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Matti Puletasi finally has the chance to confront those who kidnapped her parents, and she’ll do it with Sarrlevi, the elf assassin she’s come to love, at her side.

But now that they know great and powerful dragons are involved with the organization, they may be in over their heads. Their opponents aren’t just kidnappers. They’re on the verge of enacting a plan they’ve been working on for decades, one that could cut off Earth from the rest of the Cosmic Realms and bring humanity to its knees.

All Matti ever wanted was to find her parents, but it may be up to her to save the world.

358 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 26, 2023

About the author

Lindsay Buroker

189 books5,737 followers
I'm a full-time indie fantasy and science fiction author. When I'm not writing, I'm ferrying my dogs to hiking trails for adventures.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 138 reviews
August 19, 2024
Actual rating: 3.5112335569789 stars.

I'm still suffering from Acute Oblivionitis so all I can say about this one is that it's not as good as previous installments in the series. I do remember that the plot is kind of meh and gave me been-there-read-that feels. Also, that romantic crap 🙄🙄🙄. Oh, and don't tell anyone but I was sort of relieved when I finished the book. This series is fun but it gets a bit repetitive after a while, so I was glad to have finally made it to the end of it. Until I found out that Buroker had decided to write TWO more installments, that is.

An Accursed Completionist is me so I'll continue with the series at some point but I don't have it in me right now. I'm pretty sure I'll get to it before 2095 though. Maybe.

P.S. I'm trying to stop using bold text in my reviews and I feel naked as a newborn shrimp.

· Book 1: Hammered ★★★★
· Book 2: Betrayed ★★★★
· Book 3: Trolled ★★★★
· Book 4: Tested ★★★★
· Book 5: Wrenched ★★★★
5,480 reviews6 followers
July 19, 2023
Entertaining paranormal listening 🎶🔰

Meyleera and Sarrlevi are both searching for their parents in this fantasy world 🌎 adventure thriller novel book six of eight by Lindsay Buroker. I found this novel a little long but the story is excellent. I would highly recommend this series and author as Lindsay Buroker is one of my favorite authors to readers of fantasy world futuristic novels 👍🔰. 2023 👒😀😡😮
Profile Image for TJ.
3,029 reviews207 followers
June 16, 2024

Enjoyed it while reading, but this installment just didn’t grip me like others in the series have. It’s very much like all previous books - the underlying humor is still there and the characters are just as enjoyable. The plot just didn’t keep me turning the pages and aching to come back. That’s weird I know, because we are finally wrapping up the storyline between Matti and her parents. One would think that would be heart-warming and wonderful, but, for me at least, it just didn’t live up to the anticipation. There is one big hug and a few tears, then… eh, on with life.

One huge bright spot, however, Starblade! Half elf, half dragon?!? Man, I want a series on him!!!
Profile Image for Khurram.
2,004 reviews6,674 followers
July 13, 2024

A great book. I am very glad that a number of things have been resolved in this book. If I had one complain about the fights in this book, it is that as Matti has gotten more proficient in magic, she tends to rely on it more than her actual physical fighting skills.

Matti and Sarrlevi are finally starting to make headway on helping their families. If they survive their many enemies of every species, they might even have a chance to spend some time together.

I would have been happy if this was the last book in the series, but I fully trust Lindsay Buroker's vision and am looking forward to she what is next for these heroes. They have more than enough enemies and missions to keep them busy.
564 reviews2 followers
April 28, 2023
Great read. This entire series has been wonderful. The characters were developed nicely. The story line was very interesting. Plenty of action and suspense. Things get wrapped up nicely here. But wait, there’s more. There will be another book so I am excited about that. I think I have read everything that Lindsay has written and have never been disappointed. There’s a reason that she is on my short list of authors that I drop everything for to read her latest book. The entire series is recommended.
Profile Image for Megan.
554 reviews35 followers
June 20, 2023
Finally, the plot with Matti's parents is wrapped up! Buroker sure does take a long time to get to the point, which, when executed with more neatness, can be truly admirable.

Given the action and actual focus on the series plot, this was predictably more enjoyable than previous installments.

I'm wary of the next entry, though--what is the plot going to be if both Sarrlevi and Matti's series quests have finished?

Also, it seems another series in the Dragons universe is incoming. Arwen and Starblade had big main character energy.
718 reviews1 follower
August 7, 2023
Another good book with lots of action, great characters, a little more spice than usual (no complaints though). Although both have regained their mothers there’s more coming in their story. Rushing into the next book
Profile Image for Sharon Hughson.
Author 31 books61 followers
April 27, 2023
Epic battles and reunions

Matti travels to other worlds and fights powerful foes, but at last she finds her parents.
Even better, I’d returned from driving along 101 and the Olympic Peninsula this past weekend, so the setting was vibrant. Made me thankful I didn’t live on the dwarf home world.
Will I be happy to read the next book? For sure, but I would count the series tied up with this one.
1,421 reviews1 follower
August 30, 2023
Rating: minus 3

These reviews are a chore, so a visit to YouTube is required. This is begun courtesy of Violet Orlandi, Sailing Melody, Scholagladiatoria, Ash L G (historical fashion), Shannon Makes, Fandabi Dozi, Ksenia Samoilova, Part Time Hobbit, Hazariel Costumes, Bobbing Along, Eternal Eclipse, Books and Lala, Eckharts Ladder, Verilybitchie, The British Museum, Lady Knight the Brave, Rachel Rudolph, Lucy Thomas, Dan Davis History, Acollierastro, Autumn's Boutique, Jill Bearup, Physics Girl, Dungeons and Discourse, Abney Park, Kris Atomic, Cecilia Blomdahl, Jessica Kellgren Fozard, It's Black Friday, ThePrimeChronus, Terrible Writing Advice, Hello Future Me, Northern Narrowboaters.

I liked the series but was relieved to have finished it. I doubt that anyone will read this other than myself. I get very few likes and the arrogant, entitled, aggrieved American 35+ year old males do not do urban or other fantasy. I base that on the absence of their nasty comments to my reviews of same. They have invaded LittRPG (as well as taken control of the discourse around low end US science fiction) from my scan of reviews when in the past, I was "Allowed" to see them. Those days are gone more than a year now and no Amazon response nor notification have been forthcoming. It makes sense because I am only a customer. That "rogue" employee must have no oversight.

That being said, I must still put a bit of effort into my reviews of any title to forestall the comment criticism of my punctuation or my awesome (I am so proud 🤗) misspellings for which I can take only partial credit. Even when I studied coding long ago, I was never a fast accurate typist and my brain has always raced far ahead of my fingers. A beneficial side effect of my new found desire to sound somewhat literate is that I can now decipher my previous reactions to the lazy through horrific titles that Amazon offer. That members are so concerned about my writing defects and unconcerned about atrocious word use, pacing, plotting, misspelling and more in their favourite genre, puzzles me. It is possible that they do not notice it for .... Reasons or perhaps that the usually bad themes and characterizations are far more important to them. It is the mystery.

The world building of this series is consistent with most of urban fantasy. It is fuzzy around the edges with some gaping big holes throughout, devoting effort instead to a telling of the characters' travails and triumphs. The characters need a vitality not demanded of nor supplied by low end US science fiction. This writer has to my mind delivered that, though at times the romance aspect has merged with the comic to the detriment of the drama. For the romance reader, it works well and for fantasy reader is serviceable. 🙂

This next section is brought to you courtesy of the YouTube channels LuckyBlackCat, Lily Simpson, Dominic Noble, Mauler, Jay Exci, Sailing Melody, Second Thought, Geo Girl, AllShorts, Princess Weekes, Mandy - series, Adiemus - Bel Canto Choir Vilnius, Lydia Loves Timelines, May, Crecganford, Philosophy Tube, Wizards and Warriors, Hej Sokoly, Mia Mulder, Jake Broe, Skip Intro, Philosophy Tube, KernowDamo, Mythic Concepts, Between the Wars, Brandon F, Travelling K, It's Black Friday, Jessie Gender, Kidology, The Bands of HM Royal Marines, Andrewism. I sadly now must reward myself for writing to this site, else it does not happen.

The portrayal of American society and the problematic labelling of the Good and the Bad are interesting and terrifying both. I have talked about the American military power and presence in my reviews of the earlier books. Here I was concerned that they can not track or detain billionaires and the implications. Instead of seeing high level intelligence agents, high ranking up to the Joint Chiefs or local police and investigative agencies acting on the information gathered, they none of them make an appearance. The destruction of a billionaire's palace, his difficult to hide death, the death of other billionaires and even minions elicits no reaction from any agency in the book. This is the same military that tracks the movement of all magical beings and detains them without oversight for decades. Only a lone colonel being concerned is a bit much.

That no other national government is considered, expected to become involved, be aware of the threats or actively combat them is that awful US centric fiction come to the forefront. That detracts from the sense of an imminent global catastrophe. Losing Seattle alone does not have the same impact on the story. The mechanism of changing the globe's magnetic fields would have been a nice addition to the story. The power of a Dragon or Dwarven Princess in Earth's magic weak environment are contrivance adjacent. While these occur in most fantasies, they will jar a number of readers. In addition, contrivance allows writers to take other more damaging liberties. I refer you to Amazon's "Rings of Power", where logic has fled the writers room.

Good is seen as whatever the major characters favour, fair enough but If Bad, as long as it does not affect them directly, it is something to be ignored. The arbitrary multidecade imprisonment of magical creatures is justified because they are prisoners and since they are imprisoned must be bad, with the exception of the main character's parents. A strange logic. The Dwarven acceptance of torture and experimentation on intelligent beings by a sociopathic princess is justified. Better your descendants be on the throne (even if she will certainly make an attempt or three on your own life) than dragons choosing a new royal house. The same princess can continue to attempt murder of both her sister and the royal granddaughter and the same reasoning applies. Dwarven prisoners are held for centuries which is justified because they are prisoners and hence are evil, which sounds eerily similar to the US justice system. Multi-billionaires can not be detained because they are multi-billionaires, which is perfectly logical in America perhaps but not necessarily in Rational Town. 🙂 There are more examples but the above are a nice sample.

I enjoyed the story but might have more without those flaws. I have written before that titles, games or film can be enjoyed without blind adherence to the writers', developers' or producers' worldviews. I played a good wargame "Civil War Generals 3" modelling US Federal and Confederate forces during the US Civil War across multiple battlefields. Despite winning a number of brutal battles, at no point did my command of Confederate armies endear to me their historical purpose, their mythic revisionist aura or the evil of slavery. I have played games modelling Axis versus Allied forces during World War Two and never developed Wehraboo adoration of panzer divisions, German military brilliance (a common myth) or the glories of National Socialism.

I have had a number of libertarians (proudly identifying as US patriots) on this site actually write passionate defences in comments to my reviews of both slavery and Hitler's brilliance in support of rubbish and usually racist and/or misogynostic science fiction. Not literary criticism at its finest, I think. A person enjoys what they enjoy but can still retain a critical perspective. If they choose to adopt the perspective of a writer either good or bad, it then becomes the reader's personal responsibility for that worldview. To attempt to enforce that same perspective on another reader or at minimum silence them is an entirely new level of evil. That was/is also common practice to Soviet and Russian fascism. As YouTube channel creator Beau of the Fifth Column would say "It's just a thought". 🙂

I have been disappointed repeatedly by Amazon's large collection of low end US science fiction, which usually fall into three categories - No Effort; Insulting and Abhorrent. As a result I admit to now watching most of my science fiction, unless it is produced by the Indie writers or Top Tier writers. The streaming services, the YouTube channels DUST and Omeleto offer stories that are better written and always more entertaining. The streaming services are not overflowing with urban fantasies or good standard fantasy though. I still do not understand why that is.

Having given up on Amazon/Goodreads, I turned to YouTube a bit more than two years ago for science fiction and recommendations. I found science fiction shorts on DUST and Omeleto channels, some entire movies and science fiction film and TV criticism channels. I also found myself swimming through a sea of educational, special interest and lifestyle channels. I discovered the book channels 😍 finally.These are wonderful communities of curious, thoughtful readers enamoured of all things bookish. They are a completely opposite experience to that of this site. They are worth a visit by any reader and I will list some below. While on educational channels, I also discovered the dedicated educational video sites through sponsor spots. These included Nebula, Brilliant and Wondrium. I feel that any of them are worth a look.

I routinely received little comment clouds on my negative reviews of poorly written white, American male heroes (for certain values of both white and American, these are American readers after all) conquering the galaxy with a ship or two, giving the odd vast alien armada whatfor and introducing them to real civilization. Afterwards returning to Earth to profound appreciation from all the lesser humans (if in fact anyone not of US origin can be considered fully human). Imagine "Independence Day" in space. That really is a thumbnail summary of almost all low end US science fiction, so you can imagine that I gathered my outsized share of unhappy comments.

Things were going well 🙂 until I wrote a short scathing review of Powers of the Earth, one of many poorly written "Let's overthrow the US government for Reasons, none of them good" tales written by Travis Corcoran, who is ironically a US veteran, self-described libertarian, employee of an unnamed US agency, advocate of the return of chattel slavery and supporter of Putin's Russia. He is also beloved of a number of libertarians, NeoNazis and that crowd. See the five star reviews of that book for people with whom you would never share a pint. Comments from the nutcases, including the writer continued for many months demanding a response.

See my revised review of the book and the comments by a Claes Rees Jr/cgr710 (a self-described NeoNazi and US patriot). He stated that They have "won" (?). I would hope that any of his followers reading this now, realize that They needn't any longer continue the deluge of vile sexual and racist comments to the German particle physicist, the young boat couple, the Oxford astronomer or the many other female creators of YouTube channels which I might list. Doing so with my name attached to some was interesting and morally questionable but that would be would never be a concern to the offended freedom loving man-child. Overall I would say that They have succeeded in defining the twisted American male for a broad multinational audience and increased the world's store of ugliness. That must surely constitute a victory. Good on you. USA! Yay ??

My YouTube picks of the Moment.
Acollierastro, Brittany Page, Gutsick Gibbon, Planarwalker, Geo Girl, Abney Park, Abby Cox, Sarah Millican, The Dadvocate, The Life Guide, Ula and Josh, Renegade Cut, Beautifully Bookish Bethany, EarleWrites, Second Thought, Books with Chloe, Alt Shift X, Nomadic Introvert, All Out History, Living the Skye Life, Kidology, Arvin Ash, No Justice MTG, Gemma Dyer.

About Amazon/Goodreads, please consider treating this as a potentially hostile site. 😐

Ominous music begins. 🙂 Amazon have taken weird actions in response to my queries. It is a strange customer service protocol. These are corporate actions over and beyond outraged males taking issue with my opinions. For an insane saga, see my review of "Dark Horse", a good novel by Diener or Powers of the Earth.

The comment clouds are irritating but that loose member collection have gone further, as you saw in those two reviews. They are made more dangerous by way of Goodreads aiding them with profile information. It was so much worse than mere "Cancel culture". They managed to squeeze a favour from Australian Intelligence through Pine Gap Centre apparently. They attempted to interrogate a friend identified from my limited Goodreads messaging for my personal information. To go to those lengths to soothe two butt-hurt (I hope I said that correctly) morons -Travis Corcoran and Claes Rees Jr, instead of the Australian government forcing Britain and the USA to release Julian Assange from Belmarsh upset me.

You probably will not be subjected to more than the threatening comment to a less than flattering science fiction review. Unfortunately your immunity is dependent on the whims of truly mental members and site techs alike. You might consider removing the lurkers (friends who never post), minimizing profile information, using Goodreads messaging sparingly and screenshotting the ugly and the ugly. I would not depend on any social or moral constraints on their actions and most importantly these nutcases are American. Ominous music ends. 🙂

May we all find Good Reading! 😊

I am not the best source for exceptional YouTube channels but these are some of my favourite YouTube channels.

Ash L G (historical Fashion), Alizee, Times Radio, Munecat, Princess Weekes, ATP Geopolitics, Weir on the Move, Alysotherlife, Mia Mulder, Some More News, Mandy, Knowing Better, Sabine Hossenfelder, Interior Design Hub, Sabaton, Jeans Thoughts, Sarah Z, Prime of Midlife, Robwords, The Book Leo, Deerstalker Pictures, All Out History, Atun Shei, What Vivi did next, Vlad Vexler, IL Neige, Viva Is Dirt League, Dominic Noble, Renegade Cut, Snappy Dragon, Lily Alexandre, Historical Fashion, Jill Bearup, Random Film Talk, Heather Dale, Lady knight the Brave, Lily Simpson, Book Odyssey, Hello Future Me, Library Ladder, Lore Reloaded, A Day of Small Things, Ben and Emily, Chris and Shell, Narrowboat Girl, Norhern Narrowboaters, Hailey in Bookland, A Life of Lit, Adult Wednesday Addams - 2 seasons, Crow Caller, The Little Platoon, Wayward Winchester, SciTrek Perun, Gemma Dyer, The Leftist Cooks, Spacedock, Jessie Gender, Spacedock, Jessica Kellgren Fozard, Sort of Interesting, Second Thought, Verilybitchie, Karolina Zebrowska, J. Draper, Cruising Crafts, Cruising Alba, Real Time History, Mauler, Lady of the Library, Biz Barclay, Kate Robson, A Cup of Nicole, Sophie from Mars, Lilly's Expat Life, Cynical Reviews, Of Elves and Droids, Savy writes books, Skip Intro, Acollierastro, The Kavernacle, Up and Atom, With Olivia, Fortress of Lugh, Andrewism, Two Bit DaVinci, Art Deco, The Cold War, TIKHistory, Lily Alexandre, Double Down News, Alice Cappelle, Elina Charatsidou, MechWest Show, Geographics, Jay Exci, Lily Simpson, Between the Wars, Real Time History, Jay Long Bone, Meidas Touch, Beau of the Fifth Column, Dinsart Design, Ella Roberts, Up and Atom, Sideprojects, Science of Science Fiction, OrangeRiver, Templin Institute, Baggage Claim, Cold Fusion, Depressed Russian, Don't F@ck with, Anna from Ukraine, Kris Atomic, Lorna Jane Adventures, The Science of Science Fiction, The Dice Hour, No Justice MTG, Cruising the Cut, Overly Sarcastic Productions, Jake Broe, Natasha's Adventures, Mark R Largent, Mythology and Fiction Explained, Sound of Music Flashmob, Linguoer Mechanic, Emma Thorne.

I wish you a glorious morning, a relaxing afternoon, an exciting evening, a wonderful night and may we all continue learning.

Beauty means to keep alive your origins and your culture.
Empire of Angels, Michaela Noroc (Romanian photographer) - Kiko1006 YouTube channel

A person who Allows Another to speak in their name unchallenged, Adopts that Other's sins.
My Grandmother
Profile Image for Lola.
1,753 reviews269 followers
April 7, 2024
I really like this series and was excited to pick up this sixth book in the series. Fused was really good and in many ways feels like the last book in the series, which makes sense as the author originally planned to end the series here. I felt this book was packed full with lots of storylines that progress and get wrapped up. There was a lot going on and happening in this book, but space for some more quiet moments too. The ending was really satisfying, but there are still some threads left open, so I am eager for the last two books.

Matti knows who has kidnapped her parents and they are getting closer to finding where the organization is keeping them. Varlesh is figuring out where his kidnapped mother is as well. Most of the plot lines progress and get wrapped up nicely in this book. I enjoyed seeing Varlesh and Matti focus on finding their parents and seeing them get reunited. I really liked Matti and Varlesh as a couple and how they still banter together. They grow even closer and I liked seeing them together.

The ending is action packed and I was eager to see how it all got wrapped up. The epilogue is great and I liked seeing how things are settling down after the fight. There's more of Val and Zav as well. And I think the couple of the next series got introduced too. I like seeing how Matti is more comfortable with her enchanting magic as it's fun to read about. She's been a great main character to read about and this series is great.

To summarize: This one reads a bit like the last book in the series with a lot of plot lines getting wrapped up. There are some open plot lines remaining and I am looking forward to the next 2 books. I liked seeing Matti and Varlesh finally figure out where their parents are being held and focusing on freeing them. I loved seeing them together as a couple now and how they grow even closer. There is still plenty of banter between them, which I liked. I liked seeing more of Val and Zav in this book. And the couple for the next series gets introduced. All in all this was a solid book with a satisfying ending and I look forward to the next one!
Profile Image for Dee.
44 reviews
April 28, 2023
Love a good Lindsay book!

Very satisfying wrap up to this wonderfully rendered fairytale like story! Elves, dragons, goblins, dwarfs and even a few orcs and trolls appear in this 6 volume series. Solid character development, a great slow burn romance, good vs evil, mystery, mayhem and amazing rescues and a happily ever after ending! Looking forward to more!!!! Love the snarky humor too!
Profile Image for Lorre.
268 reviews6 followers
January 28, 2024
After finishing this book I thought it was the last book in the series because the search for Matti's parents is over. But apparently (and luckily because I love this series) there are more books.
I'm not ready to say goodby to Matti and Varlesh. And I want to see Matti evolve as an enchanter now that she has her mom as a teacher too.
Profile Image for Belle.
92 reviews
May 4, 2023
Rounded up to 4 stars, but it wasn’t my favourite. This series + Death Before Dragons are nice familiar reads that aren’t particularly taxing (not a bad thing). I don’t know why I didn’t love this book, maybe I just wanted the parent plot line wrapped up already.

The completist in me will probably read the next instalments, but I think everything was sufficiently wrapped up as is.

Honestly, I’m just waiting for more stories set in the same world as the Elf Tangent and living in hope for more Agents of the Crown-type adventures.
Profile Image for Cee.
2,841 reviews148 followers
June 26, 2024
This series is so fun! With the main story done I am excited to see them be a couple and tie up loose ends, so I'll probably continue my binge and then take a break before diving into the next spin-off.
Profile Image for Jane.
1,435 reviews67 followers
July 25, 2023
After 6 books of Matti and Sarrlevi I think I may need a small break. It felt like an ending to the series to me, but we'll see when I'm in the mood for more.
Profile Image for Linda Thomas.
679 reviews6 followers
July 23, 2023
ten stars. fantastic battles great sex and returned family this has everything

Matti and Sarrlevi join the dragons and elves in battles.. but they had to earn the right to do this by being scoured and sort of accepted. Matti is thinking of moving and Val is becoming good friend. Matti has saved a new elf dragon and is now getting on her mothers trail. With the help of her magic hammer and Sarrlevi she is ready to battle the sneaky world hungry dragon and his minions. Val and her dragon husband join them in the battle. The dragon queen joins in also so Matti has to find a way to save her mother before she is killed. So much going on yeah.
Profile Image for Shawnee.
153 reviews
July 5, 2023
Awesome characters & epics worlds

I very rarely love reading as much as I do a Lindsay Buroker series. The key reason is her characters are so memorable, quirky and snarky at times without being rude. Tons of personality shines through too. I will actually miss them all when this series is done. I especially love Tinja, the green goblin goddess of the goblinator…and Zavryd, and Maati. I would love to know more about the Starsinger Dragons and Starblade’s story. He sounded so sexy and a bit of a bad boy renegade type. His re-entry into a much later time period deserves some attention imho… just sayin… xx
Profile Image for Per Gunnar.
1,226 reviews74 followers
May 6, 2023
This was definitely one of the better books in the series. Plenty of action, some threads finally reached their conclusion and of course the usual snark and banter.

The showdown with her mothers kidnappers, which had a most devious plan of screwing with Earth, was quite good and long overdue.

The one thing that seems to drag on though is this bullshit with the dragons wanting to capture and “rehabilitate” Sarrlevi. To me that crap was annoying from the start and it really bugs me that the author keeps dragging this out. I mean, how many times does Sarrlevi have to prove that he is on the good side? Something that cannot be said for some of the dragons actually.

The one thing that bugged me with this book was the way too long, dragged out and detailed part where Matti and Sarrlevi finally gets around to do what we all expected would happen sooner or later. I’m happy that they finally got around to it but that chapter was borderline urban porn and I could have been without all the out details. I almost took off a star, or at least half a star, for that.

Anyway, this was a really good instalment in the series. When reading the reviews of it, it looks like some people believe that it was the conclusion and last book in the series. However, although some threads arrived at their conclusion all of them did not. For instance this annoying part where the dragons hunt Sarrlevi is still dragging on.

Since book seven is already on pre-order this is obviously not the last book in the series.
Profile Image for Book_ninja.
304 reviews13 followers
May 17, 2023
Matti is kicking ass, or would that be hammering...

Another great read and the most satifying of the 1st 6 books! Why? Because we are finally getting to Matti and her allies looking to kick the ass of the group responsible for kidnapping her mother and finally hopefully freeing her!!! And just how much ass will Matti have to kick and will it be enough to free her mother? Not only that, we will see Matti and the elf Assassin growing closer, just how close will Matti get to her sexy assassin? Will horizontal activity be involved? And of course, will high end cheese play a part is the 6th book in the series, and if so, does that mean this book is cheesy? Read the book and find the answer to these and many other burning questions such as do Dwarf kings love cheese, as much as say their granddaughter? Would an elf princess kick her daughters Assassin BF ass if she is released and how do elves learn to be haughty, this and much more information can be yours if you read this book! So sit back, grab some high end cheese and dive into Mattis cheese adven..., i mean kick ass adventures. Hmm i have been told to inform u that the story also contains a very kick ass hammer that will only add to the adventures, and excitement, and the ass kicking, enjoy!
27 reviews
May 29, 2023
This complete set should have had an X rating

The first 3 books were good. No or very minor mention of sex.
Then in book 4 there started to be more mention and talk of sex.
Book 5 had more but not to awfully graphic.
HOWEVER book 6 did have VERY graphic sex in it. I had to skip over a couple of chapters completely. I do not read sex books. The only reason I finished the book (after skipping to the end) was to see how they rescued her mother and father and to see if she was reunited with her grandfather.
Needless to say, this author will be on my "do not read" list.
Profile Image for Releanna.
168 reviews10 followers
September 3, 2023
I'd like to give 4,5 stars for the main plot, but the extremely detailed descriptions of sexual intercourse in an otherwise great fantasy adventure turned me off a lot. If I wanted to read these kinds of descriptions I'd read totally different kinds of books. I skip over these parts, but having to do that for many pages and have to check several times if the storyline continues again, takes away from the pleasure of reading.
Profile Image for T.D..
Author 4 books26 followers
April 28, 2023
I love this series!

I started with the Death Before Dragon series, which I enjoyed so much. I wss glad to have the storyline continue in this world and love that previous characters are also in this series. Looking forward to the next book!
997 reviews4 followers
May 10, 2023
Still Has Lots of Action


This one was okay. I will say that I'm satisfied because Matti finally rescues her parents and Varlesh also is able to rescue and cure his mom. Those two developments were well worth the read I thought. Matti and Varlesh have their adventures along the way and it seems like perhaps the dragon court has unofficially forgiven Varlesh? I'm not entirely certain since a plot to establish a way to keep being from being able to open portals to Earth after decimating the population took focus away from Varlesh's potential punishment and rehabilitation. And it wasn't revisited, at least in this book anyway.

I was glad that Matti got her parents back and she can hopefully learn more and better enchanting from her mom. No word on the assassins in this book, maybe they paused for some reason? All in all, I really liked the series but this one was unsatisfactory for me, maybe because it's been so long since I read the last one while waiting for this one to be released.
Profile Image for Randy Daugherty.
1,076 reviews44 followers
July 17, 2023
Matti Puletasi finally has the chance to confront those who kidnapped her parents, and she’ll do it with Sarrlevi, the elf assassin she’s come to love, at her side.
But now that they know great and powerful dragons are involved with the organization, they may be in over their heads. Their opponents aren’t just kidnappers. They’re on the verge of enacting a plan they’ve been working on for decades, one that could cut off Earth from the rest of the Cosmic Realms and bring humanity to its knees.
Sarrlevi's mother is saved and recovering, vowing to tell the Elf king everything she knows and wishing she had years ago. Now to rescue Matti's parents and stop this evil plan from happening, in the mean time Matti and Sarrlevi decide to move their relationship further along and it is about time.
The romance was slow but finally reached its conclusion, there are still two more books in this series and I will see it through to its end.
Profile Image for Barbara.
1,212 reviews55 followers
February 23, 2024
The sixth book in the Legacy of Magic series was originally intended to wrap up the series, and it does that quite well. Luckily, the author came up with two more stories in the series, so I have those to look forward to, since I’m not quite ready to give up these wonderful characters I’ve so enjoyed. There is a lot of action, with help from Sarrlevi, the elf assassin Matti has fallen in love with, along with her allies Val and Zavryd. Matti gets closer to her grandfather, the Dwarven king, finds more clues as to where her parents are being kept, and finally gets a chance to get cozy with Sarrlevi. And then the final battle where everyone is going all out, there’s lots of danger, dragons are involved, as well as magical enchanted machinery, and we get a very satisfying ending. I’m looking forward to what happens in the next couple of books, and then there’s a new series in this world to enjoy, yay!
297 reviews
February 28, 2024
Finally the conclusion in the search for Matti’s parents. Sexy times between Matti and Sarrlevi and they are established as committed couple. Thank the heavens for the end of the non-relationship wangst. This is the book where it felt like the author finally hit her groove; the plot was focused, and as a result was much more engaging than the other books in the series. There’s a sense of forward momentum and stuff actually happens.
The presence of Val, Zav and other secondary characters felt more organically included, and seeing Matti work and interact with others brought energy to this story (except Amber. Never Amber. She’s a black hole anytime she’s around). Matti is not an interesting character, so the heavy presence of the ensemble help lift the story.
I like Sarrlevi as a hero and I’m actually into his love for Matti, but I find it challenging to invest in their romance: Matti feels so lucky this gorgeous elf, who could have any woman in the universe (and has had many women…), has chosen her. While it’s less pronounced in this book, Matti continues to feel as though Sarrlevi’s problems are more important than hers—and it’s probably less present because his most pressing problem has been resolved.

Minor quibble: the goblins are annoying, not cute. They like other-realm children and feel like intrusive plot moppets at this point.
Profile Image for Caroline.
188 reviews
September 19, 2024
This book was written to be the last book in the series and most issues are resolved towards the end of it.
We also see the relationship of the MC's evolve to being a real couple with talk of the future and we do get some spice in this book (yes!).

I'm curious if the half-dragon guy makes an appearance in future books. Wouldn't he make a great love-interest for the next badass hero? 😍 From the description of a half-elf side-character we got introduced to in this book, I think we met the hero of the author's next series in this world. I'm intrigued.

In the previous books I often got annoyed by things the characters did or how they were portrayed, but this one was just great! I would have liked to see some more relaxtime after they finished their last fight, but since the series continues I have nothing to complain about.

Let's see what else they get up to!
1,976 reviews
August 16, 2023
You're in for a treat when you plunge back into the series and read Fused! Sarrlevi with Matti's help were finally able to locate his mother and with the treatment in hand she's recovering nicely from Princess Barothla macmachinations, in Val's house... With that worry gone, both Matti and Sarrlevi are able to "Fuse", and fireworks happen in Val's guestroom. It's only then that they found enough info to follow the leads and finally confront the people that kidnapped her mother Princess Rodarska some 30 years ago. So yeah grab this book for your library and enjoy yourself.

I love finding and posting quotes that amuse me:

“She’s always in a grumpy mood, isn’t she?” “Sometimes, she is only slightly surly."

“Can’t you stop giving trouble our address?”
Profile Image for Deniz.
1,188 reviews98 followers
May 13, 2023
Fabulous characters, great adventures, interesting world-building, and a big show down-
I am very happy with the conclusion of this.

We got quite a lot of answers, though it's left a bit open-ended and to my delight, I saw there is another book in the series. I am totally here for that. I love the group and am happy to revisit them and their adventures.
Also, I am hoping for another appearance of a certain half-elf.

I can recommend the series to people who love character-driven fantasy and lovers of the author.
All around a fun series that I can only recommend, even if there are a couple of installments that felt a bit thin on the solving of the quest
23 reviews
June 8, 2023

I've read all of this series And cannot tell you which book I like best! They were all very good, but I do have to say I enjoyed this one and the culmination of the 1st 5 books. Mattie makes a good heroin with her hunky elf and I love Val and her grumpy dragon. I especially loved the ending with Mattie's parents together after all these books!! I would enjoy reading more with Val and Mattie and even more of Willard! I highly recommend reading the entire series, first Val's story and then Mattie's. You will not regret reading each series in order, they are that good, full of action and, yes romance, and light sex!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 138 reviews

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