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Drake Sisters #1

Magia ao Vento

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"A Sarah voltou para casa." Desde que Damon Wilder procurou refúgio em Sea Haven ouve-se o mesmo boato passar de boca em boca de quase todos os habitantes da pacata vila costeira. Até o vento parece murmurar o nome dela - um devaneio tão sugestivo que leva o curioso Damon até à casa da falésia de Sarah, onde procura o seu abrigo.
Mas Damon não chegou sozinho. Foi seguido por alguém até Sea Haven. Alguém que rodeia as sombras da casa Drake, onde Sarah esconde os seus próprios segredos. O perigo ameaça os dois - tal como o desejo mais premente que alguma vez sentiram - e está a apenas um sussurro de distância.

157 pages, Paperback

First published July 1, 2003

About the author

Christine Feehan is a #1 New York Times bestselling author multiple times over with her portfolio including over 90 published novels, including five series; Dark Series, GhostWalker Series, Leopard Series, Drake Sisters Series, the Sisters of the Heart Series, Shadow Riders and Torpedo Ink. All of her series have hit the #1 spot on the New York Times bestselling list as well. Her debut novel Dark Prince received 3 of the 9 Paranormal Excellence Awards in Romantic Literature (PEARL) in 1999. Since then she has been published by various publishing houses including Leisure Books, Pocket Books, and currently is writing for Berkley/Jove. She also has earned 7 more PEARL awards since Dark Prince.
Her series include:
The Dark Series - https://www.christinefeehan.com/darkb...
The GhostWalker series- https://www.christinefeehan.com/ghost...
The Leopard Series - https://www.christinefeehan.com/leopa...
The Shadow Series- https://www.christinefeehan.com/shado...
Torpedo Ink series- https://www.christinefeehan.com/torpe...

I've been a writer all of my life -- it is who I am. I write for myself and always have. The ability to create pictures and emotions with words is such a miracle to me. I read everything; I mean everything! All kinds of books, even encyclopedias. I am fascinated by the written word and I love storytellers. It is a great privilege to be counted one myself. (www.christinefeehan.com)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 752 reviews
Profile Image for Alex is The Romance Fox.
1,461 reviews1,193 followers
May 15, 2015
The Drake Sisters series is based on the extraordinary Drake sisters, Sarah, Kate, Abigail, Libby, Hannah, Joley, and Elle, bound, not by blood, but by magic, mysticism and each gifted with special and strange powers.
Their family home is the enchanting and magical Drake House
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, which is set on the cliffs overlooking the sleepy, peaceful, charming and delightful coastal town named
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The prophecy tells that the gates of their home will open only for each sister’s soul mate.
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Magic in the Wind is the 1st introduction to this series and tells the story of Sarah, the eldest Drake sister.
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Sarah, a security expert returns to her home and meets Damon Wilder, a scientist hiding in the town from his past and trying to find some peace in his life after having gone through a very traumatic time in his life. He is also hiding from very bad people who are determined to kill him. He’s drawn to Drake House and keeps hearing about Sarah.
When he arrives at Drake House, the gates open up for him. Now, of course, we all know what that means!!!!

Mystery, magic, prophecies, evil, love, intrigue, humor, romance, ..... we get all that plus introduced to some amazing characters, especially the sisters who arrive to help Sarah in helping Damon.

This is a sweet and lovely love story. I would have liked the story to have been a bit longer…it’s rather short for me to have really got into Sarah & Damon.
However, it does give us a chance to meet the characters i.e. sisters for the upcoming books in the series.

If you want to read more about the Drake Sisters prophecy….check out the poem the author gives us….i really liked it
Profile Image for Azet.
1,061 reviews271 followers
February 2, 2021
I AM SO EXCITED to start these book-series about the Seven extraordinary and magical Drake sisters who are all bound by a old prophecy to find the men of their lives. In "Magic in the Wind" the loner and former military hero Damon Wilder feels in the wind something magical-along with the awed whispers of Sarah Drake coming back...despite never caring about anything but science books this mysterious Sarah intrigue him.But he never expected to give her his heart on a silver platter,or for her to turn him into a warm and considerate man who will find himself in the center of a threat that will put Sarah`s sisters and himself into danger.

Sarah Drake is the oldest one of the sisters.A creature made of silk and steel,and have a mighty damn fascinating gift of being a telepath with magnificent powers.She is a heroine capable of compassion,tolerance and understanding.And i love her!!!Damn if she and her sisters aren`t badasses!!!!

Damon Wilder is a besotted hero i just found so lovable and scarred!Love reading through his POV,and how he fall hard and fast for his Sarah.They are the perfect blend together,and truly wonderful soulmates!I wish i could find myself a Damon and be loved like that!I also like how the sisters accepted him as one of them in the family,and that he truly felt that he belonged in Sea Haven,and truly came to appreciate the townspeople there through Sarah`s eyes.

And can we just speak of the other six sisters!Three of them weren`t even in Sea Haven,and i just long to read their stories!Jonas Harrington and Hannah Drake has (cough) mindblowingly crazy chemistry together,and i am just so desperate for their book in "Safe Harbor"!Jonas cares about the Drake sisters as if they were his own,but i just can`t ignore the heat between him and Hannah every time they meet-just whewww if looks could kill-or devour!!!Christine Feehan is an amazing writer,and for this book being my first by her i am thrillingly continueing this series.
Profile Image for  Danielle The Book Huntress .
2,701 reviews6,445 followers
July 8, 2009
I felt the irresistible urge to sneak this read in. I'm read it out of the Lover Beware collection. Nice start to the Drake sisters' series. I enjoyed the interaction between Sarah and Damon. Their coming together was fated, and not just by a prophecy. They seem to meet each other's needs. I loved the fact that Damon was a bit of a nerdy scientist (I have a weakness for nerds), older (in his 40s), nicely tortured (from his experiences with his assailants and guilt over his friend's death), and had a bad leg (love the wounded/less than perfect heroes). It was a nice change of pace that Sarah was the one doing the protecting, since she was a security expert. It was very well-done as Damon doesn't come off as being weak or less than masculine.

This book is ripe with magic and mysticism. Some of the happenings are borderline scary, especially when Sarah sees the dark shadows grasping at various characters, particularly Damon, throughout the story. The house itself is a character in this book. It's pretty weird and kind of eerie as well. It protects the Drake family, welcoming them home, and opens its gates freely to Damon even from the beginning of the story.

It was nice to see the seeds of the relationship to be between Hannah and Jonas in this story. A lot of tension and sparks already. Kind of weird how the house isn't very nice to Jonas at first, but then it welcomes him openly in Safe Harbor. Maybe because of the antagonistic relationship between Hannah and Jonas (the house is picking up on Hannah's negative energy towards Jonas).

I have heard complaints about this story being weak, but I really enjoyed it and had no issues with it. I loved Damon and Sarah, and felt they were a wonderful couple. I got a kick out of the sisterly interactions, and as a fan of scary/eerie/supernatural fare, I enjoyed the paranormal moments intensely although I don't think I'd want to live in a house that was quite so alive.
Profile Image for Heather.
898 reviews
August 23, 2011
i read this book and i couldnt help but wonder-WHERE WAS THE STORY?! was it just me or were we missing a whole story. it's like she started writing, got tired of it and wanted to finish it, and then just rushed through it, completely leaving out stuff.love came out of nowhere. one minute they're just talking and the next they're in love! i was like wth? i like love to slowly develop, so that we actually believe it in a story.not the kind that comes out of nowhere like a smack in the face.
this whole series has the potential to be good-the storyline behind it is good, along with the powers, but what she does with it is..nothing.it just falls flat.
ive noticed she crams a lot of random stuff in her books.like in this one,all sarah did was 'suggest' suff like 'recycling paper' and 'help with the roof' to the older neighbors.
i just found her powers a complete waste.and ive noticed with christine feehan that some of what she's writing you just can't understand. it's like her style of writing isn't always clear.
Profile Image for Jo Bennesch.
212 reviews14 followers
July 24, 2024
Magia en el viento de Christine Feehan


Tienen una autora a la que comenzaron a leer y no fue para ustedes?
Pero que, pasado el tiempo, lo volvieron a intentar y les encantó?? Bueno, pues eso me pasó con C.F. La saga de los Carpatianos no fue para mi, pero las hermanas Drake me gustaron mucho ❤️

Este es el primer libro, y fue un lindo inicio para esta saga.

Es una historia cortita que nos presenta a estas hermanas mágicas. Ambientado en el pueblo de Sea Heaven, dónde todos parecen conocer y aceptar ese lado sobrenatural de la familia Drake.

El romance entre Sarah y Damon se muestra como algo inevitable, predestinado, pero sin un gran desarrollo, (debido a la extensión de la novela). Aunque no por eso es un romance insulso.
Hay un problema a resolver y una historia de amor a concretar.

Me gustó. Lo disfrute mucho ❤️
Profile Image for Amy .
166 reviews18 followers
September 23, 2022
I'm not a stranger with Christine Feehan writting and I know I will be in good hands and she will not going to waste my time.

I enjoyed this story. Its easy read for this genre. No complicated character building but still interesting and good enough to move to 2nd book of Drake sisters.
Profile Image for UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish.
1,097 reviews1,699 followers
January 4, 2010

New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan presents the story of Sarah, the eldest of the extraordinary-and magical-Drake sisters, now rewritten and expanded, in this very special collector's edition.

"Sarah Drake has come home." Ever since Damon Wilder sought refuge in Sea Haven, he's heard the same breathless rumor pass the lips of nearly every local in the sleepy coastal town. Even the wind seems to whisper her name-a reverie so powerfully suggestive that it carries the curious Damon to Sarah's cliff-top home, and seeks to shelter him there. But Damon has not arrived alone. A killer has tracked him to Sea Haven, and into the shadows of Drake House. But Sarah has her own secrets, and danger-as well as a desire more urgent than either has ever known-is just a whisper away...

My Review:

It is never easy to write the first book in any series - add to that challenge the fact that it is a very short story, less than 100 pages. Leave it to Christine Feehan to pull it off beautifully.

This is a fun, quick read. I loved the banter between the sisters and the way they so lovingly teased Damon about his budding relationship with the oldest sister, Sarah.

While I felt that Damon's acceptance of the sisters and their special abilities was hurried - I would have expected more doubt - it was still well written. There's only so much you can do with so few pages.

This short story is a solid 4 stars and I look forward to continuing the series.
Profile Image for Susana.
1,015 reviews263 followers
August 14, 2015
A man hears about a mysterious woman.
Man gets intrigued about said woman.
Man and woman meet one another.
Insta attraction between that man and that woman.
Some descriptions of magic...
Some anonymous villains thrown in...because other way around it would just mean way too much trouble..
The man's life is in danger...
The woman and her sisters will save him..
Clichés, clichés, clichés...
The End.

Terrible waste of a beautiful cover.
Profile Image for Cristina.
90 reviews5 followers
June 17, 2024
Me ha gustado pero al ser tan cortito siento que no ha profundizado suficiente y No he llegado a encariñarme con la pareja. Está bien pero me ha sabido a poco. No sé exactamente porque perseguían a Damon.
Y bueno me ha gustado el toque como de realismo mágico. Me ha gustado la relación de las hermanas. Y espero que los próximos libros al ser libros de longitud normal las historias me atrapen. Le pongo 3 estrellas porque me ha gustado y pienso que tenía potencial para más. Pero lo dicho me ha sabido a poco.
Profile Image for Kati.
2,008 reviews66 followers
March 2, 2011
2.5 stars. Very likable characters, rather poor execution. The story felt rushed and shallow, not properly developed, only touched upon. The author failed to create a real sense of danger, a real connection between Damon and Sarah. It felt as if we were only told that those two were destined to be soul mates, it wasn't really shown or felt. And even the characters' background was rather scrappy. These lovable characters deserved a longer, more in-depth story.
Profile Image for flajol.
467 reviews13 followers
July 17, 2009
Oh good grief. I should have known better really.

I read Dark Prince recently, and was unimpressed with it. However, at the same time as I bought Dark Prince, I'd picked up a copy of one of the Drake Sister books, little realising it was not book one. I am completely anal when it comes to reading series in order - I will spontaneously combust if I read book #3 before book #1! Don't you try and tell me otherwise!

Anyway, I get home, see on Fantastic Fiction that Magic in the Wind is the first in the series, so I start with that instead. And I'll be ending it there.

I've learnt my lesson. No more Feehan for me. She just doesn't do it for me. Anyone want an unread copy of Oceans of Fire?

Profile Image for Penny.
725 reviews52 followers
October 8, 2018
I enjoyed this more than I thought, can't wait to read Hannah's story.
Profile Image for Denise.
254 reviews
March 8, 2020
Não é de todo brilhante. Parece que em cada página a autora tem novas ideias e meti-as na página. Temos pensamentos de 2 pessoas no meus parágrafo. Não sei se na versão original é tudo tão mal construído ou isto foi o resultado de uma tradução infeliz
Profile Image for gremlinkitten.
449 reviews104 followers
January 26, 2013
The first few chapters of MItW started off well enough, the author captured the coastal town atmosphere perfectly, however, after that it got a little, okay at times a lot, cheesy and eye-roll-inducing. Romances don't have to be that sticky-sweet. What was different and interesting is that the narration was mainly told through the male lead instead of the female; there's not too much of that in romances. The only downfall to the story being told this way was Damon waxing poetic about Sarah the Mysterious, Sarah the Magical, Sarah the Magnificent, Sarah, She Who Walks on Water - seriously, what a Mary-Sue. I'm surprised people didn't address her as Saint Sarah. Everyone in town follows her "advice" (basically she tells them what to do in a roundabout way and they listen), seeks her out to magically fix all their problems, act like she's a goddess, combined, this all made it ten times worse. They just follow her like brainless zombies and never get upset at her poking her nose in their business (not that they all don't do the same in everybody else's). Even though all of that was nauseating, she wasn't the worst Mary-Sue I've run across (Why o' why are there so many of them? Is there a writer's manual on how to write a paragon so that everything they touch, everywhere they go, everyone they meet, they're held up as a supreme being? I wish I was perfect too. :P) and she had magic, so that makes it all the more unfair. Although, who is Sarah besides the saint of this small coastal town? I have no clue, she was never made real, I actually envisioned a golden aura around her like she's some sort of angelic being or something, which is at total odds with her tough defender super hero side. Some girls have all the luck. She has magic, she's as kind as can be, she's perfect in every way (except she's not conventionally beautiful or something, the description was kind of unclear), so of course everyone loves her, she's peaceful and she gets to kick a** like she's Buffy? No freaking way. Where can I sign up?

Another annoyance was "painfully shy" Hannah, one of Sarah's six sisters. Hannah is apparently a model who travels the world, is on magazines, goes on talk shows, etc., even though she is painfully shy. Hey, I can believe someone famous has trouble like that, my problem comes from her "condition" being described as "painfully shy" all the time. It is mentioned in that exact same way, it's never really shy, very shy, extremely shy, or even just plain old shy, no it has to be "painfully shy." In truth, it was only said three times (that I noticed), but in a story that is only around ninety pages, it really sticks out, especially since it was awkwardly brought into the plot. I have a hard time believing this is only shyness, try social phobia or at the very least, some anxiety disorder. Why hasn't she had psychological care? The only remedies mentioned are magical spells and whatnot. While I'm on the subject of Hannah, of whom I know more about personality-wise than Sarah, I might as well mention the jeering and taunting between Jona, the town sheriff, and herself. These interactions are so over-the-top and obvious; we all know where this is going to lead in a future book. And not one of the sisters or Damon notices what is right in front of them. How can they be so imperceptive? What are they, seven? Although I have to admit I'd hate to be called "Baby" or "Barbie" doll too, but then again, I don't look like a Victoria's Secret model, Hannah does.

As for the plot, it was barely there, more time was spent on introducing the sisters, their legacy, characters that went nowhere, and having Sarah sit on a pedestal. Damon would have been more interesting if this had been made into a full-length book - I like the idea of a scientist being confronted with magic - but there just wasn't enough there for a cohesive story. I usually don't write much about short stories but had a lot to say about this one. Obviously. I'm interested in the sisters' stories, I try not to judge authors solely based on a short story, so I will check them out, especially Hannah's. As someone who's been "painfully shy" (couldn't resist) her whole life, my interest has been piqued to see how the author develops Hannah and her shyness in that installment of the series.

I was thinking of giving this an average rating but after writing my review and thinking back on the story, it's just not that good.
2/5 stars
Profile Image for Strix.
249 reviews18 followers
October 16, 2022
This one had too much AND too little happening at the same time. Novella length made it feel really cramped.

It also didn’t help that a lot of conversations between the leads were summarized? I feel like Feehan phoned this in.
Profile Image for Vero Rinconin.
521 reviews131 followers
December 6, 2015
Muy sencillo, de andar por casa, pero un poco corto, le faltan páginas para desarrollar a los personajes, quizás en libros posteriores se conozca más cosas de todos.
Profile Image for Serena Miles.
1,331 reviews58 followers
October 27, 2016
libro cortito, muy facil de leer que me ha gustado mucho
desde que el viento empieza a ulular el nombre de sarah me engancho y no pude parar
Profile Image for TJ.
3,029 reviews207 followers
December 4, 2019
Wonderfully creative start to what looks like a promising series. There were just WAY too many aspects that I needed to understand better but couldn’t in so little page space.
Profile Image for Rebecca M.
724 reviews8 followers
March 31, 2023
Re-read March 2023
Still love it. 3.5 stars - although still much loved.

A lovely and quick introduction to the series of seven witch-sisters, fulfilling a prophesy.
Earlier reviews still serve true.
I look forward to catching up on this series. Loved Sarah and Damon. However, this would have served better as a full length novel. I would have appreciated the depth of back story and character building. I would have loved to get to know Sarah and her skills a lot better.

Update: Reread.
Dec 2018 review: I think I’ve enjoyed this more than any other reread of this book, because tastes change over time. I adore an introverted beta hero, and his supportive role, while his woman takes on the leading alpha role, who holds the gun. I loved that the Gothic house takes on a character of its own. I felt the magic atmosphere and sisterly-connection that this wonderful writing evokes.

This is a series starter, only novella length, and does a really great role in setting up this small beach side town with its small-town characters, while giving us a warm family feel of 7 sisters (although we’ve only met 4 so far), introduces a prophesy, and whets our appetite for more. Insta-Love, but it felt prophetic, steeped in magic. And very sexy.
Read this if you love the movie “Practical Magic.”
Read this if you love Nora Roberts.
Great strong and competent female representation.

2016 review: Really enjoyed this novella length start to one of my favourite supernatural urban fantasy series. A strong kickass female who wields a gun and protects her man. A lovely beta male character who matches her perfectly.
Author 21 books65 followers
January 31, 2013
This is the perfect example of a good material gone to waste because the author can't bring justice to it. *sigh* I should have prepared myself to be disappointed.

I really don't like Feehan's style of writing. There were times when the dialogues were just so damn long that you can't help but feel irritated reading it. Her dialogues are like this, "This is my friend. Her name is Jane. She grew up in a small town where she lived with her grandparents who were farmers. After graduating in highschool, she went to NYU. There she met her husband, John. They instantly liked each other. After graduating college, she and John got married. And now, four years later, they live in a beautiful house with two lovely children." I mean, seriously??? If you're a writer, why would you write that kind of long dialogue if you can simply write it as a narrative.

But that's not the most frustrating thing about Feehan. She doesn't seem to have the ability to EXPLAIN things. It's her own story and yet she can't even explain properly how things happened. Argh! When I finished this book, all I thought was, "I wasted my time on this sh*t?"

I promised, I won't read another Feehan again.
Profile Image for Kristie.
Author 1 book11 followers
July 30, 2010
So I thought this was going to be a quick read. Boy was I wrong. I have to say that this book was boring on many levels. It read more as on outline for a book than a book. I wish that Christine Feehan, would have realized that there was no depth to the characters and store line. It went to fast in some parts, making me have to reread because I missed how we changed scenes so fast, or to slow in other parts. The same things were said over and over and OVER again. I got it the first time Damon said he didn't believe in magic because he was a scientist and I think when she didn't know what else to put, she would throw that line in there. I think I read it at least fifteen times and I'm not over exaggerating. I also didn't like the supposed suspenseful parts of this book. This book was just plain boring in my opinion. I have no interest in reading the next book in this series.
Profile Image for Wendy Bunnell.
1,447 reviews35 followers
November 11, 2018
Quick read, a nice introduction to the cast of characters for the series. But, I felt like they didn't really establish a basis for the attraction or relationship between the two main characters. The gate opened, therefore, it's meant to be. Not much critical thinking skills for two otherwise intelligent characters.

I liked the setting and would love to see the house this was set at.
Profile Image for Filipa.
1,745 reviews300 followers
February 10, 2016
2,5 stars

Sarah Drake é a mais velha de sete irmãs. A família Drake é uma família muito curiosa. Há algo mágico que envolve o nome daquela família, da casa que passou de geração em geração. As profecias que fazem parte desta família são muitas. Uma delas é que em cada geração, a sétima filha Drake terá sete filhas. Outra é que os portões da mansão Drake apenas se abrem para aquele que se irá revelar o homem certo para cada uma das sete irmãs. Por isso, quando os portões de casa se abrem para Damon Wilder, as irmãs, recentemente retornadas a casa, ficam completamente boquiabertas. E Sarah não consegue esconder a atracção que sente por Damon, apesar do próprio a avisar que o perigo que o envolve pode trazer sérias consequências não só para a Sarah, como para as suas restantes irmãs. Contudo, Sarah não quer desistir de Damon. Afinal, algumas profecias são fortes demais para serem ignoradas...

Confesso que quando soube que a editora Saída de Emergência ia apostar nesta autora, não senti muita curiosidade em ler as suas obras. Contudo, tendo recebido o primeiro livro da série das irmãs Drake em oferta, decidi que valia a pena conhecê-las. Olhando para o tamanho do livro, achar-se-ia que podia ser uma pequena introdução e não um primeiro livro, aquele que marca o início de uma série. Mas, contrariamente às minhas crenças, este é realmente o primeiro livro da série, embora este pareça mais um conto do que uma história desenvolvida.
A verdade é inegável para mim. Se não tivesse recebido este livro, dificilmente alguma vez o compraria e nunca conheceria esta série, a não ser que no futuro, a comprasse em inglês. Assim sendo, foi com alguma indiferença que comecei esta leitura.

Como podem calcular, o livro serve realmente de introdução à série. É a história das irmã das mais velha das sete irmãs Drake. Sarah tem alguns poderes de premonição e apaixona-se por Damon Wilder, que não só é um cliente, como também é o homem com quem ela está destinada a ficar.
A favor do livro, tenho a dizer que a autora conseguiu fazer com que eu me interessasse nestas sete irmãs e nas suas capacidades e poderes misteriosos. É uma escrita bastante simples, que se segue com muita facilidade e que mantém o leitor interessado nos acontecimentos que estão para vir.

Por outro lado, a história tornou-se algo confusa para mim, alguns acontecimentos aparecem do nada no enredo e o leitor perde o fio condutor da história. Isto é algo que talvez possa não ser culpa da autora. Pode ao invés ser problema de tradução.
Fiquei com pena que a história fosse tão breve e lamento também que não tenha existido a oportunidade de explorar mais estes personagens, porque estranhamente, no breve período que Damon e Sarah me acompanharam, senti carinho por eles. E tenho pena que a história deles não tenha merecido mais atenção e dedicação.

No entanto, creio que o que a autora quis fazer com este pequeno livro foi chamar à atenção dos leitores para a série e deixar espaço para os leitores ficarem curiosos e ansiosos para lerem mais. Eu sei que fiquei curiosa. E mais: fiquei com imensa vontade de ler mais sobre as irmãs Drake. E vou fazê-lo, num futuro próximo.
Profile Image for Tempo de Ler.
728 reviews97 followers
January 31, 2013
«Sete irmãs entrelaçadas, controladoras dos elementos da terra do mar e do ar, incapazes de controlar o destino que evitam. O destino encontrá-las-á uma por uma, da mais velha até à última. Quando o portão trancado se abrir em boas-vindas, a primeira encontrará o amor verdadeiro.»

Magia ao Vento vem comprovar que não são precisas muitas palavras para contar uma boa história.

Claro que isto se deve à magnífica capacidade que Christine Feehan tem para se expressar de forma directa e concisa. É certo que o desenvolvimento do romance e das personagens sofre ligeiramente com o tamanho do livro e arrisco afirmar convictamente que, como livro isolado, Magia ao Vento seria um absoluto fiasco mas como introdução à série acabou por me parecer bastante bom e extremamente aliciante. Não tive qualquer problema com a leveza da narrativa, pelo contrário - as possibilidades para os próximos livros entusiasmam-me imenso. Penso que este livro pode ser rotulado como um óptimo aperitivo!

Toda a trama inicial se encontra envolta num mistério crepitante: Sarah. A forma intrigante como Feehan inicia a sua narrativa instiga-nos a prosseguir na leitura para descobrir quem é esta tal de Sarah e tentar desvendar o tenebroso passado de Damon - um homem à beira da loucura, cujo acto de se mudar para esta pequena cidade costeira foi o último esforço para se agarrar à vida.

Os episódios descritos estão completamente preenchidos por magia e misticismo…certamente que algumas partes se traduzem como velhos clichés já desgastados e alguns dos momentos paranormais foram inclusivamente demasiado fantasiosos para mim, mas a autora consegue dar-nos a volta criando em simultâneo um ambiente cómico veiculado tanto a esta pequena localidade que torna a leitura ainda mais acolhedora e interessante, tanto à interação entre as irmãs Drake e a picardia constante entre elas.

Agradou-me imenso que a autora não se focasse completamente em Sarah e Drake, já que nenhum dos dois me despertou especial interesse. Fiquei cativada, isso sim, pelas sete irmãs como unidade coesa e fiquei também bastante curiosa para conhecer as restantes irmãs. O facto de Drake, um homem lógico que aposta sempre nas bases científicas, aceitar Sarah, as suas irmãs e a magia que as rodeia sem quaisquer reservas empurra a história para a frente e não nos aborrece com impasses…claro que isto dificilmente será realista, mas poupa-nos a dilemas existenciais.
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984 reviews59 followers
October 14, 2011
Já o li num dia, também é pequenino!

Gostei da história mas tem um senão para mim, achei tudo demasiado rápido, achei que eles se apaixonam num piscar de olhos e que decidem ficar juntos muito rapidamente...

Fartei-me de rir com as cenas de magia das irmãs mas aquela que achei mais piada foi a Hannah, ela vai envolver-se com o xerife não?

Em suma, um livro leve que se lê bem!
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