash shared was so good! They brought oh so many feels!

I was glad to be back in the Welcome to the Circus world!

With Killing Booth, Lani Lynn Vale has created such a good read filled with depth, steam, and heart that had me feeling so much! I am so looking forward to diving back into this series with the seventh installment, The Fool!

This book touches on certain subjects.

*I volunteered to read and review a copy of this book from Give Me Books Promotions / the author*
Profile Image for lowkeyreader.
5,001 reviews45 followers
March 2, 2024
Killing Booth by Lani Lynn Vale is not just a thrilling mystery; it's also a heartwarming romance between two complex and intriguing characters, Nash Wilder Christopherson and Zip.

Nash, the world's golden boy, is a character who knows how to command attention. He's charming, confident, and successful, but beneath his perfect exterior lies a deep-seated insecurity that drives him to push himself to the limit. Nash is a man who thrives on challenges, and when he sets his mind on something, nothing can stop him.

Zip, on the other hand, is a character who is not easily defined. She's a woman of mystery, with a past that she's not ready to share with the world. Zip is strong, independent, and fiercely protective of her loved ones. She's not afraid to stand up for what she believes in, even if it means going against the norm.

The chemistry between Nash and Zip is palpable, and their banter is both humorous and emotional. Their story is a journey of self-discovery, as they learn to trust each other and face their fears together. The romance in Killing Booth is not just about love; it's about understanding, acceptance, and growth.

Lani Lynn Vale has done an exceptional job of creating two characters who are not only relatable but also unforgettable. Nash and Zip are complex individuals who evolve throughout the story, and their journey is one that will leave you rooting for them until the very end.

In conclusion, Killing Booth is not just a thrilling mystery; it's also a heartwarming romance between two characters who are as different as night and day. Nash and Zip's story is one of love, trust, and understanding, and it's a journey that will stay with you long after you've turned the final page.
February 25, 2024
So happy to finally get Zip & Nash’s story! After getting to know a little bit of their dynamic in the previous books, I had a feeling they would be explosive and LLV did not disappoint! Zip is the youngest of the siblings and while she was sheltered from a lot of what her father did in the past, once all her siblings left the brunt of everything ended up on her. The only difference between her siblings and her is that she actually truly loves the circus and what they do. Part of that is her feelings about Nash – he’s a NASCAR racer who she has followed his entire career thanks to her father and the circus schedule. I love how quirky Zip is, and how she stands firm in her feelings and beliefs, no matter what. She seems to really humble Nash in making a difference in his life when he wants to shut everyone out. My heart broke for Nash and everything his family experienced, but I am happy that these two got the HEA they deserve. I can’t wait for Keane’s story though, as the only boy in the group of siblings, I have a feeling his story will be epic!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
Profile Image for Sharon Moritz-rosenthal.
2,239 reviews26 followers
February 26, 2024
I received a complimentary early release e-book prior to release and am voluntarily leaving a review.

This was a really awesome book. But it wasn't just a love story about a couple as they get to know each other. It's a love story about family as well, and what it means to be a family.

Nash and Zip are neighbors, they also share some friends. He is a NASCAR driver who can't drive because he has some medical issues. He befriends Zip as a way to distract himself and his family. But the jokes on him, because he finds out how awesome she is.

Zip is a HUGE fan of Nash. She is funny and cute and a bit weird. I loved her description of herself, his all-time best stalker. She is this really amazing character, and I absolutely adored her and her adoration for Nash. I loved that as he got to know her, he started to see how terrific she is.

This book is a serious book. But it's about a family ravaged by a very serious illness. I really learned a lot in this book. Things I never knew. The author did an amazing job with this story, the characters and introducing Nash's family. I loved his whole family, and I hope the author does a series on his siblings.
Profile Image for Joelle.
1,680 reviews17 followers
February 27, 2024
We loved this story it was an emotional, heartwrenching, tragic, funny one that made you laugh out loud as well as cry.

After reading this one Zip has become our favorite sister in this ongoing series. Zip was downright hilarious, she was a mouthy chick and bold and a tell-it-like-it-is kind of girl the stuff that comes out of her mouth and her antics are priceless and we found ourselves laughing out loud throughout the story.

The chemistry between this couple is full of fire and passion. For a couple who seemed to hate one another, they burned brightly. As much as we laughed we felt heartbroken and sad as well.

Loved how all off-kilter Zip made Nate. Nate is an all-around nice guy when you get to know the man generous and kind even funny but, it's only a matter of time before he is going to piss his woman off.

This emotional tale was full of surprises, made us laugh as well as cry hurt our hearts as life seemed so unfair but, the ending made it worthwhile we have to say that the ending was perfect for Zip and Nash and we found ourselves bringing tears and grinning once again.
Profile Image for Lisa Petty (Book Bangers Blog).
1,935 reviews19 followers
February 27, 2024

This story is going to rip your heart out. I have loved this entire series and it just kept getting better and better. I had been waiting for Zip's story as she was kind of a mystery of sorts and now you have it. Zip is this eccentric, beautiful, soul, that would do anything for her family. She has been through a lot and tries to come out on the other side. What I love is that racing was brought into this story as I'm a huge fan. When Zip meets Nash the golden boy of racing well they don't exactly get along. These two will butthead, but man it's fun. Nash has this pull towards Zip that he wants to protect her and choke her at the same time. He's the golden boy who's about to get slapped in the face with news no one wants to hear. As these two battle their feelings, they will also be battling outside forces. I love how Nash's family is a part of this book it makes it feel like you are sitting in the room with them. When push comes to shove can Nash allow Zip to be there when he needs it the most? God, I can say so much but you need to read this one for yourself. And if you haven't read the series yet you need TO!!!.
Profile Image for Flavs is Mrs David Gandy♥~♥’.
3,219 reviews2 followers
February 28, 2024
4.50 Stars

I totally enjoyed this one. It started out good and just kept going.

Zip and Nash had this hate-love relationship. But you just knew they were attracted to each other.
Like with the previous stories, this one had me hooked. I loved the banter between these two. I have to say out of all the sisters, Zip is my Favorite. She was this person who gave as good as she got, but you also knew she had a sneaky side to her. And not to mention, the fact that you think she was this hard-ass, but underneath she was a bit ol softy.

Nash oh my freaking hat, he was such a grump. But everything that happened to him, I quickly fell in love with him. He was a race car driver, he had awesome family that was loud and in your business. But they loved each other. He totally was in love with Zip, but he just didn’t want to admit it…

What I loved about this story was the fact that it dealt with some real issues, and the way the characters dealt with everything felt completely real. I totally got hooked into this. When I finished the story, I was like, wait there has to be more 😊

Loved Zip and Nash, think they are my Favorite couple 😊

Read on behalf of
Fay’s Corner
Profile Image for JudyAnnLovesBooks.
1,906 reviews70 followers
February 15, 2024
Where do I begin with this one? First, if you know me, you know I am crazy about Lani’s books. She writes it, I read it. Second, I enjoy reading books that are light and bright and am not a fan of drama or trauma. This was not an easy read.

SPOILER ALERT - Stop reading now if you don’t want to know what happens.

I almost didn’t finish reading Nash and Zip’s story because I don’t handle illness well, especially when it’s cancer. From pretty much the beginning we discover that Nash has cancer and the rest of the book deals with that. It was hard for me. And then his mother is diagnosed. It was really hard for me. But I finished reading it and you know what? I enjoyed it.

SPOILER ALERT - You can start reading again.

Even though this book dealt with some intense issues I found myself drawn to Zip and Nash and the crazy feelings they had for each other. It wasn’t pretty but their love for each other did in fact, conquer all. If you love Lani Lynn Vale’s books than this is definitely a must read romance for you. TBR and Enjoy!
Profile Image for Franci Neill.
2,165 reviews91 followers
March 3, 2024
5 She Can Be His Backbone Stars!!

Talk about two people that are polar opposites and should not, not only be together but literally have nothing in common it’s Zip and Nash. He’s a NASCAR driver aiming to win it all and she works in her family’s circus begrudgingly because it’s expected and their paths cross as they both live in the same apartment building but there’s no love lost between them.

I loved Zip and her quirks and watching her go toe to toe with Nash had me both chuckling and hurting because this man is driven in ways she doesn’t understand and when he’s at a point that he needs help, but refuses to ask for it, this woman that doesn’t know how to help in the ways he needs proves that she’s more than the eye appears.

Nash has a family that is overbearing at best and condescending in all the ways a family shouldn’t be. I give this man credit though, he goes after what he wants doing what’s necessary to keep his family happy at the same time.

We see a complete evolution of both Zip and Nash and their road to love. The vulnerability they experience with each other as they traverse the road that Nash is on had me at times almost tearful for both of them. But the strength we see from both of them is so worth all the pain as they speed their way to an HEA.

This book was more than I could’ve hoped for and by the end I had a huge smile on my face thanks to the magic created by LLV.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 127 reviews

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