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الكتاب الأمثل لخرائط العقل

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يمثل الفصل الأول تعريفاً للكتاب ومدخل لبقية الفصول, ففيه يجيب الكاتب على بعض الأسئلة مثل ماخريطة العقل ؟ وما خطوات عملها؟ وكيف تساعدنا خرائط العقل على نحو أفضل ؟ وفي الفصل الثاني يدعو المؤلف قارئه للتعرف على عقله, ويختبر معلوماته حوله, ثم يورد بعض المبادئ المذهلة التي يعمل بها العقل كمبدأ المضاعفة, ومبدأ التكرار العلمي, في الفصل الثالث يضع بين أيدينا معادلة النجاح المثالية (تيفاكس) وهي تعلمك كيف تتعلم, وهي معادلة مذهلة جدا ً, أما الفصل الرابع فيحتوي على تمارين عقلية للنجاح الذهني, والفصل الخامس يوضح أهمية اللياقة البدنية من أجل القوة الذهنية, ومدى قوة الرابط بينها وبين العقل, أخيرا ً يأتي الفصل السادس كتطبيق لخرائط العقل على جميع ميادين الحياة, الإجتماعية, والعملية, والعائلية, وأحيانا ً اليومية .

240 pages, Mass Market Paperback

Published January 1, 2009

About the author

Tony Buzan

273 books978 followers
Tony Buzan was an author and educational consultant. He was a proponent of the techniques of Mind Mapping and mental literacy. He worked with: corporate entities and businesses all over the world; academics; Olympic athletes; children of all ages; governments; and high profile individuals, in teaching them how to maximize the use of their brain power.

Buzan was born in London, was an alumnus of Kitsilano Secondary School, and received double honors in psychology, English, mathematics and the General Sciences from the University of British Columbia in 1964. He is probably best known for his book, Use Your Head, his promotion of mnemonic systems and his Mind Mapping techniques. He launched his own software program to support mind mapping called iMindMap in December 2006. His website, Buzan World, cites trademarks on the phrase 'Mind Maps' which he has registered in many countries.

Following his 1970s series for the BBC, many of his ideas have been set into his series of five books: Use Your Memory, Master Your Memory, Use Your Head, The Speed Reading Book and The Mind Map Book. He authored or co-authored over 100 books.

Most of his teaching generally divided up into: general awareness of the extensive capabilities and capacities of the brain and its functions, memory skills, reading skills, Mind Map note-taking and note-making, creativity, and how brain function can be improved over time into old age.

Buzan developed Mind Mapping whilst at university, out of the frustration that traditional notes took up so much time to create and review. He has argued that Mind Maps are an efficient way to take notes from lectures or books. His brother Barry Buzan, who co-wrote The Mind Map Book, suggested the technique could also be used to capture notes from one's own creative ideas and is useful in business.

As a popular psychology author, Tony Buzan wrote on subjects relating to the brain, genius quotient (GQ), spiritual intelligence, memory, creativity and speed reading. He was the founder and President of the Brain Foundation (not to be confused with various medical-related bodies with the same name) and also the Brain Trust Charity, the World Memory Championships and the World Championships of the Brain. He was a co-founder of London's Mind Body Spirit Festival as well as the Mind Sports Olympiad.

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Profile Image for Mohammed Agbawi.
9 reviews2 followers
May 21, 2012
بعد قرائة الكتاب قمت في تطبيق الأداة في الآتي:
١. فهرس محتوى "أجندا" لورشة عم�� في تطبيق استراتيجية جديدة في تنفيذ المشاريع لإدارة المشاريع في كبرى الشركات في المملكة.
٢. تحضير مقابلة شخصية لستة أشخاص في خمس دقائق و تسجيل المعلومات في خريطة العقل في صفحة و احدة لستة أشخاص.
٣. تلخيص محاضرة في إدارة المشاريع لمدة خمسة ايام في ورقة واحدة فقط!
٤. تخطيط مجال لسبع مشاريع باستخدام WBS جزء من خريطة العقل مصمم للمشاريع

هذه في اقل من شهر!!! طريقة جداً فعالة و مؤثرة . اتمنى تطبيقها في النظام التعليمي.
Profile Image for Salama Bin Amro.
3 reviews1 follower
November 21, 2011
I read “The ultimate book of Mind Maps” by Tony Buzan. It is a self-help book that teaches you how you can organize your mind and work with multitasks effectively. We are all agreed that the human brain is totally different than a computer. This book teaches you how to adopt this method in your daily life.

Mind Maps take on the same structure as memory itself. Once you draw your own mind map, you rarely need to go back to it again. Mind Maps help organize your work, activities and tasks.

To start to draw your own mind map, first you have to start in the center of the page, adding your main idea. From the main idea you draw arrows outward in all directions, producing a growing and organized structure composed of key words and key images. You might use key words, colors, symbols, icons, arrows to help you remember your own map.

Now Tony Buzan has established online mind maps so it is easy for everyone to create his or her own visual plan. It is for everyone; businessmen, students or individuals.

I strongly advise all my colleagues to read this book and to createtheir own mind map. It will help them to be more organized. Personally I tried it(*blow chart) and it was very useful to reach my goal.

Profile Image for Asma N.
3 reviews
January 20, 2012

قرأت الكتاب بالنسخه العربية المتوفرة في جرير .
الكتاب جميل بترتيبه وفكرته إلا أن معظم الكلام شبه مكرر خاصه في الفصول الأخيره لكن أكثر فصل أثاااار دهشتي وجعلني أشكر الله مرارا وتكرارا هو الفصل الثاني حيث بدأ الكاتب بالتكلم حول المخ وقدراته العظيمه جدا ..سبحان الله
وقد طبقت فكرته حول الخرائط الذهنيه في المواد التي تكون مواضيعها متشعبه كالرياضيات مثلا فأفادتني جدا
كتاب أنصح بقراءته أو على الأقل أخذ نبذه ومعرفه بسيطه عن فكرته خاصة للمعلمين .
Profile Image for Mark.
91 reviews3 followers
August 5, 2020
Mind maps are great. This book is not.
96 reviews2 followers
January 29, 2018
Not bad. Like many books of this nature, could have been a long essay. Had to stretch it quite a bit to get a book out of it. Skim it and get what you need.
Profile Image for Nader Swifty.
19 reviews24 followers
February 4, 2013
Thanks Tony Buzan for this fantastic book.This book has completely changed the way I think,study and deal with any difficulty.
First Buzan talks about how incredible our brain is.Then how the mind maps trigger both our right and left brain and its principles and applications in our real life.Beside he tells us how our lifestyle and diet can affect our mental health.
I applied this technique in my studies(I'm a med student btw) and the outcomes were impressive.I could stuff my brain with massive amount of tricky information without getting confused.Beside it's amusing so never feel bored while studying,and when revision I could recall info smoothly without any trouble.
If you are a high school student or at college then learn it,a father then learn your kids to use it,a manager use it in your company.
It's really worth :)
Profile Image for Reem Tharwat.
19 reviews17 followers
February 11, 2012

يبدو أن للكتاب نسختين نسخة من ترجمة جرير ونسخة من ترجمة العبيكان .. أمتلك نسخة مطابقة تماماً للنسخة الإنجليزية () ممتعة ورسوماتها مميزة وملهمه ... أفادني الكتاب دراسياً ٨٠٪ =) طريقة الخريطة الذهنية جداً فعالة.
Profile Image for Erik.
20 reviews
February 26, 2012
Dissappointing. I purchased this book to learn how to use Mind Maps more effectively. The book focuses on "selling" the Mind Map idea, rather than explaining how to use Mind Maps to promote innovation and problem-solving.
Profile Image for Mohamed  alrawahi.
134 reviews25 followers
June 16, 2021
نبشت عن هذا الكتاب بعد عن قرأتي لفصل قصير عن خرائط العقل لنفس الكاتب في كتابة الرائع كتاب القراءة السريعة.
من أهم خواص خرائط العقل انها تساعدك على حفظ أي معلومات تريدها بسهولة فهي تشرك الفص الايمن من الدماغ (المسؤول عن الخيال والالوان والصور) مع الفص الأيسر (المسؤول عن التحيليل والحسابات والمنطق) وبذلك تضاعف القدرة العقلية على الحفظ، كذلك تسهل ترتيب افكارك والتركيز عليها كما تعطيك صورة شاملة للموضوع. أما الفائدة الأكبر منها أنه بإمكانك تفعيلها في أي جانب من جوانب الحياة.

ينقسم الكتاب بين ضفتيه الى ستة فصول ذهنية :

-الفصل الأول: يشرح كيفية عمل خرائط ذهنية بالطريقة المثلى وأشهر من استخدمها

-الفصل الثاني: يتكلم بصورة عامة عن القدرك المهولة للمخ والاعجاز الخلقي فيه!

-الفصل الثالث: يخبرنا عن معادلة النجاح TEFCAS

-الفصل الرابع: يذكر بعض التمارين العقلية التي تزيد الاستيعاب والقوة الذهنية (معلومات مهمة للدارسين)

-الفصل الخامس: يوضح العلاقة الوطيدة بين القوة البدنية والقوة الذهنية بصورة جميلة جدًا.

-أما الفصل الأخير: يذكر بعض الأمثلة لإستخدام الخرائط الذهنية في أرض الواقع

بقراءتك هذا الكتاب ستمتلك بين يديك أداة تفكير تستطيع تغير طريقة تفكيرك إلى الأبد وتشجعك لإنجاز أهدافك ولكن ذلك لن يحدث إلا بالتطبيق والإستمرار

"إذا اردت النجاح فضاعف من معدل الفشل"
توماس واتسون
Profile Image for Amira Albusta.
10 reviews1 follower
May 9, 2020
الكتاب صغير لكنه مفيد
اسلوب الكتاب مبسط و سهل الفهم و لاحظت استخدام الإيحاء الإيجابي لبرمجة عقل القارئ على استخدام الخرائط.
في البداية يسرد معلومات عن أصل خرائط العقل ، فائدتها و استخداماتها
و بعدها يتوسع في طريقة عملها باسلوب بسيط و سهل التطبيق و يعزز الطريقة بمعلومات عن تجارب محفزه لاستخدامها.
الكتاب ككل ممتع و مفيد
أنصح المهتمين بتنظيم أفكارهم و معلوماتهم بأسلوب ذكي لقراءته و تطبيق محتواه.
Profile Image for moi, k.y.a..
1,980 reviews366 followers
February 16, 2021
pandeminin monotonluğundan kurtulmak adına katıldığım çevrim içi eğitimlerden birinin konusu, bu kitabın da adı olan Zihin Haritaları’ydı. dinlerken basitliği ve kullanışlılığı açısından çok ilgimi çekmişti çünkü bilenler bilir, ben bir planlama manyağıyım. hatta planlama bağımlısıyım da denilebilir. kafamdakileri kağıt üzerinde görmeye ihtiyaç duyarım. işte bu noktada, bu sistem benim için ihtiyaç olan ama yöntem nedeniyle angaryaya dönüşen notlama/planlama işlerime nefes oldu.
Profile Image for Roland Karang.
28 reviews
August 5, 2017
This book will show you how to maximize the potential ways of our brain works, in its application in every aspect of life..
Profile Image for Nina Purwanto.
12 reviews6 followers
August 1, 2013
Dalam salah satu kesempatan diskusi di grup whatsapp LoveBooksALotId, mas Yayan Sofyan mengangkat tema mengenai metode mind map ini. Jujur sebelumnya saya kurang familiar dengan metode ini, but soon after a few examples, I know that mind map very helpful for us to organize and plan something.

Metode mind map ini merupakan metode yang membantu otak agar berpikir lebih teratur. Mind map sangat membantu dalam berbagai hal seperti dalam merencanakan, berkomunikasi, menjadi lebih kreatif, menghemat waktu, menyelesaikan masalah, memusatkan perhatian, menyusun dan menjelaskan pikiran-pikiran, mengingat lebih baik, belajar lebih cepat dan efisien, dan melihat 'gambar keseluruhan' dari konsep atau rencana.

Dan Buku Pintar Mind Map dari Tony Buzan ini sangat membantu kita untuk mengerti akan aturan dasar dari mind map ini dan bagaimana mengaplikasikannya.

"Gagasan tidak jatuh dari langit, gagasan datang dari manusia. Manusia membuat perangkat lunak. Manusia merancang produk. Manusia memulai bisnis baru. setiap pemikiran baru yang memberi kesenangan atau produktivitas atau kemudahan, apakah itu ipod atau program yang membuat pabrik kimia lebih efisien, adalah hasil kecerdasan manusia" - Harvard Business Review
Profile Image for Haries.
29 reviews
September 5, 2012
Yup Pak Tony Buzan ini emang pakarnya memaksimalkan fungsi otak..
Apa itu Mind Map?
adalah cara termudah untuk menempatkan informasi ke dalam otak dan mengambil informasi ke luar otak -- mind map adalah cara mencatat yg kreatif, efektif, dan secara harfiah akan "menentukan" pikiran-pikiran kita.

Menurut saya Mind Map itu :
- mencabangkan ide besar menjadi ide-ide kecil yg lebih praktis
- mengawinkan bahasa kata dengan bahasa simbol/ikon/gambar untuk memudahkan pengingatan ide-ide si mind maper
- karya seni hasil perpaduan dua belahan otak.
- gampang2 susah juga untuk dibuat. practices makes perfect!

Cocok untuk:
- tukang jual ide, tukang ngajar, tukang dagang,tukang tani...
- manusia galau yg ingin keluar dari kegalauan nya dg cara sendiri
- pengelana dan petualang yg pelupa
- peng analisa fenomena sosial Indonesia yg rumit dan njelimet.
- dst

Menjadi ahli Mind Map, just do it!
Profile Image for Gokhan.
216 reviews11 followers
July 7, 2019
Bu kitap özel ya da iş yaşantınızda, hafızayı toparlamayı, hedeflerinizi belirlemenizi, hayal gücünü geliştirmenizi, beyin fırtınası yapmanızı, proje takibini, ekip yönetimini, problem çözümünü sağlıyor bunu Tony Buzan düz yazı şeklinde alınan notlar yerine görselliğin daha ön plana çıktığı zihin haritaları kullanarak yaptırıyor, haritalarda bir sayfa üzerinde bir konunun bütününe bakabiliyoruz, beynimiz de böyle çalışıyor, bu yöntemi kesinlikle sevdiğim herkese her fırsatta tavsiye ediyorum ve edeceğim..
39 reviews2 followers
April 15, 2021
I read 2.5 books of Tony's books, and I can say he is a scammer.
Tony always has a point and good idea that can be explained in a typical article of 2 pages, but he extend it into a book of 200 pages, you ask how? Easy, by including fillers, this book is about mind maps, let's talk about the evolution of brain and its parts and how it works. Talk about how "mind maps make you physically better" - he said it - and talk about fitness and sport.

Read the first and last chapters only, and the rest is not even related to mind maps.
Profile Image for Jake Losh.
207 reviews25 followers
September 6, 2010
It's truth in advertising, I assure you. You'll learn how to effectively use mind maps, why they're useful, why they work, and everything that goes into their creation and use. I enjoyed Buzan's perspectives on learning and his encouragement to the reader to seek out multiple ways of understanding learned material. If you've ever been curious about mind maps, I would highly recommend this book. You can probably finish it in a couple of hours.
June 18, 2022
I loved the concept of mind maps shared by Tony in his books. Basically mind maps helps you memorize lot many details diagrammatically and categorically which eventually will help you plan your personal and professional life better. Creating Mind Maps is going to be an easy piece of cake as there are plenty of softwares available out there on the web to help you implement the mind map in your life. I'm looking forward to implement these in my own life.
Profile Image for Paul Rush.
2 reviews
December 26, 2012
Mind maps are a valuable idea, used by people in many fields. But after the first couple of chapters, wherein the basic idea is laid out, Buzan becomes a carnival huckster promoting the benefits of mind mapping in over-the-top language and using spurious "evidence". It's so cartoonish it would be funny if I hadn't paid good money for this.
Profile Image for Eri.
56 reviews7 followers
January 17, 2008
Reading & understanding it, juzt ain't enough without implementing and practising routinely what Tony has advised to us in this book.
Profile Image for سارة ناصر.
394 reviews241 followers
February 5, 2016
يتكلم عن العقل والذكاء والخرائط الذهنية وأهميتها وكيف نستخدمها بجميع جوانب حياتنا مو بس بالدراسة، أعجبني تعزيز المعلومات بالدراسات والحقائق العلمية.
Profile Image for Sean Goh.
1,497 reviews94 followers
June 29, 2013
Chock full of examples to demonstrate the idea behind mind maps, this book helped me to realise mind maps don't necessarily have to be limited to academia.
Profile Image for Nguyen Ha.
68 reviews2 followers
June 3, 2017
Đọc cả cuốn sách toàn nói vòng vo cái ở đẩu đâu. Sách viết về bản đồ tư duy mà có 5 trang nói về cái này. Tệ quá mức.
Profile Image for Namida.
19 reviews7 followers
September 10, 2017
Contains a handful of good ideas for using mind maps effectively, but reads like a sales pitch.
Profile Image for Em.
548 reviews48 followers
November 21, 2019
This book is a peppy self-improvement sales pitch dialled up to 110%. So excruciating that I had to give up.
Profile Image for Yor.
306 reviews13 followers
July 13, 2020
Hoy tuve la oportunidad de dedicar unos minutos al famoso libro de Tony Buzan, en creador del concepto mapas mentales. Este es uno de los libros que recomiendo si deseas conocer lo básico y fundamental, así como los beneficios y mejoras que puedes implementar al usar mapas mentales en tú día a día, desde la agenda, entrevistas, creación, o manejo de proyectos, reuniones, compreender y compartir la explicación de temas complejos, hasta escribir ensayos, planear una lista de regalos, etc.

El uso de los mapas mentales puede ser infinito, depende de nuestra creatividad y necesidades, las ventajas son muchas, principalmente que al conectar ambos hemisferios del cerebro crear una fuerte conexión mental que permite una mayor comprensión y memoria de cualquier tema que deseas aprender, o desarrollar.

Desde mi primer curso de lectura de alto rendimiento aprendí el uso de mapas mentales, y ha sido toda una herramienta de muchos propósitos, te recomiendo investigar al respecto, y leer los libros del autor Tony Buzan es un excelente punto de partida.

Indice del libro
1. What is a mind map?
2. Know your brain, unlock your potential.
3. The ultimate sucess formula
4. Mind workouts for mental sucess
5. Physical fitness for mental power
6. Mind maps for everyday sucess
Profile Image for Islam Ahmed.
50 reviews3 followers
December 28, 2016
Really great book with amazing graphic, detailing and examples. The book however seems quite repetitive, and frankly only about two to three concepts are being discussed in the whole book and if I can be more cautious really one, which the writer try reconfirm the importance of using our Brain the way it likes to be used which is through brain maps.

I would definitely recommend reading it for everyone that hasn't set a specific strategy for their thinking and trying to explore a better way to rearrange their lives and use the best of it.

Profile Image for Tolga Arslan.
43 reviews1 follower
June 17, 2019
Bazı kitaplar vardır, ara vermiş olsanız bile ihtiyacınız olduğu anda kendini bitirtirler. İşte bu kitabın benim için hikayesi bu. İçerisinde insan beyninin ve hafızasının çalışma prensipleri ile ilgili güzel bilgiler buldum, yeni not alma teknikleri keşfettim. Benim için kitabın tek kötü yanı, bazı bölümlerin kendini tekrarlaması ve kitabın sonunda yazarın piyasaya sunduğu yazılımın reklamını yapması. Bu ikisi olmasaydı 5 yıldızlı bir kitaptı.
155 reviews4 followers
August 18, 2019
Kitabın konusu güzeldi ve eğer zihin haritalarını daha önceden hiç bilmiyorsanız yararlı. Ancak ben bundan önce zihin haritalarının yapılışı, ne amaçla kullanılacağı gibi konularda bilgi sahibi olduğum için bana bir şey katmadı. Ama ilk defa okuyacaklar için de yine bir kötü taraf olarak kitabı gereksiz ve çok uzatmış. Son bölüm mesela resmen kendisine para kazandıralım diye yazılmış bir bölüm. Yani sizin de internetten birkaç video izleyerek öğreneceğiniz olaylar.
Profile Image for Admin Mi6.
1 review
February 20, 2024
While The Ultimate Book of Mind Maps provides a solid foundation for understanding and implementing mind mapping techniques, it occasionally lacks depth in certain areas. Despite this, its clear explanations and diverse examples make it a valuable resource for beginners and intermediate users alike. However, advanced practitioners may find themselves wanting more nuanced strategies and case studies to further enhance their skills.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 106 reviews

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