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Brac Pack #16

Montana's Vamp

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Gabriele Sloane has been picked on his entire life by the coven he grew up in. They taunted him, ridiculed him, and downright hated him. When they do the unthinkable and kick him out, Gabby is forced to find a new home. Dodging the sun and low on his diabetic supplies, he wanders aimlessly until he finds himself in the arms of one bald and sexy shifter. Montana Graton hates vampires with a passion. His best friend was killed by one. Hungry and bored, he decides to visit the diner in town. The little redhead sitting one booth over looks good enough to roll around in the back of his truck with-until the smell hits him and he discovers the redhead is his mate. Can Montana set aside his hatred and claim the little vamp, or will he allow his festering hate to surface and turn his back on the sexy little fireball fate has given him? Note: Each book in Lynn Hagen's Brac Pack collection features a different romantic couple. Each title stands alone and can be read in any order. However, we recommend reading the series in sequential order.

102 pages, ebook

First published June 10, 2011

About the author

Lynn Hagen

529 books1,158 followers
Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.

You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 60 reviews
Profile Image for Aղցela W..
4,206 reviews304 followers
September 16, 2024
This was book 16 in the "Brac Pack" series. Gabriele "Gabby" Sloane has been picked on his entire life by the coven he grew up in. They taunted him, ridiculed him, and downright hated him and kicked him out. Gabby is tired hungry and low on insulin he is also out in the day and as a vampire that's a big no. Montana Graton hates vampires with a passion. His best friend was killed by one. He is also tired of looking at all the mated couples because along with the Santiago brother's they are the only single ones. When he goes to the diner he spots Gabby who has spiked orange hair when he sits next to him he knows that he has found his mate. When Gabby goes to the restroom to take his insulin dose Montana thinks he is doing drugs and tries to keep him from taking it until he tells him what it was. When Montana Gabby gets sick and Nicholas examines him and finds out that he is half vampire and Montana loses it. Gabby thinks that Montana doesn't want him so he leaves along with some supplies that Nicholas gives him. We also find out why all the rogues want Malonee they are drawn to her smell and Gabby is drawn to it we also find out that she is a fae princess. This book also introduces some new character's like Carter the fae that told them about Malonee and some other shifter's that want to move into the area. This book was hot when Gabby feeds from Montana they both get hot and lusty. We also learn that the man that Gabby thought was his father is not and that Christian the vampire prince is. We also learn that Gabby can get pregnant at which time Montana passes out. This book was well written with no errors in grammar or spelling. I am looking forward to reading the next book because Carter is Tryck's mate.
Profile Image for Serena Yates.
Author 97 books769 followers
June 12, 2011
This was a fun mixture between humor, a cute hero who is desperately looking for affection, an alpha second hero who discovers his mate's personality is more important than his race, and, oh, yes, more revelations about the overall story.

Gabby is one of those suppressed guys who nevertheless remain fighters. He is too cute for words, and his constant worrying (no surprise based on the way he's been treated so far) combined with his ability to speak faster than a flying bullet made him really likeable for me.

Montana faces the fact that his mate is half-vampire and, predictably, flips out. Thankfully he also recovers quickly and the rest of the drama in this book comes from outside revelations about the vampires, the addition of a few Elven and the 'reactivation' of an old enemy.

While the addition of yet another potential male pregnancy came as somewhat of a surprise, I don't have a problem with the concept and thought it was quite funny how there are now two mates able to reproduce. I wonder what's next?
Profile Image for Teiboly.
55 reviews1 follower
November 21, 2022
Sabia que en este libro iban a pasar muchas cosas buenas aparte de la pareja 😈
Montana y Gabriele tienen mucho potencial en todas las maneras 💜
Se vienen cosas mucho mas buenas 😈
Profile Image for Mary.
42 reviews16 followers
June 20, 2015
Okay, so this book wasn't bad per se; I found Gabby adorable if a bit too childlike sometimes, especially for someone over a hundred years old. I did like how he was not skinny as the other mates and had some meat to him; it was a very nice change, and I was glad that Montana actually liked that about him. Overall, I think Gabby is one of my favorite mates, aside from Nicholas and Oliver.

I'm still a bit ehhh toward the whole mpreg business; I was never particularly fond of it, and I never will be. In addition, one of my pet peeves is when stories make you look like you're a selfish little shit when you decide you don't have kids. I was gonna let the mpreg/ovulation bits slide no matter how ridiculous they were, but then they had to change Gabby's mind about having a baby and I am just. Pissed as fuck. Like, the dude doesn't want to have kids. It's his body. He wants to enjoy his new life with his new mate and his new friends and his new family. He doesn't want a baby to get in the way. IS THAT SO WRONG? Why do they have to talk him into it and make it seem like he's being selfish by choosing his happiness and independence by not having a baby? They could have gone a more mature route and decided "hey, he doesn't want kids because he wants to live his life without one; that's totally cool and it's your business and we're not gonna try to convince you otherwise". But no. They had to do the usual "YOU SHOULD HAVE KIDS YOU'LL MAKE A GOOD PARENT!!" Like that's a good enough reason to ever bring a kid into the world.

Just, y'know. Fuck that shit. Fiction or not fiction, no one has any right to force their opinion down your throat. And that includes the choice of not having children.
Profile Image for Meggie.
5,104 reviews
October 28, 2013
In the review we have this sentence at the end:
"Can Montana set aside his hatred and claim the little vamp, or will he allow his festering hate to surface and turn his back on the sexy little fireball fate has given him?"
And this sounds so serious, like there will be tragic decision to make, "have a Vampire as a mate or not".
And then everything is solved when Montana finds the room Gabby occupied empty...because (now that's hard deep plot) Gabby left the house on HIS own!!! OMG....

Really...-___- DEEP plotted stories!! I so feel for the this author, such hardship to write such "amazingly" developed books! I will get sick!
Profile Image for Perpetua.
210 reviews1 follower
June 11, 2011
It might just be me but this one made very little sense, there was far to much going on in the one book. And considering how long it took us to get to this point I'd have thought some of these things should have happened a little more spaced out!

Melonee does actually have a mother so why is she STILL living with the wolves?(does this situation remind anyone of Sookie Stackhouse with the whole fairy blood carry on?)

Why do they not mention the events of book 13?

Whats the timeline?

Whats up with Murphy and the stalker?

**sigh** Sorry see why I never usuallly write anything here??
Profile Image for Candice.
2,922 reviews132 followers
July 12, 2020
6th reading 6-20
Poor Gabs :(

5th reading 7-1-19
Gabby. TEARS!!!

4th Reading 1-4-16
First time I cried so far in this series, so far. Gabby broke my heart...again.

Note to self: I skipped Murphy's Madness (#15) this time around. I can not handle that book and refuse to force myself to read it. I hate Ludo.

3rd reading 1-4-14
GAH! Gabby broke my heart.

2nd read June 2014
Still loved Gabby, maybe even more so the 2nd time around :)

First read 11-7-13
Loved Gabby :)
Profile Image for Tj.
2,225 reviews67 followers
September 6, 2015
I thought Gabby was a cutie. Montana obviously did too;) A fun light read that just makes me happy:)
Profile Image for Phaney.
1,248 reviews22 followers
May 23, 2013
2011 Review:

Argh, I spoke too soon. I spoke too fucking soon!

Okay, I read two more volumes (15 and 16) and the series is now decreasing in quality. The protagonists are silly and back to growly, rash tops and kiddy type bottoms that don’t play with a full deck and have to be cared for. And we get another . Dear lord!

So yeah. That didn’t go all that well. The writing itself is not so bad; there’s some genuinely funny stuff in the dialogues, especially around Maverick, but it seems that although the author has come into her own as far as her reach might go, this series has passed its high point. Sure, I might be surprised by future books but the cast has simply become too big now. They’re in fact outsourcing for fresh protagonists, heh.

So yes, book 16 ended on a high note, setting up the next volume with a nice joke, but overall it was not very appealing. I sure have read worse but yeah. Blah. Number 15 wasn’t that much better either.

Let’s see if the decline continues with my last two books or whether things manage to pick up again. The protagonists for the next book have appeared enough already for me to know they’re both annoyingly rude, but that sort of thing can be fun, if handled well.

… I just have to add that if they decide that male elves can too, I might just scream. A little. And the throw a tissue ball in disgust. And then they’ll be sorry. Um. >.>;

2012 Re-read Project:

I went and did it. I re-read all the connected series by Lynn Hagen, this time in order of publication date, as recommended, which sadly does not ensure actual chronologicality. That’s twenty-nine books of moderate length, spanning three series (with more to spin off).

I’ll put my thoughts in spoiler tags since I plan to paste this into the end of each review covered here. There are no actual spoilers, so feel free to read this for a general idea of the series.

Profile Image for Kim.
191 reviews
October 20, 2021
Minus points for 1. the incorrect use of the term asexual, 2. the biologicist crap, 3. and (not just from this book) the use of "females" instead of women, I don't see the author calling men, males this males that, I hate that fucking term.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
August 1, 2024
Genre: Alternative (M/M), Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves, Elves, Fey, MPREG

Absolutely loved Brac Pack 16: Montana's Vamp the latest installment of Lynn Hagen's Brac Pack collection! This book is a perfect blend of paranormal romance and fantasy, with a thrilling mix of vampires, werewolves, Elven (elves), and Fey (fairies), making it an irresistible read for fans of the Omegaverse genre.

The story centers on Gabriele Sloane, affectionately known as "Pumpkin" by his mate Montana due to his striking bright orange spiked hair. Gabby, a half-human, half-vampire, has faced relentless bullying and hatred from the coven he grew up in. When he is finally cast out, Gabby embarks on a journey to find a new home. As he dodges the sun and struggles with his diabetic condition, fate leads him into the arms of the bald and sexy shifter, Montana Graton.

Montana, who harbors a deep-seated hatred for vampires after losing his best friend to one, is instantly drawn to the little redhead in the diner. The insta-love connection between them is palpable and compelling, a hallmark of the Omegaverse genre. Despite Montana's initial resistance, the discovery that Gabby is his mate sets off a chain of events that is both thrilling and heartwarming.

The introduction of Elven (elves), Fey (fairies), and bear shifters adds an exciting layer to the story, expanding the Brac Pack universe in delightful ways. The inclusion of these new supernatural elements not only enriches the plot but also hints at potential spinoffs, which has me SOOOOOOOO SUPER DUPER EXCITED!!!!!

What makes this book stand out is the way it seamlessly integrates each aspect of the genre. The M/M romance is beautifully portrayed, with intense chemistry and emotional depth between Gabby and Montana. The paranormal elements are richly developed, from the vampiric struggles of Gabby to the shifter dynamics of Montana. The presence of Elven and Fey injects a magical quality that elevates the story, making it a must-read for fans of fantasy and supernatural romance.

Montana's journey from hatred to acceptance, and eventually love, is a testament to the powerful storytelling that Lynn Hagen is known for. The MPREG aspect is handled with care, adding another layer of complexity and excitement to the narrative. Each character's development is well-crafted, and the story's pacing keeps you hooked from start to finish.

In conclusion, Brac Pack 16: Montana's Vamp is an absolute gem in the Brac Pack collection. The M/M romance, the insta-love storyline, and the Omegaverse elements are all masterfully woven together, making it an unforgettable read. The addition of Elven, Fey, and bear shifters promises even more thrilling adventures in future spinoffs. I can't wait to see where Lynn Hagen takes us next!

Total Book Experience 10/10

Plot/Storyline (structure)10/10
Writing (Errors) 10/10
Characters 10/10
Again-able 10/10
Emotion 10/10
Book Cover 10/10
Visual/ Illustratable 10/10
Addictiveness 10/10
Threshold quality 10/10
Unique 10/10

If you’re wondering whether or not you should read… THE ANSWER IS YES‼️‼️

Reading Order
For those who love reading books in the order that they were written.
            NOTE: This reading order is for the Bracverse only. If you want the order of any other series, please visit this author’s bookshelf. 
1. Maverick's Mate - Brac Pack🩶🩶🩶🩶
2. Hawk's pretty Baby - Brac Pack🩶🩶🩶🩶
3. Sunshine's Savior - Brac Pack🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶
4. Remi's Pup - Brac Pack🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶
5. Stormy Eyes - Brac Pack 🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶
6. Oliver's Heart - Brac Pack 🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶
7. Keata's Promise - Brac Pack 🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶
8. George's Turn - Brac Pack 🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶
9. Loco's Love - Brac Pack 🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶
10. Lewis's Dream - Brac Pack🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶
11. Mark's Not Gay - Brac Pack🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶
12. Nutter Nero - Brac Pack🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶
13. Heaven's Hell - Brac Pack🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶
14. Nicholas's Wolf - Brac Pack🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶
15. Murphy's Madness - Brac Pack🩶🩶🩶🩶
16. Montana's Vamp - Brac Pack🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶
17. Carter's Tryck - Brac Pack
18. Joshua's Law - Brac Pack
19. Dagon's Ride - Brac Pack
20. Jasper - Zeus's Pack
21. Hondo - Demon Warriors
22. Avanti - Zeus's Pack
23. Snooke - Demon Warriors
24. Steven's Journey - Brac Pack
25. Knox - Zeus's Pack
26. Torem - Zeus's Pack
27. Rainerio - Demon Warriors
28. Hunter - Zeus's Pack
29. Alexi's Secret - Brac Pack
30. Christian's Menace - Christian's Coven
31. Sully - Zeus's Pack
32. Tater's Bear - Brac Pack
33. Nija's Temptation - Christian's Coven
34. Curtis's Dads - Brac Pack
35. A Brac Crazy Family Christmas - Brac Pack
36. Bald Eagle - Zeus's Pack
37. Eli's Way - Christian's Coven
38. Takeo- Demon Warriors
39. A Cold Winter's Day - Brac Pack
40. Nazaryth - The Exiled
41. Memphis - Zeus's Pack
42. Vaughn's Vampire Hunter - Christian's Coven
43. His Imperfect Mate - Brac Pack
44. For the Rest of Eternity - Christian's Coven
45. Rave - Zeus's Pack
46 Seth's Chance - Brac Pack
00. Mating Thomas - Short Story
47. The Dark Side of Love - Christian's Coven
48. Take My Hand - Brac Pack
49. Riley's Downfall - Brac Pack
50. Wolf - The Exiled
51. Panahasi - Demon Warriors
52. Melonee Brac's Mistletoe Madness-Brac Pack
53. A Man's Worth- Brac Pack
54. Sweet Delight - Brac Village
55. Silent Secrets - Brac Village
56. Kissing Reno - Brac Village
57. Rio's Fire - Brac Village
58. Heat Rising - Brac Village
59. Keaton's Lessons - Brac Village
60. Frisco James - Brac Village
61. Forged in Steele - Brac Village
62. Jordan's Desires - Brac Village
63. Valentino's Cowboy - Brac Village
64. Kobe - Demon Warriors
65. Fighting Temptation - Brac Village
66. Loving Styles -Brac Village
67. Polar Opposites - Brac Village
68. Brac Pack Halloween Murder Mystery
69. Ceri- Christian's coven
70. Teaching Angelo - Brac Village
71. Firehouse Rescue - Brac Village
72. Christmas at the Lakelands - Brac Pack
73. Forever Yours - Christian's Coven
74. Rakeym - Shadow Tribe
75. Red Spanking - Christian's Coven
76. Edge of Control - Brac Village
77. Dorm - Zeus's Pack
78. A Christmas to Remember - Brac Village
79. A Vampire's Touch - Christian's Coven 
80. Paine's Pleasure - Brac Village 
81. Einarr - Demon Warriors
82. Winter's Caress - Brac Village 
83. Claimed by a Cougar - Brac Village 
84. Black Diamonds - Christian's Coven 
85. Seduced by Twins - BPNG 
86. The Running Bunny - BPNG
87. Beautiful Red - BPNG
88. Search and Seduce - BPNG 
89. Mine Forever - BPNG
90. Feathers and Fur - BPNG
91. Claimed by a Predator - BPNG
92. Silk Room - BPNG
93. Undeniably His - BPNG
94. His Little Vampire - BPNG
95. Million-Dollar Mate - BPNG
96. Jaxxon - The Remus Brothers
97. Wyatt - The Remus Brothers
98. Kade - The Remus Brothers
99. Hound - The Remus Brothers
100. Cross - The Remus Brothers
101. Rough Ride - The Exiled
102. Houston - The Remus Brothers
103. Holding Tight - The Exiled
104. Unraveled Heart - The Exiled
105. Bryck - Zeus's Pack
106. Wayland - Demon Warriors
107. Hudson's Christmas Wish - Christian's Coven
108. Alpha to His Omega - Wolves of Desire
109. Playing for Keeps - Wolves of Desire
110. Bad Habits - Wolves of Desire
111. Safe in King's Arms - Wolves of Desire
112. Worthy of Cage's Love - Wolves of Desire
113. Heart of a Wolf - Wolves of Desire
114. Gabriel's Demon - Wolves of Desire
115. Taz - Zeus's Pack116. First Impressions - Wolves of Desire117. Jaden - Demon Warriors
118. Nothing but Trouble - Wolves of Desire
119. Havoc Unleashed - Wolves of Desire
120. Picking Up the Pieces - Wolves of Desire
121. Perfect Blend - Wolves of Desire
122. Rescuing His Heart - Wolves of Desire
123. Breathing Easier - Wolves of Desire
124. Immortal Kiss - Christian's Coven
125. Keeping Khaos - Brac Pack
126. Escaping Christmas - Brac Village
127. Wrapped in a Bow - Brac Village
128. Heart of Gold - Brac Village
129. Finding Strength - Brac Village
130. Following Fate - Wolves of Desire
131. Devil's Desires - Dark Knights
132. Meeting His Destiny - Dark Knights
133. Taming His Wolf - Dark Knights
134. Royale Stakes - Dark Knights
135. Losing Control - Dark Knights
136. Bear Instincts - Dark Knights
137. The Keeper - Demon Warriors
138. Once Upon a Christmas - Brac Village
139. Taken by the Wolf - Brac Village
140. Hunting Danger - Brac Village
141. Trained to Protect - Brac Village
142. Shadows of Doubt - Brac Village
143. No Rules Required - Brac Village
144. Deadly Intentions - Brac Village
145. His Foxy Devil - Brac Village
146. Sweet Hell - Brac Village
147. Bear the Heat - Maple Grove
148. Just a Purr - Maple Grove
149. Finding Home - Maple Grove
150. Lost & Found - Maple Grove
151. A Promise Kept - Maple Grove
152. Jericho's Way - Maple Grove
153. On the Edge - Maple Grove
154. Catching Rainbows - Maple Grove
155. Reckless Soul - Maple Grove
156. Made for Him - Maple Grove
157. Sound of Silence - Maple Grove
158. Broken Halo - Maple Grove
159. Until Forever - Maple Grove
160. Mating Inferno - Maple Grove
161. Johnny's North Star - Brac Pack 
162. The Real Deal - Maple Grove
163. Lion's Wrath - Maple Grove 
164. Devil in the Details - Maple Grove
165. Edge of Winter - Maple Grove
166. Rules of Engagement - Maple Grove
167. Deadly Surrender - Maple Grove
168. No Good Deed - Maple Grove 
169. If Tomorrow Never Comes - Maple Grove
170. Grave Peril - Maple Grove
171. Dark and Deadly - Maple Grove
172. Phoenyx - Demon Warriors
173. Deandre - Demon Warriors
174. Donnchadh - Demon Warriors
175. Without A Trace - Fever's Edge
176. Sweet Mercy - Fever's Edge
177. Crashing into Fate - Maple Grove
178. Handful of Mate - Maple Grove
179. Mistletoes and Apple Pie - Maple Grove
180. A Perfect Moment - Fever's Edge
181. Laying it Bear - Fever's Edge
182. Vet under Fire - Fever's Edge
183. Hostile Pursuit - Fever's Edge
184. Never Too Late - Fever's Edge
185. Just for Elijah - Fever's Edge 
186. Hot Cross Bunny - Fever's Edge
187. For the Love of Scotty - Fever's Edge 
188. Catching His Fox - Fever's Edge
189. Choppy Waters - Fever's Edge
190. Dangerously Sexy - Fever's Edge 
191. Cookies and Chaos - Fever's Edge
192. Letting Go - Fever's Edge
193. Sweet As Honey - Fever's Edge
194. Hidden Gem - Fever's Edge
195. Tucker's Peach - Fever's Edge
196. Cadeym -  Demon Warriors
197. Coming Undone - BPNG
198. Perfect Gem - Willow Point
199. Darkest Bite - Willow Point
200. Under the Wolf's Protection - Willow Point
201. In Too Deep - Willow Point
202. Deadly Pursuit - Willow Point
203. Hidden Target - Willow Point
204. Lethal Instincts - Willow Point
205. Smoke and Mirrors - Willow Point
206. Forged in Fire - Willow Point
207. Mate in the Crosshairs - Willow Point
208. Rescuing Aspen - Willow Point
209. Protecting Elias - Willow Point
210. Defending Braylon _ Willow Point
211. Blood Moon Rising - Willow Point
212. Darkest Storm - Willow Point
213. Deadly Obsession - Driscoll Security
214. Deadly Rescue - Driscoll Security
215. Deadly Secrets - Driscoll Security
216. Deadly Games - Driscoll Security
217. Raising the Stakes - Willow Point
218. His Little Impala - Willow Point
219. Doggone Chaos - Willow Point
220. Closing Time - Willow Point
221. Bartender Therapy - Willow Point
222. Hot Cocoa & Mistletoes - Willow Point
223. Grizzly Neighbor - Willow Point
224. Unexpected Tiger - Willow Point
225. Lion's Heart - Willow Point
226. Jagged Edge - Willow Point
227. Gemini's Kiss - Willow Point
228. Purrfect Kitty - Willow Point
229. Raven's Redemption - Willow Point
230. Unbearably Sweet - Willow Point
231. Half of Midnight - Willow Point
232. More Than Enough - Willow Point
233. Handcuffs & Honey - Midnight Falls
234. Tempting Tiger - Midnight Falls
235. Dangerous Secrets - Midnight Falls
236. Breaking Point - Midnight Falls
237. Safe & Sound - Midnight Falls
238. The Hard Fall - Midnight Falls
239. Threat Unleashed - Midnight Falls
240. Sweet Refuge - Midnight Falls
241. Primal Dangers - Midnight Falls
242. Lethal Encounter - Midnight Falls
243. Fallen Shadows - Midnight Falls
244. Midnight Rain - Midnight Falls
245. No Strings Attached - Midnight Falls
246. Broken Trust - Midnight Falls
247. Colt's Salvation - Midnight Falls
248. Touch of Sapphire - Midnight Falls
249. Beautiful Butterfly - Midnight Falls
250. Feels Like Home - Midnight Falls
251. F Is for Honey Bee - Midnight Falls
252. Kitten Kisses - Midnight Falls
July 31, 2011
Originally posted at: http://whippedcream2.blogspot.com/201...

This story started off quickly, setting my emotions a blaze. I was filled with sadness for what has happened to Gabby and anger because he’s a sweet innocent soul who needs help being cared for. At a hundred years old this half vampire half human is still considered young and naive. Gabby has been forced out of the only home he has ever known with nothing more than the clothes on his back. His vampire coven has done the most unthinkable thing when they kicked him out, they did it during daylight hours. This poor character has to struggle and fight the odds until he enters Brac Village and meets his savior.

When Gabby meets Montana it’s a bit awkward. Gabby is diabetic and needs daily doses of insulin, and when he goes to administer his medicine Montana storms in and gets the wrong impression. This couple have their ups and downs from the get go but they're also a supper sweet and fun pairing. Montana’s overbearing need to protect and care for his mate is just what Gabby needs. Gabby, on the other hand, brings the comedy into this relationship. He keeps Montana on his toes with his speed talking and the shenanigans he gets into with the other mates.

The book was very enjoyable but I wished there were more back story on Montana. As stated in the blurb his friend was killed by a vampire but that is all that is mentioned in the actual book as well. I would have liked to have known more about the man, where he came from, what his previous pack was like? Montana is a fierce warrior and would do anything for his mate, but I would have loved for the author to have explored with this character more in depth.

As with all the Brac pack mates, Ms. Hagen writes these men in the most realistic way while still being a paranormal story. All these men are human beings with real life personal drama. Gabby is an overweight vampire with self-image issues. He also has a bad case of talking so fast he leaves everyone speechless with his ability to go without taking a breath.

Ms. Hagen is the queen of the cliff hanger, but I love it and it has me coming back every week. There are more introductions of other paranormal shifters and we finally get more back ground info on Melonee. This series just picks up more steam with each new installment. As for Montana and Gabby these characters will stay with me and keep me wondering what will happen next for this duo. Ms. Hagen is always great about giving updates about every member of this extended family and it helps keep these characters fresh in your mind.

Another good read I highly recommend.

Profile Image for Janelle.
81 reviews
June 11, 2011
Allthough, we still don't hear too much about what is happening with Heaven and what is going on in his pregnancy (I thought it would have helped in Gabby's thought procress of knowing he wouldn't would be the only one. I digress it seems.....I love that these two come together and get past the issues really fast. Montana being the biggest problem to over come. I must say I was proud the he didn't stick his head up his ass like most would and took on the responsibility very well. Gabby needed the love and support and he got in spades with Montana.......I am soooooooooo looking forward to the next one and hopefully seeing Tryck put on his ass....lol
Profile Image for Kinny.
295 reviews10 followers
February 2, 2012
My heart broke for Gabby! Treated like trash all his life, abused, then thrown out without any money, medication and just the clothes on his back. I was actually tearing up. Montana wanting to treat him like a one time lay before detecting the 'mate' scent really hit me hard too. Gabby was adorable, kind and deserved to be treated like a king. Glad montana wisened up.
Profile Image for Gomawoyo.
267 reviews1 follower
January 9, 2018
First, I don't see why Christian had to tell them his true age just to explain how he is Gabby's father, I think it wasn't pertinent information for his explanation, what would be pertinent is Heaven, someone should've told Gabby about his situation. Where did Heaven go anyway, he's not mentioned to be in lieu with other mates, he isn't anywhere?

Second, Gabby is feeding way to often. A couple of times in the book it was referenced how, since he's a half vampire, he only needs blood twice a month, yet Montana feeds him practically every day. I get that you need it to heal when you're injured but he drinks it all the time, regardless.

I usually like this underdog stuff but something was missing in this story, I wasn't impressed. Also the model on the cover that's supposed to be Gabby is way too ripped.
Profile Image for Jessica.
283 reviews
June 1, 2017
This one actually had a true cliff hanger compared to the rest. Usually the ending have a small cliff hanger but it's not so crazy that you need to move on to the next immediately. They're starting to get into the plot a little more but losing the main focus. It's a shifter tale but now they've added vampires, bears, and elves. feels like it should have been a different series - maybe a spin off of some type.
If Mel is the one that's bringing the rogues - how come they've been attacking since the beginning and she only came in half way thru? Also, what about Heaven's pups? No mention of then even though we find out someone else has the same issue? It would have been helpful to both characters and something to bond over.
32 reviews
April 18, 2020
¡Un vampiro diabetico! Dioooos esto esta re bueno, y lo de "herencia familiar" seguro que es una puerta hacia el mpreg, lo que no estoy discutiendo pero 🤷‍♀️ y aunque en realidad en esta serie siempre me dedico a analizar solamente a las "parejas" porque... los shifter son como: waaa arrrr (gruñido) (gruñido) miooooo. Y nada mas... Montana me gusto especialmentr su bazooka 👍 aunque también es en su mayoria lo primero que mencioné.
Profile Image for Hayley.
878 reviews36 followers
May 25, 2023
Are these the best written books ever? No. Are the characters stereotypical? Yes. Do i still like to come back and read these books from time to time just because i love them? Yes. They are my guilty pleasure, easy and quick, not a lot of focus has to be on them, I can read them on a lazy day and just relax.
Profile Image for D..
1,860 reviews11 followers
November 10, 2021
Gabby's life was hard and difficult. He just need someone who love, care and cherish him. Fate brought Montana to his life but when their life seemed good, there was a shocking news about Gabby that turned his worlds upside down.
Profile Image for Yesska Xicará.
254 reviews2 followers
June 9, 2019
Gabby y Montana hacen un par bastante peculiar, pero que te darán ganas de peizcarlle los cachetes a Gabby.
Profile Image for Estefany.
161 reviews1 follower
October 31, 2021
Nuevamente un m-preg!!! Vampiros que se embarazan. Simplemente magnífico.
Y la nueva introducción de los elves oscuros? No puedo esperar para ver cómo se desarrolla las siguientes historias.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for DeeNeez.
1,840 reviews13 followers
May 9, 2023
An OK read. A little fun, a little humor, but I couldn’t help thinking Naruto every time they described Gabby’s orange spikey hair.
Profile Image for Moony.
36 reviews
July 14, 2023
Me gusto mucho Gabby, pero no conecte tanto con la pareja, además sentí que no hubo tanto conflicto, lo que hizo que sea más del montón
Profile Image for Melanie M..
77 reviews
July 2, 2024
Gabby es adorable, me encanta este chico y un vampiro diabetico es una eleccion bastante curiosa XD
Profile Image for Nessa.
1,858 reviews19 followers
March 13, 2017
I just loved this book as much as the others, or more than a few, but it was sweet, with nail biting moments. Gabby is a half vampire who is kicked out of his coven and Montana happens to find him in a diner and realizes that they are mates. Naturally, there's hoops that they have to get over until they find a way to be comfortable with their relationship dynamic. I also love the introduction of Carter. Things are getting too exciting for Maverick, but I'm loving every word of It. This was totally a captivating and fantastic read. :)
Profile Image for Tina.
2,695 reviews15 followers
August 24, 2011

Gabriele Sloan has grown up in a vampire coven which has always hated him. When they kick him out, he’s truly on his own with no one to go to and on top of everything else, he’s also diabetic. Gabriele wanders aimlessly until he is found by Montana Graton, a werewolf shifter, who hates vampires. When Montana finds Gabriele, he realizes he’s his mate. So he tries to set aside his hatred and get to know Gabby, a man who will literally die without the love and protection of his mate.

Montana’s Vamp by Lynn Hagen is the sixteenth book in the Brac Pack series. This is a series which should be read in order as each book builds on the previous installment with recurring characters. The mates in these books are a little mischievous but always loveable.

Gabby is a strong man, he’s been through a lot in his life. He’s a diabetic, which is a twist for a vampire character, which I’ve never heard of before. I like things that are new and different than what I’ve read before. Montana has been through a lot too, but his trials have come at the hands of vampires. He’s going to have to get past a lot to find love with one. The chemistry and attraction between Gabby and Montana is great. Gabby has his own issues but the other mates in the pack help him as he works through them. This is additional pack bonding makes the Brac Pack novels fun to read and always brings a smile to my face. There’s also plenty of hot man love to keep me turning the pages too. These stories have a great blend of angst, fun and romance which keeps me coming back for more.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 60 reviews

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