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The Eighth Doctor Adventures #4.10

Doctor Who: To the Death

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'He can't be alive...'

After a last, futile fight-back against the Daleks, Lucie, Susan and Alex are heading home to England in the desperate hope of saving the Doctor's life. But the true, terrible nature of the Daleks' plan is beginning to emerge and the Monk has blood on his hands.

To defeat the Daleks, it can only be a struggle… to the death.

Audio CD

First published March 15, 2011

About the author

Nicholas Briggs

323 books131 followers
Nicholas Briggs is a British actor and writer, predominantly associated with the BBC science fiction television series Doctor Who and its various spin-offs. Some of Briggs' earliest Doctor Who-related work was as host of The Myth Makers, a series of made-for-video documentaries produced in the 1980s and 1990s by Reeltime Pictures in which Briggs interviews many of the actors and writers involved in the series. When Reeltime expanded into producing original dramas, Briggs wrote some stories and acted in others, beginning with War Time, the first unofficial Doctor Who spin-off, and Myth Runner, a parody of Blade Runner showcasing bloopers from the Myth Makers series built around a loose storyline featuring Briggs as a down on his luck private detective in the near future.

He wrote and appeared in several made-for-video dramas by BBV, including the third of the Stranger stories, In Memory Alone opposite former Doctor Who stars Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant. He also wrote and appeared in a non-Stranger BBV production called The Airzone Solution (1993) and directed a documentary film, Stranger than Fiction (1994).

Briggs has directed many of the Big Finish Productions audio plays, and has provided Dalek, Cybermen, and other alien voices in several of those as well. He has also written and directed the Dalek Empire and Cyberman audio plays for Big Finish. In 2006, Briggs took over from Gary Russell as executive producer of the Big Finish Doctor Who audio range.

Briggs co-wrote a Doctor Who book called The Dalek Survival Guide.

Since Doctor Who returned to television in 2005, Briggs has provided the voices for several monsters, most notably the Daleks and the Cybermen. Briggs also voiced the Nestene Consciousness in the 2005 episode "Rose", and recorded a voice for the Jagrafess in the 2005 episode "The Long Game"; however, this was not used in the final episode because it was too similar to the voice of the Nestene Consciousness. He also provided the voices for the Judoon in both the 2007 and 2008 series. On 9 July 2009, Briggs made his first appearance in the Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood in the serial Children of Earth, playing Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary Rick Yates.

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Profile Image for Drew.
424 reviews6 followers
February 10, 2017
If you want to convince the audience that Daleks are a serious threat, then you can't just have them running around saying "Exterminate! Exterminate!" You have to actually have them exterminate people.

Let's just say that the Daleks finally prove to be a serious threat.

I have arrived at the end of the fourth (and final?) series of 8th Doctor Adventures. I knew what was coming. It had been spoiled. But that didn't make it any easier to endure. Some series draw to a close by maintaining the status quo, so that you can continue to imagine the characters having all sorts of adventures after the curtain falls. Other series draw to a close like a Shakespearean tragedy, making it clear to the audience that there will be no more adventures. Bodies litter the stage. No happy endings for anybody. Ever.

And which is this? Well, cripes! It's called To the Death. What do you think?

I don't give this story five stars because it's exceedingly joyful and uplifting and happy. I give it five stars because it's so very good. There is no happy.

Yet, one can see how the events of this story would eventually drive the Doctor to unleash final destruction on the Daleks and become the haunted Doctor #9. Whether Big Finish or the BBC will ever show us the apocalyptic Time War remains to be seen, but Lucie Miller/To the Death certainly brings the Doctor one step closer to being the sort of person who would take us there.

Profile Image for Wendy.
521 reviews13 followers
April 25, 2011
As I was listening to this, I kept thinking, "Wow, how are they going to hit the reset button on all of this? And how much respect for them am I going to lose when they do?" And then, they didn't hit the reset button.
They gave us enough of a miraculous rescue at the end to ensure that we can continue to have more 8th Doctor adventures, but beyond that, they didn't chicken out of a single grim consequence.

I have to respect them for that, even if, in general, I don't really like my Doctor Who to be quite this grim. In a lot of ways, for me, Doctor Who is a show about finding the alternative to the bad choices the universe hands you. The bad guys say, "Submit or die!" and the Doctor finds the way to not submit and not die, and to have tea and biscuits while doing so.

However, it is important for the show to remind us that this third alternative isn't always free or easy. If the Doctor can just get away with anything, the show stops being about hope and courage in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds and starts being about a smug alien with bad dress sense who can fix all your problems. So it's probably important that we get an episode like this every now and again. Just to remind us what the stakes are.
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Profile Image for Darina.
3 reviews2 followers
May 15, 2017
A heart-wrenching, poignant exit for companion Lucie Miller in this two-parter. Five stars, easily.

The story was admittedly very grim and I'm not really a fan of that approach — I much prefer Doctor Who when it's lighter and happier, but it was very impactful in a way that would have been totally spoiled had they hit a reset button. It's a beautiful character piece and the action doesn't deter from the character work at all. It's very sad and reminiscent of Journey's End, in a way, because it wraps up the fate of this Doctor's companions so neatly and tragically, leaving him all alone and ready for a new era.

It's amazing how stunning the stories in the fourth season of the Eighth Doctor Adventures became in the fourth season — in a way, the whole season felt like a kind of extended series finale, starting with Lucie Miller's farewell and ending with it and so many other farewells as well. Tamsin and Alex's deaths did feel a bit brutal, but did bring emotional impact and depth to the story, bringing the Doctor to a desperate state he wouldn't have been in otherwise (think Waters of Mars). The intense character arcs so well woven through this season bring this range to a stunning conclusion that brings a beautiful, emotional ending.

Lucie Miller's exit was brave and suited to her fiery character, bravely dying while shouting her name in pride. And the Doctor listening to the recording at the end adds a note of tragedy to conclude the story to make it as sad as possible.

This was by far the best Doctor Who companion exit story in my opinion and it's a shame it will never be seen on TV (I can't really judge accurately since I've only seen the new series, but still). Though I do love Clara's exit too, her character arc was plagued with more inconsistencies than Lucie's, and Hell Bent was nowhere near as epic as Lucie Miller/To The Death, which was properly magnificent. Amazing work.
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Profile Image for Julia.
190 reviews30 followers
January 6, 2022
"Non può essere vivo..."
Dopo un'ultima, inutile battaglia contro i Dalek, Lucie, Susan e Alex stanno tornando in Inghilterra nella disperata speranza di salvare la vita del Dottore. Ma la vera, terribile natura del piano dei Dalek sta cominciando ad emergere e il Monaco ha le mani sporche di sangue.
Sconfiggere i Dalek può essere solo una lotta... fino alla morte.
“To the Death” risolve velocemente il cliffhanger precedente, passando poi ad una reunion dei sei personaggi principali, con una parte abbastanza espositiva che spiega i piani dei Dalek e quale fosse il ruolo del Monaco in tutto questo. Qui si scopre che, oltre ad essere un chiaro seguito di “The Dalek Invasion of Earth”, l'episodio si ricollega anche ad un'altra storia di Briggs, ovvero “Patient Zero”, che vedeva il Sesto Dottore e Charley scontrarsi con il Dalek Time Controller che ritroviamo qui. Anche non avendolo ancora ascoltato, le implicazioni sono chiare e non si perde nulla della trama, ma renderà l'episodio di Sei più interessante quando ci arriverò.
C'è quasi un sentore ottimistico, in cui si iniziano a sviluppare delle strategie per sconfiggere i Dalek, anche se non mancano i disaccordi, specie tra chi vorrebbe risolvere il tutto con un'azione decisiva e il Dottore che pensa addirittura di violare le leggi del Tempo. Ma non siate tratti in inganno, perché è adesso che bisogna armarsi di fazzoletti, dopo che veniamo colpiti da una tragedia dopo l'altra. Qui i Dalek sono più spietati che mai, e nessun colpo di fortuna potrà risparmiare neanche i personaggi più importanti. Che sia una morte casuale, dovuta al trovarsi nel posto sbagliato al momento sbagliato, o un eroico gesto suicida, ogni perdita è un colpo al cuore, che si riflette anche nella disperazione delle persone a loro più care. Un tale livello di tragicità non si può trovare nella serie tv, tra la serie nuova in cui anche i companion apparentemente caduti trovano una sorta di happy ending, e quella classica in cui ci si soffermava poco sulle conseguenze emotive di quelle perdite. Ma qui tali emozioni vengono fatte scorrere liberamente, dalla straziante disperazione di Susan alla furia incontenibile del Dottore, che alla fine di tutto è così provato dagli eventi da mettere in dubbio il proprio codice morale e che lo condurrà in “Dark Eyes” su un cammino molto simile a quello del Time Lord Victorious di Dieci.
Anche il Monaco viene approfondito da questo aspetto. Ancora una volta la sua ambiguità morale viene messa in primo piano, con il suo desiderio egoistico di ottenere un profitto che lo porta a compiere delle azioni abiette e assolutamente imperdonabili, ma senza farlo diventare un villain al cento per cento, mostrando il suo pentimento e il suo affetto per Tamsin.
Che dire poi di Lucie “bleedin'” Miller, che qui se ne va letteralmente con il botto. È stata la forza trainante di questo doppio episodio, molto più del Dottore che spesso si è ritrovato trascinato dagli eventi. La malattia e le infermità non l'hanno fermata, anzi l'hanno resa più determinata che mai a battere il nemico, per concludersi in un climax epico e drammatico a dir poco sconvolgente. Per quanto tragica, è una fine giusta per il suo personaggio, che non avrebbe potuto andarsene in nessun altro modo se non combattendo, e vincendo.
Ed è così che si concludono le Eighth Doctor Adventures, con una quarta stagione spettacolare e avvincente che compensa ampiamente le due precedenti, leggermente mediocri.
548 reviews8 followers
March 21, 2022
"To the Death" is a double sequel, both to "Lucie Miller" and to "Patient Zero." The Daleks are reinvading Earth a couple of decades after the failure in "The Daleks' Invasion of Earth," and using mostly the same plan they are succeeding this time thanks to the help of The Monk and to the strategies of the Dalek Time Controller. The Doctor is seemingly dead, but Lucie doesn't believe it, and sets out to get back to him by getting back to the TARDIS. The situation is desperate, and writer Nicholas Briggs has upped the emotional impact by killing off important characters, just to remind us that The Daleks are a real threat. Tamsin learns that The Monk has led her astray. The Monk is portrayed as a grown-up child, not fully understanding his emotions, wanting to do good but unable to overcome his selfishness, unable to accept when he's done wrong. The story works on the whole. For me, there is a sense that this is rehashing "The Daleks' Invasion of Earth," only making the plan and the stakes bigger. Thus, there are not many surprises about where this story is going.
Profile Image for Isiel.
109 reviews1 follower
October 31, 2020
"Lucie Bleedin' Miller!" I got actual chills.

What an epic end to the season/series- I doubt there has been another Doctor Who story with so many main character deaths all piled on together like that.

This entire season was such a web of stories all playing out simultaneously, bumping into each other here and there before splitting off again. In the finale, they very successfully brought it all together and managed to resolve everything without it getting convoluted.

The only real problem is that when you have so many important deaths, they don't all get the same treatment. Lucie's death particularly over shadowed every other death- even Alex's. Somehow Susan held it together far better than the Doctor did. One minute she was sobbing, and the next she was comforting the Doctor over his loss of Lucie without another word about Alex.

The final scene with the Doctor listening to the message was so real and so haunting. Really well done.
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Profile Image for TheTimeScales.
38 reviews2 followers
December 4, 2018
One of Big Finish’s Finest

This second part and finale of the Lucie Miller story considerably amps up the action and drama, building to a tense tragedy and thrilling but grim final act. The Dalek plan reveal also well illustrates the madness of Daleks and is intriguing. Features the Dalek Time Controller. Elevates the story arc to excellence and mandatory in Dalek canon — also an example why some Big Finish plays are both successfully contiguous with classic Doctor Who as well as blazing the best trails in the modern era.

You’ll want the preceding release Lucie Miller. Together, it’s an original Big Finish canon great (just keep your expectations in check, it’s a slow burn to the inferno)
This was 5/5 or at least nearly so.

Director:Nicholas Briggs
Writer: Nicholas Briggs
Profile Image for April Mccaffrey.
538 reviews46 followers
November 19, 2021
Damn you Nick Briggs for giving me plenty of angst and feels.
Absolutely deserves 5 stars.

I absolutely adore the parallel of Lucie Miller driving a van in a fit of rage and running Daleks over it in the second Dalek invasion, just exactly as Barbara Wright did in the first.

I adore the emotions, the grief, the actual horrible, horrible things the Daleks are doing in this story arc to mankind. I love the Meddling Monk and Tamsin. And I adore Lucie Miller and her bravery.

And the moments with Susan and 8 holding each other in their grief for their loved ones.

I need a hug.
1,964 reviews17 followers
May 30, 2023
Talk about ending the series on a bang. The 8th Doctor Lucie Miller series is in my opinon Who audio at its finest. Lucie Miller is my favourite companion - and that's saying something compared to some of the wonderful actresses we have seen on screen - But Sheridan Smith is just superb, mouthy, funny, strong minded and yet vulnerable and an excellent foil for the Doctor. This final story does her justice and lets her exit with a bang. This story has it all, Daleks, the Meddling Monk, real threat and death and yeah.... Great stuff
Profile Image for Danny Welch.
1,105 reviews
July 29, 2019
Wow, just wow. I can happily say, this is one of the greatest Big Finish audios of all time, this epic 2 part finale to an incredible season and range is now fifth favorite Big Finish story of all time, dark, bleak, sad with a heartbreaking ending. Hopefully our Doctor will be alright? But we all know even through the pain and torment, he is always okay in the end.

Lucie Miller: 10/10
To The Death: 10/10

Overall: 20/20
Profile Image for Josh.
345 reviews7 followers
April 26, 2023
Poor Susan and Poor The Doctor. They basically lost the people closest to them. This one was a more depressing version of The Dalek’s Invasion of Earth but with extra elements like the 6 and Charley monthly arc that I have gotten to yet and The Monk creating this whole mess. It actually really hurts to know that Lucie, Alex and Tamsin are dead because I really liked their characters by this point.
I knew this was going to be soul-crushing but goddamn that was soul-crushing.
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Profile Image for K.
641 reviews3 followers
December 17, 2022



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669 reviews2 followers
January 2, 2018
This, by far, has been the best Doctor Who audio book I've heard. It's not a happy story, but it's very well done and is quite dark. It's a Dalek story in which they earn the fear we so often see bestowed upon them.
Profile Image for Mia.
165 reviews8 followers
May 21, 2022
Lucie bleedin’ Miller. God this was so, so heartbreaking. A horrible, heart wrenching story that honestly does not end hopefully at all. 8 suffers so much and I’m so scared to listen to Dark Eyes and hear how he copes with it all. Gosh, when 8 plays back the tape at the end and fills in his lines 😭
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Profile Image for Chris.
624 reviews6 followers
May 27, 2021
This is a good one and the conclusion to the original 8th Doctor adventures. This may be the most angry/vengeful I've ever heard him and rightly so.
Profile Image for sabisteb aka callisto.
2,343 reviews1 follower
November 28, 2013
Nachdem die Widerstandsbewegung ein Dalek Schiff abgeschossen hat, auf dem sich der Doktor (Nr. 8) befand, fischen sie ihn aus dem Meer. Nun müssen sie ihn möglichst schnell zur Wiederbelebung in die TARDIS bringen. Dort wartet aber bereits Tamsin und der Mönch auf sie.

Dieses Hörspiel schließt nahtlos an die Episode „Lucie Miller“ an. Ich habe massive Mythologielücken bei mir bemerkt, die wohl zum Doctor Who Allgemeinwissen gehören. Es handelt sich hierbei anscheinend wirklich um Hörspiele für Fans der Serie. Es wird Bezug genommen auf ein Abenteuer, in dem der Doctor wohl vor langer Zeit einen Dalek Timecontroller getötet hat, bzw. die komplette Dalek Rasse ausgelöscht hat, oder zumindest glaubte er das. Der überlebende Dalek Timecontroller will nun verhindern, dass der Doktor in der Zukunft sein Volk auslöscht und an dieser Stelle habe ich so meine Probleme. Der Doktor schein wohl kein wirklich positiver Held zu sein. Er löscht skrupellos eine ganze Rasse Außerirdischer aus, weil diese die Erde angegriffen haben. Dieser Angriff scheint eher eine Art Selbstverteidigung gegen die zukünftige Auslöschung zu sein, und irgendwie ist der Doktor somit mit Schuld. Die Schuld des Mönchs ist sehr klar, unklar ist nur, warum er mit dem Daleks kollaboriert hat, er ist doch auch ein Timelord.
Diese ganze Zeitreiseangelegenheit ist wirklich sehr verzwickt und der Schluss irgendwie doch überraschend, möglicherweise, weil ich noch nicht wirklich in die Routinen der erzählerischen Abläufe dieser Serie eingedrungen bin.
Insgesamt ein wirklich sehr gut gemachtes Hörspiel, mit Top Sprechern und sehr guter Klangkulisse. Wie üblich bei BBC Produktionen ohne nervigen Soundtrack.
Von der Handlung her, wird mir aber zu viel Wissen vorausgesetzt, das ich nicht habe. Ich kenne viele der Personen nicht, aber anscheinend, sind es alte Bekannte. Auch die Bezüge zu alten Abenteuern entziehen sich mir komplett. Ich bin mit dieser Serie noch nicht wirklich warm geworden. Vielleicht war es auch nicht wirklich eine gute Idee, gerade mit den letzten beiden Folgen der Serie zu beginnen, aber der Wust an Doctor Who Hörspielen ist doch sehr unübersichtlich und die BBC Radio 4 Extra Webseite (http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b009s...) ist auch alles andere als wirklich hilfreich. Es scheint da sehr viele verschiedene Serien zu geben, und herauszufinden, welche Hörspiele zusammengehören und in welche Reihenfolge die gehören ist für Uneingeweihte so gut wie unmöglich. Laut Goodreads handelt es sich um die zehnte Folge der vierten Staffel der Abenteuer des achten Doktors. Ich muss das mal unbesehen so glauben.

Profile Image for Steven.
Author 1 book61 followers
August 30, 2014
The Daleks have invaded Earth and the Doctor is nowhere to be seen. His friends and family have gathered for one last desperate attempt to defeat them, facing a Dalek that has travelled through infinity and clearly gone mad out of the other side.

To The Death is a loose sequel to The Dalek Invasion Of Earth, involving the Doctor's granddaughter, great-grandson and former companion, Lucie Miller, along with Tamsin, another former companion, and a Time Lord called 'The Monk'.

What Nick Briggs has obviously learned from voicing the Daleks on series' finales is how to make people cry, and his script is full of masterfully tear-jerking moments. What he's noticed is that the carnage and chaos are not truly upsetting, it's the characters' reactions.

There are some scenes in To The Death that are completely gut-wrenching, leading to one final devastating scene in the TARDIS.
Profile Image for Mel.
3,375 reviews196 followers
September 2, 2013
Having heard Dark eyes I knew how this would end but it was still sad. And it was good to be prepared. In a way this episode wasn't as dark or difficult as the first part. A large part of it was everyone sitting around and talking arguing with the monk. But it was nice that this wasn't an adventure where the Doctor stopped the daleks, but that it was the Doctor who was wrong and the companions who were able to sort things out. Susan and Lucie were both brilliant! Even Tamsin and the monk were good (though he did remind me a little of an inferior Braxietel) Paul was quite heartbreaking and it will be good to go and listen to Dark Eyes now after having heard all the previous stories. Definitely one of Big Finish's best.
Profile Image for Steven Shinder.
Author 5 books17 followers
May 18, 2023
An epic end to the Eighth Doctor Adventures series. It really comes full circle reminding us of where things began with the First Doctor. Lucie has a great speech where she wants to make a difference, and Paul McGann shows a lot of emotion at the end, bringing him closer to where we see him from Dark Eyes and beyond and all the way to The Night of the Doctor. He even remembers the caveman incident from the first serial as he asks Susan essentially whether he should change his approach, and there's a line he repeats to himself that he said when he first left Susan. Just brilliant all around.
Profile Image for Nicholas Whyte.
5,010 reviews193 followers
August 6, 2011
To The Death is a moderately satisfying end to the fourth season - taken on its own terms, rather good, though not quite as good as I was hoping for. (Then again, most Who finales leave me feeling that way.) It wraps up the story of the second Dalek invasion of Earth started in Lucie Miller, with much drama, death and destruction.

More with spoilers here:

Profile Image for Keiran Thegreat.
162 reviews4 followers
January 6, 2015
An amazingly powerful and moving climax to the Dalek invasion story that began in "Lucie Miller" (4.09), it additionally concludes this series of adventures for the Eighth Doctor. This shows the Doctor, Lucie, Susan, and Alex at their most brilliant and the Daleks at their most evil. Easily one of the finest audio books Big Finish have produced, the acting and script were exceptional in all respects.
Profile Image for Jack.
186 reviews2 followers
May 17, 2021
Verdict: Recommended

This is the most powerful BF audio I've listened to. Seriously powerful stuff. While I was listening I felt remorse, hatred, I laughed and I cried. A lot of people give up on the Lucie arc, and I get it, but missing these last few stories means you miss some of the best stories in Who history. Cannot recommend enough.
Profile Image for Steven.
Author 7 books34 followers
July 3, 2012
Well, damn, harsh wrap-up to the fourth 8th Doctor/Lucie season, and confirmation that Big Finish stories are pretty much taking place in an entirely separate continuity from the TV series and the books. The question now is whether or not they'll smack the reset button in the coming productions.
Profile Image for Charlotte.
474 reviews17 followers
August 1, 2012
Pays homage to the earliest Doctor stories, and provides one of my favourite Who characters with a marvellous, albeit, heartbreaking goodbye. Marvellous performance all around, with McGann as a very angry Doctor.
Profile Image for Debra Cook.
2,044 reviews8 followers
April 5, 2020
Great ending and a really great adventure. I liked having another adventure with Susan and Alex. This adventure reminded me of the Fourth season season finale where they had an adventure with all of the doctor's companions. This reminded me of that.
10 reviews
July 25, 2014
Must read/listen with "lucie Miller". Excellent story. Heartfelt ending. Good lead into "dark Eyes"
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