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Hitler: la conspiración de las tinieblas

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Este es un impresionante libro historico del tiempo de Hitler, Para darles una probadita, les contare un dato interesantisimo:

La lanza de Longinos, la que atravesó el costado de Cristo, fue utilizada como talismán por Hitler, si!!!, fue utilizada nada menos y nada mas que por Hitler, lo que constituyó uno de sus más graves errores. (Tuvo muchos errores pero este fue uno de los mas grandes de este despiadado personaje) El nazismo se propuso algo más que conquistar el mundo. Su reinado universal debía resucitar las fuerzas más oscuras de los antiguos cultos y entronizar una nueva raza de <>.

Todo fue una conspiración de las tinieblas. Este libro es quizá la más apasionante crónica de la "guerra mágica" del siglo XX.

First published January 1, 1972

About the author

Trevor Ravenscroft

7 books13 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 51 reviews
Profile Image for Cwn_annwn_13.
503 reviews72 followers
December 12, 2008
Book that claims Hitler was a satan worshipper who acquired a magic spear that was used to pierce Christ when he was crucified and later possessed by other historical figures. This book is more or less a bunch of made up bs. There is absolutely no evidence that Hitler was a Satanist or any other type of practicing occultist. I seem to remember the closest thing anybody ever came across showing Hitler being involved in the occult was he subscribed to a Thule Society newsletter in his early adulthood. Its like saying that because somebody read a few books about UFO's then you should assume they were abducted by aliens. Yes there were people heavily involved in the occult at the highest levels of the Nazi party but as I said before there is absolutely no evidence that Hitler was, and in fact there's quite a bit that proves the opposite.

As far out as the premise is you would think that at the least Spear of Destiny would be somewhat entertaining, maybe in the vain of something like one of those wacky right wing Christian books that claims world elites are shapeshifting Satan worshippers, but Spear of Destiny actually manages to be boring on top of everything else.

If you want to read a sane book on Nazis and the Occult I highly recomend The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
Profile Image for Keats27.
5 reviews1 follower
May 6, 2008
Eerie explanation of the occult practices of the Nazis along with an introduction to Rudolf Steiner and WJ Stein. Absolutely loved this book. Reads like a history book all the way through. Heavily spiritual. Many people will dismiss the book out of hand because its spiritual content goes so heavily against their incomplete world view.

The writing is cogent and sane, if a bit pedantic. The content, originally put together by WJ Stein, was intended to wake people up to the reality of the spiritual. Even if we dismiss some of the claims that are more difficult to substantiate, the occult practices of the Nazis are well documented and were effective. Check out the films of a Nuremburg rally to see how a "spirit" can affect a crowd.

To the atheists who refuse even to entertain such claims, all I can say is that there are a LOT more things in heaven and earth, Horatio...
Profile Image for Michael.
951 reviews162 followers
December 10, 2015
Trevor Ravenscroft’s book remains one of the most popular sources for “occult” version of the history of the Third Reich. I can’t really see any reason why. Perhaps it is simply because Weiser printed lots and lots of copies, and they are still unloading them on the public. It certainly isn’t because of making a persuasive argument based on compelling evidence, nor in having a wide appeal in terms of confirming majority views.

Ravenscroft is an anthroposophist, which is to say a follower of Rudolf Steiner, one of the wackier occult leaders to come out of Central Europe, and the founder of the “Waldorf” system of schools. He is aggressively anthroposophical, in fact, and denigrates pretty much all other occult traditions as forms of “black magic.” This includes Theosophy, the Golden Dawn, Thelema, and Heathenry, which would seem to be most of his prospective audience. Almost the only New Religion that escapes his wrath is Wicca. Yet, for some reason, the book still turns up on the shelves of practitioners of all of these traditions.

His approach to history is appropriately dogmatic, and based on “clairvoyant” visions of Steiner and other anthroposophists, predominantly one Walter Johanes Stein, whom Ravenscroft claims was a friend of Hitler in Vienna, during the period in Hitler’s life about which academic historians know the least. Stein supposedly was among the first Hitler discussed his occult discoveries with, and he is used as a source for some of the most unlikely passages of the book. Ravenscroft’s central thesis is that Hitler discovered the Spear of Longinus in the Vienna art museum, and had a mystical experience which led him to realize that possessing the spear would give him super powers to conquer the world. Hitler, and just about everyone else in the book, turns out to be a reincarnation of a figure from the original Grail mythos, and the Spear is the true Grail.

If you can swallow all of that, you’ll have no problem with his distortion of the history of actual groups like the Thule Gesellschaft, or his invention of phony ones like Vril. He goes on and on for page after endless page about anthroposophical dogma, and tries to integrate poorly-remembered history into the whole. At one point, he confuses Baldur von Schirach with Constantine von Neurath. At another, he seems to forget the name of Adolf Eichmann. And he insists on using Rudolf von Sebottendorff’s birth name, Adam Glauer, even though his name-change was endorsed by the Sebottendorff family.

For a far more useful and accurate look at the same subject matter, see Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, The Occult History of Nazism. Read this for entertainment only.
Profile Image for Stephen Hawks.
44 reviews2 followers
December 3, 2017
I read this book in the early 80's. so some of my recollections about the book have faded. At the age of 23 it impressed me as sincere and probably true if not in details then in essence if such a thing can be said when mythological/symbolic talisman lore gets mixed with essential meanings and facts. At Nuremberg the occult practices and obsessions of Nazi germany were ignored. The overt horrors of Nazi germany were enough to deal with in such a court. However, that does not negate the fact that black magic was a part of this diabolical regime.
Only an expert on occult history, lore, and practice could point out the actual errors in this book. The one thing I would note is the general acceptance of overt objects for underlying spiritual content tends to be misleading especially how it has been picked up in popular culture- for instance, when the cup of Christ is mistaken for the grail when Christ himself is the grail and not so much in the physical sense but in a more literal spiritual sense ( not withstanding the origins of grail lore in pre-Christian European antiquity). If you are looking for a physical literal grail. Rudolf Steiner mentions it as the Element Carbon, The foundational element of living matter.
Profile Image for Senan Gil Senan.
Author 6 books11 followers
November 4, 2014
I have to give this book 5 stars because I have read it three times, and have always found it profound along with its sequel 'The mark of the Beast'. Trevor Ravenscroft (RIP) was a Rosicrucian who certainly seemed inspired or maybe just party to inate secrets when he wrote these books. This book tells you of a hidden history of occult manipulation and control of power since times of the roman empire. It makes you look at history from a different perspective, and gives you another explanation of why humans love war, death and carnage throughout their history. Adolf Hitler and Henrich Himmler are dealt with in depth and shown to very esoterically driven. I remember reading this book in my teenage years whilst the Soviet empire was still seen as the worlds prime threat. When Trevor Ravenscroft started examining how radical Islam would become the western worlds major protagonist, I thought he had lost the plot. How prescient he was indeed. Now I remember how he states in the sequel to this book that when the war against radical Islam is over, a greater conflict with the Chinese will take over. Now that is scarily precient for a author's prediction from 1977. Perhaps Napoleon was right about China.
Profile Image for Aaron Francione.
51 reviews
June 24, 2023
This book would have been much more enjoyable had it been presented as what it is, historical fiction. Introducing ideas such as Hitler taking peyote, as facts are almost comical. Much of the information is historically accurate which makes it that much more difficult to know where reality ends and fantasy begins.
This book is about as a true as Indiana Jones films are documentaries, which I suspect were actually influenced by portions of this book.
Profile Image for Simon.
403 reviews87 followers
October 9, 2014
This book concerns much of the myth and legendry surrounding the Spear which allegedly pierced Jesus Christ's side when he was on the cross, and in particular Adolf Hitler's obsession with it with several asides on Nazi Occultism in general and where it came from.

Ironically, the least convincing aspect of the book is Trevor Ravenscroft's main thesis of Hitler being motivated so much by the quest for the Spear of Destiny. His main source here is anecdotal evidence from Walter Johannes Stein, an Austrian philosopher who knew Adolf Hitler personally before WW1 and would later become a spy for Britain during WW2, when Ravenscroft met him. The book was written in the mid-1970s, over a decade after Stein died. Basically, this means that most of the presented information about Hitler's occult activities rely on the author's 30 year old recollections of conversations with someone who in turn was also relying on 30-year recollections of conversations with a young Hitler.

It does not help either that there aren't that many source references in general, with much of Stein's stories about Hitler being difficult to corroborate and the Hitler biography most used here is Hermann Rauschning's which is generally considered one of the least reliable. All that's before we get into the chapters near the end where Ravenscroft tries to connect Tibetan Buddhism to both modern Satanism by way of ancient Atlantean occultism, or halts the book almost completely to promote his idiosyncratic interpretation of Christianity which is strongly inspired by Theosophy and Rudolf Steiner.

What the book is useful for, though, is a comprehensive guide to many of both the myths surrounding the Spear of Destiny and the Holy Grail as well as the beliefs of the Thule Society, the occult secret society to which the original Nazi Party was connected, and interwar Germanic occultism in general even though it's obviously filtered through the author's own strong religious beliefs. Before reading this, I had no idea that the Spear of Destiny mythology was so important to the German-speaking cultures with both the Holy Roman Empire and later the Austrian Habsburg dynasty basing large parts of their authority upon having the Spear of Destiny in their possession. (and that's just the tip of the iceberg)

This book has also done nothing but reinforce my impression that much of foundational Nazi ideology reads like something from a bad fantasy novel, by the way. The proper explanation for this would likely be that both the Thule Society and much early fantasy literature (L. Frank Baum, Robert E. Howard, H. P. Lovecraft) were strongly inspired by Theosophy...
Profile Image for Jake.
31 reviews6 followers
March 14, 2013
This is a rather dry read, and only recommended for someone who has a deep interest in the occult practices of the upper crust of the Nazi party, and a fair amount of background knowledge of late 19th/early 20th century occult practices. A better introductory book to the topic is Peter Levenda's Unholy Alliance.

My main complaint with this book is it's reliance on one major source, Dr. Walter Johannes Stein. There are other source materials cited, but Ravenscroft uses Stein's singular testimony to establish Hitler's early obsession with the Longinus spear, which is the central focus of the book. The other sources (and deeper research) confirm both the Nazi's history with the spear as well as the occult side of Hitler's rise to power. Beliefs of reincarnation would be extremely hard for anyone with a casual knowledge/interest in the occult to digest, and, of course, impossible to prove, in the concrete sense of the word. All of these occult elements make for fascinating topics, and only near the end of the book does Ravenscroft really tie it all together by introducing the work of Rudolf Steiner into the equation. I think the book could have been a better read had Steiner's work been introduced earlier and integrated more smoothly into the narrative.

Having said that, the last quarter of the book is interesting enough to raise this to a three star review. It also has spurred me to re-read Mark Booth's excellent work, The Secret History of the World, and seek out some of Rudolf Steiner's work. Any book that stimulates further reading on a topic and generates genuine curiosity, in my opinion, can't be considered a waste of time.
Profile Image for Max Nemtsov.
Author 181 books537 followers
April 5, 2020
Продолжение темы "Утра магов" и "Святой крови", понятное дело, только пониже и пожиже, хотя книжка и знаковая. Но это скорее оккультный мокьюментари, довольно пешеходная мастурбационная фантазия про Хитлера, где враки преобладают над щуплыми фактами, хотя подобная литература и не знаменита своей научной точностью вообще. Автор у нас, к тому ж, крайне ненадежный рассказчик, антропософский хлыщ, очень напоминающий нынешнее фуфло и журнальё, а с фантазией у него туговато. Священого безумия здесь и близко нет, хотя читается вполне как роман Оссендовского о Лукиче.
Но "если присмотреться к крапиве" (с), становится понятно, что автор не сильно кривит душой - это действительно документ, в той же мере, в какой "исторические штудии" Вальтера Штайна, осуществленные посредством "расширения сознания", могут считаться подлинной историей. Равенскрофт общался со Штайном явно только посредством сеансов, хотя впрямую об этом не говорит, а потому литература, получившаяся в итоге, - такой же исторический труд, как и любой другой, только метод написания, гм, творческий. Трогательно и то, что персонажи здесь постигают оккультные тайны мироздания, похоже, только разглядывая картинки, как Баффи.
Так что в общем и целом книжка засчитывается, как еще один лоскут альтернативного гобелена воображения, хоть и не самый яркий или показательный. И, помимо всего прочего, автор убежден, что пейотль - это корень.
Profile Image for Olli Kopakkala.
128 reviews7 followers
May 6, 2021
Hitler oli antikristus ja Himmler oli zombie. Hitler pääsi korkeammalla tietoisuuden tasolle, koska käytti huumeita. Hitlerillä oli keihäs, jolla Jeesus tapettiin. Sen takia hän nousi valtaan. Hän teki itsemurhan, kun amerikkalaiset saivat keihään haltuunsa.

Sakeaa menoa. Okkultismia, samanismia ja henget lentelee minne sattuu ja matkustellaan ajassa joka suuntaan. Kaikki on lähtöisin Atlantiksesta.

Hurjaa mutta ihan viihdyttävää. Ilmeisesti kirjailija vähän huiputtaa muutamassa kohdassa. Esim. hän kertoo, että kaikki tiedot ovat peräisin Herra Steiniltä, joka oli Hitlerin kaveri. Kirjailija ei kuitenkaan koskaan tavannut Herra Steiniä, vaan tiedot tulivat meedion kautta. Keihäitäkin on tällä hetkellä tiedossa kolme ja kaikki noin tuhat vuotta liian uusia. Muilta osin tarina varmaan pitää paikkansa.
Profile Image for Stephan Friedman.
Author 13 books5 followers
June 29, 2017
A highly informative, well written book. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The author provides plenty of historical references and quotations. Just when you think that the subject is becoming too fantastic, it is backed up with a factual source. The only erroneous point was the portrayal of Aleister Crowley purely as an evil magician, which is a dated, last century view, very far from the truth. All in all, a highly recommended read, perhaps should even be considered one of the classic textbooks on the Occult roots of Nazism.
Profile Image for Candace Lynn Talmadge.
Author 7 books18 followers
January 23, 2015
In order to explain the otherwise unfathomable rise to power of Adolph Hitler and the Nazis, mainstream historians devised the phrase "the banality of evil."

Hitler and his henchmen, so the theory goes, appeared so ordinary and mundane that no one could spot their real intentions or their murderous deeds until it was too late.

The author of this book has a different take on topic. He maintains that Hitler was the reincarnation of an evil political minister from 1,000 years earlier and was motivated by revenge for being castrated. (Hitler had only one descended testicle. Make of that what you will.)

The central theme of Ravenscroft's book is Hitler's strange fixation on an ancient Roman spear, which some believe was the weapon a Roman soldier named Longinus used to pierce the side of Jesus, ending his suffering on the cross. The spear of Longinus came to be known as the Spear of Destiny because the legend surrounding the weapon stated that whatever nation possessed the spear would control the fate of the world.

Hitler fervently believed this legend. When he came to power in 1933, the spear was in a museum in Vienna. According to Ravenscroft, one of Hilter's primary motivations for expanding German territory prior to World War Two was to possess the spear, which came about in 1938 with Germany's takeover of Austria.

Ravenscroft also explores Hitler's occult beliefs and practices, an area mainstream historians either don't know about or, if they do, they avoid discussing because they don't want to seem weird. Hitler was very strange, and Ravenscorft's explanations of the man's beliefs and practices help our understanding to a certain extent.

Too bad Ravenscroft either did not know about energy or did not choose to reveal further details about it. One of Hitler's most consequential abilities was his skill in using the energy of consciousness while he was speaking. He may have looked and sounded comical, but his evil intent was to manipulate his listeners at the subconscious (emotional) level. He succeeded, with repercussions on world events that echo to this day.

Long out of print and hard to find, thanks to print-on-demand technology this book is now readily available at Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble online and most likely other Internet bookstores, too.

I would give the book 5 stars, but the writing of the edition I own is terrible and should have been heavily edited before going to print. So it gets 4 stars for fascinating content and a compelling story that takes readers way out of the banality of evil into the full horror of it.

After the defeat of the Third Reich, the United States took possession of the weapon, and has dominated the world's destiny ever since. If the legend is true, another nation will have to control the spear for that to change.
Profile Image for Jaime.
1,514 reviews2 followers
September 2, 2016
In truth, this book is about Adolf Hitler, his ideology, and his search for the Spear of Destiny. The author begins the book by giving credit to his sources, one who was a close associate of Hitler in his younger years. Walter Johannes Stein was a soldier in the Imperial Austrian Army, a scholar, a man of faith and one who experienced great loss - a brother. He met Hitler as a fellow student and later as a scholarly researcher. The book begins with an extensive background on the occult nature of the Nazis, the ideology of Adolph Hitler and the Spear of Destiny (the spear of Longinus) which pierced the side of Jesus Christ. Ravenscroft lays out that Hitler was greatly influenced by Richard Wagner, Friedrich Nietzsche, Frederick Hegel and Houston Stewart Chamberlain who all believed in and proponents of the false Aryan racial supremacy philosophy, exaggerated Nordic fanaticism and an embrace of pan-Germanism. One gets a clear picture that Hitler had an appetite for power and mortal invincibility. His belief in the power of the spear, his search and ultimate possession is laid out here for the reader. The author also relays personal accounts who saw the madness and evil take control of Hitler as he pursued ultimate power through the spear and his dark destiny. The role and impact of the Luciferic Spirit is evident in the life and downward spiral of Adolf Hitler. The reader also learns of Hitler's military experience and his tutelage by Dietrich Eckhart, an occultist and teacher of the dark arts. His final mentor, Karl Haushofer influenced his Aryan superiority legacy beliefs though his book, The Secret Doctrine. The reader also reads about the visions of General Helmuth von Moltke regarding the future of Germany, the rise of the fuhrer and the devastation and challenges of 20th century Europe. The reader is given an insight into the bigotry, humanism, paganism, and demonic ideologies that formed Hitler's public persona and path to infamy. The book is also ripe with conspiracy theories, secret societies, mythical references and prophetic beliefs.The book is more than a tale of the Spear of Destiny, it is the tale of the temptation, obsession of the occult and the ultimate possession of Adolf Hitler. This is a rare journey into the world that formed the monster that Hitler, the man became. It is a well-told tale of obsession with the occult, power, violence and evil. The actual disputed acquisition of the 'talisman of power' (the spear) by Hitler and its selected resting place in St. Katherine's Church in Nuremberg, Germany is clouded in occultic significance. Nuremberg was the center of Nazi culture and a meeting place of the Thule Gesellschaft, a secret society in which Hitler held a place of leadership and a part of Heinrich Himmler's Occult Bureau. Finally, this is not an easy read but it is worth the read and will keep one riveted to the pages.
Profile Image for Zadignose.
267 reviews170 followers
October 30, 2014
I think I read this insane book sometime in the 1980s. I think I also regarded it as a work of fiction. Foolish me, as this is actually a work of fiction... disguised as a work of non-fiction.

(Important difference, huh?)
(I hadn't noticed the disguise, maybe... or... it was too ridiculous to ponder anyone believed it... i.e., it was like the Weekly World News)

Ummm... I don't know what else to say. Does the introduction of bizarre supernatural mythology make Nazis more scary? The dumbest thing about conspiracy theories is that they undermine and diminish our appreciation of the already horrible true aspects of society... in fact, conspiracy theories may even be somewhat comforting in that they explain things (in a bullshit way), suggesting that there's a grand plan, someone's in charge, it all makes some sense if you get to the secret truth behind the facts. More horrifying is the nihilism and hopelessness of confronting the facts themselves.

It also, in a strange way, can become fuel for Holocaust deniers. I mean, if the true insane conspiracy and historical horror can be equated to a silly supernatural fantasy conspiracy, then a person can deny one as easily as the other. I.e., it's like the harm that false reports of rape do to actual rape victims. Trivializing by conflating fact and fiction.

So, Mr. Ravenscroft, stick your spear of destiny where the sun don't shine.

And that's probably enough pontificating about a book that I don't even remember from several decades ago.
Profile Image for Vin.
20 reviews1 follower
October 7, 2008
It took me forever to get through this book due to the overwhelming amount of information in it. Most of it is about Hitler's life before he became the leader of the Third Reich. It also goes into detail about the lives of other key people around Hitler.

What really gets me is how Ravenscroft will be explaining perfectly normal things and then all of a sudden he goes off into an explanation about demons, possessions, Atlantis, reincarnation with such an incredible leap of faith that I was thoroughly staggered. There is nothing objective about this book.

I also think the book was improperly titled. Most of it is not about the spear of destiny or even about Hitler having it. Most of the book is an explanation as to how Hitler, Himmler, and others surrounding them were dealing with or possessed by evil dark forces.
Profile Image for K. Rozier.
Author 2 books13 followers
December 23, 2009
This book blew my mind. How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go? Learning the depths of Hitler's occultism puts his actions in a more understandable light. Haven't most of us asked, "How could someone do what Hitler did?" After reading "Spear of Destiny," you'll know. Hitler was, after all, being primed to be the anti-christ which is why he made a holocaust (literally "burnt sacrifice") of the Jews and others. An insightful, fascinating, page-turner.
Profile Image for Sara.
467 reviews
January 4, 2009
Very hard to read non-fiction book about the supposed spear that pierced Jesus in the side when he was on the cross. Apparently the Nazis were all hot to possess it. And did anyone know it's currently on display in Austria?
Profile Image for jackie.
358 reviews2 followers
March 24, 2007
so far, i don't know what to think. it's a documentary-like book that unfolds kind of like a novel, which makes it kind of hard to believe.
Profile Image for Don.
166 reviews19 followers
March 4, 2008
Fabulous for its sheer and utter madness. I'm not sure if I am horrified or delighted by the fact that this man believed the fantasies he expounds within the book's pages.
Profile Image for AttackGirl.
1,169 reviews20 followers
April 19, 2021
Ohh A broken sword has the power to entrance everyone who is predestined to rule and conquer. Oh lets all jump on the Hate Hitler band wagon and completely dismiss everything a few men from a small country can accomplish. So do tell Trevor what should someone do or look like in order to have their own thoughts, or ability to lead men, to speak publicly, or or or. Get out and live a little.

This guy is something boy just sad that people actually recommend reading this book. Has no one every told Trevor that when you try so hard to dismiss the accomplishments of other men it only make you look small. I was well past my saturation point when his comments about Himmler put me over the edge which made me go from 3 neutral stars to 2 then to go on and on about a Dust Cleaner burying him in some obscure forest was absurd does he really not know how to use google which a simple search of FM Montgomery's HQ would give an indication of whom he was discussing. He could have led to the Nazi's set up to evacuate and rule from other countries but no.. ugh.

I think spending to much time dismissing the esoteric as you try to convince people the Sword puts everyone in a trans is a frown on the editors ability to follow along. Did he even make an outline? How about discussion of DNA? Advanced research or World advancement outcomes from WWII.. anything but being possessed by a sword one of 3. No discussion of the Vatican keeping it for their own..why.

Thinking more about this book and the authors prejudices has really upset me which only sets him with the global mind set of media brain washing propaganda. I recommend everyone read the Bible and how the Jews slaughtered people wherever they went. Men, women, children and even the animals complete destruction so when he talks about rounding up the 70K jews to put into concentration camps and the "Final Solution" it shows the author knows nothing about humanity or the effect of death on soldiers and why the Final Solution was humane for everyone involved. I do appreciate differing ideas and presentations and this attack agains Himmler is just naive and to blame the Doppelgänger Alternate Man is just kind of funny...
Profile Image for David.
379 reviews14 followers
March 17, 2020
Yep. I read this. Should be filed under fiction - there's this great bit where the weird occultists in the Thule-Gesellschaft apparently responsible for the rise of Hitler and Nazism plan to kill Rudolf Steiner because he's busy astral planing around everywhere and psychically invading their secret meetings - and of course Steiner knows the plans because he's there, psychically, but because he doesn't want to use his amazing powers for his own gain he is about to rock up to be murdered when an informer plant in the Thule Society tells Steiner the plan and phew, Steiner can now magico-ethically avoid his murder. This book is full of such bunk.

There is probably some fact here somewhere but trying to unpick it from the obvious bullshit is near impossible. I'm super interested in the occult history of the Nazi party but this is not a book that informs. Taken as fiction, this was a wild read though.
3 reviews3 followers
August 23, 2019
I’ve read this book at least 3 times maybe more. This book completely blew my mind when I first read it in 1994. It still blows my mind today. It delves deeply into the Evil inspiration and forces hidden behind the Nazis rise to power and the alien civilization they sought to impose on humanity. This book by today’s standards is fantasy. Black magic, Atlantis, the quest for the Holy Grail. This book has it all and I love it. The psychological and sociological explanations for Hitler and the Nazis simply do not grasp the phenomenon. And it’s happening again as neo Nazis, fascists and authoritarian despots are on the rise. The easy answers will not serve to face them. Read this book for some out of the box ideas. You can reject them if you must.
Profile Image for Scot León Pfuntner.
92 reviews4 followers
October 23, 2019
Christian, beware!

While this book is an outstanding description of the antichrist spirit and how it empowered Hitler and the rest of the Nazi regime, it does promote New Age philosophies and reincarnation. The author gives so not so subtle hints about himself being an illuminated adept in Holy Grail knowledge. This means that he has been initiated into the secret doctrine of the ages and promotes its use to obtain knowledge from the cosmos about historical events.

I would only recommend this book to understand how someone can become depraved by wholeheartedly giving themselves over to false doctrine and myths regarding a counterfeit Jesus. Pray before reading and ask God to guard your heart and protect your mind with His Truth!
1,458 reviews18 followers
July 16, 2022
Vaguely interesting but the obvious lack of research makes it difficult to recommend. The author is grossly biased and proposes the type of data that you would expect from the MSM. He seems to assume every major esoteric minded person (he has heard of) had a part in the fantasy he has woven here. Oddly enough he never mentions Otto Rahn who was employed by Himmler to find the Grail. I think this guy read some coffee table books on the Nazis and considered it sufficient "research" to create a book along with every b-movie plot line he has seen on the Germans. At least the author sired the saxophone player of "Baker Street" so he accomplished something.
1,520 reviews16 followers
July 8, 2019
While it’s interesting to speculate about Hitler’s obsession with the occult and it makes me want to read Mein Kampf and more legitimate biographies to have a better idea of his Eastern influences and his knowledge of pre- Christian German gods, it just got weird when it started rambling on about Atlantis for a few chapters.
Profile Image for Iranita.
216 reviews
August 3, 2019
Según el libro a Hitler le gustaba el ocultismo, contrataba mediums y estuvo obsesionado con la lanza de longinos, a una tierna edad en la que lo leí me quede KO, pero ahora a la distancia veo Hitler hizo cosas peores en seres humanos, que andar visitando espiritistas, es una boberia, le dejo las tres estrellas porque fue divertido leer toda esa sarta de tonterías.
Profile Image for Marco.
21 reviews1 follower
March 14, 2017
This book can serve as a decent starting point for the real of nazi occultism. Towards the last pages of this book I was getting quite bored. The beginning phases are intoxicating, however in the sense of a novel, which I don't believe to be the objective of the author.
Profile Image for Pablo.
51 reviews
March 26, 2017
El libro es divertidisimo , el autor tiene la gran habilidad de tomar hechos históricos y relacionarlos todos con una supuesta fuente de poder y maldad como la lanza de Longinos , el libro es muy bueno ,claro que es totalmente increible.
Profile Image for Paul Creasy.
Author 3 books26 followers
June 27, 2020
Great book

An interesting read. I found myself double checking Wikipedia as the story is so strong it reads like fiction. But, as is often the case, truth is stranger than fiction.
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