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Mighty Gorgeous: A Little Book About Messy Love

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Why are we so determined to be loved rather than to love ourselves? Why is it so hard to forgive our imperfections and remember that we’re extraordinary? Why are we so willing to listen to others’ voices when our own voice is right here, screaming to be heard?

Full of the stories that have brought her to this moment and the accompanying wisdom those experiences have lent her, Mighty Gorgeous is Amy Ferris’s answer—tender, fierce, irreverent—to these questions, and much more.

Why? Because we are not on this earth to master suffering; we are here to create magic. Because perfection is overrated; all of our flaws and imperfections and scars are our beauty marks. Because all women deserve to speak their truth, to be heard and seen, to awaken to their own greatness. Because life is so very hard and so very brutal at times, bitter and cruel and excruciatingly difficult to navigate, and sometimes we need a light to guide us through that darkness. Because it’s time for us all to come home to ourselves—and Amy’s here to cheerlead you all the way to your own front door.

176 pages, Paperback

Published October 3, 2023

About the author

Amy Ferris

11 books66 followers

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Profile Image for Suzi (Lil Bit Reads).
659 reviews56 followers
October 9, 2023
This is a beautiful, uplifting little book that packs a big emotional punch! Amy’s great talent as a writer is in full effect, drawing the reader in with her wit, vulnerability, and unfiltered honesty.

Full of inspirational messages with pearls of wisdom that you’ll want to remember, this book is an annotator’s dream. It’s just begging to be highlighted and tabbed so you can keep coming back for inspiration!

Thank you for my #gifted copy, @booksparks #partner #FallPopUp

Profile Image for Melissa.
1,325 reviews
September 28, 2023
I've been following Amy Ferris on Facebook for quite some time and I love her posts. They're so honest and she voices a lot of what I'm thinking. So I was thrilled to receive an advanced copy of Mighty Gorgeous: A Little Book About Messy Love recently. It's an easy read at less than 200 pages with mostly short chapters. (Sometimes a chapter is a few sentences.)

Amy is not afraid to say what she is feeling or talk about her past regrets. I appreciate that about her. I loved the chapter about the time she was on a date and ended up in the ER. I won't say anything else about that as you need to read it for yourself. I also love reading about her love for her husband. He is one lucky man! I learned from this book that she is Jewish. That helped me bond with her even more while reading her stories and anecdotes.

I just wish that this book had more personal stories than inspirational messages. While it's nice to hear inspirational messages and receive affirmation and support, her stories were my favorite parts of this book. I think the inspirational parts could have just come from lessons she learned through her experiences rather than just having pages of why you should love yourself.

Overall, it's an uplifting book and I encourage you to check it out! It will be available on October 3rd.

Thanks to BookSparks for the book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Mary.
125 reviews6 followers
October 2, 2023
Mighty Gorgeous (ARC- nonfiction)
Amy Ferris

Publication Date: 10/3/2023

This is a "a little book about messy love."
Amy Ferris is a screenwriter and playwright. In this book, she tackles the important questions- why do we value other people's voices and refuse to listen to our own? Why is it so hard to forgive ourselves and remember that our imperfections are what makes us us? This book was written to guide us through this messy and complicated journey to love ourselves.

Yay for another nonfiction for me! For people who know me, I'm very much a fiction girl. But when Booksparks generously sent me this ARC, ofcourse I had to read it.

I'm going to be honest. I didn't put tabbies on this book because I know I plan to give this away after I'm done. But surprisingly, I think I might actually keep this one. The writing style was so good! Fast and captivating! This has very short chapters. Definitely a self help book but is very different from other self help books that I've come across before which can be heavy and lengthy. I expected it to be helpful but I didn't expect this to actually be enjoyable. The writing exudes the author's urgency and passion she has for love and life. But she kept it light and easy to read. It doesn't take away from the heavier topics. It actually made it stick more. Obviously I don't necessarily agree with all of her outlook and thoughts, but I respect it. She threaded so well when talking about some sensitive topics. There were so many quotes that I loved from this book! It's very empowering- talking about how we can make our messy life (mistakes, hope, love, sadness, relationships and self worth) into something beautiful for the world.

Definitely relatable, enjoyable and just a different approach or style to self help! Thumbs up for me! (I don't rate nonfiction books by stars.)
Profile Image for Michele Anne Waite.
208 reviews43 followers
March 1, 2024
Mighty Gorgeous: A Little Book About Messy Love by Amy Ferris is a gem of a book I’ll be talking about for a long time. I found myself able to relate to so much of what Amy Ferris had to say. Amy covered topics from rebelliousness to finding Mr. Right. I laughed out loud and I cried. Boy did I cry! Amy’s bravery in sharing her beautiful, gorgeous, and messy love with us is a true gift. Thank you Amy! Mighty Gorgeous: A Little Book About Messy Love by Amy Ferris is a book I highly recommend.
Profile Image for niks bookshelf.
176 reviews7 followers
September 26, 2023
this is a read outside of my usual fiction of thrillers, fantasy, historical, YA, and romance..however, I thoroughly enjoyed it!

🧁this memoir walks us through a little bit of how to treat yourself/self-love, and gives us a reminder that we are all extraordinary; and it’s funny how we seem to cheer others on but never ourselves!

🧁this books has many small sections reminding us that we need to listen to our own voice pertaining to our own selves and I really, really like that.

thank you so much to @BookSparks + @ferris_a for the gifted arc 💛🌸
17 reviews1 follower
October 19, 2023
Amy Ferris has written a deceptively simple book that offers powerful reflections on life as a woman. From the slippery path we begin as little girls, giving away pieces of ourselves in the search for love and validation, to the way we choose the wrong men—hoping for the same—to a dream that someone like Amy will enter our lives and show us how to honor our instincts, value ourselves, and be the source of all the love we'll ever need.

Like the Japanese concept of Kintsugi, Amy urges us to embrace our broken places. When read deeply, this "Little Book About Messy Love" offers insights toward a generous way to view our mistakes, poor choices, and damaging thoughts about ourselves. Amy Ferris has an amazing ability to turn the mundane into an opportunity for self-awareness and growth—as in a chapter from the middle of the book, where, in a matter of three pages, Amy takes us from the irritation and headache of a broken refrigerator to her sudden recognition that in this moment, we all are exactly as we need to be, and no one can tell us otherwise.

She makes me want to forgive more readily, understand more widely, and love more deeply. She makes me embrace the work of living a fuller, richer, and, yes, messier existence. With this book, Amy has set an alarm that can awaken us to the beauty of a fully realized life.

Read this book: if someone has stolen your self-worth; you need a dose of inspiration; you’re searching for your voice.
Profile Image for Allyson.
386 reviews12 followers
October 3, 2023
This one comes out tomorrow and I have to say I am still thinking about it after reading and have already shared some of the chapters with some of my friends!

This is a shorter read at around 200 pages and most of the chapters are pretty short. Its the perfect book to read in the morning for a pep talk or at the end of the night to remind you of what really matters!

I work with teenagers and I am thinking of sharing so many of the inspirational messages with them. I love the combination of personal stories and words of affirmation and find this read so inspiring!

I love how Ferris dives in and explores so many important themes like love, loss, regret, transformation, and forgiveness and most importantly to love yourself through it all!

This one is out tomorrow and I would definitely recommend you grab yourself a copy!

Thank you so much @booksparks for having me along on this #fallpopup tour!
Profile Image for Jessica Hicks.
382 reviews7 followers
October 14, 2023
Mighty Gorgeous is a book of short essays meant to pump you up and take control of your life. Amy Ferris felt like my own personal cheerleader. I was reminded over and over of the importance of boundaries. I should not have people in my life who bring me down. I should not say yes when I really mean no. I am important and beautiful and the awful things I’ve gone through don’t make me any less amazing! I did have a hard time with the copious profanity… that aspect made me think maybe I’m not the intended demographic for this book. Plus the super short chapters made it feel like it was jumping around a lot so I had a harder time being emotionally invested in the memoir parts. Overall, I got a lot of good insight though!
Thank you for the gifted copy, Booksparks!
Profile Image for Jude (HeyJudeReads) Fricano.
516 reviews91 followers
November 25, 2023
Mighty Gorgeous: A Little Book about Messy Love by Amy Ferris

What a punch this short read packs! Oh, how I would have benefitted from this read years ago to navigate young love and confused feelings, and most importantly the reminder of our self-worth and how to leverage self-care in the perspective of how we show up in situations. The affirmations included were both helpful and inspirational!

"Why are we so determined to be loved rather than to love ourselves? Why is it so hard to forgive our imperfections and remember that we’re extraordinary? Why are we so willing to listen to others’ voices when our own voice is right here, screaming to be heard?
Profile Image for Sharon Dukett.
Author 2 books67 followers
February 11, 2024
Mighty Gorgeous is an inspiring book from an author who shares her mighty heart with all of us. Amy Ferris struggled through hard times before discovering that reaching out to help those in distress, helped her heal her own wounds. She shares both the hard times and the healing ones with humor and love, encouraging us to both recognize our own self-worth, and to lift others up along the way.

I suggest you read this book all the way through the first time, then repeat the stories that speak to you when you need to hear them again. Amy’s words will make a difference in your life for the better.
Profile Image for Carolyn Lee Arnold.
Author 1 book58 followers
May 21, 2024
A blast of positive energy for women!
Amy Ferris has gifted women with this powerful firehose of love and encouragement. With her usual passionate no holds barred flood of positive thoughts, she simultaneously fights off the negative messages and infuses us with positive ones. Reading it even one time starts to crack and dissolve all the anti-women, you aren’t good enough messages we all get. Imagine what your life would be like if you read this every day and fiercely loved yourself!! And bonus! It’s also wise guide to loving the people in your life, and what unconditional love really means. Get it! Read it! Read it again! And savor it!
Profile Image for Patti Clark.
Author 1 book6 followers
October 8, 2023
I loved this book and I love Amy's voice!
She is uplifting and encourages all of us to lift each other up and love ourselves.
The book is definitely a feel-good read. The writing is snappy and captivating, but not sappy. It's also raw and vulnerable, and honestly looks at the messy pieces of life - chaos, grief and pain.
I related to so much of it, and I feel better each time a read a piece of it.
This is a book to keep on your bedside table and refer to again and again.
Buy this book! Give it to your friends!
Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Mardi Linane.
4 reviews
October 11, 2023
I have followed Amy Ferris for more than a decade on social media. Her writing style and consistent message would be recognizable to me anywhere. She is a generous soul, surviving some of the roughest days of life. Her honesty in these difficulties is her manner of connecting with the reader and extending a hand to anyone who needs holding up.

If you are not following her on social media, this will be a wonderful introduction to what the rest of the world knows already: Amy Ferris is a lovely gem.
2 reviews1 follower
October 8, 2023
Read Mighty Gorgeous by Amy Ferris in a single sitting, couldn’t put it down, each story left me wanting for the next. Mighty Gorgeous is funny, meaningful, raw and deeply honest abt the over-arching importance to love ourselves. It is written with so much authenticity and courage that at the end of Ferris’ book, it inspired me to want to channel her energy and to live my own one “Mighty Gorgeous” life.
Author 32 books71 followers
December 13, 2023
Feisty, fun, and full of touching personal anecdotes, this book felt like the ideal lift to the holidays...Amy's ability to ring out like a personal coach felt inspiring uplifting...her revelations about family troubles had me nodding along. The book is friendly and a brisk read. Loved the message that yes, we should love our old selves, the ones that got us to where we are, rather than cringe at them or sprint away. A personal echoing of the adage that the perfect is the enemy of the good.
Profile Image for Barbara Conrey.
Author 3 books219 followers
February 23, 2024
Bold. Brazen. Filled with naughty words that are, you know, only words. Might Gorgeous tells you, shows you, begs you to love yourself first. Before the boyfriends. Before the husbands, Before your children and parents and friends. And most of all, before anyone, anyone who tries to take you down a notch or two by telling you all the things that are wrong about you. All the ways you should be better. Do better.

Laugh out loud funny, heartbreakingly honest; I’m so glad I read this book.
Profile Image for Lovely Loveday.
2,578 reviews
September 8, 2023
Mighty Gorgeous is an emotionally charged read that delves into the depths of longing, loss, regret, surrender, forgiveness, and the intricate complexities of love that portrays the myriad of emotions that love encompasses, from its tangled and chaotic nature to its awe-inspiring and transformative power.
61 reviews4 followers
October 16, 2023
Mighty Gorgeous by Amy Ferris is a delightful read, filled with Amy’s unique, authentic voice. Her words and storytelling encourage us to embrace love with an open heart, unafraid and with strength. It is a book that reminds us of the beauty in vulnerability and the power of connection. I recommended this book for anyone seeking inspiration and a reminder to love boldly.
8 reviews
October 24, 2023
My friend Amy Ferris loves lists. She loves epigrams too. In fact she loves lists of epigrams! And these lists are full of life changing wisdom, derived from a life full of messy pain, heartbreaking loss and triumphant love. She lays out her past in raw honesty... showing us that she has earned her wisdom. I’m glad she chose to share it with us.
Profile Image for Luz.
1,008 reviews9 followers
March 6, 2024
"Mighty Gorgeous" is an inspirational book by Amy Ferris, who opens up about her journey through difficult times and how helping others in distress helped her heal. She balances tales of her struggles and recovery with humor and love, motivating readers to appreciate their self-worth and support those around them.
2 reviews
March 31, 2024
What an Awakening

Mighty Gorgeous is a self-help book for all of us who need a good swift kick in the backside to remind us of our awesomeness. The sweet lessons in each short chapter were refreshing and filled with hope, wisdom, and self-love.

I recommend this book to anyone, from the person suffering from self-doubt to those who love themselves warts and all. A great read.
Profile Image for Diana.
55 reviews7 followers
October 3, 2023
Definitely one of my favs this year! Every year I read a book that changes my mindset for the better. Mighty gorgeous is a short yet powerful book! I really wish I had this book when I was in my teen years. Also annotated like 85% of this book
Profile Image for Debbie De Salvo.
223 reviews18 followers
November 10, 2023
I knew I wanted to read this book.
What I didn’t realize is that I needed to read this book.
Tears sprung to my eyes as I read her words and felt like Ms. Ferris was reading it to me, speaking to me, understanding me, rooting for me.
And for that, I am most grateful.
Profile Image for Lally Pia.
7 reviews
May 22, 2024
Audacious and unforgettable. Delves beneath the surface of relationships and is uplifting.
Profile Image for Denise Larson.
Author 1 book2 followers
June 22, 2024
An entertaining book that reminds us all to be courageous, bold, kind, and loving, Every day! If you get down, or down on yourself, pick up this book and read a pick-me-up chapter.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
112 reviews19 followers
October 19, 2023
This was one that I liked, but not as much as I wanted to. While I loved all of the little stories, I didn't really feel that they were connected enough. It was a great quick read and had some great points, but I wanted a bit more out of it. 3 ⭐ read for me.
Profile Image for Annie McDonnell.
Author 1 book118 followers
December 6, 2023
MIGHTY GORGEOUS is taglined as “a little book about messy love”, but I must declare the opposite: Amy Ferris delivers big messages - each offering us permission to; indeed, be messy! Amy speaks her truth in a raw, open and vulnerable way about us loving ourselves enough to speak our own truths loudly and proudly. Dare I say with reckless abandon.
A superb writer. I know many of us are proud there is a woman like her writing their thoughts.
This book is everything I needed to hear; like a long-awaited adult permission slip to say it’s okay to be exactly me.
She is an obvious leader in a movement for us to love ourselves through complete acceptance! Her sheer willingness to share herself like an open wound oozing all her pain is beyond words. Amy allows herself to be unabashedly angry and on the flip side, full of roaring laughter. I found myself guffaw struck while tears rolled down my cheeks.
Amy Ferris is strength. She is a teacher. MIGHTY GORGEOUS is me looking in the mirror repeating those words like a mantra. Amy Ferris gave me strength.
Too many chapters really resonated with me. Whether it was part of my life story or a friends. I’m feeling proud for carrying my scars, and for helping my friends carry theirs.
Through authentic and uber-original writing, I was moved to close the cover knowing my truth is not anything to be ashamed of.
Profile Image for Wallace.
183 reviews3 followers
September 5, 2024
An uplifting little book that brought a smile to my face. For all the those times you put others first, it a little treat for yourself. Amy celebrates that being perfect is overrated and we deserve to be happy just the way we are. This book was a great reminder to celebrate the everyday!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 30 reviews

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