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Texas #7

Mariage Texan (Série Texas)

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Parfois, Riley et Jack doivent être ceux qui mènent les batailles des autres et défendent ce qui est juste. Avec la perspective d’un changement de vie et un vote positif de la Cour suprême des États-Unis sur la question du mariage homosexuel, Riley et Jack se rendent compte qu’ils ont des décisions à prendre. Ajoutez à cela des nouvelles bouleversantes de la famille et la possibilité très réelle que de vieux secrets puissent refaire surface, et ce livre de la série Texas rassemble autant de pistes que les deux hommes peuvent réussir à en gérer. Mais à travers tous les hauts et les bas, les enfants, les événements familiaux, les rires et les larmes, il n’y a rien de plus spécial que l’amour éternel entre ces deux hommes.

328 pages, Paperback

First published September 23, 2015

About the author

R.J. Scott

298 books2,659 followers
RJ Scott is a USA TODAY bestselling author of over 140 romance and suspense novels. From bodyguards to hockey stars, princes to millionaires, cowboys to military, she believes that love is love and every man deserves their own happy ending.

Find RJ here: Amazon | BookBub | Facebook - Also, Never miss a release

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 131 reviews
Profile Image for Erth.
4,040 reviews
August 18, 2020
This series played out over several years of deep societal evolution regarding same-sex marriage. Written after the Supreme Court decision legitimizing such unions, in Texas Wedding this tale comes full circle for Jack and Riley (left and right, respectively, on the cover). It's what you would expect, and sometimes not what you'd expect at all.

Lurking around between lines and paragraphs and chapters is a possible spin-off, but for me, this one seals the deal. Some angst, some upsetting things, but also something very wonderful.

Congrats to R,J, Scott for an outrageously successful series.
Profile Image for Karen.
1,860 reviews88 followers
March 14, 2016
'Texas Wedding' is book #7 in R.J. Scott's 'Texas' series and from all indications it's the end of the line for this series, however, it seems there will be a spin-off which shows us what happens for some of the secondary characters that we've met along the way and I can't imagine that we won't get a peek at Jack and Riley from time to time as well.

My main issue with this book was that it often felt like it was just all over the map jumping from one thing to another at times rather abruptly making me feel like I'd missed a page or two. As well there were times that I felt like the story was turning into a PSA (Public Service Announcement) and that the focus of the story was shifting from being a fictional story about the author's characters to a PSA and that was when I would find myself setting my e-reader aside and wandering off to do other things because it just wasn't holding my attention the way the series has in the past.

In spite of the fact that 'Texas Wedding' wasn't as enjoyable for me as the previous books, I still find myself wanting more and I will definitely be there to read what comes next for the other men that R.J. Scott has brought to life with this series.
Profile Image for Jaime.
1,762 reviews308 followers
September 2, 2016
This was the perfect ending to the Texas Series by R.J. Scott and while I swear I could read about Riley and Jack forever, their story has been throughly told and their love is forever. I hope to get glimpses of these amazing characters in the Legacy Series and who knows maybe R.J will write us a scene here and there!

So, if you have not read this series, you must read them in order. They flow together and each book builds on the previous ones. The characters in these books are well thought out, very complex and as real as you and me. They deal with real issues, fears, wants, desires and needs - and the love that is shared between Riley and Jack in this series is the forever kind of lover that everyone hopes to find.

I highly recommend this series - 5 Stars
Profile Image for Jenni Lea.
801 reviews293 followers
November 25, 2016



What am I gonna do without my Jack and Riley? Why do they have to go away? They can’t leave me! They’re like family to me now. How will I go on without them?

*reads author note at the end of the book* *sobs in relief*

Whew! Thank goodness Ms. Scott can’t let go of her (my) boys. I was on the verge of a meltdown!

When I first picked up book one in this series, The Heart of Texas, way back a bazillion years ago (ok, in 2013) I was looking for some cowboy lovin’. When I saw it was set in my hometown of Dallas, Texas I thought, “score!”. I love anything set in my hometown. I wish there were more books set there. Dallas is an amazing city with a great nightlife and many diverse cultures and the State Fair of Texas. Can’t forget about that.

But I digress.

When I first read The Heart of Texas I fell in love. I loved the over-the-top, soap opera-y plot. I loved the enemies-to-lovers trope and I loved the humor and all the drama. But most of all I loved Jack Campbell and Riley Hayes. Who became Jack and Riley Campbell-Hayes. Or as I like to call them, Jiley. OK, not really. I call them the Campbell-Hayeseseses.

Skip ahead to this final book in the Texas series and I find myself still head over heels for these two enigmatic men. Jack, the gruff cowboy with a Texas twang and dust on his boots, and Riley, the Golden Boy with a heart the size of Texas. (seeing a theme here?) They’ve been through so much throughout this series and yet they are still as much in love with each other as ever.

This series is like coming home to me. I never had a doubt when I picked up any book in the series that I would not like it. No, they aren’t literary masterpieces but they are a great comfort to me. I love all the drama that goes on in these pages. I love the family dynamics. I love watching both Jack and Riley grow as individuals and as a family. I just flat out love everything about them.

I thought about telling you what goes on in these stories but I think I’ll let you discover them for yourselves. I’ll just say, this is a great comfort series about a cowboy and the het-boy who loves him.

And if you’re still undecided, a little visual aid to help tip you over the edge.

OK, enough drooling. GO READ THIS SERIES!

Copy provided by the author for a fair and honest review.
Profile Image for Serena Yates.
Author 97 books769 followers
October 16, 2015
This final volume of the Campbell-Hayes saga was as spectacular as the first, but in a very different way. Where Jack and Riley started out as enemies who couldn’t imagine liking each other if they were the two last men on Earth, by the end of this extraordinary seven-book saga neither of them can imagine living without the other. Ever! They have grown into not just amazing lovers who are still so hot together that they need to flee into the famous old barn every now and then, they have also become a true team in life. Tension still exists when they argue or disagree or deal with everything their four children throw at them, but they deal with those problems relying on their underlying love.

At the center of ‘Texas Wedding’ is the 2015 SCOTUS vote on marriage equality in the US, and while Jack and Riley sort of hope for a “yes”, they can’t really see anything changing in Texas – at least not right away. Their decision to make getting married – again – a huge event and part of the still-looming fight about joint adoption rights, is hard-won, but the discussion makes both of them realize that no matter how far they have come, there is still a long, hard road ahead of them and couples like them before true equality in the eyes of the law becomes a reality in every area of life.

It was also great to see the various secondary characters reach significant milestones in their relationships. Eli and Robbie, Liam and Marcus, and Darran and Vaughn all have their own battles to fight and choices to make. Hayley has a heavy blow to deal with, Max makes amazing progress, and the twins are beginning to become more noticeable as they start to walk, talk, and develop their own preferences and ideas. Jack’s and Riley’ siblings and parents appear, and the whole big clan kept me entertained and amused throughout.

If you have followed Jack and Riley’s story from the beginning, you will want to know how they are doing now. If you have not – what are you waiting for? This series is a Texas-sized soap opera, a marvelous adventure, and a very emotionally satisfying love story between two amazing men all at the same time. I loved every single book, and am relieved to hear that RJ is planning more stories set on the Double D in the future. I’ll be there with bells on!

NOTE: This book was provided by the author for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
Profile Image for Calila.
1,167 reviews96 followers
April 10, 2017
Nice wrap up mostly. I think I suffer from taking such a long break between books. There's a lot of people that I don't quite remember who is connected and how. It's also a bit ridiculous that every adult female ends up pregnant, that's 3 by the end of the book. But I do love Jack and Riley, and I am happy with how it all ended up. It's happy but not perfect.
Profile Image for Cory .
728 reviews86 followers
October 2, 2015
I love Jack and Riley (and their entire family). Seriously, there must be other things in Texas that R.J. Scott can write about so their story can continue. She's gone through all of the seasons, but how about Texas Tornado? Texas Snowstorm? Texas Orgy? I see real prospects with that last one!

I've so enjoyed every book in this series. Jack and Riley had a rocky start, to say the very least. But they made it through and they're one of my all time favorite couples. Het-boy and Cowboy...how can you not love them?

I am excited about the spin off series regarding Kyle and the others. I will be reading those for sure!

A great end to a wonderful series!
Profile Image for multitaskingmomma.
1,359 reviews44 followers
September 25, 2015
Original Blog Post: Happy Happy Release Day!!! eARC Review, Excerpt & #Giveaway: Texas Wedding (Texas #7) by R.J. Scott

Review by: multitaskingmomma
My Rating: 5 of 5 Stars

I'm sorry, I can't help but tear up thinking this is the last time I will get to read about a day in the lives of Jack and Riley. Someone once asked, which among RJ Scott's men did I love the most and hands down, without question, it's these two. There is just something so grand about the way their fairy-tale romance began. With the succeeding books, we got to see the evolution of their romance turn to an uncompromising, unconditional love for each other and eventually their children. We saw their characters develop and instead of grating on readers' nerves due to familiarity breeding a bit of contempt, we just fell more in love and fascination with these two.

At the time when all of us around the world held our breaths waiting for the SCOTUS decision, we saw a hyped out RJ on her multimedia demanding we all give the support and positive energy to the group of people who had to make a decision. Just like we all did, so did Riley, not so much Jack. They had been married and committed to each other for some years now and what is a little more change to what Jack already took for granted?

On the sidelines, we get a glimpse of the intimate changes within their family circles. The pain, sorrow and happiness from a family that embraced a change even if those around them in Texas did not. When the decision finally came, we saw the different pros and cons these men and their lovers were about to face.

Change is tough to embrace and Riley and Jack have had enough changes in their lives for another one to bother them. It did bother them but because they'd both been through a lot, their attitude was somewhat restrained in public. What went on within the confines of their bedroom, now that is a different thing. We see Riley and Jack being intimate in mind, thought and emotions = please take out the naughty thoughts!

This is the final book, so far. I am saying so far for I am still holding on to a little bit of hope we don't see the last of these two.

Grudgingly, I recommend this. Why? Because its a beautiful read that gives us fans full closure. It is also painful to realise, this is the end.

Until we meet again, Jack and Riley.
Profile Image for Heather♥.
782 reviews6 followers
September 29, 2015
Thanks for the awesome ride Het-Boy and Cowboy! I'm gonna miss these two sexy beasts - but so glad to hear RJ's not completely done with their world yet. I look forward to ANY updates on the Campbell-Hayes clan and can't wait for 3 other special young men to find their long overdue HEAs. :)
Profile Image for Romanticamente Fantasy.
7,270 reviews215 followers
June 9, 2020
Recensione in ANTEPRIMA
Dany -per RFS
Care Fenici,
Dopo Il Cuore del Texas e L’Inverno del Texas, posso finalmente dire con certezza che RJ Scott ha scritto un seguito degno dei primi due romanzi. Onestamente, dal terzo al sesto ho quasi perso la speranza, soprattutto perché la storyline principale cominciava a essere solo uno sfondo alle problematiche di testosterone annacquato dei dipendenti del D. Ne Il matrimonio del Texas invece, le vicende di questi ultimi, acquistano un ruolo marginale ed equilibrato, a sostegno dei veri protagonisti. Fa ritorno al gran completo la famiglia allargata Campbell-Hayes, con particolare riferimento a Jack e Riley.

<> <> Riley fece un gesto con la mano libera. <>. <>. <> <>. Riley sorrise, e il sorriso arrivò fino agli occhi, che quel giorno erano più verdi che castani. <> <> <>. Jack gli strinse forte la mano. <> <>

L’intreccio narrativo si concentra sulla relazione matura e felice di Riley e Jack, in particolare nel giugno nell’anno 2015, quando i matrimoni gay diventano legali anche in Texas e c’è chi non perde l’occasione di lanciare un forte messaggio alla comunità.
È come se l’autrice, fiera e indomita come non succedeva dai tempi di Il Cuore del Texas, volesse fare un appello a tutto il Paese attraverso le voci dei suoi due beniamini e di tutta la loro famiglia. Vi giuro, le emozioni che traspaiano sono talmente potenti che un paio di lacrimucce scendono di sicuro.
Nel corso della lettura rincontriamo tutti i personaggi della serie che abbiamo amato, come Josh e Anna, Jim e Lisa (che dopo il primo romanzo era praticamente sparita). Sarà proprio lei a riportare a galla quei ricordi e quelle situazioni lasciate in sospeso all’inizio, e sarà compito di Riley decidere se andare avanti o vegetare nel rancore. Ma non sarà l’unica a mettere sotto pressione il nostro piccolo etero, poiché un’altra ombra del passato farà la sua apparizione. Jack, invece, continua la sua crociata alla salvaguardia della popolazione gay dai soprusi, accogliendoli tutti al Ranch ma questa volta sopraggiungeranno dei problemi familiari a cui non potrà sottrarsi. Riuscirà a dimostrarsi all’altezza?
A gettare scompiglio nella coppia penserà l’adorata figlia Hailey, che con l’adolescenza porterà nella vita dei suoi papà, ragazzi, feste e vestiti. Ma oltre al divertimento (il suo ovviamente), la ragazzina avrà bisogno, ora più che mai, del sostegno della famiglia.
Se non fossi stata certa dell’esistenza di un altro romanzo, avrei potuto scommettere che questo fosse l’ultimo volume della serie, dato il tono (quasi) di addio. Ora aspetto veramente con ansia l’ultimo racconto così da scoprire almeno, se Hailey sposerà Logan oppure no. Sto scherzando! Insomma il libro è assolutamente da leggere, non ve ne pentirete.
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,754 reviews379 followers
September 20, 2017
Perfection - RJ brings the first series of life at the Double D to a close

This book is a perfect ending for this series of seven books following the lives of Jack and Riley Campbell-Hayes and their now grown and extended family.

There's a little drama, Hayley develops diabetes and Riley finds it hard to let her manage her own condition, Jack struggles to accept he can't find the other guys who were abused at the same ranch as Liam.

But, as SCOTUS passes the law approving same-sex marriage, life on the ranch will never be quite the same again. Eli and Robbie elope off to Las Vegas, Vaughn and Darren decide they're happy as they are, and Riley and Jack plan the best Texas wedding they can.

They use it as a kick starter to fight for adoption of their kids for both partners and as life settles down, the reader is given a glimpse into the future with Eden and Sean expecting and Jim and Sandra planning their own exchange of vows.

I'm so glad to know there'll be spin offs involving the three men from Liam's trial as I've loved every second I've spent on the Double D following the lives of those involved with the ranch.

In Jack and Riley, RJ Scott has created a beautiful pair who perfectly complement each other and provide strength and support in a loving and caring fashion. That they also have some incredibly hot sex and dirty talking is an added bonus ;)

Dallasty in book perfection and I've loved the lot.
Profile Image for Suzy .
748 reviews1 follower
January 19, 2016
4.5 stars

I read this in every spare minute I had today, couldn't put it down and didn't want it to end - loved Jack and Riley from the first book and it's so good to have seen all the changes in their lives.

I am one of those people who always wants just a little bit more at the end of a book, to see how the MC's relationship goes after the initial HEA, and that's what this series has felt like, getting to see their every day lives and watch their family grow.

Really excited to hear there will be more from this world, don't think I'll ever be ready fully let Jack, Riley and family go :) (now to go and re-read the whole series!).
Profile Image for Mollien Fote Osterman.
721 reviews11 followers
June 12, 2016
Title: Texas Wedding
Author: RJ Scott
Series: Texas Series Book 7
Publisher: Love Lane Books
Reviewer: Mollien
Release Date: September 23, 2015
Genre(s): Gay Male Romance, Suspense, Cowboy
Page Count: 189 pages
Heat Level: 4 flames out of 5
Rating: 5 stars out of 5

With the life changing prospect of a yes vote from SCOTUS on the issue of same sex marriage, Riley and Jack realise they have decisions to make. Add in some distressing family news and the very real possibility that old secrets may resurface, and this last book in the Texas series pulls together as many threads as the boys can manage to handle.

But through all the ups and the downs, children, family events, laughter, and tears, there is nothing as special as the forever love between these two men.

This is it. The end to a series that had so many ups and downs. What started with secrets and blackmail ends with love and happiness. This final book has some hurdles to get past, but as Jack and Riley have proved so many times before, they are up for any challenge. The plot of this final story is the renewal of their marriage Texas style. The men are hoping that in some way documenting the ceremony will bring positive attention to the plight of gay and lesbian couples and their ability to be recognized in legal marriage as well as as co parents. The chemistry has never been as strong as it is in this last book. The pacing is a little calmer in this book, but is it is still pretty fast. This is a wonderful ending to a beautiful story, but it looks like we will still be able to get our Jack and Riley fix as there will be spin off books. I for one can’t wait. These characters are just to good to let go of.
SCORES on a scale of 1-5 Stars rate each of the Following 5 Categories
PLOT: 5 Stars
PACING: 5 Stars
ENDING: 5 Stars

Review Copy of Texas Wedding provided by the Love Lane Books for an honest Review. Reviewed by Mollien from Alpha Book Club
description  description
Profile Image for ButtonsMom2003.
3,276 reviews29 followers
July 2, 2018
This review is for the audio copy of Texas Wedding.
Love the story, love the audio performance.

I've read all of the Texas series books and LOVED them. Texas Wedding is book 7 and when I found out that the audio version was available I couldn't wait to listen to it.

Sean Crisden's performance of this story is absolutely perfect. He nails all of the voices and made the characters in my head come alive for me. Often when I listen to a book that I've already read I don't worry about catching every word – especially if I'm trying to do two or three things at once. 😊 But when I listened to Texas Wedding my attention was completely focused on the words I was hearing.

As for the story, I can't say enough good things about books by RJ Scott and the Texas series in particular. This series really needs to be read or listened to in order. All of the books are interwoven and one builds on the other with different couples taking center stage but Texas Wedding is really about the entire series.

If you've already read the other Texas books then you must absolutely listen to, or read, Texas Wedding. It wraps up the series very nicely and also introduces the Legacy series of 3 books.

Box of tissue warning: I was bawling my eyes out (happy tears) during parts of this story, especially near the end. I was very glad I wasn't out in public while I listened to this. Having my hubby give me the side-eye is bad enough. 😊

Note: In the Publisher's Summary for Texas Wedding on Audible.com it says that this is the last audiobook in the Texas series. As fans of this series know, RJ Scott gave her readers a fantastic surprise last fall when she published Texas Gift which was like a wonderful long epilogue for the series. I sincerely hope that RJ decides to have Sean do the audio for Texas Gift.

A copy of this audiobook was provided to me by the author but that didn't influence this review and no review was requested or required.

***Reviewed for Xtreme-Delusions dot com***
Profile Image for Valeria  DePaula.
952 reviews5 followers
June 23, 2018
✔ Letto! l'ultimo capitolo della saga sui nostri cowboy e la loro bellissima famiglia. Questa volta i nostri ragazzi daranno battaglia per i loro diritto. Il diritto di sposarsi legalmente nel Texas, loro due, Eli e Robbie, Liam e Marcus e Darren e Vaughan. Ragazzi gay, bravi lavoratori, padri e amici fedeli. Il diritto di essere i ladri legalmente dei loro bambini, insieme. Il diritto di amarsi.
Jack è inarrestabile nei suoi progetti nel ranch e si lascia influenzare dalle persone che convivono con loro per delle idee altruiste che solo il benessere e la consapevolezza che possono fare la differenza può rendere possibile.
Un Riley, uomo maturo, chiocciola, fratello, padre e figlio. Un Riley cresciuto grazie all'amore del suo uomo. La sua roccia.
Una bellissima conclusione della serie. Tante soprese, tanti spaventi e grandi cambiamenti.
Mi mancheranno tutti quanti loro. E vorrei un libro per ogni coppia, per ogni figlio del figlio. Vorrei una saga tipo "Beautiful"... infinita.😍
Per me è ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Profile Image for Suze.
3,662 reviews
February 9, 2017
The much anticipates last book in the Texas series and as a firm fan I did love catching up with everyone.
There is the sadness that this is the end but am hopeful for future updates through some of the younger characters (and then seeing an older Riley and Jack).
This one served to catch up on most of the main guys from the series alongside Riley and Jack so as such was a bit jumpy here then jumpy there. The actual wedding bit is quite a small part of the book but the getting there is fine.
Much more calm and loving than perhaps some of the other books, but fitting for Riley and Jack where they are in their relationship.
So for now it is goodbye to Hetboy and Cowboy as they ride off into the sunset!
Profile Image for Jen.
667 reviews13 followers
September 25, 2015
Falls to knees, head thrown back, arms raised to the sky, and screams "Noooo! This can't be the end!" A bit much? ;)
The Texas series is one of my favorite series of books that I've ever read. The love between Jack and Riley is epic. I'm not ready to accept this as the last book, but as far as wrapping up Jack & Riley's love story, it was perfect. I've never been more happier with an ending to a book as I am with this one. RJ Scott really knows how to tell a fantastic story.
Profile Image for Maggie.
426 reviews
October 2, 2015
So sad, but soooo Amazing!!

What an incredible ending to this series! Riley and Jack have been through it all, yet they are stronger and better than ever! Was so amazing to see how things are turning out for them and their loved ones. Was a brilliant series, so much love and happiness for them, always surrounded by those who love them and make their family complete. I'm sad to see it over, it was a thrilling ride!!
1,280 reviews
September 25, 2015
I couldn't love Jack and Riley more. They face everything together and there's always something new to deal with. I love how they love each other, their family and friends. This was a timely story with the SCOTUS decision in June 2015 on gay marriage. A enjoyable end (I'm sad) to a wonderful series.
Profile Image for Pates.
384 reviews
October 1, 2015
I had tears flowing. Tears!!! The way RJ wrote this story was absolutely perfect. My heart fluttered so many times. Soo many. *sighs*
Gahhhh! Jack and Riley! They are sooo fucking amazing.
And Hayley, sweet Hayley, I love her.
If you haven't read this series yet, you definitely want to.
Profile Image for Lisa.
154 reviews19 followers
March 23, 2016
Very nice finale to a great series. Loved seeing this family truly get the happily ever after.

My one issue with this book was the poor editing. There were times when it truly threw me off.
921 reviews7 followers
September 29, 2015
love this series so much. I really enjoy seeing how the couple are going after the initial HEA.
Profile Image for Giada.
785 reviews13 followers
May 10, 2022
Rieccoci dopo pochi mesi dall'uscita del sesto libro ad affrontare una nuova avventura della calda ed irresistibile famiglia texana Campbell-Hayes. Nonostante il passare degli anni Jack e Riley continuano ad amarsi teneramente e appassionatamente dividendo il loro tempo libero tra la gestione del ranch, la cura dei figli, gli amici e i fugaci incontri amorosi, sempre bollenti e ricchi di passione. Nulla sembra turbare i coniugi ma si sa... chi dice Campbell-Hayes dice guai e la simpatica famiglia non riesce proprio a starsene tranquilla e con le mani in mano sopratutto Jack, sempre pronto a lanciarsi in nuovi ed entusiasmanti progetti. L'uomo nonostante la vittoria in tribunale contro il crudele Hank Castille continua a preoccuparsi per la sorte di Liam e dei ragazzi come lui. Non riesce a credere che al mondo ci siano persone spregevoli e disposte a prevaricare sugli altri approfittando delle disavventure di ragazzi sfortunati e bisognosi di aiuto, in particolare è rimasto colpito dai tre giovani testimoni al processo Kyle, Gabriel e Daniel, dei ragazzi giovanissimi e caduti tra le mani di un mostro manipolatore e spietato. Jack sente di dover fare qualcosa per ragazzi come loro ed è più che mai intenzionato a dare il suo contributo per rendere il mondo un posto migliore. Desidera utilizzare una delle sue proprietà, in disuso da anni, per creare un centro, un luogo sicuro in grado di ospitare e aiutare i ragazzi in difficoltà, dare loro la possibilità di appoggiarsi a una famiglia e avere modo di lavorare con i cavalli e a contatto con la natura, spera con l'aiuto di Liam, suo amico e sopravvissuto ad abusi e violenze e a Darren, desideroso di fare ammenda per i crimini del fratello Hank, di poter mettere in piedi un progetto di supporto e di aiuto. Spera di poter aiutare in primo luogo quei tre giovani sfortunati che dopo aver testimoniato contro il loro ormai ex datore di lavoro si ritrovano senza alcun supporto e un luogo dove stare e per farlo decide di mettersi in contatto con Kyle, il più grande dei tre e di cui è riuscito a recuperare il recapito. Un'idea senza dubbio nobile ma anche difficile da realizzare che si somma alle altre mille avventure che coinvolgono la sua famiglia portandoci nuovamente ad appassionarci e commuoverci. Nonostante infatti il progetto benefico il caro Jack si ritroverà insieme al marito ad affrontare come sempre tante altre novità più o meno piacevoli e che porteranno un po' di sano caos e pepe all'interno della coppia e non solo, dovranno affrontare la comparsa in scena di una ex fiamma del crudele e spietato Jeff, fratello ormai defunto di Riley, pronta a prendere il posto nella azienda di famiglia, i bisogni e i turbamenti di Hayley, ormai una adolescente alle prese con amore,amicizia e piccoli problemi di salute, i piccoli guai che il nipote Logan sembra avere legati alle amicizie sbagliate e all'affetto che sente per il migliore amico Cody e ultimo ma non per importanza la decisione rivoluzionaria che sta mettendo sottosopra il Texas, la scelta di dare la possibilità anche alle coppie omosessuali di coronare il proprio sogno d'amore sposandosi e avendo diritti come le coppie etero, una novità quasi rivoluzionare in un paese che ancora si sente legato alle tradizioni e vede di malocchio la comunità LGBT ma che per i coniugi rappresenta un'occasione più unica che rara per poter rinnovare i voti d'amore e poter organizzare quel matrimonio così tanto sognato dalla coppia, un matrimonio finalmente celebrato all'insegna dell'amore, insieme ad amici, parenti e figli e destinato ad essere un esempio, un faro di speranza per tutte quelle coppie che come loro si amano e vogliono semplicemente esprimere i propri voti come le coppie eterosessuali. Ci ritroviamo tra le mani l'ennesimo libro interessante e coinvolgente dall'inizio alla fine. Se come me siete arrivati a questo punto avrete ormai senza dubbio capito che questa serie è una piccola gemma, non solo per i suoi personaggi, sempre curati e ricchi di sfumature ma anche per la capacità dell'autore di raccontare delle storie importanti, intrecciandole tra loro e regalando momenti dolci, teneri ed erotichi e altri emozionanti, dolorosi e ricchi di messaggi positivi. Questo volumetto non fa eccezione e proprio come gli scorsi capitoli mi ha conquistato. I personaggi continuano ad essere speciali e pieni d'amore e basta già solo l'interazione tra i due buffi papà con la figlioletta Hayley per farmi commuovere e urlare come una tredicenne al suo primo concerto. Tutto è ben curato e anche se questo capitolo è stato un po' meno corale rispetto agli scorsi mi sono ugualmente emozionata. Il matrimonio del Texas rispetto agli altri libri, nonostante succedano molte cose, ha un tono più tranquillo e si sente un po' il bisogno dell'autore di portarci mano nella mano verso la fine della storia, verso quello che sarà l'ultimo libro legato alla coppia, il prossimo volume infatti chiuderà il ciclo dedicato a Riley e Jack e posso dire che questa cosa rispetto agli altri volumi si sente un po' e lo possiamo soprattutto notare nella presentazione della new entry Kyle. Il ragazzo è una delle vittime dello spietato Castille, non ci è ancora dato sapere quello che ha subito in particolare ma basta poco per renderci conto che la sua vita non è stata senza dubbio facile e che gli abusi dell'ex datore di lavoro lo hanno segnato nel profondo. Jack si avvicina a lui per aiutarlo e il ragazzo per tutta risposta agisce con paura, quasi con rabbia. Teme Jack e gli uomini come lui perché pensa che siano semplicemente dei ricchi pronti a lavarsi la coscienza sperperando denaro e non certo interessati al suo benessere, proprio come Liam ha il timore di essere nuovamente pugnalato alle spalle e nonostante decida di dare una possibilità a Jack il suo personaggio rimane al momento ancora avvolto nel mistero. Nonostante Kyle ci venga presentato non abbiamo modo di conoscerlo e apprezzarlo fino in fondo, una scelta che mi ha fatto un po' storcere il naso, nonostante l'autore abbia deciso di creare una trilogia a parte ( La Legacy Ranch al momento ancora inedita in Italia) con protagonisti Kyle, Gabriel e Daniel, ho sentito un po' una forzatura nel suo personaggio e nella sua presentazione. Siamo stati abituati a conoscere fin da subito attraverso i punti di vista e i pensieri i nuovi personaggi della serie, soprattutto quelli importanti e pronti a rivoluzionare le dinamiche della famiglia texana a tal punto da affezionarci a loro e desiderare di conoscerli fino in fondo mentre qui... vedere Kyle presentato solo ed esclusivamente attraverso gli occhi di Jack e messo un po' da parte se non per il finale, quando il progetto di Jack ruota proprio intorno a ragazzi abusati e abbandonati come lui, mi ha un po' deluso, spero ci sia modo di iniziare a comprenderlo meglio nel prossimo capitolo senza per forza dover leggere il volume a lui dedicato. A parte questa mia piccola delusione non posso senza dubbio lamentarmi... anzi. La storia è intricata e appassionante come sempre alternando momenti divertenti e buffi, ricchi di dolcezza e affetto ad altri più bollenti e sensuali, nonostante siano passati gli anni Jack e Riley continuano ad essere una coppia appassionata e che non si lascia sfuggire la possibilità di unirsi anima e corpo regalando a noi lettori scene bollenti e ricche di passione. Non mancano i personaggi secondari e amici della coppia che anche in questo capitolo fanno sentire la propria voce, ritroviamo Eden e Steve alle prese con la prima gravidanza, Eli e Robbie decisi a sposarsi e approfittare delle nuove leggi del Texas per esprimere i propri sentimenti al mondo intero, Liam e Marcus sempre innamorati e supportivi l'uno con l'altro, Josh alle prese con i problemi famigliari e la gravidanza complicata della compagna e ultima ma non per importanza Lisa, l'ex moglie di Jeff, un po' lasciata da parte negli ultimi capitoli ma tornata al ranch per supportare la famiglia, la donna dopo molta fatica è riuscita a riprendere in mano le redini del proprio destino trovando un uomo buono e gentili, Ed, pronto ad entrare nella pazza famiglia Campbell-Hayes e disposto ad accettare il passato turbolento della donna senza giudicarla per le sue azioni. Dei personaggi che seppur secondari con le loro storie hanno arricchito la narrazione regalandoci un volume piacevole e rilassante. Penso sia ormai inutile sottolineare come sia assuefatta dalla serie, come apprezzi tutti i personaggi e come il D. e il suo folle mondo sia un po' un rifugio per staccare la spina. Le avventure della famiglia texana sono perfette per riuscire a regalarsi momenti spensierati e proprio ora, con l'avvento della stagione estiva, credo siano avventure perfette sotto l'ombrellone. Se non l'avete ancora fatto vi consiglio caldamente di recuperare i precedenti volumi e di buttarvi senza alcun indugio su questo nuovo entusiasmante capitolo. Non ne rimarrete delusi!
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1,739 reviews53 followers
July 15, 2020
Recensione a cura di Cleo per Feel the Book

Voto 3,5

Non credevo che questa serie avesse ancora qualcosa da dire, ormai, arrivata al settimo volume, invece R.J. Scott mi ha stupito, perché ha concepito questo libro come una sorta di dichiarazione d’amore ai suoi personaggi, alla famiglia allargata costruita da Riley e Jack. Ci sono alcune nuove sfide da affrontare, come sempre, ma più di tutto ci sono i momenti familiari, la gioia di vivere insieme le piccole difficoltà quotidiane, la sicurezza di avere il partner a fianco mentre i figli crescono e ci si deve adattare ai loro mutamenti. E poi c’è l’amore, incondizionato e totale, e c’è la passione, che si mantiene viva e ardente nonostante i mille impegni costringano i due a ritagliarsi i loro momenti privati.

E c’è il 26 giugno 2015, il giorno in cui la Corte Suprema ha reso legale il matrimonio omosessuale in tutti gli Stati Uniti, una data vitale per il cammino dei diritti civili in quel paese. La Scott ha modellato l’intera vicenda attorno a questo evento, mostrando attraverso i vari personaggi il diverso impatto che ha avuto sulle persone. Perché per quanto sia stata una conquista importantissima, non tutti sono corsi a sposarsi all’istante: la cosa davvero fondamentale è che negli Stati Uniti tutti da allora abbiano avuto la possibilità di farlo, se lo desideravano. Inoltre avere il diritto di sposarsi non implica in automatico avere uguali diritti sui figli non naturali, purtroppo, e in tal senso la lotta si prospetta ancora lunga e difficile, perché troppe persone continuano ad aggrapparsi all’odio e a preconcetti che non hanno nulla a che vedere con la religione per opporsi a ciò che, semplicemente, è giusto.

Jack e Riley sono al centro del romanzo, con il loro amore e le difficoltà da superare, come la tendenza di Riley a chiudersi in se stesso di fronte agli ostacoli e affrontare da solo preoccupazioni e timori. Nonostante la loro vita perfetta, continuano ad aggiungere altre cose: il maneggio, la prospezione etica del petrolio e persino un rifugio per ragazzi cacciati di casa, come Kyle, una delle altre vittime che ha testimoniato al processo insieme a Liam.

Attorno a loro, però, continuano a ruotare anche le altre coppie che vivono al ranch: ci sono Marcus e Liam, ancora alle prese con gli strascichi lasciati dalla violenza sulla fiducia in se stesso e negli altri di Liam; poi Eli e Robbie, che affrontano con coraggio i controlli per scoprire se il cancro sia tornato e trovano il coraggio di fare progetti per il futuro; infine Vaughn e Darren, che si stanno costruendo una vita felice. E poi i figli, le sorelle, i cognati, i nipoti… l’enorme famiglia Campbell-Hayes, con il suo carico di traumi passati e segreti che devono essere custoditi.
Insomma, Riley e Jack non hanno mai un attimo di respiro, però sono immensamente felici e, nonostante si sia arrivati al settimo volume della serie, è emozionante assistere al trionfo del loro amore suggellato da un nuovo matrimonio.

Editing a cura di Ash.
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1,752 reviews
December 8, 2018
Texas Wedding (Texas #7) by R.J. Scott
5 stars
M/M Romance
I was given this book for an honest review by Wicked Reads.

This is the last installment and it makes me sad. I love this family!

Riley and Jack are at it again. They have endured in their relationship and they could teach everyone a thing or two. Listening and paying attention to the small things is what has kept them going. What's also been keeping them going is "their" barn.

In this book, you get to see the nation changing for the better. Riley and Jack are so excited to be able to be married in their home state. The wedding is exactly them and it includes everyone who is important to them. Grab some Kleenex, because when you hear Haley talk about her dad's, you'll need them.

You get to catch up on family members that haven't been prominent for a while, but it's good to be reminded that sometimes, you do the impossible for family. Everyone is moving forward with their lives and it just enhances the story. It was a sweet story with so much love that you could feel it throughout the story.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 131 reviews

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